--- a/CookBook/FirstSteps.thy Thu Mar 12 08:11:02 2009 +0100
+++ b/CookBook/FirstSteps.thy Thu Mar 12 14:25:35 2009 +0000
@@ -169,11 +169,7 @@
fun str_of_thm ctxt thm =
- val {prop, ...} = crep_thm (no_vars ctxt thm)
- str_of_cterm ctxt prop
+ str_of_cterm ctxt (#prop (crep_thm (no_vars ctxt thm)))*}
text {*
Again the function @{ML commas} helps with printing more than one theorem.
@@ -533,7 +529,7 @@
ML{*fun make_imp P Q tau =
- val x = Free ("x",tau)
+ val x = Free ("x", tau)
Logic.all x (Logic.mk_implies (P $ x, Q $ x))
end *}
--- a/CookBook/Recipes/Antiquotes.thy Thu Mar 12 08:11:02 2009 +0100
+++ b/CookBook/Recipes/Antiquotes.thy Thu Mar 12 14:25:35 2009 +0000
@@ -46,13 +46,13 @@
text {*
- Note that the parser @{ML "(Scan.lift Args.name)"} in line 9 parses a string,
+ The parser @{ML "(Scan.lift Args.name)"} in line 9 parses a string,
in this case the code. As mentioned before, the code
is sent to the ML-compiler in the line 4 using the function @{ML ml_val},
which constructs the appropriate ML-expression.
If the code is ``approved'' by the compiler, then the output function @{ML
"ThyOutput.output"} in the next line pretty prints the
- code. This function expects that the code is a list of strings where each
+ code. This function expects that the code is a list of (pretty)strings where each
string correspond to a line in the output. Therefore the use of
@{ML "(space_explode \"\\n\" txt)" for txt}
which produces this list according to linebreaks. There are a number of options
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
can improve the code above slightly by writing
-ML%linenosgray{*fun output_ml {context = ctxt, ...} (code_txt,pos) =
+ML%linenosgray{*fun output_ml {context = ctxt, ...} (code_txt, pos) =
(ML_Context.eval_in (SOME ctxt) false pos (ml_val code_txt);
ThyOutput.output (map Pretty.str (space_explode "\n" code_txt)))
@@ -77,7 +77,9 @@
(Scan.lift (OuterParse.position Args.name)) output_ml *}
text {*
- where in Lines 1 and 2 the positional information is properly treated.
+ where in Lines 1 and 2 the positional information is properly treated. The
+ parser @{ML OuterParse.position} encodes the positional information in the
+ result.
We can now write in a document @{text "@{ML_checked \"2 + 3\"}"} in order to
obtain @{ML_checked "2 + 3"} and be sure that this code compiles until
--- a/CookBook/antiquote_setup.ML Thu Mar 12 08:11:02 2009 +0100
+++ b/CookBook/antiquote_setup.ML Thu Mar 12 14:25:35 2009 +0000
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
(* functions for generating appropriate expressions *)
fun ml_val_open (ys, xs) txt =
let fun ml_val_open_aux ys txt =
"fn " ^ (case ys of [] => "_" | _ => enclose "(" ")" (commas ys)) ^ " => (" ^ txt ^ ")";
@@ -25,8 +24,8 @@
fun ml_type txt = "val _ = NONE : (" ^ txt ^ ") option";
(* eval function *)
-fun eval_fn ctxt pos exp =
- ML_Context.eval_in (SOME ctxt) false pos exp
+fun eval_fn ctxt exp =
+ ML_Context.eval_in (SOME ctxt) false Position.none exp
(* string functions *)
fun string_explode str txt =
@@ -40,112 +39,82 @@
#> implode
#> string_explode "";
-(* parser for single and two arguments *)
-val single_arg = Scan.lift (OuterParse.position Args.name)
-val two_args = Scan.lift (OuterParse.position (Args.name -- Args.name))
(* output function *)
-val output_fn = Chunks.output_list (fn _ => fn s => Pretty.str s)
+fun output_fn txt = Chunks.output (map Pretty.str txt)
(* checks and prints open expressions *)
-fun output_ml () =
- fun output {state: Toplevel.state, source = src, context = ctxt} ((txt,ovars),pos) =
- (eval_fn ctxt pos (ml_val_open ovars txt);
- output_fn src ctxt (transform_cmts_str txt))
+fun output_ml {context = ctxt, ...} (txt, ovars) =
+ (eval_fn ctxt (ml_val_open ovars txt);
+ output_fn (transform_cmts_str txt))
- val parser = Scan.lift (OuterParse.position (Args.name --
- (Scan.optional (Args.$$$ "for" |-- OuterParse.!!! (Scan.repeat1 Args.name)) [] --
- Scan.optional (Args.$$$ "in" |-- OuterParse.!!! (Scan.repeat1 Args.name)) [])))
- ThyOutput.antiquotation "ML" parser output
+val parser_ml = Scan.lift (Args.name --
+ (Scan.optional (Args.$$$ "for" |-- OuterParse.!!! (Scan.repeat1 Args.name)) [] --
+ Scan.optional (Args.$$$ "in" |-- OuterParse.!!! (Scan.repeat1 Args.name)) []))
(* checks and prints types and structures *)
-fun output_exp ml =
- fun output {state: Toplevel.state, source = src, context = ctxt} (txt,pos) =
- (eval_fn ctxt pos (ml txt);
- output_fn src ctxt (string_explode "" txt))
- ThyOutput.antiquotation "ML_type" single_arg output
+fun output_exp ml {context = ctxt, ...} txt =
+ (eval_fn ctxt (ml txt);
+ output_fn (string_explode "" txt))
(* checks and expression agains a result pattern *)
-fun output_ml_response () =
- fun output {state: Toplevel.state, source = src, context = ctxt} ((lhs,pat),pos) =
- (eval_fn ctxt pos (ml_pat (lhs,pat));
- output_fn src ctxt ((string_explode "" lhs) @ (string_explode "> " pat)))
- ThyOutput.antiquotation "ML_response" two_args output
+fun output_response {context = ctxt, ...} (lhs, pat) =
+ (eval_fn ctxt (ml_pat (lhs, pat));
+ output_fn ((string_explode "" lhs) @ (string_explode "> " pat)))
+(* checks the expressions, but does not check it against a result pattern *)
+fun output_response_fake {context = ctxt, ...} (lhs, pat) =
+ (eval_fn ctxt (ml_val lhs);
+ output_fn ((string_explode "" lhs) @ (string_explode "> " pat)))
(* checks the expressions, but does not check it against a result pattern *)
-fun output_ml_response_fake () =
- fun output {state: Toplevel.state, source = src, context = ctxt} ((lhs, pat), pos) =
- (eval_fn ctxt pos (ml_val lhs);
- output_fn src ctxt ((string_explode "" lhs) @ (string_explode "> " pat)))
- ThyOutput.antiquotation "ML_response_fake" two_args output
+fun ouput_response_fake_both _ (lhs, pat) =
+ output_fn ((string_explode "" lhs) @ (string_explode "> " pat))
+val single_arg = Scan.lift (Args.name)
+val two_args = Scan.lift (Args.name -- Args.name)
-(* just prints an expression and a result pattern *)
-fun output_ml_response_fake_both () =
- fun ouput {state: Toplevel.state, source = src, context = ctxt} ((lhs,pat), _) =
- output_fn src ctxt ((string_explode "" lhs) @ (string_explode "> " pat))
- ThyOutput.antiquotation "ML_response_fake_both" two_args ouput
+val _ = ThyOutput.antiquotation "ML" parser_ml output_ml
+val _ = ThyOutput.antiquotation "ML_type" single_arg (output_exp ml_type)
+val _ = ThyOutput.antiquotation "ML_struct" single_arg (output_exp ml_struct)
+val _ = ThyOutput.antiquotation "ML_response" two_args output_response
+val _ = ThyOutput.antiquotation "ML_response_fake" two_args output_response_fake
+val _ = ThyOutput.antiquotation "ML_response_fake_both" two_args ouput_response_fake_both
(* checks whether a file exists in the Isabelle distribution *)
-fun check_file_exists () =
- fun check txt =
- if File.exists (Path.append (Path.explode ("~~/src")) (Path.explode txt)) then ()
- else error ("Source file " ^ (quote txt) ^ " does not exist.")
- ThyOutput.antiquotation "ML_file" (Scan.lift Args.name)
- (fn _ => fn s => (check s; ThyOutput.output [Pretty.str s]))
+fun check_file_exists _ txt =
+ (if File.exists (Path.append (Path.explode ("~~/src")) (Path.explode txt))
+ then output_fn (string_explode "" txt)
+ else error ("Source file " ^ (quote txt) ^ " does not exist."))
+val _ = ThyOutput.antiquotation "ML_file" single_arg check_file_exists
(* replaces the official subgoal antiquotation with one *)
(* that is closer to the actual output *)
-fun output_goals {state = node, source: Args.src, context: Proof.context} _ =
+fun output_goals {state = node, ...} _ =
fun subgoals 0 = ""
| subgoals 1 = "goal (1 subgoal):"
- | subgoals n = "goal (" ^ string_of_int n ^ " subgoals):";
- fun proof_state node =
- (case Option.map Toplevel.proof_node node of
- SOME (SOME prf) => ProofNode.current prf
- | _ => error "No proof state");
+ | subgoals n = "goal (" ^ string_of_int n ^ " subgoals):"
+ fun proof_state state =
+ (case try Toplevel.proof_of state of
+ SOME prf => prf
+ | _ => error "No proof state")
val state = proof_state node;
val goals = Proof.pretty_goals false state;
val {prop, ...} = rep_thm (Proof.get_goal state |> snd |> snd);
val (As, B) = Logic.strip_horn prop;
- val output' = (case (length As) of
+ val output = (case (length As) of
0 => goals
| n => (Pretty.str (subgoals n))::goals)
- output
+ ThyOutput.output output
-val _ = output_ml ();
-val _ = check_file_exists ();
-val _ = output_ml_response ();
-val _ = output_ml_response_fake ();
-val _ = output_ml_response_fake_both ();
-val _ = output_exp ml_struct;
-val _ = output_exp ml_type;
-(*val _ = output_goals*)
+val _ = ThyOutput.antiquotation "subgoals" (Scan.succeed ()) output_goals
--- a/CookBook/chunks.ML Thu Mar 12 08:11:02 2009 +0100
+++ b/CookBook/chunks.ML Thu Mar 12 14:25:35 2009 +0000
@@ -2,20 +2,14 @@
structure Chunks =
-(* rebuilding the output_list function from ThyOutput in order to *)
-(* enable the options [gray, linenos] *)
+(* rebuilding the output function from ThyOutput in order to *)
+(* enable the options [gray, linenos] *)
val gray = ref false;
val linenos = ref false
-fun boolean "" = true
- | boolean "true" = true
- | boolean "false" = false
- | boolean s = error ("Bad boolean value: " ^ quote s);
-fun output_list pretty src ctxt xs =
- map (pretty ctxt) xs (*always pretty in order to exhibit errors!*)
- |> (if ! ThyOutput.source then K [ThyOutput.pretty_text (ThyOutput.str_of_source src)] else I)
+fun output prts =
+ prts
|> (if ! ThyOutput.quotes then map Pretty.quote else I)
|> (if ! ThyOutput.display then
map (Output.output o Pretty.string_of o Pretty.indent (! ThyOutput.indent))
@@ -23,12 +17,16 @@
#> (if ! linenos then (enclose "\\begin{linenos}%\n" "%\n\\end{linenos}") else I)
#> (if ! gray then (enclose "\\begin{graybox}%\n" "%\n\\end{graybox}") else I)
#> enclose "\\begin{isabelle}%\n" "%\n\\end{isabelle}"
- else
+ else
map (Output.output o (if ! ThyOutput.break then Pretty.string_of else Pretty.str_of))
#> space_implode "\\isasep\\isanewline%\n"
#> enclose "\\isa{" "}");
-fun output pretty src ctxt = output_list pretty src ctxt o single
+fun boolean "" = true
+ | boolean "true" = true
+ | boolean "false" = false
+ | boolean s = error ("Bad boolean value: " ^ quote s);
val _ = ThyOutput.add_options
[("gray", Library.setmp gray o boolean),
@@ -161,7 +159,7 @@
val txt = spc ^ implode (transform_cmts toks')
txt |> split_lines |>
- output_list (fn _ => fn s => Pretty.str s) src ctxt
+ (map Pretty.str) |> output
val _ = ThyOutput.antiquotation "ML_chunk" (Scan.lift Args.name) output_chunk;
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