2014-05-19 | Christian Urban |
changed nominal_primrec to nominal_function and termination to nominal_termination | file | diff | annotate |
2014-05-19 | Christian Urban |
changed nominal_primrec into the more appropriate nominal_function | file | diff | annotate |
2011-12-19 | Cezary Kaliszyk | Disproved the property described as 'Tzevelakos'. | file | diff | annotate |
2011-12-16 | Cezary Kaliszyk | Beta: equ and equ2 are not the same relations, equ2 seems not to be beta-eta equality. | file | diff | annotate |
2011-12-15 | Christian Urban | a bit more on alpha-beta-equated terms | file | diff | annotate |
2011-11-26 | Christian Urban | a few more experiments with alpha-beta | file | diff | annotate |
2011-11-10 | Christian Urban | proved supp for QVar; QApp still fails - probably stronger condistion is needed | file | diff | annotate |