updated booklet
authorChristian Urban <christian dot urban at kcl dot ac dot uk>
Fri, 14 Aug 2015 00:27:06 +0800 (2015-08-13)
changeset 259 8f9400787bf4
parent 257 69b5b4380046
child 260 3fbe1fe9179e
updated booklet
Binary file booklet.pdf has changed
--- a/booklet.tex	Thu Aug 13 15:44:35 2015 +0800
+++ b/booklet.tex	Fri Aug 14 00:27:06 2015 +0800
@@ -114,12 +114,13 @@
-Welcome in China. You made it to the destination airport. Unless your are
-one of the very few foreigners who can speak and read Chinese,
-potentially the most challenging part of your journey is about
-to begin. Below we explain how to get to Hanyuan Hotel in Nanjing
-from Shanghai Pudong Airport and from Nanjing Lukou Airport. If you
-arrive from somewhere else and need help, please let us know.
+Welcome in China. You made it to the destination airport.
+Unless your are one of the very few foreigners who can speak
+and read Chinese, potentially the most challenging part of
+your journey is about to begin. Below we explain how to get to
+Hanyuan Hotel in Nanjing from Nanjing Lukou Airport and from
+Shanghai Pudong Airport. If you arrive from somewhere else and
+need help, please let us know.
 China is generally a safe country for travelling, if the usual
 precautions are taken. We assume you have never been in China 
@@ -133,7 +134,7 @@
 places are air-conditioned. It can also rain.
-\item \textbf{Bottled water}\hspace{3mm}
+\item \textbf{Bottled Water}\hspace{3mm}
 Whereas in many places it is safe to drink water from taps,
 do not take chances and drink only bottled water! During the
 conference we will provide bottled water. In other places you
@@ -186,33 +187,52 @@
 search engine. Also, if you care about such things, set your 
 status on Facebook to ``unavailable'' for the period of time
 you will be in China. Ditto Twitter. If you do want to access
-those services, you need a VPN back home.
+those services, you need to use a VPN back home.
 \item \textbf{Map of Hotel / Taxis}\hspace{3mm} While more and 
 more young Chinese are exposed to English, you cannot 
 rely on anyone of the general public speaking more than a few
 words. Rather, you have to always calculate with the very, 
-very likely scenario that nobody speaks any English and all
-signs are written in characters that do not give you the 
+very likely scenario that nobody speaks any English at all
+and all
+signs round you are written in characters that do not give you the 
 slightest idea what they are about. This means you always
-have to prepare your travelling beforehand. 
+have to prepare your travelling beforehand and ask for help
+if you are unsure! 
-One part of every trip preparation should be to carry with you
-a printed copy of the map where the Hanyuan Hotel is located
-(see Fig.~\ref{hanyuan}). When you want to go to the hotel, you need to show the map to the
-driver, since telling Hanyuan Hotel will most probably not be
-understood and also the driver most likely does not know where
-it is located. Showing the map will also guard against the
-situation where a taxi driver cannot actually read the
-address.\footnote{You might sneer at this. But remember: the
-prime age of Chinese taxi drivers appears to be 50 plus. If
-you can also remember, between 1966 and 1976 somebody had the
-``great'' idea to be nasty to teachers (amonst others). So the
-education these people were able to receive when their were
-teens was rather rudimentary. Given that the ability of
-reading Chinese characters takes years of arduous studying, it
-is glaringly obvious that it is not their fault.}
+One part of \emph{every} trip preparation, including your
+arrival, should be to carry with you a printed copy of the map
+where the Hanyuan Hotel is located (see Fig.~\ref{hanyuan}).
+When you want to go to the hotel by taxi, you need to show the map to
+the driver, since telling Hanyuan Hotel will most probably not
+be understood and also the driver most likely does not know
+where it is located. Showing the map will also guard against
+the possible situation where a taxi driver cannot actually
+read the address.\footnote{You might sneer at this. But
+remember: the prime age of Chinese taxi drivers appears to be
+50 plus. If you can also remember, between 1966 and 1976
+somebody had the ``great'' idea to be nasty to teachers
+(amonst others). So the education these people were able to
+receive when their were in their teens was rather rudimentary.
+Given that the ability of reading Chinese characters takes
+years of arduous studying, it is glaringly obvious that it is
+not their fault.} Take the map always with you: it might be
+your life-line to avoid unpleasant situations. For 
+travelling inside Nanjing, taxis can be hailed at the
+\item \textbf{Cash / Credit Cards}\hspace{3mm}While foreign
+credit cards are accepted in a number of places, including
+the hotel,\footnote{Visa and Mastercard} these places are 
+considered ``upmarked'' in China. So if you insist on being able
+to use your credit card, you will often be paying some form of 
+premium. Cash still rules many aspects of Chinese life
+(metro ticket, taxi journey,\ldots{}) where foreign credit cards 
+are of no use (China has its own credit card system which is
+accepted more widely, but also not everywhere). Pretty much the 
+only places where cash can be obtained with a foreign credit 
+card are ATMs in Chinese banks.\footnote{MORE INFO NEEDED}
@@ -229,9 +249,9 @@
-\section{Travel from Nanjing Lukou Airport}
+\section{Travel from Nanjing Lukou Airport to the Hanyuan Hotel}
 There are essentially three options depending on how frugal
 or adventurous you want to be:
@@ -245,25 +265,71 @@
       Fig.~\ref{hanyuan}. The taxi needs to be paid in cash.
 \item A bit less expensive is going first by Metro Line S1
-      from the airport to Nanjing Nan Railway Station. The
-      metro will operate between 6:40 and 22:00. As you can
-      see below, Nanjing Nan will be the last stop with
-      Line~S1. At Nanjing Nan Railway Station you go to the
-      taxi stand, which is explained below, and take a taxi
-      from there. This option takes approximately 55 minutes
-      and costs 6 RMB for the metro ticket and around 36 RMB
-      for the taxi.
+      from the airport to Nanjing Nan Railway Station (Nanjing
+      South Railway Station). The metro will operate between
+      6:40 and 22:00. As you can see in the map in
+      Fig.~\ref{metronanjing}, Nanjing Nan will be the last
+      stop on Line~S1. At Nanjing Nan Railway Station you go
+      to the taxi stand, which means following the yellow path
+      in the map below, and take a taxi from there. To reach
+      the taxi stand you need to leave the metro via exit 2B
+      and follow the signs for ``Taxi (Underground)''. This
+      option takes approximately 55 minutes and costs 7 RMB
+      for the metro ticket and around 36 RMB for the taxi.
+      \begin{center}
+      \includegraphics[scale=0.4]{travel_guide/ggg.jpg}
+      \end{center}
+\item If you already paid the fixed price for the metro, why
+      not going the whole way by metro? This is the third
+      option. The disadvantage is that you need to change
+      at Nanjing Nan Railway Station to Line 3 and at 
+      Daxinggong to Line 2 for Xiamafang or Muxuyuan, which
+      are the closest station to the Hanyuan Hotel 
+      (Fig.~\ref{metronanjing}). Both
+      stations then need a 15 minutes walk to the hotel.
+      This is another disadvantage of this option if you have 
+      a heavy suitcase.
-\subsubsection*{Getting a Ticket for the Metro}
+\caption{Metro map of Nanjing. Stations
+Xiamafang and Muxuyuan on Line 2 are 
+closest to the hotel.\label{metronanjing}} 
+\subsubsection*{Getting a Ticket for the Metro in Nanjing}
+Entering the metro station at the airport means you have to go 
+through a brief security check where your luggage will be 
+X-rayed. After the check you will see ticket machines
-\subsubsection*{Taxi stations at Nanjing Lukou Airport and
-Nanjing Nan Railway Station}
+\noindent which can change the language to English. You need
+to select the destination station (shown on the right). Next
+you need to pay for the ticket in 10 RMB or 5 RMB bank notes,
+or 1 RMB coins. (INFO WHERE TO GET CHANGE?) You will obtain a
+blue plastic coin which is your ticket. This coin needs to be
+swiped when going through the gates of the metro (shown on the
+\noindent At the end of your journey you will
+have to return the blue coin at the exit gate. (??)
 \section{Travel from Shanghai Pudong Airport}
@@ -295,17 +361,15 @@
-The waiting time is around 15 minutes during peak hours, or
-30 minutes at other times. 
-The ticket costs 30
-RMB (\euro{}4.25, \$5) and can be bought on the bus. This
-however requires cash. While you wait, be prepared to be
-harassed by taxi drivers, who insist on driving you to Hong Qiao
-train station. You can ignore them: it will cost you more,
-around 100 RMB; the bus is comfortable and air-conditioned,
-unlike the taxi; and, like the taxi driver, the bus driver
-already aims for maximum possible speed given good 
-road conditions. 
+The waiting time is around 15 minutes during peak hours, or 30
+minutes at other times. The ticket costs 30 RMB (\euro{}4.25,
+\$5) and can be bought on the bus. This however requires cash.
+While you wait, be prepared to be harassed by taxi drivers,
+who insist on driving you to Hong Qiao train station. You can
+ignore them: it will cost you more, around 100 RMB; the bus is
+comfortable and air-conditioned, unlike the taxi; and, like
+the taxi driver, the bus driver already aims for maximum
+possible speed given good road conditions. 
 The airport bus takes around 1h and makes only two stops at
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