--- a/ProgTutorial/Base.thy Tue May 14 13:39:31 2019 +0200
+++ b/ProgTutorial/Base.thy Tue May 14 16:59:53 2019 +0200
@@ -3,17 +3,12 @@
-ML \<open>@{assert} true\<close>
-ML \<open>@{print} (2 + 3 +4)\<close>
-text \<open>
-Can we put an ML-val into the text?
+text \<open>Hallo ML Antiquotation:
+@{ML \<open>2 + 3\<close>}
-@{ML [display] \<open>2 + 3\<close>}
notation (latex output)
Cons ("_ # _" [66,65] 65)
@@ -30,17 +25,16 @@
HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (HOLogic.mk_imp (lhs n n, rhs n))*}
ML_file "output_tutorial.ML"
-text \<open>
-Can we put an ML-val into the text?
-@{ML [gray] \<open>2 + 3\<close>}
ML_file "antiquote_setup.ML"
(*setup {* OutputTutorial.setup *}*) (* Seems to be standard now, we don't need this anymoe *)
setup {* AntiquoteSetup.setup *}
+text \<open>Hallo ML Antiquotation:
+@{ML \<open>2 + 3\<close> }
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/ProgTutorial/First_Steps.thy Tue May 14 13:39:31 2019 +0200
+++ b/ProgTutorial/First_Steps.thy Tue May 14 16:59:53 2019 +0200
@@ -572,7 +572,7 @@
|-> (fn x => fn y => x + y)*}
text {*
- The combinator @{ML_ind ||>> in Basics} plays a central rĂ´le whenever your
+ The combinator @{ML_ind ||>> in Basics} plays a central role whenever your
task is to update a theory and the update also produces a side-result (for
example a theorem). Functions for such tasks return a pair whose second
component is the theory and the fist component is the side-result. Using
--- a/ProgTutorial/antiquote_setup.ML Tue May 14 13:39:31 2019 +0200
+++ b/ProgTutorial/antiquote_setup.ML Tue May 14 16:59:53 2019 +0200
@@ -12,42 +12,52 @@
fun prefix_lines prfx txt =
map (fn s => prfx ^ s) (split_lines txt)
-fun ml_with_vars ys txt =
+fun ml_with_vars' ys txt =
implode ["fn ", (case ys of [] => "_" | _ => enclose "(" ")" (commas ys)), " => (", txt, ")"]
-fun ml_with_struct (NONE) txt = txt
- | ml_with_struct (SOME st) txt = implode ["let open ", st, " in ", txt, " end"]
+fun ml_with_vars ys src =
+ ML_Lex.read "fn " @ ML_Lex.read (case ys of [] => "_" | _ => enclose "(" ")" (commas ys)) @
+ ML_Lex.read " => (" @ src @ ML_Lex.read ")"
+fun ml_with_struct (NONE) src = ML_Lex.read_source false src
+ | ml_with_struct (SOME st) src =
+ ML_Lex.read ("let open " ^ st ^ " in ") @ ML_Lex.read_source false src @ ML_Lex.read " end"
fun ml_val vs stru txt =
txt |> ml_with_struct stru
- |> ml_with_vars vs
+ |> ml_with_vars vs
-fun ml_pat (lhs, pat) =
- implode ["val ", translate_string (fn "\<dots>" => "_" | s => s) pat, " = ", lhs]
+fun ml_pat pat lhs =
+ ML_Lex.read "val " @ ML_Lex.read (translate_string (fn "\<dots>" => "_" | s => s) pat) @
+ ML_Lex.read " = " @
+ ML_Lex.read_source false lhs
-fun ml_struct txt =
- implode ["functor DUMMY_FUNCTOR() = struct structure DUMMY = ", txt, " end"]
+fun ml_struct src =
+ ML_Lex.read "functor DUMMY_FUNCTOR() = struct structure DUMMY = " @
+ ML_Lex.read_source false src @
+ ML_Lex.read " end"
-fun ml_type txt =
- implode ["val _ = NONE : (", txt, ") option"];
+fun ml_type src =
+ ML_Lex.read "val _ = NONE : (" @ ML_Lex.read_source false src @ ML_Lex.read ") option"
(* eval function *)
-fun eval_fn ctxt exp =
- ML_Context.eval_source_in (SOME ctxt) ML_Compiler.flags
- (Input.source false exp Position.no_range)
+fun eval_fn ctxt prep exp =
+ ML_Context.eval_in (SOME ctxt) ML_Compiler.flags (Input.pos_of exp) (prep exp)
(* checks and prints a possibly open expressions, no index *)
-fun output_ml ctxt (txt, (vs, stru)) =
- (eval_fn ctxt (ml_val vs stru txt);
- output ctxt (split_lines txt))
-val parser_ml = Scan.lift (Args.name --
+fun output_ml ctxt (src, (vs, stru)) =
+ (eval_fn ctxt (ml_val vs stru) src;
+ output ctxt (split_lines (Input.source_content src)))
+val parser_ml = Scan.lift (Args.text_input --
(Scan.optional (Args.$$$ "for" |-- Parse.!!! (Scan.repeat1 Args.name)) [] --
Scan.option (Args.$$$ "in" |-- Parse.!!! Args.name)))
(* checks and prints a single ML-item and produces an index entry *)
fun output_ml_ind ctxt (txt, stru) =
- (eval_fn ctxt (ml_val [] stru txt);
+ (eval_fn ctxt (ml_val [] stru) (Input.string txt);
case (stru, Long_Name.base_name txt, Long_Name.qualifier txt) of
(NONE, _, "") => output_indexed ctxt {main = Code txt, minor = NoString} (split_lines txt)
| (NONE, bn, qn) => output_indexed ctxt {main = Code bn, minor = Struct qn} (split_lines txt)
@@ -58,7 +68,7 @@
(* checks and prints structures *)
fun gen_output_struct outfn ctxt txt =
- (eval_fn ctxt (ml_struct txt);
+ (eval_fn ctxt ml_struct (Input.string txt);
outfn {main = Code txt, minor = Plain "structure"} (split_lines txt))
fun output_struct ctxt = gen_output_struct (K (output ctxt)) ctxt
@@ -73,37 +83,34 @@
(* checks and prints types *)
fun gen_output_type outfn ctxt txt =
- (eval_fn ctxt (ml_type txt);
+ (eval_fn ctxt ml_type (Input.string txt);
outfn {main = Code txt, minor = Plain "type"} (split_lines txt))
fun output_type ctxt = gen_output_type (K (output ctxt)) ctxt
fun output_type_ind ctxt = gen_output_type (output_indexed ctxt) ctxt
-(* checks and expression agains a result pattern *)
+(* checks and expression against a result pattern *)
fun output_response ctxt (lhs, pat) =
- (eval_fn ctxt (ml_pat (lhs, pat));
+ (eval_fn ctxt (ml_pat pat) lhs;
(*eval_fn ctxt (ml_out lhs);*) (*FIXME remove*)
- output ctxt ((prefix_lines "" lhs) @ (prefix_lines "> " pat)))
+ output ctxt ((prefix_lines "" (Input.source_content lhs)) @ (prefix_lines "> " pat)))
(* checks the expressions, but does not check it against a result pattern *)
fun output_response_fake ctxt (lhs, pat) =
- (eval_fn ctxt (ml_val [] NONE lhs);
+ (eval_fn ctxt (ml_val [] NONE) lhs;
(*eval_fn ctxt (ml_out lhs);*) (* FIXME remove *)
- output ctxt ((split_lines lhs) @ (prefix_lines "> " pat)))
+ output ctxt ((split_lines (Input.source_content lhs)) @ (prefix_lines "> " pat)))
(* checks the expressions, but does not check it against a result pattern *)
fun ouput_response_fake_both ctxt (lhs, pat) =
- (output ctxt ((split_lines lhs) @ (prefix_lines "> " pat)))
+ (output ctxt ((split_lines (Input.source_content lhs)) @ (prefix_lines "> " pat)))
val single_arg = Scan.lift (Args.name)
-val two_args = Scan.lift (Args.name -- Args.name)
+val two_args = Scan.lift (Args.text_input -- Args.name)
val test = Scan.lift (Args.name -- Args.name -- Scan.option (Args.$$$ "with" |-- Args.name))
val ml_setup =
- Thy_Output.antiquotation_raw @{binding "ML"} parser_ml output_ml
+ Thy_Output.antiquotation_raw @{binding "ML"} parser_ml output_ml
#> Thy_Output.antiquotation_raw @{binding "ML_ind"} parser_ml_ind output_ml_ind
#> Thy_Output.antiquotation_raw @{binding "ML_type"} single_arg output_type
#> Thy_Output.antiquotation_raw @{binding "ML_type_ind"} single_arg output_type_ind
@@ -115,19 +122,6 @@
#> Thy_Output.antiquotation_raw @{binding "ML_response_fake"} two_args output_response_fake
#> Thy_Output.antiquotation_raw @{binding "ML_response_fake_both"} two_args ouput_response_fake_both
-(* FIXME: experimental *)
-fun ml_eq (lhs, pat, eq) =
- implode ["val true = ((", eq, ") (", lhs, ",", pat, "))"]
-fun output_response_eq ctxt ((lhs, pat), eq) =
- (case eq of
- NONE => eval_fn ctxt (ml_pat (lhs, pat))
- | SOME e => eval_fn ctxt (ml_eq (lhs, pat, e));
- output ctxt ((prefix_lines "" lhs) @ (prefix_lines "> " pat)))
-val ml_response_setup =
- Thy_Output.antiquotation_raw @{binding "ML_response_eq"} test output_response_eq
(* checks whether a file exists in the Isabelle distribution *)
fun href_link txt =
@@ -188,9 +182,7 @@
val setup =
ml_setup #>
- ml_response_setup #>
ml_file_setup #>
subgoals_setup #>