added lemmas about a pairing function
authorChristian Urban <christian dot urban at kcl dot ac dot uk>
Thu, 09 May 2013 18:16:36 +0100 (2013-05-09)
changeset 250 745547bdc1c7
parent 249 6e7244ae43b8
child 251 ff54a3308fd6
added lemmas about a pairing function
--- a/thys/Recs.thy	Thu May 02 13:19:50 2013 +0100
+++ b/thys/Recs.thy	Thu May 09 18:16:36 2013 +0100
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 theory Recs
-imports Main Fact "~~/src/HOL/Number_Theory/Primes"
+imports Main 
+        "~~/src/HOL/Number_Theory/Primes" 
+         Fact
@@ -104,7 +106,8 @@
   fixes f::"nat \<Rightarrow> nat"
   assumes "\<forall>i \<le> n. f i \<le> 1" 
   shows "(\<Prod>i \<le> n. f i) \<le> 1" 
-using assms by (induct n) (auto intro: nat_mult_le_one)
+using assms 
+by (induct n) (auto intro: nat_mult_le_one)
 lemma setprod_greater_zero:
   fixes f::"nat \<Rightarrow> nat"
@@ -537,14 +540,14 @@
   "rec_eval rec_prime [x] = (if prime x then 1 else 0)"
 by (auto simp add: rec_prime_def Let_def prime_alt_def)
-section {* Bounded Min and Maximisation *}
+section {* Bounded Maximisation *}
 fun BMax_rec where
   "BMax_rec R 0 = 0"
 | "BMax_rec R (Suc n) = (if R (Suc n) then (Suc n) else BMax_rec R n)"
 definition BMax_set :: "(nat \<Rightarrow> bool) \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat"
-  where "BMax_set R x = Max ({z | z. z \<le> x \<and> R z} \<union> {0})"
+  where "BMax_set R x = Max ({z. z \<le> x \<and> R z} \<union> {0})"
 definition (in ord)
   Great :: "('a \<Rightarrow> bool) \<Rightarrow> 'a" (binder "GREAT " 10) where
@@ -555,8 +558,7 @@
   assumes "P x" "\<And>y. P y \<Longrightarrow> y \<le> x"
   shows "Great P = x"
 unfolding Great_def 
-using assms 
-by(rule_tac the_equality) (auto intro: le_antisym)
+using assms by(rule_tac the_equality) (auto intro: le_antisym)
 lemma BMax_rec_eq1:
  "BMax_rec R x = (GREAT z. (R z \<and> z \<le> x) \<or> z = 0)"
@@ -566,28 +568,310 @@
 by metis
 lemma BMax_rec_eq2:
-  "BMax_rec R x = Max ({z | z. z \<le> x \<and> R z} \<union> {0})"
+  "BMax_rec R x = Max ({z. z \<le> x \<and> R z} \<union> {0})"
 apply(induct x)
 apply(auto intro: Max_eqI Max_eqI[symmetric])
 apply(simp add: le_Suc_eq)
 by metis
-  "rec_max1 f = PR (constn 0)
-                   (CN rec_ifz [CN f [CN S [Id 3 0], Id 3 2], CN S [Id 4 0], Id 4 1])"
+  "rec_max1 f = PR (constn 0) (CN rec_ifz [CN f [CN S [Id 3 0], Id 3 2], CN S [Id 4 0], Id 4 1])"
 lemma max1_lemma [simp]:
   "rec_eval (rec_max1 f) [x, y] = BMax_rec (\<lambda>u. rec_eval f [u, y] = 0) x"
 by (induct x) (simp_all add: rec_max1_def)
-  "rec_max2 f = PR (constn 0)
-                   (CN rec_ifz [CN f [CN S [Id 4 0], Id 4 2, Id 4 3], CN S [Id 4 0], Id 4 1])"
+  "rec_max2 f = PR (constn 0) (CN rec_ifz [CN f [CN S [Id 4 0], Id 4 2, Id 4 3], CN S [Id 4 0], Id 4 1])"
 lemma max2_lemma [simp]:
   "rec_eval (rec_max2 f) [x, y1, y2] = BMax_rec (\<lambda>u. rec_eval f [u, y1, y2] = 0) x"
 by (induct x) (simp_all add: rec_max2_def)
+section {* Encodings *}
+fun log :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat" where
+  [simp del]: "log n = (if n < 2 then 0 else Suc (log (n div 2)))"
+lemma log_zero [simp]:
+  "log 0 = 0"
+  by (simp add: log.simps)
+lemma log_one [simp]:
+  "log 1 = 0"
+  by (simp add: log.simps)
+lemma log_suc [simp]:
+  "log (Suc 0) = 0"
+  by (simp add: log.simps)
+lemma log_rec:
+  "n \<ge> 2 \<Longrightarrow> log n = Suc (log (n div 2))"
+  by (simp add: log.simps)
+lemma log_twice [simp]:
+  "n \<noteq> 0 \<Longrightarrow> log (2 * n) = Suc (log n)"
+  by (simp add: log_rec)
+lemma log_half [simp]:
+  "log (n div 2) = log n - 1"
+proof (cases "n < 2")
+  case True
+  then have "n = 0 \<or> n = 1" by arith
+  then show ?thesis by (auto simp del: One_nat_def)
+  case False then show ?thesis by (simp add: log_rec)
+lemma log_exp [simp]:
+  "log (2 ^ n) = n"
+  by (induct n) simp_all
+fun divby2 :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat" where
+  [simp del]: "divby2 n = (if n = 0 then 0
+                           else if even n then divby2 (n div 2) else n)"
+lemma divby2[simp]:
+  "divby2 0 = 0"
+  "odd n \<Longrightarrow> divby2 n = n"
+  "even n \<Longrightarrow> divby2 n = divby2 (n div 2)"
+apply(simp_all add: divby2.simps)
+lemma divby2_odd:
+  "divby2 n = 0 \<or> odd (divby2 n)" 
+apply(induct n rule: nat_less_induct)
+apply(case_tac "n = 0")
+apply(case_tac "odd n")
+lemma bigger: "divby2 (Suc n) > 0"
+apply(induct n rule: nat_less_induct)
+apply(case_tac "n = 0")
+apply(case_tac "odd n")
+apply(drule_tac x="n div 2" in spec)
+apply(drule mp)
+by (smt numeral_2_eq_2 odd_nat_plus_one_div_two)
+fun pencode :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat" where
+  "pencode m n = (2 ^ m) * ((2 * n) + 1) - 1"
+fun pdecode2 :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat" where
+  "pdecode2 z = (divby2 (Suc z) - 1) div 2"
+fun pdecode1 :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat" where
+  "pdecode1 z = log ((Suc z) div (divby2 (Suc z)))"
+lemma k:
+  "odd n \<Longrightarrow> divby2 (2 ^ m * n) = n"
+apply(induct m)
+lemma ww: "\<exists>k. n = 2 ^ k * divby2 n"
+apply(induct n rule: nat_less_induct)
+apply(case_tac "n=0")
+apply(case_tac "odd n")
+apply(rule_tac x="0" in exI)
+apply(drule_tac x="n div 2" in spec)
+apply(erule impE)
+apply(erule exE)
+apply(rule_tac x="Suc k" in exI)
+by (metis div_mult_self2_is_id even_mult_two_ex nat_mult_assoc nat_mult_commute zero_neq_numeral)
+lemma t:
+  "(Suc (Suc m)) div 2 = Suc (m div 2)"
+by (induct m) (auto)
+lemma u:
+  "((Suc (Suc m)) mod 2 = 0) <-> m mod 2 = 0"
+by (auto)
+lemma u2: 
+  "0 < n ==> 2 * 2 ^ (n - 1) = (2::nat) ^ (n::nat)"
+by (induct n) (simp_all)
+lemma test: "x = y \<Longrightarrow> 2 * x = 2 * y"
+by simp
+lemma m: "0 < n ==> 2 ^ log (n div (divby2 n)) = n div (divby2 n)"
+apply(induct n rule: nat_less_induct)
+apply(case_tac "n=0")
+apply(case_tac "odd n")
+apply(drule_tac x="n div 2" in spec)
+apply(drule mp)
+apply(drule mp)
+apply (metis One_nat_def Suc_lessI div_2_gt_zero odd_1_nat)
+apply(subst (asm) divby2(3)[symmetric])
+apply(subst (asm) divby2(3)[symmetric])
+apply(subgoal_tac "n div 2 div divby2 n = n div (divby2 n) div 2")
+prefer 2
+apply (metis div_mult2_eq nat_mult_commute)
+apply(simp only: log_half)
+apply(case_tac "n div divby2 n = 0")
+apply(simp del: divby2)
+apply(drule test)
+apply(subst (asm) power.simps(2)[symmetric])
+apply(subgoal_tac "Suc (log (n div divby2 n) - 1) = log (n div divby2 n)")
+prefer 2
+apply (smt Recs.log.simps Suc_1 div_less div_mult_self1_is_id log_half log_zero numeral_1_eq_Suc_0 numeral_One odd_1_nat odd_nat_plus_one_div_two one_less_numeral_iff power_one_right semiring_norm(76))
+apply(simp only:)
+apply(subst dvd_mult_div_cancel)
+apply (smt Suc_1 div_by_0 div_mult_self2_is_id divby2_odd dvd_power even_Suc even_numeral_nat even_product_nat nat_even_iff_2_dvd power_0 ww)
+apply(simp (no_asm))
+lemma m1: "n div divby2 n * divby2 n = n"
+apply(induct n rule: nat_less_induct)
+apply(case_tac "n=0")
+apply(case_tac "odd n")
+apply(drule_tac x="n div 2" in spec)
+apply(drule mp)
+by (metis add_eq_if diff_add_inverse divby2(3) mod_eq_0_iff mult_div_cancel nat_mult_commute ww)
+lemma m2: "0 < n ==> 2 ^ log (n div (divby2 n)) * (divby2 n) = n"
+apply(subst m)
+apply(subst m1)
+lemma y1:
+  "pdecode2 (pencode m n) = n"
+apply(subst k)
+lemma y2:
+  "pdecode1 (pencode m n) = m"
+apply(subst k)
+lemma yy: 
+  "pencode (pdecode1 m) (pdecode2 m) = m"
+apply(induct m rule: nat_less_induct)
+apply(simp (no_asm))
+apply(case_tac "n = 0")
+apply(subst dvd_mult_div_cancel)
+using divby2_odd
+apply -
+apply(drule_tac x="Suc n" in meta_spec)
+apply(erule disjE)
+apply (metis even_num_iff nat_even_iff_2_dvd odd_pos)
+using bigger
+apply -
+apply(rotate_tac 3)
+apply(drule_tac x="n" in meta_spec)
+apply(simp del: pencode.simps pdecode2.simps pdecode1.simps)
+apply(subst m2)
+fun penc where
+ "penc (m, n) = pencode m n"
+fun pdec where
+ "pdec m = (pdecode1 m, pdecode2 m)"
+lemma q1: "penc (pdec m) = m"
+apply(simp only: penc.simps pdec.simps)
+apply(rule yy)
+lemma q2: "pdec (penc m) = m"
+apply(simp only: penc.simps pdec.simps)
+apply(case_tac m)
+apply(simp only: penc.simps pdec.simps)
+apply(subst y1)
+apply(subst y2)
+lemma inj_penc: "inj_on penc A"
+apply(rule inj_on_inverseI)
+apply(rule q2)
+lemma inj_pdec: "inj_on pdec A"
+apply(rule inj_on_inverseI)
+apply(rule q1)
+lemma surj_penc: "surj penc"
+apply(rule surjI)
+apply(rule q1)
+lemma surj_pdec: "surj pdec"
+apply(rule surjI)
+apply(rule q2)
+  "bij pdec"
+by(simp add: bij_def surj_pdec inj_pdec)
+  "bij penc"
+by(simp add: bij_def surj_penc inj_penc)
+lemma "a \<le> penc (a, 0)"
+apply(induct a)
+by (smt nat_one_le_power)
+lemma "penc(a, 0) \<le> penc (a, b)"
+by (metis diff_le_mono le_add1 mult_2_right mult_le_mono1 nat_add_commute nat_mult_1 nat_mult_commute)
+lemma "b \<le> penc (a, b)"
+proof -
+  have f1: "(1\<Colon>nat) + 1 = 2"
+    by (metis mult_2 nat_mult_1_right)
+  have f2: "\<And>x\<^isub>1 x\<^isub>2. (x\<^isub>1\<Colon>nat) \<le> x\<^isub>1 * x\<^isub>2 \<or> \<not> 1 \<le> x\<^isub>2"
+    by (metis mult_le_mono2 nat_mult_1_right)
+  have "1 + (b + b) \<le> 1 + b \<longrightarrow> b \<le> (1 + (b + b)) * (1 + 1) ^ a - 1"
+    by (metis le_add1 le_trans nat_add_left_cancel_le)
+  hence "(1 + (b + b)) * (1 + 1) ^ a \<le> 1 + b \<longrightarrow> b \<le> (1 + (b + b)) * (1 + 1) ^ a - 1"
+    using f2 by (metis le_add1 le_trans one_le_power)
+  hence "b \<le> 2 ^ a * (b + b + 1) - 1"
+    using f1 by (metis le_diff_conv nat_add_commute nat_le_linear nat_mult_commute)
+  thus "b \<le> 2 ^ a * (2 * b + 1) - 1"
+    by (metis mult_2)
 section {* Discrete Logarithms *}
@@ -625,7 +909,7 @@
   @{text "NextPrime x"} returns the first prime number after @{text "x"};
   @{text "Pi i"} returns the i-th prime number. *}
-fun NextPrime ::"nat \<Rightarrow> nat"
+definition NextPrime ::"nat \<Rightarrow> nat"
   "NextPrime x = (LEAST y. y \<le> Suc (fact x) \<and> x < y \<and> prime y)"
@@ -639,14 +923,33 @@
 lemma nextprime_lemma [simp]:
   "rec_eval rec_nextprime [x] = NextPrime x"
-by (simp add: rec_nextprime_def Let_def)
+by (simp add: rec_nextprime_def Let_def NextPrime_def)
+lemma NextPrime_simps [simp]:
+  shows "NextPrime 2 = 3"
+  and   "NextPrime 3 = 5"
+apply(simp_all add: NextPrime_def)
+apply(rule Least_equality)
+apply(rule Least_equality)
+apply(case_tac "y = 4")
 fun Pi :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat"
   "Pi 0 = 2" |
   "Pi (Suc x) = NextPrime (Pi x)"
+lemma Pi_simps [simp]:
+  shows "Pi 1 = 3"
+  and   "Pi 2 = 5"
+using NextPrime_simps
+by(simp_all add: numeral_eq_Suc One_nat_def)
   "rec_pi = PR (constn 2) (CN rec_nextprime [Id 2 1])"
--- a/thys/Turing.thy	Thu May 02 13:19:50 2013 +0100
+++ b/thys/Turing.thy	Thu May 09 18:16:36 2013 +0100
@@ -111,6 +111,10 @@
   shows "is_final (s, tp) = (s = 0)"
 by (case_tac tp) (auto)
+lemma is_finalI [intro]:
+  shows "is_final (0, tp)"
+by (simp add: is_final_eq)
 lemma after_is_final:
   assumes "is_final c"
   shows "is_final (steps c p n)"
@@ -120,6 +124,16 @@
+lemma is_final:
+  assumes a: "is_final (steps c p n1)"
+  and b: "n1 \<le> n2"
+  shows "is_final (steps c p n2)"
+proof - 
+  obtain n3 where eq: "n2 = n1 + n3" using b by (metis le_iff_add)
+  from a show "is_final (steps c p n2)" unfolding eq
+    by (simp add: after_is_final)
 lemma not_is_final:
   assumes a: "\<not> is_final (steps c p n1)"
   and b: "n2 \<le> n1"
@@ -164,6 +178,29 @@
+lemma least_steps: 
+  assumes "steps0 (1, tp) A n = (0, tp')"
+  shows "\<exists> n'. (\<forall>n'' < n'. \<not> is_final (steps0 (1, tp) A n'')) \<and> 
+               (\<forall>n'' \<ge> n'. is_final (steps0 (1, tp) A n''))"
+proof -
+  from before_final[OF assms] 
+  obtain n' where
+    before: "\<not> is_final (steps0 (1, tp) A n')" and
+    final: "steps0 (1, tp) A (Suc n') = (0, tp')" by auto
+  from before
+    have "\<forall>n'' < Suc n'. \<not> is_final (steps0 (1, tp) A n'')"
+      using not_is_final by auto
+  moreover
+  from final 
+    have "\<forall>n'' \<ge> Suc n'. is_final (steps0 (1, tp) A n'')" 
+      using is_final[of _ _ "Suc n'"] by (auto simp add: is_final_eq)
+  ultimately
+  show "\<exists> n'. (\<forall>n'' < n'. \<not> is_final (steps0 (1, tp) A n'')) \<and> (\<forall>n'' \<ge> n'. is_final (steps0 (1, tp) A n''))"
+    by blast
 (* well-formedness of Turing machine programs *)
 abbreviation "is_even n \<equiv> (n::nat) mod 2 = 0"
--- a/thys/UF.thy	Thu May 02 13:19:50 2013 +0100
+++ b/thys/UF.thy	Thu May 09 18:16:36 2013 +0100
@@ -3752,10 +3752,10 @@
 lemma [simp]: "left (trpl l st r) = l"
-apply(simp add: left.simps trpl.simps lo.simps 
-              loR.simps mod_dvd_simp, auto simp: conf_decode1)
-apply(case_tac "Pi 0 ^ l * Pi (Suc 0) ^ st * Pi (Suc (Suc 0)) ^ r",
-      auto)
+apply(simp add: left.simps trpl.simps lo.simps loR.simps mod_dvd_simp)
+apply(auto simp: conf_decode1)
+apply(case_tac "Pi 0 ^ l * Pi (Suc 0) ^ st * Pi (Suc (Suc 0)) ^ r")
 apply(erule_tac x = l in allE, auto)
@@ -4613,6 +4613,7 @@
   "\<lbrakk>steps0 (Suc 0, Bk\<up>l, <lm>) tp stp = (0, Bk\<up>m, Oc\<up>rs@Bk\<up>n); 
     tm_wf (tp,0); 0<rs\<rbrakk>
    \<Longrightarrow> rec_exec rec_F [code tp, (bl2wc (<lm>))] = (rs - Suc 0)"
+thm halt_least_step nonstop_t_eq nonstop_lemma rec_t_eq_steps conf_lemma
 apply(frule_tac halt_least_step, auto)
 apply(frule_tac  nonstop_t_eq, auto simp: nonstop_lemma)
 using rec_t_eq_steps[of tp l lm stp]
--- a/thys/UF_Rec.thy	Thu May 02 13:19:50 2013 +0100
+++ b/thys/UF_Rec.thy	Thu May 09 18:16:36 2013 +0100
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
 imports Recs Turing_Hoare
-section {* Universal Function *}
-text{* coding of the configuration *}
+section {* Universal Function in HOL *}
 text {*
   @{text "Entry sr i"} returns the @{text "i"}-th entry of a list of natural 
@@ -15,33 +15,16 @@
 fun Entry where
   "Entry sr i = Lo sr (Pi (Suc i))"
-  "rec_entry = CN rec_lo [Id 2 0, CN rec_pi [CN S [Id 2 1]]]"
-lemma entry_lemma [simp]:
-  "rec_eval rec_entry [sr, i] = Entry sr i"
-by(simp add: rec_entry_def)
 fun Listsum2 :: "nat list \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat"
   "Listsum2 xs 0 = 0"
 | "Listsum2 xs (Suc n) = Listsum2 xs n + xs ! n"
-fun rec_listsum2 :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> recf"
-  where
-  "rec_listsum2 vl 0 = CN Z [Id vl 0]"
-| "rec_listsum2 vl (Suc n) = CN rec_add [rec_listsum2 vl n, Id vl n]"
-lemma listsum2_lemma [simp]: 
-  "length xs = vl \<Longrightarrow> rec_eval (rec_listsum2 vl n) xs = Listsum2 xs n"
-by (induct n) (simp_all)
 text {*
   @{text "Strt"} corresponds to the @{text "strt"} function on page 90 of the 
-  B book, but this definition generalises the original one to deal with multiple 
-  input arguments.
-  *}
+  B book, but this definition generalises the original one in order to deal 
+  with multiple input arguments. *}
 fun Strt' :: "nat list \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat"
   "Strt' xs 0 = 0"
@@ -52,55 +35,11 @@
   "Strt xs = (let ys = map Suc xs in Strt' ys (length ys))"
-fun rec_strt' :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> recf"
-  where
-  "rec_strt' xs 0 = Z"
-| "rec_strt' xs (Suc n) = 
-      (let dbound = CN rec_add [rec_listsum2 xs n, constn n] in
-       let t1 = CN rec_power [constn 2, dbound] in
-       let t2 = CN rec_power [constn 2, CN rec_add [Id xs n, dbound]] in
-       CN rec_add [rec_strt' xs n, CN rec_minus [t2, t1]])"
-fun rec_map :: "recf \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> recf list"
-  where
-  "rec_map rf vl = map (\<lambda>i. CN rf [Id vl i]) [0..<vl]"
-fun rec_strt :: "nat \<Rightarrow> recf"
-  where
-  "rec_strt xs = CN (rec_strt' xs xs) (rec_map S xs)"
-lemma strt'_lemma [simp]:
-  "length xs = vl \<Longrightarrow> rec_eval (rec_strt' vl n) xs = Strt' xs n"
-by (induct n) (simp_all add: Let_def)
-lemma map_suc:
-  "map (\<lambda>x. Suc (xs ! x)) [0..<length xs] = map Suc xs"
-proof -
-  have "Suc \<circ> (\<lambda>x. xs ! x) = (\<lambda>x. Suc (xs ! x))" by (simp add: comp_def)
-  then have "map (\<lambda>x. Suc (xs ! x)) [0..<length xs] = map (Suc \<circ> (\<lambda>x. xs ! x)) [0..<length xs]" by simp
-  also have "... = map Suc (map (\<lambda>x. xs ! x) [0..<length xs])" by simp
-  also have "... = map Suc xs" by (simp add: map_nth)
-  finally show "map (\<lambda>x. Suc (xs ! x)) [0..<length xs] = map Suc xs" .
-lemma strt_lemma [simp]: 
-  "length xs = vl \<Longrightarrow> rec_eval (rec_strt vl) xs = Strt xs"
-by (simp add: comp_def map_suc[symmetric])
 text {* The @{text "Scan"} function on page 90 of B book. *}
 fun Scan :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat"
   "Scan r = r mod 2"
-  "rec_scan = CN rec_mod [Id 1 0, constn 2]"
-lemma scan_lemma [simp]: 
-  "rec_eval rec_scan [r] = r mod 2"
-by(simp add: rec_scan_def)
 text {* The @{text Newleft} and @{text Newright} functions on page 91 of B book. *}
 fun Newleft :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat"
@@ -118,119 +57,52 @@
                       else if a = 3 then r div 2
                       else r)"
-    "rec_newleft =
-       (let cond1 = CN rec_disj [CN rec_eq [Id 3 2, Z], CN rec_eq [Id 3 2, constn 1]] in
-        let cond2 = CN rec_eq [Id 3 2, constn 2] in
-        let cond3 = CN rec_eq [Id 3 2, constn 3] in
-        let case3 = CN rec_add [CN rec_mult [constn 2, Id 3 0], 
-                                CN rec_mod [Id 3 1, constn 2]] in
-        CN rec_if [cond1, Id 3 0, 
-          CN rec_if [cond2, CN rec_quo [Id 3 0, constn 2],
-            CN rec_if [cond3, case3, Id 3 0]]])"
-    "rec_newright =
-       (let condn = \<lambda>n. CN rec_eq [Id 3 2, constn n] in
-        let case0 = CN rec_minus [Id 3 1, CN rec_scan [Id 3 1]] in
-        let case1 = CN rec_minus [CN rec_add [Id 3 1, constn 1], CN rec_scan [Id 3 1]] in
-        let case2 = CN rec_add [CN rec_mult [constn 2, Id 3 1],                     
-                                CN rec_mod [Id 3 0, constn 2]] in
-        let case3 = CN rec_quo [Id 2 1, constn 2] in
-        CN rec_if [condn 0, case0, 
-          CN rec_if [condn 1, case1,
-            CN rec_if [condn 2, case2,
-              CN rec_if [condn 3, case3, Id 3 1]]]])"
-lemma newleft_lemma [simp]:
-  "rec_eval rec_newleft [p, r, a] = Newleft p r a"
-by (simp add: rec_newleft_def Let_def)
-lemma newright_lemma [simp]:
-  "rec_eval rec_newright [p, r, a] = Newright p r a"
-by (simp add: rec_newright_def Let_def)
 text {*
   The @{text "Actn"} function given on page 92 of B book, which is used to 
   fetch Turing Machine intructions. In @{text "Actn m q r"}, @{text "m"} is 
   the Goedel coding of a Turing Machine, @{text "q"} is the current state of 
-  Turing Machine, @{text "r"} is the right number of Turing Machine tape.
-  *}
+  Turing Machine, @{text "r"} is the right number of Turing Machine tape. *}
 fun Actn :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat"
   "Actn m q r = (if q \<noteq> 0 then Entry m (4 * (q - 1) + 2 * Scan r) else 4)"
-  "rec_actn = (let add1 = CN rec_mult [constn 4, CN rec_pred [Id 3 1]] in
-               let add2 = CN rec_mult [constn 2, CN rec_scan [Id 3 2]] in
-               let entry = CN rec_entry [Id 3 0, CN rec_add [add1, add2]]
-               in CN rec_if [Id 3 1, entry, constn 4])"
-lemma actn_lemma [simp]:
-  "rec_eval rec_actn [m, q, r] = Actn m q r"
-by (simp add: rec_actn_def)
 fun Newstat :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat"
   "Newstat m q r = (if q \<noteq> 0 then Entry m (4 * (q - 1) + 2 * Scan r + 1) else 0)"
-definition rec_newstat :: "recf"
-  where
-  "rec_newstat = (let add1 = CN rec_mult [constn 4, CN rec_pred [Id 3 1]] in
-                  let add2 = CN S [CN rec_mult [constn 2, CN rec_scan [Id 3 2]]] in
-                  let entry = CN rec_entry [Id 3 0, CN rec_add [add1, add2]]
-                  in CN rec_if [Id 3 1, entry, Z])"
-lemma newstat_lemma [simp]: 
-  "rec_eval rec_newstat [m, q, r] = Newstat m q r"
-by (simp add: rec_newstat_def)
 fun Trpl :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat"
   "Trpl p q r = (Pi 0) ^ p * (Pi 1) ^ q * (Pi 2) ^ r"
-  "rec_trpl = CN rec_mult [CN rec_mult 
-       [CN rec_power [constn (Pi 0), Id 3 0], 
-        CN rec_power [constn (Pi 1), Id 3 1]],
-        CN rec_power [constn (Pi 2), Id 3 2]]"
-lemma trpl_lemma [simp]: 
-  "rec_eval rec_trpl [p, q, r] = Trpl p q r"
-by (simp add: rec_trpl_def)
 fun Left where
   "Left c = Lo c (Pi 0)"
-  "rec_left = CN rec_lo [Id 1 0, constn (Pi 0)]"
-lemma left_lemma [simp]:
-  "rec_eval rec_left [c] = Left c" 
-by(simp add: rec_left_def)
 fun Right where
   "Right c = Lo c (Pi 2)"
-  "rec_right = CN rec_lo [Id 1 0, constn (Pi 2)]"
-lemma right_lemma [simp]:
-  "rec_eval rec_right [c] = Right c" 
-by(simp add: rec_right_def)
 fun Stat where
   "Stat c = Lo c (Pi 1)"
-  "rec_stat = CN rec_lo [Id 1 0, constn (Pi 1)]"
+lemma mod_dvd_simp: 
+  "(x mod y = (0::nat)) = (y dvd x)"
+by(auto simp add: dvd_def)
-lemma stat_lemma [simp]:
-  "rec_eval rec_stat [c] = Stat c" 
-by(simp add: rec_stat_def)
+lemma Trpl_Left [simp]:
+  "Left (Trpl p q r) = p"
+apply(subst Lo_def)
+apply(subst dvd_eq_mod_eq_0[symmetric])
+thm Lo_def
+thm mod_dvd_simp
+apply(simp add: left.simps trpl.simps lo.simps 
+              loR.simps mod_dvd_simp, auto simp: conf_decode1)
+apply(case_tac "Pi 0 ^ l * Pi (Suc 0) ^ st * Pi (Suc (Suc 0)) ^ r",
+      auto)
+apply(erule_tac x = l in allE, auto)
 fun Inpt :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat list \<Rightarrow> nat"
@@ -242,43 +114,20 @@
                       (Newstat m (Stat c) (Right c)) 
                       (Newright (Left c) (Right c) (Actn m (Stat c) (Right c)))"
-  "rec_newconf = (let act = CN rec_actn [Id 2 0, CN rec_stat [Id 2 1], CN rec_right [Id 2 1]] in
-                  let left = CN rec_left [Id 2 1] in
-                  let right = CN rec_right [Id 2 1] in
-                  let stat = CN rec_stat [Id 2 1] in
-                  let one = CN rec_newleft [left, right, act] in
-                  let two = CN rec_newstat [Id 2 0, stat, right] in
-                  let three = CN rec_newright [left, right, act]
-                  in CN rec_trpl [one, two, three])" 
-lemma newconf_lemma [simp]: 
-  "rec_eval rec_newconf [m, c] = Newconf m c"
-by (simp add: rec_newconf_def Let_def)
 text {*
   @{text "Conf k m r"} computes the TM configuration after @{text "k"} steps of execution
   of TM coded as @{text "m"} starting from the initial configuration where the left 
-  number equals @{text "0"}, right number equals @{text "r"}. 
-  *}
+  number equals @{text "0"}, right number equals @{text "r"}. *}
 fun Conf :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat"
   "Conf 0 m r  = Trpl 0 1 r"
 | "Conf (Suc k) m r = Newconf m (Conf k m r)"
-  "rec_conf = PR (CN rec_trpl [constn 0, constn 1, Id 2 1])
-                 (CN rec_newconf [Id 4 2 , Id 4 1])"
-lemma conf_lemma [simp]: 
-  "rec_eval rec_conf [k, m, r] = Conf k m r"
-by(induct k) (simp_all add: rec_conf_def)
 text {*
   @{text "Nstd c"} returns true if the configuration coded 
-  by @{text "c"} is not a stardard final configuration.
-  *}
+  by @{text "c"} is not a stardard final configuration. *}
 fun Nstd :: "nat \<Rightarrow> bool"
   "Nstd c = (Stat c \<noteq> 0 \<or> 
@@ -286,70 +135,39 @@
              Right c \<noteq> 2 ^ (Lg (Suc (Right c)) 2) - 1 \<or> 
              Right c = 0)"
-  "rec_nstd = (let disj1 = CN rec_noteq [rec_stat, constn 0] in
-               let disj2 = CN rec_noteq [rec_left, constn 0] in
-               let rhs = CN rec_pred [CN rec_power [constn 2, CN rec_lg [CN S [rec_right], constn 2]]] in
-               let disj3 = CN rec_noteq [rec_right, rhs] in
-               let disj4 = CN rec_eq [rec_right, constn 0] in
-               CN rec_disj [CN rec_disj [CN rec_disj [disj1, disj2], disj3], disj4])"
-lemma nstd_lemma [simp]:
-  "rec_eval rec_nstd [c] = (if Nstd c then 1 else 0)"
-by(simp add: rec_nstd_def)
   @{text "Nostop t m r"} means that afer @{text "t"} steps of 
-  execution, the TM coded by @{text "m"} is not at a stardard 
-  final configuration.
-  *}
+  execution the TM coded by @{text "m"} is not at a stardard 
+  final configuration. *}
 fun Nostop :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> bool"
   "Nostop t m r = Nstd (Conf t m r)"
-  "rec_nostop = CN rec_nstd [rec_conf]"
-lemma nostop_lemma [simp]:
-  "rec_eval rec_nostop [t, m, r] = (if Nostop t m r then 1 else 0)" 
-by (simp add: rec_nostop_def)
 fun Value where
   "Value x = (Lg (Suc x) 2) - 1"
-  "rec_value = CN rec_pred [CN rec_lg [S, constn 2]]"
-lemma value_lemma [simp]:
-  "rec_eval rec_value [x] = Value x"
-by (simp add: rec_value_def)
   @{text "rec_halt"} is the recursive function calculating the steps a TM needs to execute before
   to reach a stardard final configuration. This recursive function is the only one
   using @{text "Mn"} combinator. So it is the only non-primitive recursive function 
-  needs to be used in the construction of the universal function @{text "rec_uf"}.
-  *}
+  needs to be used in the construction of the universal function @{text "rec_uf"}. *}
-  "rec_halt = MN rec_nostop" 
+fun Halt :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat"
+  where
+  "Halt m r = (LEAST t. \<not> Nostop t m r)"
+fun UF :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat"
+  where
+  "UF c m = Value (Right (Conf (Halt c m) c m))"
-  "rec_uf = CN rec_value [CN rec_right [CN rec_conf [rec_halt, Id 2 0, Id 2 1]]]"
+section {* Coding of Turing Machines *}
 text {*
-  The correctness of @{text "rec_uf"}, nonhalt case.
-  *}
-subsection {* Coding function of TMs *}
-text {*
-  The purpose of this section is to get the coding function of Turing Machine, 
-  which is going to be named @{text "code"}.
-  *}
+  The purpose of this section is to construct the coding function of Turing 
+  Machine, which is going to be named @{text "code"}. *}
 fun bl2nat :: "cell list \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat"
@@ -361,9 +179,29 @@
   "bl2wc xs = bl2nat xs 0"
-fun trpl_code :: "config \<Rightarrow> nat"
+lemma bl2nat_double [simp]: 
+  "bl2nat xs (Suc n) = 2 * bl2nat xs n"
+apply(induct xs arbitrary: n)
+apply(case_tac a)
+lemma bl2nat_simps1 [simp]: 
+  shows "bl2nat (Bk \<up> y) n = 0"
+by (induct y) (auto)
+lemma bl2nat_simps2 [simp]: 
+  shows "bl2nat (Oc \<up> y) 0 = 2 ^ y - 1"
+apply(induct y)
+apply(case_tac "(2::nat)^ y")
+fun Trpl_code :: "config \<Rightarrow> nat"
-  "trpl_code (st, l, r) = Trpl (bl2wc l) st (bl2wc r)"
+  "Trpl_code (st, l, r) = Trpl (bl2wc l) st (bl2wc r)"
 fun action_map :: "action \<Rightarrow> nat"
@@ -405,13 +243,259 @@
   "Code tp = Goedel_code (modify_tprog tp)"
+section {* Universal Function as Recursive Functions *}
+  "rec_entry = CN rec_lo [Id 2 0, CN rec_pi [CN S [Id 2 1]]]"
+fun rec_listsum2 :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> recf"
+  where
+  "rec_listsum2 vl 0 = CN Z [Id vl 0]"
+| "rec_listsum2 vl (Suc n) = CN rec_add [rec_listsum2 vl n, Id vl n]"
+fun rec_strt' :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> recf"
+  where
+  "rec_strt' xs 0 = Z"
+| "rec_strt' xs (Suc n) = 
+      (let dbound = CN rec_add [rec_listsum2 xs n, constn n] in
+       let t1 = CN rec_power [constn 2, dbound] in
+       let t2 = CN rec_power [constn 2, CN rec_add [Id xs n, dbound]] in
+       CN rec_add [rec_strt' xs n, CN rec_minus [t2, t1]])"
+fun rec_map :: "recf \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> recf list"
+  where
+  "rec_map rf vl = map (\<lambda>i. CN rf [Id vl i]) [0..<vl]"
+fun rec_strt :: "nat \<Rightarrow> recf"
+  where
+  "rec_strt xs = CN (rec_strt' xs xs) (rec_map S xs)"
+  "rec_scan = CN rec_mod [Id 1 0, constn 2]"
+    "rec_newleft =
+       (let cond1 = CN rec_disj [CN rec_eq [Id 3 2, Z], CN rec_eq [Id 3 2, constn 1]] in
+        let cond2 = CN rec_eq [Id 3 2, constn 2] in
+        let cond3 = CN rec_eq [Id 3 2, constn 3] in
+        let case3 = CN rec_add [CN rec_mult [constn 2, Id 3 0], 
+                                CN rec_mod [Id 3 1, constn 2]] in
+        CN rec_if [cond1, Id 3 0, 
+          CN rec_if [cond2, CN rec_quo [Id 3 0, constn 2],
+            CN rec_if [cond3, case3, Id 3 0]]])"
+    "rec_newright =
+       (let condn = \<lambda>n. CN rec_eq [Id 3 2, constn n] in
+        let case0 = CN rec_minus [Id 3 1, CN rec_scan [Id 3 1]] in
+        let case1 = CN rec_minus [CN rec_add [Id 3 1, constn 1], CN rec_scan [Id 3 1]] in
+        let case2 = CN rec_add [CN rec_mult [constn 2, Id 3 1],                     
+                                CN rec_mod [Id 3 0, constn 2]] in
+        let case3 = CN rec_quo [Id 2 1, constn 2] in
+        CN rec_if [condn 0, case0, 
+          CN rec_if [condn 1, case1,
+            CN rec_if [condn 2, case2,
+              CN rec_if [condn 3, case3, Id 3 1]]]])"
+  "rec_actn = (let add1 = CN rec_mult [constn 4, CN rec_pred [Id 3 1]] in
+               let add2 = CN rec_mult [constn 2, CN rec_scan [Id 3 2]] in
+               let entry = CN rec_entry [Id 3 0, CN rec_add [add1, add2]]
+               in CN rec_if [Id 3 1, entry, constn 4])"
+definition rec_newstat :: "recf"
+  where
+  "rec_newstat = (let add1 = CN rec_mult [constn 4, CN rec_pred [Id 3 1]] in
+                  let add2 = CN S [CN rec_mult [constn 2, CN rec_scan [Id 3 2]]] in
+                  let entry = CN rec_entry [Id 3 0, CN rec_add [add1, add2]]
+                  in CN rec_if [Id 3 1, entry, Z])"
+  "rec_trpl = CN rec_mult [CN rec_mult 
+       [CN rec_power [constn (Pi 0), Id 3 0], 
+        CN rec_power [constn (Pi 1), Id 3 1]],
+        CN rec_power [constn (Pi 2), Id 3 2]]"
+  "rec_left = CN rec_lo [Id 1 0, constn (Pi 0)]"
+  "rec_right = CN rec_lo [Id 1 0, constn (Pi 2)]"
+  "rec_stat = CN rec_lo [Id 1 0, constn (Pi 1)]"
+  "rec_newconf = (let act = CN rec_actn [Id 2 0, CN rec_stat [Id 2 1], CN rec_right [Id 2 1]] in
+                  let left = CN rec_left [Id 2 1] in
+                  let right = CN rec_right [Id 2 1] in
+                  let stat = CN rec_stat [Id 2 1] in
+                  let one = CN rec_newleft [left, right, act] in
+                  let two = CN rec_newstat [Id 2 0, stat, right] in
+                  let three = CN rec_newright [left, right, act]
+                  in CN rec_trpl [one, two, three])" 
+  "rec_conf = PR (CN rec_trpl [constn 0, constn 1, Id 2 1])
+                 (CN rec_newconf [Id 4 2 , Id 4 1])"
+  "rec_nstd = (let disj1 = CN rec_noteq [rec_stat, constn 0] in
+               let disj2 = CN rec_noteq [rec_left, constn 0] in
+               let rhs = CN rec_pred [CN rec_power [constn 2, CN rec_lg [CN S [rec_right], constn 2]]] in
+               let disj3 = CN rec_noteq [rec_right, rhs] in
+               let disj4 = CN rec_eq [rec_right, constn 0] in
+               CN rec_disj [CN rec_disj [CN rec_disj [disj1, disj2], disj3], disj4])"
+  "rec_nostop = CN rec_nstd [rec_conf]"
+  "rec_value = CN rec_pred [CN rec_lg [S, constn 2]]"
+  "rec_halt = MN rec_nostop" 
+  "rec_uf = CN rec_value [CN rec_right [CN rec_conf [rec_halt, Id 2 0, Id 2 1]]]"
+section {* Correctness Proofs for Recursive Functions *}
+lemma entry_lemma [simp]:
+  "rec_eval rec_entry [sr, i] = Entry sr i"
+by(simp add: rec_entry_def)
+lemma listsum2_lemma [simp]: 
+  "length xs = vl \<Longrightarrow> rec_eval (rec_listsum2 vl n) xs = Listsum2 xs n"
+by (induct n) (simp_all)
+lemma strt'_lemma [simp]:
+  "length xs = vl \<Longrightarrow> rec_eval (rec_strt' vl n) xs = Strt' xs n"
+by (induct n) (simp_all add: Let_def)
+lemma map_suc:
+  "map (\<lambda>x. Suc (xs ! x)) [0..<length xs] = map Suc xs"
+proof -
+  have "Suc \<circ> (\<lambda>x. xs ! x) = (\<lambda>x. Suc (xs ! x))" by (simp add: comp_def)
+  then have "map (\<lambda>x. Suc (xs ! x)) [0..<length xs] = map (Suc \<circ> (\<lambda>x. xs ! x)) [0..<length xs]" by simp
+  also have "... = map Suc (map (\<lambda>x. xs ! x) [0..<length xs])" by simp
+  also have "... = map Suc xs" by (simp add: map_nth)
+  finally show "map (\<lambda>x. Suc (xs ! x)) [0..<length xs] = map Suc xs" .
+lemma strt_lemma [simp]: 
+  "length xs = vl \<Longrightarrow> rec_eval (rec_strt vl) xs = Strt xs"
+by (simp add: comp_def map_suc[symmetric])
+lemma scan_lemma [simp]: 
+  "rec_eval rec_scan [r] = r mod 2"
+by(simp add: rec_scan_def)
+lemma newleft_lemma [simp]:
+  "rec_eval rec_newleft [p, r, a] = Newleft p r a"
+by (simp add: rec_newleft_def Let_def)
+lemma newright_lemma [simp]:
+  "rec_eval rec_newright [p, r, a] = Newright p r a"
+by (simp add: rec_newright_def Let_def)
+lemma actn_lemma [simp]:
+  "rec_eval rec_actn [m, q, r] = Actn m q r"
+by (simp add: rec_actn_def)
+lemma newstat_lemma [simp]: 
+  "rec_eval rec_newstat [m, q, r] = Newstat m q r"
+by (simp add: rec_newstat_def)
+lemma trpl_lemma [simp]: 
+  "rec_eval rec_trpl [p, q, r] = Trpl p q r"
+by (simp add: rec_trpl_def)
+lemma left_lemma [simp]:
+  "rec_eval rec_left [c] = Left c" 
+by(simp add: rec_left_def)
+lemma right_lemma [simp]:
+  "rec_eval rec_right [c] = Right c" 
+by(simp add: rec_right_def)
+lemma stat_lemma [simp]:
+  "rec_eval rec_stat [c] = Stat c" 
+by(simp add: rec_stat_def)
+lemma newconf_lemma [simp]: 
+  "rec_eval rec_newconf [m, c] = Newconf m c"
+by (simp add: rec_newconf_def Let_def)
+lemma conf_lemma [simp]: 
+  "rec_eval rec_conf [k, m, r] = Conf k m r"
+by(induct k) (simp_all add: rec_conf_def)
+lemma nstd_lemma [simp]:
+  "rec_eval rec_nstd [c] = (if Nstd c then 1 else 0)"
+by(simp add: rec_nstd_def)
+lemma nostop_lemma [simp]:
+  "rec_eval rec_nostop [t, m, r] = (if Nostop t m r then 1 else 0)" 
+by (simp add: rec_nostop_def)
+lemma value_lemma [simp]:
+  "rec_eval rec_value [x] = Value x"
+by (simp add: rec_value_def)
+lemma halt_lemma [simp]:
+  "rec_eval rec_halt [m, r] = Halt m r"
+by (simp add: rec_halt_def)
+lemma uf_lemma [simp]:
+  "rec_eval rec_uf [m, r] = UF m r"
+by (simp add: rec_uf_def)
 subsection {* Relating interperter functions to the execution of TMs *}
+lemma rec_step: 
+  assumes "(\<lambda> (s, l, r). s \<le> length tp div 2) c"
+  shows "Trpl_code (step0 c tp) = Newconf (Code tp) (Trpl_code c)"
+apply(cases c)
+apply(simp only: Trpl_code.simps)
+apply(simp only: Let_def step.simps)
+apply(case_tac "fetch tp (a - 0) (read ca)")
+apply(simp only: prod.cases)
+apply(case_tac "update aa (b, ca)")
+apply(simp only: prod.cases)
+apply(simp only: Trpl_code.simps)
+apply(simp only: Newconf.simps)
+apply(simp only: Left.simps)
+lemma rec_steps:
+  assumes "tm_wf0 tp"
+  shows "Trpl_code (steps0 (1, Bk \<up> l, <lm>) tp stp) = Conf stp (Code tp) (bl2wc (<lm>))"
+apply(induct stp)
 lemma F_correct: 
-  assumes tp: "steps0 (1, Bk \<up> l, <lm>) tp stp = (0, Bk \<up> m, Oc \<up> rs @ Bk \<up> n)"
+  assumes tm: "steps0 (1, Bk \<up> l, <lm>) tp stp = (0, Bk \<up> m, Oc \<up> rs @ Bk \<up> n)"
   and     wf:  "tm_wf0 tp" "0 < rs"
   shows "rec_eval rec_uf [Code tp, bl2wc (<lm>)] = (rs - Suc 0)"
+proof -
+  from least_steps[OF tm] 
+  obtain stp_least where
+    before: "\<forall>stp' < stp_least. \<not> is_final (steps0 (1, Bk \<up> l, <lm>) tp stp')" and
+    after:  "\<forall>stp' \<ge> stp_least. is_final (steps0 (1, Bk \<up> l, <lm>) tp stp')" by blast
+  have "Halt (Code tp) (bl2wc (<lm>)) = stp_least" sorry
+  show ?thesis
+    apply(simp only: uf_lemma)
+    apply(simp only: UF.simps)
+    apply(simp only: Halt.simps)
+    oops