2011-06-01 Christian Urban first test to fix the problem with free variables
2011-06-01 Cezary Kaliszyk proved subst for All constructor in type schemes.
2011-06-01 Cezary Kaliszyk DB translation using index; easier to reason about.
2011-06-01 Cezary Kaliszyk Problem: free variables in the goal
2011-06-01 Cezary Kaliszyk fixed previous commit
2011-06-01 Cezary Kaliszyk equivariance of db_trans
2011-05-31 Christian Urban fixed the problem with cps-like functions
2011-05-31 Cezary Kaliszyk DeBruijn translation in a simplifier friendly way
2011-05-31 Cezary Kaliszyk map_term can be defined when equivariance is assumed
2011-05-31 Cezary Kaliszyk map_term is not a function the way it is defined
2011-05-31 Cezary Kaliszyk Defined translation from nominal to de-Bruijn; with a freshness condition for the lambda case.
2011-05-31 Cezary Kaliszyk Simple eqvt proofs with perm_simps for clarity
2011-05-30 Christian Urban tuned last commit
2011-05-30 Christian Urban functions involving if and case do not throw exceptions anymore; but eqvt_at assumption has now a precondition
2011-05-26 Christian Urban updated to new Isabelle
2011-05-25 Christian Urban added eq_iff and distinct lemmas of nominal datatypes to the simplifier
2011-05-24 Christian Urban more on slides
2011-05-22 Christian Urban added slides for copenhagen
2011-05-14 Christian Urban added a problem with inductive_cases (reported by Randy)
2011-05-13 Christian Urban misc
2011-05-10 Christian Urban made the subtyping work again
2011-05-10 Christian Urban updated to new Isabelle (> 9 May)
2011-05-09 Christian Urban merged
2011-05-03 Christian Urban added two mutual recursive inductive definitions
2011-05-03 Christian Urban deleted two functions from the API
2011-05-03 Christian Urban proved that lfp is equivariant (that simplifies equivariance proofs of inductively defined predicates)
2011-05-09 Christian Urban more on pearl-paper
2011-05-04 Christian Urban more on pearl-paper
2011-05-02 Christian Urban updated Quotient paper so that it compiles again
2011-04-28 Christian Urban merged
2011-04-28 Christian Urban added slides for beijing
2011-04-21 Christian Urban more to the pearl paper
2011-04-19 Christian Urban updated to snapshot Isabelle 19 April
2011-04-18 Christian Urban merged
2011-04-18 Christian Urban added permute_pure back into the nominal_inductive procedure; updated to Isabelle 17 April
2011-04-15 Cezary Kaliszyk New way of forward elimination of Abs1_eq and simplifications of the function obligation proofs.
2011-04-13 Christian Urban merged
2011-04-13 Christian Urban introduced framework for finetuning eqvt-rules; this solves problem with permute_pure called in nominal_inductive
2011-04-12 Christian Urban shanghai slides
2011-04-11 Christian Urban pictures for slides
2011-04-11 Christian Urban Shanghai slides
2011-04-10 Christian Urban more paper
2011-04-09 Christian Urban eqvt of supp and fresh is proved using equivariance infrastructure
2011-04-09 Christian Urban more paper
2011-04-09 Christian Urban more on the paper
2011-04-08 Christian Urban tuned paper
2011-04-08 Christian Urban tuned paper
2011-04-08 Christian Urban typo
2011-04-08 Christian Urban more on paper
2011-04-07 Christian Urban eqvt_lambda without eta-expansion
2011-04-06 Christian Urban changed default preprocessor that does not catch variables only occuring on the right
2011-03-31 Christian Urban final version of slides
2011-03-30 Christian Urban more on the slides
2011-03-30 Christian Urban tuned IsaMakefile
2011-03-29 Christian Urban rearranged directories and updated to new Isabelle
2011-03-16 Christian Urban precise path to LaTeXsugar
2011-03-16 Christian Urban a lit bit more on the pearl-jv paper
2011-03-16 Christian Urban ported changes from function package....needs Isabelle 16 March or above
2011-03-14 Christian Urban more on the pearl paper
2011-03-14 Christian Urban equivariance for All and Ex can be proved in terms of their definition
2011-03-11 Christian Urban more on the paper
2011-03-08 Christian Urban merged
2011-03-08 Christian Urban more on the pearl paper
2011-03-02 Cezary Kaliszyk distinct names at toplevel
2011-03-02 Cezary Kaliszyk merge
2011-03-02 Cezary Kaliszyk Pairing function
2011-03-02 Christian Urban updated pearl papers
2011-03-01 Christian Urban a bit more tuning
2011-02-28 Christian Urban included old test cases for perm_simp into ROOT.ML file
2011-02-28 Christian Urban split the library into a basics file; merged Nominal_Eqvt into Nominal_Base
2011-02-25 Christian Urban some slight polishing
2011-02-24 Christian Urban merged
2011-02-24 Christian Urban added a lemma about fresh_star and Abs
2011-02-23 Cezary Kaliszyk Reduce the definition of trans to FCB; test that FCB can be proved with simp rules.
2011-02-19 Cezary Kaliszyk typeschemes/subst
2011-02-17 Cezary Kaliszyk further experiments with typeschemes subst
2011-02-17 Cezary Kaliszyk Finished the proof of a function that invents fresh variable names.
2011-02-16 Christian Urban added eqvt for length
2011-02-16 Christian Urban added eqvt lemmas for filter and distinct
2011-02-07 Christian Urban added eqvt for cartesian products
2011-02-07 Christian Urban cleaned up the experiments so that the tests go through
2011-02-04 Cezary Kaliszyk merge
2011-02-04 Cezary Kaliszyk Experiments defining a function on Let
2011-02-04 Christian Urban updated TODO
2011-02-04 Christian Urban Lambda.thy which works with Nominal_Isabelle2011
2011-02-03 Christian Urban merged
2011-02-03 Christian Urban removed diagnostic code
2011-02-01 Cezary Kaliszyk Only one of the subgoals is needed
2011-01-31 Cezary Kaliszyk Experiments with substitution on set+
2011-01-31 Cezary Kaliszyk More properties that relate abs_res and abs_set. Also abs_res with less binders.
2011-01-30 Cezary Kaliszyk alpha_res implies alpha_set :)
2011-01-30 Cezary Kaliszyk Showing that the binders difference is fresh for the left side solves the goal for 'set'.
2011-01-29 Cezary Kaliszyk Experiments with functions
2011-01-27 Christian Urban some experiments
2011-01-27 Christian Urban the proofs with eqvt_at
2011-01-25 Christian Urban made eqvt-proof explicit in the function definitions
2011-01-24 Cezary Kaliszyk merge
2011-01-24 Cezary Kaliszyk minor
2011-01-24 Cezary Kaliszyk Down as infixr
2011-01-23 Christian Urban added some slides
2011-01-23 Christian Urban added Tutorial6
2011-01-23 Christian Urban cleaning up
2011-01-22 Christian Urban merged
2011-01-22 Christian Urban cleaned up Tutorial 3 with solutions
2011-01-22 Cezary Kaliszyk Missing val.simps
2011-01-22 Cezary Kaliszyk merge
2011-01-22 Cezary Kaliszyk Tutorial 4s
2011-01-22 Christian Urban cleaned up and solution section
2011-01-22 Christian Urban cleaned up tutorial1...added solution file
2011-01-22 Christian Urban better version of Tutorial 1
2011-01-21 Christian Urban better flow of proofs and definitions and proof
2011-01-21 Christian Urban separated type preservation and progress into a separate file
2011-01-21 Christian Urban substitution lemma in separate file
2011-01-21 Christian Urban added unbind example
2011-01-20 Christian Urban a bit tuning
2011-01-20 Christian Urban first split of tutorrial theory
2011-01-19 Christian Urban added a very rough version of the tutorial; all seems to work
2011-01-19 Christian Urban added obtain_fresh lemma; tuned Lambda.thy
2011-01-19 Christian Urban base file for the tutorial (contains definitions for heigt, subst and beta-reduction)
2011-01-19 Christian Urban ported some of the old proofs to serve as testcases
2011-01-19 Christian Urban added eqvt and supp lemma for removeAll (function from List.thy)
2011-01-19 Christian Urban theory name as it should be
2011-01-19 Christian Urban removed diagnostic code
2011-01-19 Christian Urban added Minimal file to test things
2011-01-19 Christian Urban defined height as a function that returns an integer
2011-01-18 Christian Urban deleted diagnostic code
2011-01-18 Christian Urban some tryes about substitution over type-schemes
2011-01-18 Christian Urban defined properly substitution
2011-01-18 Christian Urban derived stronger Abs_eq_iff2 theorems
2011-01-18 Christian Urban made alpha_abs_set_stronger1 stronger
2011-01-18 Christian Urban removed finiteness assumption from set_rename_perm
2011-01-18 Cezary Kaliszyk alpha_abs_set_stronger1
2011-01-18 Cezary Kaliszyk alpha_abs_let_stronger is not true in the same form
2011-01-18 Christian Urban the function translating lambda terms to locally nameless lambda terms; still needs a stronger abs_eq_iff lemma...at the moment only proved for restrictions
2011-01-18 Christian Urban modified the renaming_perm lemmas
2011-01-17 Christian Urban added a translation function from lambda-terms to deBruijn terms (equivariance fails at the moment)
2011-01-17 Christian Urban added a few examples of functions to Lambda.thy
2011-01-17 Christian Urban exported nominal function code to external file
2011-01-17 Christian Urban removed old testing code from Lambda.thy
2011-01-17 Christian Urban moved high level code from LamTest into the main libraries.
2011-01-17 Christian Urban eliminated tracing code; added flag so that equivariance is only proved for the function graph, not the relation
2011-01-15 Christian Urban subst also works now
2011-01-15 Christian Urban nominal_function works now completely for frees and depth; still a propbelm with subst; no unproved assumptions
2011-01-14 Christian Urban strengthened renaming lemmas
2011-01-13 Christian Urban added eqvt_lemmas for subset and psubset
2011-01-10 Christian Urban a few lemmas about freshness for at and at_base
2011-01-10 Christian Urban added a property about finite support in the presense of eqvt_at
2011-01-09 Christian Urban instantiated fundef_ex1_eqvt_at theorem with the indction hypothesis
2011-01-09 Christian Urban solved subgoals for depth and subst function
2011-01-09 Christian Urban added eqvt_at premises in function definition - however not proved at the moment
2011-01-07 Christian Urban added one further lemma about equivariance of THE_default
2011-01-07 Christian Urban equivariance of THE_default under the uniqueness assumption
2011-01-07 Christian Urban derived equivariance for the function graph and function relation
2011-01-06 Christian Urban a modified function package where, as a test, True has been injected into the compatibility condictions
2011-01-06 Christian Urban removed last traces of debugging code
2011-01-06 Christian Urban removed debugging code abd introduced a guarded tracing function
2011-01-06 Christian Urban moved Weakening up....it does not compile when put at the last position
2011-01-06 Christian Urban tuned
2011-01-06 Christian Urban added weakening to the test cases
2011-01-06 Christian Urban cleaned up weakening proof and added a version with finit sets
2011-01-06 Christian Urban same
2011-01-06 Christian Urban some further lemmas for fsets
2011-01-06 Christian Urban made sure the raw datatypes and raw functions do not get any mixfix syntax
2011-01-05 Christian Urban exported the code into a separate file
2011-01-05 Christian Urban strong rule inductions; as an example the weakening lemma works
2011-01-04 Christian Urban final version of the ESOP paper; used set+ instead of res as requested by one reviewer
2011-01-03 Christian Urban file with most of the strong rule induction development
2011-01-03 Christian Urban simple cases for string rule inductions
2010-12-31 Christian Urban changed res keyword to set+ for restrictions; comment by a referee
2010-12-31 Christian Urban added proper case names for all induct and exhaust theorems
2010-12-31 Christian Urban added small example for strong inductions; functions still need a sorry
2010-12-30 Christian Urban removed local fix for bug in induction_schema; added setup method for strong inductions
2010-12-28 Christian Urban automated all strong induction lemmas
2010-12-28 Christian Urban proper application of induction_schema and strong_exhaust rules; needs local fix in induction_schema.ML
2010-12-26 Christian Urban generated goals for strong induction theorems.
2010-12-23 Christian Urban test with strong inductions
2010-12-23 Christian Urban moved all strong_exhaust code to nominal_dt_quot; tuned examples
2010-12-23 Christian Urban moved generic functions into nominal_library
2010-12-22 Christian Urban slight tuning
2010-12-22 Christian Urban slight tuning
2010-12-22 Christian Urban tuned examples
2010-12-22 Christian Urban added fold_right which produces the correct term for left-infix operators
2010-12-22 Christian Urban updated to Isabelle 22 December
2010-12-22 Christian Urban a bit tuning
2010-12-22 Christian Urban corrected premises of strong exhausts theorems
2010-12-22 Christian Urban properly exported strong exhaust theorem; cleaned up some examples
2010-12-21 Christian Urban all examples for strong exhausts work; recursive binders need to be treated differently; still unclean version with lots of diagnostic code
2010-12-19 Christian Urban one interesting case done
2010-12-19 Christian Urban a stronger statement for at_set_avoiding
2010-12-17 Christian Urban tuned
2010-12-17 Christian Urban tuned
2010-12-16 Christian Urban simple cases for strong inducts done; infrastructure for the difficult ones is there
2010-12-16 Christian Urban added theorem-rewriter conversion
2010-12-14 Christian Urban freshness theorem in strong exhausts; (temporarily includes a cheat_tac to make all tests go through)
2010-12-12 Christian Urban created strong_exhausts terms
2010-12-12 Christian Urban moved setify and listify functions into the library; introduced versions that have a type argument
2010-12-10 Christian Urban updated
2010-12-09 Christian Urban a bit more tuning of the paper
2010-12-09 Christian Urban brought the paper to 20 pages plus one page appendix
2010-12-08 Christian Urban first tests about exhaust
2010-12-08 Christian Urban moved some code into the nominal_library
2010-12-08 Christian Urban moved definition of raw bn-functions into nominal_dt_rawfuns
2010-12-08 Christian Urban kept the nested structure of constructors (belonging to one datatype)
2010-12-07 Christian Urban moved general theorems into the libraries
2010-12-07 Christian Urban automated permute_bn theorems
2010-12-07 Christian Urban updated to changes in Isabelle
2010-12-06 Christian Urban deleted nominal_dt_supp.ML
2010-12-06 Christian Urban moved code from nominal_dt_supp to nominal_dt_quot
2010-12-06 Christian Urban automated alpha_perm_bn theorems
2010-12-06 Christian Urban ordered raw_bn_info to agree with the order of the raw_bn_functions; started alpha_bn proof
2010-12-03 Christian Urban updated to Isabelle 2nd December
2010-11-29 Christian Urban isarfied some of the high-level proofs
2010-11-29 Christian Urban added abs_rename_res lemma
2010-11-29 Christian Urban completed proofs in Foo2
2010-11-28 Christian Urban completed the strong exhausts rules for Foo2 using general lemmas
2010-11-27 Christian Urban tuned proof to reduce number of warnings
2010-11-27 Christian Urban disabled the Foo examples, because of heavy work
2010-11-26 Christian Urban slightly simplified the Foo2 tests and hint at a general lemma
2010-11-26 Christian Urban completely different method fro deriving the exhaust lemma
2010-11-26 Christian Urban merged
2010-11-25 Christian Urban merged
2010-11-24 Christian Urban added example from the F-ing paper by Rossberg, Russo and Dreyer
2010-11-24 Christian Urban implemented concrete suggestion of 3rd reviewer
2010-11-26 Cezary Kaliszyk missing freshness assumptions
2010-11-25 Cezary Kaliszyk foo2 strong induction
2010-11-24 Cezary Kaliszyk foo2 full exhausts
2010-11-24 Cezary Kaliszyk Foo2 strong_exhaust for first variable.
2010-11-22 Cezary Kaliszyk single rename in let2
2010-11-22 Cezary Kaliszyk current isabelle
2010-11-21 Christian Urban added example Foo2.thy
2010-11-15 Christian Urban tuned example
2010-11-15 Christian Urban proved that bn functions return a finite set
2010-11-15 Christian Urban added a test for the various shallow binders
2010-11-15 Christian Urban fixed bug in fv function where a shallow binder binds lists of names
2010-11-14 Christian Urban merged Nominal-General directory into Nominal; renamed Abs.thy to Nominal2_Abs.thy
2010-11-14 Christian Urban deleted special Nominal2_FSet theory
2010-11-14 Christian Urban moved rest of the lemmas from Nominal2_FSet to the TypeScheme example
2010-11-14 Christian Urban moved most material fron Nominal2_FSet into the Nominal_Base theory
2010-11-14 Christian Urban tuned example
2010-11-14 Christian Urban lifted permute_bn simp rules
2010-11-13 Christian Urban lifted permute_bn constants
2010-11-13 Christian Urban respectfulness for permute_bn functions
2010-11-12 Christian Urban automated permute_bn functions (raw ones first)
2010-11-10 Christian Urban adapted to changes by Florian on the quotient package and removed local fix for function package
2010-11-10 Christian Urban expanded the paper by uncommenting the comments and adding the appendix
2010-11-07 Christian Urban fixed locally the problem with the function package; all tests work again
2010-11-06 Christian Urban added a test about subtyping; disabled two tests, because of problem with function package
2010-11-05 Christian Urban small typo
2010-10-29 Christian Urban squeezed qpaper to 6 pages
2010-10-29 Cezary Kaliszyk Qpaper / Move examples to commented out appendix
2010-10-28 Cezary Kaliszyk Unanonymize qpaper
2010-10-28 Cezary Kaliszyk FSet changes for Qpaper
2010-10-28 Cezary Kaliszyk Remove FSet and use the one from Isabelle
2010-10-19 Christian Urban took out comment about map-types / adapted to recent changes
2010-10-19 Christian Urban use definitions instead of functions
2010-10-18 Christian Urban tuned
2010-10-18 Christian Urban used functions instead of definitions
2010-10-18 Christian Urban added missing style file
2010-10-18 Cezary Kaliszyk Use the generalized compositional quotient theorem
2010-10-17 Christian Urban fixed typo
2010-10-17 Christian Urban all tests work again
2010-10-17 Christian Urban some tuning
2010-10-17 Christian Urban naming scheme is now *_fset (not f*_)
2010-10-15 Christian Urban more cleaning
2010-10-15 Christian Urban further tuning
2010-10-15 Christian Urban renamed fminus_raw to diff_list
2010-10-15 Christian Urban renamed fcard_raw to card_list
2010-10-15 Christian Urban slight update
2010-10-15 Christian Urban Further reorganisation and cleaning
2010-10-15 Christian Urban further cleaning
2010-10-15 Christian Urban typo
2010-10-15 Cezary Kaliszyk FSet: stronger fact in Isabelle.
2010-10-15 Cezary Kaliszyk FSet synchronizing
2010-10-15 Cezary Kaliszyk Synchronizing FSet further.
2010-10-15 Cezary Kaliszyk Partially merging changes from Isabelle
2010-10-14 Christian Urban fixed the typo in the abstract and the problem with append (the type of map_k
2010-10-14 Christian Urban changed format of the pearl paper
2010-10-14 Christian Urban deleted some unused lemmas
2010-10-14 Christian Urban major reorganisation of fset (renamed fset_to_set to fset, changed the definition of list_eq and fcard_raw)
2010-10-13 Christian Urban more on the pearl paper
2010-10-12 Christian Urban added a section about abstractions
2010-10-12 Christian Urban tiny work on the pearl paper
2010-10-08 Christian Urban tuned
2010-10-08 Christian Urban added apendix to paper detailing one proof
2010-10-08 Christian Urban minor
2010-10-08 Christian Urban minor
2010-10-08 Christian Urban down to 20 pages
2010-10-07 Cezary Kaliszyk minor
2010-10-06 Christian Urban down to 21 pages and changed strong induction section
2010-10-06 Christian Urban tuned
2010-10-06 Christian Urban down to 22 pages
2010-10-05 Christian Urban down to 23 pages
2010-10-05 Christian Urban down to 24 pages and a bit
2010-10-05 Christian Urban llncs and more sqeezing
2010-10-04 Christian Urban first part of sqeezing everything into 20 pages (at the moment we have 26)
2010-10-04 Christian Urban changed to llncs
2010-10-01 Christian Urban merged
2010-10-01 Christian Urban minor experiments
2010-09-30 Christian Urban merged
2010-09-29 Christian Urban simplified exhaust proofs
2010-10-01 Cezary Kaliszyk Made the paper to compile with the renamings.
2010-09-29 Christian Urban merged
2010-09-29 Christian Urban worked example Foo1 with induct_schema
2010-09-29 Christian Urban merged
2010-09-29 Christian Urban use also induct_schema for the Let-example (permute_bn is used)
2010-09-29 Christian Urban test with induct_schema for simpler strong_ind proofs
2010-09-29 Cezary Kaliszyk substitution definition with 'next_name'.
2010-09-28 Christian Urban merged
2010-09-28 Christian Urban added Foo1 to explore a contrived example
2010-09-27 Christian Urban added postprocessed fresh-lemmas for constructors
2010-09-27 Christian Urban post-processed eq_iff and supp threormes according to the fv-supp equality
2010-09-27 Christian Urban more consistent naming in Abs.thy
2010-09-27 Christian Urban some experiments
2010-09-27 Christian Urban added simp rules for prod_fv and prod_alpha
2010-09-26 Christian Urban a few more words about Ott
2010-09-25 Christian Urban lifted size_thms and exported them as <name>.size
2010-09-25 Christian Urban cleaned up two examples
2010-09-25 Christian Urban added example about datatypes
2010-09-23 Christian Urban updated to Isabelle 22 Sept
2010-09-22 Christian Urban removed dead code
2010-09-22 Christian Urban fixed
2010-09-22 Christian Urban made supp proofs more robust by not using the standard induction; renamed some example files
2010-09-20 Christian Urban introduced a general procedure for structural inductions; simplified reflexivity proof
2010-09-17 Christian Urban updated to Isabelle Sept 16
2010-09-17 Christian Urban updated to Isabelle Sept 13
2010-09-12 Christian Urban tuned code
2010-09-10 Christian Urban tuned (to conform with indentation policy of Markus)
2010-09-10 Christian Urban supp-proofs work except for CoreHaskell and Modules (induct is probably not finding the correct instance)
2010-09-04 Christian Urban generated inducts rule by Project_Rule.projections
2010-09-04 Christian Urban added the definition supp_rel (support w.r.t. a relation)
2010-09-04 Christian Urban merged
2010-09-03 Christian Urban got rid of Nominal2_Supp (is now in Nomina2_Base)
2010-09-03 Christian Urban moved everything out of Nominal_Supp
2010-09-03 Christian Urban renamed alpha_gen -> alpha_set and Abs -> Abs_set etc
2010-09-03 Christian Urban moved a proof to Abs
2010-09-03 Christian Urban got rid of Nominal_Atoms (folded into Nominal2_Base)
2010-09-03 Christian Urban cleaned a bit various thy-files in Nominal-General
2010-09-03 Christian Urban adapted paper to changes
2010-09-03 Christian Urban made the fv-definition aggree more with alpha (needed in the support proofs)
2010-09-03 Christian Urban removed lemma finite_set (already in simpset)
2010-09-03 Christian Urban added supp_set lemma
2010-09-02 Christian Urban some experiments with support
2010-09-01 Christian Urban added eqvt-attribute for permute_abs lemmas
2010-08-31 Christian Urban slides of my talk
2010-08-30 Cezary Kaliszyk merge
2010-08-30 Cezary Kaliszyk update qpaper to new isabelle
2010-08-30 Cezary Kaliszyk No need to unfold mem_def with rsp/prs (requires new isabelle).
2010-08-30 Cezary Kaliszyk Anonymize, change Quotient to Quot and fix indentation
2010-08-29 Christian Urban renamed NewParser to Nominal2
2010-08-29 Christian Urban tuned
2010-08-29 Christian Urban updated todos
2010-08-28 Christian Urban added fs-instance proofs
2010-08-28 Christian Urban added proofs for fsupp properties
2010-08-28 Christian Urban fiexed problem with constructors that have no arguments
2010-08-28 Christian Urban proved supports lemmas
2010-08-28 Christian Urban slight cleaning
2010-08-28 Christian Urban updated to new Isabelle
2010-08-27 Christian Urban cut out most of the lifting section and cleaned up everything
2010-08-27 Christian Urban made all typographic changes
2010-08-27 Christian Urban first pass on section 1
2010-08-27 Christian Urban make copies of the "old" files
2010-08-27 Cezary Kaliszyk Ball Bex can be lifted after unfolding.
2010-08-26 Christian Urban "isabelle make test" makes all major examples....they work up to supp theorems (excluding)
2010-08-26 Christian Urban merged
2010-08-26 Christian Urban corrected bug with fv-function generation (that was the problem with recursive binders)
2010-08-26 Cezary Kaliszyk minor
2010-08-25 Christian Urban cleaned up (almost completely) the examples
2010-08-25 Christian Urban cleaning of unused files and code
2010-08-25 Christian Urban automatic lifting
2010-08-25 Christian Urban everything now lifts as expected
2010-08-25 Christian Urban now every lemma lifts (even with type variables)
2010-08-25 Christian Urban can now deal with type variables in nominal datatype definitions
2010-08-22 Christian Urban updated to new Isabelle
2010-08-22 Christian Urban merged
2010-08-22 Christian Urban updated to new Isabelle
2010-08-21 Christian Urban not needed anymore
2010-08-21 Christian Urban moved lifting code from Lift.thy to nominal_dt_quot.ML
2010-08-21 Christian Urban nominal_datatypes with type variables do not work
2010-08-21 Christian Urban changed parser so that the binding mode is indicated as "bind (list)", "bind (set)" or "bind (res)"; if only "bind" is given, then bind (list) is assumed as default
2010-08-20 Cezary Kaliszyk Clarifications to FIXMEs.
2010-08-20 Cezary Kaliszyk Finished adding remarks from the reviewers.
2010-08-20 Cezary Kaliszyk few remaining remarks as fixme's.
2010-08-19 Christian Urban used @{const_name} hopefully everywhere
2010-08-19 Cezary Kaliszyk Intuition behind REL
2010-08-19 Cezary Kaliszyk add missing mathpartir
2010-08-19 Cezary Kaliszyk Add 2 FIXMEs
2010-08-19 Cezary Kaliszyk The type does determine respectfulness, the constant without an instantiated type does not.
2010-08-19 Cezary Kaliszyk Add the SAC stylesheet and updated root file.
2010-08-19 Cezary Kaliszyk TODO
2010-08-19 Cezary Kaliszyk further comments from the referees
2010-08-19 Cezary Kaliszyk fixes for referees
2010-08-17 Christian Urban put everything in a "timeit"
2010-08-17 Christian Urban improved runtime slightly, by constructing an explicit size measure for the function definitions
2010-08-17 Christian Urban more tuning of the code
2010-08-17 Christian Urban deleted unused code
2010-08-17 Christian Urban improved code
2010-08-16 Christian Urban can also lift the various eqvt lemmas for bn, fv, fv_bn and size
2010-08-16 Christian Urban also able to lift the bn_defs
2010-08-16 Christian Urban added rsp-lemmas for alpha_bns
2010-08-16 Christian Urban cezary made the eq_iff lemmas to lift (still needs some infrastructure in quotient)
2010-08-16 Christian Urban pinpointed the problem
2010-08-16 Christian Urban modified the code for class instantiations (with help from Florian)
2010-08-15 Christian Urban defined qperms and qsizes
2010-08-15 Christian Urban simplified code
2010-08-14 Christian Urban improved code
2010-08-14 Christian Urban more experiments with lifting
2010-08-12 Christian Urban updated to Isabelle 12th Aug
2010-08-11 Christian Urban rsp for constructors
2010-08-11 Christian Urban updated to Isabelle 11 Aug
2010-08-11 Christian Urban added a function that transforms the helper-rsp lemmas into real rsp lemmas
2010-08-08 Christian Urban proved rsp-helper lemmas of size functions
2010-07-31 Christian Urban tuning
2010-07-31 Christian Urban further simplification with alpha_prove
2010-07-31 Christian Urban introduced a general alpha_prove method
2010-07-29 Christian Urban equivariance for size
2010-07-29 Christian Urban helper lemmas for rsp-lemmas
2010-07-27 Christian Urban tests
2010-07-27 Christian Urban cleaned up a bit Abs.thy
2010-07-27 Christian Urban fixed order of fold_union to make alpha and fv agree
2010-07-26 Christian Urban small cleaning
2010-07-25 Christian Urban added paper by james; some minor cleaning
2010-07-23 Christian Urban samll changes
2010-07-23 Christian Urban made compatible
2010-07-23 Christian Urban added
2010-07-22 Christian Urban updated to new Isabelle; made FSet more "quiet"
2010-07-20 Christian Urban merged
2010-07-19 Christian Urban minor
2010-07-19 Christian Urban minor polishing
2010-07-19 Christian Urban quote for a new paper
2010-07-19 Christian Urban corrected lambda-preservation theorem
2010-07-19 Christian Urban minor
2010-07-18 Christian Urban minor things on the paper
2010-07-18 Christian Urban merged
2010-07-18 Christian Urban minor things
2010-07-18 Christian Urban some test with quotient
2010-07-17 Christian Urban some minor changes
2010-07-17 Christian Urban changes suggested by Peter Homeier
2010-07-17 Christian Urban tests
2010-07-16 Christian Urban submitted version
2010-07-16 Christian Urban more paper
2010-07-16 Christian Urban more on the paper
2010-07-16 Christian Urban more on the paper
2010-07-15 Christian Urban a bit more to the paper
2010-07-14 Christian Urban more on the paper
2010-07-13 Christian Urban more on slides
2010-07-13 Christian Urban slides
2010-07-12 Christian Urban more on slides
2010-07-11 Christian Urban slides
2010-07-10 Christian Urban slides
2010-07-10 Christian Urban more on slides
2010-07-10 Christian Urban more on slides
2010-07-10 Christian Urban added material for slides
2010-07-09 Christian Urban fixed
2010-07-09 Christian Urban before examples
2010-07-09 Christian Urban finished alpha-section
2010-07-07 Christian Urban more on the paper
2010-07-07 Christian Urban more on the paper
2010-07-02 Christian Urban more on the paper
2010-07-02 Christian Urban finished fv-section
2010-07-01 Christian Urban more on the paper
2010-07-01 Christian Urban spell check
2010-06-30 Christian Urban more work on the paper
2010-06-29 Christian Urban removed an "eqvt"-warning
2010-06-28 Christian Urban more quotient-definitions
2010-06-28 Christian Urban slight cleaning
2010-06-27 Christian Urban fixed according to changes in quotient
2010-06-24 Christian Urban added definition of the quotient types
2010-06-24 Christian Urban fixed according to changes in quotient
2010-06-23 Christian Urban added comment about partial equivalence relations
2010-06-23 Christian Urban even further polishing of the qpaper
2010-06-23 Christian Urban polished paper again (and took out some claims about Homeier's package)
2010-06-23 Christian Urban some slight polishing on the paper
2010-06-23 Christian Urban merged cezary's changes
2010-06-23 Christian Urban whitespace
2010-06-23 Cezary Kaliszyk Un-do the second change to SingleLet.
2010-06-23 Cezary Kaliszyk merge
2010-06-23 Cezary Kaliszyk Changes for PER and list_all2 committed to Isabelle
2010-06-18 Cezary Kaliszyk changes for partial-equivalence quotient package
2010-06-23 Christian Urban deleted compose-lemmas in Abs (not needed anymore)
2010-06-23 Christian Urban deleted equivp_hack
2010-06-22 Christian Urban proved eqvip theorems for alphas
2010-06-22 Christian Urban cleaned up the FSet (noise was introduced by error)
2010-06-22 Christian Urban prove that alpha implies alpha_bn (needed for rsp proofs)
2010-06-21 Christian Urban further post-submission tuning
2010-06-21 Christian Urban merged with main line
2010-06-21 Christian Urban merged
2010-06-11 Christian Urban also symmetry
2010-06-10 Christian Urban merged
2010-06-10 Christian Urban premerge
2010-06-09 Christian Urban transitivity proofs done
2010-06-07 Christian Urban merged
2010-06-07 Christian Urban work on transitivity proof
2010-06-03 Christian Urban added uminus_eqvt
2010-06-03 Christian Urban fixed problem with eqvt proofs
2010-06-02 Christian Urban fixed problem with bn_info
2010-06-01 Christian Urban merged
2010-06-01 Christian Urban equivariance done
2010-06-01 Christian Urban smaller code for raw-eqvt proofs
2010-05-31 Christian Urban all raw definitions are defined using function
2010-05-27 Christian Urban merged
2010-05-27 Christian Urban intermediate state
2010-05-26 Christian Urban merged
2010-05-26 Christian Urban added FSet to the correct paper
2010-05-24 Christian Urban added slides
2010-05-24 Christian Urban tuned
2010-05-24 Christian Urban tuned
2010-05-24 Christian Urban alpha works now
2010-05-23 Christian Urban started to work on alpha
2010-05-22 Christian Urban properly exported bn_descr
2010-05-21 Christian Urban hving a working fv-definition without the export
2010-05-21 Christian Urban tuned
2010-05-20 Christian Urban proper parser for "exclude:"
2010-05-20 Christian Urban tuned
2010-05-20 Christian Urban moved some mk_union and mk_diff into the library
2010-05-20 Christian Urban new fv/fv_bn function (supp breaks now); exported raw perms and raw funs into separate ML-files
2010-06-21 Christian Urban some post-submission polishing
2010-06-20 Christian Urban added a few points that need to be looked at the next version of the qpaper
2010-06-20 Christian Urban eliminated a quot_thm flag
2010-06-20 Christian Urban fixed example
2010-06-20 Christian Urban small addition to the acknowledgement
2010-06-17 Cezary Kaliszyk qpaper / address FIXMEs.
2010-06-17 Cezary Kaliszyk forgot to save
2010-06-17 Cezary Kaliszyk Fix regularization. Two "FIXME" left in introduction. Minor spellings.
2010-06-16 Christian Urban polished everything and submitted
2010-06-16 Christian Urban conclusion done
2010-06-16 Cezary Kaliszyk Answer questions in comments
2010-06-16 Christian Urban tuned
2010-06-16 Christian Urban finished section 4, but put some things I do not understand on comment
2010-06-16 Christian Urban 4 almost finished
2010-06-15 Christian Urban cleaned up definitions
2010-06-15 Cezary Kaliszyk merge
2010-06-15 Cezary Kaliszyk qpaper/Rewrite section5
2010-06-15 Christian Urban merged
2010-06-15 Christian Urban tuned everytinh up to section 4
2010-06-15 Cezary Kaliszyk Definition of Respects.
2010-06-15 Cezary Kaliszyk conclusion
2010-06-15 Cezary Kaliszyk Qpaper / Clarify the typing system and composition of quotients issue.
2010-06-15 Cezary Kaliszyk Remove only reference to 'equivp'.
2010-06-15 Cezary Kaliszyk merge
2010-06-15 Cezary Kaliszyk qpaper/ackno
2010-06-15 Christian Urban tuned
2010-06-15 Cezary Kaliszyk qpaper
2010-06-15 Cezary Kaliszyk qpaper / hol4
2010-06-15 Cezary Kaliszyk qpaper/related work
2010-06-15 Christian Urban finished preliminary section
2010-06-14 Christian Urban typo
2010-06-14 Christian Urban some slight tuning of the preliminary section
2010-06-14 Cezary Kaliszyk merge
2010-06-14 Cezary Kaliszyk qpaper
2010-06-14 Christian Urban merged
2010-06-14 Christian Urban tuned
2010-06-14 Cezary Kaliszyk Qpaper / beginnig of sec5
2010-06-14 Cezary Kaliszyk merge
2010-06-14 Cezary Kaliszyk qpaper/unfold the ball_reg_right statement
2010-06-14 Christian Urban merged
2010-06-14 Christian Urban some tuning and start work on section 4
2010-06-14 Cezary Kaliszyk qpaper
2010-06-14 Cezary Kaliszyk qpaper / INJ
2010-06-14 Cezary Kaliszyk qpaper / REG
2010-06-14 Cezary Kaliszyk qpaper / minor
2010-06-14 Cezary Kaliszyk qpaper/various
2010-06-14 Cezary Kaliszyk qpaper
2010-06-14 Cezary Kaliszyk qpaper/more on example
2010-06-14 Cezary Kaliszyk qpaper/examples
2010-06-14 Christian Urban completed proof and started section about respectfulness and preservation
2010-06-13 Christian Urban more on the qpaper
2010-06-13 Christian Urban tuned
2010-06-13 Christian Urban more on the constant lifting section
2010-06-13 Christian Urban something about the quotient ype definitions
2010-06-13 Christian Urban added some examples
2010-06-13 Christian Urban improved definition of ABS and REP
2010-06-13 Cezary Kaliszyk qpaper.
2010-06-13 Cezary Kaliszyk some spelling
2010-06-13 Cezary Kaliszyk minor
2010-06-13 Cezary Kaliszyk qpaper / tuning in preservation and general display
2010-06-13 Christian Urban polishing of ABS/REP
2010-06-12 Christian Urban some slight tuning of the intro
2010-06-12 Cezary Kaliszyk Fix integer relation.
2010-06-12 Christian Urban completed the intro (except minor things)
2010-06-11 Christian Urban more intro
2010-06-11 Christian Urban more on the qpaper
2010-06-11 Christian Urban even more on the qpaper (intro almost done)
2010-06-11 Christian Urban more to the introduction of the qpaper
2010-06-10 Christian Urban adapted to the official sigplan style file (this gives us more space)
2010-06-10 Christian Urban added to the popl-paper a pointer to work by Altenkirch
2010-06-10 Christian Urban more on the qpaper
2010-06-07 Christian Urban new title for POPL paper
2010-06-07 Christian Urban more work on intro and abstract (done for today)
2010-06-07 Christian Urban a bit more in the introduction and abstract
2010-06-07 Christian Urban improved abstract, some tuning
2010-06-06 Cezary Kaliszyk Qpaper / minor on cleaning
2010-06-05 Cezary Kaliszyk qpaper / injection proof.
2010-06-05 Cezary Kaliszyk qpaper / example interaction
2010-06-05 Cezary Kaliszyk Qpaper/regularization proof.
2010-06-05 Cezary Kaliszyk qpaper
2010-06-02 Cezary Kaliszyk Qpaper/more.
2010-06-02 Cezary Kaliszyk Qpaper/Minor
2010-06-01 Christian Urban added larry's quote
2010-06-01 Christian Urban added larry's paper
2010-06-01 Christian Urban tuned
2010-05-28 Christian Urban first version of the abstract
2010-05-27 Christian Urban merged
2010-05-27 Christian Urban fixed bug where perm_simp 'forgets' how to prove equivariance for the empty set
2010-05-27 Cezary Kaliszyk qpaper / lemmas used in proofs
2010-05-27 Cezary Kaliszyk qpaper / injection statement
2010-05-27 Cezary Kaliszyk qpaper / regularize
2010-05-27 Cezary Kaliszyk qpaper / a bit about prs
2010-05-27 Cezary Kaliszyk Functionalized the ABS/REP definition.
2010-05-26 Cezary Kaliszyk qpaper / lifting introduction
2010-05-26 Cezary Kaliszyk merged
2010-05-26 Christian Urban fixed compile error
2010-05-26 Cezary Kaliszyk qpaper / composition of quotients.
2010-05-26 Cezary Kaliszyk qpaper
2010-05-26 Cezary Kaliszyk qpaper..
2010-05-26 Cezary Kaliszyk qpaper.
2010-05-26 Cezary Kaliszyk Name some respectfullness
2010-05-26 Christian Urban added FSet to the correct paper
2010-05-26 Christian Urban merged
2010-05-26 Christian Urban added FSet
2010-05-26 Cezary Kaliszyk qpaper
2010-05-26 Cezary Kaliszyk qpaper
2010-05-25 Cezary Kaliszyk Substitution Lemma for TypeSchemes.
2010-05-25 Cezary Kaliszyk Simplified the proof
2010-05-25 Cezary Kaliszyk A lemma about substitution in TypeSchemes.
2010-05-25 Cezary Kaliszyk reversing the direction of fresh_star
2010-05-25 Cezary Kaliszyk overlapping deep binders proof
2010-05-25 Christian Urban edits from the reviewers
2010-05-24 Christian Urban tuned paper
2010-05-23 Christian Urban changed qpaper to lncs-style
2010-05-21 Cezary Kaliszyk Match_Lam defined on Quotient Level.
2010-05-21 Cezary Kaliszyk More on Function-defined subst.
2010-05-21 Cezary Kaliszyk Isabelle renamings
2010-05-21 Cezary Kaliszyk merge
2010-05-21 Cezary Kaliszyk Renamings.
2010-05-21 Cezary Kaliszyk Renamings
2010-05-21 Cezary Kaliszyk merge (non-trival)
2010-05-21 Cezary Kaliszyk Previously uncommited direct subst definition changes.
2010-05-21 Cezary Kaliszyk Function experiments
2010-05-19 Christian Urban merged
2010-05-19 Christian Urban added comments about pottiers work
2010-05-19 Cezary Kaliszyk more subst experiments
2010-05-19 Cezary Kaliszyk More subst experminets
2010-05-18 Cezary Kaliszyk more on subst
2010-05-18 Cezary Kaliszyk Single variable substitution
2010-05-18 Cezary Kaliszyk subst fix
2010-05-18 Cezary Kaliszyk subst experiments
2010-05-18 Christian Urban soem minor tuning
2010-05-18 Cezary Kaliszyk Fix broken add
2010-05-18 Cezary Kaliszyk add missing .bib
2010-05-18 Cezary Kaliszyk merge
2010-05-18 Cezary Kaliszyk starting bibliography
2010-05-17 Christian Urban merged
2010-05-17 Christian Urban updated to new Isabelle (More_Conv -> Conv)
2010-05-17 Christian Urban made this example to work again
2010-05-17 Cezary Kaliszyk merge
2010-05-17 Cezary Kaliszyk alpha_alphabn for bindings in a type under bn.
2010-05-17 Christian Urban minor tuning
2010-05-17 Cezary Kaliszyk Ex4 does work, and I don't see the difference between the alphas.
2010-05-17 Christian Urban slight tuning
2010-05-17 Christian Urban somewhat simplified the main parsing function; failed to move a Note-statement to define_raw_perms
2010-05-16 Christian Urban moved the exporting part into the parser (this is still a hack); re-added CoreHaskell again to the examples - there seems to be a problem with the variable name pat
2010-05-16 Christian Urban tuned paper
2010-05-15 Christian Urban tuned paper
2010-05-14 Christian Urban tuned a bit the paper
2010-05-14 Christian Urban started a new file for the parser to make some experiments
2010-05-14 Christian Urban moved old parser and fv into attic
2010-05-14 Christian Urban polished example
2010-05-14 Christian Urban merged
2010-05-14 Christian Urban tuned a bit the paper
2010-05-14 Cezary Kaliszyk Proper fv/alpha for multiple compound binders
2010-05-14 Cezary Kaliszyk SingleLetFoo with everything.
2010-05-14 Cezary Kaliszyk Fv for multiple binding functions
2010-05-13 Christian Urban added a more instructive example - has some problems with fv though
2010-05-13 Christian Urban added flip_eqvt and swap_eqvt to the equivariance lists
2010-05-13 Christian Urban tuned the paper
2010-05-13 Christian Urban properly declared outer keyword
2010-05-13 Christian Urban added an example which goes outside our current speciifcation
2010-05-13 Christian Urban made out of STEPS a configuration value so that it can be set individually in each file
2010-05-13 Christian Urban tuned eqvt-proofs about prod_rel and prod_fv
2010-05-13 Christian Urban removed internal functions from the signature (they are not needed anymore)
2010-05-13 Christian Urban added term4 back to the examples
2010-05-13 Cezary Kaliszyk Make Term4 use 'equivariance'.
2010-05-12 Christian Urban fixed the examples for the new eqvt-procedure....temporarily disabled Manual/Term4.thy
2010-05-12 Christian Urban merged
2010-05-12 Christian Urban moved the data-transformation into the parser
2010-05-12 Christian Urban added a test whether some of the constants already equivariant (then the procedure has to fail).
2010-05-12 Cezary Kaliszyk include set_simps and append_simps in fv_rsp
2010-05-12 Cezary Kaliszyk Move alpha_eqvt to unused.
2010-05-12 Cezary Kaliszyk Use equivariance instead of alpha_eqvt
2010-05-12 Cezary Kaliszyk merge
2010-05-12 Cezary Kaliszyk merge
2010-05-12 Cezary Kaliszyk fvbv_rsp include prod_rel.simps
2010-05-12 Christian Urban better ML-interface (returning only a list of theorems and a context)
2010-05-12 Cezary Kaliszyk merge
2010-05-12 Cezary Kaliszyk Use raw_induct instead of induct
2010-05-12 Christian Urban ingnored parameters in equivariance; added a proper interface to be called from ML
2010-05-12 Christian Urban properly exported defined bn-functions
2010-05-11 Cezary Kaliszyk Include raw permutation definitions in eqvt
2010-05-11 Cezary Kaliszyk Declare alpha_gen_eqvt as eqvt and change the proofs that used 'eqvts[symmetric]'
2010-05-11 Christian Urban a bit for the introduction of the q-paper
2010-05-11 Christian Urban added some of the quotient literature; a bit more to the qpaper
2010-05-10 Christian Urban fixed a problem with non-existant alphas2
2010-05-10 Christian Urban added comment about bind_set
2010-05-10 Christian Urban fixing bind_set problem
2010-05-10 Cezary Kaliszyk merge
2010-05-10 Cezary Kaliszyk Term8 comment
2010-05-10 Cezary Kaliszyk merge
2010-05-10 Cezary Kaliszyk Restore set bindings in CoreHaskell
2010-05-10 Cezary Kaliszyk Recursive examples with relation composition
2010-05-10 Cezary Kaliszyk merge
2010-05-10 Cezary Kaliszyk prod_rel and prod_fv eqvt and mono
2010-05-10 Cezary Kaliszyk ExLetRec
2010-05-10 Cezary Kaliszyk merge
2010-05-10 Cezary Kaliszyk Parser changes for compound relations
2010-05-10 Cezary Kaliszyk merge
2010-05-10 Cezary Kaliszyk Use mk_compound_fv' and mk_compound_rel'
2010-05-10 Cezary Kaliszyk merge
2010-05-10 Cezary Kaliszyk Membership in a pair of lists.
2010-05-10 Cezary Kaliszyk Synchronize FSet with repository
2010-05-09 Christian Urban tuned file names for examples
2010-05-09 Christian Urban cleaned up a bit the examples; added equivariance to all examples
2010-05-09 Christian Urban fixed the problem with alpha containing splits
2010-05-09 Christian Urban added eqvt-lemma for split; changed semantics of perm_simp: excluded stands for constants about which no complaint is written out...eqvt_apply is now always applied
2010-05-07 Cezary Kaliszyk Manually added some newer keywords from the distribution
2010-05-07 Cezary Kaliszyk Regularize experiments
2010-05-06 Cezary Kaliszyk alpha_eqvt_tac with prod_rel and prod_fv simps
2010-05-06 Cezary Kaliszyk mem => member
2010-05-06 Cezary Kaliszyk merge
2010-05-06 Cezary Kaliszyk Fixes for new Isabelle
2010-05-06 Cezary Kaliszyk compound versions with prod_rel and prod_fun, not made default yet.
2010-05-06 Cezary Kaliszyk prod_rel and prod_fv simps
2010-05-06 Cezary Kaliszyk mem => member
2010-05-06 Cezary Kaliszyk prod_rel.simps and Fixed for new isabelle
2010-05-06 Cezary Kaliszyk Fixes for new isabelle
2010-05-06 Cezary Kaliszyk prod_fv and its respectfullness and preservation.
2010-05-06 Cezary Kaliszyk Experiments with equivariance.
2010-05-05 Christian Urban merged
2010-05-05 Christian Urban a bit mor on the pearl journal paper
2010-05-05 Christian Urban solved the problem with equivariance by first eta-normalising the goal
2010-05-05 Cezary Kaliszyk Some cleaning in Term4
2010-05-04 Cezary Kaliszyk "isabelle make" compiles all examples with newparser/newfv/newalpha only.
2010-05-04 Cezary Kaliszyk Move Term4 to NewParser
2010-05-04 Cezary Kaliszyk Fix Term4 for permutation signature change
2010-05-04 Cezary Kaliszyk Move LF to NewParser. Just works.
2010-05-04 Cezary Kaliszyk merge
2010-05-04 Cezary Kaliszyk ExLetMult
2010-05-04 Cezary Kaliszyk Ex1Rec.
2010-05-04 Cezary Kaliszyk merge
2010-05-04 Cezary Kaliszyk merge
2010-05-04 Cezary Kaliszyk ExPS3 in NewParser
2010-05-04 Cezary Kaliszyk Move ExPS8 to new parser.
2010-05-04 Cezary Kaliszyk Fix for new isabelle
2010-05-04 Cezary Kaliszyk merge
2010-05-04 Cezary Kaliszyk Minor
2010-05-04 Christian Urban increased step counter so that all steps go through
2010-05-04 Christian Urban fixed my error with define_raw_fv
2010-05-04 Christian Urban tuned and added some comments to the code; added also an exception for early exit of the nominal2_cmd function
2010-05-04 Cezary Kaliszyk Separate Term8, as it may work soon.
2010-05-04 Cezary Kaliszyk moved CoreHaskell to NewParser.
2010-05-04 Cezary Kaliszyk ExPS7 in NewParser
2010-05-04 Cezary Kaliszyk Move ExLeroy to New Parser
2010-05-04 Cezary Kaliszyk Move 2 more to NewParser
2010-05-04 Cezary Kaliszyk Move TypeSchemes to NewParser
2010-05-04 Cezary Kaliszyk Move ExLet to NewParser.
2010-05-04 Christian Urban tuned
2010-05-04 Christian Urban roll back of the last commit (there was a difference)
2010-05-04 Christian Urban tuned
2010-05-04 Christian Urban to my best knowledge the number of datatypes is equal to the length of the dt_descr; so we can save one argument in define_raw_perm
2010-05-04 Christian Urban merged
2010-05-04 Christian Urban some preliminary changes to the pearl-jv paper
2010-05-03 Christian Urban some preliminary notes of the abstract (qpaper); still need to see the motivating example
2010-05-03 Cezary Kaliszyk Added cheats to classical
2010-05-03 Cezary Kaliszyk Ex2 moved to new parser.
2010-05-03 Cezary Kaliszyk alpha_eqvt_tac fixed to work when the existential is not at the top level.
2010-05-03 Cezary Kaliszyk SingleLet and Ex3 work with NewParser.
2010-05-03 Cezary Kaliszyk Comment
2010-05-03 Cezary Kaliszyk Another example where only alpha_eqvt fails.
2010-05-03 Cezary Kaliszyk Register only non-looping rules in eq_iff
2010-05-03 Cezary Kaliszyk Equivariance fails for single let?
2010-05-03 Cezary Kaliszyk NewParser
2010-05-03 Cezary Kaliszyk Introduce eq_iff_simp to match the one from Parser.
2010-05-03 Cezary Kaliszyk remove tracing
2010-05-03 Cezary Kaliszyk Cheat support equations in new parser
2010-05-03 Cezary Kaliszyk Remove dependency on NewFv
2010-05-03 Cezary Kaliszyk Fix Parser
2010-05-03 Cezary Kaliszyk Add explicit cheats in NewParser and comment out the examples for outside use.
2010-05-03 Cezary Kaliszyk Fix Datatype_Aux calls in NewParser.
2010-05-03 Cezary Kaliszyk Move old fv_alpha_export to Fv.
2010-05-02 Christian Urban moved old parser and old fv back into their original places; isabelle make works again
2010-05-02 Christian Urban slight tuning
2010-05-02 Christian Urban simplified the supp-of-finite-sets proof
2010-05-02 Christian Urban tried to add some comments in the huge(!) nominal2_cmd function
2010-05-02 Christian Urban replaced make_pair with library function HOLogic.mk_prod
2010-05-02 Christian Urban removed duplicate eqvt attribute
2010-05-02 Christian Urban attempted to remove dependency on (old) Fv and (old) Parser; lifting still uses Fv.thy; the examples do not work at the moment (with equivp proofs failing)
2010-05-01 Christian Urban merged
2010-05-01 Christian Urban tuned
2010-04-30 Christian Urban replaced hide by the new hide_const
2010-04-30 Christian Urban generalised the fs-instance lemma (not just fsets of atoms are finitely supported, but also fsets of finitely supported elements)
2010-04-30 Christian Urban added lemmas establishing the support of finite sets of finitely supported elements
2010-04-30 Christian Urban added eqvt-lemmas for Bex, Ball and Union
2010-04-30 Cezary Kaliszyk NewParser with Parser functionality, but some cheats included since the order of datayupes is wrong.
2010-04-30 Cezary Kaliszyk Merged nominal_datatype into NewParser until eqvts
2010-04-30 Cezary Kaliszyk more parser/new parser synchronization.
2010-04-30 Cezary Kaliszyk Simplify old parser for integration
2010-04-30 Cezary Kaliszyk merge
2010-04-30 Cezary Kaliszyk Change signature of fv and alpha generation.
2010-04-30 Christian Urban reorganised eqvt-file (now uses perm_simp already)
2010-04-30 Cezary Kaliszyk qpaper
2010-04-29 Cezary Kaliszyk merge
2010-04-29 Cezary Kaliszyk New Alpha.
2010-04-29 Cezary Kaliszyk Minimal cleaning in LamEx
2010-04-29 Cezary Kaliszyk Remove things moved to the isabelle distribution
2010-04-29 Cezary Kaliszyk Unify and give only one name to 'setify', 'listify' and 'set'
2010-04-29 Cezary Kaliszyk Fixing the definitions in the Parser.
2010-04-29 Cezary Kaliszyk Some of the exceptions that the parser should check in TODO.
2010-04-29 Cezary Kaliszyk Extracting the fv body function and exporting the terms.
2010-04-29 Cezary Kaliszyk Fix for recursive binders.
2010-04-29 Cezary Kaliszyk revert 0c9ef14e9ba4
2010-04-29 Cezary Kaliszyk Support in positive position and atoms in negative positions.
2010-04-29 Cezary Kaliszyk merge
2010-04-29 Cezary Kaliszyk Include support of unknown datatypes in new fv
2010-04-29 Christian Urban merged
2010-04-29 Christian Urban added basic functions for constructing supp-terms
2010-04-29 Cezary Kaliszyk quotient paper
2010-04-29 Christian Urban added missing latex-style file
2010-04-29 Christian Urban merged
2010-04-29 Christian Urban added stub for quotient paper; call with isabelle make qpaper
2010-04-28 Cezary Kaliszyk Cleaning of Int and FSet Examples
2010-04-28 Christian Urban use the more general type-class at_base
2010-04-28 Christian Urban deleted left-over code
2010-04-28 Christian Urban simpliied and moved the remaining lemmas about the atom-function to Nominal2_Base
2010-04-28 Christian Urban use sort at_base instead of at
2010-04-28 Christian Urban white spaces
2010-04-28 Christian Urban avoided repeated dest of dt_info
2010-04-28 Christian Urban tuned
2010-04-28 Christian Urban factured out common functionality of prefixing the dt-names with a string
2010-04-28 Christian Urban closed Datatype_Aux; replaced nth_dtyp by the function used in Perm.thy
2010-04-27 Christian Urban added some further problemetic tests
2010-04-27 Christian Urban some tuning
2010-04-27 Christian Urban moved mk_atom into the library; that meant that concrete atom classes need to be in Nominal2_Base
2010-04-27 Christian Urban merged
2010-04-27 Cezary Kaliszyk Rewrote FV code and included the function package.
2010-04-27 Cezary Kaliszyk merge
2010-04-27 Cezary Kaliszyk Function in Core Haskell
2010-04-27 Christian Urban one more pass over the paper
2010-04-27 Christian Urban more polishing on the paper
2010-04-26 Christian Urban merged
2010-04-26 Christian Urban some changes to the paper
2010-04-26 Christian Urban rewrote eqvts_raw to be a symtab, that can be looked up
2010-04-26 Cezary Kaliszyk merge ???
2010-04-21 Cezary Kaliszyk infix for In
2010-04-26 Christian Urban eliminated command so that all compiles
2010-04-26 Christian Urban changed theorem_i to theorem....requires new Isabelle
2010-04-25 Christian Urban tuned
2010-04-25 Christian Urban tuned and cleaned
2010-04-25 Christian Urban tuned and made to compile
2010-04-25 Christian Urban added definition of raw-permutations to the new-parser
2010-04-25 Christian Urban tuned
2010-04-24 Christian Urban slight tuning
2010-04-24 Christian Urban added a comment about a function where I am not sure who wrote it.
2010-04-24 Christian Urban merged
2010-04-23 Cezary Kaliszyk Minor
2010-04-23 Cezary Kaliszyk Minor cleaning of IntEx
2010-04-23 Cezary Kaliszyk Further cleaning of proofs in FSet
2010-04-22 Cezary Kaliszyk Update term8
2010-04-22 Cezary Kaliszyk Converted 'thm' to a lemma.
2010-04-22 Cezary Kaliszyk Moved working Fset3 properties to FSet.
2010-04-22 Christian Urban tuned parser
2010-04-22 Christian Urban moved lemmas from FSet.thy to do with atom to Nominal2_Base, and to do with 'a::at set to Nominal2_Atoms; moved Nominal2_Eqvt.thy one up to be loaded before Nominal2_Atoms
2010-04-21 Christian Urban tuned proofs
2010-04-21 Christian Urban merged
2010-04-21 Christian Urban moved some lemmas into the right places
2010-04-21 Cezary Kaliszyk minor
2010-04-21 Cezary Kaliszyk merge
2010-04-21 Cezary Kaliszyk append_rsp2 + isarification
2010-04-21 Christian Urban some small changes
2010-04-21 Christian Urban merged
2010-04-21 Christian Urban deleted the incomplete proof about pairs of abstractions
2010-04-21 Christian Urban added a variant of the induction principle for permutations
2010-04-21 Cezary Kaliszyk merge
2010-04-21 Cezary Kaliszyk More about concat
2010-04-21 Christian Urban merged
2010-04-21 Christian Urban incomplete tests
2010-04-21 Christian Urban added an improved version of the induction principle for permutations
2010-04-21 Cezary Kaliszyk Working lifting of concat with inline proofs of second level preservation.
2010-04-21 Cezary Kaliszyk FSet3 cleaning part2
2010-04-21 Cezary Kaliszyk merge
2010-04-21 Cezary Kaliszyk Remove the part already in FSet and leave the experiments
2010-04-21 Christian Urban merged
2010-04-21 Christian Urban removed a sorry
2010-04-20 Christian Urban renamed Ex1.thy to SingleLet.thy
2010-04-20 Christian Urban tuning of the code
2010-04-21 Cezary Kaliszyk Reorder FSet
2010-04-21 Cezary Kaliszyk merge
2010-04-21 Cezary Kaliszyk lattice properties.
2010-04-20 Cezary Kaliszyk All lifted in Term4. Requires new isabelle.
2010-04-20 Cezary Kaliszyk fsets are distributive lattices.
2010-04-20 Cezary Kaliszyk Fix of comment
2010-04-20 Christian Urban reordered code
2010-04-20 Christian Urban renamed "_empty" and "_append" to "_zero" and "_plus"
2010-04-20 Christian Urban removed dead code (nominal cannot deal with argument types of constructors that are functions)
2010-04-20 Christian Urban added comment about abstraction in raw permuations
2010-04-20 Christian Urban optimised the code of define_raw_perm
2010-04-19 Christian Urban deleting function perm_arg in favour of the library function mk_perm
2010-04-19 Christian Urban merged
2010-04-19 Christian Urban tuned; fleshed out some library functions about permutations; closed Datatype_Aux structure (increases readability)
2010-04-19 Cezary Kaliszyk FSet is a semi-lattice
2010-04-19 Cezary Kaliszyk merge
2010-04-19 Cezary Kaliszyk Putting FSet in bot typeclass.
2010-04-19 Cezary Kaliszyk reorder
2010-04-19 Christian Urban merged
2010-04-19 Christian Urban small updates to the paper; remaining points in PAPER-TODO
2010-04-19 Cezary Kaliszyk sub_list definition and respects
2010-04-19 Cezary Kaliszyk Alternate list_eq and equivalence
2010-04-19 Cezary Kaliszyk Some new lemmas
2010-04-19 Cezary Kaliszyk More cleaning
2010-04-19 Cezary Kaliszyk remove more metis
2010-04-19 Cezary Kaliszyk more metis cleaning
2010-04-19 Cezary Kaliszyk Getting rid of 'metis'.
2010-04-19 Cezary Kaliszyk merge
2010-04-19 Cezary Kaliszyk Remove 'defer'.
2010-04-19 Christian Urban merged
2010-04-19 Christian Urban tuned proofs
2010-04-19 Cezary Kaliszyk 2 more lifted lemmas needed for second representation
2010-04-19 Cezary Kaliszyk Accept non-equality eqvt rules in support proofs.
2010-04-19 Cezary Kaliszyk merge
2010-04-19 Cezary Kaliszyk Locations of files in Parser
2010-04-19 Cezary Kaliszyk merge
2010-04-19 Cezary Kaliszyk minor FSet3 edits.
2010-04-18 Christian Urban tuned
2010-04-18 Christian Urban moved some general function into nominal_library.ML
2010-04-18 Christian Urban tuned; transformation functions now take a context, a thm and return a thm
2010-04-18 Christian Urban tuned
2010-04-18 Christian Urban equivariance for alpha_raw in CoreHaskell is automatically derived
2010-04-18 Christian Urban preliminary parser for perm_simp metod
2010-04-16 Christian Urban automatic proofs for equivariance of alphas
2010-04-16 Cezary Kaliszyk Finished proof in Lambda.thy
2010-04-16 Christian Urban merged
2010-04-16 Christian Urban attempt to manual prove eqvt for alpha
2010-04-16 Cezary Kaliszyk Lifting in Term4.
2010-04-16 Christian Urban some tuning of eqvt-infrastructure
2010-04-15 Christian Urban some tuning of proofs
2010-04-15 Christian Urban typo
2010-04-15 Christian Urban merged
2010-04-15 Christian Urban half of the pair-abs-equivalence
2010-04-15 Cezary Kaliszyk More on Manual/Trm4
2010-04-15 Cezary Kaliszyk alpha4_equivp and constant lifting.
2010-04-15 Cezary Kaliszyk alpha4_eqvt and alpha4_reflp
2010-04-15 Cezary Kaliszyk fv_eqvt in term4
2010-04-15 Cezary Kaliszyk Updating in Term4.
2010-04-15 Cezary Kaliszyk merge
2010-04-15 Cezary Kaliszyk Prove insert_rsp2
2010-04-15 Christian Urban merged
2010-04-15 Christian Urban changed header
2010-04-15 Cezary Kaliszyk Minor paper fixes.
2010-04-14 Christian Urban temporary fix for CoreHaskell
2010-04-14 Christian Urban deleted offending [eqvt]-attribute in Abs; Lambda works again, but there is now a problem in CoreHaskell
2010-04-14 Cezary Kaliszyk merge
2010-04-14 Cezary Kaliszyk Fix the 'subscript' error.
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