Tue, 02 Aug 2022 22:11:22 +0100
changeset 575 3178f0e948ac
parent 574 692911c0b981
child 576 3e1b699696b6
--- a/ChengsongTanPhdThesis/Chapters/Bitcoded1.tex	Thu Jul 21 20:22:35 2022 +0100
+++ b/ChengsongTanPhdThesis/Chapters/Bitcoded1.tex	Tue Aug 02 22:11:22 2022 +0100
@@ -178,11 +178,6 @@
 Because of the lossiness, the process of decoding a bitlist requires additionally 
 a regular expression. The function $\decode$ is defined as:
-We define the reverse operation of $\code$, which is $\decode$.
-As expected, $\decode$ not only requires the bit-codes,
-but also a regular expression to guide the decoding and 
-fill the gaps of characters:
 %\begin{definition}[Bitdecoding of Values]\mbox{}
@@ -214,27 +209,35 @@
-The function $\decode'$ returns a pair consisting of a partially decoded value and some leftover:
-$\decode'$ does most of the job while $\decode$ throws
-away leftover bit-codes and returns the value only.
+The function $\decode'$ returns a pair consisting of 
+a partially decoded value and some leftover bit list that cannot
+be decide yet.
+The function $\decode'$ succeeds if the left-over 
+bit-sequence is empty.
 $\decode$ is terminating as $\decode'$ is terminating.
-We have the property that $\decode$ and $\code$ are
+$\decode'$ is terminating 
+because at least one of $\decode'$'s parameters will go down in terms
+of size.
+Assuming we have a value $v$ and regular expression $r$
+with $\vdash v:r$,
+then we have the property that $\decode$ and $\code$ are
 reverse operations of one another:
-\[\vdash v : r \implies \decode \; (\code \; v) \; r = \textit{Some}(v) \]
+\[If \vdash v : r \; then \;\decode \; (\code \; v) \; r = \textit{Some}(v) \]
 By proving a more general version of the lemma, on $\decode'$:
 \[\vdash v : r \implies \decode' \; ((\code \; v) @ ds) \; r = (v, ds) \]
-Then setting $ds$ to be $[]$ and unfolding $\decode$ definition
-we get the lemma.
+Then setting $ds$ to be $[]$ and unfolding $\decode$ definition,
+we obtain the property.
 With the $\code$ and $\decode$ functions in hand, we know how to 
-switch between bit-codes and value--the two different representations of 
-lexing information. 
-The next step is to integrate this information into the working regular expression.
+switch between bit-codes and values. 
+The next step is to integrate this information into regular expression.
 Attaching bits to the front of regular expressions is the solution Sulzamann and Lu
-gave for storing partial values on the fly:
+gave for storing partial values in regular expressions. 
+Annotated regular expressions are therefore defined as the Isabelle
@@ -249,16 +252,18 @@
 %(in \textit{ALTS})
-We call these regular expressions carrying bit-codes \emph{Annotated regular expressions}.
-$bs$ stands for bit-codes, $a$  for $\mathbf{a}$nnotated regular
-expressions and $as$ for a list of annotated regular expressions.
-The alternative constructor ($\sum$) has been generalised to 
-accept a list of annotated regular expressions rather than just 2.
+where $bs$ stands for bit-codes, $a$  for $\mathbf{a}$nnotated regular
+expressions and $as$ for lists of annotated regular expressions.
+The alternative constructor, written, $\sum$, has been generalised to 
+accept a list of annotated regular expressions rather than just two.
+Why is it generalised? This is because when we open up nested 
+alternatives, there could be more than two elements at the same level
+after de-duplication, which can no longer be stored in a binary
-The first thing we define related to bit-coded regular expressions
-is how we move bits, for instance pasting it at the front of an annotated regular expression.
-The operation $\fuse$ is just to attach bit-codes 
+The first operation we define related to bit-coded regular expressions
+is how we move bits to the inside of regular expressions.
+Called $\fuse$, this operation is attaches bit-codes 
 to the front of an annotated regular expression:
@@ -277,14 +282,12 @@
-With that we are able to define $\internalise$.
+With \emph{fuse} we are able to define the $\internalise$ function
+that translates a ``standard'' regular expression into an
+annotated regular expression.
+This function will be applied before we start
+with the derivative phase of the algorithm.
-To do lexing using annotated regular expressions, we shall first
-transform the usual (un-annotated) regular expressions into annotated
-regular expressions. This operation is called \emph{internalisation} and
-defined as follows:
   $(\ZERO)^\uparrow$ & $\dn$ & $\ZERO$\\
@@ -303,7 +306,7 @@
 We use an up arrow with postfix notation
-to denote the operation, 
+to denote this operation.
 for convenience. The $\textit{internalise} \; r$
 notation is more cumbersome.
 The opposite of $\textit{internalise}$ is
@@ -312,16 +315,17 @@
 regular expressions is transformed to the binary alternatives
 for plain regular expressions.
-	\begin{tabular}{lcr}
-		$\erase \; \ZERO$ & $\dn$ & $\ZERO$\\
-		$\erase \; _{bs}\ONE$ & $\dn$ & $\ONE$\\
-		$\erase \; _{bs}\mathbf{c}$ & $\dn$ & $\mathbf{c}$\\
-		$\erase \; _{bs} a_1 \cdot a_2$ & $\dn$ & $\erase \; r_1\cdot\erase\; r_2$\\
-		$\erase \; _{bs} [] $ & $\dn$ & $\ZERO$\\
-		$\erase \; _{bs} [a] $ & $\dn$ & $\erase \; a$\\
-		$\erase \; _{bs} \sum [a_1, \; a_2]$ & $\dn$ & $\erase \; a_1 +\erase \; a_2$\\
-		$\erase \; _{bs} \sum (a :: as)$ & $\dn$ & $\erase \; a + \erase \; _{[]} \sum as$\\
-		$\erase \; _{bs} a^*$ & $\dn$ & $(\erase \; a)^*$
+	\begin{tabular}{lcl}
+		$\ZERO_\downarrow$ & $\dn$ & $\ZERO$\\
+		$( _{bs}\ONE )_\downarrow$ & $\dn$ & $\ONE$\\
+		$( _{bs}\mathbf{c} )_\downarrow$ & $\dn$ & $\mathbf{c}$\\
+		$( _{bs} a_1 \cdot a_2 )_\downarrow$ & $\dn$ & 
+		$ (a_1) _\downarrow \cdot  (a_2) _\downarrow$\\
+		$( _{bs} [])_\downarrow $ & $\dn$ & $\ZERO $\\
+		$( _{bs} [a]  )_\downarrow$ & $\dn$ & $a_\downarrow$\\
+		$_{bs} \sum [a_1, \; a_2]$ & $\dn$ & $ (a_1) _\downarrow + ( a_2 ) _\downarrow $\\
+		$(_{bs} \sum (a :: as))_\downarrow$ & $\dn$ & $ a_\downarrow + \; (_{[]} \sum as)_\downarrow$\\
+		$( _{bs} a^* )_\downarrow$ & $\dn$ & $(a_\downarrow)^*$
@@ -331,13 +335,12 @@
 testing whether they contain empty string in their lauguage requires
 a dedicated function $\bnullable$
 which simply calls $\erase$ first before testing whether it is $\nullable$.
-	\begin{tabular}{lcr}
-		$\bnullable \; a $ & $\dn$ & $\nullable \; (a_\downarrow)$
-	\end{tabular}
+		$\bnullable \; a \dn  \nullable \; (a_\downarrow)$
 The function for collecting the
-bitcodes of a $\bnullable$ annotated regular expression
+bitcodes at the end of the derivative 
+phase from a (b)nullable regular expression
 is a generalised version of the $\textit{mkeps}$ function
 for annotated regular expressions, called $\textit{bmkeps}$:
@@ -359,74 +362,105 @@
-This function completes the value information by travelling along the
+$\bmkeps$ completes the value information by travelling along the
 path of the regular expression that corresponds to a POSIX value and
-collecting all the bitcodes, and using $S$ to indicate the end of star
+collecting all the bitcodes, and attaching $S$ to indicate the end of star
-The most central question is how these partial lexing information
-represented as bit-codes is augmented and carried around 
-during a derivative is taken.
-This is done by adding bitcodes to the 
-derivatives, for example when one more star iteratoin is taken (we
-call the operation of derivatives on annotated regular expressions $\bder$
-because it is derivatives on regular expressiones with \emph{b}itcodes),
+Now we give out the central part of this lexing algorithm,
+the $\bder$ function (stands for \emph{b}itcoded-derivative).
+For most time we use the infix notation $(\_\backslash\_)$ 
+to mean $\bder$ for brevity when
+there is no danger of confusion with derivatives on plain regular expressions.
+For example, we write $( _{[]}r^* ) \backslash c$ instead of $\bder \;c \; _{[]}r^*$,
+as the bitcodes at the front of $r^*$ indicates that it is 
+a bit-coded regular expression, not a plain one.
+$\bder$ tells us how regular expressions can be recursively traversed,
+where the bitcodes are augmented and carried around 
+when a derivative is taken.
+  \begin{tabular}{@{}lcl@{}}
+  $(\ZERO)\,\backslash c$ & $\dn$ & $\ZERO$\\  
+  $(_{bs}\ONE)\,\backslash c$ & $\dn$ & $\ZERO$\\  
+  $(_{bs}{\bf d})\,\backslash c$ & $\dn$ &
+        $\textit{if}\;c=d\; \;\textit{then}\;
+         _{bs}\ONE\;\textit{else}\;\ZERO$\\  
+  $(_{bs}\sum \;\textit{as})\,\backslash c$ & $\dn$ &
+  $_{bs}\sum\;(\textit{map} \; (\_\backslash c) \; as )$\\
+  $(_{bs}\;a_1\cdot a_2)\,\backslash c$ & $\dn$ &
+     $\textit{if}\;\textit{bnullable}\,a_1$\\
+					       & &$\textit{then}\;_{bs}\sum\,[(_{[]}\,(a_1\,\backslash c)\cdot\,a_2),$\\
+					       & &$\phantom{\textit{then},\;_{bs}\sum\,}(\textit{fuse}\,(\textit{bmkeps}\,a_1)\,(a_2\,\backslash c))]$\\
+  & &$\textit{else}\;_{bs}\,(a_1\,\backslash c)\cdot a_2$\\
+  $(_{bs}a^*)\,\backslash c$ & $\dn$ &
+      $_{bs}(\textit{fuse}\, [Z] \; r\,\backslash c)\cdot
+       (_{[]}r^*))$
+We give the intuition behind some of the more involved cases in 
+$\bder$. For example,
+in the \emph{star} case,
+a derivative on $_{bs}a^*$ means 
+that one more star iteratoin needs to be taken.
 we need to unfold it into a sequence,
 and attach an additional bit $Z$ to the front of $r \backslash c$
-to indicate one more star iteration. 
-  \begin{tabular}{@{}lcl@{}}
-  $\bder \; c\; (_{bs}a^*) $ & $\dn$ &
-      $_{bs}(\textit{fuse}\, [Z] \; \bder \; c \; a)\cdot
-       (_{[]}a^*))$
+as a record to indicate one new star iteration is unfolded.
-For most time we use the infix notation $\backslash$ to mean $\bder$ for brevity when
-there is no danger of confusion with derivatives on plain regular expressions, 
-for example, the above can be expressed as
   $(_{bs}a^*)\,\backslash c$ & $\dn$ &
-      $_{bs}(\textit{fuse}\, [Z] \; a\,\backslash c)\cdot
+  $_{bs}(\underbrace{\textit{fuse}\, [Z] \; a\,\backslash c}_{\text{One more iteration}})\cdot
-Using the picture we used earlier to depict this, the transformation when 
-taking a derivative w.r.t a star is like below:
+This information will be recovered later by the $\decode$ function.
+The intuition is that the bit $Z$ will be decoded at the right location,
+because we accumulate bits from left to right (a rigorous proof will be given
-\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.append style={draw, rounded corners, inner sep=10pt}]
-    \node [rectangle split, rectangle split horizontal, rectangle split parts=2, rectangle split part fill={red!30,blue!20},]
+\begin{tikzpicture}[ > = stealth, % arrow head style
+        shorten > = 1pt, % don't touch arrow head to node
+        semithick % line style
+    ]
+    \tikzstyle{every state}=[
+        draw = black,
+        thin,
+        fill = cyan!29,
+        minimum size = 7mm
+    ]
+    \begin{scope}[node distance=1cm and 0cm, every node/.style=state]
+		\node (k) [rectangle split, rectangle split horizontal, rectangle split parts=2, rectangle split part fill={red!30,blue!20},]
          \nodepart{two} $a^*$ };
-%\caption{term 1 \ref{term:1}'s matching configuration}
+	 \node (l) [below =of k, rectangle split, rectangle split horizontal, rectangle split parts=2, rectangle split part fill={red!30,blue!20},]
+        { $bs$ + [Z]
+         \nodepart{two}  $(a\backslash c )\cdot a^*$ };
+    \end{scope}
+    \path[->] 
+	      (k) edge (l);
+Pictorially the process looks like below.
+Like before, the red region denotes
+previous lexing information (stored as bitcodes in $bs$).
 \begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.append style={draw, rounded corners, inner sep=10pt}]
-    \node [rectangle split, rectangle split horizontal, rectangle split parts=2, rectangle split part fill={red!30,blue!20},]
-        {$v_{\text{previous iterations}}$
-         \nodepart{two} $a^*$};
-%\caption{term 1 \ref{term:1}'s matching configuration}
-\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.append style={draw, rounded corners, inner sep=10pt}]
-    \node [rectangle split, rectangle split horizontal, rectangle split parts=2, rectangle split part fill={red!30,blue!20},]
+	\begin{scope}[node distance=1cm]   
+		\node (a) [rectangle split, rectangle split horizontal, rectangle split parts=2, rectangle split part fill={red!30,blue!20},]
+        {$bs$
+         \nodepart{two} $a^*$ };
+	 \node (b) [rectangle split, rectangle split horizontal, rectangle split parts=2, rectangle split part fill={red!30,blue!20},]
         { $bs$ + [Z]
          \nodepart{two}  $(a\backslash c )\cdot a^*$ };
 %\caption{term 1 \ref{term:1}'s matching configuration}
+ 	\end{scope}
-\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.append style={draw, rounded corners, inner sep=10pt}]
-    \node [rectangle split, rectangle split horizontal, rectangle split parts=2, rectangle split part fill={red!30,blue!20},]
-        {$v_{\text{previous iterations}}$ + 1 more iteration
-         \nodepart{two} $(a\backslash c )\cdot a^*$ };
-%\caption{term 1 \ref{term:1}'s matching configuration}
 Another place in the $\bder$ function where it differs
 from normal derivatives (on un-annotated regular expressions)
@@ -474,25 +508,6 @@
 The rest of the clauses of $\bder$ is rather similar to
 $\der$, and is put together here as a wholesome definition
 for $\bder$:
-  \begin{tabular}{@{}lcl@{}}
-  $(\ZERO)\,\backslash c$ & $\dn$ & $\ZERO$\\  
-  $(_{bs}\ONE)\,\backslash c$ & $\dn$ & $\ZERO$\\  
-  $(_{bs}{\bf d})\,\backslash c$ & $\dn$ &
-        $\textit{if}\;c=d\; \;\textit{then}\;
-         _{bs}\ONE\;\textit{else}\;\ZERO$\\  
-  $(_{bs}\sum \;\textit{as})\,\backslash c$ & $\dn$ &
-  $_{bs}\sum\;(\textit{map} \; (\_\backslash c) \; as )$\\
-  $(_{bs}\;a_1\cdot a_2)\,\backslash c$ & $\dn$ &
-     $\textit{if}\;\textit{bnullable}\,a_1$\\
-					       & &$\textit{then}\;_{bs}\sum\,[(_{[]}\,(a_1\,\backslash c)\cdot\,a_2),$\\
-					       & &$\phantom{\textit{then},\;_{bs}\sum\,}(\textit{fuse}\,(\textit{bmkeps}\,a_1)\,(a_2\,\backslash c))]$\\
-  & &$\textit{else}\;_{bs}\,(a_1\,\backslash c)\cdot a_2$\\
-  $(_{bs}a^*)\,\backslash c$ & $\dn$ &
-      $_{bs}(\textit{fuse}\, [Z] \; r\,\backslash c)\cdot
-       (_{[]}r^*))$
 Generalising the derivative operation with bitcodes to strings, we have 
--- a/thys3/BlexerSimp.thy	Thu Jul 21 20:22:35 2022 +0100
+++ b/thys3/BlexerSimp.thy	Tue Aug 02 22:11:22 2022 +0100
@@ -303,27 +303,7 @@
   apply(subgoal_tac "(cc @ a # dB6 cc' (tset (cc @ [a]))) s\<leadsto>* (cc @ (p6 cc a) # dB6 cc' (tset (cc @ [a])))") 
-lemma ss6_stronger_aux:
-  shows "(rs1 @ rs2) s\<leadsto>* (rs1 @ dB6 rs2 (set (map erase rs1)))"
-  apply(induct rs2 arbitrary: rs1)
-   apply simp
-  apply(case_tac "erase a \<in> erase ` set rs1")
-   apply(simp)
-   apply(drule_tac x = "rs1" in meta_spec)
-  apply(subgoal_tac "(rs1 @ a # rs2) s\<leadsto>* (rs1 @ rs2)")
-  using srewrites_trans apply blast
-  using deletes_dB apply presburger
-  apply(case_tac "set (turnIntoTerms (erase a)) \<subseteq> erase ` set rs1")
-  apply simp
-  apply(auto)
-  prefer 2
-  apply(drule_tac x="rs1 @ [a]" in meta_spec)
-  apply(simp)
-  sorry
 lemma ss6_stronger:
@@ -348,6 +328,7 @@
 harmless sorry
 thm seqFold.simps
@@ -359,7 +340,8 @@
-lemma tint_seqFold_eq: shows"set (tint (seqFold (erase x42) [erase x43])) = 
+lemma tint_seqFold_eq: shows
+"set (tint (seqFold (erase x42) [erase x43])) = 
            set (tint (SEQ (erase x42) (erase x43)))"
   apply(case_tac "erase x42 = ONE")
    apply simp
@@ -377,18 +359,31 @@
-lemma top_bitcodes_preserved_p6:
-  shows "\<lbrakk> r = ASEQ bs a1 a2 \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> p6 as r = AZERO \<or> (\<exists>bs3. top (p6 as r) = bs @ bs3)"
-  apply(induct r arbitrary: as)
-       apply simp
-  apply simp
-     apply simp
-  apply(case_tac "a1")
-         apply simp
+lemma p6fa_aux:
+  shows " fuse bs
+            (bsimp_AALTs bs\<^sub>0 as) = 
+            (bsimp_AALTs (bs @ bs\<^sub>0) as)"
+  by (metis bsimp_AALTs.simps(1) bsimp_AALTs.simps(2) bsimp_AALTs.simps(3) fuse.simps(1) fuse.simps(4) fuse_append neq_Nil_conv)
-  sorry
+lemma p6pfuse_alts:
+  shows 
+" \<And>bs\<^sub>0 as\<^sub>0.     
+       \<lbrakk>\<And>a bs. set (tint (erase a)) = set (tint (erase (fuse bs a))); a = AALTs bs\<^sub>0 as\<^sub>0\<rbrakk>
+       \<Longrightarrow> \<not> set (tint (erase a)) \<subseteq> (\<Union>x\<in>set as. set (tint (erase x))) \<longrightarrow>
+           fuse bs
+            (case a of AZERO \<Rightarrow> AZERO | AONE x \<Rightarrow> AONE x | ACHAR x xa \<Rightarrow> ACHAR x xa
+             | ASEQ bs r1 r2 \<Rightarrow> bsimp_ASEQ bs (prune6 (\<Union>x\<in>set as. set (tint (erase x))) r1 [erase r2]) r2
+             | AALTs bs rs0 \<Rightarrow> bsimp_AALTs bs (filter notZero (map (\<lambda>r. prune6 (\<Union>x\<in>set as. set (tint (erase x))) r []) rs0)) | ASTAR x xa \<Rightarrow> ASTAR x xa) 
+              =
+           (case fuse bs a of AZERO \<Rightarrow> AZERO | AONE x \<Rightarrow> AONE x | ACHAR x xa \<Rightarrow> ACHAR x xa
+            | ASEQ bs r1 r2 \<Rightarrow> bsimp_ASEQ bs (prune6 (\<Union>x\<in>set as. set (tint (erase x))) r1 [erase r2]) r2
+            | AALTs bs rs0 \<Rightarrow> bsimp_AALTs bs (filter notZero (map (\<lambda>r. prune6 (\<Union>x\<in>set as. set (tint (erase x))) r []) rs0)) | ASTAR x xa \<Rightarrow> ASTAR x xa)"
+  apply simp
+  using p6fa_aux by presburger
@@ -406,9 +401,27 @@
     apply simp
   using tint_seqFold_eq
   apply simp
+    apply (smt (z3) bsimp_ASEQ.simps(1) bsimp_ASEQ0 bsimp_ASEQ1 bsimp_ASEQ2 fuse.simps(1) fuse.simps(5) fuse_append)
+  using p6pfuse_alts apply presburger
+  by simp
+The top-level bitlist stays the same:
+\<^sub>b\<^sub>sa ------pruning----->  \<^sub>b\<^sub>s\<^sub>' b  \<Longrightarrow>        \<exists>bs3. bs' = bs @ bs3 
+lemma top_bitcodes_preserved_p6:
+  shows "top r = bs \<Longrightarrow> p6 as r = AZERO \<or> (\<exists>bs3. top (p6 as r) = bs @ bs3)"
+  apply(induct r arbitrary: as)
+(*this sorry requires more care *)
 corollary prune6_preserves_fuse_srewrite:
   shows "(as @ map (fuse bs) [a] @ as2) s\<leadsto>* (as @ map (fuse bs) [p6 as a] @ as2)"
   apply(subgoal_tac "map (fuse bs) [a] = [fuse bs a]")
@@ -567,7 +580,14 @@
   case (ss6 a1 a2 rsa rsb rsc)
   then show ?case
     by (smt (verit, best) Nil_is_append_conv bmkepss1 bmkepss2 bnullable_correctness in_set_conv_decomp list.distinct(1) list.set_intros(1) nullable_correctness set_ConsD subsetD)
-qed (auto)
+           prefer 10
+  case (ss7 as a as1)
+  then show ?case
+(*this sorry requires more effort*)
+  sorry
 lemma rewrites_bmkeps: 
   assumes "r1 \<leadsto>* r2" "bnullable r1" 
@@ -606,6 +626,12 @@
   shows "(map f [a]) = [f a]"
   by (simp)
+lemma "set (tint (erase a)) \<subseteq> (\<Union>x\<in>set as. set (tint (erase x))) \<Longrightarrow>
+       set (tint (erase (bder c a))) \<subseteq> (\<Union>x\<in>set (map (bder c) as). set (tint (erase x)))"
+  sorry
 lemma rewrite_preserves_bder: 
   shows "r1 \<leadsto> r2 \<Longrightarrow> (bder c r1) \<leadsto>* (bder c r2)"
   and   "rs1 s\<leadsto> rs2 \<Longrightarrow> map (bder c) rs1 s\<leadsto>* map (bder c) rs2"
@@ -681,6 +707,11 @@
     apply(rule_tac rrewrite_srewrite.ss6)
     using Der_def der_correctness apply auto[1]
     by blast
+  case (ss7 as a as1)
+  then show ?case
+    apply simp
+    sorry
 lemma rewrites_preserves_bder: 
@@ -733,18 +764,20 @@
       by (metis rrewrites_trans star_seq star_seq2) 
     then have "ASEQ bs1 r1 r2 \<leadsto>* bsimpStrong6 (ASEQ bs1 r1 r2)" by simp
-  ultimately show "ASEQ bs1 r1 r2 \<leadsto>* bsimpStrong6 (ASEQ bs1 r1 r2)" sorry
+  ultimately show "ASEQ bs1 r1 r2 \<leadsto>* bsimpStrong6 (ASEQ bs1 r1 r2)" 
+    by blast
   case (2 bs1 rs)
   have IH: "\<And>x. x \<in> set rs \<Longrightarrow> x \<leadsto>* bsimpStrong6 x" by fact
   then have "rs s\<leadsto>* (map bsimpStrong6 rs)" by (simp add: trivialbsimp_srewrites)
   also have "... s\<leadsto>* flts (map bsimpStrong6 rs)" by (simp add: fltsfrewrites) 
-  also have "... s\<leadsto>* distinctWith (flts (map bsimpStrong6 rs)) eq1 {}" by (simp add: ss6_stronger)
-  finally have "AALTs bs1 rs \<leadsto>* AALTs bs1 (distinctWith (flts (map bsimpStrong6 rs)) eq1 {})"
+  also have "... s\<leadsto>* dB6 (flts (map bsimpStrong6 rs))  {}" by (simp add: ss6_stronger)
+  finally have "AALTs bs1 rs \<leadsto>* AALTs bs1 (dB6 (flts (map bsimpStrong6 rs))  {})"
     using contextrewrites0 by auto
-  also have "... \<leadsto>* bsimp_AALTs  bs1 (distinctWith (flts (map bsimpStrong6 rs)) eq1 {})"
+  also have "... \<leadsto>* bsimp_AALTs  bs1 (dB6 (flts (map bsimpStrong6 rs))  {})"
     by (simp add: bsimp_AALTs_rewrites)     
-  finally show "AALTs bs1 rs \<leadsto>* bsimpStrong6 (AALTs bs1 rs)" sorry
+  finally show "AALTs bs1 rs \<leadsto>* bsimpStrong6 (AALTs bs1 rs)" 
+    using bsimpStrong6.simps(2) by presburger
 qed (simp_all)