1 (* Title: Nominal2_Eqvt |
2 Author: Brian Huffman, |
3 Author: Christian Urban |
4 |
5 Test cases for perm_simp |
6 *) |
7 theory Nominal2_Eqvt |
8 imports Nominal2_Base |
9 begin |
10 |
11 |
12 declare [[trace_eqvt = false]] |
13 (* declare [[trace_eqvt = true]] *) |
14 |
15 lemma |
16 fixes B::"'a::pt" |
17 shows "p \<bullet> (B = C)" |
18 apply(perm_simp) |
19 oops |
20 |
21 lemma |
22 fixes B::"bool" |
23 shows "p \<bullet> (B = C)" |
24 apply(perm_simp) |
25 oops |
26 |
27 lemma |
28 fixes B::"bool" |
29 shows "p \<bullet> (A \<longrightarrow> B = C)" |
30 apply (perm_simp) |
31 oops |
32 |
33 lemma |
34 shows "p \<bullet> (\<lambda>(x::'a::pt). A \<longrightarrow> (B::'a \<Rightarrow> bool) x = C) = foo" |
35 apply(perm_simp) |
36 oops |
37 |
38 lemma |
39 shows "p \<bullet> (\<lambda>B::bool. A \<longrightarrow> (B = C)) = foo" |
40 apply (perm_simp) |
41 oops |
42 |
43 lemma |
44 shows "p \<bullet> (\<lambda>x y. \<exists>z. x = z \<and> x = y \<longrightarrow> z \<noteq> x) = foo" |
45 apply (perm_simp) |
46 oops |
47 |
48 lemma |
49 shows "p \<bullet> (\<lambda>f x. f (g (f x))) = foo" |
50 apply (perm_simp) |
51 oops |
52 |
53 lemma |
54 fixes p q::"perm" |
55 and x::"'a::pt" |
56 shows "p \<bullet> (q \<bullet> x) = foo" |
57 apply(perm_simp) |
58 oops |
59 |
60 lemma |
61 fixes p q r::"perm" |
62 and x::"'a::pt" |
63 shows "p \<bullet> (q \<bullet> r \<bullet> x) = foo" |
64 apply(perm_simp) |
65 oops |
66 |
67 lemma |
68 fixes p r::"perm" |
69 shows "p \<bullet> (\<lambda>q::perm. q \<bullet> (r \<bullet> x)) = foo" |
70 apply (perm_simp) |
71 oops |
72 |
73 lemma |
74 fixes C D::"bool" |
75 shows "B (p \<bullet> (C = D))" |
76 apply(perm_simp) |
77 oops |
78 |
79 declare [[trace_eqvt = false]] |
80 |
81 text {* there is no raw eqvt-rule for The *} |
82 lemma "p \<bullet> (THE x. P x) = foo" |
83 apply(perm_strict_simp exclude: The) |
84 apply(perm_simp exclude: The) |
85 oops |
86 |
87 lemma |
88 fixes P :: "(('b \<Rightarrow> bool) \<Rightarrow> ('b::pt)) \<Rightarrow> ('a::pt)" |
89 shows "p \<bullet> (P The) = foo" |
90 apply(perm_simp exclude: The) |
91 oops |
92 |
93 lemma |
94 fixes P :: "('a::pt) \<Rightarrow> ('b::pt) \<Rightarrow> bool" |
95 shows "p \<bullet> (\<lambda>(a, b). P a b) = (\<lambda>(a, b). (p \<bullet> P) a b)" |
96 apply(perm_simp) |
97 oops |
98 |
99 thm eqvts |
100 thm eqvts_raw |
101 |
102 ML {* Nominal_ThmDecls.is_eqvt @{context} @{term "supp"} *} |
103 |
104 |
105 section {* automatic equivariance procedure for inductive definitions *} |
106 |
107 use "nominal_eqvt.ML" |
108 |
109 end |