15 |
15 |
16 definition SEQ_set where |
16 definition SEQ_set where |
17 "SEQ_set A n \<equiv> {RSEQ r1 r2 | r1 r2. r1 \<in> A \<and> r2 \<in> A \<and> rsize r1 + rsize r2 \<le> n}" |
17 "SEQ_set A n \<equiv> {RSEQ r1 r2 | r1 r2. r1 \<in> A \<and> r2 \<in> A \<and> rsize r1 + rsize r2 \<le> n}" |
18 |
18 |
19 definition SEQ_set_cartesian where |
19 definition SEQ_set_cartesian where |
20 "SEQ_set_cartesian A n = {RSEQ r1 r2 | r1 r2. r1 \<in> A \<and> r2 \<in> A}" |
20 "SEQ_set_cartesian A = {RSEQ r1 r2 | r1 r2. r1 \<in> A \<and> r2 \<in> A}" |
21 |
21 |
22 definition ALT_set where |
22 definition ALT_set where |
23 "ALT_set A n \<equiv> {RALTS rs | rs. set rs \<subseteq> A \<and> sum_list (map rsize rs) \<le> n}" |
23 "ALT_set A n \<equiv> {RALTS rs | rs. set rs \<subseteq> A \<and> sum_list (map rsize rs) \<le> n}" |
24 |
24 |
25 definition ALTs_set |
26 where |
27 "ALTs_set A n \<equiv> {RALTS rs | rs. \<forall>r \<in> set rs. r \<in> A \<and> sum_list (map rsize rs) \<le> n}" |
28 |
29 |
30 |
31 lemma alts_set_2defs: |
32 shows "ALT_set A n = ALTs_set A n" |
33 apply(subgoal_tac "ALT_set A n \<subseteq> ALTs_set A n") |
34 apply(subgoal_tac "ALTs_set A n \<subseteq> ALT_set A n") |
35 apply auto[1] |
36 prefer 2 |
37 using ALT_set_def ALTs_set_def apply fastforce |
38 apply(subgoal_tac "\<forall>r \<in> ALTs_set A n. r \<in> ALT_set A n") |
39 apply blast |
40 apply(rule ballI) |
41 apply(subgoal_tac "\<exists>rs. r = RALTS rs \<and> sum_list (map rsize rs) \<le> n") |
42 prefer 2 |
43 using ALTs_set_def apply fastforce |
44 apply(erule exE) |
45 apply(subgoal_tac "set rs \<subseteq> A") |
46 prefer 2 |
47 apply (simp add: ALTs_set_def subsetI) |
48 using ALT_set_def by blast |
49 |
50 |
25 |
51 |
26 definition |
52 definition |
27 "sizeNregex N \<equiv> {r. rsize r \<le> N}" |
53 "sizeNregex N \<equiv> {r. rsize r \<le> N}" |
54 |
55 |
56 |
57 lemma sizenregex_induct1: |
58 "sizeNregex (Suc n) = (({RZERO, RONE} \<union> {RCHAR c| c. True}) |
59 \<union> (RSTAR ` sizeNregex n) \<union> |
60 (SEQ_set (sizeNregex n) n) |
61 \<union> (ALTs_set (sizeNregex n) n))" |
62 apply(auto) |
63 apply(case_tac x) |
64 apply(auto simp add: SEQ_set_def) |
65 using sizeNregex_def apply force |
66 using sizeNregex_def apply auto[1] |
67 apply (simp add: sizeNregex_def) |
68 apply (simp add: sizeNregex_def) |
69 apply (simp add: ALTs_set_def) |
70 apply (metis imageI list.set_map member_le_sum_list order_trans) |
71 apply (simp add: sizeNregex_def) |
72 apply (simp add: sizeNregex_def) |
73 apply (simp add: sizeNregex_def) |
74 using sizeNregex_def apply force |
75 apply (simp add: sizeNregex_def) |
76 apply (simp add: sizeNregex_def) |
77 apply (simp add: ALTs_set_def) |
78 apply(simp add: sizeNregex_def) |
79 apply(auto) |
80 using ex_in_conv by fastforce |
81 |
82 lemma sizeN_inclusion: |
83 shows "sizeNregex n \<subseteq> sizeNregex (Suc n)" |
84 by (simp add: Collect_mono sizeNregex_def) |
85 |
86 lemma ralts_nil_in_altset: |
87 shows " RALTS [] \<in> ALT_set (sizeNregex n) n " |
88 using ALT_set_def by auto |
89 |
28 |
90 |
29 lemma sizenregex_induct: |
91 lemma sizenregex_induct: |
30 shows "sizeNregex (Suc n) = sizeNregex n \<union> {RZERO, RONE, RALTS []} \<union> {RCHAR c| c. True} \<union> |
92 shows "sizeNregex (Suc n) = sizeNregex n \<union> {RZERO, RONE, RALTS []} \<union> {RCHAR c| c. True} \<union> |
31 SEQ_set ( sizeNregex n) n \<union> ALT_set (sizeNregex n) n \<union> (RSTAR ` (sizeNregex n))" |
93 SEQ_set ( sizeNregex n) n \<union> ALT_set (sizeNregex n) n \<union> (RSTAR ` (sizeNregex n))" |
32 sorry |
94 apply(subgoal_tac "sizeNregex (Suc n) = {RZERO, RONE, RALTS []} \<union> {RCHAR c| c. True} \<union> |
95 SEQ_set ( sizeNregex n) n \<union> ALT_set (sizeNregex n) n \<union> (RSTAR ` (sizeNregex n))") |
96 using sizeN_inclusion apply blast |
97 apply(subgoal_tac " {RZERO, RONE, RALTS []} \<union> {RCHAR c |c. True} \<union> SEQ_set (sizeNregex n) n \<union> |
98 ALT_set (sizeNregex n) n \<union> |
99 RSTAR ` sizeNregex n = (({RZERO, RONE} \<union> {RCHAR c| c. True}) |
100 \<union> (RSTAR ` sizeNregex n) \<union> |
101 (SEQ_set (sizeNregex n) n) |
102 \<union> (ALTs_set (sizeNregex n) n))") |
103 using sizenregex_induct1 apply presburger |
104 apply(subgoal_tac "{RZERO, RONE} \<union> {RCHAR c |c. True} \<union> SEQ_set (sizeNregex n) n \<union> |
105 ALT_set (sizeNregex n) n \<union> |
106 RSTAR ` sizeNregex n = |
107 {RZERO, RONE} \<union> {RCHAR c |c. True} \<union> RSTAR ` sizeNregex n \<union> SEQ_set (sizeNregex n) n \<union> |
108 ALTs_set (sizeNregex n) n ") |
109 prefer 2 |
110 using alts_set_2defs apply auto[1] |
111 apply(subgoal_tac " {RZERO, RONE, RALTS []} \<union> {RCHAR c |c. True} \<union> SEQ_set (sizeNregex n) n \<union> |
112 ALT_set (sizeNregex n) n \<union> |
113 RSTAR ` sizeNregex n = |
114 {RZERO, RONE} \<union> {RCHAR c |c. True} \<union> SEQ_set (sizeNregex n) n \<union> |
115 (insert (RALTS []) (ALT_set (sizeNregex n) n)) \<union> |
116 RSTAR ` sizeNregex n") |
117 prefer 2 |
118 apply fastforce |
119 by (simp add: insert_absorb ralts_nil_in_altset) |
120 |
121 |
122 |
123 lemma s4: |
124 "SEQ_set A n \<subseteq> SEQ_set_cartesian A" |
125 using SEQ_set_cartesian_def SEQ_set_def by fastforce |
126 |
127 lemma s5: |
128 "finite A \<Longrightarrow> finite (SEQ_set_cartesian A)" |
129 apply(subgoal_tac "SEQ_set_cartesian A = (\<lambda>(x1, x2). RSEQ x1 x2) ` (A \<times> A)") |
130 apply simp |
131 unfolding SEQ_set_cartesian_def |
132 apply(auto) |
133 done |
134 |
135 thm size_list_def |
136 |
137 definition ALTs_set_length |
138 where |
139 "ALTs_set_length A n l \<equiv> {RALTS rs | rs. \<forall>r \<in> set rs. r \<in> A |
140 \<and> sum_list (map rsize rs) \<le> n |
141 \<and> length rs \<le> l}" |
142 |
143 |
144 definition ALTs_set_length2 |
145 where |
146 "ALTs_set_length2 A l \<equiv> {RALTS rs | rs. \<forall>r \<in> set rs. r \<in> A \<and> length rs \<le> l}" |
147 |
148 definition set_length2 |
149 where |
150 "set_length2 A l \<equiv> {rs. \<forall>r \<in> set rs. r \<in> A \<and> length rs \<le> l}" |
151 |
152 |
153 lemma r000: |
154 shows "ALTs_set_length A n l \<subseteq> ALTs_set_length2 A l" |
155 apply(auto simp add: ALTs_set_length2_def ALTs_set_length_def) |
156 done |
157 |
158 |
159 lemma r02: |
160 shows "set_length2 A 0 \<subseteq> {[]}" |
161 apply(auto simp add: set_length2_def) |
162 apply(case_tac x) |
163 apply(auto) |
164 done |
165 |
166 lemma r03: |
167 shows "set_length2 A (Suc n) \<subseteq> |
168 {[]} \<union> (\<lambda>(h, t). h # t) ` (A \<times> (set_length2 A n))" |
169 apply(auto simp add: set_length2_def) |
170 apply(case_tac x) |
171 apply(auto) |
172 done |
173 |
174 lemma r1: |
175 assumes "finite A" |
176 shows "finite (set_length2 A n)" |
177 using assms |
178 apply(induct n) |
179 apply(rule finite_subset) |
180 apply(rule r02) |
181 apply(simp) |
182 apply(rule finite_subset) |
183 apply(rule r03) |
184 apply(simp) |
185 done |
186 |
187 lemma size_sum_more_than_len: |
188 shows "sum_list (map rsize rs) \<ge> length rs" |
189 apply(induct rs) |
190 apply simp |
191 apply simp |
192 apply(subgoal_tac "rsize a \<ge> 1") |
193 apply linarith |
194 using size_geq1 by auto |
195 |
196 |
197 lemma sum_list_len: |
198 shows " sum_list (map rsize rs) \<le> n \<Longrightarrow> length rs \<le> n" |
199 by (meson order.trans size_sum_more_than_len) |
200 |
201 |
202 |
203 |
204 lemma t2: |
205 shows "ALTs_set A n \<subseteq> ALTs_set_length A n n" |
206 unfolding ALTs_set_length_def ALTs_set_def |
207 apply(auto) |
208 using sum_list_len by blast |
209 |
210 |
211 thm ALTs_set_def |
212 |
213 lemma s8_aux: |
214 assumes "finite A" |
215 shows "finite (ALTs_set_length A n n)" |
216 proof - |
217 have "finite A" by fact |
218 then have "finite (set_length2 A n)" |
219 by (simp add: r1) |
220 moreover have "(RALTS ` (set_length2 A n)) = ALTs_set_length2 A n" |
221 unfolding ALTs_set_length2_def set_length2_def |
222 by (auto) |
223 ultimately have "finite (ALTs_set_length2 A n)" |
224 by (metis finite_imageI) |
225 then show ?thesis |
226 by (metis infinite_super r000) |
227 qed |
228 |
229 lemma s1: |
230 shows "{r::rrexp . rsize r = 1} = ({RZERO, RONE, RALTS []} \<union> {RCHAR c| c. True})" |
231 apply(auto) |
232 apply(case_tac x) |
233 apply(simp_all) |
234 apply (metis One_nat_def Suc_n_not_le_n size_geq1) |
235 apply (metis One_nat_def Suc_n_not_le_n ex_in_conv set_empty2 size_geq1) |
236 by (metis not_one_le_zero size_geq1) |
237 |
238 |
239 |
240 lemma char_finite: |
241 shows "finite {RCHAR c |c. True}" |
242 apply simp |
243 apply(subgoal_tac "finite (RCHAR ` (UNIV::char set))") |
244 prefer 2 |
245 apply simp |
246 by (simp add: full_SetCompr_eq) |
247 |
248 |
249 lemma finite_size_n: |
250 shows |
251 "finite (sizeNregex n)" |
252 apply(induct n) |
253 apply(simp add: sizeNregex_def) |
254 apply (metis (mono_tags, lifting) not_finite_existsD not_one_le_zero size_geq1) |
255 apply(subst sizenregex_induct1) |
256 apply(simp only: finite_Un) |
257 apply(rule conjI)+ |
258 apply(simp) |
259 using char_finite apply blast |
260 apply(simp) |
261 apply(rule finite_subset) |
262 apply(rule s4) |
263 apply(rule s5) |
264 apply(simp) |
265 apply(rule finite_subset) |
266 apply(rule t2) |
267 apply(rule s8_aux) |
268 apply(simp) |
269 done |
270 |
33 |
271 |
34 |
272 |
35 lemma chars_finite: |
273 lemma chars_finite: |
36 shows "finite (RCHAR ` (UNIV::(char set)))" |
274 shows "finite (RCHAR ` (UNIV::(char set)))" |
37 apply(simp) |
275 apply(simp) |
51 apply (simp add: SEQ_set_def) |
289 apply (simp add: SEQ_set_def) |
52 apply (simp add: ALT_set_def) |
290 apply (simp add: ALT_set_def) |
53 apply(simp add: full_SetCompr_eq) |
291 apply(simp add: full_SetCompr_eq) |
54 using non_zero_size not_less_eq_eq sizeNregex_def by fastforce |
292 using non_zero_size not_less_eq_eq sizeNregex_def by fastforce |
55 |
293 |
56 lemma seq_included_in_cart: |
57 shows "SEQ_set A n \<subseteq> SEQ_set_cartesian A n" |
58 using SEQ_set_cartesian_def SEQ_set_def by fastforce |
59 |
60 lemma finite_seq: |
61 shows " finite (sizeNregex n) \<Longrightarrow> finite (SEQ_set (sizeNregex n) n)" |
62 apply(rule finite_subset) |
63 sorry |
64 |
65 |
66 lemma finite_size_n: |
67 shows "finite (sizeNregex n)" |
68 apply(induct n) |
69 apply (metis Collect_empty_eq finite.emptyI non_zero_size not_less_eq_eq sizeNregex_def) |
70 apply(subst sizenregex_induct) |
71 apply(subst finite_Un)+ |
72 apply(rule conjI)+ |
73 apply simp |
74 apply simp |
75 apply (simp add: full_SetCompr_eq) |
76 |
77 sorry |
78 |
294 |
79 lemma three_easy_cases0: shows |
295 lemma three_easy_cases0: shows |
80 "rsize (rders_simp RZERO s) \<le> Suc 0" |
296 "rsize (rders_simp RZERO s) \<le> Suc 0" |
81 sorry |
297 apply(induct s) |
298 apply simp |
299 apply simp |
300 done |
82 |
301 |
83 |
302 |
84 lemma three_easy_cases1: shows |
303 lemma three_easy_cases1: shows |
85 "rsize (rders_simp RONE s) \<le> Suc 0" |
304 "rsize (rders_simp RONE s) \<le> Suc 0" |
86 sorry |
305 apply(induct s) |
306 apply simp |
307 apply simp |
308 using three_easy_cases0 by auto |
309 |
87 |
310 |
88 lemma three_easy_casesC: shows |
311 lemma three_easy_casesC: shows |
89 "rsize (rders_simp (RCHAR c) s) \<le> Suc 0" |
312 "rsize (rders_simp (RCHAR c) s) \<le> Suc 0" |
90 |
313 apply(induct s) |
91 sorry |
314 apply simp |
315 apply simp |
316 apply(case_tac " a = c") |
317 using three_easy_cases1 apply blast |
318 apply simp |
319 using three_easy_cases0 by force |
320 |
92 |
321 |
93 |
322 |
94 |
323 |
95 |
324 |
96 end |
325 end |