recovered old version of simple_induct; split the main function into small functions
theory Readme
imports Base
chapter {* Comments for Authors *}
text {*
\item This tutorial can be compiled on the command-line with:
@{text [display] "$ isabelle make"}
You very likely need a recent snapshot of Isabelle in order to compile
the tutorial. Some parts of the tutorial also rely on compilation with
\item You can include references to other Isabelle manuals using the
reference names from those manuals. To do this the following
four \LaTeX{} commands are defined:
& Chapters & Sections\\\hline
Implementation Manual & @{text "\\ichcite{\<dots>}"} & @{text "\\isccite{\<dots>}"}\\
Isar Reference Manual & @{text "\\rchcite{\<dots>}"} & @{text "\\rsccite{\<dots>}"}\\
So @{text "\\ichcite{ch:logic}"} yields a reference for the chapter about logic
in the implementation manual, namely \ichcite{ch:logic}.
\item There are various document antiquotations defined for the
tutorial. They allow to check the written text against the current
Isabelle code and also allow to show responses of the ML-compiler.
Therefore authors are strongly encouraged to use antiquotations wherever
The following antiquotations are defined:
\item[$\bullet$] @{text "@{ML \"expr\" for vars in structs}"} should be used
for displaying any ML-ex\-pression, because the antiquotation checks whether
the expression is valid ML-code. The @{text "for"}- and @{text
"in"}-arguments are optional. The former is used for evaluating open
expressions by giving a list of free variables. The latter is used to
indicate in which structure or structures the ML-expression should be
evaluated. Examples are:
@{text "@{ML \"1 + 3\"}"} & & @{ML "1 + 3"}\\
@{text "@{ML \"a + b\" for a b}"} & \;\;produce\;\; & @{ML "a + b" for a b}\\
@{text "@{ML Ident in OuterLex}"} & & @{ML Ident in OuterLex}\\
\item[$\bullet$] @{text "@{ML_response \"expr\" \"pat\"}"} should be used to
display ML-expressions and their response. The first expression is checked
like in the antiquotation @{text "@{ML \"expr\"}"}; the second is a pattern
that specifies the result the first expression produces. This pattern can
contain @{text [quotes] "\<dots>"} for parts that you like to omit. The response of the
first expression will be checked against this pattern. Examples are:
@{text "@{ML_response \"1+2\" \"3\"}"}\\
@{text "@{ML_response \"(1+2,3)\" \"(3,\<dots>)\"}"}
which produce respectively
@{ML_response "1+2" "3"} &
@{ML_response "(1+2,3)" "(3,\<dots>)"}
Note that this antiquotation can only be used when the result can be
constructed: it does not work when the code produces an exception or returns
an abstract datatype (like @{ML_type thm} or @{ML_type cterm}).
\item[$\bullet$] @{text "@{ML_response_fake \"expr\" \"pat\"}"} works just
like the antiquotation @{text "@{ML_response \"expr\" \"pat\"}"} above,
except that the result-specification is not checked. Use this antiquotation
when the result cannot be constructed or the code generates an
exception. Examples are:
@{text "@{ML_response_fake"} & @{text "\"cterm_of @{theory} @{term \\\"a + b = c\\\"}\"}"}\\
& @{text "\"a + b = c\"}"}\smallskip\\
@{text "@{ML_response_fake"} & @{text "\"($$ \\\"x\\\") (explode \\\"world\\\")\""}\\
& @{text "\"Exception FAIL raised\"}"}
which produce respectively
@{ML_response_fake "cterm_of @{theory} @{term \"a + b = c\"}" "a + b = c"}\smallskip\\
@{ML_response_fake "($$ \"x\") (explode \"world\")" "Exception FAIL raised"}
This output mimics to some extend what the user sees when running the
\item[$\bullet$] @{text "@{ML_response_fake_both \"expr\" \"pat\"}"} can be
used to show erroneous code. Neither the code nor the response will be
checked. An example is:
@{text "@{ML_response_fake_both"} & @{text "\"@{cterm \\\"1 + True\\\"}\""}\\
& @{text "\"Type unification failed \<dots>\"}"}
\item[$\bullet$] @{text "@{ML_file \"name\"}"} should be used when
referring to a file. It checks whether the file exists. An example
@{text [display] "@{ML_file \"Pure/General/basics.ML\"}"}
The listed antiquotations honour options including @{text "[display]"} and
@{text "[quotes]"}. For example
@{text "@{ML [quotes] \"\\\"foo\\\" ^ \\\"bar\\\"\"}"} \;\;produces\;\; @{text [quotes] "foobar"}
@{text "@{ML \"\\\"foo\\\" ^ \\\"bar\\\"\"}"} \;\;produces only\;\; @{text "foobar"}
\item Functions and value bindings cannot be defined inside antiquotations; they need
to be included inside \isacommand{ML}~@{text "\<verbopen> \<dots> \<verbclose>"}
environments. In this way they are also checked by the compiler. Some \LaTeX-hack in
the tutorial, however, ensures that the environment markers are not printed.
\item Line numbers can be printed using
\isacommand{ML} \isa{\%linenumbers}~@{text "\<verbopen> \<dots> \<verbclose>"}
for ML-code or \isacommand{lemma} \isa{\%linenumbers} @{text "..."} for proofs.