changeset 227 7807863c4196
parent 218 bc1f7c82e1a8
child 228 4f7c7997b68b
--- a/handouts/ho03.tex	Tue Oct 07 12:48:07 2014 +0100
+++ b/handouts/ho03.tex	Thu Oct 09 14:41:36 2014 +0100
@@ -21,7 +21,9 @@
 computer science students, but who said that criminal hackers
 restrict themselves to everyday fare? Not to mention the
 free-riding script-kiddies who use this technology without
-even knowing what the underlying ideas are.
+even knowing what the underlying ideas are. If you want to be
+a good security engineer who needs to defend such attacks, 
+then better you know the details.
 For buffer overflow attacks to work, a number of innocent
 design decisions, which are really benign on their own, need
@@ -34,7 +36,7 @@
 ``forefathers'' can really be blamed, but as mentioned above
 we should already be way beyond the point that buffer overflow
 attacks are worth a thought. Unfortunately, this is far from
-the truth. I let you think why?
+the truth. I let you ponder why?
 One such ``benign'' design decision is how the memory is laid
 out into different regions for each process. 
@@ -64,18 +66,19 @@
 this region is read-only). The heap stores all data the
 programmer explicitly allocates. For us the most interesting
 region is the stack, which contains data mostly associated
-with the ``control flow'' of the program. Notice that the stack
-grows from a higher addresses to lower addresses. That means 
-that older items on the stack will be stored behind newer 
-items. Let's look a bit closer what happens with the stack.
-Consider the the trivial C program.
+with the control flow of the program. Notice that the stack
+grows from a higher addresses to lower addresses. That means
+that older items on the stack will be stored behind, or after,
+newer items. Let's look a bit closer what happens with the
+stack when a program is running. Consider the following simple
+C program.
-\noindent The main function calls \code{foo} with three
-argument. Foo contains two (local) buffers. The interesting
-point is what will the stack looks like after Line 3 has been
-executed? The answer is as follows:
+\noindent The \code{main} function calls \code{foo} with three
+arguments. \code{Foo} contains two (local) buffers. The
+interesting point for us will be what will the stack loke
+like after Line 3 has been executed? The answer is as follows:
@@ -128,8 +131,42 @@
 needed in order to clean up the stack to the last level---in
 fact there is no cleaning involved, but just the top of the
 stack will be set back. The two buffers are also on the stack,
-because they are local data within \code{foo}.
+because they are local data within \code{foo}. So in the
+middle is a snapshot of the stack after Line 3 has been 
+executed. In case you are familiar with assembly instructions
+you can also read off this behaviour from the machine
+code that the \code{gcc} compiler generates for the program
+above:\footnote{You can make \pcode{gcc} generate assembly 
+instructions if you call it with the \pcode{-S} option, 
+for example \pcode{gcc -S out in.c}\;. Or you can look
+at this code by using the debugger. This will be explained
+  morekeywords={movl},xleftmargin=5mm]
+  {../progs/example1a.s}} &
+  morekeywords={movl,movw},xleftmargin=5mm]
+  {../progs/example1b.s}}  
+\noindent On the left you can see how the function
+\pcode{main} prepares in Lines 2 to 7 the stack, before
+calling the function \pcode{foo}. You can see that the
+numbers 3, 2, 1 are stored on the stack (the register
+\code{$esp} refers to the top of the stack). On the right
+you can see how the function \pcode{foo} stores the two local
+buffers onto the stack and initialises them with the given
+data (Lines 2 to 9). Since there is no real computation
+going on inside \pcode{foo} the function then just restores
+the stack to its old state and crucially sets the return
+address where the computation should resume (Line 9 in the
+code on the left hand side). The instruction \code{ret} then
+transfers control back to the function \pcode{main} to the
+teh instruction just after the call, namely Line 9.
 Another part of the ``conspiracy'' is that library functions
 in C look typically as follows:
@@ -142,13 +179,204 @@
 to a destination \pcode{dst}. The important point is that it
 copies the data until it reaches a zero-byte (\code{"\\0"}). 
+The central idea of the buffer overflow attack is to overwrite
+the return address on the stack which states where the control
+flow of the program should resume once the function at hand
+has finished its computation. So if we have somewhere in a 
+function a local a buffer, say
+\code{char buf[8];}
+then the corresponding stack will look as follows
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.65]
+  %\draw[step=1cm] (-3,-1) grid (3,8);
+  \draw[gray!20,fill=gray!20] (-1, 0) rectangle (1,-1);
+  \draw[line width=1mm] (-1,-1.2) -- (-1,6.4);
+  \draw[line width=1mm] ( 1,-1.2) -- ( 1,6.4);
+  \draw (0,-1) node[anchor=south] {\tt main};
+  \draw[line width=1mm] (-1,0) -- (1,0);
+  \draw (0,0) node[anchor=south] {\tt arg$_3$=3};
+  \draw[line width=1mm] (-1,1) -- (1,1);
+  \draw (0,1) node[anchor=south] {\tt arg$_2$=2};
+  \draw[line width=1mm] (-1,2) -- (1,2);
+  \draw (0,2) node[anchor=south] {\tt arg$_1$=1};
+  \draw[line width=1mm] (-1,3) -- (1,3);
+  \draw (0,3.1) node[anchor=south] {\tt ret};
+  \draw[line width=1mm] (-1,4) -- (1,4);
+  \draw (0,4) node[anchor=south] {\small\tt last sp};
+  \draw[line width=1mm] (-1,5) -- (1,5);
+  \draw (0,5) node[anchor=south] {\tt buf};
+  \draw[line width=1mm] (-1,6) -- (1,6);
+  \draw (2,5.1) node[anchor=south] {\code{$esp}};
+  \draw[<-,line width=0.5mm] (1.1,6) -- (2.5,6);
+  \draw[->,line width=0.5mm] (1,4.5) -- (2.5,4.5);
+  \draw (2.6,4.1) node[anchor=south west] {\code{??}};
+  \draw[->,line width=0.5mm] (1,3.5) -- (2.5,3.5);
+  \draw (2.6,3.1) node[anchor=south west] {\tt jump to \code{\\x080483f4}};
+\noindent We need to fill this over its limit of
+8 characters so that it overwrites the stack pointer
+and then overwrites the return address. If, for example, 
+we want to jump to a specific address in memory, say,
+\pcode{\\x080483f4} then we need to fill the 
+buffer for example as follows
+\code{char buf[8] = "AAAAAAAABBBB\\xf4\\x83\\x04\\x08";}
+\noindent The first 8 \pcode{A}s fill the buffer to the rim;
+the next four \pcode{B}s overwrite the stack pointer (with
+what data we overwrite this part is usually not important);
+then comes the address we want to jump to. Notice that we have
+to give the address in the reverse order. All addresses on
+Intel CPUs need to be given in this way. Since the string is
+enclosed in double quotes, the C convention is that the string
+internally will automatically be terminated by a zero-byte. If
+the programmer uses functions like \pcode{strcpy} for filling
+the buffer \pcode{buf}, then we can be sure it will overwrite
+the stack in this manner---since it will copy everything up
+to the zero-byte.
+What the outcome of such an attack is can be illustrated with
+the code shown in Figure~\ref{C2}. Under ``normal operation''
+this program ask for a login-name and a password (both are
+represented as strings). Both of which are stored in buffers
+of length 8. The function \pcode{match} tests whether two such 
+strings are equal. If yes, then the function lets you in
+(by printing \pcode{Welcome}). If not, it denies access
+(by printing \pcode{Wrong identity}). The vulnerable function
+is \code{get_line} in Lines 11 to 19. This function does not
+take any precautions about the buffer of 8 characters being
+filled beyond this 8-character-limit. The buffer overflow
+can be triggered by inputing something, like \pcode{foo}, for 
+the login name and then the specially crafted string as 
+\noindent The address happens to be the one for the function
+\pcode{welcome()}. This means even with this input (where the
+login name and password clearly do not match) the program will
+still print out \pcode{Welcome}. The only information we need
+for this attack is to know where the function
+\pcode{welcome()} starts in memory. This information can be
+easily obtained by starting the program inside the debugger
+and disassembling this function. 
+  morekeywords={movl,movw}]
+$ gdb C2
+GNU gdb (GDB) 7.2-ubuntu
+(gdb) disassemble welcome
+The output will be something like this
+  morekeywords={movl,movw}]
+0x0804852c <+0>:     push   %ebp
+0x0804852d <+1>:     mov    %esp,%ebp
+0x0804852f <+3>:     sub    $0x4,%esp
+0x08048532 <+6>:     movl   $0x8048690,(%esp)
+0x08048539 <+13>:    call   0x80483a4 <puts@plt>
+0x0804853e <+18>:    movl   $0x0,(%esp)
+0x08048545 <+25>:    call   0x80483b4 <exit@plt>
+\noindent indicating that the function \pcode{welcome()}
+starts at address \pcode{0x0804852c}.
 \caption{A suspicious login implementation.\label{C2}}
+This kind of attack was very popular with commercial programs
+that needed a key to be unlocked. Historically, hackers first 
+broke the rather weak encryption of these locking mechanisms.
+After the encryption had been made stronger, hackers used
+buffer overflow attacks as shown above to jump directly to
+the part of the program that was intended to be only available
+after the correct key was typed in by the user. 
+Unfortunately, much more harm can be caused by buffer overflow
+attacks. This is achieved by injecting code that will be run
+once the return address is appropriately modified. Typically
+the code that will be injected is for running a shell. In
+order to be send as part of the string that is overflowing the
+buffer, we need the code to be encoded as a sequence of 
+\noindent These characters represent the machine code
+for opening a shell. It seems obtaining such a string
+requires higher-education in the architecture of the
+target system. But it is actually relatively simple: First
+there are many ready-made strings available---just a quick
+Google query away. Second, tools like the debugger can help 
+us again. We can just write the code we want in C, for 
+example this would be the program to start a shell
+\noindent Once compiled, we can use the debugger to obtain 
+the machine code, or even the ready made encoding as character
+While easy, obtaining this string is not entirely trivial.
+Remember the functions in C that copy or fill buffers work
+such that they copy everything until the zero byte is reached.
+Unfortunately the ``vanilla'' output from the debugger for the
+shell-program will contain such zero bytes. So a
+post-processing phase is needed to rewrite the machine code
+such that it does not contain any zero bytes. This is like
+some works of literature that have been rewritten so that the
+letter 'i', for example, is avoided. For rewriting the machine
+code you might need to use clever tricks like
+xor %eax, %eax
+\noindent This instruction does not contain any zero byte when
+encoded, but produces a zero byte on the stack. 
+Having removed the zero bytes we can craft the string that 
+will be send to our target computer. It is typically of the 
+  \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.7]
+  \draw[line width=1mm] (-2, -1) rectangle (2,3);
+  \draw[line width=1mm] (-2,1.9) -- (2,1.9);
+  \draw (0,2.5) node {\large\tt shell code};
+  \draw[line width=1mm,fill=black] (0.3, -1) rectangle (2,-0.7);
+  \draw[->,line width=0.3mm] (1.05, -1) -- (1.05,-1.7) --
+  (-3,-1.7) -- (-3, 3.7) -- (-1.9, 3.7) -- (-1.9, 3.1);
+  \draw (-2, 3) node[anchor=north east] {\LARGE\tt "};
+  \draw ( 2,-0.9) node[anchor=west] {\LARGE\tt "};
+  \end{tikzpicture}
-\subsubsection*{A Crash-Course on GDB}
+\subsubsection*{A Crash-Course for GDB}
 \item \texttt{(l)ist n} -- listing the source file from line