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added some relatively simple examples from paper by Norrish
2011-07-05, by Christian Urban
changed bind to binds in specifications; bind will cause trouble with Monad_Syntax
2011-07-05, by Christian Urban
side commment for future use
2011-07-05, by Christian Urban
made the tests go through again
2011-07-05, by Christian Urban
added another example which seems difficult to define
2011-07-05, by Christian Urban
added a tactic "all_trivials" which simplifies all trivial constructor cases and leaves the others untouched.
2011-07-05, by Christian Urban
2011-07-05, by Christian Urban
all FCB lemmas
2011-07-05, by Christian Urban
exported various FCB-lemmas to a separate file
2011-07-05, by Christian Urban
Express trans_db with and Option.bind. Possibly mbind is a copy of bind?
2011-07-05, by Cezary Kaliszyk
Define a version of aux only for same binders. Completeness is fine.
2011-07-05, by Cezary Kaliszyk
Move If / Let with 'True' to the end of Lambda
2011-07-05, by Cezary Kaliszyk
2011-07-04, by Christian Urban
2011-07-04, by Christian Urban
added an example that recurses over two arguments; the interesting proof-obligation is not yet done
2011-07-04, by Christian Urban
Let with a different invariant; not true.
2011-07-04, by Cezary Kaliszyk
Add non-working Lambda_F_T using FCB2
2011-07-03, by Cezary Kaliszyk
Added non-working CPS3 using FCB2
2011-07-03, by Cezary Kaliszyk
Change CPS1 to FCB2
2011-07-03, by Cezary Kaliszyk
Did the proofs of height and subst for Let with list-like binders. Having apply_assns allows proving things by alpha_bn
2011-07-02, by Cezary Kaliszyk
side-by-side tests of lets with single assignment; deep-binder case works if the recursion is avoided using an auxiliary function
2011-07-02, by Christian Urban
Exhaust Issue
2011-07-01, by Cezary Kaliszyk
clarified a sentence
2011-06-30, by Christian Urban
more code refactoring
2011-06-30, by Christian Urban
combined distributed data for alpha in alpha_result (partially done)
2011-06-29, by Christian Urban
moved Classical and Let temporarily into a section where "sorry" is allowed; this makes all test go through
2011-06-29, by Christian Urban
added a warning if a theorem is already declared as equivariant
2011-06-29, by Christian Urban
2011-06-29, by Christian Urban
Prove bn injectivity and experiment more with Let
2011-06-29, by Cezary Kaliszyk
some experiments
2011-06-29, by Christian Urban
trying new fcb in let/subst
2011-06-28, by Cezary Kaliszyk
Leftover only inj and eqvt
2011-06-28, by Cezary Kaliszyk
eapply fcb ok
2011-06-28, by Cezary Kaliszyk
Removed Inl and Inr
2011-06-28, by Cezary Kaliszyk
relaxed type in fcb
2011-06-28, by Christian Urban
fcb with explicit bn function
2011-06-28, by Christian Urban
added let-rec example
2011-06-28, by Christian Urban
Experiments with res
2011-06-28, by Cezary Kaliszyk
proved the fcb also for sets (no restriction yet)
2011-06-28, by Christian Urban
copied all work to Lambda.thy; had to derive a special version of fcb1 for concrete atom
2011-06-28, by Christian Urban
streamlined the fcb-proof and made fcb1 a special case of fcb
2011-06-27, by Christian Urban
completed proof in Classical; the fcb lemma works for any list of atoms (despite what was written earlier)
2011-06-27, by Christian Urban
fcb for multible (list) binders; at the moment all of them have to have the same sort (at-class); this should also work for set binders, but not yet for restriction.
2011-06-27, by Christian Urban
renamed ds to dset (disagreement set)
2011-06-27, by Christian Urban
added small lemma about disagreement set
2011-06-27, by Christian Urban
2011-06-27, by Cezary Kaliszyk
New-style fcb for multiple binders.
2011-06-27, by Cezary Kaliszyk
equality of lst_binder and a few helper lemmas
2011-06-27, by Cezary Kaliszyk
only one of the fcb precondistions are needed (probably the same with the perm-conditions)
2011-06-26, by Christian Urban
another change to the fcb2; this is needed in order to get all proofs through in Lambda.thy
2011-06-26, by Christian Urban
did all cases, except the multiple binder case
2011-06-25, by Christian Urban
an alternative FCB for Abs_lst1; seems simpler but not as simple as I thought; not sure whether it generalises to multiple binders.
2011-06-25, by Christian Urban
except for the interated binder case, finished definition in Calssical.thy
2011-06-24, by Christian Urban
Make examples work with non-precompiled image
2011-06-24, by Cezary Kaliszyk
Remove Lambda_add.thy
2011-06-24, by Cezary Kaliszyk
The examples in Lambda_add can be defined by nominal_function directly
2011-06-24, by Cezary Kaliszyk
Theory name changes for JEdit
2011-06-24, by Cezary Kaliszyk
More usual names for substitution properties
2011-06-24, by Cezary Kaliszyk
Second Fixed Point Theorem
2011-06-24, by Cezary Kaliszyk
Speed-up the completeness proof.
2011-06-24, by Cezary Kaliszyk
the simplifier can simplify "sort (atom a)" if a is a concrete atom type declared with atom_decl
2011-06-23, by Christian Urban
added file
2011-06-23, by Christian Urban
expanded the example
2011-06-23, by Christian Urban
fixed nasty bug with type variables in nominal_datatypes; this included to be careful with the output of the inductive and function package
2011-06-23, by Christian Urban
2011-06-22, by Christian Urban
deleted some dead code
2011-06-22, by Christian Urban
some rudimentary infrastructure for storing data about nominal datatypes
2011-06-22, by Christian Urban
constants with the same names
2011-06-22, by Cezary Kaliszyk
Quotients/TODO addtion
2011-06-22, by Cezary Kaliszyk
2011-06-21, by Cezary Kaliszyk
2011-06-21, by Cezary Kaliszyk
2011-06-21, by Cezary Kaliszyk
2011-06-20, by Cezary Kaliszyk
2011-06-20, by Cezary Kaliszyk
function for let-rec
2011-06-20, by Cezary Kaliszyk
2011-06-20, by Cezary Kaliszyk
Move lst_fcb to Nominal2_Abs
2011-06-20, by Cezary Kaliszyk
More minor TODOs
2011-06-20, by Cezary Kaliszyk
Update TODO
2011-06-20, by Cezary Kaliszyk
2011-06-20, by Cezary Kaliszyk
Update Quotient/TODO and remove some attic code
2011-06-20, by Cezary Kaliszyk
2011-06-19, by Cezary Kaliszyk
little on cps2
2011-06-19, by Cezary Kaliszyk
got rid of the boolean flag in the raw_equivariance function
2011-06-16, by Christian Urban
2011-06-16, by Cezary Kaliszyk
2011-06-16, by Cezary Kaliszyk
CPS3 can be defined with eqvt_rhs.
2011-06-16, by Cezary Kaliszyk
moved for the moment CPS translations into the example directory
2011-06-16, by Christian Urban
2011-06-16, by Christian Urban
added eqvt_at and invariant for boths sides of the equations
2011-06-16, by Christian Urban
Added the CPS translation experiments. CPS1 comes with all the proofs, CPS2,3 just have the function and need eqvt_rhs to finish the obligations.
2011-06-16, by Cezary Kaliszyk
added a test that every function must be of pt-sort
2011-06-16, by Christian Urban
all tests work again
2011-06-16, by Christian Urban
added size-lemmas to simplifier; as a result termination can be proved by the standard lexicographic_order method
2011-06-15, by Christian Urban
added an abstract
2011-06-15, by Christian Urban
added a stub for function paper; "isabelle make fnpaper"
2011-06-15, by Christian Urban
2011-06-15, by Cezary Kaliszyk
one TODO and one Problem?
2011-06-15, by Cezary Kaliszyk
2011-06-15, by Cezary Kaliszyk
Some TODOs
2011-06-15, by Cezary Kaliszyk
2011-06-15, by Cezary Kaliszyk
TypeSchemes work with 'default'.
2011-06-15, by Cezary Kaliszyk
tuned some proofs
2011-06-14, by Christian Urban
fixed the problem when giving a complex default-term; the fundef lemmas in Nominal_Base were not general enough
2011-06-14, by Christian Urban
2011-06-14, by Christian Urban
Move working examples before non-working ones
2011-06-10, by Cezary Kaliszyk
Optimized proofs and removed some garbage.
2011-06-10, by Cezary Kaliszyk
2011-06-10, by Cezary Kaliszyk
Slightly modify fcb for list1 and put in common place.
2011-06-10, by Cezary Kaliszyk
Experiments with Let
2011-06-10, by Cezary Kaliszyk
Eval can be defined with additional freshness
2011-06-09, by Cezary Kaliszyk
Minor simplification
2011-06-09, by Cezary Kaliszyk
abs_res_fcb will be enough to finish the multiple-recursive proof, if we have a working 'default'.
2011-06-09, by Cezary Kaliszyk
More experiments with 'default'
2011-06-09, by Cezary Kaliszyk
Finished the proof with the invariant
2011-06-08, by Cezary Kaliszyk
Issue with 'default'
2011-06-08, by Cezary Kaliszyk
2011-06-08, by Christian Urban
2011-06-08, by Christian Urban
using the option "default" the function package allows one to give an explicit default value
2011-06-08, by Christian Urban
Simpler proof of TypeSchemes/substs
2011-06-08, by Cezary Kaliszyk
Simplify fcb_res
2011-06-08, by Cezary Kaliszyk
FCB for res binding and simplified proof of subst for type schemes
2011-06-08, by Cezary Kaliszyk
Simplify ln-trans proof
2011-06-08, by Cezary Kaliszyk
cbvs can be easily defined without an invariant
2011-06-08, by Cezary Kaliszyk
defined the "count-bound-variables-occurences" function which has an accumulator like trans
2011-06-07, by Christian Urban
2011-06-07, by Christian Urban
remove garbage (proofs that assumes the invariant outside function)
2011-06-07, by Cezary Kaliszyk
Proof of trans with invariant
2011-06-07, by Cezary Kaliszyk
Testing invariant in Lambda_F_T
2011-06-07, by Cezary Kaliszyk
cleaned ups a bit the examples with the invariant framework; exported nominal_function_config datatype into separate structure and file
2011-06-07, by Christian Urban
fixed problem with earlier commit about nominal_function_common; added facility for specifying an invariant - added a definition of frees_set which need a finiteness invariant
2011-06-07, by Christian Urban
slightly stronger property in fundef_ex_prop
2011-06-06, by Christian Urban
added an option for an invariant (at the moment only a stub)
2011-06-05, by Christian Urban
added a more general lemma fro fundef_ex1
2011-06-05, by Christian Urban
Trying the induction on the graph
2011-06-04, by Cezary Kaliszyk
Finish and test the locale approach
2011-06-04, by Cezary Kaliszyk
FiniteSupp precondition in the function is enough to get rid of completeness obligationss
2011-06-03, by Cezary Kaliszyk
recursion combinator inside a locale
2011-06-03, by Christian Urban
2011-06-03, by Cezary Kaliszyk
F for lambda used to define translation to locally nameless
2011-06-03, by Cezary Kaliszyk
2011-06-02, by Christian Urban
removed dead code
2011-06-02, by Christian Urban
finished the missing obligations
2011-06-02, by Cezary Kaliszyk
2011-06-02, by Christian Urban
a test with a recursion combinator defined on top of nominal_primrec
2011-06-02, by Christian Urban
Use FCB to simplify proof
2011-06-02, by Cezary Kaliszyk
2011-06-02, by Cezary Kaliszyk
Remove SMT
2011-06-02, by Cezary Kaliszyk
hopefully final fix for ho-functions
2011-06-01, by Christian Urban
first test to fix the problem with free variables
2011-06-01, by Christian Urban
proved subst for All constructor in type schemes.
2011-06-01, by Cezary Kaliszyk
DB translation using index; easier to reason about.
2011-06-01, by Cezary Kaliszyk
Problem: free variables in the goal
2011-06-01, by Cezary Kaliszyk
fixed previous commit
2011-06-01, by Cezary Kaliszyk
equivariance of db_trans
2011-06-01, by Cezary Kaliszyk
fixed the problem with cps-like functions
2011-05-31, by Christian Urban
DeBruijn translation in a simplifier friendly way
2011-05-31, by Cezary Kaliszyk
map_term can be defined when equivariance is assumed
2011-05-31, by Cezary Kaliszyk
map_term is not a function the way it is defined
2011-05-31, by Cezary Kaliszyk
Defined translation from nominal to de-Bruijn; with a freshness condition for the lambda case.
2011-05-31, by Cezary Kaliszyk
Simple eqvt proofs with perm_simps for clarity
2011-05-31, by Cezary Kaliszyk
tuned last commit
2011-05-31, by Christian Urban
functions involving if and case do not throw exceptions anymore; but eqvt_at assumption has now a precondition
2011-05-31, by Christian Urban
updated to new Isabelle
2011-05-26, by Christian Urban
added eq_iff and distinct lemmas of nominal datatypes to the simplifier
2011-05-25, by Christian Urban
more on slides
2011-05-24, by Christian Urban
added slides for copenhagen
2011-05-22, by Christian Urban
added a problem with inductive_cases (reported by Randy)
2011-05-14, by Christian Urban
2011-05-13, by Christian Urban
made the subtyping work again
2011-05-10, by Christian Urban
updated to new Isabelle (> 9 May)
2011-05-10, by Christian Urban
2011-05-09, by Christian Urban
added two mutual recursive inductive definitions
2011-05-03, by Christian Urban
deleted two functions from the API
2011-05-03, by Christian Urban
proved that lfp is equivariant (that simplifies equivariance proofs of inductively defined predicates)
2011-05-03, by Christian Urban
more on pearl-paper
2011-05-09, by Christian Urban
more on pearl-paper
2011-05-04, by Christian Urban
updated Quotient paper so that it compiles again
2011-05-02, by Christian Urban
2011-04-28, by Christian Urban
added slides for beijing
2011-04-28, by Christian Urban
more to the pearl paper
2011-04-22, by Christian Urban
updated to snapshot Isabelle 19 April
2011-04-19, by Christian Urban
2011-04-18, by Christian Urban
added permute_pure back into the nominal_inductive procedure; updated to Isabelle 17 April
2011-04-18, by Christian Urban
New way of forward elimination of Abs1_eq and simplifications of the function obligation proofs.
2011-04-15, by Cezary Kaliszyk
2011-04-13, by Christian Urban
introduced framework for finetuning eqvt-rules; this solves problem with permute_pure called in nominal_inductive
2011-04-13, by Christian Urban
shanghai slides
2011-04-12, by Christian Urban
pictures for slides
2011-04-11, by Christian Urban
Shanghai slides
2011-04-11, by Christian Urban
more paper
2011-04-10, by Christian Urban
eqvt of supp and fresh is proved using equivariance infrastructure
2011-04-10, by Christian Urban
more paper
2011-04-10, by Christian Urban
more on the paper
2011-04-09, by Christian Urban
tuned paper
2011-04-09, by Christian Urban
tuned paper
2011-04-09, by Christian Urban
2011-04-09, by Christian Urban
more on paper
2011-04-08, by Christian Urban
eqvt_lambda without eta-expansion
2011-04-08, by Christian Urban
changed default preprocessor that does not catch variables only occuring on the right
2011-04-06, by Christian Urban
final version of slides
2011-03-31, by Christian Urban
more on the slides
2011-03-30, by Christian Urban
tuned IsaMakefile
2011-03-30, by Christian Urban
rearranged directories and updated to new Isabelle
2011-03-29, by Christian Urban
precise path to LaTeXsugar
2011-03-16, by Christian Urban
a lit bit more on the pearl-jv paper
2011-03-16, by Christian Urban
ported changes from function package....needs Isabelle 16 March or above
2011-03-16, by Christian Urban
more on the pearl paper
2011-03-15, by Christian Urban
equivariance for All and Ex can be proved in terms of their definition
2011-03-14, by Christian Urban
more on the paper
2011-03-11, by Christian Urban
2011-03-08, by Christian Urban
more on the pearl paper
2011-03-08, by Christian Urban
distinct names at toplevel
2011-03-02, by Cezary Kaliszyk
2011-03-02, by Cezary Kaliszyk
Pairing function
2011-03-02, by Cezary Kaliszyk
updated pearl papers
2011-03-02, by Christian Urban
a bit more tuning
2011-03-01, by Christian Urban
included old test cases for perm_simp into ROOT.ML file
2011-02-28, by Christian Urban
split the library into a basics file; merged Nominal_Eqvt into Nominal_Base
2011-02-28, by Christian Urban
some slight polishing
2011-02-25, by Christian Urban
2011-02-24, by Christian Urban
added a lemma about fresh_star and Abs
2011-02-24, by Christian Urban
Reduce the definition of trans to FCB; test that FCB can be proved with simp rules.
2011-02-23, by Cezary Kaliszyk
2011-02-19, by Cezary Kaliszyk
further experiments with typeschemes subst
2011-02-17, by Cezary Kaliszyk
Finished the proof of a function that invents fresh variable names.
2011-02-17, by Cezary Kaliszyk
added eqvt for length
2011-02-16, by Christian Urban
added eqvt lemmas for filter and distinct
2011-02-16, by Christian Urban
added eqvt for cartesian products
2011-02-07, by Christian Urban
cleaned up the experiments so that the tests go through
2011-02-07, by Christian Urban
2011-02-05, by Cezary Kaliszyk
Experiments defining a function on Let
2011-02-05, by Cezary Kaliszyk
updated TODO
2011-02-04, by Christian Urban
Lambda.thy which works with Nominal_Isabelle2011
2011-02-04, by Christian Urban
2011-02-03, by Christian Urban
removed diagnostic code
2011-02-03, by Christian Urban
Only one of the subgoals is needed
2011-02-01, by Cezary Kaliszyk
Experiments with substitution on set+
2011-02-01, by Cezary Kaliszyk
More properties that relate abs_res and abs_set. Also abs_res with less binders.
2011-02-01, by Cezary Kaliszyk
alpha_res implies alpha_set :)
2011-01-30, by Cezary Kaliszyk