finished 4.3.2 section explaining why lemma 11 is too strong
Sun, 09 Jul 2023 02:08:12 +0100
changeset 658 273c176d9027
parent 657 00171b627b8d
child 659 2e05f04ed6b3
finished 4.3.2 section explaining why lemma 11 is too strong
--- a/ChengsongTanPhdThesis/Chapters/Bitcoded2.tex	Sun Jul 09 00:29:02 2023 +0100
+++ b/ChengsongTanPhdThesis/Chapters/Bitcoded2.tex	Sun Jul 09 02:08:12 2023 +0100
@@ -623,7 +623,7 @@
 by zooming in to the middle bit involving $r_i$, $r_{i+1}$, $v_i$ and $v_{i+1}$,
 and adding the bottom row to show how bitcodes encoding the lexing information
 can be extracted from every pair $(r_i, \; v_i)$:
 	\begin{tikzpicture}[->, >=stealth', shorten >= 1pt, auto, thick]
 		%\node [rectangle ] (1)  at (-7, 2) {$\ldots$};
 		%\node [rectangle, draw] (2) at  (-4, 2) {$r_i = _{bs'}(_Za+_Saa)^*$};
@@ -647,8 +647,8 @@
 		\node [rectangle, draw] (7) at  ( 3, -2) {$v_{i+1} = v$};
 		\node [rectangle] (8) at  ( 8, -2) {$\ldots$};
 		\node [rectangle] (9) at  (-8, -6) {$\ldots$};
-		\node [rectangle, draw] (10) at (-5, -6) {$\textit{bits}_{i} = bs' @ ZZS$};
-		\node [rectangle, draw] (11) at (3, -6) {$\textit{bits}_{i+1} = bs'@ ZZS$};
+		\node [rectangle, draw] (10) at (-5, -6) {$\textit{bits}_{i} $};
+		\node [rectangle, draw] (11) at (3, -6) {$\textit{bits}_{i+1}$};
 		\node [rectangle] (12) at  (8, -6) {$\ldots$};
@@ -657,7 +657,7 @@
 		\path (6) edge [] node {} (5);
 		\path (9) edge [] node {} (10);
-		\path (11) edge [] node {} (12);
+		\path (11) edge [<-] node {} (12);
 		\path (8) edge [] node {} (7);
 		\path (3) edge [] node {} (4);
@@ -676,7 +676,7 @@
 		\path (10) edge [dashed, <->] node {$=$} (11);
-		\path (7) edge [] node {$\inj \; r_{i+1} \; a \; v_i$} (6);
+		\path (7) edge [] node {$\inj \; r_{i+1} \; c \; v_i$} (6);
 %		\node [rectangle, draw] (r) at (-6, -1) {$(aa)^*(b+c)$};
 %		\node [rectangle, draw] (a) at (-6, 4)	  {$(aa)^*(_{Z}b + _{S}c)$};
@@ -775,140 +775,186 @@
 %From this chapter we start with the main contribution of this thesis, which
-The $\blexer$ proof relies on a lockstep POSIX
-correspondence between the lexical value and the
-regular expression in each derivative and injection.
-If we zoom into the diagram \ref{graph:inj} and look specifically at
-the pairs $v_i, r_i$ and $v_{i+1},\, r_{i+1}$, we get the diagram demonstrating
-the invariant that the same bitcodes can be extracted from the pairs:
-\tikzset{three sided/.style={
-        draw=none,
-        append after command={
-            [-,shorten <= -0.5\pgflinewidth]
-            ([shift={(-1.5\pgflinewidth,-0.5\pgflinewidth)}]\tikzlastnode.north east)
-        edge([shift={( 0.5\pgflinewidth,-0.5\pgflinewidth)}]\tikzlastnode.north west) 
-            ([shift={( 0.5\pgflinewidth,-0.5\pgflinewidth)}]\tikzlastnode.north west)
-        edge([shift={( 0.5\pgflinewidth,+0.5\pgflinewidth)}]\tikzlastnode.south west)            
-            ([shift={( 0.5\pgflinewidth,+0.5\pgflinewidth)}]\tikzlastnode.south west)
-        edge([shift={(-1.0\pgflinewidth,+0.5\pgflinewidth)}]\tikzlastnode.south east)
-        }
-    }
-\tikzset{three sided1/.style={
-        draw=none,
-        append after command={
-            [-,shorten <= -0.5\pgflinewidth]
-            ([shift={(1.5\pgflinewidth,-0.5\pgflinewidth)}]\tikzlastnode.north west)
-        edge([shift={(-0.5\pgflinewidth,-0.5\pgflinewidth)}]\tikzlastnode.north east) 
-            ([shift={(-0.5\pgflinewidth,-0.5\pgflinewidth)}]\tikzlastnode.north east)
-        edge([shift={(-0.5\pgflinewidth,+0.5\pgflinewidth)}]\tikzlastnode.south east)            
-            ([shift={(-0.5\pgflinewidth,+0.5\pgflinewidth)}]\tikzlastnode.south east)
-        edge([shift={(1.0\pgflinewidth,+0.5\pgflinewidth)}]\tikzlastnode.south west)
-        }
-    }
-	\begin{tikzpicture}[->, >=stealth', shorten >= 1pt, auto, thick]
-		%\node [rectangle ] (1)  at (-7, 2) {$\ldots$};
-		%\node [rectangle, draw] (2) at  (-4, 2) {$r_i = _{bs'}(_Za+_Saa)^*$};
-		%\node [rectangle, draw] (3) at  (4, 2) {$r_{i+1} = _{bs'}(_Z(_Z\ONE + _S(\ONE \cdot a)))\cdot(_Za+_Saa)^*$};
-		%\node [rectangle] (4) at  (9, 2) {$\ldots$};
-		%\node [rectangle] (5) at  (-7, -2) {$\ldots$};
-		%\node [rectangle, draw] (6) at  (-4, -2) {$v_i = \Stars \; [\Left (a)]$};
-		%\node [rectangle, draw] (7) at  ( 4, -2) {$v_{i+1} = \Seq (\Alt (\Left \; \Empty)) \; \Stars \, []$};
-		%\node [rectangle] (8) at  ( 9, -2) {$\ldots$};
-		%\node [rectangle] (9) at  (-7, -6) {$\ldots$};
-		%\node [rectangle, draw] (10) at (-4, -6) {$\textit{bits}_{i} = bs' @ ZZS$};
-		%\node [rectangle, draw] (11) at (4, -6) {$\textit{bits}_{i+1} = bs'@ ZZS$};
-		%\node [rectangle] (12) at  (9, -6) {$\ldots$};
-		\node [rectangle ] (1)  at (-8, 2) {$\ldots$};
-		\node [rectangle, draw] (2) at  (-5, 2) {$r_i = _{bs'}(_Za+_Saa)^*$};
-		\node [rectangle, draw] (3) at  (3, 2) {$r_{i+1} = _{bs'}(_Z(_Z\ONE + _S(\ONE \cdot a)))\cdot(_Za+_Saa)^*$};
-		\node [rectangle] (4) at  (8, 2) {$\ldots$};
-		\node [rectangle] (5) at  (-8, -2) {$\ldots$};
-		\node [rectangle, draw] (6) at  (-5, -2) {$v_i = \Stars \; [\Left (a)]$};
-		\node [rectangle, draw] (7) at  ( 3, -2) {$v_{i+1} = \Seq (\Alt (\Left \; \Empty)) \; \Stars \, []$};
-		\node [rectangle] (8) at  ( 8, -2) {$\ldots$};
-		\node [rectangle] (9) at  (-8, -6) {$\ldots$};
-		\node [rectangle, draw] (10) at (-5, -6) {$\textit{bits}_{i} = bs' @ ZZS$};
-		\node [rectangle, draw] (11) at (3, -6) {$\textit{bits}_{i+1} = bs'@ ZZS$};
-		\node [rectangle] (12) at  (8, -6) {$\ldots$};
+The $\blexer$ proof relies on $r_i, \; v_i$ to match each other in lockstep
+for each derivative step $i$, however only $v_0$ is needed and intermediate
+$v_i$s are purely proof scaffolding.
+Moreover property \ref{eq:stepwise}
+is stronger than needed for POSIX lexing: the precondition
+$\vdash v_{i+1}:r_{i+1}$ is too general in the sense that it allows arbitrary 
+values inhabiting in $r_i$ to retrieve bitcodes.
+%correspondence between the lexical value and the
+%regular expression in derivative and injection operations at the same step $i$.
+%If we revisit the diagram \ref{graph:injZoom} with an example
+Consider a concrete example where $a_i = (_{ZZ}x + _{ZS}y + _{S}x)$ and
+$a_{i+1} = (_{ZZ}\ONE + \ZERO + _{S}\ONE)$.
+What is required in the proof of $\blexer$ is that for the POSIX value
+$v_i = \Left  \; (\Left \; Empty)$,
+the property
+	%\vdash \Left  \; (\Left \; Empty) : (\ONE+\ZERO+\ONE) \implies 
+	\retrieve \; (_{ZZ}\ONE + \ZERO + _{S}\ONE) \; (\Left  \; (\Left \; \Empty) ) =
+	\retrieve \; (_{ZZ}x + _{ZS}y + _{S}x ) \; (\Left  \; (\Left \; \Char\; x) )
+holds, and for $\blexersimp$ a property of similar shape to
+	\retrieve \; _{ZZ}\ONE \; \; Empty =
+	\retrieve \; _{ZZ}x  \; (\Char\; x)
+needs to hold as well.
+However for the definitely non-POSIX value $v_i' = \Right \; \Empty$
+the precondition $\vdash \Right \; \Empty : x+y+x$ holds as well, and therefore
+the following equality
+	\retrieve \; (_{ZZ}\ONE + \ZERO + _{S}\ONE) \;  (\Right \; \Empty) =
+	\retrieve \; (_{ZZ}x + _{ZS}y + _{S}x ) \;  (\Right \; (\Char\; x))
+by lemma \ref{retrieveStepwise} holds for $\blexer$ as well.
+This cannot hold or be proven anymore with $\blexersimp$ as the corresponding
+sub-regular expressions and values have been eliminated during the 
+de-duplication procedure of our smplification.
+We are stuck with a property that holds in $\blexer$ but does not have a counterpart
+in $\blexersimp$.
+This needs not hold for the purpose of POSIX lexing though--we know the rightmost 
+subexpression $x$ is not POSIX by the left priority rule.
+The inductive invariant \ref{eq:stepwise} can be weakened by restricting the precondition
+$\vdash v_i:r_i$ to $\exists s_i. \; (s_i, r_i) \rightarrow v_i$. 
+We tried this route but it did not work well since we need to
+use a similar technique as the rectification functions by Ausaf et al, 
+and they can get very complicated with our simplifications.
+After some trial-and-error we found a property of the form
+	If a POSIX value can be extracted from $a \backslash s$, then
+	it can be extracted from $a \backslash_{bsimps} s$ as well.
+most natural to work with, and we defined a binary relation to capture
+the connection between $a\backslash s$ and $a \backslash_{bsimps} s$.
+%and look specifically at
+%the pairs $v_i, r_i$ and $v_{i+1},\, r_{i+1}$, we get the diagram demonstrating
+%the invariant that the same bitcodes can be extracted from the pairs:
+%\tikzset{three sided/.style={
+%        draw=none,
+%        append after command={
+%            [-,shorten <= -0.5\pgflinewidth]
+%            ([shift={(-1.5\pgflinewidth,-0.5\pgflinewidth)}]\tikzlastnode.north east)
+%        edge([shift={( 0.5\pgflinewidth,-0.5\pgflinewidth)}]\tikzlastnode.north west) 
+%            ([shift={( 0.5\pgflinewidth,-0.5\pgflinewidth)}]\tikzlastnode.north west)
+%        edge([shift={( 0.5\pgflinewidth,+0.5\pgflinewidth)}]\tikzlastnode.south west)            
+%            ([shift={( 0.5\pgflinewidth,+0.5\pgflinewidth)}]\tikzlastnode.south west)
+%        edge([shift={(-1.0\pgflinewidth,+0.5\pgflinewidth)}]\tikzlastnode.south east)
+%        }
+%    }
+%\tikzset{three sided1/.style={
+%        draw=none,
+%        append after command={
+%            [-,shorten <= -0.5\pgflinewidth]
+%            ([shift={(1.5\pgflinewidth,-0.5\pgflinewidth)}]\tikzlastnode.north west)
+%        edge([shift={(-0.5\pgflinewidth,-0.5\pgflinewidth)}]\tikzlastnode.north east) 
+%            ([shift={(-0.5\pgflinewidth,-0.5\pgflinewidth)}]\tikzlastnode.north east)
+%        edge([shift={(-0.5\pgflinewidth,+0.5\pgflinewidth)}]\tikzlastnode.south east)            
+%            ([shift={(-0.5\pgflinewidth,+0.5\pgflinewidth)}]\tikzlastnode.south east)
+%        edge([shift={(1.0\pgflinewidth,+0.5\pgflinewidth)}]\tikzlastnode.south west)
+%        }
+%    }
+%	\begin{tikzpicture}[->, >=stealth', shorten >= 1pt, auto, thick]
+%		%\node [rectangle ] (1)  at (-7, 2) {$\ldots$};
+%		%\node [rectangle, draw] (2) at  (-4, 2) {$r_i = _{bs'}(_Za+_Saa)^*$};
+%		%\node [rectangle, draw] (3) at  (4, 2) {$r_{i+1} = _{bs'}(_Z(_Z\ONE + _S(\ONE \cdot a)))\cdot(_Za+_Saa)^*$};
+%		%\node [rectangle] (4) at  (9, 2) {$\ldots$};
+%		%\node [rectangle] (5) at  (-7, -2) {$\ldots$};
+%		%\node [rectangle, draw] (6) at  (-4, -2) {$v_i = \Stars \; [\Left (a)]$};
+%		%\node [rectangle, draw] (7) at  ( 4, -2) {$v_{i+1} = \Seq (\Alt (\Left \; \Empty)) \; \Stars \, []$};
+%		%\node [rectangle] (8) at  ( 9, -2) {$\ldots$};
+%		%\node [rectangle] (9) at  (-7, -6) {$\ldots$};
+%		%\node [rectangle, draw] (10) at (-4, -6) {$\textit{bits}_{i} = bs' @ ZZS$};
+%		%\node [rectangle, draw] (11) at (4, -6) {$\textit{bits}_{i+1} = bs'@ ZZS$};
+%		%\node [rectangle] (12) at  (9, -6) {$\ldots$};
+%		\node [rectangle ] (1)  at (-8, 2) {$\ldots$};
+%		\node [rectangle, draw] (2) at  (-5, 2) {$r_i = _{bs'}(_Za+_Saa)^*$};
+%		\node [rectangle, draw] (3) at  (3, 2) {$r_{i+1} = _{bs'}(_Z(_Z\ONE + _S(\ONE \cdot a)))\cdot(_Za+_Saa)^*$};
+%		\node [rectangle] (4) at  (8, 2) {$\ldots$};
+%		\node [rectangle] (5) at  (-8, -2) {$\ldots$};
+%		\node [rectangle, draw] (6) at  (-5, -2) {$v_i = \Stars \; [\Left (a)]$};
+%		\node [rectangle, draw] (7) at  ( 3, -2) {$v_{i+1} = \Seq (\Alt (\Left \; \Empty)) \; \Stars \, []$};
+%		\node [rectangle] (8) at  ( 8, -2) {$\ldots$};
+%		\node [rectangle] (9) at  (-8, -6) {$\ldots$};
+%		\node [rectangle, draw] (10) at (-5, -6) {$\textit{bits}_{i} = bs' @ ZZS$};
+%		\node [rectangle, draw] (11) at (3, -6) {$\textit{bits}_{i+1} = bs'@ ZZS$};
+%		\node [rectangle] (12) at  (8, -6) {$\ldots$};
+%		\path (1) edge [] node {} (2);
+%		\path (5) edge [] node {} (6);
+%		\path (9) edge [] node {} (10);
+%		\path (11) edge [] node {} (12);
+%		\path (7) edge [] node {} (8);
+%		\path (3) edge [] node {} (4);
+%		\path (6) edge [dashed,bend right = 30] node {$\retrieve \; r_i \; v_i$} (10);
+%		\path (2) edge [dashed,bend left = 48] node {} (10);
+%		\path (7) edge [dashed,bend right = 30] node {$\retrieve \; r_{i+1} \; v_{i+1}$} (11);
+%		\path (3) edge [dashed,bend left = 45] node {} (11);
+%		\path (2) edge [] node {$\backslash a$} (3);
+%		\path (2) edge [dashed, <->] node {$\vdash v_i : r_i$} (6);
+%		\path (3) edge [dashed, <->] node {$\vdash v_{i+1} : r_{i+1}$} (7);
+%		%\path (6) edge [] node {$\vdash v_i : r_i$} (10);
+%		%\path (7) edge [dashed, <->] node {$\vdash v_i : r_i$} (11);
+%		\path (10) edge [dashed, <->] node {$=$} (11);
+%		\path (7) edge [] node {$\inj \; r_{i+1} \; a \; v_i$} (6);
+%%		\node [rectangle, draw] (r) at (-6, -1) {$(aa)^*(b+c)$};
+%%		\node [rectangle, draw] (a) at (-6, 4)	  {$(aa)^*(_{Z}b + _{S}c)$};
+%%		\path	(r)
+%%			edge [] node {$\internalise$} (a);
+%%		\node [rectangle, draw] (a1) at (-3, 1) {$(_{Z}(\ONE \cdot a) \cdot (aa)^*) (_{Z}b + _Sc)$};
+%%		\path	(a)
+%%			edge [] node {$\backslash a$} (a1);
+%%		\node [rectangle, draw, three sided] (a21) at (-2.5, 4) {$(_{Z}\ONE \cdot (aa)^*)$};
+%%		\node [rectangle, draw, three sided1] (a22) at (-0.8, 4) {$(_{Z}b + _{S}c)$};
+%%		\path	(a1)
+%%			edge [] node {$\backslash a$} (a21);
+%%		\node [rectangle, draw] (a3) at (0.5, 2) {$_{ZS}(_{Z}\ONE + \ZERO)$};
+%%		\path	(a22)
+%%			edge [] node {$\backslash b$} (a3);
+%%		\path	(a21)
+%%			edge [dashed, bend right] node {} (a3);
+%%		\node [rectangle, draw] (bs) at (2, 4) {$ZSZ$};
+%%		\path	(a3)
+%%			edge [below] node {$\bmkeps$} (bs);
+%%		\node [rectangle, draw] (v) at (3, 0) {$\Seq \; (\Stars\; [\Seq \; a \; a]) \; (\Left \; b)$};
+%%		\path 	(bs)
+%%			edge [] node {$\decode$} (v);
+%	\end{tikzpicture}
+%	%\caption{$\blexer$ with the regular expression $(aa)^*(b+c)$ and $aab$}
-		\path (1) edge [] node {} (2);
-		\path (5) edge [] node {} (6);
-		\path (9) edge [] node {} (10);
-		\path (11) edge [] node {} (12);
-		\path (7) edge [] node {} (8);
-		\path (3) edge [] node {} (4);
-		\path (6) edge [dashed,bend right = 30] node {$\retrieve \; r_i \; v_i$} (10);
-		\path (2) edge [dashed,bend left = 48] node {} (10);
-		\path (7) edge [dashed,bend right = 30] node {$\retrieve \; r_{i+1} \; v_{i+1}$} (11);
-		\path (3) edge [dashed,bend left = 45] node {} (11);
-		\path (2) edge [] node {$\backslash a$} (3);
-		\path (2) edge [dashed, <->] node {$\vdash v_i : r_i$} (6);
-		\path (3) edge [dashed, <->] node {$\vdash v_{i+1} : r_{i+1}$} (7);
-		%\path (6) edge [] node {$\vdash v_i : r_i$} (10);
-		%\path (7) edge [dashed, <->] node {$\vdash v_i : r_i$} (11);
-		\path (10) edge [dashed, <->] node {$=$} (11);
-		\path (7) edge [] node {$\inj \; r_{i+1} \; a \; v_i$} (6);
-%		\node [rectangle, draw] (r) at (-6, -1) {$(aa)^*(b+c)$};
-%		\node [rectangle, draw] (a) at (-6, 4)	  {$(aa)^*(_{Z}b + _{S}c)$};
-%		\path	(r)
-%			edge [] node {$\internalise$} (a);
-%		\node [rectangle, draw] (a1) at (-3, 1) {$(_{Z}(\ONE \cdot a) \cdot (aa)^*) (_{Z}b + _Sc)$};
-%		\path	(a)
-%			edge [] node {$\backslash a$} (a1);
+%When simplifications are added, the inhabitation relation no longer holds,
+%causing the above diagram to break.
+%Ausaf addressed this with an augmented lexer he called $\textit{slexer}$.
-%		\node [rectangle, draw, three sided] (a21) at (-2.5, 4) {$(_{Z}\ONE \cdot (aa)^*)$};
-%		\node [rectangle, draw, three sided1] (a22) at (-0.8, 4) {$(_{Z}b + _{S}c)$};
-%		\path	(a1)
-%			edge [] node {$\backslash a$} (a21);
-%		\node [rectangle, draw] (a3) at (0.5, 2) {$_{ZS}(_{Z}\ONE + \ZERO)$};
-%		\path	(a22)
-%			edge [] node {$\backslash b$} (a3);
-%		\path	(a21)
-%			edge [dashed, bend right] node {} (a3);
-%		\node [rectangle, draw] (bs) at (2, 4) {$ZSZ$};
-%		\path	(a3)
-%			edge [below] node {$\bmkeps$} (bs);
-%		\node [rectangle, draw] (v) at (3, 0) {$\Seq \; (\Stars\; [\Seq \; a \; a]) \; (\Left \; b)$};
-%		\path 	(bs)
-%			edge [] node {$\decode$} (v);
-	\end{tikzpicture}
-	%\caption{$\blexer$ with the regular expression $(aa)^*(b+c)$ and $aab$}
-When simplifications are added, the inhabitation relation no longer holds,
-causing the above diagram to break.
-Ausaf addressed this with an augmented lexer he called $\textit{slexer}$.
-we note that the invariant
-$\vdash v_{i+1}: r_{i+1} \implies \retrieve \; r_{i+1} \; v_{i+1} $ is too strong
-to maintain because the precondition $\vdash v_i : r_i$ is too weak.
-It does not require $v_i$ to be a POSIX value 
+%we note that the invariant
+%$\vdash v_{i+1}: r_{i+1} \implies \retrieve \; r_{i+1} \; v_{i+1} $ is too strong
+%to maintain because the precondition $\vdash v_i : r_i$ is too weak.
+%It does not require $v_i$ to be a POSIX value 
 %which is essential for getting an understanding this thesis
@@ -927,12 +973,10 @@
 %$\blexer$, called $\blexersimp$, by establishing 
 %$\blexer \; r \; s= \blexersimp \; r \; s$ using a term rewriting system.
 %	SECTION rewrite relation
-We first introduce the rewriting relation \emph{rrewrite}
+In the next section we first introduce the rewriting relation \emph{rrewrite}
 ($\rrewrite$) between two regular expressions,
 which stands for an atomic