--- a/ChengsongTanPhdThesis/Chapters/ChapterBitcoded1.tex Sat May 28 17:17:18 2022 +0100
+++ b/ChengsongTanPhdThesis/Chapters/ChapterBitcoded1.tex Mon May 30 14:41:09 2022 +0100
@@ -50,15 +50,87 @@
-% SECTION corretness proof
+% SECTION correctness proof
-\section{Proof Technique of Correctness of Bit-coded Algorithm with Simplification}
-The non-trivial part of proving the correctness of the algorithm with simplification
-compared with not having simplification is that we can no longer use the argument
-in \cref{flex_retrieve}.
-The function \retrieve needs the structure of the annotated regular expression to
-agree with the structure of the value, but simplification will always mess with the
-%TODO: after simp does not agree with each other: (a + 0) --> a v.s. Left(Char(a))
\ No newline at end of file
+\section{Correctness of Bit-coded Algorithm (Without Simplification)}
+We now give the proof the correctness of the algorithm with bit-codes.
+Ausaf and Urban cleverly defined an auxiliary function called $\flex$,
+defined as
+\flex \; r \; f \; [] \; v \; = \; f\; v
+\flex \; r \; f \; c :: s \; v = \flex r \; \lambda v. \, f (\inj \; r\; c\; v)\; s \; v
+which accumulates the characters that needs to be injected back,
+and does the injection in a stack-like manner (last taken derivative first injected).
+$\flex$ is connected to the $\lexer$:
+$\flex \; r \; \textit{id}\; s \; \mkeps (r\backslash s) = \lexer \; r \; s$
+$\flex$ provides us a bridge between $\lexer$ and $\blexer$.
+What is even better about $\flex$ is that it allows us to
+directly operate on the value $\mkeps (r\backslash v)$,
+which is pivotal in the definition of $\lexer $ and $\blexer$, but not visible as an argument.
+When the value created by $\mkeps$ becomes available, one can
+prove some stepwise properties of lexing nicely:
+$\textit{flex} \; r \; f \; s@[c] \; v= \flex \; r \; f\; s \; (\inj \; (r\backslash s) \; c \; v) $
+And for $\blexer$ we have a function with stepwise properties like $\flex$ as well,
+called $\retrieve$\ref{retrieveDef}.
+$\retrieve$ takes bit-codes from annotated regular expressions
+guided by a value.
+$\retrieve$ is connected to the $\blexer$ in the following way:
+$\blexer \; r \; s = \decode \; (\retrieve \; (\internalise \; r) \; (\mkeps \; (r \backslash s) )) \; r$
+If you take derivative of an annotated regular expression,
+you can $\retrieve$ the same bit-codes as before the derivative took place,
+provided that you use the corresponding value:
+$\retrieve \; (r \backslash c) \; v= \retrieve \; r \; (\inj \; r\; c\; v)$
+The other good thing about $\retrieve$ is that it can be connected to $\flex$:
+$\flex \; r \; \textit{id}\; s\; v = \decode \; (\retrieve \; (r\backslash s )\; v) \; r$
+By induction on $s$. The induction tactic is reverse induction on strings.
+$v$ is allowed to be arbitrary.
+The crucial point is to rewrite
+\retrieve \; (r \backslash s@[c]) \; \mkeps (r \backslash s@[c])
+\retrieve \; (r \backslash s) \; (\inj \; (r \backslash s) \; c\; \mkeps (r \backslash s@[c]))
+This enables us to equate
+\retrieve \; (r \backslash s@[c]) \; \mkeps (r \backslash s@[c])
+\flex \; r \; \textit{id} \; s \; (\inj \; (r\backslash s) \; c\; (\mkeps (r\backslash s@[c])))
+which in turn can be rewritten as
+\flex \; r \; \textit{id} \; s@[c] \; (\mkeps (r\backslash s@[c]))
+With the above lemma we can now link $\flex$ and $\blexer$.
+$\textit{flex} \; r \; \textit{id} \; s \; \mkeps(r \backslash s) = \blexer \; r \; s$
+Using two of the above lemmas: \ref{flex_retrieve} and \ref{blexer_retrieve}.