authorChristian Urban <urbanc@in.tum.de>
Fri, 09 Nov 2018 01:08:43 +0000 (2018-11-09)
changeset 200 01ee4b576eb2
parent 199 54befaf23648
child 201 018b9c12ee1f
--- a/progs/lecture1.scala	Thu Nov 08 23:42:03 2018 +0000
+++ b/progs/lecture1.scala	Fri Nov 09 01:08:43 2018 +0000
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
 List(1,2,3) == List(3,1,2)
-// this applies for "concrete" values;
+// this applies to "concrete" values;
 // you cannot compare functions
@@ -86,6 +86,7 @@
 println(lst.mkString("[", ",", "]"))
 // Conversion methods
@@ -109,8 +110,11 @@
 // Types (slide)
 /* Scala is a strongly typed language
@@ -126,6 +130,7 @@
     Pairs: (Int, String)        
     List[(BigInt, String)]
+    Option[Int]
@@ -141,6 +146,8 @@
+List(("one", 1), ("two", 2), ("three", 3))
 // Function Definitions
@@ -159,12 +166,22 @@
 //  }
+// BTW: no returns!!
+// "last" line (expression) in a function determines the result
+def silly(n: Int) : Int = {
+  n * n
+  n + n
 // If-Conditionals
-// Scala does not have a then-keyword
-// both if-else branches need to be present
+// - Scala does not have a then-keyword
+// - both if-else branches need to be present
 def fact(n: Int) : Int = 
   if (n == 0) 1 else n * fact(n - 1)
@@ -211,7 +228,7 @@
 //in Java if something unusually happens, you return null
-//in Scala you use Option
+//in Scala you use Options instead
 //   - if the value is present, you use Some(value)
 //   - if no value is present, you use None
@@ -240,6 +257,26 @@
 // the same for files
+// function reading something from files...
+def get_contents(name: String) : List[String] = 
+  Source.fromFile(name).getLines.toList
+// slightly better - return Nil
+def get_contents(name: String) : List[String] = 
+  Try(Source.fromFile(name).getLines.toList).getOrElse(Nil)
+// much better - you record in the type that things can go wrong 
+def get_contents(name: String) : Option[List[String]] = 
+  Try(Some(Source.fromFile(name).getLines.toList)).getOrElse(None)
 // String Interpolations
@@ -250,6 +287,12 @@
 println(s"The square of ${n} is ${square(n)}.")
+// helpful for debugging purposes
+//         "The most effective debugging tool is still careful thought, 
+//          coupled with judiciously placed print statements."
+//                   — Brian W. Kernighan, in Unix for Beginners (1979)
 def gcd_db(a: Int, b: Int) : Int = {
   println(s"Function called with ${a} and ${b}.")
@@ -260,7 +303,7 @@
 // Asserts/Testing
 assert(gcd(48, 18) == 6)
@@ -282,11 +325,12 @@
-// the list can also be constructed in any other way
+// the list/set/... can also be constructed in any 
+// other way
 for (n <- List(10,12,4,5,7,8,10)) yield n * n
-// with if-predicates
+// with if-predicates / filters
 for (n <- (1 to 3).toList; 
      m <- (1 to 3).toList;
@@ -305,14 +349,36 @@
 for (p <- lst) yield p._1 + p._2 
-// general pattern
+// general pattern of for-yield
-for (x <- ...) yield {
+for (p <- ...) yield {
   // potentially complicated
   // calculation of a result
+// Functions producing multiple outputs
+def get_ascii(c: Char) : (Char, Int) = (c, c.toInt)
+// .maxBy, sortBy with pairs
+def get_length(s: String) : (String, Int) = (s, s.length) 
+val lst = List("zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "ten")
+val strs = for (s <- lst) yield get_length(s)
+// For without yield
 // with only a side-effect (no list is produced),
 // has no "yield"
@@ -325,7 +391,7 @@
 for (i <- (0 until lst.length)) println(lst(i))
-// why not?
+// Why not just? Why making your life so complicated?
 for (c <- lst) println(c)
 // Aside: concurrency 
@@ -350,87 +416,75 @@
 time_needed(10, for (n <- list.par) yield n + 42)
-// Function producing multiple outputs
-def get_ascii(c: Char) : (Char, Int) = (c, c.toInt)
+// Just for "Fun": Mutable vs Immutable
+// - no vars, no ++i, no +=
+// - no mutable data-structures (no Arrays, no ListBuffers)
-// .maxBy, sortBy with pairs
-def get_length(s: String) : (String, Int) = (s, s.length) 
+// Q: Count how many elements are in the intersections of two sets?
+def count_intersection(A: Set[Int], B: Set[Int]) : Int = {
+  var count = 0
+  for (x <- A; if (B contains x)) count += 1 
+  count
-val lst = List("zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "ten")
-val strs = for (s <- lst) yield get_length(s)
+val A = (1 to 1000).toSet
+val B = (1 to 1000 by 4).toSet
+count_intersection(A, B)
+// but do not try to add .par to the for-loop above
+//propper parallel version
+def count_intersection2(A: Set[Int], B: Set[Int]) : Int = 
+  A.par.count(x => B contains x)
+count_intersection2(A, B)
+//for measuring time
+def time_needed[T](n: Int, code: => T) = {
+  val start = System.nanoTime()
+  for (i <- (0 to n)) code
+  val end = System.nanoTime()
+  (end - start) / 1.0e9
+val A = (1 to 1000000).toSet
+val B = (1 to 1000000 by 4).toSet
+time_needed(10, count_intersection(A, B))
+time_needed(10, count_intersection2(A, B))
 // Further Information
-// The Scala home page and general information is at
+// The Scala homepage and general information is at
 //  http://www.scala-lang.org
 //	http://docs.scala-lang.org
 // It should be fairly easy to install the Scala binary and
-// run Scala on the commandline. There are also at least 
-// four IDEs you can use with Scala:
-//  (0) Some general information about setting up IDEs
-//	    with Scala support can be found at
-//         http://docs.scala-lang.org/getting-started.html 
-//  (1) Eclipse for Scala (one big bundle)
+// run Scala on the commandline. People also use Scala with 
+// Vim and Jedit. I currently settled on VS Code
-//         http://scala-ide.org/download/sdk.html
-//  (2) IntelliJ (needs additional Plugins)
-//         https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/
-//		   http://docs.scala-lang.org/getting-started-intellij-track/getting-started-with-scala-in-intellij.html	  
-//  (3) Sublime (not free, but unlimited trial period; 
-//	    needs Scala and SublimeREPL plugin)
-//         https://www.sublimetext.com
-//  (4) Emacs (old-fashioned, but reliable)
+//   https://code.visualstudio.com
-//         https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/
-//      I use the old scala-tool support for Emacs distributed at
-//         https://github.com/scala/scala-tool-support/tree/master/tool-support/emacs 
-//      but there is also support for the newer Ensime Scala Mode
+// There are also plugins for Eclipse and IntelliJ - YMMV.
+// Finally there are online editors specifically designed for 
+// running Scala applications (but do not blame me if you lose 
+// all what you typed in):
-//         http://ensime.org/editors/emacs/scala-mode/   
-// There is also Scala support in the Atom editor, but my
-// experience is mixed. People also use Scala with Vim and Jedit.
-// Finally there is an online editor specifically designed for 
-// running Scala applications (but do not blame mne if you lose all 
-// what you typed in):
+//   https://scalafiddle.io 
+//   https://scastie.scala-lang.org
-//      https://scalafiddle.io 
-// All of the IDEs above support a REPL for Scala. Some of them have
-// the very nifty feature of a Scala Worksheet -- you just save your
-// file and it will be automatically evaluated and the result pasted
-// into your file. However, this way of writing Scala code never worked
-// for me. I just use the REPL.
 // Scala Library Docs
@@ -443,8 +497,8 @@
 //  http://docs.scala-lang.org/tutorials/
 // There are also a massive number of Scala tutorials on youtube
-// and there are tons of books and free material.
+// and there are tons of books and free material. Google is your 
+// friend.
Binary file slides/slides01.pdf has changed
--- a/slides/slides01.tex	Thu Nov 08 23:42:03 2018 +0000
+++ b/slides/slides01.tex	Fri Nov 09 01:08:43 2018 +0000
@@ -84,7 +84,8 @@
   developed since 2004 by Martin Odersky\\
-  (he was behind Generic Scala which was included in Java 5)
+  (he was behind Generic Java which was included in Java 5
+  \ldots I am using it maybe since 2008?)
@@ -143,7 +144,7 @@
 \textbf{\large Java}
 \textbf{\large Scala}
@@ -167,7 +168,7 @@
 \frametitle{First Steps: Scala Tools}
-\item I use VS Code and a Scala extension
+\item I use VS Code and a Scala extension (M'place)
@@ -183,10 +184,9 @@
   \only<1>{\begin{tabular}{l}\\[2mm]Why Scala?\\ \mbox{}\end{tabular}}
-  \only<2->{\begin{tabular}{l}\\[2mm]Why Functional\\ Programming?\end{tabular}}
+  \only<2->{\begin{tabular}{c}\\[2mm]Why Functional\\[-2mm] Programming?\end{tabular}}
@@ -203,9 +203,37 @@
+\begin{frame}[c, fragile]
+{\Large Why bother? or\smallskip\\\hfill What is wrong with this?}\bigskip\bigskip
+for (int i = 10; i < 20; i++) {
+  //...Do something interesting
+  //   with i...
@@ -296,7 +324,7 @@
-      \multicolumn{4}{c}{\bf Speedup by Moore's Law}\medskip\\
+      \multicolumn{4}{c}{\alert{\bf Speedup by Moore's Law}}\medskip\\
       \textbf{1986:} & 3 days    & \textbf{1996:} & 135 mins\\
       \textbf{1988:} & 1.5 days  & \textbf{1998:} & 67 mins\\
       \textbf{1990:} & 18 hs     & \textbf{2000:} & 33 mins\\
@@ -313,12 +341,14 @@
-\frametitle{Seq vs Par}
+\frametitle{Seq \;vs\; Par}
-    \includegraphics[scale=0.14]{../pics/mand4.png} &
-    \raisebox{1.2mm}{\includegraphics[scale=0.14]{../pics/mand3.png}}      
+    \includegraphics[scale=0.14]{../pics/mand4.png} & \hspace{4mm}
+    \raisebox{0mm}{\includegraphics[scale=0.14]{../pics/mand3.png}}\\
+    \hspace{6mm}\includegraphics[scale=0.5]{../pics/cpu2.png} &
+    \hspace{11mm}\includegraphics[scale=0.5]{../pics/cpu1.png}
@@ -331,10 +361,10 @@
-  \begin{textblock}{14.2}(1,12.3)
+  \begin{textblock}{14.2}(1,13.5)
     In FP: Once a variable is created, it is assigned a value and then
     never changed again $\Rightarrow$ no synchronisation\smallskip\\
-    \small\textcolor{gray}{(Andrew's second favourite feature of C++)}
+    %%\small\textcolor{gray}{(Andrew's second favourite feature of C++)}
@@ -370,7 +400,7 @@
     \textcolor{codegreen}{\texttt{List[(BigInt, String)]}} &
                                       lists of BigInt-String\\
                                       & pairs\\
-    \textcolor{codegreen}{\texttt{List[List[Int]]}} & list of lists of Int's\\                                  
+    \textcolor{codegreen}{\texttt{List[List[Int]]}} & list of lists of Int's\\      \textcolor{codegreen}{\texttt{Option[Int]}}     & options of Int's \\                            
@@ -379,50 +409,50 @@
-\frametitle{An Http Request}
+%\frametitle{An Http Request}
-\small Server
+%\small Server
-  \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1.1]
-  \draw[white] (0,1) node (X) {};
-  \draw[white] (2,1) node (Y) {};
-   \draw[white] (0,0) node (X1) {};
-  \draw[white] (2,0) node (Y1) {};
-   \draw[white] (0,-1) node (X2) {};
-  \draw[white] (2,-1) node (Y2) {};
-  \draw[red, <-, line width = 2mm] (X) -- (Y);
-  \node [inner sep=5pt,label=above:\textcolor{black}{GET request}] at ($ (X)!.5!(Y) $) {};
-  \draw[red, ->, line width = 2mm] (X1) -- (Y1);
-  \node [inner sep=5pt,label=above:\textcolor{black}{webpage}] at ($ (X1)!.5!(Y1) $) {};
-  \draw[red, <-, line width = 2mm] (X2) -- (Y2);
-  \node [inner sep=7pt,label=above:\textcolor{black}{POST data}] at ($ (X2)!.5!(Y2) $) {};
-  \end{tikzpicture}
+%  \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1.1]
+%  \draw[white] (0,1) node (X) {};
+%  \draw[white] (2,1) node (Y) {};
+%   \draw[white] (0,0) node (X1) {};
+%  \draw[white] (2,0) node (Y1) {};
+%   \draw[white] (0,-1) node (X2) {};
+%  \draw[white] (2,-1) node (Y2) {};
+%  \draw[red, <-, line width = 2mm] (X) -- (Y);
+%  \node [inner sep=5pt,label=above:\textcolor{black}{GET request}] at ($ (X)!.5!(Y) $) {};
+%  \draw[red, ->, line width = 2mm] (X1) -- (Y1);
+%  \node [inner sep=5pt,label=above:\textcolor{black}{webpage}] at ($ (X1)!.5!(Y1) $) {};
+%  \draw[red, <-, line width = 2mm] (X2) -- (Y2);
+%  \node [inner sep=7pt,label=above:\textcolor{black}{POST data}] at ($ (X2)!.5!(Y2) $) {};
+%  \end{tikzpicture}
-\small Browser
+%\small Browser
@@ -430,14 +460,16 @@
-\item sorry, I might have been a bit wordy:\\
+\item Sorry, I might have been a bit wordy:\\
   CW description is 7 pages, but
-  I only needed \mbox{< 150} loc for all the CW\bigskip
+  I only needed \mbox{< 100} loc for \emph{all} the CW6.\bigskip
-\item there is email feedback when pushing code to github\bigskip
+\item there is email feedback when pushing code to github\medskip
-\item we want you to learn FP: \alert{no vars}, no mutable
-  datastructures, e.g.~\texttt{ListBuffer}
+\item there are \texttt{jar}-files you can use to test my implementation\bigskip
+\item we want you to learn FP: \alert{\bf no vars}, no mutable
+  data-structures, e.g.~no \texttt{Arrays}, no \texttt{ListBuffer}
@@ -458,8 +490,9 @@
     val new_list = 0 :: old_list
-\item You do not have to be defensive about who can access the data
-  (concurrency, lazyness).
+\item You do not have to be defensive about who can access the data.
+\item You can look at your code in isolation.  
@@ -632,10 +665,10 @@
   you a lot of rope to shoot yourself\bigskip
 \item learning functional programming is not easy\ldots{}when you have
-  spent all of your career thinking in a procedural way it is hard to
+  spent all of your career thinking in an imperative way, it is hard to
-\item hope you have fun with the coursework  
+\item hope you have fun with Scala and the assignments
@@ -646,13 +679,14 @@
-    \includegraphics[scale=0.1]{../pics/mand4.png} &
-    \raisebox{1.2mm}{\includegraphics[scale=0.1]{../pics/mand3.png}}      
+    \includegraphics[scale=0.1]{../pics/mand4.png} & \hspace{4mm}
+    \raisebox{0mm}{\includegraphics[scale=0.1]{../pics/mand3.png}}      
-My Scala Office Hours: Thursdays 11 -- 13
+  My Office Hours: Mondays 12 -- 14\\
+  except next week: Tuesday 12 -- 14