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<H2>An Implementation of G4ip in Pizza</H2>
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<FONT COLOR="#800000"><B>Warning:</B></FONT>
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This page is now rather old! While you might still be interested
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in the algorithms, Robert Macdonald reported that Pizza and the current Java
13 |
implementation (version 1.3.0) do not work together. This means you need to
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install an older Java version if you want to recompile the files given below.
15 |
I am happy to answer all question concerning the prover, but be aware that
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currently for any kind of Java stuff I am using MLJ, which as of writing
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this note has not yet been made available for the general audience (maybe
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in the future also its OCaml equivalent). So I am not very fluent in Pizza
19 |
anymore. <B>Update</B> Pizza development is continued and starting from version
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<A HREF="http://pizzacompiler.sourceforge.net/">0.40</A> it should work
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with recent Java implementations.<P>
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Jump to the <A HREF="#Implementation">implementation.</a>
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A convenient representation of intuitionistic logic is Getzen's
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sequent calculus LJ (also G1i). A sequent of LJ can be proved
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by applying inference rules until one reaches axioms, or can make no further
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progress in which case one must backtrack or even abandon the search.
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Unfortunately an interpreter for LJ using this depth-first strategy cannot
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guarantee termination of the proof search. Several modifications can be
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made to LJ's inference rules without loss of soundness and completeness.
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As result an efficient depth-first proof search can be designed for the
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propositional fragment of intuitionistic logic. The name G4ip has been
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assigned to the corresponding calculus in
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<A HREF="#TroelstraSchwichtenberg96">[Troelstra and Schwichtenberg, 1996]</a>.
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This calculus is also known as LJT which has been studied thoroughly
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in <A HREF="#Dyckhoff92">[Dyckhoff, 1992]</a>. The inference rules of
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G4ip are given <A HREF="G4ip.html">here</A>.<P>
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It is not very complicated to implement an interpreter for G4ip using a logic
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programming language (backtracking is directly supported within the language).
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Our first implementation is written in the logic programming language
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<A HREF="http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~dale/lProlog/terzo/index.html">Lambda Prolog</A>
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and can be found <A HREF="G4ip.mod">here</A>. Another implementation by
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Hodas and Miller written in <A HREF="http://www.cs.hmc.edu/~hodas/research/lolli/">Lolli</a>
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can be found <A HREF="ftp://ftp.cse.psu.edu/pub/dale/ic94-code/index.html">here</A>
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(see <A HREF="#HodasMiller94">[Hodas and Miller, 1994]</a>). These are simple and
53 |
straightforward implementations of G4ip's rules. On the other hand it seems
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that imperative languages need a rather high overhead of code when implementing
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a logic calculus. For example choice points are usually implemented with stacks.
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We shall demonstrate the implementation technique of success
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continuations which provides an equally simple method for implementing logic calculi
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in imperative languages. This technique is not new: it has been introduced in
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<A HREF="#Carlsson84">[Carlsson, 1984]</a>. This paper presents a rather technical
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implementation of Prolog in LISP. Later an excellent paper,
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<A HREF="#ElliotPfenning91">[Elliot and Pfenning, 1991]</a>, appeared which
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describes a full-fledged implementation of Lambda Prolog in SML.
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We demonstrate the technique of success continuations for G4ip in
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<A HREF="http://www.cis.unisa.edu.au/~pizza/">Pizza</A>.<P>
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Pizza is an object-oriented programming language and an attractive extension of
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<A HREF="http://www.javasoft.com/">Java</A>. Although Pizza is a superset of
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Java, Pizza programs can be translated into Java or compiled into ordinary
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Java Byte Code (see <A HREF="#OderskyWadler97">[Odersky and Wadler, 1997]</a>
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for a technical introduction to Pizza). We make use of the following two new
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features of Pizza:
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<LI> higher-order functions, i.e. functions may be passed as parameters or returned
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from methods,
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<LI> class cases and pattern matching: this allows much simpler and more readable code.
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These features are not directly present in Java, but Pizza makes them accessible by
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translating them into Java. Pizza provides the programmer with the same
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extensive libraries for graphic and network applications as Java. The higher-order
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functions are essential for the technique of success continuations. The success
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continuations are functions passed as parameters or returned as values.<BR>
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<H4>The Representation of Formulae and Sequents</H4>
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Amongst the new language features of Pizza are class cases and pattern
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matching, which provide a very pleasant syntax for algebraic data types. The
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formulae of G4ip are specified by the following grammar:<P>
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<CODE>F ::= false | A | F & F | F v F | F -> F</CODE><P>
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The class cases allow a straightforward implementation of this specification;
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it is analogous to the SML implementation of
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<A HREF="http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~dale/lProlog/terzo/index.html">Lambda Prolog's</A>
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formulae in <A HREF="#ElliotPfenning91">[Elliot and Pfenning, 1991]</A>. The class
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of formulae for G4ip is given below:<P>
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<DD>public class Form { </DD>
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<DD> case False(); </DD>
104 |
<DD> case Atm(String c); </DD>
105 |
<DD> case And(Form c1,Form c2); </DD>
106 |
<DD> case Or(Form c1,Form c2); </DD>
107 |
<DD> case Imp(Form c1,Form c2); </DD>
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<DD>} </DD>
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Two examples that illustrate the use of the representation are as follows:<P>
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<CODE> p -> p </CODE>
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is represented as <CODE> Imp(Atm("p"),Atm("p"))</CODE><BR>
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<CODE>a v (a -> false) </CODE> is represented as <CODE> Or(Atm("a"),Imp(Atm("a"),False()))</CODE><P>
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The class cases of Pizza also support an implementation of formulae specified
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by a mutually recursive grammar. This is required, for example, when
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implementing hereditary Harrop formulae.<P>
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The sequents of G4ip, which have the form <CODE>Gamma=>G</CODE>, are represented
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by means of the class below. The left-hand side of each sequent is specified by a multiset
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of formulae. Therefore, we do not need to worry about the order in which the
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formulae occur.<P>
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<DD>public class Sequent { </DD>
131 |
<DD> Form G; </DD>
132 |
<DD> Context Gamma; </DD>
133 |
<DD> public Sequent(Context _Gamma, Form _G) {...};</DD>
134 |
<DD>} </DD>
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We have a constructor for generating new sequents during proof search.
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<CODE>Context</CODE> is a class which represents multisets; it is a simple
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extension of the class <CODe>Vector</CODE> available in the Java libraries.
141 |
This class provides methods for adding elements to a multiset (<CODE>add</CODE>),
142 |
taking out elements from a multiset (<CODE>removeElement</CODE>) and testing
143 |
the membership of an element in a multiset (<CODE>includes</CODE>).
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<H4>The Technique of Success Continuations</H4>
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We have to distinguish between the concepts of proof obligations (which must
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be proved) and choice points (which can be tried out to construct a proof).
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The first argument of the method <CODE>prove</CODE> is the sequent being
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proved; the second argument is an anonymous function. The function <CODE>prove</CODE> is now
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of the form <CODE>prove(sequent,sc)</CODE>. Somewhat simplified the
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first argument is the leftmost premise and the second argument <CODE>sc</CODE>,
154 |
the success continuation, represents the other proof obligations. In case we
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succeed in proving the first premise we then can attempt to prove the other
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premises. The technique of success continuations will be explained using the following
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proof (each sequent is marked with a number):<P>
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<UL><img src="proof.gif" width=337 height=112></UL>
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The inference rules fall into three groups:
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<LI> inference rules with a single premise (e.g. ->_R, &_L),
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<LI> inference rules with two premises (e.g. v_L) and
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<LI> inference rules without premises (e.g. Axiom).
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The following picture shows the order in which the sequents are being proved.
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<UL><img src="execution.gif" width=358 height=191></UL>
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Suppose we have called <CODE>prove</CODE> with a sequent <B>s</B> and a
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success continuation <B>is</B>. The inference rules of the first
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group manipulate <B>s</B> obtaining <B>s'</B> and call <CODE>prove</CODE>
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again with the new sequent <B>s'</B> and the current success continuation
179 |
(Steps 1-2, 3-4 and 5-6). The inference rules
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of the second group have two premises, <B>s1</B> and <B>s2</B>.
181 |
These rules call <CODE>prove</CODE> with <B>s1</B> and a new success
182 |
continuation <CODE>prove(s2,is)</CODE> (Step 2-3).
183 |
The third group of inference rules only invoke the success continuation
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if the rule was applicable (Steps 4-5 and 6-7).<P>
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We are going to give a detailed description of the code for the rules: &_L,
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->_R, v_Ri, v_L and Axiom. The function <CODE>prove</CODE> receives as arguments
189 |
a sequent <CODE>Sequent(Gamma,G)</CODE> and a success continuation
190 |
<CODE>sc</CODE>. It enumerates all formulae as being principal and
191 |
two switch statements select a corresponding case depending on the form
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and the occurrence of the principal formula.<P>
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The &_L rule is in the first group; it modifies the sequent being proved and calls
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<CODE>prove</CODE> again with the current success continuation sc. The code is as
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follows (<CODE>Gamma</CODE> stands for the set of formulae on the left-hand
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side of a sequent excluding the principal formula; <CODE>G</CODE> stands
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for the goal formula of a sequent; <CODE>B</CODE> and <CODE>C</CODE> stand
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for the two components of the principal formula).<P>
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<DD>case And(Form B, Form C):</DD>
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<DD> prove(new Sequent(Gamma.add(B,C),G),sc); break;</DD>
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The code for the ->_R rule is similar:<P>
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<DD>case Imp(Form B, Form C):</DD>
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<DD> prove(new Sequent(Gamma.add(A),B),sc); break;</DD>
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The v_Ri rule is an exception in the first group. It breaks up a goal
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formula of the form <CODE>B1 v B2</CODE> and proceeds with one of its component.
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Since we do not know in advance which component leads to a successful proof we have
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to try both. Therefore this rule acts as a choice point, which is encoded by a
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recursive call of <CODE>prove</CODE> for each case.
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<DD>case Or(Form B1,Form B2):</DD>
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<DD> prove(new Sequent(Gamma,B1),sc);</DD>
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<DD> prove(new Sequent(Gamma,B2),sc); break;</DD>
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The v_L rule falls into the second group where the current success
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continuation, sc, is modified. It calls <CODE>prove</CODE> with the first premise,
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<CODE>B,Gamma=>G</CODE>, and wraps up the success continuation with the
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new proof obligation, <CODE>C,Gamma=>G</CODE>. The construction
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<CODE>fun()->void {...}</CODE> defines an anonymous function: the new
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success continuation. In case the sequent <CODE>B,Gamma=>G</CODE> can be
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proved, this function is invoked.
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<DD>case Or(Form B,Form C):</DD>
242 |
<DD> prove(new Sequent(Gamma.add(B),G),</DD>
243 |
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fun()->void {prove(new Sequent(Gamma.add(C),G),sc);}</DD>
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<DD> ); break</DD>
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The Axiom rule falls into the third group. It first checks if the
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principal formula (which is an atom) matches with the goal formula and
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then invokes the success continuation sc in order to prove all remaining
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proof obligations.
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<DD>case Atm(String c):</DD>
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<DD> if (G instanceof Atm) { </DD>
258 |
<DD> if (G.c.compareTo(c) == 0) { sc(); }</DD>
259 |
<DD> } break;</DD>
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The proof search is started with an initial success continuation <B>is</B>.
264 |
This initial success continuation is invoked when a proof has been found.
265 |
In this case we want to give some response to the user, an
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example for the initial success continuation could be as follows:
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<DD> public void initial_sc() { System.out.println("Provable!"); } </DD>
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Suppose we attempt to start the proof search with <CODE>prove(p,p => p,is)</CODE>.
276 |
We would find that the prover responds twice with <CODE>"Provable!"</CODE>, because
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it finds two proofs. In our implementation this problem is avoided by encoding
278 |
the proof search as a thread. Whenever a proof is found, the initial success
279 |
continuation displays the proof and suspends the thread. The user can
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decide to resume with the proof search or abandon the search.
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The implementation cannot be considered as optimal in terms of speed.
286 |
A much more efficient algorithm for G4ip (but less clear) has been
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implemented by Dyckhoff in Prolog. Similar ideas can be encoded in our
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Pizza implementation; but our point was not the efficiency but the clarity
289 |
of the implementation using success continuations.
290 |
The technique is applicable elsewhere whenever backtracking is required. We
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compared the code of our implementation with an implementation in
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<A HREF="http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~dale/lProlog/terzo/index.html">Lambda Prolog</A>:
293 |
the ratio of code is approximately 2 to 1.
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(see <A HREF="G4ip.mod">LambdaProlog code</A> and
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<A HREF="minimal/MinProver.pizza">Pizza code</A>).
296 |
This result is partly due to the fact that we had to implement a class for
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multisets. In a future version of Java, we could have accessed a package
298 |
in the library. The technique of success continuation can also be applied
299 |
to a first-order calculus as shown in <A HREF="#ElliotPfenning91">[Elliot and Pfenning, 1991]</a>,
300 |
but the required mechanism of substitution needs to be implemented separately.
301 |
However, we think the technique of success continuations provides a remarkable
302 |
simple implementation for logic calculi.<P>
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We had to make some compromises in order to support as many platforms
305 |
as possible. This should change with the release of new browsers and a stable
306 |
Java-specification (resp. Pizza-specification).<P>
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A paper about the implementation appeared in the LNAI series No 1397,
309 |
Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods,
310 |
ed. Harry de Swart, International Conference Tableaux'98 in Oisterwijk,
311 |
The Netherlands. The title is: Implementation of Proof Search in
312 |
the Imperative Programming Language Pizza (pp. 313-319). The paper can be
313 |
found here: <A HREF="Tableaux98.dvi.gz">DVI</A>, <A HREF="Tableaux98.ps.gz">Postscript</A>
314 |
(© Springer-Verlag <A HREF="http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/index.html">LNCS</A>).<P>
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<B>Acknowledgements:</B> I am very grateful for Dr Roy Dyckhoff's constant
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encouragement and many comments on my work. I thank Dr Gavin Bierman who
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helped me to test the prover applet.
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<A NAME="Implementation"></A><H4>Implementation</H4>
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<A HREF="README">Readme</A><p>
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<A HREF="ProverApplet.html"><B>Prover Applet</B></A><BR>
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<A HREF="ProverAppletJar.html"><B>Jar Version</B></A>
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(slightly faster, but requires Netscape 4 or MS Explorer 4).<P>
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<LI> <A NAME="Carlsson84"></A>
335 |
[Carlsson, 1984]<BR>
336 |
M. Carlsson, On Implementing Prolog in Functional Programming,
337 |
New Generation Computing, pp 347-359.
338 |
<LI> <A NAME="Dyckhoff92"></A>
339 |
[Dyckhoff, 1992]<BR>
340 |
<A HREF="http://www-theory.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~rd/">R. Dyckhoff</A>,
341 |
Contraction-Free Sequent Calculi for Intuitionistic Logic,
342 |
Journal of Symbolic Logic 57(3), pp 795-807.
343 |
<LI> <A NAME="ElliotPfenning91"></A>
344 |
[Elliot and Pfenning, 1991]<BR>
345 |
C. Elliot,
346 |
<A HREF="http://foxnet.cs.cmu.edu/people/fp/homepage.html">F. Pfenning</A>,
347 |
A Semi-Functional Implementation of a Higher-Order Programming Language,
348 |
In Peter Lee, editor, Topics in Advanced Language Implementation, MIT Press,
349 |
pp 289-352.
350 |
<A HREF="http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~fp/papers/elpsml-paper.tar.gz">Available electronically</a>.
351 |
<LI> <A NAME="HodasMiller94"></A>
352 |
[Hodas and Miller, 1994]<BR>
353 |
<A HREF="http://www.cs.hmc.edu/~hodas/">J. Hodas</A>,
354 |
<A HREF="http://www.cse.psu.edu/~dale/">D. Miller</A>,
355 |
Logic Programming in a Fragment of Intuitionistic Linear Logic,
356 |
Information and Computation 110(2), pp 327-365.
357 |
<A HREF="ftp://ftp.cse.psu.edu/pub/dale/ic94.ps.Z">Available electronically</a>.
358 |
<LI> <A NAME="OderskyWadler97"></A>
359 |
[Odersky and Wadler, 1997]<BR>
360 |
<A HREF="http://www.cis.unisa.edu.au/~cismxo">M. Odersky</A>,
361 |
<A HREF="http://cm.bell-labs.com/cm/cs/who/wadler/">P. Wadler</A>,
362 |
Pizza into Java: Translating Theory into Practice,
363 |
In Proceedings of the 24th ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages.
364 |
<A HREF="http://www.cis.unisa.edu.au/~cismxo/papers/popl97.dvi.gz">Available electronically</a>.
365 |
<LI> <A NAME="TroelstraSchwichtenberg96"></A>
366 |
[Troelstra and Schwichtenberg, 1996]<BR>
367 |
<A HREF="http://turing.wins.uva.nl/~anne/">A. Troelstra</A>,
368 |
<A HREF="http://www.mathematik.uni-muenchen.de/~gadmin6/professoren/schwichtenberg">H. Schwichtenberg</A>,
369 |
Basic Proof Theory, Cambridge Tracts in Theoretical Computer Science,
370 |
Cambridge University Press.
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<A HREF="mailto:Christian.Urban@cl.cam.ac.uk">Christian Urban</A></ADDRESS>
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Last modified: Sun Sep 23 12:04:47 BST 2001
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