--- a/Slides/slides01.tex Sat Mar 19 23:27:29 2016 +0000
+++ b/Slides/slides01.tex Thu Mar 31 16:50:37 2016 +0100
@@ -1,28 +1,61 @@
-\documentclass[dvipsnames,14pt,t, xelatex]{beamer}
% beamer stuff
-\renewcommand{\slidecaption}{SEN 09, King's College London}
+\renewcommand{\slidecaption}{Canterbury, 22.2.2016}
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+ (0,0) rectangle (1em,1em);
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+ \mbox{\kern.06em\vrule height.3ex}%
+ \vbox{\hrule width#1}%
+ \hbox{\vrule height.3ex}}
\begin{tabular}{@ {}c@ {}}
- \LARGE Security Engineering (9)\\[-3mm]
+ \Large POSIX Lexing with Derivatives\\[-1.5mm]
+ \Large of Regular Expressions\\[-1mm]
+ %\normalsize Or, How to Find Bugs with the\\[-5mm]
+ %\normalsize Isabelle Theorem Prover
- \begin{tabular}{ll}
- Email: & christian.urban at kcl.ac.uk\\
- Office: & S1.27 (1st floor Strand Building)\\
- Slides: & KEATS (also homework is there)\\
+ \begin{tabular}{c}
+ \small Christian Urban\\
+ \small King's College London\\
+ \\
+ \\
+ Joint work with Fahad Ausaf and Roy Dyckhoff
@@ -33,130 +66,354 @@
- \includegraphics[scale=0.6]{pics/bridge-limits.png}
+ \includegraphics[scale=0.2]{isabelle.png}
- \end{frame}
- \begin{frame}[c]
- \frametitle{Old-Fashioned Eng.~vs.~CS}
- \begin{center}
- \begin{tabular}{@{}cc@{}}
- \begin{tabular}{@{}p{5.2cm}}
- \includegraphics[scale=0.058]{pics/towerbridge.jpg}\\
- {\bf bridges}: \\
- \raggedright\small
- engineers can ``look'' at a bridge and have a pretty good
- intuition about whether it will hold up or not\\
- (redundancy; predictive theory)
- \end{tabular} &
- \begin{tabular}{p{5cm}}
- \includegraphics[scale=0.265]{pics/code.jpg}\\
- \raggedright
- {\bf code}: \\
- \raggedright\small
- programmers have very little intuition about their code;
- often it is too expensive to have redundancy;
- not ``continuous''
- \end{tabular}
- \end{tabular}
- \end{center}
- \end{frame}
+ \mbox{}\\[-20mm]\mbox{}
-\frametitle{Trusting Computing Base}
-When considering whether a system meets some security
-objectives, it is important to consider which parts of that
-system are trusted in order to meet that objective (TCB).
-The smaller the TCB, the less effort it takes to get
-some confidence that it is trustworthy, by doing a code
-review or by performing some (penetration) testing.
-CPU, compiler, libraries, OS, NP $\not=$ P,
-random number generator, \ldots
- \begin{frame}[c]
- \frametitle{Dijkstra on Testing}
- \begin{bubble}[10cm]
- ``Program testing can be a very effective way to show the
- presence of bugs, but it is hopelessly inadequate for showing
- their absence.''
- \end{bubble}\bigskip
- unfortunately attackers exploit bugs (Satan's computer vs
- Murphy's)
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Isabelle interactive theorem prover;
+ some proofs are automatic -- most however need help
+ \item the learning curve is steep; you often have to fight the
+ theorem prover\ldots no different in other ITPs
+ \end{itemize}
-\frametitle{\Large Proving Programs to be Correct}
+\frametitle{Why Bother?}
+Surely regular expressions must have been implemented and
+studied to death, no?
-{\bf Theorem:} There are infinitely many prime
+ xlabel={{\tt a}s},
+ ylabel={time in secs},
+ enlargelimits=false,
+ xtick={0,5,...,30},
+ xmax=30,
+ ymax=35,
+ ytick={0,5,...,30},
+ scaled ticks=false,
+ axis lines=left,
+ width=8cm,
+ height=6cm,
+ legend entries={Python,Ruby},
+ legend pos=north west,
+ legend cell align=left
+\addplot[blue,mark=*, mark options={fill=white}]
+ table {re-python.data};
+\addplot[brown,mark=pentagon*, mark options={fill=white}]
+ table {re-ruby.data};
-{\bf Proof} \ldots\\
+evil regular expressions: \bl{$({\tt a}?)^n \cdot {\tt a}^n$}
+\frametitle{\Large Isabelle Theorem Prover}
-{\bf Theorem:} The program is doing what
-it is supposed to be doing.\medskip
+\item started to use Isabelle after my PhD (in 2000)
-{\bf Long, long proof} \ldots\\
-\small This can be a gigantic proof. The only hope is to have
-help from the computer. `Program' is here to be understood to be
-quite general (protocols, OS, \ldots).
+\item the thesis included a rather complicated
+ ``pencil-and-paper'' proof for a
+ termination argument (sort of $\lambda$-calculus)\medskip
+\item me, my supervisor, the examiners did not find any problems\medskip
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{@ {}c@ {}}
+ \includegraphics[scale=0.38]{barendregt.jpg}\\[-2mm]
+ \footnotesize Henk Barendregt
+ \end{tabular}
+ \hspace{2mm}
+ \begin{tabular}{@ {}c@ {}}
+ \includegraphics[scale=0.20]{andrewpitts.jpg}\\[-2mm]
+ \footnotesize Andrew Pitts
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+\item people were building their work on my result
- \begin{frame}[c]
- \frametitle{\Large{}Mars Pathfinder Mission 1997}
+\frametitle{\Large Nominal Isabelle}
+\item implemented a package for the Isabelle prover
+in order to reason conveniently about binders
+\large\bl{$\lambda \alert{x}.\,M$} \hspace{10mm}
+\bl{$\forall \alert{x}.\,P\,x$}
+\item when finally being able to formalise the proof from my PhD, I found that the main result
+ (termination) is correct, but a central lemma needed to
+ be generalised
+\node at (0,0) [single arrow, shape border rotate=90, fill=red,text=red]{\mbox{a}};
+\node at (0,0) [single arrow, shape border rotate=90, fill=red,text=red]{\mbox{a}};
+\frametitle{\Large Variable Convention}
+ \color{gray}
+ \small
+ {\bf\mbox{}Variable Convention:}\\[1mm]
+ If $M_1,\ldots,M_n$ occur in a certain mathematical context
+ (e.g. definition, proof), then in these terms all bound variables
+ are chosen to be different from the free variables.\\[2mm]
+ \footnotesize\hfill Barendregt in ``The Lambda-Calculus: Its Syntax and Semantics''
+\item instead of proving a property for \alert{\bf all} bound
+variables, you prove it only for \alert{\bf some}\ldots?
+\item feels like it is used in 90\% of papers in PT and FP
+(9.9\% use de-Bruijn indices)
+\item this is mostly OK, but in some corner-cases you can use it
+to prove \alert{\bf false}\ldots we fixed this!
+\begin{tabular}{c@ {\hspace{2mm}}c}
+{\footnotesize Bob Harper}\\[-2mm]
+{\footnotesize Frank Pfenning}\\[-2mm]
+\end{tabular} &
+{published a proof in\\ {\bf ACM Transactions on Computational Logic}, 2005,
+{\footnotesize Andrew Appel}\\[-2.5mm]
+\end{tabular} &
+{relied on their proof in a\\ {\bf security} critical application}
- \begin{center}
- %\includegraphics[scale=0.15]{../pics/marspath1.png}
- %\includegraphics[scale=0.16]{../pics/marspath3.png}
- %\includegraphics[scale=0.3]{../pics/marsrover.png}
- \end{center}
+\frametitle{Proof-Carrying Code}
+\draw[help lines,cream] (0,0.2) grid (8,4);
+\draw[line width=1mm, red] (5.5,0.6) rectangle (7.5,4);
+\node[anchor=base] at (6.5,2.8)
+ {\small\begin{tabular}{@ {}p{1.9cm}@ {}}\centering user: untrusted code\end{tabular}};
+\draw[line width=1mm, red] (0.1,0.6) rectangle (2.1,4);
+ \node[anchor=base] at (1.1,2.3)
+ {\small\begin{tabular}{@ {}p{1.9cm}@ {}}\centering developer ---\\ web server\end{tabular}};
+ \draw[line width=1mm, red, fill=red] (5.5,0.6) rectangle (7.5,1.8);
+ \node[anchor=base,white] at (6.5,1.1)
+ {\small\begin{tabular}{@ {}p{1.9cm}@ {}}\bf\centering proof- checker\end{tabular}};}
+ \node at (3.6,3.0) [single arrow, fill=red,text=white,
+ minimum height=3.4cm]{\bf code};
+ \onslide<2->{
+ \node at (3.6,1.3) [single arrow, fill=red,text=white,
+ minimum height=3.4cm]{\bf certificate};
+ \node at (3.6,1.9) {\small\color{gray}{\mbox{}\hspace{-1mm}a proof in LF}};
+\item<3-> Appel's checker is $\sim$2700 lines of code (1865 loc of\\ LF definitions;
+803 loc in C including 2 library functions)\\[-3mm]
+\item<3-> 167 loc in C implement a type-checker
+ \begin{frame}<2->[squeeze]
+ \frametitle{}
+ \begin{columns}
+ \tikzstyle{every node}=[node distance=25mm,text height=1.5ex, text depth=.25ex]
+ \tikzstyle{node1}=[rectangle, minimum size=10mm, rounded corners=3mm, very thick,
+ draw=black!50, top color=white, bottom color=black!20]
+ \tikzstyle{node2}=[rectangle, minimum size=12mm, rounded corners=3mm, very thick,
+ draw=red!70, top color=white, bottom color=red!50!black!20]
- \begin{itemize}
- \item despite NASA's famous testing procedures, the lander crashed frequently on Mars
- \item a scheduling algorithm was not used in the OS
- \end{itemize}
+ \begin{column}{0.8\textwidth}
+ \begin{textblock}{0}(1,2)
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \matrix[ampersand replacement=\&,column sep=7mm, row sep=5mm]
+ { \&[-10mm]
+ \node (def1) [node1] {\large\hspace{1mm}Spec\hspace{1mm}\mbox{}}; \&
+ \node (proof1) [node1] {\large Proof}; \&
+ \node (alg1) [node1] {\large\hspace{1mm}Alg\hspace{1mm}\mbox{}}; \\
+ \onslide<4->{\node {\begin{tabular}{c}\small 1st\\[-2.5mm] \footnotesize solution\end{tabular}};} \&
+ \onslide<4->{\node (def2) [node2] {\large Spec$^\text{+ex}$};} \&
+ \onslide<4->{\node (proof2) [node1] {\large Proof};} \&
+ \onslide<4->{\node (alg2) [node1] {\large\hspace{1mm}Alg\hspace{1mm}\mbox{}};} \\
+ \onslide<5->{\node {\begin{tabular}{c}\small 2nd\\[-2.5mm] \footnotesize solution\end{tabular}};} \&
+ \onslide<5->{\node (def3) [node1] {\large\hspace{1mm}Spec\hspace{1mm}\mbox{}};} \&
+ \onslide<5->{\node (proof3) [node1] {\large Proof};} \&
+ \onslide<5->{\node (alg3) [node2] {\large Alg$^\text{-ex}$};} \\
+ \onslide<6->{\node {\begin{tabular}{c}\small 3rd\\[-2.5mm] \footnotesize solution\end{tabular}};} \&
+ \onslide<6->{\node (def4) [node1] {\large\hspace{1mm}Spec\hspace{1mm}\mbox{}};} \&
+ \onslide<6->{\node (proof4) [node2] {\large\hspace{1mm}Proof\hspace{1mm}};} \&
+ \onslide<6->{\node (alg4) [node1] {\large\hspace{1mm}Alg\hspace{1mm}\mbox{}};} \\
+ };
+ \draw[->,black!50,line width=2mm] (proof1) -- (def1);
+ \draw[->,black!50,line width=2mm] (proof1) -- (alg1);
+ \onslide<4->{\draw[->,black!50,line width=2mm] (proof2) -- (def2);}
+ \onslide<4->{\draw[->,black!50,line width=2mm] (proof2) -- (alg2);}
+ \onslide<5->{\draw[->,black!50,line width=2mm] (proof3) -- (def3);}
+ \onslide<5->{\draw[->,black!50,line width=2mm] (proof3) -- (alg3);}
+ \onslide<6->{\draw[->,black!50,line width=2mm] (proof4) -- (def4);}
+ \onslide<6->{\draw[->,black!50,line width=2mm] (proof4) -- (alg4);}
+ \onslide<3->{\draw[white,line width=1mm] (1.1,3.2) -- (0.9,2.85) -- (1.1,2.35) -- (0.9,2.0);}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \end{textblock}
+ \end{column}
+ \end{columns}
+ \begin{textblock}{3}(12,3.6)
+ \onslide<4->{
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \node at (0,0) [single arrow, shape border rotate=270, fill=red,text=white]{2h};
+ \end{tikzpicture}}
+ \end{textblock}
+ \begin{textblock}{0}(0.4,12.8)
+ \onslide<6->{
+ \begin{bubble}[11cm]
+ \small Each time one needs to check $\sim$31pp~of
+ informal paper proofs.
+ You have to be able to keep definitions
+ and proofs consistent.
+ \end{bubble}}
+ \end{textblock}
+% \begin{frame}[c]
+% \frametitle{\Large Lessons Learned}
+% \begin{itemize}
+% \item using a theorem prover we were able to keep a large
+% proof consistent with changes in the definitions\bigskip
+% \item it took us some 10 days to get to the error\ldots
+% probably the same time Harper and Pfenning needed to \LaTeX{}
+% their paper\bigskip
+% \item once there, we ran circles around them
+% \end{itemize}
+% \end{frame}
+ \frametitle{Real-Time Scheduling}
@@ -165,7 +422,6 @@
\node at (8,4) {\textcolor{white}{a}};
\draw[fill, blue!50] (1,0) rectangle (3,0.6);
@@ -182,33 +438,33 @@
\draw[fill, blue!100] (4.5,3) rectangle (5.5,3.6);
- \node at (2.5,0.9) {\small locked a resource};
+ \node at (2.5,0.9) {\small locks a resource};
\draw[fill, blue!50] (1,0) rectangle (2,0.6);
\draw[blue!50, very thick] (2,0) rectangle (4,0.6);
\draw[blue!100, very thick] (2,3) rectangle (3, 3.6);
\draw[red, <-, line width = 2mm] (2,-0.1) -- (2, -1);
- \node at (2.5,0.9) {\small locked a resource};
+ \node at (2.5,0.9) {\small locks a resource};
\draw[fill, blue!50] (1,0) rectangle (4,0.6);
\draw[blue!100, fill] (4,3) rectangle (5, 3.6);
- \node at (2.5,0.9) {\small locked a resource};
+ \node at (2.5,0.9) {\small locks a resource};
\draw[fill, blue!50] (1,0) rectangle (2,0.6);
\draw[blue!50, very thick] (2,0) rectangle (4,0.6);
\draw[blue!100, very thick] (2,3) rectangle (3, 3.6);
\draw[red, <-, line width = 2mm] (2,-0.1) -- (2, -1);
- \node at (2.5,0.9) {\small locked a resource};
+ \node at (2.5,0.9) {\small locks a resource};
\draw[fill, blue!50] (1,0) rectangle (2.5,0.6);
\draw[blue!50, very thick] (2.5,0) rectangle (4,0.6);
\draw[blue!100, very thick] (2.5,3) rectangle (3.5, 3.6);
\draw[red, <-, line width = 2mm] (2.5,-0.1) -- (2.5, -1);
- \node at (2.5,0.9) {\small locked a resource};
+ \node at (2.5,0.9) {\small locks a resource};
\draw[fill, blue!50] (1,0) rectangle (2.5,0.6);
\draw[blue!50, very thick] (2.5,0) rectangle (4,0.6);
\draw[blue!100, very thick] (2.5,3) rectangle (3.5, 3.6);
@@ -217,7 +473,7 @@
\draw[red, <-, line width = 2mm] (2.5,-0.1) -- (2.5, -1);
- \node at (2.5,0.9) {\small locked a resource};
+ \node at (2.5,0.9) {\small locks a resource};
\draw[fill, blue!50] (1,0) rectangle (2.5,0.6);
\draw[blue!50, very thick] (3.5,0) rectangle (5,0.6);
\draw[blue!100, very thick] (3.5,3) rectangle (4.5, 3.6);
@@ -225,7 +481,7 @@
\draw[red, <-, line width = 2mm] (3.5,-0.1) -- (3.5, -1);
- \node at (2.5,0.9) {\small locked a resource};
+ \node at (2.5,0.9) {\small locks a resource};
\draw[fill, blue!50] (1,0) rectangle (2.5,0.6);
\draw[blue!50, very thick] (3.5,0) rectangle (5,0.6);
\draw[blue!100, very thick] (3.5,3) rectangle (4.5, 3.6);
@@ -234,7 +490,7 @@
\draw[red, <-, line width = 2mm] (3.5,-0.1) -- (3.5, -1);
- \node at (2.5,0.9) {\small locked a resource};
+ \node at (2.5,0.9) {\small locks a resource};
\draw[fill, blue!50] (1,0) rectangle (2.5,0.6);
\draw[blue!50, very thick] (4.5,0) rectangle (6,0.6);
\draw[blue!100, very thick] (4.5,3) rectangle (5.5, 3.6);
@@ -243,7 +499,7 @@
\draw[red, <-, line width = 2mm] (4.5,-0.1) -- (4.5, -1);
- \node at (2.5,0.9) {\small locked a resource};
+ \node at (2.5,0.9) {\small locks a resource};
\draw[fill, blue!50] (1,0) rectangle (2.5,0.6);
\draw[blue!50, very thick] (5.5,0) rectangle (7,0.6);
\draw[blue!100, very thick] (5.5,3) rectangle (6.5, 3.6);
@@ -254,14 +510,14 @@
\node [anchor=base] at (6.3, 1.8) {\Large\ldots};
- \node at (2.5,0.9) {\small locked a resource};
+ \node at (2.5,0.9) {\small locks a resource};
\draw[fill, blue!50] (1,0) rectangle (2,0.6);
\draw[blue!50, very thick] (2,0) rectangle (4,0.6);
\draw[blue!100, very thick] (2,3) rectangle (3, 3.6);
\draw[red, <-, line width = 2mm] (2,-0.1) -- (2, -1);
- \node at (2.5,3.9) {\small locked a resource};
+ \node at (2.5,3.9) {\small locks a resource};
\draw[fill, blue!50] (1,0) rectangle (2,0.6);
\draw[blue!50, fill] (2,3) rectangle (4,3.6);
\draw[blue!100, very thick] (4,3) rectangle (5, 3.6);
@@ -269,7 +525,7 @@
\draw[red, <-, line width = 2mm] (2,-0.1) -- (2, -1);
- \node at (2.5,3.9) {\small locked a resource};
+ \node at (2.5,3.9) {\small locks a resource};
\draw[fill, blue!50] (1,0) rectangle (2,0.6);
\draw[blue!50, fill] (2,3) rectangle (4,3.6);
\draw[blue!100, very thick] (4,3) rectangle (5, 3.6);
@@ -293,8 +549,8 @@
- Scheduling: You want to avoid that a high
- priority process is starved indefinitely.
+ RT-Scheduling: You want to avoid that a
+ high-priority process is starved indefinitely.
@@ -306,11 +562,21 @@
\frametitle{\Large Priority Inheritance Scheduling}
- \item Let a low priority process $L$ temporarily inherit
- the high priority of $H$ until $L$ leaves the critical
+ \item Let a low priority process \bl{$L$} temporarily inherit
+ the high priority of \bl{$H$} until \bl{$L$} leaves the critical
section unlocking the resource.\bigskip
- \item Once the resource is unlocked $L$ returns to its original
- priority level.
+ \item Once the resource is unlocked, \bl{$L$} ``returns to its original
+ priority level.''\\
+ \mbox{}\hfill\footnotesize
+ \begin{tabular}{p{6cm}@{}}
+ L.~Sha, R.~Rajkumar, and J.~P.~Lehoczky.
+ {\it Priority Inheritance Protocols: An Approach to
+ Real-Time Synchronization}. IEEE Transactions on
+ Computers, 39(9):1175–1185, 1990
+ \end{tabular}\bigskip\normalsize\pause
+ \item Proved correct, reviewed in a respectable journal....what could possibly be wrong?
@@ -318,7 +584,7 @@
@@ -525,7 +791,7 @@
Scheduling: You want to avoid that a high
- priority process is staved indefinitely.
+ priority process is starved indefinitely.
@@ -538,13 +804,13 @@
\frametitle{\Large Priority Inheritance Scheduling}
- \item Let a low priority process $L$ temporarily inherit
- the high priority of $H$ until $L$ leaves the critical
+ \item Let a low priority process \bl{$L$} temporarily inherit
+ the high priority of \bl{$H$} until \bl{$L$} leaves the critical
section unlocking the resource.\bigskip
- \item Once the resource is unlocked $L$ returns to its original
+ \item Once the resource is unlocked, \bl{$L$} returns to its original
priority level. \alert{\bf BOGUS}\pause\bigskip
- \item \ldots $L$ needs to switch to the highest
- \alert{remaining} priority of the threads that it blocks.
+ \item \ldots \bl{$L$} needs to switch to the highest
+ \alert{\bf remaining} priority of the threads that it blocks.
\small this error is already known since around 1999
@@ -556,7 +822,7 @@
- \includegraphics[scale=0.25]{pics/p3.jpg}
+ \includegraphics[scale=0.25]{p3.jpg}
@@ -568,12 +834,11 @@
- \includegraphics[scale=0.25]{pics/p2.jpg}
+ \includegraphics[scale=0.25]{p2.jpg}
@@ -583,7 +848,7 @@
priority of $J_l$ returns to its priority
at the time when it acquires the resource $R$.''}\medskip
\item \small gives pseudo code and totally bogus data structures
- \item \small interesting part ``{\it left as an exercise}''
+ \item \small interesting part is ``{\it left as an exercise}''
@@ -593,7 +858,7 @@
- \includegraphics[scale=0.15]{pics/p1.pdf}
+ \includegraphics[scale=0.15]{p1.pdf}
@@ -610,19 +875,19 @@
- \includegraphics[scale=0.25]{pics/p4.jpg}
+ \includegraphics[scale=0.22]{p5.jpg}
- \item by Silberschatz, Galvin, and Gagne, 2013 (OS-bible)
- \item \it ``Upon releasing the lock, the
- $[$low-priority$]$ thread will revert to
- its original priority.''
+ \item by Silberschatz, Galvin and Gagne (9th edition, 2013)
+ \item \it ``Upon releasing the
+ lock, the $[$low-priority$]$ thread will revert to its original
+ priority.''
@@ -630,201 +895,629 @@
\item a scheduling algorithm that is widely used in real-time operating systems
- \item has been ``proved'' correct by hand in a paper in 1983
+ \item has been ``proved'' correct by hand in a paper in 1990
\item but this algorithm turned out to be incorrect, despite its ``proof''\bigskip\pause
- \item we corrected the algorithm and then {\bf really} proved that it is correct
+ \item we (generalised) the algorithm and then {\bf really} proved that it is correct
\item we implemented this algorithm in a small OS called PINTOS (used for teaching at Stanford)
- \item our implementation was much more efficient than their reference implementation
+ \item our implementation was faster than their reference implementation
- \begin{frame}[c]
- \frametitle{Design of AC-Policies}
- Imagine you set up an access policy (root, lpd, users, staff, etc)
- \bigskip\pause
- \Large
- \begin{quote}
- ``what you specify is what you get but not necessarily what you want\ldots''
- \end{quote}\bigskip\bigskip\bigskip
- \normalsize main work by Chunhan Wu (a PhD-student in Nanjing)
- \end{frame}
+% \begin{frame}[c]
+% \frametitle{\Large{}Mars Pathfinder Mission 1997}
+% \begin{center}
+% \includegraphics[scale=0.15]{marspath1.png}
+% \includegraphics[scale=0.16]{marspath3.png}
+% \includegraphics[scale=0.3]{marsrover.png}
+% \end{center}
+% \begin{itemize}
+% \item despite NASA's famous testing procedures, the lander crashed frequently on Mars
+% \item a scheduling algorithm was not used in the OS at the
+% beginning; PIP was enabled after the cause was identified
+% \end{itemize}
+% \end{frame}
- \frametitle{Testing Policies}
- \begin{center}
- \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1]
- %\draw[black!10,step=2mm] (-5,-3) grid (5,4);
- %\draw[black!10,thick,step=10mm] (-5,-3) grid (5,4);
- \draw[white,thick,step=10mm] (-5,-3) grid (5,4);
- \draw [black!20, line width=1mm] (0,0) circle (1cm);
- \draw [line width=1mm] (0,0) circle (3cm);
- \node [black!20] at (0,0) {\begin{tabular}{c}core\\[-1mm] system\end{tabular}};
- \draw [red, line width=2mm, <-] (-2.1,2.1) -- (-3.5,3.2);
- \node at (-3.5,3.6) {your system};
- \node at (-4.8,0) {\Large policy $+$};
- \only<2>{
- \draw [black, fill=red, line width=0.5mm] (2,1) circle (3mm);
- \draw [red, line width=2mm, <-] (2.3,1.2) -- (3.5,2);
- \node at (3.8,2.6) {\begin{tabular}{l}a seed\\[-1mm] \footnotesize virus, Trojan\end{tabular}};}
- \only<3>{
- \draw [black, fill=red, line width=0.5mm] (2,1) circle (7mm);
- \node[white] at (2,1) {\small tainted};}
+ \frametitle{Lessons Learned}
- \only<4>{
- \begin{scope}
- \draw [clip] (0,0) circle (2.955cm);
- \draw [black, fill=red, line width=0.5mm] (2,1) circle (9mm);
- \node[white] at (2,1) {\small tainted};
- \end{scope}}
- \only<5->{
- \begin{scope}
- \draw [clip] (0,0) circle (2.955cm);
- \draw [black, fill=red, line width=0.5mm] (2,1) circle (13mm);
- \node[white] at (2,1) {\small tainted};
- \end{scope}}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item our proof-technique is adapted from security
+ protocols\bigskip
+ \item do not venture outside your field of expertise
+ \includegraphics[scale=0.03]{smiley.jpg}
+ \bigskip
- \only<6->{
- \draw[fill=white, line width=1mm] (1.265,2.665) arc (-35:183:5mm);
- \draw[fill=white, line width=1mm] (1.25,3.25) arc (-35:183:3mm);
- \node[black, rotate=10] at (1.9,3.6) {\LARGE\ldots};
- }
- \end{tikzpicture}
- \end{center}
- \only<7->{
- \begin{textblock}{4}(1,12)
- \small
- reduced the problem to a finite problem; gave a proof
- \end{textblock}}
+ \item we solved the single-processor case; the multi-processor
+ case: no idea!
+ \end{itemize}
+\frametitle{Regular Expressions}
+ \begin{tabular}{rrl@ {\hspace{13mm}}l}
+ \bl{$r$} & \bl{$::=$} & \bl{$\varnothing$} & null\\
+ & \bl{$\mid$} & \bl{$\epsilon$} & empty string\\
+ & \bl{$\mid$} & \bl{$c$} & character\\
+ & \bl{$\mid$} & \bl{$r_1 \cdot r_2$} & sequence\\
+ & \bl{$\mid$} & \bl{$r_1 + r_2$} & alternative / choice\\
+ & \bl{$\mid$} & \bl{$r^*$} & star (zero or more)\\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{textblock}
+\frametitle{\begin{tabular}{c}The Derivative of a Rexp\end{tabular}}
+If \bl{$r$} matches the string \bl{$c\!::\!s$}, what is a regular
+expression that matches just \bl{$s$}?\bigskip\bigskip\bigskip\bigskip
+\bl{$der\,c\,r$} gives the answer, Brzozowski (1964), Owens (2005)
+``\ldots have been lost in the sands of time\ldots''
+\ldots{}whether a regular expression can match the empty string:
+\begin{tabular}{@ {}l@ {\hspace{2mm}}c@ {\hspace{2mm}}l@ {}}
+\bl{$nullable(\varnothing)$} & \bl{$\dn$} & \bl{$false$}\\
+\bl{$nullable(\epsilon)$} & \bl{$\dn$} & \bl{$true$}\\
+\bl{$nullable (c)$} & \bl{$\dn$} & \bl{$false$}\\
+\bl{$nullable (r_1 + r_2)$} & \bl{$\dn$} & \bl{$nullable(r_1) \vee nullable(r_2)$} \\
+\bl{$nullable (r_1 \cdot r_2)$} & \bl{$\dn$} & \bl{$nullable(r_1) \wedge nullable(r_2)$} \\
+\bl{$nullable (r^*)$} & \bl{$\dn$} & \bl{$true$} \\
+\frametitle{\begin{tabular}{c}The Derivative of a Rexp\end{tabular}}
+\begin{tabular}{@ {}l@ {\hspace{2mm}}c@ {\hspace{2mm}}l@ {\hspace{-10mm}}l@ {}}
+ \bl{$der\, c\, (\varnothing)$} & \bl{$\dn$} & \bl{$\varnothing$} & \\
+ \bl{$der\, c\, (\epsilon)$} & \bl{$\dn$} & \bl{$\varnothing$} & \\
+ \bl{$der\, c\, (d)$} & \bl{$\dn$} & \bl{if $c = d$ then $\epsilon$ else $\varnothing$} & \\
+ \bl{$der\, c\, (r_1 + r_2)$} & \bl{$\dn$} & \bl{$der\, c\, r_1 + der\, c\, r_2$} & \\
+ \bl{$der\, c\, (r_1 \cdot r_2)$} & \bl{$\dn$} & \bl{if $nullable (r_1)$}\\
+ & & \bl{then $(der\,c\,r_1) \cdot r_2 + der\, c\, r_2$}\\
+ & & \bl{else $(der\, c\, r_1) \cdot r_2$}\\
+ \bl{$der\, c\, (r^*)$} & \bl{$\dn$} & \bl{$(der\,c\,r) \cdot (r^*)$} &\medskip\\\pause
+ \bl{$\textit{ders}\, []\, r$} & \bl{$\dn$} & \bl{$r$} & \\
+ \bl{$\textit{ders}\, (c\!::\!s)\, r$} & \bl{$\dn$} & \bl{$\textit{ders}\,s\,(der\,c\,r)$} & \\
+ \end{tabular}
+\frametitle{\begin{tabular}{c}\bl{$({\tt a}?)^n \cdot {\tt a}^n$}\end{tabular}}
+ xlabel={\pcode{a}s},
+ ylabel={time in secs},
+ enlargelimits=false,
+ xtick={0,200,...,1000},
+ xmax=1000,
+ ytick={0,5,...,30},
+ scaled ticks=false,
+ axis lines=left,
+ width=9.5cm,
+ height=7cm,
+ legend entries={Python,Ruby,Scala V1,Scala V2},
+ legend pos=north west,
+ legend cell align=left
+\addplot[blue,mark=*, mark options={fill=white}]
+ table {re-python.data};
+\addplot[brown,mark=pentagon*, mark options={fill=white}]
+ table {re-ruby.data};
+\addplot[red,mark=triangle*,mark options={fill=white}]
+ table {re1.data};
+\addplot[green,mark=square*,mark options={fill=white}]
+ table {re2b.data};
+\frametitle{\begin{tabular}{c}\bl{$({\tt a}?)^n \cdot {\tt a}^n$}\end{tabular}}
+ xlabel={\pcode{a}s},
+ ylabel={time in secs},
+ enlargelimits=false,
+ xtick={0,3000,...,12000},
+ xmax=12000,
+ ymax=35,
+ ytick={0,5,...,30},
+ scaled ticks=false,
+ axis lines=left,
+ width=9cm,
+ height=7cm
+\addplot[green,mark=square*,mark options={fill=white}] table {re2b.data};
+\addplot[black,mark=square*,mark options={fill=white}] table {re3.data};
-\frametitle{Fuzzy Testing C-Compilers}
+It is a relative easy exercise in a theorem prover:
+\bl{$matches(r, s)$} if and only if \bl{$s \in L(r)$}
+\bl{$matches(r, s) \dn nullable(ders(r, s))$}
+\frametitle{POSIX Regex Matching}
+Two rules:
-\item tested GCC, LLVM and others by randomly generating
-\item found more than 300 bugs in GCC and also
-many in LLVM (some of them highest-level critical)\bigskip
-\item about CompCert:
+\item Longest match rule (``maximal munch rule''): The
+longest initial substring matched by any regular expression
+is taken as the next token.
+\bl{$\texttt{\Grid{iffoo\VS bla}}$}
-\begin{bubble}[10cm]\small ``The striking thing about our CompCert
-results is that the middle-end bugs we found in all other
-compilers are absent. As of early 2011, the under-development
-version of CompCert is the only compiler we have tested for
-which Csmith cannot find wrong-code errors. This is not for
-lack of trying: we have devoted about six CPU-years to the
+\item Rule priority:
+For a particular longest initial substring, the first regular
+expression that can match determines the token.
+\bl{$\texttt{\Grid{if\VS bla}}$}
+\hfill Kuklewicz: most POSIX matchers are buggy\\
+\hfill \url{http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Regex_Posix}
-\frametitle{Big Proofs in CS (2)}
+\frametitle{POSIX Regex Matching}
-\item in 2010, verification of a micro-kernel operating system (approximately 8700 loc)
- \begin{itemize}
- \item used in helicopters and mobile phones
- \item 200k loc of proof
- \item 25 - 30 person years
- \item found 160 bugs in the C code (144 by the proof)
- \end{itemize}
+\item Sulzmann \& Lu came up with a beautiful
+idea for how to extend the simple regular expression
+matcher to POSIX matching/lexing (FLOPS 2014)\bigskip\bigskip\bigskip
+ \includegraphics[scale=0.14]{sulzmann.jpg}\\[-2mm]
+ \hspace{0cm}\footnotesize Martin Sulzmann
+\item the idea: define an inverse operation to the derivatives
-``Real-world operating-system kernel with an end-to-end proof
-of implementation correctness and security enforcement''
-unhackable kernel (New Scientists, September 2015)
-\frametitle{Big Proofs in CS (3)}
-\item verified TLS implementation\medskip
-\item verified compilers (CompCert, CakeML)\medskip
-\item verified distributed systems (Verdi)\medskip
-\item verified OSes or OS components\\
-(seL4, CertiKOS, Ironclad Apps, \ldots)\medskip
-\item verified cryptography
-\frametitle{How Did This Happen?}
-Lots of ways!
-\item better programming languages
- \begin{itemize}
- \item basic safety guarantees built in
\item powerful mechanisms for abstraction and modularity
- \end{itemize}
-\item better software development methodology
-\item stable platforms and frameworks
-\item better use of specifications\medskip\\
- \small If you want to build software that works or is secure,
- it is helpful to know what you mean by ``works'' and by ``is secure''!
+\frametitle{Regexes and Values}
+Regular expressions and their corresponding values:
+ \bl{$r$} & \bl{$::=$} & \bl{$\varnothing$}\\
+ & \bl{$\mid$} & \bl{$\epsilon$} \\
+ & \bl{$\mid$} & \bl{$c$} \\
+ & \bl{$\mid$} & \bl{$r_1 \cdot r_2$}\\
+ & \bl{$\mid$} & \bl{$r_1 + r_2$} \\
+ \\
+ & \bl{$\mid$} & \bl{$r^*$} \\
+ \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \bl{$v$} & \bl{$::=$} & \\
+ & & \bl{$Empty$} \\
+ & \bl{$\mid$} & \bl{$Char(c)$} \\
+ & \bl{$\mid$} & \bl{$Seq(v_1,v_2)$}\\
+ & \bl{$\mid$} & \bl{$Left(v)$} \\
+ & \bl{$\mid$} & \bl{$Right(v)$} \\
+ & \bl{$\mid$} & \bl{$[]$} \\
+ & \bl{$\mid$} & \bl{$[v_1,\ldots\,v_n]$} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+There is also a notion of a string behind a value: \bl{$|v|$}
-Remember the Bridges example?
+\frametitle{Sulzmann \& Lu Matcher}
+We want to match the string \bl{$abc$} using \bl{$r_1$}:
+\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=2,node distance=1.3cm,every node/.style={minimum size=8mm}]
+\node (r1) {\bl{$r_1$}};
+\node (r2) [right=of r1] {\bl{$r_2$}};
+\draw[->,line width=1mm] (r1) -- (r2) node[above,midway] {\bl{$der\,a$}};\pause
+\node (r3) [right=of r2] {\bl{$r_3$}};
+\draw[->,line width=1mm] (r2) -- (r3) node[above,midway] {\bl{$der\,b$}};\pause
+\node (r4) [right=of r3] {\bl{$r_4$}};
+\draw[->,line width=1mm] (r3) -- (r4) node[above,midway] {\bl{$der\,c$}};\pause
+\draw (r4) node[anchor=west] {\;\raisebox{3mm}{\bl{$\;\;nullable?$}}};\pause
+\node (v4) [below=of r4] {\bl{$v_4$}};
+\draw[->,line width=1mm] (r4) -- (v4);\pause
+\node (v3) [left=of v4] {\bl{$v_3$}};
+\draw[->,line width=1mm] (v4) -- (v3) node[below,midway] {\bl{$inj\,c$}};\pause
+\node (v2) [left=of v3] {\bl{$v_2$}};
+\draw[->,line width=1mm] (v3) -- (v2) node[below,midway] {\bl{$inj\,b$}};\pause
+\node (v1) [left=of v2] {\bl{$v_1$}};
+\draw[->,line width=1mm] (v2) -- (v1) node[below,midway] {\bl{$inj\,a$}};\pause
+\draw[->,line width=0.5mm] (r3) -- (v3);
+\draw[->,line width=0.5mm] (r2) -- (v2);
+\draw[->,line width=0.5mm] (r1) -- (v1);
+\draw (r4) node[anchor=north west] {\;\raisebox{-8mm}{\bl{$mkeps$}}};
+\frametitle{Sulzmann \& Lu Paper}
-\item Can we look at our programs and somehow ensure
-they are secure/bug free/correct?\pause\bigskip
+\item I have no doubt the algorithm is correct ---
+ the problem, I do not believe their proof.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{bubble}[10cm]\small
+ ``How could I miss this? Well, I was rather careless when
+ stating this Lemma :)\smallskip
+ Great example how formal machine checked proofs (and
+ proof assistants) can help to spot flawed reasoning steps.''
+ \end{bubble}
+ \end{center}\pause
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{bubble}[10cm]\small
+ ``Well, I don't think there's any flaw. The issue is how to
+ come up with a mechanical proof. In my world mathematical
+ proof $=$ mechanical proof doesn't necessarily hold.''
+ \end{bubble}
+ \end{center}\pause
+ \only<3>{%
+ \begin{textblock}{11}(1,4.4)
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{bubble}[10.9cm]\small\centering
+ \includegraphics[scale=0.37]{msbug.png}
+ \end{bubble}
+ \end{center}
+ \end{textblock}}
+\frametitle{\begin{tabular}{c}The Proof Idea\\[-1mm] by Sulzmann \& Lu
+\item introduce an inductively defined ordering relation
+\bl{$v \succ_r v'$} which captures the idea of POSIX matching
+\item the algorithm returns the maximum of all possible
+ values that are possible for a regular expression.\pause
+ \bigskip\small
+\item the idea is from a paper by Cardelli \& Frisch about
+greedy matching (greedy $=$ preferring instant gratification to delayed
+\item e.g.~given \bl{$(a + (b + ab))^*$} and string \bl{$ab$}
+greedy: & \bl{$[Left(a), Right(Left(b)]$}\\
+POSIX: & \bl{$[Right(Right(a, b)))]$}
+\bl{\infer{\vdash Empty : \epsilon}{}}\hspace{15mm}
+\bl{\infer{\vdash Char(c): c}{}}\bigskip
-\item Very hard: Anything interesting about programs is equivalent
-to halting problem, which is undecidable.\pause\bigskip
+\bl{\infer{\vdash Seq(v_1, v_2) : r_1\cdot r_2}{\vdash v_1 : r_1 \quad \vdash v_2 : r_2}}
+\bl{\infer{\vdash Left(v) : r_1 + r_2}{\vdash v : r_1}}\hspace{15mm}
+\bl{\infer{\vdash Right(v): r_1 + r_2}{\vdash v : r_2}}\bigskip
+\bl{\infer{\vdash [] : r^*}{}}\hspace{15mm}
+\bl{\infer{\vdash [v_1,\ldots, v_n] : r^*}
+ {\vdash v_1 : r \quad\ldots\quad \vdash v_n : r}}
+\bl{$POSIX(v, r)$} & \bl{$\dn$} & \bl{$\vdash v : r$}\\
+ & & \bl{$\wedge \;\;(\forall v'.\;\; \vdash v' : r \,\wedge\, |v'| = |v|
+ \Rightarrow v \succ_{\alert<2>{r}} v')$}
+\bl{\infer{Seq(v_1, v_2) \succ_{\alert<2>{r_1\cdot r_2}} Seq(v'_1, v'_2)}
+ {v_1 = v'_1 \quad v_2 \succ_{\alert<2>{r_2}} v'_2}}\hspace{3mm}
+\bl{\infer{Seq(v_1, v_2) \succ_{\alert<2>{r_1\cdot r_2}} Seq(v'_1, v'_2)}
+ {v_1 \not= v'_1 \quad v_1 \succ_{\alert<2>{r_1}} v'_1}}
+\bl{\infer{Left(v) \succ_{\alert<2>{r_1 + r_2}} Left(v')}
+ {v \succ_{\alert<2>{r_1}} v'}}\hspace{15mm}
+\bl{\infer{Right(v) \succ_{\alert<2>{r_1 + r_2}} Right(v')}
+ {v \succ_{\alert<2>{r_2}} v'}}\bigskip\medskip
-\item \alert{Solution:} We avoid this ``minor'' obstacle by
- being as close as possible of deciding the halting
- problem, without actually deciding the halting problem.
- \small$\quad\Rightarrow$ yes, no, don't know (static analysis)
+\bl{\infer{Left(v) \succ_{\alert<2>{r_1 + r_2}} Right(v')}
+ {length |v| \ge length |v'|}}\hspace{15mm}
+\bl{\infer{Right(v) \succ_{\alert<2>{r_1 + r_2}} Left(v')}
+ {length |v| > length |v'|}}\bigskip
+\item Sulzmann: \ldots Let's assume \bl{$v$} is not
+ a $POSIX$ value, then there must be another one
+ \ldots contradiction.\bigskip\pause
+\item Exists?
+\bl{$L(r) \not= \varnothing \;\Rightarrow\; POSIX(v, r)$}
+\item in the sequence case, the induction hypotheses require
+\bl{$|v_1| = |v'_1|$} and \bl{$|v_2| = |v'_2|$},
+but you only know
+\bl{$|v_1| \;@\; |v_2| = |v'_1| \;@\; |v'_2|$}
+\item although one begins with the assumption that the two
+values have the same flattening, this cannot be maintained
+as one descends into the induction (alternative, sequence)
+\frametitle{Our Solution}
+\item direct definition of what a POSIX value is, using
+\bl{$s \in r \to v$}:
+\bl{\infer{[] \in \epsilon \to Empty}{}}\hspace{15mm}
+\bl{\infer{c \in c \to Char(c)}{}}\bigskip\medskip
+\bl{\infer{s \in r_1 + r_2 \to Left(v)}
+ {s \in r_1 \to v}}\hspace{10mm}
+\bl{\infer{s \in r_1 + r_2 \to Right(v)}
+ {s \in r_2 \to v & s \not\in L(r_1)}}\bigskip\medskip
+\bl{\infer{s_1 @ s_2 \in r_1 \cdot r_2 \to Seq(v_1, v_2)}
+ {\small\begin{array}{l}
+ s_1 \in r_1 \to v_1 \\
+ s_2 \in r_2 \to v_2 \\
+ \neg(\exists s_3\,s_4.\; s_3 \not= []
+ \wedge s_3 @ s_4 = s_2 \wedge
+ s_1 @ s_3 \in L(r_1) \wedge
+ s_4 \in L(r_2))
+ \end{array}}}
+ \frametitle{\Large\begin{tabular}{@{}c@{}}Pencil-and-Paper Proofs\\[-1mm]
+ in CS are normally incorrect\end{tabular}}
+\item case in point, in one of Roy's proofs he made the
+incorrect inference
+if \bl{$\forall s.\; |v_2| \alert{\not}\in L(der\,c\,r_1) \cdot s$}
+then \bl{$\forall s.\; c\,|v_2| \alert{\not}\in L(r_1) \cdot s$}
+if \bl{$\forall s.\; |v_2| \in L(der\,c\,r_1) \cdot s$}
+then \bl{$\forall s.\; c\,|v_2| \in L(r_1) \cdot s$}
+is correct
+ \begin{frame}[c]
+ \frametitle{Proofs in Math~vs.~in CS}
+ \alert{\bf My theory on why CS-proofs are often buggy}
+ \\[-10mm]\mbox{}
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{@{}cc@{}}
+ \begin{tabular}{@{}p{5.6cm}}
+ \includegraphics[scale=0.43]{icosahedron.png}\\[2mm]
+ {\bf Math}: \\
+ \raggedright\small
+ in math, ``objects'' can be ``looked'' at from all
+ ``angles'';\\\smallskip
+ non-trivial proofs, but it seems
+ difficult to make mistakes
+ \end{tabular} &
+ \begin{tabular}{p{5cm}}
+ \includegraphics[scale=0.2]{sel4callgraph.jpg}\\[3mm]
+ \raggedright
+ {\bf Code in CS}: \\
+ \raggedright\small
+ the call-graph of the seL4 microkernel OS;\\\smallskip
+ easy to make mistakes\\ \mbox{}\\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+ \end{frame}
+\item we strengthened the POSIX definition of Sulzmann \& Lu
+ in order to get the inductions through, his proof
+ contained small gaps but had also fundamental flaws\bigskip
+\item its a nice exercise for theorem proving
+\item some optimisations need to be aplied to the
+ algorithm in order to become fast enough
+\item can be used for lexing, small little functional
+ program
+ \begin{frame}[b]
+ \frametitle{
+ \begin{tabular}{c}
+ \mbox{}\\[13mm]
+ \alert{\Large Thank you very much again}\\
+ \alert{\Large for the invitation!}\\
+ \alert{\Large Questions?}
+ \end{tabular}}
+ \end{frame}
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/progs/scala/re-simp.scala Thu Mar 31 16:50:37 2016 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+import scala.language.implicitConversions
+import scala.language.reflectiveCalls
+import scala.annotation.tailrec
+abstract class Rexp
+case object ZERO extends Rexp
+case object ONE extends Rexp
+case class CHAR(c: Char) extends Rexp
+case class ALT(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) extends Rexp
+case class SEQ(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) extends Rexp
+case class STAR(r: Rexp) extends Rexp
+case class RECD(x: String, r: Rexp) extends Rexp
+abstract class Val
+case object Empty extends Val
+case class Chr(c: Char) extends Val
+case class Sequ(v1: Val, v2: Val) extends Val
+case class Left(v: Val) extends Val
+case class Right(v: Val) extends Val
+case class Stars(vs: List[Val]) extends Val
+case class Rec(x: String, v: Val) extends Val
+// some convenience for typing in regular expressions
+def charlist2rexp(s : List[Char]): Rexp = s match {
+ case Nil => ONE
+ case c::Nil => CHAR(c)
+ case c::s => SEQ(CHAR(c), charlist2rexp(s))
+implicit def string2rexp(s : String) : Rexp = charlist2rexp(s.toList)
+implicit def RexpOps(r: Rexp) = new {
+ def | (s: Rexp) = ALT(r, s)
+ def % = STAR(r)
+ def ~ (s: Rexp) = SEQ(r, s)
+implicit def stringOps(s: String) = new {
+ def | (r: Rexp) = ALT(s, r)
+ def | (r: String) = ALT(s, r)
+ def % = STAR(s)
+ def ~ (r: Rexp) = SEQ(s, r)
+ def ~ (r: String) = SEQ(s, r)
+ def $ (r: Rexp) = RECD(s, r)
+// nullable function: tests whether the regular
+// expression can recognise the empty string
+def nullable (r: Rexp) : Boolean = r match {
+ case ZERO => false
+ case ONE => true
+ case CHAR(_) => false
+ case ALT(r1, r2) => nullable(r1) || nullable(r2)
+ case SEQ(r1, r2) => nullable(r1) && nullable(r2)
+ case STAR(_) => true
+ case RECD(_, r1) => nullable(r1)
+// derivative of a regular expression w.r.t. a character
+def der (c: Char, r: Rexp) : Rexp = r match {
+ case ZERO => ZERO
+ case ONE => ZERO
+ case CHAR(d) => if (c == d) ONE else ZERO
+ case ALT(r1, r2) => ALT(der(c, r1), der(c, r2))
+ case SEQ(r1, r2) =>
+ if (nullable(r1)) ALT(SEQ(der(c, r1), r2), der(c, r2))
+ else SEQ(der(c, r1), r2)
+ case STAR(r) => SEQ(der(c, r), STAR(r))
+ case RECD(_, r1) => der(c, r1)
+// derivative w.r.t. a string (iterates der)
+def ders (s: List[Char], r: Rexp) : Rexp = s match {
+ case Nil => r
+ case c::s => ders(s, der(c, r))
+// extracts a string from value
+def flatten(v: Val) : String = v match {
+ case Empty => ""
+ case Chr(c) => c.toString
+ case Left(v) => flatten(v)
+ case Right(v) => flatten(v)
+ case Sequ(v1, v2) => flatten(v1) + flatten(v2)
+ case Stars(vs) => vs.map(flatten(_)).mkString
+ case Rec(_, v) => flatten(v)
+// extracts an environment from a value
+def env(v: Val) : List[(String, String)] = v match {
+ case Empty => Nil
+ case Chr(c) => Nil
+ case Left(v) => env(v)
+ case Right(v) => env(v)
+ case Sequ(v1, v2) => env(v1) ::: env(v2)
+ case Stars(vs) => vs.flatMap(env)
+ case Rec(x, v) => (x, flatten(v))::env(v)
+// injection part
+def mkeps(r: Rexp) : Val = r match {
+ case ONE => Empty
+ case ALT(r1, r2) =>
+ if (nullable(r1)) Left(mkeps(r1)) else Right(mkeps(r2))
+ case SEQ(r1, r2) => Sequ(mkeps(r1), mkeps(r2))
+ case STAR(r) => Stars(Nil)
+ case RECD(x, r) => Rec(x, mkeps(r))
+def inj(r: Rexp, c: Char, v: Val) : Val = (r, v) match {
+ case (STAR(r), Sequ(v1, Stars(vs))) => Stars(inj(r, c, v1)::vs)
+ case (SEQ(r1, r2), Sequ(v1, v2)) => Sequ(inj(r1, c, v1), v2)
+ case (SEQ(r1, r2), Left(Sequ(v1, v2))) => Sequ(inj(r1, c, v1), v2)
+ case (SEQ(r1, r2), Right(v2)) => Sequ(mkeps(r1), inj(r2, c, v2))
+ case (ALT(r1, r2), Left(v1)) => Left(inj(r1, c, v1))
+ case (ALT(r1, r2), Right(v2)) => Right(inj(r2, c, v2))
+ case (CHAR(d), Empty) => Chr(c)
+ case (RECD(x, r1), _) => Rec(x, inj(r1, c, v))
+// main unsimplified lexing function (produces a value)
+def lex(r: Rexp, s: List[Char]) : Val = s match {
+ case Nil => if (nullable(r)) mkeps(r) else throw new Exception("Not matched")
+ case c::cs => inj(r, c, lex(der(c, r), cs))
+def lexing(r: Rexp, s: String) : Val = lex(r, s.toList)
+// some "rectification" functions for simplification
+def F_ID(v: Val): Val = v
+def F_RIGHT(f: Val => Val) = (v:Val) => Right(f(v))
+def F_LEFT(f: Val => Val) = (v:Val) => Left(f(v))
+def F_ALT(f1: Val => Val, f2: Val => Val) = (v:Val) => v match {
+ case Right(v) => Right(f2(v))
+ case Left(v) => Left(f1(v))
+def F_SEQ(f1: Val => Val, f2: Val => Val) = (v:Val) => v match {
+ case Sequ(v1, v2) => Sequ(f1(v1), f2(v2))
+def F_SEQ_Empty1(f1: Val => Val, f2: Val => Val) = (v:Val) => Sequ(f1(Empty), f2(v))
+def F_SEQ_Empty2(f1: Val => Val, f2: Val => Val) = (v:Val) => Sequ(f1(v), f2(Empty))
+def F_RECD(f: Val => Val) = (v:Val) => v match {
+ case Rec(x, v) => Rec(x, f(v))
+def F_ERROR(v: Val): Val = throw new Exception("error")
+// simplification of regular expressions returning also an
+// rectification function; no simplification under STAR
+def simp(r: Rexp): (Rexp, Val => Val) = r match {
+ case ALT(r1, r2) => {
+ val (r1s, f1s) = simp(r1)
+ val (r2s, f2s) = simp(r2)
+ (r1s, r2s) match {
+ case (ZERO, _) => (r2s, F_RIGHT(f2s))
+ case (_, ZERO) => (r1s, F_LEFT(f1s))
+ case _ => if (r1s == r2s) (r1s, F_LEFT(f1s))
+ else (ALT (r1s, r2s), F_ALT(f1s, f2s))
+ }
+ }
+ case SEQ(r1, r2) => {
+ val (r1s, f1s) = simp(r1)
+ val (r2s, f2s) = simp(r2)
+ (r1s, r2s) match {
+ case (ZERO, _) => (ZERO, F_ERROR)
+ case (_, ZERO) => (ZERO, F_ERROR)
+ case (ONE, _) => (r2s, F_SEQ_Empty1(f1s, f2s))
+ case (_, ONE) => (r1s, F_SEQ_Empty2(f1s, f2s))
+ case _ => (SEQ(r1s,r2s), F_SEQ(f1s, f2s))
+ }
+ }
+ case RECD(x, r1) => {
+ val (r1s, f1s) = simp(r1)
+ (RECD(x, r1s), F_RECD(f1s))
+ }
+ case r => (r, F_ID)
+def lex_simp(r: Rexp, s: List[Char]) : Val = s match {
+ case Nil => if (nullable(r)) mkeps(r) else throw new Exception("Not matched")
+ case c::cs => {
+ val (r_simp, f_simp) = simp(der(c, r))
+ inj(r, c, f_simp(lex_simp(r_simp, cs)))
+ }
+def lexing_simp(r: Rexp, s: String) : Val = lex_simp(r, s.toList)
+// Some Tests
+def time[T](code: => T) = {
+ val start = System.nanoTime()
+ val result = code
+ val end = System.nanoTime()
+ println((end - start)/1.0e9)
+ result
+val r0 = ("a" | "ab") ~ ("b" | "")
+println(lexing(r0, "ab"))
+println(lexing_simp(r0, "ab"))
+val r1 = ("a" | "ab") ~ ("bcd" | "cd")
+println(lexing_simp(r1, "abcd"))
+println(lexing_simp((("" | "a") ~ ("ab" | "b")), "ab"))
+println(lexing_simp((("" | "a") ~ ("b" | "ab")), "ab"))
+println(lexing_simp((("" | "a") ~ ("c" | "ab")), "ab"))
+// Two Simple Tests for the While Language
+// Lexing Rules
+def PLUS(r: Rexp) = r ~ r.%
+val SYM = "a" | "b" | "c" | "d" | "e" | "f" | "g" | "h" | "i" | "j" | "k" | "l" | "m" | "n" | "o" | "p" | "q" | "r" | "s" | "t" | "u" | "v" | "w" | "x" | "y" | "z"
+val DIGIT = "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9"
+val ID = SYM ~ (SYM | DIGIT).%
+val KEYWORD : Rexp = "skip" | "while" | "do" | "if" | "then" | "else" | "read" | "write" | "true" | "false"
+val SEMI: Rexp = ";"
+val OP: Rexp = ":=" | "==" | "-" | "+" | "*" | "!=" | "<" | ">" | "<=" | ">=" | "%" | "/"
+val WHITESPACE = PLUS(" " | "\n" | "\t")
+val RPAREN: Rexp = ")"
+val LPAREN: Rexp = "("
+val BEGIN: Rexp = "{"
+val END: Rexp = "}"
+val STRING: Rexp = "\"" ~ SYM.% ~ "\""
+val WHILE_REGS = (("k" $ KEYWORD) |
+ ("i" $ ID) |
+ ("o" $ OP) |
+ ("n" $ NUM) |
+ ("s" $ SEMI) |
+ ("str" $ STRING) |
+ ("p" $ (LPAREN | RPAREN)) |
+ ("b" $ (BEGIN | END)) |
+ ("w" $ WHITESPACE)).%
+ ID |
+ OP |
+ NUM |
+ SEMI |
+println("prog0 test")
+val prog0 = """read n"""
+println(env(lexing_simp(WHILE_REGS, prog0)))
+println("prog1 test")
+val prog1 = """read n; write (n)"""
+println(env(lexing_simp(WHILE_REGS, prog1)))
+// Big Test
+val prog2 = """
+i := 2;
+max := 100;
+while i < max do {
+ isprime := 1;
+ j := 2;
+ while (j * j) <= i + 1 do {
+ if i % j == 0 then isprime := 0 else skip;
+ j := j + 1
+ };
+ if isprime == 1 then write i else skip;
+ i := i + 1
+println("prog2 test - tokens")
+println(env(lexing_simp(WHILE_REGS, prog2)))
+val prog3 = """
+write "fib";
+read n;
+minus1 := 0;
+minus2 := 1;
+while n > 0 do {
+ temp := minus2;
+ minus2 := minus1 + minus2;
+ minus1 := temp;
+ n := n - 1
+write "result";
+write minus2
+println("prog3 test - tokens")
+println(env(lexing_simp(WHILE_REGS, prog3)))
+for (i <- 1 to 80) {
+ print(i.toString + ": ")
+ time(lexing_simp(WHILE_REGS, prog2 * i))