18 months ago Chengsong added technical Overview section, almost done introduction default tip
19 months ago Chengsong more explanation for the name "closed form" and their intuition
20 months ago Chengsong more
20 months ago Chengsong overview of finiteness proof Gerog comment "not helpful", adding more intuitions of "closed forms"
20 months ago Chengsong addresses Gerog "N_r meaning and relation with backtracking?" comment
20 months ago Chengsong Addressed Gerog "can't understand 'erase messes with structure'" comment
2022-12-30 Chengsong more proofreading done, last version before submission
2022-12-30 Chengsong until chap 7
2022-12-30 Chengsong comments till chap4
2022-11-17 Chengsong section reorganising, related work
2022-11-12 Chengsong all comments incorporated!!+related work
2022-11-07 Chengsong chap6 almost done
2022-11-06 Chengsong chapter 5 finished!!
2022-10-12 Chengsong reorder
2022-10-12 Chengsong chap5
2022-10-03 Chengsong more
2022-10-03 Chengsong data files
2022-10-03 Chengsong chap1 totally done
2022-09-21 Chengsong more
2022-09-02 Chengsong more chap 56
2022-09-02 Chengsong more
2022-09-02 Chengsong more
2022-09-02 Chengsong more chap5
2022-09-01 Chengsong more polishing integrated comments chap2
2022-08-31 Chengsong more chap5 and chap6 bsimp_idem
2022-08-14 Chengsong thesis chap2
2022-08-11 Chengsong thesis chap5
2022-07-13 Chengsong more
2022-07-04 Chengsong more
2022-07-04 Chengsong more done
2022-07-04 Chengsong data
2022-07-04 Chengsong haha
2022-07-01 Chengsong more changes
2022-06-29 Chengsong hello
2022-06-28 Chengsong more
2022-06-26 Chengsong more
2022-06-24 Chengsong more changes
2022-06-23 Chengsong thesis_thys
2022-06-03 Chengsong restructured
less more (0) tip