1 |
% Chapter Template
2 |
3 |
\chapter{A Better Bound and Other Extensions} % Main chapter title
4 |
5 |
\label{Cubic} %In Chapter 5\ref{Chapter5} we discuss stronger simplifications to improve the finite bound
6 |
%in Chapter 4 to a polynomial one, and demonstrate how one can extend the
7 |
%algorithm to include constructs such as bounded repetitions and negations.
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
This chapter is a ``miscellaneous''
12 |
chapter which records various
13 |
extensions to our $\blexersimp$'s formalisations.\\
14 |
Firstly we present further improvements
15 |
made to our lexer algorithm $\blexersimp$.
16 |
We devise a stronger simplification algorithm,
17 |
called $\bsimpStrong$, which can prune away
18 |
similar components in two regular expressions at the same
19 |
alternative level,
20 |
even if these regular expressions are not exactly the same.
21 |
We call the lexer that uses this stronger simplification function
22 |
23 |
We conjecture that both
24 |
25 |
$\blexerStrong \;r \; s = \blexer\; r\;s$
26 |
27 |
28 |
29 |
$\llbracket \bdersStrong{a}{s} \rrbracket = O(\llbracket a \rrbracket^3)$
30 |
31 |
hold, but formalising
32 |
them is still work in progress.
33 |
We give reasons why the correctness and cubic size bound proofs
34 |
can be achieved,
35 |
by exploring the connection between the internal
36 |
data structure of our $\blexerStrong$ and
37 |
Animirov's partial derivatives.\\
38 |
Secondly, we extend our $\blexersimp$
39 |
to support bounded repetitions ($r^{\{n\}}$).
40 |
We update our formalisation of
41 |
the correctness and finiteness properties to
42 |
include this new construct. With bounded repetitions
43 |
we are able to out-compete other verified lexers such as
44 |
Verbatim++ on regular expressions which involve a lot of
45 |
repetitions. We also present the idempotency property proof
46 |
of $\bsimp$, which leverages the idempotency proof of $\rsimp$.
47 |
This reinforces our claim that the fixpoint construction
48 |
originally required by Sulzmann and Lu can be removed in $\blexersimp$.
49 |
50 |
Last but not least, we present our efforts and challenges we met
51 |
in further improving the algorithm by data
52 |
structures such as zippers.
53 |
54 |
55 |
56 |
57 |
% SECTION strongsimp
58 |
59 |
\section{A Stronger Version of Simplification}
60 |
%TODO: search for isabelle proofs of algorithms that check equivalence
61 |
In our bitcoded lexing algorithm, (sub)terms represent (sub)matches.
62 |
For example, the regular expression
63 |
64 |
aa \cdot a^*+ a \cdot a^* + aa\cdot a^*
65 |
66 |
contains three terms,
67 |
expressing three possibilities it will match future input.
68 |
The first and the third terms are identical, which means we can eliminate
69 |
the latter as we know it will not be picked up by $\bmkeps$.
70 |
In $\bsimps$, the $\distinctBy$ function takes care of this.
71 |
The criteria $\distinctBy$ uses for removing a duplicate
72 |
$a_2$ in the list
73 |
74 |
75 |
76 |
is that
77 |
78 |
$\rerase{a_1} = \rerase{a_2}$.
79 |
80 |
It can be characterised as the $LD$
81 |
rewrite rule in \ref{rrewriteRules}.\\
82 |
The problem , however, is that identical components
83 |
in two slightly different regular expressions cannot be removed:
84 |
85 |
86 |
(a+b+d) \cdot r_1 + (a+c+e) \cdot r_1 \stackrel{?}{\rightsquigarrow} (a+b+d) \cdot r_1 + (c+e) \cdot r_1
87 |
88 |
\caption{Desired simplification, but not done in $\blexersimp$}\label{partialDedup}
89 |
90 |
91 |
A simplification like this actually
92 |
cannot be omitted,
93 |
as without it the size could blow up even with our $\simp$ function:
94 |
95 |
96 |
97 |
98 |
99 |
100 |
xlabel={input length},
101 |
102 |
103 |
\addplot[blue,mark=*, mark options={fill=white}] table {bsimpExponential.data};
104 |
105 |
106 |
\caption{Runtime of $\blexersimp$ for matching
107 |
$\protect((a^* + (aa)^* + \ldots + (aaaaa)^* )^*)^*$
108 |
with strings
109 |
of the form $\protect\underbrace{aa..a}_{n}$.}\label{blexerExp}
110 |
111 |
112 |
We would like to apply the rewriting at some stage
113 |
114 |
115 |
(a+b+d) \cdot r_1 \longrightarrow a \cdot r_1 + b \cdot r_1 + d \cdot r_1
116 |
117 |
\caption{Desired simplification, but not done in $\blexersimp$}\label{desiredSimp}
118 |
119 |
120 |
in our $\simp$ function,
121 |
so that it makes the simplification in \ref{partialDedup} possible.
122 |
For example,
123 |
can a function like the below one be used?
124 |
%TODO: simp' that spills things
125 |
126 |
127 |
if we introduce them in our
128 |
setting we would lose the POSIX property of our calculated values.
129 |
For example given the regular expression
130 |
131 |
$(a + ab)(bc + c)$
132 |
133 |
and the string
134 |
135 |
136 |
137 |
then our algorithm generates the following
138 |
correct POSIX value
139 |
140 |
$\Seq \; (\Right \; ab) \; (\Right \; c)$.
141 |
142 |
Essentially it matches the string with the longer Right-alternative
143 |
in the first sequence (and
144 |
then the 'rest' with the character regular expression $c$ from the second sequence).
145 |
If we add the simplification above, then we obtain the following value
146 |
147 |
$\Left \; (\Seq \; a \; (\Left \; bc))$
148 |
149 |
where the $\Left$-alternatives get priority.
150 |
However this violates the POSIX rules.
151 |
The reason for getting this undesired value
152 |
is that the new rule splits this regular expression up into
153 |
154 |
$a\cdot(b c + c) + ab \cdot (bc + c)$,
155 |
156 |
which becomes a regular expression with a
157 |
totally different structure--the original
158 |
was a sequence, and now it becomes an alternative.
159 |
With an alternative the maximum munch rule no longer works.\\
160 |
A method to reconcile this is to do the
161 |
transformation in \ref{desiredSimp} ``non-invasively'',
162 |
meaning that we traverse the list of regular expressions
163 |
164 |
165 |
166 |
in the alternative
167 |
168 |
$\sum ( rs_a@[a]@rs_c)$
169 |
170 |
using a function similar to $\distinctBy$,
171 |
but this time
172 |
we allow a more general list rewrite:
173 |
174 |
\inferrule{\vspace{0mm} }{rs_a@[a]@rs_c
175 |
\stackrel{s}{\rightsquigarrow }
176 |
rs_a@[\textit{prune} \; a \; rs_a]@rs_c }
177 |
178 |
%L \; a_1' = L \; a_1 \setminus (\cup_{a \in rs_a} L \; a)
179 |
where $\textit{prune} \;a \; acc$ traverses $a$
180 |
without altering the structure of $a$, removing components in $a$
181 |
that have appeared in the accumulator $acc$.
182 |
For example
183 |
184 |
$\textit{prune} \;\;\; (r_a+r_f+r_g+r_h)r_d \;\; \; [(r_a+r_b+r_c)r_d, (r_e+r_f)r_d] $
185 |
186 |
should be equal to
187 |
188 |
189 |
190 |
because $r_gr_d$ and
191 |
$r_hr_d$ are the only terms
192 |
that have not appeared in the accumulator list
193 |
194 |
$[(r_a+r_b+r_c)r_d, (r_e+r_f)r_d]$.
195 |
196 |
We implemented
197 |
function $\textit{prune}$ in Scala,
198 |
and incorporated into our lexer,
199 |
by replacing the $\simp$ function
200 |
with a stronger version called $\bsimpStrong$
201 |
that prunes regular expressions.
202 |
We call this lexer $\blexerStrong$.
203 |
$\blexerStrong$ is able to drastically reduce the
204 |
internal data structure size which could
205 |
trigger exponential behaviours in
206 |
207 |
208 |
209 |
210 |
211 |
212 |
213 |
214 |
xlabel={input length},
215 |
216 |
217 |
\addplot[red,mark=*, mark options={fill=white}] table {strongSimpCurve.data};
218 |
219 |
220 |
221 |
222 |
223 |
224 |
225 |
xlabel={input length},
226 |
227 |
228 |
\addplot[blue,mark=*, mark options={fill=white}] table {bsimpExponential.data};
229 |
230 |
231 |
\multicolumn{2}{l}{Graphs: Runtime for matching $((a^* + (aa)^* + \ldots + (aaaaa)^* )^*)^*$ with strings
232 |
of the form $\underbrace{aa..a}_{n}$.}
233 |
234 |
\caption{aaaaaStarStar} \label{fig:aaaaaStarStar}
235 |
236 |
237 |
238 |
def atMostEmpty(r: Rexp) : Boolean = r match {
239 |
case ZERO => true
240 |
case ONE => true
241 |
case STAR(r) => atMostEmpty(r)
242 |
case SEQ(r1, r2) => atMostEmpty(r1) && atMostEmpty(r2)
243 |
case ALTS(r1, r2) => atMostEmpty(r1) && atMostEmpty(r2)
244 |
case CHAR(_) => false
245 |
246 |
247 |
248 |
def isOne(r: Rexp) : Boolean = r match {
249 |
case ONE => true
250 |
case SEQ(r1, r2) => isOne(r1) && isOne(r2)
251 |
case ALTS(r1, r2) => (isOne(r1) || isOne(r2)) && (atMostEmpty(r1) && atMostEmpty(r2))//rs.forall(atMostEmpty) && rs.exists(isOne)
252 |
case STAR(r0) => atMostEmpty(r0)
253 |
case CHAR(c) => false
254 |
case ZERO => false
255 |
256 |
257 |
//r = r' ~ tail' : If tail' matches tail => returns r'
258 |
def removeSeqTail(r: Rexp, tail: Rexp) : Rexp = r match {
259 |
case SEQ(r1, r2) =>
260 |
if(r2 == tail)
261 |
262 |
263 |
264 |
case r => ZERO
265 |
266 |
267 |
def prune(r: ARexp, acc: Set[Rexp]) : ARexp = r match{
268 |
case AALTS(bs, rs) => rs.map(r => prune(r, acc)).filter(_ != ZERO) match
269 |
270 |
//all components have been removed, meaning this is effectively a duplicate
271 |
//flats will take care of removing this AZERO
272 |
case Nil => AZERO
273 |
case r::Nil => fuse(bs, r)
274 |
case rs1 => AALTS(bs, rs1)
275 |
276 |
case ASEQ(bs, r1, r2) =>
277 |
//remove the r2 in (ra + rb)r2 to identify the duplicate contents of r1
278 |
prune(r1, acc.map(r => removeSeqTail(r, erase(r2)))) match {
279 |
//after pruning, returns 0
280 |
281 |
//after pruning, got r1'.r2, where r1' is equal to 1
282 |
case r1p if(isOne(erase(r1p))) => fuse(bs ++ mkepsBC(r1p), r2)
283 |
//assemble the pruned head r1p with r2
284 |
case r1p => ASEQ(bs, r1p, r2)
285 |
286 |
//this does the duplicate component removal task
287 |
case r => if(acc(erase(r))) AZERO else r
288 |
289 |
290 |
\caption{pruning function together with its helper functions}
291 |
292 |
293 |
The benefits of using
294 |
$\textit{prune}$ such as refining the finiteness bound
295 |
to a cubic bound has not been formalised yet.
296 |
Therefore we choose to use Scala code rather than an Isabelle-style formal
297 |
definition like we did for $\simp$, as the definitions might change
298 |
to suit proof needs.
299 |
In the rest of the chapter we will use this convention consistently.
300 |
301 |
302 |
def distinctWith(rs: List[ARexp],
303 |
pruneFunction: (ARexp, Set[Rexp]) => ARexp,
304 |
acc: Set[Rexp] = Set()) : List[ARexp] =
305 |
rs match{
306 |
case Nil => Nil
307 |
case r :: rs =>
308 |
309 |
distinctWith(rs, pruneFunction, acc)
310 |
else {
311 |
val pruned_r = pruneFunction(r, acc)
312 |
pruned_r ::
313 |
314 |
315 |
turnIntoTerms(erase(pruned_r)) ++: acc
316 |
317 |
318 |
319 |
320 |
\caption{A Stronger Version of $\textit{distinctBy}$}
321 |
322 |
323 |
The function $\textit{prune}$ is used in $\distinctWith$.
324 |
$\distinctWith$ is a stronger version of $\distinctBy$
325 |
which not only removes duplicates as $\distinctBy$ would
326 |
do, but also uses the $\textit{pruneFunction}$
327 |
argument to prune away verbose components in a regular expression.\\
328 |
329 |
330 |
//a stronger version of simp
331 |
def bsimpStrong(r: ARexp): ARexp =
332 |
333 |
r match {
334 |
case ASEQ(bs1, r1, r2) => (bsimpStrong(r1), bsimpStrong(r2)) match {
335 |
//normal clauses same as simp
336 |
case (AZERO, _) => AZERO
337 |
case (_, AZERO) => AZERO
338 |
case (AONE(bs2), r2s) => fuse(bs1 ++ bs2, r2s)
339 |
//bs2 can be discarded
340 |
case (r1s, AONE(bs2)) => fuse(bs1, r1s) //assert bs2 == Nil
341 |
case (r1s, r2s) => ASEQ(bs1, r1s, r2s)
342 |
343 |
case AALTS(bs1, rs) => {
344 |
//distinctBy(flat_res, erase)
345 |
distinctWith(flats(rs.map(bsimpStrong(_))), prune) match {
346 |
case Nil => AZERO
347 |
case s :: Nil => fuse(bs1, s)
348 |
case rs => AALTS(bs1, rs)
349 |
350 |
351 |
//stars that can be treated as 1
352 |
case ASTAR(bs, r0) if(atMostEmpty(erase(r0))) => AONE(bs)
353 |
case r => r
354 |
355 |
356 |
357 |
\caption{The function $\bsimpStrong$ and $\bdersStrongs$}
358 |
359 |
360 |
$\distinctWith$, is in turn used in $\bsimpStrong$:
361 |
362 |
363 |
//Conjecture: [| bdersStrong(s, r) |] = O([| r |]^3)
364 |
def bdersStrong(s: List[Char], r: ARexp) : ARexp = s match {
365 |
case Nil => r
366 |
case c::s => bdersStrong(s, bsimpStrong(bder(c, r)))
367 |
368 |
369 |
\caption{The function $\bsimpStrong$ and $\bdersStrongs$}
370 |
371 |
372 |
We conjecture that the above Scala function $\bdersStrongs$,
373 |
written $\bdersStrong{\_}{\_}$ as an infix notation,
374 |
satisfies the following property:
375 |
376 |
$\llbracket \bdersStrong{a}{s} \rrbracket = O(\llbracket a \rrbracket^3)$
377 |
378 |
The stronger version of $\blexersimp$'s
379 |
code in Scala looks like:
380 |
381 |
382 |
def strongBlexer(r: Rexp, s: String) : Option[Val] = {
383 |
Try(Some(decode(r, strong_blex_simp(internalise(r), s.toList)))).getOrElse(None)
384 |
385 |
def strong_blex_simp(r: ARexp, s: List[Char]) : Bits = s match {
386 |
case Nil => {
387 |
if (bnullable(r)) {
388 |
389 |
390 |
391 |
throw new Exception("Not matched")
392 |
393 |
case c::cs => {
394 |
strong_blex_simp(strongBsimp(bder(c, r)), cs)
395 |
396 |
397 |
398 |
399 |
400 |
We would like to preserve the correctness like the one
401 |
we had for $\blexersimp$:
402 |
403 |
$\blexerStrong \;r \; s = \blexer\; r\;s$
404 |
405 |
406 |
We introduce the new rule \ref{cubicRule}
407 |
and augment our proofs in chapter \ref{Bitcoded2}.
408 |
The idea is to maintain the properties like
409 |
$r \stackrel{*}{\rightsquigarrow} \textit{bsimp} \; r$ etc.
410 |
411 |
In the next section,
412 |
we will describe why we
413 |
believe a cubic bound can be achieved.
414 |
We give an introduction to the
415 |
partial derivatives,
416 |
which was invented by Antimirov \cite{Antimirov95},
417 |
and then link it with the result of the function
418 |
419 |
420 |
\section{Antimirov's partial derivatives}
421 |
This suggests a link towrads "partial derivatives"
422 |
introduced The idea behind Antimirov's partial derivatives
423 |
is to do derivatives in a similar way as suggested by Brzozowski,
424 |
but maintain a set of regular expressions instead of a single one:
425 |
426 |
%TODO: antimirov proposition 3.1, needs completion
427 |
428 |
429 |
$\partial_x(a+b)$ & $=$ & $\partial_x(a) \cup \partial_x(b)$\\
430 |
$\partial_x(\ONE)$ & $=$ & $\phi$
431 |
432 |
433 |
434 |
Rather than joining the calculated derivatives $\partial_x a$ and $\partial_x b$ together
435 |
using the alternatives constructor, Antimirov cleverly chose to put them into
436 |
a set instead. This breaks the terms in a derivative regular expression up,
437 |
allowing us to understand what are the "atomic" components of it.
438 |
For example, To compute what regular expression $x^*(xx + y)^*$'s
439 |
derivative against $x$ is made of, one can do a partial derivative
440 |
of it and get two singleton sets $\{x^* \cdot (xx + y)^*\}$ and $\{x \cdot (xx + y) ^* \}$
441 |
from $\partial_x(x^*) \cdot (xx + y) ^*$ and $\partial_x((xx + y)^*)$.
442 |
To get all the "atomic" components of a regular expression's possible derivatives,
443 |
there is a procedure Antimirov called $\textit{lf}$, short for "linear forms", that takes
444 |
whatever character is available at the head of the string inside the language of a
445 |
regular expression, and gives back the character and the derivative regular expression
446 |
as a pair (which he called "monomial"):
447 |
448 |
449 |
$\lf(\ONE)$ & $=$ & $\phi$\\
450 |
$\lf(c)$ & $=$ & $\{(c, \ONE) \}$\\
451 |
$\lf(a+b)$ & $=$ & $\lf(a) \cup \lf(b)$\\
452 |
$\lf(r^*)$ & $=$ & $\lf(r) \bigodot \lf(r^*)$\\
453 |
454 |
455 |
%TODO: completion
456 |
457 |
There is a slight difference in the last three clauses compared
458 |
with $\partial$: instead of a dot operator $ \textit{rset} \cdot r$ that attaches the regular
459 |
expression $r$ with every element inside $\textit{rset}$ to create a set of
460 |
sequence derivatives, it uses the "circle dot" operator $\bigodot$ which operates
461 |
on a set of monomials (which Antimirov called "linear form") and a regular
462 |
expression, and returns a linear form:
463 |
464 |
465 |
$l \bigodot (\ZERO)$ & $=$ & $\phi$\\
466 |
$l \bigodot (\ONE)$ & $=$ & $l$\\
467 |
$\phi \bigodot t$ & $=$ & $\phi$\\
468 |
$\{ (x, \ZERO) \} \bigodot t$ & $=$ & $\{(x,\ZERO) \}$\\
469 |
$\{ (x, \ONE) \} \bigodot t$ & $=$ & $\{(x,t) \}$\\
470 |
$\{ (x, p) \} \bigodot t$ & $=$ & $\{(x,p\cdot t) \}$\\
471 |
$\lf(a+b)$ & $=$ & $\lf(a) \cup \lf(b)$\\
472 |
$\lf(r^*)$ & $=$ & $\lf(r) \cdot \lf(r^*)$\\
473 |
474 |
475 |
%TODO: completion
476 |
477 |
Some degree of simplification is applied when doing $\bigodot$, for example,
478 |
$l \bigodot (\ZERO) = \phi$ corresponds to $r \cdot \ZERO \rightsquigarrow \ZERO$,
479 |
and $l \bigodot (\ONE) = l$ to $l \cdot \ONE \rightsquigarrow l$, and
480 |
$\{ (x, \ZERO) \} \bigodot t = \{(x,\ZERO) \}$ to $\ZERO \cdot x \rightsquigarrow \ZERO$,
481 |
and so on.
482 |
483 |
With the function $\lf$ one can compute all possible partial derivatives $\partial_{UNIV}(r)$ of a regular expression $r$ with
484 |
an iterative procedure:
485 |
486 |
487 |
$\textit{while}$ & $(\Delta_i \neq \phi)$ & & \\
488 |
& $\Delta_{i+1}$ & $ =$ & $\lf(\Delta_i) - \PD_i$ \\
489 |
& $\PD_{i+1}$ & $ =$ & $\Delta_{i+1} \cup \PD_i$ \\
490 |
$\partial_{UNIV}(r)$ & $=$ & $\PD$ &
491 |
492 |
493 |
494 |
495 |
$(r_1 + r_2) \cdot r_3 \longrightarrow (r_1 \cdot r_3) + (r_2 \cdot r_3)$,
496 |
497 |
498 |
499 |
500 |
\section{The NTIMES Constructor, and the Size Bound and Correctness Proof for it}
501 |
The NTIMES construct has the following closed form:
502 |
503 |
"rders_simp (RNTIMES r0 (Suc n)) (c#s) =
504 |
rsimp ( RALTS ( (map (optermsimp r0 ) (nupdates s r0 [Some ([c], n)]) ) ))"
505 |
506 |
507 |
508 |
509 |
510 |
\section{Adding Support for the Negation Construct, and its Correctness Proof}
511 |
We now add support for the negation regular expression:
512 |
\[ r ::= \ZERO \mid \ONE
513 |
\mid c
514 |
\mid r_1 \cdot r_2
515 |
\mid r_1 + r_2
516 |
\mid r^*
517 |
\mid \sim r
518 |
519 |
The $\textit{nullable}$ function's clause for it would be
520 |
521 |
\textit{nullable}(~r) = \neg \nullable(r)
522 |
523 |
The derivative would be
524 |
525 |
~r \backslash c = ~ (r \backslash c)
526 |
527 |
528 |
The most tricky part of lexing for the $~r$ regular expression
529 |
is creating a value for it.
530 |
For other regular expressions, the value aligns with the
531 |
structure of the regular expression:
532 |
533 |
\vdash \Seq(\Char(a), \Char(b)) : a \cdot b
534 |
535 |
But for the $~r$ regular expression, $s$ is a member of it if and only if
536 |
$s$ does not belong to $L(r)$.
537 |
That means when there
538 |
is a match for the not regular expression, it is not possible to generate how the string $s$ matched
539 |
with $r$.
540 |
What we can do is preserve the information of how $s$ was not matched by $r$,
541 |
and there are a number of options to do this.
542 |
543 |
We could give a partial value when there is a partial match for the regular expression inside
544 |
the $\mathbf{not}$ construct.
545 |
For example, the string $ab$ is not in the language of $(a\cdot b) \cdot c$,
546 |
A value for it could be
547 |
548 |
\vdash \textit{Not}(\Seq(\Char(a), \Char(b))) : ~((a \cdot b ) \cdot c)
549 |
550 |
The above example demonstrates what value to construct
551 |
when the string $s$ is at most a real prefix
552 |
of the strings in $L(r)$. When $s$ instead is not a prefix of any strings
553 |
in $L(r)$, it becomes unclear what to return as a value inside the $\textit{Not}$
554 |
555 |
556 |
Another option would be to either store the string $s$ that resulted in
557 |
a mis-match for $r$ or a dummy value as a placeholder:
558 |
559 |
\vdash \textit{Not}(abcd) : ~( r_1 )
560 |
561 |
562 |
563 |
\vdash \textit{Not}(\textit{Dummy}) : ~( r_1 )
564 |
565 |
We choose to implement this as it is most straightforward:
566 |
567 |
\mkeps(~(r)) = \textit{if}(\nullable(r)) \; \textit{Error} \; \textit{else} \; \textit{Not}(\textit{Dummy})
568 |
569 |
570 |
571 |
572 |
573 |
574 |
\section{Bounded Repetitions}
575 |
576 |