--- a/handouts/ho03.tex Thu Oct 09 14:41:36 2014 +0100
+++ b/handouts/ho03.tex Thu Oct 09 15:49:21 2014 +0100
@@ -358,7 +358,7 @@
encoded, but produces a zero byte on the stack.
Having removed the zero bytes we can craft the string that
-will be send to our target computer. It is typically of the
+will be send to the target computer. It is typically of the
@@ -369,11 +369,43 @@
\draw[line width=1mm,fill=black] (0.3, -1) rectangle (2,-0.7);
\draw[->,line width=0.3mm] (1.05, -1) -- (1.05,-1.7) --
(-3,-1.7) -- (-3, 3.7) -- (-1.9, 3.7) -- (-1.9, 3.1);
- \draw (-2, 3) node[anchor=north east] {\LARGE\tt "};
- \draw ( 2,-0.9) node[anchor=west] {\LARGE\tt "};
+ \draw (-2, 3) node[anchor=north east] {\LARGE \color{codegreen}{``}};
+ \draw ( 2,-0.9) node[anchor=west] {\LARGE\color{codegreen}{''}};
+\noindent This of course requires that the buffer we are
+trying to attack can at least contain the shellcode we want to
+run. But as you can see this is only 47 bytes, which is a very
+low bar to jump over. More formidable is the choice of finding
+the right address to jump to. As indicated in the picture we
+need to be very precise with the address with which we will
+overwrite the buffer. It has to be precisely the first byte of
+the shellcode. While this is easy withe the help of a
+debugger, we typically cannot run anything on the machine yet
+we target. And the address is very specific to the setup of
+the target machine. One way of finding out what the right
+address is to try out one by one until we get lucky. With
+large memories available today, however, the odds are long.
+And if we try out too many possible candidates to quickly, we
+might be detected by the system administrator of the target
+We can improve our odds considerably, by the following clever
+trick. Instead of adding the shellcode at the beginning of the
+string, we should add it at the end, just before we overflow
+the buffer, like
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.7]
+ \draw[line width=1mm] (-2, -1) rectangle (2,3);
+ \draw[line width=1mm] (-2,1.9) -- (2,1.9);
+ \draw (0,2.5) node {\large\tt shell code};
+ \draw[line width=1mm,fill=black] (0.3, -1) rectangle (2,-0.7);
+ \draw (-2, 3) node[anchor=north east] {\LARGE \color{codegreen}{``}};
+ \draw ( 2,-0.9) node[anchor=west] {\LARGE\color{codegreen}{''}};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
\subsubsection*{A Crash-Course for GDB}