2010-01-30 Christian Urban introduced a generic alpha (but not sure whether it is helpful)
2010-01-29 Christian Urban now also final step is proved - the supp of lambdas is now completely characterised
2010-01-28 Christian Urban the supp of a lambda can now be characterised, *provided* the notion of free variables coincides with support on lambda terms
2010-01-28 Christian Urban attempt of a general abstraction operator
2010-01-28 Christian Urban attempt to prove equivalence between alpha definitions
2010-01-28 Cezary Kaliszyk Minor when looking at lam.distinct and lam.inject
2010-01-28 Christian Urban test about supp/freshness for lam (old proofs work in principle - for single binders)
2010-01-26 Christian Urban added an LamEx example together with the new nominal infrastructure
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