2009-12-11 Christian Urban merged
2009-12-11 Christian Urban deleted struct_match by Pattern.match (fixes a problem in LarryInt)
2009-12-11 Cezary Kaliszyk FSet3 minor fixes + cases
2009-12-11 Christian Urban added Int example from Larry
2009-12-11 Cezary Kaliszyk Added FSet3 with a formalisation of finite sets based on Michael's one.
2009-12-11 Cezary Kaliszyk Updated TODO list together.
2009-12-11 Cezary Kaliszyk Merge
2009-12-11 Cezary Kaliszyk More theorem renaming.
2009-12-11 Cezary Kaliszyk Renamed theorems in IntEx2 to conform to names in Int.
2009-12-11 Cezary Kaliszyk Updated comments.
2009-12-11 Christian Urban merged
2009-12-11 Christian Urban tuned
2009-12-11 Christian Urban renamed Larrys example
2009-12-11 Cezary Kaliszyk New syntax for definitions.
2009-12-11 Christian Urban changed error message
2009-12-11 Christian Urban reformulated the lemma lifting_procedure as ML value; gave better warning message for injection case
2009-12-10 Christian Urban slightly tuned
2009-12-10 Christian Urban merged
2009-12-10 Christian Urban added Larry's theory; introduced lemma equivpI; added something to the TODO about error messages
2009-12-10 Christian Urban added maps-printout and tuned some comments
2009-12-10 Cezary Kaliszyk Option and Sum quotients.
2009-12-10 Cezary Kaliszyk Regularized the hard lemma.
2009-12-10 Cezary Kaliszyk Simplification of Babses for regularize; will probably become injection
2009-12-10 Cezary Kaliszyk Found the problem with ttt3.
2009-12-10 Cezary Kaliszyk minor
2009-12-10 Cezary Kaliszyk Moved Unused part of locale to Unused QuotMain.
2009-12-10 Cezary Kaliszyk Moved 'int_induct' to IntEx to keep IntEx2 being just theory of integers in order.
2009-12-10 Cezary Kaliszyk Removed 'Presburger' as it introduces int & other minor cleaning in Int2.
2009-12-10 Christian Urban more tuning
2009-12-10 Christian Urban tuned
2009-12-10 Christian Urban simplified the instantiation of QUOT_TRUE in procedure_tac
2009-12-10 Christian Urban completed previous commit
2009-12-10 Christian Urban deleted DT/NDT diagnostic code
2009-12-10 Christian Urban moved the interpretation code into Unused.thy
2009-12-10 Christian Urban added an attempt to get a finite set theory
2009-12-10 Christian Urban removed memb and used standard mem (member from List.thy)
2009-12-10 Christian Urban merged
2009-12-10 Christian Urban simplified proofs
2009-12-10 Christian Urban removed quot_respect attribute of a non-standard lemma
2009-12-10 Cezary Kaliszyk With int_of_nat as a quotient_def, lemmas about it can be easily lifted.
2009-12-10 Christian Urban merged
2009-12-10 Christian Urban naming in this file cannot be made to agree to the original (PROBLEM?)
2009-12-10 Cezary Kaliszyk Lifted some kind of induction.
2009-12-09 Christian Urban more proofs in IntEx2
2009-12-09 Cezary Kaliszyk Finished one proof in IntEx2.
2009-12-09 Christian Urban slightly more on IntEx2
2009-12-09 Christian Urban proved (with a lot of pain) that times_raw is respectful
2009-12-09 Christian Urban merged
2009-12-09 Christian Urban fixed minor stupidity
2009-12-09 Cezary Kaliszyk Exception handling.
2009-12-09 Cezary Kaliszyk Code cleaning.
2009-12-09 Cezary Kaliszyk merge
2009-12-09 Cezary Kaliszyk foldr_rsp.
2009-12-09 Christian Urban tuned
2009-12-09 Cezary Kaliszyk merge
2009-12-09 Cezary Kaliszyk Different syntax for definitions that allows overloading and retrieving of definitions by matching whole constants.
2009-12-09 Christian Urban deleted make_inst3
2009-12-09 Christian Urban tuned
2009-12-09 Christian Urban tuned
2009-12-09 Christian Urban moved function and tuned comment
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