--- a/README Thu Nov 04 12:20:12 2021 +0000
+++ b/README Fri Nov 05 16:47:55 2021 +0000
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+TA meeting
./wartremover -traverser org.wartremover.warts.Return -traverser org.wartremover.warts.Var -traverser org.wartremover.warts.MutableDataStructures $i
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/core_templates1/collatz.scala Fri Nov 05 16:47:55 2021 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+// Core Part 1 about the 3n+1 conjecture
+object C1 {
+//(1) Complete the collatz function below. It should
+// recursively calculate the number of steps needed
+// until the collatz series reaches the number 1.
+// If needed, you can use an auxiliary function that
+// performs the recursion. The function should expect
+// arguments in the range of 1 to 1 Million.
+def collatz(n: Long) : Long = ???
+//(2) Complete the collatz_max function below. It should
+// calculate how many steps are needed for each number
+// from 1 up to a bound and then calculate the maximum number of
+// steps and the corresponding number that needs that many
+// steps. Again, you should expect bounds in the range of 1
+// up to 1 Million. The first component of the pair is
+// the maximum number of steps and the second is the
+// corresponding number.
+def collatz_max(bnd: Long) : (Long, Long) = ???
+//(3) Implement a function that calculates the last_odd
+// number in a collatz series. For this implement an
+// is_pow_of_two function which tests whether a number
+// is a power of two. The function is_hard calculates
+// whether 3n + 1 is a power of two. Again you can
+// assume the input ranges between 1 and 1 Million,
+// and also assume that the input of last_odd will not
+// be a power of 2.
+def is_pow_of_two(n: Long) : Boolean = ???
+def is_hard(n: Long) : Boolean = ???
+def last_odd(n: Long) : Long = ???
Binary file core_templates2/docdiff.jar has changed
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+++ b/core_templates2/docdiff.scala Fri Nov 05 16:47:55 2021 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+// Core Part 2 about Code Similarity
+object C2 {
+//(1) Complete the clean function below. It should find
+// all words in a string using the regular expression
+// \w+ and the library function
+// some_regex.findAllIn(some_string)
+// The words should be Returned as a list of strings.
+def clean(s: String) : List[String] = ???
+//(2) The function occurrences calculates the number of times
+// strings occur in a list of strings. These occurrences should
+// be calculated as a Map from strings to integers.
+def occurrences(xs: List[String]): Map[String, Int] = ???
+//(3) This functions calculates the dot-product of two documents
+// (list of strings). For this it calculates the occurrence
+// maps from (2) and then multiplies the corresponding occurrences.
+// If a string does not occur in a document, the product is zero.
+// The function finally sums up all products.
+def prod(lst1: List[String], lst2: List[String]) : Int = ???
+//(4) Complete the functions overlap and similarity. The overlap of
+// two documents is calculated by the formula given in the assignment
+// description. The similarity of two strings is given by the overlap
+// of the cleaned strings (see (1)).
+def overlap(lst1: List[String], lst2: List[String]) : Double = ???
+def similarity(s1: String, s2: String) : Double = ???
+/* Test cases
+val list1 = List("a", "b", "b", "c", "d")
+val list2 = List("d", "b", "d", "b", "d")
+occurrences(List("a", "b", "b", "c", "d")) // Map(a -> 1, b -> 2, c -> 1, d -> 1)
+occurrences(List("d", "b", "d", "b", "d")) // Map(d -> 3, b -> 2)
+prod(list1,list2) // 7
+overlap(list1, list2) // 0.5384615384615384
+overlap(list2, list1) // 0.5384615384615384
+overlap(list1, list1) // 1.0
+overlap(list2, list2) // 1.0
+// Plagiarism examples from
+// https://desales.libguides.com/avoidingplagiarism/examples
+val orig1 = """There is a strong market demand for eco-tourism in
+Australia. Its rich and diverse natural heritage ensures Australia's
+capacity to attract international ecotourists and gives Australia a
+comparative advantage in the highly competitive tourism industry."""
+val plag1 = """There is a high market demand for eco-tourism in
+Australia. Australia has a comparative advantage in the highly
+competitive tourism industry due to its rich and varied natural
+heritage which ensures Australia's capacity to attract international
+similarity(orig1, plag1) // 0.8679245283018868
+// Plagiarism examples from
+// https://www.utc.edu/library/help/tutorials/plagiarism/examples-of-plagiarism.php
+val orig2 = """No oil spill is entirely benign. Depending on timing and
+location, even a relatively minor spill can cause significant harm to
+individual organisms and entire populations. Oil spills can cause
+impacts over a range of time scales, from days to years, or even
+decades for certain spills. Impacts are typically divided into acute
+(short-term) and chronic (long-term) effects. Both types are part of a
+complicated and often controversial equation that is addressed after
+an oil spill: ecosystem recovery."""
+val plag2 = """There is no such thing as a "good" oil spill. If the
+time and place are just right, even a small oil spill can cause damage
+to sensitive ecosystems. Further, spills can cause harm days, months,
+years, or even decades after they occur. Because of this, spills are
+usually broken into short-term (acute) and long-term (chronic)
+effects. Both of these types of harm must be addressed in ecosystem
+recovery: a controversial tactic that is often implemented immediately
+following an oil spill."""
+overlap(clean(orig2), clean(plag2)) // 0.728
+similarity(orig2, plag2) // 0.728
+// The punchline: everything above 0.6 looks suspicious and
+// should be investigated by staff.
Binary file core_templates3/postfix.jar has changed
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+++ b/core_templates3/postfix.scala Fri Nov 05 16:47:55 2021 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+// Shunting Yard Algorithm
+// by Edsger Dijkstra
+// ========================
+object C3a {
+// type of tokens
+type Toks = List[String]
+// the operations in the basic version of the algorithm
+val ops = List("+", "-", "*", "/")
+// the precedences of the operators
+val precs = Map("+" -> 1,
+ "-" -> 1,
+ "*" -> 2,
+ "/" -> 2)
+// helper function for splitting strings into tokens
+def split(s: String) : Toks = s.split(" ").toList
+// (1) Implement below the shunting yard algorithm. The most
+// convenient way to this in Scala is to implement a recursive
+// function and to heavily use pattern matching. The function syard
+// takes some input tokens as first argument. The second and third
+// arguments represent the stack and the output of the shunting yard
+// algorithm.
+// In the marking, you can assume the function is called only with
+// an empty stack and an empty output list. You can also assume the
+// input os only properly formatted (infix) arithmetic expressions
+// (all parentheses will be well-nested, the input only contains
+// operators and numbers).
+// You can implement any additional helper function you need. I found
+// it helpful to implement two auxiliary functions for the pattern matching:
+def is_op(op: String) : Boolean = ???
+def prec(op1: String, op2: String) : Boolean = ???
+def syard(toks: Toks, st: Toks = Nil, out: Toks = Nil) : Toks = ???
+// test cases
+//syard(split("3 + 4 * ( 2 - 1 )")) // 3 4 2 1 - * +
+//syard(split("10 + 12 * 33")) // 10 12 33 * +
+//syard(split("( 5 + 7 ) * 2")) // 5 7 + 2 *
+//syard(split("5 + 7 / 2")) // 5 7 2 / +
+//syard(split("5 * 7 / 2")) // 5 7 * 2 /
+//syard(split("9 + 24 / ( 7 - 3 )")) // 9 24 7 3 - / +
+//syard(split("3 + 4 + 5")) // 3 4 + 5 +
+//syard(split("( ( 3 + 4 ) + 5 )")) // 3 4 + 5 +
+//syard(split("( 3 + ( 4 + 5 ) )")) // 3 4 5 + +
+//syard(split("( ( ( 3 ) ) + ( ( 4 + ( 5 ) ) ) )")) // 3 4 5 + +
+// (2) Implement a compute function that evaluates an input list
+// in postfix notation. This function takes a list of tokens
+// and a stack as argumenta. The function should produce the
+// result as an integer using the stack. You can assume
+// this function will be only called with proper postfix
+// expressions.
+def compute(toks: Toks, st: List[Int] = Nil) : Int = ???
+// test cases
+// compute(syard(split("3 + 4 * ( 2 - 1 )"))) // 7
+// compute(syard(split("10 + 12 * 33"))) // 406
+// compute(syard(split("( 5 + 7 ) * 2"))) // 24
+// compute(syard(split("5 + 7 / 2"))) // 8
+// compute(syard(split("5 * 7 / 2"))) // 17
+// compute(syard(split("9 + 24 / ( 7 - 3 )"))) // 15
Binary file core_templates3/postfix2.jar has changed
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/core_templates3/postfix2.scala Fri Nov 05 16:47:55 2021 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+// Shunting Yard Algorithm
+// including Associativity for Operators
+// =====================================
+object C3b {
+// type of tokens
+type Toks = List[String]
+// helper function for splitting strings into tokens
+def split(s: String) : Toks = s.split(" ").toList
+// left- and right-associativity
+abstract class Assoc
+case object LA extends Assoc
+case object RA extends Assoc
+// power is right-associative,
+// everything else is left-associative
+def assoc(s: String) : Assoc = s match {
+ case "^" => RA
+ case _ => LA
+// the precedences of the operators
+val precs = Map("+" -> 1,
+ "-" -> 1,
+ "*" -> 2,
+ "/" -> 2,
+ "^" -> 4)
+// the operations in the basic version of the algorithm
+val ops = List("+", "-", "*", "/", "^")
+// (3) Implement the extended version of the shunting yard algorithm.
+// This version should properly account for the fact that the power
+// operation is right-associative. Apart from the extension to include
+// the power operation, you can make the same assumptions as in
+// basic version.
+def syard(toks: Toks, st: Toks = Nil, out: Toks = Nil) : Toks = ???
+// test cases
+// syard(split("3 + 4 * 8 / ( 5 - 1 ) ^ 2 ^ 3")) // 3 4 8 * 5 1 - 2 3 ^ ^ / +
+// (4) Implement a compute function that produces an Int for an
+// input list of tokens in postfix notation.
+def compute(toks: Toks, st: List[Int] = Nil) : Int = ???
+// test cases
+// compute(syard(split("3 + 4 * ( 2 - 1 )"))) // 7
+// compute(syard(split("10 + 12 * 33"))) // 406
+// compute(syard(split("( 5 + 7 ) * 2"))) // 24
+// compute(syard(split("5 + 7 / 2"))) // 8
+// compute(syard(split("5 * 7 / 2"))) // 17
+// compute(syard(split("9 + 24 / ( 7 - 3 )"))) // 15
+// compute(syard(split("4 ^ 3 ^ 2"))) // 262144
+// compute(syard(split("4 ^ ( 3 ^ 2 )"))) // 262144
+// compute(syard(split("( 4 ^ 3 ) ^ 2"))) // 4096
+// compute(syard(split("( 3 + 1 ) ^ 2 ^ 3"))) // 65536
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+% !TEX program = xelatex
+\section*{Core Part 1 (Scala, 3 Marks)}
+\mbox{}\hfill\textit{``The most effective debugging tool is still careful thought,}\\
+\mbox{}\hfill\textit{coupled with judiciously placed print statements.''}\smallskip\\
+\mbox{}\hfill\textit{ --- Brian W. Kernighan, in Unix for Beginners (1979)}\bigskip
+\IMPORTANT{This part is about Scala. It is due on \cwSIX{} at 5pm and worth 3\%.
+Any 1\% you achieve in the preliminary part counts as your ``weekly engagement''.}
+Also note that the running time of each part will be restricted to a
+maximum of 30 seconds on my laptop.
+\subsection*{Reference Implementation}
+Like the C++ assignments, the Scala assignments will work like this: you
+push your files to GitHub and receive (after sometimes a long delay) some
+automated feedback. In the end we take a snapshot of the submitted files and
+apply an automated marking script to them.\medskip
+In addition, the Scala coursework comes with a reference implementation
+in form of \texttt{jar}-files. This allows you to run any test cases on
+your own computer. For example you can call Scala on the command line
+with the option \texttt{-cp collatz.jar} and then query any function
+from the template file. Say you want to find out what the functions
+\texttt{collatz} and \texttt{collatz\_max} produce: for this you just
+need to prefix them with the object name \texttt{C1}. If you want to
+find out what these functions produce for the argument \texttt{6}, you
+would type something like:
+$ scala -cp collatz.jar
+scala> C1.collatz(6)
+scala> C1.collatz_max(6)
+\textbf{For the Core Part 1:} useful math operators: \texttt{\%} for modulo, \texttt{\&} for bit-wise and; useful
+functions: \mbox{\texttt{(1\,to\,10)}} for ranges, \texttt{.toInt},
+\texttt{.toList} for conversions, you can use \texttt{List(...).max} for the
+maximum of a list, \texttt{List(...).indexOf(...)} for the first index of
+a value in a list.\bigskip
+\subsection*{Core Part 1 (3 Marks, file collatz.scala)}
+This part is about function definitions and recursion. You are asked
+to implement a Scala program that tests examples of the
+\emph{$3n + 1$-conjecture}, also called \emph{Collatz
+ conjecture}.\video{https://www.youtube.com./watch?v=LqKpkdRRLZw}
+This conjecture can be described as follows: Start with any positive
+number $n$ greater than $0$:
+\item If $n$ is even, divide it by $2$ to obtain $n / 2$.
+\item If $n$ is odd, multiply it by $3$ and add $1$ to obtain $3n +
+ 1$.
+\item Repeat this process and you will always end up with $1$.
+For example if you start with, say, $6$ and $9$, you obtain the
+two \emph{Collatz series}
+6, 3, 10, 5, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1 & \text{(= 8 steps)}\\
+9, 28, 14, 7, 22, 11, 34, 17, 52, 26, 13, 40, 20, 10, 5, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1 & \text{(= 19 steps)}\\
+As you can see, the numbers go up and down like a roller-coaster, but
+curiously they seem to always terminate in $1$. Nobody knows why. The
+conjecture is that this will \emph{always} happen for every number
+greater than 0.\footnote{While it is relatively easy to test this
+conjecture with particular numbers, it is an interesting open problem to
+\emph{prove} that the conjecture is true for \emph{all} numbers ($> 0$).
+Paul Erd\"o{}s, a famous mathematician you might have heard about, said
+about this conjecture: ``Mathematics may not [yet] be ready for such
+problems.'' and also offered a \$500 cash prize for its solution.
+Jeffrey Lagarias, another mathematician, claimed that based only on
+known information about this problem, ``this is an extraordinarily
+difficult problem, completely out of reach of present day mathematics.''
+There is also a \href{https://xkcd.com/710/}{xkcd} cartoon about this
+conjecture\here{https://xkcd.com/710/}). If you are able to solve this
+conjecture, you will definitely get famous.}\bigskip
+\item[(1)] You are asked to implement a recursive function that
+ calculates the number of steps needed until a series ends
+ with $1$. In case of starting with $6$, it takes $8$ steps and in
+ case of starting with $9$, it takes $19$ (see above). We assume it
+ takes $0$ steps, if we start with $1$. In order to
+ try out this function with large numbers, you should use
+ \texttt{Long} as argument type, instead of \texttt{Int}. You can
+ assume this function will be called with numbers between $1$ and
+ $1$ Million. \hfill[1 Mark]
+\item[(2)] Write a second function that takes an upper bound as
+ an argument and calculates the steps for all numbers in the range from
+ 1 up to this bound (the bound including). It returns the maximum number of
+ steps and the corresponding number that needs that many steps. More
+ precisely it returns a pair where the first component is the number
+ of steps and the second is the corresponding number. \hfill\mbox{[1
+ Mark]}
+\item[(3)] Write a function that calculates \emph{hard
+ numbers} \here{https://medium.com/cantors-paradise/the-collatz-conjecture-some-shocking-results-from-180-000-iterations-7fea130d0377}
+ in the Collatz series---these are the last odd numbers just before a
+ power of two is reached. For this, implement an
+ \textit{is-power-of-two} function which tests whether a number is a
+ power of two. The easiest way to implement this is by using the
+ bit-operator $\&$ of Scala. For a power of two, say $n$ with $n > 0$, it
+ holds that $n \;\&\; (n - 1)$ is equal to zero. I let you think why
+ this is the case.
+ The function \textit{is-hard} calculates whether
+ $3n + 1$ is a power of two. Finally the \textit{last-odd} function
+ calculates the last odd number before a power of 2 in the Collatz
+ series. This means for example when starting with 9,
+ we receive 5 as the last odd number. Surprisingly a lot of numbers
+ have 5 as last-odd number. But for example for 113 we obtain 85,
+ because of the series
+ %
+ \[113, 340, 170, \,\fbox{85}\,, 256, 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1\]
+ The \textit{last-odd} function will only be called with numbers that are not
+ powers of 2 themselves.\hfill\mbox{[1 Mark]}
+\textbf{Test Data:} Some test ranges and cases are:
+\item 1 to 10 where $9$ takes 19 steps
+\item 1 to 100 where $97$ takes 118 steps,
+\item 1 to 1,000 where $871$ takes 178 steps,
+\item 1 to 10,000 where $6,171$ takes 261 steps,
+\item 1 to 100,000 where $77,031$ takes 350 steps,
+\item 1 to 1 Million where $837,799$ takes 524 steps
+ %% runs out of stack space
+ %% \item[$\bullet$] $1 - 10$ million where $8,400,511$ takes 685 steps
+\item 21 is the last odd number for 84
+\item 341 is the last odd number for 201, 604, 605 and 8600
+%%%%%%% Historical Stuff
+This part is about web-scraping and list-processing in Scala. It uses
+online data about the per-capita alcohol consumption for each country
+(per year?), and a file containing the data about the population size of
+each country. From this data you are supposed to estimate how many
+litres of pure alcohol are consumed worldwide.\bigskip
+\textbf{Tasks (file alcohol.scala):}
+\item[(1)] Write a function that given an URL requests a
+ comma-separated value (CSV) list. We are interested in the list
+ from the following URL
+ \url{https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fivethirtyeight/data/master/alcohol-consumption/drinks.csv}
+\noindent Your function should take a string (the URL) as input, and
+produce a list of strings as output, where each string is one line in
+the corresponding CSV-list. This list from the URL above should
+contain 194 lines.\medskip
+Write another function that can read the file \texttt{population.csv}
+from disk (the file is distributed with the assignment). This
+function should take a string as argument, the file name, and again
+return a list of strings corresponding to each entry in the
+CSV-list. For \texttt{population.csv}, this list should contain 216
+lines.\hfill[1 Mark]
+\item[(2)] Unfortunately, the CSV-lists contain a lot of ``junk'' and we
+ need to extract the data that interests us. From the header of the
+ alcohol list, you can see there are 5 columns
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{l}
+ \texttt{country (name),}\\
+ \texttt{beer\_servings,}\\
+ \texttt{spirit\_servings,}\\
+ \texttt{wine\_servings,}\\
+ \texttt{total\_litres\_of\_pure\_alcohol}
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+ \noindent
+ Write a function that extracts the data from the first column,
+ the country name, and the data from the fifth column (converted into
+ a \texttt{Double}). For this go through each line of the CSV-list
+ (except the first line), use the \texttt{split(",")} function to
+ divide each line into an array of 5 elements. Keep the data from the
+ first and fifth element in these arrays.\medskip
+ \noindent
+ Write another function that processes the population size list. This
+ is already of the form country name and population size.\footnote{Your
+ friendly lecturer already did the messy processing for you from the
+ Worldbank database, see \url{https://github.com/datasets/population/tree/master/data} for the original.} Again, split the
+ strings according to the commas. However, this time generate a
+ \texttt{Map} from country names to population sizes.\hfill[1 Mark]
+\item[(3)] In (2) you generated the data about the alcohol consumption
+ per-capita for each country, and also the population size for each
+ country. From this generate next a sorted(!) list of the overall
+ alcohol consumption for each country. The list should be sorted from
+ highest alcohol consumption to lowest. The difficulty is that the
+ data is scraped off from ``random'' sources on the Internet and
+ annoyingly the spelling of some country names does not always agree in both
+ lists. For example the alcohol list contains
+ \texttt{Bosnia-Herzegovina}, while the population writes this country as
+ \texttt{Bosnia and Herzegovina}. In your sorted
+ overall list include only countries from the alcohol list, whose
+ exact country name is also in the population size list. This means
+ you can ignore countries like Bosnia-Herzegovina from the overall
+ alcohol consumption. There are 177 countries where the names
+ agree. The UK is ranked 10th on this list by
+ consuming 671,976,864 Litres of pure alcohol each year.\medskip
+ \noindent
+ Finally, write another function that takes an integer, say
+ \texttt{n}, as argument. You can assume this integer is between 0
+ and 177 (the number of countries in the sorted list above). The
+ function should return a triple, where the first component is the
+ sum of the alcohol consumption in all countries (on the list); the
+ second component is the sum of the \texttt{n}-highest alcohol
+ consumers on the list; and the third component is the percentage the
+ \texttt{n}-highest alcohol consumers drink with respect to the
+ the world consumption. You will see that according to our data, 164
+ countries (out of 177) gobble up 100\% of the World alcohol
+ consumption.\hfill\mbox{[1 Mark]}
+\textbf{Hints:} useful list functions: \texttt{.drop(n)},
+\texttt{.take(n)} for dropping or taking some elements in a list,
+\texttt{.getLines} for separating lines in a string;
+\texttt{.sortBy(\_.\_2)} sorts a list of pairs according to the second
+elements in the pairs---the sorting is done from smallest to highest;
+useful \texttt{Map} functions: \texttt{.toMap} converts a list of
+pairs into a \texttt{Map}, \texttt{.isDefinedAt(k)} tests whether the
+map is defined at that key, that is would produce a result when
+called with this key; useful data functions: \texttt{Source.fromURL},
+\texttt{Source.fromFile} for obtaining a webpage and reading a file.
+%%% Local Variables:
+%%% mode: latex
+%%% TeX-master: t
+%%% End:
Binary file cws/core_cw02.pdf has changed
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+++ b/cws/core_cw02.tex Fri Nov 05 16:47:55 2021 +0000
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+% !TEX program = xelatex
+%% should ask to lower case the words.
+\section*{Core Part 2 (Scala, 3 Marks)}
+\mbox{}\hfill\textit{``What one programmer can do in one month,}\\
+\mbox{}\hfill\textit{two programmers can do in two months.''}\smallskip\\
+\mbox{}\hfill\textit{ --- Frederick P.~Brooks (author of The Mythical Man-Month)}\bigskip\medskip
+\IMPORTANT{You are asked to implement a Scala program for measuring similarity in
+ texts. The preliminary part is due on \cwSEVEN{} at 5pm and worth 3\%.
+ Any 1\% you achieve in the preliminary part counts as your ``weekly engagement''.}
+Also note that the running time of each part will be restricted to a
+maximum of 30 seconds on my laptop.
+\subsection*{Reference Implementation}
+Like the C++ part, the Scala part works like this: you
+push your files to GitHub and receive (after sometimes a long delay) some
+automated feedback. In the end we will take a snapshot of the submitted files and
+apply an automated marking script to them.\medskip
+In addition, the Scala part comes with reference
+implementations in form of \texttt{jar}-files. This allows you to run
+any test cases on your own computer. For example you can call Scala on
+the command line with the option \texttt{-cp docdiff.jar} and then
+query any function from the template file. Say you want to find out
+what the function \texttt{occurrences} produces: for this you just need
+to prefix it with the object name \texttt{C2}. If you want to find out what
+these functions produce for the list \texttt{List("a", "b", "b")},
+you would type something like:
+$ scala -cp docdiff.jar
+scala> C2.occurrences(List("a", "b", "b"))
+\textbf{For the Core Part 2:} useful operations involving regular
+\noindent finds all
+substrings in \texttt{s} according to a regular regular expression
+\texttt{reg}; useful list operations: \texttt{.distinct}
+removing duplicates from a list, \texttt{.count} counts the number of
+elements in a list that satisfy some condition, \texttt{.toMap}
+transfers a list of pairs into a Map, \texttt{.sum} adds up a list of
+integers, \texttt{.max} calculates the maximum of a list.\bigskip
+\subsection*{Core Part 2 (3 Marks, file docdiff.scala)}
+It seems plagiarism---stealing and submitting someone
+else's code---is a serious problem at other
+universities.\footnote{Surely, King's students, after all their
+ instructions and warnings, would never commit such an offence. Yes?}
+Detecting such plagiarism is time-consuming and disheartening for
+lecturers at those universities. To aid these poor souls, let's
+implement in this part a program that determines the similarity
+between two documents (be they source code or texts in English). A
+document will be represented as a list of strings.
+\item[(1)] Implement a function that `cleans' a string by finding all
+ (proper) words in the string. For this use the regular expression
+ \texttt{\textbackslash{}w+} for recognising words and the library function
+ \texttt{findAllIn}. The function should return a document (a list of
+ strings).
+ \mbox{}\hfill\mbox{[0.5 Marks]}
+\item[(2)] In order to compute the overlap between two documents, we
+ associate each document with a \texttt{Map}. This Map represents the
+ strings in a document and how many times these strings occur in the
+ document. A simple (though slightly inefficient) method for counting
+ the number of string-occurrences in a document is as follows: remove
+ all duplicates from the document; for each of these (unique)
+ strings, count how many times they occur in the original document.
+ Return a Map associating strings with occurrences. For example
+ \begin{center}
+ \pcode{occurrences(List("a", "b", "b", "c", "d"))}
+ \end{center}
+ produces \pcode{Map(a -> 1, b -> 2, c -> 1, d -> 1)} and
+ \begin{center}
+ \pcode{occurrences(List("d", "b", "d", "b", "d"))}
+ \end{center}
+ produces \pcode{Map(d -> 3, b -> 2)}.\hfill[1 Mark]
+\item[(3)] You can think of the Maps calculated under (2) as memory-efficient
+ representations of sparse ``vectors''. In this subtask you need to
+ implement the \emph{product} of two such vectors, sometimes also called
+ \emph{dot product} of two vectors.\footnote{\url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dot_product}}
+ For this dot product, implement a function that takes two documents
+ (\texttt{List[String]}) as arguments. The function first calculates
+ the (unique) strings in both. For each string, it multiplies the
+ corresponding occurrences in each document. If a string does not
+ occur in one of the documents, then the product for this string is zero. At the end
+ you need to add up all products. For the two documents in (2) the dot
+ product is 7, because
+ \[
+ \underbrace{1 * 0}_{"a"} \;\;+\;\;
+ \underbrace{2 * 2}_{"b"} \;\;+\;\;
+ \underbrace{1 * 0}_{"c"} \;\;+\;\;
+ \underbrace{1 * 3}_{"d"} \qquad = 7
+ \]
+ \hfill\mbox{[1 Mark]}
+\item[(4)] Implement first a function that calculates the overlap
+ between two documents, say $d_1$ and $d_2$, according to the formula
+ \[
+ \texttt{overlap}(d_1, d_2) = \frac{d_1 \cdot d_2}{max(d_1^2, d_2^2)}
+ \]
+ where $d_1^2$ means $d_1 \cdot d_1$ and so on.
+ You can expect this function to return a \texttt{Double} between 0 and 1. The
+ overlap between the lists in (2) is $0.5384615384615384$.
+ Second, implement a function that calculates the similarity of
+ two strings, by first extracting the substrings using the clean
+ function from (1)
+ and then calculating the overlap of the resulting documents.\\
+ \mbox{}\hfill\mbox{[0.5 Marks]}
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+\section*{Core Part 3 (Scala, 3 Marks)}
+\mbox{}\hfill\textit{``[Google’s MapReduce] abstraction is inspired by the}\\
+\mbox{}\hfill\textit{map and reduce primitives present in Lisp and many}\\
+\mbox{}\hfill\textit{other functional languages.''}\smallskip\\
+\mbox{}\hfill\textit{ --- Dean and Ghemawat, who designed this concept at Google}
+\IMPORTANT{This part is about the shunting yard algorithm by Dijkstra.
+ The preliminary part is due on \sout{\cwEIGHT{}} \textcolor{red}{11 December}
+ at 5pm and worth 3\%.
+ Any 1\% you achieve in the preliminary part counts as your
+ ``weekly engagement''.}
+Also note that the running time of each part will be restricted to a
+maximum of 30 seconds on my laptop.
+\subsection*{Reference Implementation}
+This Scala assignment comes with two reference implementations in
+form of \texttt{jar}-files. This allows
+you to run any test cases on your own computer. For example you can
+call Scala on the command line with the option \texttt{-cp
+ postfix.jar} and then query any function from the
+\texttt{postfix.scala} file (similarly for file \texttt{postfix2.scala}). As
+usual you have to prefix the calls with \texttt{C3a} and
+\texttt{C3b}, respectively.
+$ scala -cp postfix.jar
+scala> C3a.syard(C3a.split("( 5 + 7 ) * 2"))
+val res0: C3a.Toks = List(5, 7, +, 2, *)
+\textbf{For Core Part 3:} useful operations for determining
+whether a string is a number are \texttt{.forall} and \texttt{.isDigit}.
+One way to calculate the the power operation is to use \texttt{.pow}
+on \texttt{BigInt}s, like \texttt{BigInt(n).pow(m).toInt}.
+\subsection*{Core Part (3 Marks, files postfix.scala, postfix2.scala)}
+The \emph{Shunting Yard Algorithm} has been developed by Edsger Dijkstra,
+an influential computer scientist who developed many well-known
+algorithms. This algorithm transforms the usual infix notation of
+arithmetic expressions into the postfix notation, sometimes also
+called reverse Polish notation.
+Why on Earth do people use the postfix notation? It is much more
+convenient to work with the usual infix notation for arithmetic
+expressions. Most modern pocket calculators (as opposed to the ones used 20
+years ago) understand infix notation. So why on Earth? \ldots{}Well,
+many computers under the hood, even nowadays, use postfix notation
+extensively. For example if you give to the Java compiler the
+expression $1 + ((2 * 3) + (4 - 3))$, it will generate the Java Byte
+ldc 1
+ldc 2
+ldc 3
+ldc 4
+ldc 3
+where the command \texttt{ldc} loads a constant onto the stack, and \texttt{imul},
+\texttt{isub} and \texttt{iadd} are commands acting on the stack. Clearly this
+is the arithmetic expression in postfix notation.\bigskip
+The shunting yard algorithm processes an input token list using an
+operator stack and an output list. The input consists of numbers,
+operators ($+$, $-$, $*$, $/$) and parentheses, and for the purpose of
+the assignment we assume the input is always a well-formed expression
+in infix notation. The calculation in the shunting yard algorithm uses
+information about the
+precedences of the operators (given in the template file). The
+algorithm processes the input token list as follows:
+\item If there is a number as input token, then this token is
+ transferred directly to the output list. Then the rest of the input is
+ processed.
+\item If there is an operator as input token, then you need to check
+ what is on top of the operator stack. If there are operators with
+ a higher or equal precedence, these operators are first popped off
+ from the stack and moved to the output list. Then the operator from the input
+ is pushed onto the stack and the rest of the input is processed.
+\item If the input is a left-parenthesis, you push it on to the stack
+ and continue processing the input.
+\item If the input is a right-parenthesis, then you pop off all operators
+ from the stack to the output list until you reach the left-parenthesis.
+ Then you discharge the $($ and $)$ from the input and stack, and continue
+ processing the input list.
+\item If the input is empty, then you move all remaining operators
+ from the stack to the output list.
+\subsubsection*{Tasks (file postfix.scala)}
+\item[(1)] Implement the shunting yard algorithm described above. The
+ function, called \texttt{syard}, takes a list of tokens as first
+ argument. The second and third arguments are the stack and output
+ list represented as Scala lists. The most convenient way to
+ implement this algorithm is to analyse what the input list, stack
+ and output list look like in each step using pattern-matching. The
+ algorithm transforms for example the input
+ \[
+ \texttt{List(3, +, 4, *, (, 2, -, 1, ))}
+ \]
+ into the postfix output
+ \[
+ \texttt{List(3, 4, 2, 1, -, *, +)}
+ \]
+ You can assume the input list is always a list representing
+ a well-formed infix arithmetic expression.\hfill[1 Mark]
+\item[(2)] Implement a compute function that takes a postfix expression
+ as argument and evaluates it generating an integer as result. It uses a
+ stack to evaluate the postfix expression. The operators $+$, $-$, $*$
+ are as usual; $/$ is division on integers, for example $7 / 3 = 2$.
+ \hfill[1 Mark]
+\subsubsection*{Task (file postfix2.scala)}
+\item[(3/4)] Extend the code in (1) and (2) to include the power
+ operator. This requires proper account of associativity of
+ the operators. The power operator is right-associative, whereas the
+ other operators are left-associative. Left-associative operators
+ are popped off if the precedence is bigger or equal, while
+ right-associative operators are only popped off if the precedence is
+ bigger.\hfill[1 Marks]
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function from the template file. Say you want to find out what
the function \code{get_january_data}
produces: for this you just need to prefix them with the object name
-\texttt{CW6b} and call them with some arguments:
+\texttt{M1} and call them with some arguments:
$ scala -cp drumb.jar
-scala> CW6b.get_january_data("FB", 2014)
+scala> M1.get_january_data("FB", 2014)
val res2: List[String] = List(2014-01-02,54.709999,....)
-\textbf{For the Main Part:} useful string functions:
+\textbf{For Main Part 1:} useful string functions:
\texttt{.startsWith(...)} for checking whether a string has a given
prefix, \texttt{\_ ++ \_} for concatenating two strings; useful option
functions: \texttt{.flatten} flattens a list of options such that it
@@ -58,13 +58,13 @@
\texttt{.split(",").toList} for splitting strings according to a
\textbf{Note!} Fortunately Scala supports operator overloading. But
make sure you understand the difference between \texttt{100 / 3} and
\texttt{100.0 / 3}!
-\subsection*{Main Part (7 Marks, file drumb.scala)}
+\subsection*{Main Part 1 (7 Marks, file drumb.scala)}
A purely fictional character named Mr T.~Drumb inherited in 1978
approximately 200 Million Dollar from his father. Mr Drumb prides
@@ -102,7 +102,13 @@
severely rate-limited. Therefore this part comes with a number
of files containing CSV-lists with the historical stock prices for the
companies in our portfolios. Use these files for the following
+\textbf{Note:} Do not hardcode the path to the CSV-files. The testing
+framework will assume that these files are in the same directory as the
+drumb.scala file.
@@ -231,7 +237,9 @@
of companies that went bust or were de-listed over the years.
So where does this leave our fictional character Mr T.~Drumb? Well, given
his inheritance, a really dumb investment strategy would have done
-equally well, if not much better.\medskip
+equally well, if not much better. And one would assume this guy is
+by now locked up in prison and the key thrown away, but alas he
+is still around annoying commonsense people.\medskip
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@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
%% should ask to lower case the words.
-\section*{Main Part 2 (Scala, 7 Marks)}
+\section*{Main Part 2 (Scala, 6 Marks)}
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
the command line with the option \texttt{-cp danube.jar} and then
query any function from the template file. Say you want to find out
what the function \texttt{} produces: for this you just need
-to prefix it with the object name \texttt{CW7b}. If you want to find out what
+to prefix it with the object name \texttt{M2}. If you want to find out what
these functions produce for the list \texttt{List("a", "b", "b")},
you would type something like:
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
scala> val ratings_url =
| """https://nms.kcl.ac.uk/christian.urban/ratings.csv"""
-scala> CW7b.get_csv_url(ratings_url)
+scala> M2.get_csv_url(ratings_url)
val res0: List[String] = List(1,1,4 ...)
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
-\subsection*{Main Part 2 (7 Marks, file danube.scala)}
+\subsection*{Main Part 2 (6 Marks, file danube.scala)}
You are creating Danube.co.uk which you hope will be the next big thing
in online movie renting. You know that you can save money by
@@ -189,17 +189,17 @@
then return fewer than two movie names.\\
\mbox{}\hfill [1 Mark]
-\item[(7)] Calculate the recommendations for all movies according to
- what the recommendations function in (6) produces (this
- can take a few seconds). Put all recommendations into a list
- (of strings) and count how often the strings occur in
- this list. This produces a list of string-int pairs,
- where the first component is the movie name and the second
- is the number of how many times the movie was recommended.
- Sort all the pairs according to the number
- of times they were recommended (most recommended movie name
- first).\\
- \mbox{}\hfill [1 Mark]
+%\item[(7)] Calculate the recommendations for all movies according to
+% what the recommendations function in (6) produces (this
+% can take a few seconds). Put all recommendations into a list
+% (of strings) and count how often the strings occur in
+% this list. This produces a list of string-int pairs,
+% where the first component is the movie name and the second
+% is the number of how many times the movie was recommended.
+% Sort all the pairs according to the number
+% of times they were recommended (most recommended movie name
+% first).\\
+% \mbox{}\hfill [1 Mark]
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% https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/brainf-ck/9nblgggzhvq5
-\section*{Main Part 3 (Scala, 7 Marks)}
+\section*{Main Part 3 (Scala, 6 Marks)}
%\mbox{}\hfill\textit{``[Google’s MapReduce] abstraction is inspired by the}\\
%\mbox{}\hfill\textit{map and reduce primitives present in Lisp and many}\\
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@
computer. For example you can call Scala on the command line with the
option \texttt{-cp re.jar} and then query any function from the
\texttt{re.scala} template file. As usual you have to prefix the calls
-with \texttt{CW8c} or import this object. Since some tasks
+with \texttt{M3} or import this object. Since some tasks
are time sensitive, you can check the reference implementation as
follows: if you want to know, for example, how long it takes to match
strings of $a$'s using the regular expression $(a^*)^*\cdot b$ you can
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@
$ scala -cp re.jar
-scala> import CW8c._
+scala> import M3._
scala> for (i <- 0 to 5000000 by 500000) {
| println(f"$i: ${time_needed(2, matcher(EVIL, "a" * i))}%.5f secs.")
| }
@@ -230,12 +230,21 @@
$\ZERO$ & $\mapsto$ & \texttt{ZERO}\\
$\ONE$ & $\mapsto$ & \texttt{ONE}\\
$c$ & $\mapsto$ & \texttt{CHAR(c)}\\
+ $\sum rs$ & $\mapsto$ & \texttt{ALTs(rs)}\\
$r_1 + r_2$ & $\mapsto$ & \texttt{ALT(r1, r2)} & \texttt{r1 | r2}\\
$r_1 \cdot r_2$ & $\mapsto$ & \texttt{SEQ(r1, r2)} & \texttt{r1 $\sim$ r2}\\
$r^*$ & $\mapsto$ & \texttt{STAR(r)} & \texttt{r.\%}
+The alternative regular expressions comes in two versions: one is
+binary (+ / \texttt{ALT}) and the other is n-ary ($\sum$ /
+\texttt{ALTs}). The latter takes a list of regular expressions as
+arguments. In what follows we shall use $rs$ to stand for lists of
+regular expressions. The binary alternative can be seen as an abbreviation,
+that is $r_1 + r_2 \dn \sum\,[r_1, r_2]$. As a result we can ignore the
+binary version and only implement the n-ary alternative.
\item[(1)] Implement a function, called \textit{nullable}, by
@@ -250,11 +259,11 @@
$\textit{nullable}(\ZERO)$ & $\dn$ & $\textit{false}$\\
$\textit{nullable}(\ONE)$ & $\dn$ & $\textit{true}$\\
$\textit{nullable}(c)$ & $\dn$ & $\textit{false}$\\
-$\textit{nullable}(r_1 + r_2)$ & $\dn$ & $\textit{nullable}(r_1) \vee \textit{nullable}(r_2)$\\
+$\textit{nullable}(\sum rs)$ & $\dn$ & $\exists r \in rs.\;\textit{nullable}(r)$\\
$\textit{nullable}(r_1 \cdot r_2)$ & $\dn$ & $\textit{nullable}(r_1) \wedge \textit{nullable}(r_2)$\\
$\textit{nullable}(r^*)$ & $\dn$ & $\textit{true}$\\
-\end{center}~\hfill[1 Mark]
+\end{center}~\hfill[0.5 Marks]
\item[(2)] Implement a function, called \textit{der}, by recursion over
regular expressions. It takes a character and a regular expression
@@ -266,7 +275,7 @@
$\textit{der}\;c\;(\ZERO)$ & $\dn$ & $\ZERO$\\
$\textit{der}\;c\;(\ONE)$ & $\dn$ & $\ZERO$\\
$\textit{der}\;c\;(d)$ & $\dn$ & $\textit{if}\; c = d\;\textit{then} \;\ONE \; \textit{else} \;\ZERO$\\
-$\textit{der}\;c\;(r_1 + r_2)$ & $\dn$ & $(\textit{der}\;c\;r_1) + (\textit{der}\;c\;r_2)$\\
+$\textit{der}\;c\;(\sum\;[r_1,..,r_n])$ & $\dn$ & $\sum\;[\textit{der}\;c\;r_1,..,\textit{der}\;c\;r_n]$\\
$\textit{der}\;c\;(r_1 \cdot r_2)$ & $\dn$ & $\textit{if}\;\textit{nullable}(r_1)$\\
& & $\textit{then}\;((\textit{der}\;c\;r_1)\cdot r_2) + (\textit{der}\;c\;r_2)$\\
& & $\textit{else}\;(\textit{der}\;c\;r_1)\cdot r_2$\\
@@ -312,7 +321,32 @@
Note, the last derivative can match the empty string, that is it is \textit{nullable}.\\
\mbox{}\hfill\mbox{[1 Mark]}
-\item[(3)] Implement the function \textit{simp}, which recursively
+\item[(3)] We next want to simplify regular expressions: essentially
+ we want to remove $\ZERO$ in regular expressions like $r + \ZERO$
+ and $\ZERO + r$. However, our n-ary alternative takes a list of
+ regular expressions as argument, we therefore need a more general
+ ``flatten'' function, called \texttt{flts}. This function should
+ analyse a list of regular expressions, say $rs$, as follows:
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{lllll}
+ 1) &$rs = []$ & $\dn$ & $[]$ & (empty list)\\
+ 2) &$rs = \ZERO :: rest$ & $\dn$ & $\textrm{flatten}\;rest$\\
+ 3) &$rs = (\sum rs_1) :: rest$ & $\dn$ & $rs_1 ::: \textrm{flatten}\;rest$\\
+ 4) &$rs = r :: rest$ & $\dn$ & $r :: \textrm{flatten}\;rest$ & (otherwise)\\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+ The first clause just states that empty lists cannot be further
+ flattened. The second removes all $\ZERO$s from the list.
+ The third is when the first regular expression is an \texttt{ALTs}, then
+ the content of this alternative should be spilled out and appended
+ with the flattened rest of the list. The last case is for all other
+ cases where the head of the list is not $\ZERO$ and not an \texttt{ALTs},
+ then we just keep the head of the list and flatten the rest.
+ \mbox{}\hfill\mbox{[1 Mark]}
+\item[(4)] Implement the function \textit{simp}, which recursively
traverses a regular expression, and on the way up simplifies every
regular expression on the left (see below) to the regular expression
on the right, except it does not simplify inside ${}^*$-regular
@@ -324,31 +358,35 @@
$\ZERO \cdot r$ & $\mapsto$ & $\ZERO$\\
$r \cdot \ONE$ & $\mapsto$ & $r$\\
$\ONE \cdot r$ & $\mapsto$ & $r$\\
-$r + \ZERO$ & $\mapsto$ & $r$\\
-$\ZERO + r$ & $\mapsto$ & $r$\\
-$r + r$ & $\mapsto$ & $r$\\
+$\sum\;[r_1,..,r_n]$ & $\mapsto$ & $\sum\;(\texttt{(flts + distinct)}[simp(r_1),..,simp(r_n)])$\\
- \end{center}
+ The last case is as follows: first apply $simp$ to all regular expressions
+ $r_1,.. ,r_n$; then flatten the resulting list using \texttt{flts};
+ finally remove all duplicates in this list (this can be done in Scala
+ using the function \texttt{\_.distinct}).
For example the regular expression
\[(r_1 + \ZERO) \cdot \ONE + ((\ONE + r_2) + r_3) \cdot (r_4 \cdot \ZERO)\]
simplifies to just $r_1$. \textbf{Hint:} Regular expressions can be
seen as trees and there are several methods for traversing
- trees. One of them corresponds to the inside-out traversal, which is also
- sometimes called post-order tra\-versal: you traverse inside the
- tree and on the way up you apply simplification rules.
- \textbf{Another Hint:}
- Remember numerical expressions from school times---there you had expressions
- like $u + \ldots + (1 \cdot x) - \ldots (z + (y \cdot 0)) \ldots$
- and simplification rules that looked very similar to rules
- above. You would simplify such numerical expressions by replacing
- for example the $y \cdot 0$ by $0$, or $1\cdot x$ by $x$, and then
- look whether more rules are applicable. If you organise the
- simplification in an inside-out fashion, it is always clear which
- simplification should be applied next.\hfill[1 Mark]
+ trees. One of them corresponds to the inside-out traversal, which is
+ also sometimes called post-order tra\-versal: you traverse inside
+ the tree and on the way up you apply simplification rules.
+ \textbf{Another Hint:} Remember numerical expressions from school
+ times---there you had expressions like
+ $u + \ldots + (1 \cdot x) - \ldots (z + (y \cdot 0)) \ldots$ and
+ simplification rules that looked very similar to rules above. You
+ would simplify such numerical expressions by replacing for example
+ the $y \cdot 0$ by $0$, or $1\cdot x$ by $x$, and then look whether
+ more rules are applicable. If you regard regular expressions as
+ trees and if you organise the simplification in an inside-out
+ fashion, it is always clear which simplification should be applied
+ next.\mbox{}\hfill\mbox{[1 Mark]}
-\item[(4)] Implement two functions: The first, called \textit{ders},
+\item[(5)] Implement two functions: The first, called \textit{ders},
takes a list of characters and a regular expression as arguments, and
builds the derivative w.r.t.~the list as follows:
@@ -371,7 +409,7 @@
true for the regular expression $(a\cdot b)\cdot c$ and the string
$abc$, but false if you give it the string $ab$. \hfill[1 Mark]
-\item[(5)] Implement a function, called \textit{size}, by recursion
+\item[(6)] Implement a function, called \textit{size}, by recursion
over regular expressions. If a regular expression is seen as a tree,
then \textit{size} should return the number of nodes in such a
tree. Therefore this function is defined as follows:
@@ -381,7 +419,7 @@
$\textit{size}(\ZERO)$ & $\dn$ & $1$\\
$\textit{size}(\ONE)$ & $\dn$ & $1$\\
$\textit{size}(c)$ & $\dn$ & $1$\\
-$\textit{size}(r_1 + r_2)$ & $\dn$ & $1 + \textit{size}(r_1) + \textit{size}(r_2)$\\
+$\textit{size}(\sum\,[r_1,..,r_n]$ & $\dn$ & $1 + \textit{size}(r_1) + ... + \textit{size}(r_n)$\\
$\textit{size}(r_1 \cdot r_2)$ & $\dn$ & $1 + \textit{size}(r_1) + \textit{size}(r_2)$\\
$\textit{size}(r^*)$ & $\dn$ & $1 + \textit{size}(r)$\\
@@ -391,9 +429,9 @@
expression $(a^*)^* \cdot b$ grows when taking successive derivatives
according the letter $a$ without simplification and then compare it to
taking the derivative, but simplify the result. The sizes
-are given in \texttt{re.scala}. \hfill[1 Mark]
+are given in \texttt{re.scala}. \hfill[0.5 Marks]
-\item[(6)] You do not have to implement anything specific under this
+\item[(7)] You do not have to implement anything specific under this
task. The purpose here is that you will be marked for some ``power''
test cases. For example can your matcher decide within 30 seconds
whether the regular expression $(a^*)^*\cdot b$ matches strings of the
@@ -406,20 +444,22 @@
\noindent correctly to just \texttt{ONE}, where \texttt{SEQ} is nested
50 or more times?\\
- \mbox{}\hfill[2 Marks]
+ \mbox{}\hfill[1 Mark]
-Although easily implementable in Scala, the idea behind the derivative
-function might not so easy to be seen. To understand its purpose
-better, assume a regular expression $r$ can match strings of the form
-$c\!::\!cs$ (that means strings which start with a character $c$ and have
-some rest, or tail, $cs$). If you take the derivative of $r$ with
-respect to the character $c$, then you obtain a regular expression
-that can match all the strings $cs$. In other words, the regular
-expression $\textit{der}\;c\;r$ can match the same strings $c\!::\!cs$
-that can be matched by $r$, except that the $c$ is chopped off.
+Although easily implementable in Scala (ok maybe the \texttt{simp} functions and
+\texttt{ALTs} needs a bit more thinking), the idea behind the
+derivative function might not so easy to be seen. To understand its
+purpose better, assume a regular expression $r$ can match strings of
+the form $c\!::\!cs$ (that means strings which start with a character
+$c$ and have some rest, or tail, $cs$). If you take the derivative of
+$r$ with respect to the character $c$, then you obtain a regular
+expression that can match all the strings $cs$. In other words, the
+regular expression $\textit{der}\;c\;r$ can match the same strings
+$c\!::\!cs$ that can be matched by $r$, except that the $c$ is chopped
Assume now $r$ can match the string $abc$. If you take the derivative
according to $a$ then you obtain a regular expression that can match
@@ -451,12 +491,13 @@
Java\footnote{Version 8 and below; Version 9 and above does not seem to be as
catastrophic, but still much worse than the regular expression
matcher based on derivatives.}, JavaScript and Python with the
-`evil' regular expression $(a^*)^*\cdot b$, then have a look at the
+``evil'' regular expression $(a^*)^*\cdot b$, then have a look at the
graphs below (you can try it out for yourself: have a look at the files
\texttt{catastrophic9.java}, \texttt{catastrophic.js},
\texttt{catastrophic.py} etc on KEATS). Compare this with the matcher you
-have implemented. How long can the string of $a$'s be in your matcher
-and still stay within the 30 seconds time limit?
+have implemented. How long can a string of $a$'s be in your matcher
+and still stay within the 30 seconds time limit? It should be muuuch better
+than your off-the-shelf matcher in your bog-standard language.
@@ -477,7 +518,7 @@
scaled ticks=false,
axis lines=left,
- height=5.5cm,
+ height=5.0cm,
legend entries={Python, Java 8, JavaScript, Swift, Dart},
legend pos=north west,
legend cell align=left]
@@ -503,7 +544,7 @@
scaled ticks=false,
axis lines=left,
- height=5.5cm,
+ height=5.0cm,
legend entries={Java 9},
legend pos=north west]
\addplot[cyan,mark=*, mark options={fill=white}] table {re-java9.data};
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-\section*{Preliminary Part 1 (Scala, 3 Marks)}
-\mbox{}\hfill\textit{``The most effective debugging tool is still careful thought,}\\
-\mbox{}\hfill\textit{coupled with judiciously placed print statements.''}\smallskip\\
-\mbox{}\hfill\textit{ --- Brian W. Kernighan, in Unix for Beginners (1979)}\bigskip
-\IMPORTANT{This part is about Scala. It is due on \cwSIX{} at 5pm and worth 3\%.
-Any 1\% you achieve in the preliminary part counts as your ``weekly engagement''.}
-Also note that the running time of each part will be restricted to a
-maximum of 30 seconds on my laptop.
-\subsection*{Reference Implementation}
-Like the C++ assignments, the Scala assignments will work like this: you
-push your files to GitHub and receive (after sometimes a long delay) some
-automated feedback. In the end we take a snapshot of the submitted files and
-apply an automated marking script to them.\medskip
-In addition, the Scala coursework comes with a reference implementation
-in form of \texttt{jar}-files. This allows you to run any test cases on
-your own computer. For example you can call Scala on the command line
-with the option \texttt{-cp collatz.jar} and then query any function
-from the template file. Say you want to find out what the functions
-\texttt{collatz} and \texttt{collatz\_max} produce: for this you just
-need to prefix them with the object name \texttt{CW6a}. If you want to
-find out what these functions produce for the argument \texttt{6}, you
-would type something like:
-$ scala -cp collatz.jar
-scala> CW6a.collatz(6)
-scala> CW6a.collatz_max(6)
-\textbf{For the Preliminary Part:} useful math operators: \texttt{\%} for modulo, \texttt{\&} for bit-wise and; useful
-functions: \mbox{\texttt{(1\,to\,10)}} for ranges, \texttt{.toInt},
-\texttt{.toList} for conversions, you can use \texttt{List(...).max} for the
-maximum of a list, \texttt{List(...).indexOf(...)} for the first index of
-a value in a list.\bigskip
-\subsection*{Preliminary Part (3 Marks, file collatz.scala)}
-This part is about function definitions and recursion. You are asked
-to implement a Scala program that tests examples of the
-\emph{$3n + 1$-conjecture}, also called \emph{Collatz
- conjecture}.\video{https://www.youtube.com./watch?v=LqKpkdRRLZw}
-This conjecture can be described as follows: Start with any positive
-number $n$ greater than $0$:
-\item If $n$ is even, divide it by $2$ to obtain $n / 2$.
-\item If $n$ is odd, multiply it by $3$ and add $1$ to obtain $3n +
- 1$.
-\item Repeat this process and you will always end up with $1$.
-For example if you start with, say, $6$ and $9$, you obtain the
-two \emph{Collatz series}
-6, 3, 10, 5, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1 & \text{(= 8 steps)}\\
-9, 28, 14, 7, 22, 11, 34, 17, 52, 26, 13, 40, 20, 10, 5, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1 & \text{(= 19 steps)}\\
-As you can see, the numbers go up and down like a roller-coaster, but
-curiously they seem to always terminate in $1$. Nobody knows why. The
-conjecture is that this will \emph{always} happen for every number
-greater than 0.\footnote{While it is relatively easy to test this
-conjecture with particular numbers, it is an interesting open problem to
-\emph{prove} that the conjecture is true for \emph{all} numbers ($> 0$).
-Paul Erd\"o{}s, a famous mathematician you might have heard about, said
-about this conjecture: ``Mathematics may not [yet] be ready for such
-problems.'' and also offered a \$500 cash prize for its solution.
-Jeffrey Lagarias, another mathematician, claimed that based only on
-known information about this problem, ``this is an extraordinarily
-difficult problem, completely out of reach of present day mathematics.''
-There is also a \href{https://xkcd.com/710/}{xkcd} cartoon about this
-conjecture\here{https://xkcd.com/710/}). If you are able to solve this
-conjecture, you will definitely get famous.}\bigskip
-\item[(1)] You are asked to implement a recursive function that
- calculates the number of steps needed until a series ends
- with $1$. In case of starting with $6$, it takes $8$ steps and in
- case of starting with $9$, it takes $19$ (see above). We assume it
- takes $0$ steps, if we start with $1$. In order to
- try out this function with large numbers, you should use
- \texttt{Long} as argument type, instead of \texttt{Int}. You can
- assume this function will be called with numbers between $1$ and
- $1$ Million. \hfill[1 Mark]
-\item[(2)] Write a second function that takes an upper bound as
- an argument and calculates the steps for all numbers in the range from
- 1 up to this bound (the bound including). It returns the maximum number of
- steps and the corresponding number that needs that many steps. More
- precisely it returns a pair where the first component is the number
- of steps and the second is the corresponding number. \hfill\mbox{[1
- Mark]}
-\item[(3)] Write a function that calculates \emph{hard
- numbers} \here{https://medium.com/cantors-paradise/the-collatz-conjecture-some-shocking-results-from-180-000-iterations-7fea130d0377}
- in the Collatz series---these are the last odd numbers just before a
- power of two is reached. For this, implement an
- \textit{is-power-of-two} function which tests whether a number is a
- power of two. The easiest way to implement this is by using the
- bit-operator $\&$ of Scala. For a power of two, say $n$ with $n > 0$, it
- holds that $n \;\&\; (n - 1)$ is equal to zero. I let you think why
- this is the case.
- The function \textit{is-hard} calculates whether
- $3n + 1$ is a power of two. Finally the \textit{last-odd} function
- calculates the last odd number before a power of 2 in the Collatz
- series. This means for example when starting with 9,
- we receive 5 as the last odd number. Surprisingly a lot of numbers
- have 5 as last-odd number. But for example for 113 we obtain 85,
- because of the series
- %
- \[113, 340, 170, \,\fbox{85}\,, 256, 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1\]
- The \textit{last-odd} function will only be called with numbers that are not
- powers of 2 themselves.
-\textbf{Test Data:} Some test ranges and cases are:
-\item 1 to 10 where $9$ takes 19 steps
-\item 1 to 100 where $97$ takes 118 steps,
-\item 1 to 1,000 where $871$ takes 178 steps,
-\item 1 to 10,000 where $6,171$ takes 261 steps,
-\item 1 to 100,000 where $77,031$ takes 350 steps,
-\item 1 to 1 Million where $837,799$ takes 524 steps
- %% runs out of stack space
- %% \item[$\bullet$] $1 - 10$ million where $8,400,511$ takes 685 steps
-\item 21 is the last odd number for 84
-\item 341 is the last odd number for 201, 604, 605 and 8600
-%%%%%%% Historical Stuff
-This part is about web-scraping and list-processing in Scala. It uses
-online data about the per-capita alcohol consumption for each country
-(per year?), and a file containing the data about the population size of
-each country. From this data you are supposed to estimate how many
-litres of pure alcohol are consumed worldwide.\bigskip
-\textbf{Tasks (file alcohol.scala):}
-\item[(1)] Write a function that given an URL requests a
- comma-separated value (CSV) list. We are interested in the list
- from the following URL
- \url{https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fivethirtyeight/data/master/alcohol-consumption/drinks.csv}
-\noindent Your function should take a string (the URL) as input, and
-produce a list of strings as output, where each string is one line in
-the corresponding CSV-list. This list from the URL above should
-contain 194 lines.\medskip
-Write another function that can read the file \texttt{population.csv}
-from disk (the file is distributed with the assignment). This
-function should take a string as argument, the file name, and again
-return a list of strings corresponding to each entry in the
-CSV-list. For \texttt{population.csv}, this list should contain 216
-lines.\hfill[1 Mark]
-\item[(2)] Unfortunately, the CSV-lists contain a lot of ``junk'' and we
- need to extract the data that interests us. From the header of the
- alcohol list, you can see there are 5 columns
- \begin{center}
- \begin{tabular}{l}
- \texttt{country (name),}\\
- \texttt{beer\_servings,}\\
- \texttt{spirit\_servings,}\\
- \texttt{wine\_servings,}\\
- \texttt{total\_litres\_of\_pure\_alcohol}
- \end{tabular}
- \end{center}
- \noindent
- Write a function that extracts the data from the first column,
- the country name, and the data from the fifth column (converted into
- a \texttt{Double}). For this go through each line of the CSV-list
- (except the first line), use the \texttt{split(",")} function to
- divide each line into an array of 5 elements. Keep the data from the
- first and fifth element in these arrays.\medskip
- \noindent
- Write another function that processes the population size list. This
- is already of the form country name and population size.\footnote{Your
- friendly lecturer already did the messy processing for you from the
- Worldbank database, see \url{https://github.com/datasets/population/tree/master/data} for the original.} Again, split the
- strings according to the commas. However, this time generate a
- \texttt{Map} from country names to population sizes.\hfill[1 Mark]
-\item[(3)] In (2) you generated the data about the alcohol consumption
- per-capita for each country, and also the population size for each
- country. From this generate next a sorted(!) list of the overall
- alcohol consumption for each country. The list should be sorted from
- highest alcohol consumption to lowest. The difficulty is that the
- data is scraped off from ``random'' sources on the Internet and
- annoyingly the spelling of some country names does not always agree in both
- lists. For example the alcohol list contains
- \texttt{Bosnia-Herzegovina}, while the population writes this country as
- \texttt{Bosnia and Herzegovina}. In your sorted
- overall list include only countries from the alcohol list, whose
- exact country name is also in the population size list. This means
- you can ignore countries like Bosnia-Herzegovina from the overall
- alcohol consumption. There are 177 countries where the names
- agree. The UK is ranked 10th on this list by
- consuming 671,976,864 Litres of pure alcohol each year.\medskip
- \noindent
- Finally, write another function that takes an integer, say
- \texttt{n}, as argument. You can assume this integer is between 0
- and 177 (the number of countries in the sorted list above). The
- function should return a triple, where the first component is the
- sum of the alcohol consumption in all countries (on the list); the
- second component is the sum of the \texttt{n}-highest alcohol
- consumers on the list; and the third component is the percentage the
- \texttt{n}-highest alcohol consumers drink with respect to the
- the world consumption. You will see that according to our data, 164
- countries (out of 177) gobble up 100\% of the World alcohol
- consumption.\hfill\mbox{[1 Mark]}
-\textbf{Hints:} useful list functions: \texttt{.drop(n)},
-\texttt{.take(n)} for dropping or taking some elements in a list,
-\texttt{.getLines} for separating lines in a string;
-\texttt{.sortBy(\_.\_2)} sorts a list of pairs according to the second
-elements in the pairs---the sorting is done from smallest to highest;
-useful \texttt{Map} functions: \texttt{.toMap} converts a list of
-pairs into a \texttt{Map}, \texttt{.isDefinedAt(k)} tests whether the
-map is defined at that key, that is would produce a result when
-called with this key; useful data functions: \texttt{Source.fromURL},
-\texttt{Source.fromFile} for obtaining a webpage and reading a file.
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-%% should ask to lower case the words.
-\section*{Preliminary Part 2 (Scala, 3 Marks)}
-\mbox{}\hfill\textit{``What one programmer can do in one month,}\\
-\mbox{}\hfill\textit{two programmers can do in two months.''}\smallskip\\
-\mbox{}\hfill\textit{ --- Frederick P.~Brooks (author of The Mythical Man-Month)}\bigskip\medskip
-\IMPORTANT{You are asked to implement a Scala program for measuring similarity in
- texts. The preliminary part is due on \cwSEVEN{} at 5pm and worth 3\%.
- Any 1\% you achieve in the preliminary part counts as your ``weekly engagement''.}
-Also note that the running time of each part will be restricted to a
-maximum of 30 seconds on my laptop.
-\subsection*{Reference Implementation}
-Like the C++ part, the Scala part works like this: you
-push your files to GitHub and receive (after sometimes a long delay) some
-automated feedback. In the end we will take a snapshot of the submitted files and
-apply an automated marking script to them.\medskip
-In addition, the Scala part comes with reference
-implementations in form of \texttt{jar}-files. This allows you to run
-any test cases on your own computer. For example you can call Scala on
-the command line with the option \texttt{-cp docdiff.jar} and then
-query any function from the template file. Say you want to find out
-what the function \texttt{occurrences} produces: for this you just need
-to prefix it with the object name \texttt{CW7a}. If you want to find out what
-these functions produce for the list \texttt{List("a", "b", "b")},
-you would type something like:
-$ scala -cp docdiff.jar
-scala> CW7a.occurrences(List("a", "b", "b"))
-\textbf{For the Preliminary Part:} useful operations involving regular
-\noindent finds all
-substrings in \texttt{s} according to a regular regular expression
-\texttt{reg}; useful list operations: \texttt{.distinct}
-removing duplicates from a list, \texttt{.count} counts the number of
-elements in a list that satisfy some condition, \texttt{.toMap}
-transfers a list of pairs into a Map, \texttt{.sum} adds up a list of
-integers, \texttt{.max} calculates the maximum of a list.\bigskip
-\subsection*{Preliminary Part (3 Marks, file docdiff.scala)}
-It seems source code plagiarism---stealing and submitting someone
-else's code---is a serious problem at other
-universities.\footnote{Surely, King's students, after all their
- instructions and warnings, would never commit such an offence. Yes?}
-Detecting such plagiarism is time-consuming and disheartening for
-lecturers at those universities. To aid these poor souls, let's
-implement in this part a program that determines the similarity
-between two documents (be they source code or texts in English). A
-document will be represented as a list of strings.
-\item[(1)] Implement a function that `cleans' a string by finding all
- (proper) words in this string. For this use the regular expression
- \texttt{\textbackslash{}w+} for recognising words and the library function
- \texttt{findAllIn}. The function should return a document (a list of
- strings).\\
- \mbox{}\hfill [0.5 Marks]
-\item[(2)] In order to compute the overlap between two documents, we
- associate each document with a \texttt{Map}. This Map represents the
- strings in a document and how many times these strings occur in the
- document. A simple (though slightly inefficient) method for counting
- the number of string-occurrences in a document is as follows: remove
- all duplicates from the document; for each of these (unique)
- strings, count how many times they occur in the original document.
- Return a Map associating strings with occurrences. For example
- \begin{center}
- \pcode{occurrences(List("a", "b", "b", "c", "d"))}
- \end{center}
- produces \pcode{Map(a -> 1, b -> 2, c -> 1, d -> 1)} and
- \begin{center}
- \pcode{occurrences(List("d", "b", "d", "b", "d"))}
- \end{center}
- produces \pcode{Map(d -> 3, b -> 2)}.\hfill[1 Mark]
-\item[(3)] You can think of the Maps calculated under (2) as memory-efficient
- representations of sparse ``vectors''. In this subtask you need to
- implement the \emph{product} of two such vectors, sometimes also called
- \emph{dot product} of two vectors.\footnote{\url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dot_product}}
- For this dot product, implement a function that takes two documents
- (\texttt{List[String]}) as arguments. The function first calculates
- the (unique) strings in both. For each string, it multiplies the
- corresponding occurrences in each document. If a string does not
- occur in one of the documents, then the product for this string is zero. At the end
- you need to add up all products. For the two documents in (2) the dot
- product is 7, because
- \[
- \underbrace{1 * 0}_{"a"} \;\;+\;\;
- \underbrace{2 * 2}_{"b"} \;\;+\;\;
- \underbrace{1 * 0}_{"c"} \;\;+\;\;
- \underbrace{1 * 3}_{"d"} \qquad = 7
- \]
- \hfill\mbox{[1 Mark]}
-\item[(4)] Implement first a function that calculates the overlap
- between two documents, say $d_1$ and $d_2$, according to the formula
- \[
- \texttt{overlap}(d_1, d_2) = \frac{d_1 \cdot d_2}{max(d_1^2, d_2^2)}
- \]
- where $d_1^2$ means $d_1 \cdot d_1$ and so on.
- You can expect this function to return a \texttt{Double} between 0 and 1. The
- overlap between the lists in (2) is $0.5384615384615384$.
- Second, implement a function that calculates the similarity of
- two strings, by first extracting the substrings using the clean
- function from (1)
- and then calculating the overlap of the resulting documents.\\
- \mbox{}\hfill\mbox{[0.5 Marks]}
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-\section*{Preliminary Part 3 (Scala, 3 Marks)}
-\mbox{}\hfill\textit{``[Google’s MapReduce] abstraction is inspired by the}\\
-\mbox{}\hfill\textit{map and reduce primitives present in Lisp and many}\\
-\mbox{}\hfill\textit{other functional languages.''}\smallskip\\
-\mbox{}\hfill\textit{ --- Dean and Ghemawat, who designed this concept at Google}
-\IMPORTANT{This part is about the shunting yard algorithm by Dijkstra.
- The preliminary part is due on \sout{\cwEIGHT{}} \textcolor{red}{11 December}
- at 5pm and worth 3\%.
- Any 1\% you achieve in the preliminary part counts as your
- ``weekly engagement''.}
-Also note that the running time of each part will be restricted to a
-maximum of 30 seconds on my laptop.
-\subsection*{Reference Implementation}
-This Scala assignment comes with two reference implementations in
-form of \texttt{jar}-files. This allows
-you to run any test cases on your own computer. For example you can
-call Scala on the command line with the option \texttt{-cp
- postfix.jar} and then query any function from the
-\texttt{postfix.scala} file (similarly for file \texttt{postfix2.scala}). As
-usual you have to prefix the calls with \texttt{CW8a} and
-\texttt{CW8b}, respectively.
-$ scala -cp postfix.jar
-scala> CW8a.syard(CW8a.split("( 5 + 7 ) * 2"))
-val res0: CW8a.Toks = List(5, 7, +, 2, *)
-\textbf{For the Preliminary Part:} useful operations for determining
-whether a string is a number are \texttt{.forall} and \texttt{.isDigit}.
-One way to calculate the the power operation is to use \texttt{.pow}
-on \texttt{BigInt}s, like \texttt{BigInt(n).pow(m).toInt}.
-\subsection*{Preliminary Part (3 Marks, files postfix.scala, postfix2.scala)}
-The \emph{Shunting Yard Algorithm} has been developed by Edsger Dijkstra,
-an influential computer scientist who developed many well-known
-algorithms. This algorithm transforms the usual infix notation of
-arithmetic expressions into the postfix notation, sometimes also
-called reverse Polish notation.
-Why on Earth do people use the postfix notation? It is much more
-convenient to work with the usual infix notation for arithmetic
-expressions. Most modern pocket calculators (as opposed to the ones used 20
-years ago) understand infix notation. So why on Earth? \ldots{}Well,
-many computers under the hood, even nowadays, use postfix notation
-extensively. For example if you give to the Java compiler the
-expression $1 + ((2 * 3) + (4 - 3))$, it will generate the Java Byte
-ldc 1
-ldc 2
-ldc 3
-ldc 4
-ldc 3
-where the command \texttt{ldc} loads a constant onto the stack, and \texttt{imul},
-\texttt{isub} and \texttt{iadd} are commands acting on the stack. Clearly this
-is the arithmetic expression in postfix notation.\bigskip
-The shunting yard algorithm processes an input token list using an
-operator stack and an output list. The input consists of numbers,
-operators ($+$, $-$, $*$, $/$) and parentheses, and for the purpose of
-the assignment we assume the input is always a well-formed expression
-in infix notation. The calculation in the shunting yard algorithm uses
-information about the
-precedences of the operators (given in the template file). The
-algorithm processes the input token list as follows:
-\item If there is a number as input token, then this token is
- transferred directly to the output list. Then the rest of the input is
- processed.
-\item If there is an operator as input token, then you need to check
- what is on top of the operator stack. If there are operators with
- a higher or equal precedence, these operators are first popped off
- from the stack and moved to the output list. Then the operator from the input
- is pushed onto the stack and the rest of the input is processed.
-\item If the input is a left-parenthesis, you push it on to the stack
- and continue processing the input.
-\item If the input is a right-parenthesis, then you pop off all operators
- from the stack to the output list until you reach the left-parenthesis.
- Then you discharge the $($ and $)$ from the input and stack, and continue
- processing the input list.
-\item If the input is empty, then you move all remaining operators
- from the stack to the output list.
-\subsubsection*{Tasks (file postfix.scala)}
-\item[(1)] Implement the shunting yard algorithm described above. The
- function, called \texttt{syard}, takes a list of tokens as first
- argument. The second and third arguments are the stack and output
- list represented as Scala lists. The most convenient way to
- implement this algorithm is to analyse what the input list, stack
- and output list look like in each step using pattern-matching. The
- algorithm transforms for example the input
- \[
- \texttt{List(3, +, 4, *, (, 2, -, 1, ))}
- \]
- into the postfix output
- \[
- \texttt{List(3, 4, 2, 1, -, *, +)}
- \]
- You can assume the input list is always a list representing
- a well-formed infix arithmetic expression.\hfill[1 Mark]
-\item[(2)] Implement a compute function that takes a postfix expression
- as argument and evaluates it generating an integer as result. It uses a
- stack to evaluate the postfix expression. The operators $+$, $-$, $*$
- are as usual; $/$ is division on integers, for example $7 / 3 = 2$.
- \hfill[1 Mark]
-\subsubsection*{Task (file postfix2.scala)}
-\item[(3/4)] Extend the code in (1) and (2) to include the power
- operator. This requires proper account of associativity of
- the operators. The power operator is right-associative, whereas the
- other operators are left-associative. Left-associative operators
- are popped off if the precedence is bigger or equal, while
- right-associative operators are only popped off if the precedence is
- bigger.\hfill[1 Marks]
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--- a/main_solution1/drumb.scala Thu Nov 04 12:20:12 2021 +0000
+++ b/main_solution1/drumb.scala Fri Nov 05 16:47:55 2021 +0000
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
// strings for each line in the CSV-file.
def get_january_data(symbol: String, year: Int) : List[String] =
- Source.fromFile(symbol ++ ".csv")("ISO-8859-1").getLines.toList.filter(_.startsWith(year.toString))
+ Source.fromFile(symbol ++ ".csv")("ISO-8859-1").getLines().toList.filter(_.startsWith(year.toString))
//test cases
@@ -169,10 +169,32 @@
//test cases for the two portfolios given above
-//println("Real data: " + investment(rstate_portfolio, 1978 to 2019, 100))
-//println("Blue data: " + investment(blchip_portfolio, 1978 to 2019, 100))
+ println("Real data: " + investment(rstate_portfolio, 1978 to 2019, 100))
+ println("Blue data: " + investment(blchip_portfolio, 1978 to 2019, 100))
+import CW6b._
+investment(rstate_portfolio, 1978 to 2019, 100)
--- a/main_solution3/re.scala Thu Nov 04 12:20:12 2021 +0000
+++ b/main_solution3/re.scala Fri Nov 05 16:47:55 2021 +0000
@@ -1,19 +1,24 @@
// Core Part about Regular Expression Matching
-object CW8c {
+object M3 {
// Regular Expressions
abstract class Rexp
case object ZERO extends Rexp
case object ONE extends Rexp
case class CHAR(c: Char) extends Rexp
-case class ALT(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) extends Rexp
-case class SEQ(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) extends Rexp
-case class STAR(r: Rexp) extends Rexp
+case class ALTs(rs: List[Rexp]) extends Rexp // alternatives
+case class SEQ(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) extends Rexp // sequence
+case class STAR(r: Rexp) extends Rexp // star
// some convenience for typing in regular expressions
+//the usual binary choice can be defined in terms of ALTs
+def ALT(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) = ALTs(List(r1, r2))
import scala.language.implicitConversions
import scala.language.reflectiveCalls
@@ -49,7 +54,7 @@
case ZERO => false
case ONE => true
case CHAR(_) => false
- case ALT(r1, r2) => nullable(r1) || nullable(r2)
+ case ALTs(rs) => rs.exists(nullable)
case SEQ(r1, r2) => nullable(r1) && nullable(r2)
case STAR(_) => true
@@ -63,13 +68,22 @@
case ZERO => ZERO
case ONE => ZERO
case CHAR(d) => if (c == d) ONE else ZERO
- case ALT(r1, r2) => ALT(der(c, r1), der(c, r2))
+ case ALTs(rs) => ALTs(rs.map(der(c, _)))
case SEQ(r1, r2) =>
if (nullable(r1)) ALT(SEQ(der(c, r1), r2), der(c, r2))
else SEQ(der(c, r1), r2)
case STAR(r1) => SEQ(der(c, r1), STAR(r1))
+def flts(rs: List[Rexp]) : List[Rexp] = rs match {
+ case Nil => Nil
+ case ZERO::tl => flts(tl)
+ case ALTs(rs1)::rs2 => rs1 ::: flts(rs2)
+ case r::rs => r :: flts(rs)
// (3) Complete the simp function according to
// the specification given in the coursework; this
// function simplifies a regular expression from
@@ -77,11 +91,12 @@
// expressions; however it does not simplify inside
// STAR-regular expressions.
def simp(r: Rexp) : Rexp = r match {
- case ALT(r1, r2) => (simp(r1), simp(r2)) match {
- case (ZERO, r2s) => r2s
- case (r1s, ZERO) => r1s
- case (r1s, r2s) => if (r1s == r2s) r1s else ALT (r1s, r2s)
+ case ALTs(rs) => (flts(rs.map(simp)).distinct) match {
+ case Nil => ZERO
+ case r::Nil => r
+ case rs => ALTs(rs)
case SEQ(r1, r2) => (simp(r1), simp(r2)) match {
case (ZERO, _) => ZERO
@@ -117,7 +132,7 @@
case ZERO => 1
case ONE => 1
case CHAR(_) => 1
- case ALT(r1, r2) => 1 + size(r1) + size (r2)
+ case ALTs(rs) => 1 + rs.map(size).sum
case SEQ(r1, r2) => 1 + size(r1) + size (r2)
case STAR(r1) => 1 + size(r1)
@@ -132,16 +147,19 @@
// the supposedly 'evil' regular expression (a*)* b
val EVIL = SEQ(STAR(STAR(CHAR('a'))), CHAR('b'))
-//matcher(EVIL, "a" * 1000 ++ "b") // => true
-//matcher(EVIL, "a" * 1000) // => false
+//println(matcher(EVIL, "a" * 1000 ++ "b")) // => true
+//println(matcher(EVIL, "a" * 1000)) // => false
// size without simplifications
-//size(der('a', der('a', EVIL))) // => 28
-//size(der('a', der('a', der('a', EVIL)))) // => 58
+//println(size(der('a', der('a', EVIL)))) // => 28
+//println(size(der('a', der('a', der('a', EVIL))))) // => 58
// size with simplification
-//size(simp(der('a', der('a', EVIL)))) // => 8
-//size(simp(der('a', der('a', der('a', EVIL))))) // => 8
+//println(simp(der('a', der('a', EVIL)))) // => 8
+//println(simp(der('a', der('a', der('a', EVIL)))))// => 8
+//println(size(simp(der('a', der('a', EVIL))))) // => 8
+//println(size(simp(der('a', der('a', der('a', EVIL)))))) // => 8
// Python needs around 30 seconds for matching 28 a's with EVIL.
// Java 9 and later increase this to an "astonishing" 40000 a's in
Binary file main_templates1/drumb.jar has changed
--- a/main_templates1/drumb.scala Thu Nov 04 12:20:12 2021 +0000
+++ b/main_templates1/drumb.scala Fri Nov 05 16:47:55 2021 +0000
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-// Core Part about a really dumb investment strategy
+// Main Part 1 about a really dumb investment strategy
-object CW6b {
+object M1 {
//two test portfolios
Binary file main_templates2/danube.jar has changed
--- a/main_templates2/danube.scala Thu Nov 04 12:20:12 2021 +0000
+++ b/main_templates2/danube.scala Fri Nov 05 16:47:55 2021 +0000
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-// Core Part about Movie Recommendations
+// Main Part 2 about Movie Recommendations
// at Danube.co.uk
-object CW7b {
+object M2 {
import io.Source
import scala.util._
@@ -158,29 +158,4 @@
-// (7) Calculate the recommendations for all movies according to
-// what the recommendations function in (6) produces (this
-// can take a few seconds). Put all recommendations into a list
-// (of strings) and count how often the strings occur in
-// this list. This produces a list of string-int pairs,
-// where the first component is the movie name and the second
-// is the number of how many times the movie was recommended.
-// Sort all the pairs according to the number
-// of times they were recommended (most recommended movie name
-// first).
-def most_recommended(recs: Map[String, List[String]],
- movs: Map[String, String]) : List[(String, Int)] = ???
-// testcase
-//most_recommended(ratings_map, movies_map).take(3)
-// =>
-// List((Matrix,698),
-// (Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977),402),
-// (Jerry Maguire (1996),382))
Binary file main_templates3/re.jar has changed
--- a/main_templates3/re.scala Thu Nov 04 12:20:12 2021 +0000
+++ b/main_templates3/re.scala Fri Nov 05 16:47:55 2021 +0000
@@ -1,20 +1,24 @@
-// Core Part about Regular Expression Matching
+// Main Part 3 about Regular Expression Matching
-object CW8c {
+object M3 {
// Regular Expressions
abstract class Rexp
case object ZERO extends Rexp
case object ONE extends Rexp
case class CHAR(c: Char) extends Rexp
-case class ALT(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) extends Rexp // alternative
+case class ALTs(rs: List[Rexp]) extends Rexp // alternatives
case class SEQ(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) extends Rexp // sequence
case class STAR(r: Rexp) extends Rexp // star
// some convenience for typing regular expressions
+//the usual binary choice can be defined in terms of ALTs
+def ALT(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) = ALTs(List(r1, r2))
import scala.language.implicitConversions
import scala.language.reflectiveCalls
@@ -56,17 +60,27 @@
def der (c: Char, r: Rexp) : Rexp = ???
-// (3) Complete the simp function according to
-// the specification given in the coursework; this
-// function simplifies a regular expression from
+// (3) Implement the flatten function flts. It
+// deletes 0s from a list of regular expressions
+// and also 'spills out', or flattens, nested
+// ALTernativeS.
+def flts(rs: List[Rexp]) : List[Rexp] = ???
+// (4) Complete the simp function according to
+// the specification given in the coursework description;
+// this function simplifies a regular expression from
// the inside out, like you would simplify arithmetic
// expressions; however it does not simplify inside
-// STAR-regular expressions.
+// STAR-regular expressions. Use the _.distinct and
+// flts functions.
def simp(r: Rexp) : Rexp = ???
-// (4) Complete the two functions below; the first
+// (5) Complete the two functions below; the first
// calculates the derivative w.r.t. a string; the second
// is the regular expression matcher taking a regular
// expression and a string and checks whether the
@@ -77,7 +91,7 @@
def matcher(r: Rexp, s: String): Boolean = ???
-// (5) Complete the size function for regular
+// (6) Complete the size function for regular
// expressions according to the specification
// given in the coursework.
Binary file pre_templates1/collatz.jar has changed
--- a/pre_templates1/collatz.scala Thu Nov 04 12:20:12 2021 +0000
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-// Preliminary Part about the 3n+1 conjecture
-object CW6a {
-//(1) Complete the collatz function below. It should
-// recursively calculate the number of steps needed
-// until the collatz series reaches the number 1.
-// If needed, you can use an auxiliary function that
-// performs the recursion. The function should expect
-// arguments in the range of 1 to 1 Million.
-def collatz(n: Long) : Long = ???
-//(2) Complete the collatz_max function below. It should
-// calculate how many steps are needed for each number
-// from 1 up to a bound and then calculate the maximum number of
-// steps and the corresponding number that needs that many
-// steps. Again, you should expect bounds in the range of 1
-// up to 1 Million. The first component of the pair is
-// the maximum number of steps and the second is the
-// corresponding number.
-def collatz_max(bnd: Long) : (Long, Long) = ???
-//(3) Implement a function that calculates the last_odd
-// number in a collatz series. For this implement an
-// is_pow_of_two function which tests whether a number
-// is a power of two. The function is_hard calculates
-// whether 3n + 1 is a power of two. Again you can
-// assume the input ranges between 1 and 1 Million,
-// and also assume that the input of last_odd will not
-// be a power of 2.
-def is_pow_of_two(n: Long) : Boolean = ???
-def is_hard(n: Long) : Boolean = ???
-def last_odd(n: Long) : Long = ???
Binary file pre_templates2/docdiff.jar has changed
--- a/pre_templates2/docdiff.scala Thu Nov 04 12:20:12 2021 +0000
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-// Preliminary Part about Code Similarity
-object CW7a {
-//(1) Complete the clean function below. It should find
-// all words in a string using the regular expression
-// \w+ and the library function
-// some_regex.findAllIn(some_string)
-// The words should be Returned as a list of strings.
-def clean(s: String) : List[String] = ???
-//(2) The function occurrences calculates the number of times
-// strings occur in a list of strings. These occurrences should
-// be calculated as a Map from strings to integers.
-def occurrences(xs: List[String]): Map[String, Int] = ???
-//(3) This functions calculates the dot-product of two documents
-// (list of strings). For this it calculates the occurrence
-// maps from (2) and then multiplies the corresponding occurrences.
-// If a string does not occur in a document, the product is zero.
-// The function finally sums up all products.
-def prod(lst1: List[String], lst2: List[String]) : Int = ???
-//(4) Complete the functions overlap and similarity. The overlap of
-// two documents is calculated by the formula given in the assignment
-// description. The similarity of two strings is given by the overlap
-// of the cleaned strings (see (1)).
-def overlap(lst1: List[String], lst2: List[String]) : Double = ???
-def similarity(s1: String, s2: String) : Double = ???
-/* Test cases
-val list1 = List("a", "b", "b", "c", "d")
-val list2 = List("d", "b", "d", "b", "d")
-occurrences(List("a", "b", "b", "c", "d")) // Map(a -> 1, b -> 2, c -> 1, d -> 1)
-occurrences(List("d", "b", "d", "b", "d")) // Map(d -> 3, b -> 2)
-prod(list1,list2) // 7
-overlap(list1, list2) // 0.5384615384615384
-overlap(list2, list1) // 0.5384615384615384
-overlap(list1, list1) // 1.0
-overlap(list2, list2) // 1.0
-// Plagiarism examples from
-// https://desales.libguides.com/avoidingplagiarism/examples
-val orig1 = """There is a strong market demand for eco-tourism in
-Australia. Its rich and diverse natural heritage ensures Australia's
-capacity to attract international ecotourists and gives Australia a
-comparative advantage in the highly competitive tourism industry."""
-val plag1 = """There is a high market demand for eco-tourism in
-Australia. Australia has a comparative advantage in the highly
-competitive tourism industry due to its rich and varied natural
-heritage which ensures Australia's capacity to attract international
-similarity(orig1, plag1) // 0.8679245283018868
-// Plagiarism examples from
-// https://www.utc.edu/library/help/tutorials/plagiarism/examples-of-plagiarism.php
-val orig2 = """No oil spill is entirely benign. Depending on timing and
-location, even a relatively minor spill can cause significant harm to
-individual organisms and entire populations. Oil spills can cause
-impacts over a range of time scales, from days to years, or even
-decades for certain spills. Impacts are typically divided into acute
-(short-term) and chronic (long-term) effects. Both types are part of a
-complicated and often controversial equation that is addressed after
-an oil spill: ecosystem recovery."""
-val plag2 = """There is no such thing as a "good" oil spill. If the
-time and place are just right, even a small oil spill can cause damage
-to sensitive ecosystems. Further, spills can cause harm days, months,
-years, or even decades after they occur. Because of this, spills are
-usually broken into short-term (acute) and long-term (chronic)
-effects. Both of these types of harm must be addressed in ecosystem
-recovery: a controversial tactic that is often implemented immediately
-following an oil spill."""
-overlap(clean(orig2), clean(plag2)) // 0.728
-similarity(orig2, plag2) // 0.728
-// The punchline: everything above 0.6 looks suspicious and
-// should be investigated by staff.
Binary file pre_templates3/postfix.jar has changed
--- a/pre_templates3/postfix.scala Thu Nov 04 12:20:12 2021 +0000
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-// Shunting Yard Algorithm
-// by Edsger Dijkstra
-// ========================
-object CW8a {
-// type of tokens
-type Toks = List[String]
-// the operations in the basic version of the algorithm
-val ops = List("+", "-", "*", "/")
-// the precedences of the operators
-val precs = Map("+" -> 1,
- "-" -> 1,
- "*" -> 2,
- "/" -> 2)
-// helper function for splitting strings into tokens
-def split(s: String) : Toks = s.split(" ").toList
-// (1) Implement below the shunting yard algorithm. The most
-// convenient way to this in Scala is to implement a recursive
-// function and to heavily use pattern matching. The function syard
-// takes some input tokens as first argument. The second and third
-// arguments represent the stack and the output of the shunting yard
-// algorithm.
-// In the marking, you can assume the function is called only with
-// an empty stack and an empty output list. You can also assume the
-// input os only properly formatted (infix) arithmetic expressions
-// (all parentheses will be well-nested, the input only contains
-// operators and numbers).
-// You can implement any additional helper function you need. I found
-// it helpful to implement two auxiliary functions for the pattern matching:
-def is_op(op: String) : Boolean = ???
-def prec(op1: String, op2: String) : Boolean = ???
-def syard(toks: Toks, st: Toks = Nil, out: Toks = Nil) : Toks = ???
-// test cases
-//syard(split("3 + 4 * ( 2 - 1 )")) // 3 4 2 1 - * +
-//syard(split("10 + 12 * 33")) // 10 12 33 * +
-//syard(split("( 5 + 7 ) * 2")) // 5 7 + 2 *
-//syard(split("5 + 7 / 2")) // 5 7 2 / +
-//syard(split("5 * 7 / 2")) // 5 7 * 2 /
-//syard(split("9 + 24 / ( 7 - 3 )")) // 9 24 7 3 - / +
-//syard(split("3 + 4 + 5")) // 3 4 + 5 +
-//syard(split("( ( 3 + 4 ) + 5 )")) // 3 4 + 5 +
-//syard(split("( 3 + ( 4 + 5 ) )")) // 3 4 5 + +
-//syard(split("( ( ( 3 ) ) + ( ( 4 + ( 5 ) ) ) )")) // 3 4 5 + +
-// (2) Implement a compute function that evaluates an input list
-// in postfix notation. This function takes a list of tokens
-// and a stack as argumenta. The function should produce the
-// result as an integer using the stack. You can assume
-// this function will be only called with proper postfix
-// expressions.
-def compute(toks: Toks, st: List[Int] = Nil) : Int = ???
-// test cases
-// compute(syard(split("3 + 4 * ( 2 - 1 )"))) // 7
-// compute(syard(split("10 + 12 * 33"))) // 406
-// compute(syard(split("( 5 + 7 ) * 2"))) // 24
-// compute(syard(split("5 + 7 / 2"))) // 8
-// compute(syard(split("5 * 7 / 2"))) // 17
-// compute(syard(split("9 + 24 / ( 7 - 3 )"))) // 15
Binary file pre_templates3/postfix2.jar has changed
--- a/pre_templates3/postfix2.scala Thu Nov 04 12:20:12 2021 +0000
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-// Shunting Yard Algorithm
-// including Associativity for Operators
-// =====================================
-object CW8b {
-// type of tokens
-type Toks = List[String]
-// helper function for splitting strings into tokens
-def split(s: String) : Toks = s.split(" ").toList
-// left- and right-associativity
-abstract class Assoc
-case object LA extends Assoc
-case object RA extends Assoc
-// power is right-associative,
-// everything else is left-associative
-def assoc(s: String) : Assoc = s match {
- case "^" => RA
- case _ => LA
-// the precedences of the operators
-val precs = Map("+" -> 1,
- "-" -> 1,
- "*" -> 2,
- "/" -> 2,
- "^" -> 4)
-// the operations in the basic version of the algorithm
-val ops = List("+", "-", "*", "/", "^")
-// (3) Implement the extended version of the shunting yard algorithm.
-// This version should properly account for the fact that the power
-// operation is right-associative. Apart from the extension to include
-// the power operation, you can make the same assumptions as in
-// basic version.
-def syard(toks: Toks, st: Toks = Nil, out: Toks = Nil) : Toks = ???
-// test cases
-// syard(split("3 + 4 * 8 / ( 5 - 1 ) ^ 2 ^ 3")) // 3 4 8 * 5 1 - 2 3 ^ ^ / +
-// (4) Implement a compute function that produces an Int for an
-// input list of tokens in postfix notation.
-def compute(toks: Toks, st: List[Int] = Nil) : Int = ???
-// test cases
-// compute(syard(split("3 + 4 * ( 2 - 1 )"))) // 7
-// compute(syard(split("10 + 12 * 33"))) // 406
-// compute(syard(split("( 5 + 7 ) * 2"))) // 24
-// compute(syard(split("5 + 7 / 2"))) // 8
-// compute(syard(split("5 * 7 / 2"))) // 17
-// compute(syard(split("9 + 24 / ( 7 - 3 )"))) // 15
-// compute(syard(split("4 ^ 3 ^ 2"))) // 262144
-// compute(syard(split("4 ^ ( 3 ^ 2 )"))) // 262144
-// compute(syard(split("( 4 ^ 3 ) ^ 2"))) // 4096
-// compute(syard(split("( 3 + 1 ) ^ 2 ^ 3"))) // 65536