--- a/ChengsongTanPhdThesis/Chapters/Bitcoded2.tex Sun Jul 09 02:08:12 2023 +0100
+++ b/ChengsongTanPhdThesis/Chapters/Bitcoded2.tex Mon Jul 10 00:44:45 2023 +0100
@@ -360,6 +360,8 @@
will definitely not contribute to a POSIX value,
even if they are attached with different bitcodes.
These duplicates therefore need to be removed.
To achieve this, we call $\rerases$ as the function $f$ during the distinction
operation. The function
$\rerases$ is very similar to $\erase$, except that it preserves the structure
@@ -375,7 +377,7 @@
the new datatype used by $\rerases$ (as our plain
regular expression datatype does not allow non-binary alternatives).
For now we can think of
-$\rerases$ as the function $(\_)_\downarrow$ defined in chapter \ref{Bitcoded1}
+$\rerases$ as the function erase ($(\_)_\downarrow$) defined in chapter \ref{Bitcoded1}
and $\rrexp$ as plain regular expressions, but having a general list constructor
for alternatives:
@@ -400,6 +402,10 @@
$\rerase{_{bs} a ^*}$ & $\dn$ & $\rerase{a}^*$
+We will provide more details in \ref{whyRerase} for why a new
+erase function and new datatype is needed. But briefly speaking
+it is for backward-compatibility with $\blexer$'s correctness proof and
+the path we (naturally) took during our proof engineering of the finiteness property.
\subsection{Putting Things Together}
We can now give the definition of our simplification function:
--- a/ChengsongTanPhdThesis/Chapters/Finite.tex Sun Jul 09 02:08:12 2023 +0100
+++ b/ChengsongTanPhdThesis/Chapters/Finite.tex Mon Jul 10 00:44:45 2023 +0100
@@ -208,7 +208,8 @@
We first introduce the operations such as
derivatives, simplification, size calculation, etc.
associated with $\rrexp$s, which we have introduced
- in chapter \ref{Bitcoded2}.
+ in chapter \ref{Bitcoded2}. As promised we will discuss
+ why they are needed in \ref{whyRerase}.
The operations on $\rrexp$s are identical to those on
annotated regular expressions except that they dispense with
bitcodes. This means that all proofs about size of $\rrexp$s will apply to
@@ -281,46 +282,79 @@
-\subsection{Why a New Datatype?}
-The reason we
-define a new datatype is that
-the $\erase$ function
-does not preserve the structure of annotated
-regular expressions.
-We initially started by using
-plain regular expressions and tried to prove
-lemma \ref{rsizeAsize},
-however the $\erase$ function messes with the structure of the
-annotated regular expression.
-The $+$ constructor
-of basic regular expressions is only binary, whereas $\sum$
-takes a list. Therefore we need to convert between
-annotated and normal regular expressions as follows:
+\subsection{Why a New Datatype?}\label{whyRerase}
+\marginpar{\em added label so this section can be referenced by other parts of the thesis
+so that interested readers can jump to/be reassured that there will explanations.}
+Originally the erase operation $(\_)_\downarrow$ was
+used by Ausaf et al. in their proofs related to $\blexer$.
+This function was not part of the lexing algorithm, and the sole purpose was to
+bridge the gap between the $r$
+(un-annotated) and $\textit{arexp}$ (annotated)
+regular expression datatypes so as to leverage the correctness
+theorem of $\lexer$.%to establish the correctness of $\blexer$.
+For example, lemma \ref{retrieveStepwise} %and \ref{bmkepsRetrieve}
+uses $\erase$ to convert an annotated regular expression $a$ into
+a plain one so that it can be used by $\inj$ to create the desired value
+$\inj\; (a)_\downarrow \; c \; v$.
+Ideally $\erase$ should only remove the auxiliary information not related to the
+bitcodes. However there exists a complication
+where the alternative constructors have different arity for $\textit{arexp}$
+and $\textit{r}$:
- $\erase \; _{bs}\sum [] $ & $\dn$ & $\ZERO$\\
- $\erase \; _{bs}\sum [a]$ & $\dn$ & $a$\\
- $\erase \; _{bs}\sum a :: as$ & $\dn$ & $a + (\erase \; _{[]} \sum as)\quad \text{if $as$ length over 1}$
+ $\textit{r}$ & $::=$ & $\ldots \;|\; (\_ + \_) \; ::\; "\textit{r} \Rightarrow \textit{r} \Rightarrow \textit{r}" | \ldots$\\
+ $\textit{arexp}$ & $::=$ & $\ldots\; |\; (\Sigma \_ ) \; ::\; "\textit{arexp} \; list \Rightarrow \textit{arexp}" | \ldots$
-As can be seen, alternative regular expressions with an empty argument list
-will be turned into a $\ZERO$.
-The singleton alternative $\sum [r]$ becomes $r$ during the
-$\erase$ function.
-The annotated regular expression $\sum[a, b, c]$ would turn into
-All these operations change the size and structure of
-an annotated regular expression, adding unnecessary
-complexities to the size bound proof.
+To convert between the two
+$\erase$ has to recursively disassemble a list into nested binary applications of the
+$(\_ + \_)$ operator,
+handling corner cases like empty or
+singleton alternative lists:
+%becomes $r$ during the
+%$\erase$ function.
+%The annotated regular expression $\sum[a, b, c]$ would turn into
+ \begin{tabular}{lcl}
+ $ (_{bs}\sum [])_\downarrow $ & $\dn$ & $\ZERO$\\
+ $ (_{bs}\sum [a])_\downarrow$ & $\dn$ & $a$\\
+ $ (_{bs}\sum a_1 :: a_2)_\downarrow$ & $\dn$ & $(a_1)_\downarrow + (a_2)_\downarrow)$\\
+ $ (_{bs}\sum a :: as)_\downarrow$ & $\dn$ & $a_\downarrow + (\erase \; _{[]} \sum as)$
+ \end{tabular}
+These operations inevitably change the structure and size of
+an annotated regular expression. For example,
+$a_1 = \sum _{Z}[x]$ has size 2, but $(a_1)_\downarrow = x$
+only has size 1.
+%adding unnecessary
+%complexities to the size bound proof.
+%The reason we
+%define a new datatype is that
+%the $\erase$ function
+%does not preserve the structure of annotated
+%regular expressions.
+%We initially started by using
+%plain regular expressions and tried to prove
+%lemma \ref{rsizeAsize},
+%however the $\erase$ function messes with the structure of the
+%annotated regular expression.
+%The $+$ constructor
+%of basic regular expressions is only binary, whereas $\sum$
+%takes a list. Therefore we need to convert between
+%annotated and normal regular expressions as follows:
For example, if we define the size of a basic plain regular expression
in the usual way,
$\llbracket \ONE \rrbracket_p$ & $\dn$ & $1$\\
$\llbracket \ZERO \rrbracket_p$ & $\dn$ & $1$ \\
- $\llbracket r_1 \cdot r_2 \rrbracket_p$ & $\dn$ & $\llbracket r_1 \rrbracket_p + \llbracket r_2 \rrbracket_p + 1$\\
+ $\llbracket r_1 + r_2 \rrbracket_p$ & $\dn$ & $\llbracket r_1 \rrbracket_p + \llbracket r_2 \rrbracket_p + 1$\\
$\llbracket \mathbf{c} \rrbracket_p $ & $\dn$ & $1$\\
$\llbracket r_1 \cdot r_2 \rrbracket_p $ & $\dn$ & $\llbracket r_1 \rrbracket_p \; + \llbracket r_2 \rrbracket_p + 1$\\
$\llbracket a^* \rrbracket_p $ & $\dn$ & $\llbracket a \rrbracket_p + 1$
@@ -332,17 +366,22 @@
$\llbracket a \rrbracket \stackrel{?}{=} \llbracket a_\downarrow \rrbracket_p$
does not hold.
-With $\textit{rerase}$, however,
-only the bitcodes are thrown away.
-Everything about the structure remains intact.
-Therefore it does not change the size
-of an annotated regular expression and we have:
- $\rsize{\rerase a} = \asize a$
- By routine structural induction on $a$.
+%With $\textit{rerase}$, however,
+%only the bitcodes are thrown away.
+That leads to us defining the new regular expression datatype without
+bitcodes but with a list alternative constructor, and defining a new erase function
+in a strictly structure-preserving manner:
+ \begin{tabular}{lcl}
+ $\textit{rrexp}$ & $::=$ & $\ldots\; |\; (\sum \_ ) \; ::\; "\textit{rrexp} \; list \Rightarrow \textit{rrexp}" | \ldots$\\
+ $\rerase{_{bs}\sum as}$ & $\dn$ & $\RALTS{\map \; \rerase{\_} \; as}$\\
+ \end{tabular}
+%Everything about the structure remains intact.
+%Therefore it does not change the size
+%of an annotated regular expression and we have:
One might be able to prove an inequality such as
$\llbracket a \rrbracket \leq \llbracket a_\downarrow \rrbracket_p $
@@ -475,18 +514,21 @@
can be calculated via the size of r-regular expressions after the application
of $\rsimp$ and $\backslash_{rsimps}$:
- The following two equalities hold:
+ The following equalities hold:
+ $\rsize{\rerase a} = \asize a$
+ \item
$\asize{\bsimps \; a} = \rsize{\rsimp{ \rerase{a}}}$
$\asize{\bderssimp{a}{s}} = \rsize{\rderssimp{\rerase{a}}{s}}$
- The first part is by induction on the inductive cases
+ First part follows from the definition of $(\_)_{\downarrow_r}$.
+ The second part is by induction on the inductive cases
of $\textit{bsimp}$.
- The second part is by induction on the string $s$,
+ The third part is by induction on the string $s$,
where the inductive step follows from part one.