authorChristian Urban <urbanc@in.tum.de>
Thu, 12 Feb 2009 14:15:50 +0000 (2009-02-12)
changeset 109 b4234e8a0202
parent 108 8bea3f74889d
child 110 12533bb49615
--- a/CookBook/Tactical.thy	Wed Feb 11 17:40:24 2009 +0000
+++ b/CookBook/Tactical.thy	Thu Feb 12 14:15:50 2009 +0000
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
   also have ML-bindings with the same name. Therefore, we could also just have
   written @{ML "etac disjE 1"}, or in case there are no ML-binding obtained
   the theorem dynamically using the function @{ML thm}; for example 
-  @{ML "etac (thm \"disjE\") 1"}. Both ways however are considered bad style! 
+  \mbox{@{ML  "etac (thm \"disjE\") 1"}}. Both ways however are considered bad style! 
   The reason
   is that the binding for @{ML disjE} can be re-assigned by the user and thus
   one does not have complete control over which theorem is actually
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@
 text {* 
   and then give the number for the subgoal explicitly when the tactic is
   called. So in the next proof you can first discharge the second subgoal, and
-  after that the first.
+  subsequently the first.
 lemma "P1 \<or> Q1 \<Longrightarrow> Q1 \<or> P1"
@@ -137,23 +137,25 @@
   The tactics @{ML foo_tac} and @{ML foo_tac'} are very specific for
   analysing goals being only of the form @{prop "P \<or> Q \<Longrightarrow> Q \<or> P"}. If the goal is not
-  of this form, then they throw the error message:
+  of this form, then they return the error message:
   @{text "*** empty result sequence -- proof command failed"}\\
   @{text "*** At command \"apply\"."}
-  Meaning the tactics failed. The reason for this error message is that tactics 
-  are functions that map a goal state to a (lazy) sequence of successor states, 
-  hence the type of a tactic is:
+  This means the tactics failed. The reason for this error message is that tactics 
+  are functions mapping a goal state to a (lazy) sequence of successor states. 
+  Hence the type of a tactic is:
-  @{text [display, gray] "type tactic = thm -> thm Seq.seq"}
+ML{*type tactic = thm -> thm Seq.seq*}
-  It is custom that if a tactic fails, it should return the empty sequence: 
-  therefore your own tactics should not raise exceptions willy-nilly. Only
-  in very grave failure situations should a tactic raise the exception 
-  @{text THM}.
+text {*
+  By convention, if a tactic fails, then it should return the empty sequence. 
+  Therefore, if you write your own tactics, they  should not raise exceptions 
+  willy-nilly; only in very grave failure situations should a tactic raise the 
+  exception @{text THM}.
   The simplest tactics are @{ML no_tac} and @{ML all_tac}. The first returns
   the empty sequence and is defined as
@@ -163,16 +165,16 @@
 text {*
   which means @{ML no_tac} always fails. The second returns the given theorem wrapped 
-  as a single member sequence; @{ML all_tac} is defined as
+  up in a single member sequence; it is defined as
 ML{*fun all_tac thm = Seq.single thm*}
 text {*
-  which means it always succeeds (but also does not make any progress 
-  with the proof).
+  which means @{ML all_tac} always succeeds, but also does not make any progress 
+  with the proof.
-  The lazy list of possible successor states shows through at the user-level 
+  The lazy list of possible successor goal states shows through at the user-level 
   of Isabelle when using the command \isacommand{back}. For instance in the 
   following proof there are two possibilities for how to apply 
   @{ML foo_tac'}: either using the first assumption or the second.
@@ -186,18 +188,19 @@
 text {*
   By using \isacommand{back}, we construct the proof that uses the
-  second assumption. In more interesting situations, only by exploring 
-  different possibilities one might be able to find a proof.
+  second assumption. While in the proof above, it does not really matter which 
+  assumption is used, in more interesting cases provability might depend
+  on exploring different possibilities.
   See @{ML_file "Pure/General/seq.ML"} for the implementation of lazy
-  sequences. However in day-to-day Isabelle programming, one rarely 
-  constructs sequences explicitly, but uses the predefined functions
-  instead.
+  sequences. In day-to-day Isabelle programming, however, one rarely 
+  constructs sequences explicitly, but uses the predefined tactics and 
+  tactic combinators instead.
   It might be surprising that tactics, which transform
-  one proof state to the next, are functions from theorems to theorem 
+  one goal state to the next, are functions from theorems to theorem 
   (sequences). The surprise resolves by knowing that every 
   goal state is indeed a theorem. To shed more light on this,
   let us modify the code of @{ML all_tac} to obtain the following
@@ -211,81 +214,104 @@
    Seq.single thm
-text {*
-  which prints out the given theorem (using the string-function defined 
-  in Section~\ref{sec:printing}) and then behaves like @{ML all_tac}. We
-  are now in the position to inspect every goal state in a proof. Consider 
-  the proof below: on the left-hand side we show the goal state as shown 
-  by Isabelle, on the right-hand side the print out from @{ML my_print_tac}.
+text_raw {*
+  \begin{figure}[p]
+  \begin{isabelle}
 lemma shows "\<lbrakk>A; B\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> A \<and> B" 
 apply(tactic {* my_print_tac @{context} *})
-txt{* \small 
-      \begin{tabularstar}{\textwidth}{@ {}l@ {\extracolsep{\fill}}l@ {}}
-      \begin{minipage}[t]{0.3\textwidth}
+txt{* \begin{minipage}{\textwidth}
       @{subgoals [display]} 
-      \end{minipage} &
+      \end{minipage}\medskip      
+      \begin{minipage}{\textwidth}
+      \small\colorbox{gray!20}{
+      \begin{tabular}{@ {}l@ {}}
+      internal goal state:\\
       @{text "(\<lbrakk>A; B\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> A \<and> B) \<Longrightarrow> (\<lbrakk>A; B\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> A \<and> B)"}
-      \end{tabularstar}
+      \end{tabular}}
+      \end{minipage}\medskip
 apply(rule conjI)
 apply(tactic {* my_print_tac @{context} *})
-txt{* \small 
-      \begin{tabularstar}{\textwidth}{@ {}l@ {\extracolsep{\fill}}l@ {}}
-      \begin{minipage}[t]{0.26\textwidth}
+txt{* \begin{minipage}{\textwidth}
       @{subgoals [display]} 
-      \end{minipage} &
+      \end{minipage}\medskip
+      \begin{minipage}{\textwidth}
+      \small\colorbox{gray!20}{
+      \begin{tabular}{@ {}l@ {}}
+      internal goal state:\\
       @{text "(\<lbrakk>A; B\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> A) \<Longrightarrow> (\<lbrakk>A; B\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> B) \<Longrightarrow> (\<lbrakk>A; B\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> A \<and> B)"}
-      \end{tabularstar}
+      \end{tabular}}
+      \end{minipage}\medskip
 apply(tactic {* my_print_tac @{context} *})
-txt{* \small 
-      \begin{tabularstar}{\textwidth}{@ {}l@ {\extracolsep{\fill}}l@ {}}
-      \begin{minipage}[t]{0.3\textwidth}
+txt{* \begin{minipage}{\textwidth}
       @{subgoals [display]} 
-      \end{minipage} &
+      \end{minipage}\medskip
+      \begin{minipage}{\textwidth}
+      \small\colorbox{gray!20}{
+      \begin{tabular}{@ {}l@ {}}
+      internal goal state:\\
       @{text "(\<lbrakk>A; B\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> B) \<Longrightarrow> (\<lbrakk>A; B\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> A \<and> B)"}
-      \end{tabularstar}
+      \end{tabular}}
+      \end{minipage}\medskip
 apply(tactic {* my_print_tac @{context} *})
-txt{* \small 
-      \begin{tabularstar}{\textwidth}{@ {}l@ {\extracolsep{\fill}}l@ {}}
-      \begin{minipage}[t]{0.3\textwidth}
+txt{* \begin{minipage}{\textwidth}
       @{subgoals [display]} 
-      \end{minipage} &
+      \end{minipage}\medskip 
+      \begin{minipage}{\textwidth}
+      \small\colorbox{gray!20}{
+      \begin{tabular}{@ {}l@ {}}
+      internal goal state:\\
       @{text "\<lbrakk>A; B\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> A \<and> B"}
-      \end{tabularstar}
+      \end{tabular}}
+      \end{minipage}\medskip   
+   *}
+text_raw {*  
+  \end{isabelle}
+  \caption{A proof where we show the goal state as printed 
+  by the Isabelle system and as represented internally 
+  (highlighted boxes).\label{fig:goalstates}}
+  \end{figure}
 text {*
-  As can be seen, internally every goal state is an implication of the form
+  which prints out the given theorem (using the string-function defined in
+  Section~\ref{sec:printing}) and then behaves like @{ML all_tac}. With this
+  tactic we are in the position to inspect every goal state in a
+  proof. Consider now the proof in Figure~\ref{fig:goalstates}: as can be seen, 
+  internally every goal state is an implication of the form
   @{text[display] "A\<^isub>1 \<Longrightarrow> \<dots> \<Longrightarrow> A\<^isub>n \<Longrightarrow> (C)"}
-  where @{term C} is the goal to be proved and the @{term "A\<^isub>i"} are the  
-  subgoals. So after setting up the lemma, the goal state is always of the form
-  @{text "C \<Longrightarrow> (C)"}; when the proof is finished we are left with @{text "(C)"}. 
-  Since the goal @{term C} can potentially be an implication, 
-  there is a ``protector'' wrapped around it (in from of an outermost constant 
-  @{text "Const (\"prop\", bool \<Rightarrow> bool)"} applied to each goal;
-  however this constant is invisible in the print out above). This 
-  prevents that premises of @{text C} are mis-interpreted as open subgoals. 
-  While tactics can operate on the subgoals (the @{text "A\<^isub>i"} above), they 
-  are expected to leave the conclusion @{term C} intact, with the 
-  exception of possibly instantiating schematic variables. If you use
-  the predefined tactics, this will always be the case. 
+  where @{term C} is the goal to be proved and the @{term "A\<^isub>i"} are
+  the subgoals. So after setting up the lemma, the goal state is always of the
+  form @{text "C \<Longrightarrow> (C)"}; when the proof is finished we are left with @{text
+  "(C)"}. Since the goal @{term C} can potentially be an implication, there is
+  a ``protector'' wrapped around it (in from of an outermost constant @{text
+  "Const (\"prop\", bool \<Rightarrow> bool)"} applied to each goal; however this constant
+  is invisible in the figure). This prevents that premises of @{text C} are
+  mis-interpreted as open subgoals. While tactics can operate on the subgoals
+  (the @{text "A\<^isub>i"} above), they are expected to leave the conclusion
+  @{term C} intact, with the exception of possibly instantiating schematic
+  variables. If you use the predefined tactics, which we describe in the next
+  section, this will always be the case.
   For more information about the internals of goals see \isccite{sec:tactical-goals}.
@@ -296,13 +322,16 @@
 section {* Simple Tactics *}
 text {*
-  A simple tactic is @{ML print_tac}, which is quite useful for low-level debugging of tactics.
-  It just prints out a message and the current goal state.
+  Let us start with the tactic @{ML print_tac}, which is quite useful for low-level 
+  debugging of tactics. It just prints out a message and the current goal state. 
+  Processing the proof
 lemma shows "False \<Longrightarrow> True"
 apply(tactic {* print_tac "foo message" *})
+     \begin{minipage}{\textwidth}\small
      @{text "foo message"}\\[3mm] 
      @{prop "False \<Longrightarrow> True"}\\
      @{text " 1. False \<Longrightarrow> True"}\\
@@ -317,14 +346,16 @@
 lemma shows "P \<Longrightarrow> P"
 apply(tactic {* atac 1 *})
+     @{subgoals [display]}
+     \end{minipage}*}
 text {*
   Similarly, @{ML rtac}, @{ML dtac}, @{ML etac} and @{ML ftac} correspond
   to @{text rule}, @{text drule}, @{text erule} and @{text frule}, 
-  respectively. Each of them takes a theorem as argument. Below are three 
-  examples with the resulting goal state. How
-  they work should be self-explanatory.  
+  respectively. Each of them takes a theorem as argument and attempts to 
+  apply it to a goal. Below are three self-explanatory examples.
 lemma shows "P \<and> Q"
@@ -349,9 +380,10 @@
 text {*
-  As mentioned in the previous section, most basic tactics take a number as 
-  argument, which addresses the subgoal they are analysing. In the proof below,
-  we first analyse the second subgoal by focusing on this subgoal first.
+  Note the number in each tactic call. Also as mentioned in the previous section, most 
+  basic tactics take such an argument; it addresses the subgoal they are analysing. 
+  In the proof below, we first split up the conjunction in  the second subgoal by 
+  focusing on this subgoal first.
 lemma shows "Foo" and "P \<and> Q"
@@ -361,7 +393,9 @@
-text {* 
+text {*
+  (FIXME: is it important to get the number of subgoals?)
   The function @{ML resolve_tac} is similar to @{ML rtac}, except that it
   expects a list of theorems as arguments. From this list it will apply the
   first applicable theorem (later theorems that are also applicable can be
@@ -384,16 +418,19 @@
 text {* 
-  Similarly versions exists for @{ML atac} (@{ML assume_tac}), @{ML etac} 
-  (@{ML eresolve_tac}) and so on. 
+  Similarly versions taking a list of theorems exist for the tactics 
+  @{ML dtac} (@{ML dresolve_tac}), @{ML etac} (@{ML eresolve_tac}) and so on.
   Another simple tactic is @{ML cut_facts_tac}. It inserts a list of theorems
-  into the assumptions of the current goal state. For example:
+  into the assumptions of the current goal state. For example
 lemma shows "True \<noteq> False"
 apply(tactic {* cut_facts_tac [@{thm True_def}, @{thm False_def}] 1 *})
+txt{*produces the goal state\medskip
+     \begin{minipage}{\textwidth}
      @{subgoals [display]} 
@@ -413,28 +450,29 @@
 text {*
-  where the application of @{text bspec} results into two subgoals involving the
-  meta-variable @{text "?x"}. The point is that if you are not careful, tactics 
+  where the application of Rule @{text bspec} generates two subgoals involving the
+  meta-variable @{text "?x"}. Now, if you are not careful, tactics 
   applied to the first subgoal might instantiate this meta-variable in such a 
   way that the second subgoal becomes unprovable. If it is clear what the @{text "?x"}
   should be, then this situation can be avoided by introducing a more
-  constraint version of the @{text bspec}-rule. Such constraints can be enforced by
-  pre-instantiating theorems with other theorems, for example by using the
-  function @{ML RS}
+  constraint version of the @{text bspec}-rule. Such constraints can be given by
+  pre-instantiating theorems with other theorems. One function to do this is
+  @{ML RS}
   @{ML_response_fake [display,gray]
   "@{thm disjI1} RS @{thm conjI}" "\<lbrakk>?P1; ?Q\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> (?P1 \<or> ?Q1) \<and> ?Q"}
-  which, for instance, instantiates the first premise of the @{text conjI}-rule 
-  with the rule @{text disjI1}. If this is impossible, as in the case of
+  which in the example instantiates the first premise of the @{text conjI}-rule 
+  with the rule @{text disjI1}. If the instantiation is impossible, as in the 
+  case of
   @{ML_response_fake_both [display,gray]
   "@{thm conjI} RS @{thm mp}" 
 "*** Exception- THM (\"RSN: no unifiers\", 1, 
 [\"\<lbrakk>?P; ?Q\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> ?P \<and> ?Q\", \"\<lbrakk>?P \<longrightarrow> ?Q; ?P\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> ?Q\"]) raised"}
-  the function raises an exception. The function @{ML RSN} is similar, but 
-  takes a number as argument and thus you can make explicit which premise 
+  then the function raises an exception. The function @{ML RSN} is similar to @{ML RS}, but 
+  takes an additional number as argument that makes explicit which premise 
   should be instantiated. 
   To improve readability of the theorems we produce below, we shall use 
@@ -449,8 +487,9 @@
 text {*
-  that transform the schematic variables of a theorem into free variables. 
-  This means for the first @{ML RS}-expression above:
+  that transform the schematic variables of a theorem into free variables.
+  Using this function for the first @{ML RS}-expression above would produce
+  the more readable result:
   @{ML_response_fake [display,gray]
   "no_vars @{context} (@{thm disjI1} RS @{thm conjI})" "\<lbrakk>P; Q\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> (P \<or> Qa) \<and> Q"}
@@ -463,9 +502,9 @@
   "\<lbrakk>P; Q\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> (P \<or> Qa) \<and> (Pa \<or> Q)"}
   If you need to instantiate lists of theorems, you can use the
-  functions @{ML RL} and @{ML MRL}. For example in the code below
-  every theorem in the first list is instantiated against every 
-  theorem in the second.
+  functions @{ML RL} and @{ML MRL}. For example in the code below,
+  every theorem in the second list is instantiated with every 
+  theorem in the first.
   @{ML_response_fake [display,gray]
    "[@{thm impI}, @{thm disjI2}] RL [@{thm conjI}, @{thm disjI1}]" 
@@ -478,15 +517,15 @@
   The combinators for instantiating theorems are defined in @{ML_file "Pure/drule.ML"}.
-  Often proofs involve elaborate operations on assumptions and 
-  @{text "\<And>"}-quantified variables. To do such operations on the ML-level 
-  using the basic tactics is very unwieldy and brittle. Some convenience and
+  Often proofs on the ML-level involve elaborate operations on assumptions and 
+  @{text "\<And>"}-quantified variables. To do such operations using the basic tactics 
+  is very unwieldy and brittle. Some convenience and
   safety is provided by the tactic @{ML SUBPROOF}. This tactic fixes the parameters 
-  and binds the various components of a proof state into a record. 
+  and binds the various components of a goal state to a record. 
   To see what happens, assume the function defined in Figure~\ref{fig:sptac}, which
-  takes a record as argument and just prints out the content of this record (using the 
-  string transformation functions defined in Section~\ref{sec:printing}). Consider
-  now the proof
+  takes a record and just prints out the content of this record (using the 
+  string transformation functions from in Section~\ref{sec:printing}). Consider
+  now the proof:
@@ -522,7 +561,7 @@
 apply(tactic {* SUBPROOF sp_tac @{context} 1 *})?
 txt {*
-  which gives the printout:
+  The tactic produces the following printout:
@@ -536,16 +575,18 @@
   Note in the actual output the brown colour of the variables @{term x} and 
   @{term y}. Although they are parameters in the original goal, they are fixed inside
-  the subproof. Similarly the schematic variable @{term z}. The assumption 
+  the subproof. By convention these fixed variables are printed in brown colour.
+  Similarly the schematic variable @{term z}. The assumption, or premise, 
   @{prop "A x y"} is bound as @{ML_type cterm} to the record-variable 
-  @{text asms} but also as @{ML_type thm} to @{text prems}.
+  @{text asms}, but also as @{ML_type thm} to @{text prems}.
-  Notice also that we had to append @{text "?"} to \isacommand{apply}. The 
-  reason is that @{ML SUBPROOF} normally expects that the subgoal is solved completely.
-  Since in the function @{ML sp_tac} we returned the tactic @{ML no_tac}, the subproof
-  obviously fails. The question-mark allows us to recover from this failure
-  in a graceful manner so that the warning messages are not overwritten
-  by an error message.
+  Notice also that we had to append @{text [quotes] "?"} to the
+  \isacommand{apply}-command. The reason is that @{ML SUBPROOF} normally
+  expects that the subgoal is solved completely.  Since in the function @{ML
+  sp_tac} we returned the tactic @{ML no_tac}, the subproof obviously
+  fails. The question-mark allows us to recover from this failure in a
+  graceful manner so that the warning messages are not overwritten by an 
+  ``empty sequence'' error message.
   If we continue the proof script by applying the @{text impI}-rule
@@ -554,7 +595,7 @@
 apply(tactic {* SUBPROOF sp_tac @{context} 1 *})?
 txt {*
-  then @{ML sp_tac} prints out 
+  then tactic prints out 
@@ -569,43 +610,44 @@
 text {*
-  where we now also have @{term "B y x"} as an assumption.
+  Now also @{term "B y x"} is an assumption bound to @{text asms} and @{text prems}.
   One convenience of @{ML SUBPROOF} is that we can apply the assumptions
   using the usual tactics, because the parameter @{text prems} 
-  contains them as theorems. With this we can easily 
-  implement a tactic that almost behaves like @{ML atac}, namely:
+  contains them as theorems. With this you can easily 
+  implement a tactic that behaves almost like @{ML atac}:
 ML{*val atac' = SUBPROOF (fn {prems, ...} => resolve_tac prems 1)*}
 text {*
-  If we apply it to the next lemma
+  If you apply @{ML atac'} to the next lemma
-lemma shows "\<And>x y. \<lbrakk>B x y; A x y; C x y\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> A x y"
+lemma shows "\<lbrakk>B x y; A x y; C x y\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> A x y"
 apply(tactic {* atac' @{context} 1 *})
-txt{* we get
+txt{* it will produce
       @{subgoals [display]} *}
 text {*
-  The restriction in this tactic is that it cannot instantiate any
+  The restriction in this tactic which is not present in @{ML atac} is 
+  that it cannot instantiate any
   schematic variable. This might be seen as a defect, but it is actually
   an advantage in the situations for which @{ML SUBPROOF} was designed: 
-  the reason is that instantiation of schematic variables can affect 
+  the reason is that, as mentioned before, instantiation of schematic variables can affect 
   several goals and can render them unprovable. @{ML SUBPROOF} is meant 
   to avoid this.
-  Notice that @{ML atac'} calls @{ML resolve_tac} with the subgoal
-  number @{text "1"} and also the ``outer'' call to @{ML SUBPROOF} in 
-  the \isacommand{apply}-step uses @{text "1"}. Another advantage 
-  of @{ML SUBGOAL} is that the addressing  inside it is completely 
-  local to the subproof inside. It is therefore possible to also apply 
+  Notice that @{ML atac'} inside @{ML SUBPROOF} calls @{ML resolve_tac} with 
+  the subgoal number @{text "1"} and also the outer call to @{ML SUBPROOF} in 
+  the \isacommand{apply}-step uses @{text "1"}. This is another advantage 
+  of @{ML SUBPROOF}: the addressing  inside it is completely 
+  local to the tactic inside the subproof. It is therefore possible to also apply 
   @{ML atac'} to the second goal by just writing:
-lemma shows "True" and "\<And>x y. \<lbrakk>B x y; A x y; C x y\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> A x y"
+lemma shows "True" and "\<lbrakk>B x y; A x y; C x y\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> A x y"
 apply(tactic {* atac' @{context} 2 *})
 apply(rule TrueI)
@@ -619,14 +661,15 @@
   A similar but less powerful function than @{ML SUBPROOF} is @{ML SUBGOAL}. 
   It allows you to inspect a given  subgoal. With this you can implement 
-  a tactic that applies a rule according to the topmost connective in the 
+  a tactic that applies a rule according to the topmost logic connective in the 
   subgoal (to illustrate this we only analyse a few connectives). The code
-  of this tactic is as follows.\label{tac:selecttac}
+  of the tactic is as follows.\label{tac:selecttac}
 ML %linenumbers{*fun select_tac (t,i) =
   case t of
      @{term "Trueprop"} $ t' => select_tac (t',i)
+   | @{term "op \<Longrightarrow>"} $ _ $ t' => select_tac (t',i)
    | @{term "op \<and>"} $ _ $ _ => rtac @{thm conjI} i
    | @{term "op \<longrightarrow>"} $ _ $ _ => rtac @{thm impI} i
    | @{term "Not"} $ _ => rtac @{thm notI} i
@@ -634,17 +677,19 @@
    | _ => all_tac*}
 text {*
-  In line 3 you need to descend under the outermost @{term "Trueprop"} in order
-  to get to the connective you like to analyse. Otherwise goals like @{prop "A \<and> B"} 
-  are not properly analysed. While for the first four pattern we can use the 
-  @{text "@term"}-antiquotation, the pattern in Line 7 cannot be constructed
-  in this way. The reason is that an antiquotation would fix the type of the 
-  quantified variable. So you really have to construct the pattern
-  using the term-constructors. This is not necessary in  other cases, because 
-  their type is always something involving @{typ bool}. The final patter is 
-  for the case where the goal does not fall into any of the categories before.
-  In this case we chose to just return @{ML all_tac} (i.e., @{ML select_tac} 
-  never fails). 
+  The input of the function is a term representing the subgoal and a number
+  specifying the subgoal of interest. In line 3 you need to descend under the
+  outermost @{term "Trueprop"} in order to get to the connective you like to
+  analyse. Otherwise goals like @{prop "A \<and> B"} are not properly
+  analysed. Similarly with meta-implications in the next line.  While for the
+  first five patterns we can use the @{text "@term"}-antiquotation to
+  construct the patterns, the pattern in Line 8 cannot be constructed in this
+  way. The reason is that an antiquotation would fix the type of the
+  quantified variable. So you really have to construct the pattern using the
+  basic term-constructors. This is not necessary in other cases, because their type
+  is always fixed to function types involving only the type @{typ bool}. The
+  final pattern, we chose to just return @{ML all_tac}. Consequently, 
+  @{ML select_tac} never fails.
   Let us now see how to apply this tactic. Consider the four goals:
@@ -662,9 +707,9 @@
 text {*
   where in all but the last the tactic applied an introduction rule. 
-  Note that we applied the tactic to subgoals in ``reverse'' order. 
-  This is a trick in order to be independent from what subgoals are 
-  that are produced by the rule. If we had applied it in the other order 
+  Note that we applied the tactic to the goals in ``reverse'' order. 
+  This is a trick in order to be independent from the subgoals that are 
+  produced by the rule. If we had applied it in the other order 
 lemma shows "A \<and> B" and "A \<longrightarrow> B \<longrightarrow>C" and "\<forall>x. D x" and "E \<Longrightarrow> F"
@@ -675,22 +720,22 @@
 text {*
-  then we have to be careful to not apply the tactic to the two subgoals the
-  first goal produced. To do this can result in quite messy code. In contrast, 
+  then we have to be careful to not apply the tactic to the two subgoals produced by 
+  the first goal. To do this can result in quite messy code. In contrast, 
   the ``reverse application'' is easy to implement.
-  However, this example is very contrived: there are much simpler methods to implement
-  such a proof procedure analysing a goal according to its topmost
-  connective. These simpler methods use tactic combinators which will be explained 
+  Of course, this example is contrived: there are much simpler methods available in 
+  Isabelle for implementing a proof procedure analysing a goal according to its topmost
+  connective. These simpler methods use tactic combinators, which we will explain 
   in the next section.
 section {* Tactic Combinators *}
 text {* 
-  The purpose of tactic combinators is to build powerful tactics out of
-  smaller components. In the previous section we already used @{ML THEN}, which
-  strings two tactics together in sequence. For example:
+  The purpose of tactic combinators is to build compound tactics out of
+  smaller tactics. In the previous section we already used @{ML THEN}, which
+  just strings together two tactics in a sequence. For example:
 lemma shows "(Foo \<and> Bar) \<and> False"
@@ -713,12 +758,14 @@
 text {* 
+  Here you only have to specify the subgoal of interest only once and
+  it is consistently applied to the component tactics.
   For most tactic combinators such a ``primed'' version exists and
   in what follows we will usually prefer it over the ``unprimed'' one. 
   If there is a list of tactics that should all be tried out in 
   sequence, you can use the combinator @{ML EVERY'}. For example
-  the function @{ML foo_tac'} from page~\ref{tac:footacprime} can also 
+  the function @{ML foo_tac'} from page~\pageref{tac:footacprime} can also 
   be written as:
@@ -726,28 +773,32 @@
                         atac, rtac @{thm disjI1}, atac]*}
 text {*
-  There is even another way: in automatic proof procedures (in contrast to
-  tactics that might be called by the user) there are often long lists of
-  tactics that are applied to the first subgoal. Instead of writing the code
-  above and then calling @{ML "foo_tac'' 1"}, you can also just write
+  There is even another way of implementing this tactic: in automatic proof
+  procedures (in contrast to tactics that might be called by the user) there
+  are often long lists of tactics that are applied to the first
+  subgoal. Instead of writing the code above and then calling @{ML "foo_tac'' 1"}, 
+  you can also just write
 ML{*val foo_tac1 = EVERY1 [etac @{thm disjE}, rtac @{thm disjI2}, 
                        atac, rtac @{thm disjI1}, atac]*}
 text {*
-  With the combinators @{ML THEN'}, @{ML EVERY'} and @{ML EVERY1} it must be 
-  guaranteed that  all component tactics successfully apply; otherwise the 
-  whole tactic will fail. If you rather want to try out a number of tactics, 
-  then you can use the combinator @{ML ORELSE'} for two tactics, and @{ML FIRST'} 
-  (or @{ML FIRST1}) for a list of tactics. For example, the tactic
+  and just call @{ML foo_tac1}.  
+  With the combinators @{ML THEN'}, @{ML EVERY'} and @{ML EVERY1} it must be
+  guaranteed that all component tactics successfully apply; otherwise the
+  whole tactic will fail. If you rather want to try out a number of tactics,
+  then you can use the combinator @{ML ORELSE'} for two tactics, and @{ML
+  FIRST'} (or @{ML FIRST1}) for a list of tactics. For example, the tactic
 ML{*val orelse_xmp = (rtac @{thm disjI1} ORELSE' rtac @{thm conjI})*}
 text {*
   will first try out whether rule @{text disjI} applies and after that 
-  whether @{text conjI}. To see this consider the proof:
+  @{text conjI}. To see this consider the proof
 lemma shows "True \<and> False" and "Foo \<or> Bar"
@@ -763,8 +814,8 @@
 text {*
-  Using @{ML FIRST'} we can write our @{ML select_tac} from Page~\ref{tac:selecttac} 
-  simply as follows:
+  Using @{ML FIRST'} we can simplify our @{ML select_tac} from Page~\pageref{tac:selecttac} 
+  as follows:
 ML{*val select_tac' = FIRST' [rtac @{thm conjI}, rtac @{thm impI}, 
@@ -772,9 +823,10 @@
 text {*
   Since we like to mimic the behaviour of @{ML select_tac} as closely as possible, 
-  we must include @{ML all_tac} at the end of the list (@{ML all_tac} must also 
-  be ``wrapped up'' using the @{ML K}-combinator, as it does not take a subgoal 
-  number as argument). We can test the tactic on the same proof:
+  we must include @{ML all_tac} at the end of the list, otherwise the tactic will
+  fail if no rule applies (we laso have to wrap @{ML all_tac} using the 
+  @{ML K}-combinator, because it does not take a subgoal number as argument). You can 
+  test the tactic on the same goals:
 lemma shows "A \<and> B" and "A \<longrightarrow> B \<longrightarrow>C" and "\<forall>x. D x" and "E \<Longrightarrow> F"
@@ -788,9 +840,9 @@
 text {* 
-  Because such repeated applications of a tactic to the reverse order of 
-  \emph{all} subgoals is quite common, there is the tactics combinator 
-  @{ML ALLGOALS} that simplifies this. Using this combinator we can simply 
+  Since such repeated applications of a tactic to the reverse order of 
+  \emph{all} subgoals is quite common, there is the tactic combinator 
+  @{ML ALLGOALS} that simplifies this. Using this combinator you can simply 
   write: *}
 lemma shows "A \<and> B" and "A \<longrightarrow> B \<longrightarrow>C" and "\<forall>x. D x" and "E \<Longrightarrow> F"
@@ -801,9 +853,9 @@
 text {*
-  Remember that we chose to write @{ML select_tac'} in such a way that it always 
-  succeeds. This can be potentially very confusing for the user, for example,  
-  in cases the goals is the form
+  Remember that we chose to implement @{ML select_tac'} so that it 
+  always  succeeds. This can be potentially very confusing for the user, 
+  for example,  in cases where the goal is the form
 lemma shows "E \<Longrightarrow> F"
@@ -814,18 +866,22 @@
 text {*
-  where no rule applies. The reason is that the user has little chance 
-  to see whether progress in the proof has been made or not. We could simply
-  delete th @{ML "K all_tac"} from the end of the list. Then @{ML select_tac'} 
-  would only succeed on goals where it can make progress. But for the sake of
-  argument, let us suppose that this deletion is not an option. In such cases, you 
-  can use the combinator @{ML CHANGED} to make sure the subgoal has been
-  changed by the tactic. Because now
+  In this case no rule applies. The problem for the user is that there is little 
+  chance to see whether or not progress in the proof has been made. By convention
+  therefore, tactics visible to the user should either change something or fail.
+  To comply with this convention, we could simply delete the @{ML "K all_tac"}
+  from the end of the theorem list. As a result @{ML select_tac'} would only
+  succeed on goals where it can make progress. But for the sake of argument,
+  let us suppose that this deletion is \emph{not} an option. In such cases, you can
+  use the combinator @{ML CHANGED} to make sure the subgoal has been changed
+  by the tactic. Because now
 lemma shows "E \<Longrightarrow> F"
 apply(tactic {* CHANGED (select_tac' 1) *})(*<*)?(*>*)
-txt{* results in the error message:
+txt{* gives the error message:
   @{text "*** empty result sequence -- proof command failed"}\\
   @{text "*** At command \"apply\"."}
@@ -834,32 +890,34 @@
 text {*
-  Meaning the tactic failed. 
-  We can extend @{ML select_tac'} so that it not just applies to the top-most
-  connective, but also to the ones immediately ``underneath''. For this you can use the
-  tactic combinator @{ML REPEAT}. For example suppose the following tactic
+  We can further extend @{ML select_tac'} so that it not just applies to the topmost
+  connective, but also to the ones immediately ``underneath'', i.e.~analyse the goal 
+  completely. For this you can use the tactic combinator @{ML REPEAT}. As an example 
+  suppose the following tactic
 ML{*val repeat_xmp = REPEAT (CHANGED (select_tac' 1)) *}
-text {* and the proof *}
+text {* which applied to the proof *}
 lemma shows "((\<not>A) \<and> (\<forall>x. B x)) \<and> (C \<longrightarrow> D)"
 apply(tactic {* repeat_xmp *})
-txt{* \begin{minipage}{\textwidth}
+txt{* produces
+      \begin{minipage}{\textwidth}
       @{subgoals [display]}
       \end{minipage} *}
 text {*
   Here it is crucial that @{ML select_tac'} is prefixed with @{ML CHANGED}, 
-  because otherwise @{ML REPEAT} runs into an infinite loop. The function
+  because otherwise @{ML REPEAT} runs into an infinite loop (it applies the
+  tactic as long as it succeeds). The function
   @{ML REPEAT1} is similar, but runs the tactic at least once (failing if 
   this is not possible).
-  If you are after the ``primed'' version of @{ML repeat_xmp} then it 
-  needs to be coded as
+  If you are after the ``primed'' version of @{ML repeat_xmp} then you 
+  need to implement it as
 ML{*val repeat_xmp' = REPEAT o CHANGED o select_tac'*}
@@ -869,17 +927,16 @@
   If you look closely at the goal state above, the tactics @{ML repeat_xmp}
   and @{ML repeat_xmp'} are not yet quite what we are after: the problem is
-  that goals 2 and 3 are not yet analysed. This is because both tactics
-  apply repeatedly only to the first subgoal. To analyse also all
-  resulting subgoals, you can use the function @{ML REPEAT_ALL_NEW}. 
+  that goals 2 and 3 are not analysed. This is because the tactic
+  is applied repeatedly only to the first subgoal. To analyse also all
+  resulting subgoals, you can use the tactic combinator @{ML REPEAT_ALL_NEW}. 
   Suppose the tactic
 ML{*val repeat_all_new_xmp = REPEAT_ALL_NEW (CHANGED o select_tac')*}
 text {* 
-  which analyses the topmost connectives also in all resulting 
-  subgoals.
+  you see that the following goal
 lemma shows "((\<not>A) \<and> (\<forall>x. B x)) \<and> (C \<longrightarrow> D)"
@@ -890,26 +947,31 @@
 text {*
-  The last tactic combinator we describe here is @{ML DETERM}. Recall 
-  that tactics produce a lazy sequence of successor goal states. These
+  is completely analysed according to the theorems we chose to
+  include in @{ML select_tac}. 
+  Recall that tactics produce a lazy sequence of successor goal states. These
   states can be explored using the command \isacommand{back}. For example
 lemma "\<lbrakk>P1 \<or> Q1; P2 \<or> Q2\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> R"
 apply(tactic {* etac @{thm disjE} 1 *})
-txt{* applies the rule to the first assumption
+txt{* applies the rule to the first assumption yielding the goal state:\smallskip
       @{subgoals [display]}
-      \end{minipage} *}
+      \end{minipage}\smallskip 
+      After typing
+  *}
 lemma "\<lbrakk>P1 \<or> Q1; P2 \<or> Q2\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> R"
 apply(tactic {* etac @{thm disjE} 1 *})
-txt{* whereas it is now applied to the second
+txt{* the rule now applies to the second assumption.\smallskip
       @{subgoals [display]}
@@ -918,8 +980,9 @@
 text {*
   Sometimes this leads to confusing behaviour of tactics and also has
-  the potential to explode the search space for tactics build on top.
-  This can be avoided by prefixing the tactic with @{ML DETERM}.
+  the potential to explode the search space for tactics.
+  These problems can be avoided by prefixing the tactic with the tactic 
+  combinator @{ML DETERM}.
 lemma "\<lbrakk>P1 \<or> Q1; P2 \<or> Q2\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> R"
@@ -929,7 +992,7 @@
       \end{minipage} *}
 text {*
-  This will prune the search space to just the first possibility.
+  This will combinator prune the search space to just the first successful application.
   Attempting to apply \isacommand{back} in this goal states gives the
   error message:
@@ -939,7 +1002,7 @@
-  Most tactic combinators are defined in @{ML_file "Pure/tctical.ML"}.
+  Most tactic combinators described in this section are defined in @{ML_file "Pure/tctical.ML"}.
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