author Chengsong
Sat, 16 Mar 2019 20:05:13 +0000
changeset 7 1572760ff866
parent 6 26b40a985622
child 8 e67c0ea1ca73
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
found the difference: caused by flats in ders_simp, the alts is at top most level , so no fuse and bits stay at the alts level whereas in ders + singele simp, the alts that should be the final top-level alts is not at the topmost level initially before simplification so it is opened up and bits fused. later it finds out itself the top level only aalts remaining, but the fuse is not reversible we do not know what happened either.

import Element.elem
import RexpRelated._
import RexpRelated.Rexp._
import Partial._
import BRexp._
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
object Spiral{

  val space = elem(" ")
  val corner = elem("+")

  def spiral(nEdges: Int, direction: Int): Element = {
    if(nEdges == 1)
    else {
      val sp = spiral(nEdges - 1, (direction + 3) % 4)
      def verticalBar = elem('|', 1, sp.height)
      def horizontalBar = elem('-', sp.width, 1)
      if(direction == 0)
        (corner beside horizontalBar) above sp//(sp beside space)
      else if (direction == 1)
        sp beside (corner above verticalBar)
      else if (direction == 2)
        (space beside sp) above (horizontalBar beside corner)
        (verticalBar above corner) beside (space above sp)
  val alphabet = ("""abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789.:"=()\;-+*!<>\/%{} """+"\n\t").toSet//Set('a','b','c')
  def bregx_tree(r: BRexp): Element = regx_tree(berase(r))
  def regx_tree(r: Rexp): Element = aregx_tree(internalise(r))
  def annotated_tree(r: ARexp): Element = {
    r match {
      case ACHAR(bs, d) => {
        //val Some(d) = alphabet.find(f)
        d match {
          case '\n' => elem("\\n")
          case '\t' => elem("\\t")
          case ' ' => elem("space")
          case d => if(bs.isEmpty)  elem(d.toString) else elem(d.toString++" ") beside elem(bs.toString)
      case AONE(bs) => {
        if(bs.isEmpty)  elem("ONE") else elem("ONE ") beside elem(bs.toString)
      case AZERO => {
      case ASEQ(bs, r1, r2) => {
        annotated_binary_print("SEQ", r1, r2, bs)
      case AALTS(bs, rs) => {
        //elem("Awaiting completion")
        annotated_list_print("ALT", rs, bs)  
      case ASTAR(bs, r) => {
        annotated_list_print("STA", List(r), bs)
  def aregx_tree(r: ARexp): Element = {
    r match {
      case ACHAR(bs, d) => {
        //val Some(d) = alphabet.find(f)
        d match {
          case '\n' => elem("\\n")
          case '\t' => elem("\\t")
          case ' ' => elem("space")
          case d => elem(d.toString)
      case AONE(bs) => {
      case AZERO => {
      case ASEQ(bs, r1, r2) => {
        binary_print("SEQ", r1, r2)
      case AALTS(bs, rs) => {
        //elem("Awaiting completion")
        list_print("ALT", rs)
      case ASTAR(bs, r) => {
        list_print("STA", List(r))
  val port = elem(" └-")
  def list_print(name: String, rs: List[ARexp]): Element = {
    rs match {
      case r::Nil => {
        val pref = aregx_tree(r)
        val head = elem(name)
        (head left_align (port up_align pref) ) 
      case r2::r1::Nil => {
        binary_print(name, r2, r1)
      case r::rs1 => {
        val pref = aregx_tree(r)
        val head = elem(name)
        if (pref.height > 1){
          val link = elem('|', 1, pref.height - 1)
          (head left_align ((port above link) beside pref)) left_align tail_print(rs1)    
          (head left_align (port beside pref) ) left_align tail_print(rs1)
    def annotated_list_print(name: String, rs: List[ARexp], bs: List[Bit]): Element = {
    rs match {
      case r::Nil => {
        val pref = annotated_tree(r)
        val head = if(bs.isEmpty) elem(name) else elem(name ++ " ") beside elem(bs.toString)
        (head left_align (port up_align pref) ) 
      case r2::r1::Nil => {
        annotated_binary_print(name, r2, r1, bs)
      case r::rs1 => {
        val pref = annotated_tree(r)
        val head = if (bs.isEmpty) elem(name) else elem(name ++ " ") beside elem(bs.toString)
        if (pref.height > 1){
          val link = elem('|', 1, pref.height - 1)
          (head left_align ((port above link) beside pref)) left_align annotated_tail_print(rs1)    
          (head left_align (port beside pref) ) left_align annotated_tail_print(rs1)

  def annotated_tail_print(rs: List[ARexp]): Element = {
    rs match {
      case r2::r1::Nil => {
        val pref = annotated_tree(r2)
        val suff = annotated_tree(r1)
        if (pref.height > 1){
          val link = elem('|', 1, pref.height - 1)
          ((port above link) beside pref) left_align (port up_align suff)
          (port beside pref) left_align (port up_align suff)
      case r2::rs1 => {
        val pref = annotated_tree(r2)
        if (pref.height > 1){
          val link = elem('|', 1, pref.height - 1)
          ((port above link) beside pref) left_align annotated_tail_print(rs1)//(port up_align tail_print(rs1) )
          (port beside pref) left_align annotated_tail_print(rs1)//(port up_align tail_print(rs1))
        //pref left_align tail_print(rs1)

  def tail_print(rs: List[ARexp]): Element = {
    rs match {
      case r2::r1::Nil => {
        val pref = aregx_tree(r2)
        val suff = aregx_tree(r1)
        if (pref.height > 1){
          val link = elem('|', 1, pref.height - 1)
          ((port above link) beside pref) left_align (port up_align suff)
          (port beside pref) left_align (port up_align suff)
      case r2::rs1 => {
        val pref = aregx_tree(r2)
        if (pref.height > 1){
          val link = elem('|', 1, pref.height - 1)
          ((port above link) beside pref) left_align tail_print(rs1)//(port up_align tail_print(rs1) )
          (port beside pref) left_align tail_print(rs1)//(port up_align tail_print(rs1))
        //pref left_align tail_print(rs1)

  def binary_print(name: String, r1: ARexp, r2: ARexp): Element = {
    val pref = aregx_tree(r1)
    val suff = aregx_tree(r2)
    val head = elem(name) 
    if (pref.height > 1){
      val link = elem('|', 1, pref.height - 1)
      (head left_align ((port above link) beside pref) ) left_align (port up_align suff)
      (head left_align (port beside pref) ) left_align (port up_align suff)
  def annotated_binary_print(name: String, r1: ARexp, r2: ARexp, bs: List[Bit]): Element = {
    val pref = annotated_tree(r1)
    val suff = annotated_tree(r2)
    val head = if (bs.isEmpty) elem(name) else elem(name ++ " ") beside elem(bs.toString)
    if (pref.height > 1){
      val link = elem('|', 1, pref.height - 1)
      (head left_align ((port above link) beside pref) ) left_align (port up_align suff)
      (head left_align (port beside pref) ) left_align (port up_align suff)

  val arr_of_size = ListBuffer.empty[Int]

  def pC(r: Rexp): Set[Rexp] = {//PD's companion
    r match {
      case SEQ(r1, r2) => pC(r2)
      case ALTS(rs) => rs.flatMap(a => pC(a) ).toSet
      case CHAR(c) => Set(r)
      case r => Set()
  def illustration(r: Rexp, s: String){
    var i_like_imperative_style = internalise(r)
    val all_chars = s.toList
    for (i <- 0 to s.length - 1){
      val der_res =  bder(all_chars(i), i_like_imperative_style)
      val simp_res = bsimp(der_res)
      println("The original regex, the regex after derivative w.r.t " + all_chars(i) + " and the simplification of the derivative.")
      println(aregx_tree(i_like_imperative_style) up_align aregx_tree(der_res) up_align aregx_tree(simp_res))
      //println(asize(i_like_imperative_style), asize(der_res), asize(simp_res))
      arr_of_size += asize(i_like_imperative_style)
      //println(asize(simp_res), asize(simp_res) / arr_of_size(0) )
      i_like_imperative_style = simp_res
    arr_of_size += asize(i_like_imperative_style)
  val ran = scala.util.Random
  var alphabet_size = 3
  def balanced_seq_star_gen(depth: Int, star: Boolean): Rexp = {
    if(depth == 1){
      ((ran.nextInt(4) + 97).toChar).toString
    else if(star){
      STAR(balanced_seq_star_gen(depth - 1, false))
      SEQ(balanced_seq_star_gen(depth - 1, true), balanced_seq_star_gen(depth - 1, true))
  def max(i: Int, j: Int): Int = {
    if(i > j)
  def random_struct_gen(depth:Int): Rexp = {
    val dice = ran.nextInt(3)
    val dice2 = ran.nextInt(3)
    (dice, depth) match {
      case (_, 0) => ((ran.nextInt(3) + 97).toChar).toString
      case (0, i) => STAR(random_struct_gen(max(0, i - 1 - dice2)))
      case (1, i) => SEQ(random_struct_gen(max(0, i - 1 - dice2)), random_struct_gen(max(0, i - 1 - dice2)))
      case (2, i) => ALTS( List(random_struct_gen(max(0, i - 1 - dice2)), random_struct_gen(max(0, i - 1 - dice2))) )
  def balanced_struct_gen(depth: Int): Rexp = {
    val dice = ran.nextInt(3)
    (dice, depth) match {
      case (_, 0) => ((ran.nextInt(3) + 97).toChar).toString
      case (0, i) => STAR(random_struct_gen(depth - 1))
      case (1, i) => SEQ(random_struct_gen(depth - 1), random_struct_gen(depth - 1))
      case (2, i) => ALTS( List(random_struct_gen(depth - 1), random_struct_gen(depth - 1) ) )
  def random_pool(n: Int, d: Int) : Stream[Rexp] = n match {
    case 0 => (for (i <- 1 to 10) yield balanced_struct_gen(d)).toStream
    case n => {  
      val rs = random_pool(n - 1, d)
      rs #:::
      (for (i <- (1 to 10).toStream) yield balanced_struct_gen(d)) #::: 
      (for (i <- (1 to 10).toStream) yield random_struct_gen(d))

  def rd_string_gen(alp_size: Int, len: Int): String = {
    if( len > 0)
      ((ran.nextInt(alp_size) + 97).toChar).toString + rd_string_gen(alp_size, len - 1)
      ((ran.nextInt(alp_size) + 97).toChar).toString
  def plot(b: List[Int]){

  def dep_exp(depth: List[Int]){
    for(i <- depth){
      val s = rd_string_gen(alphabet_size, (i-8)*(i-8)+10)
      val r = random_struct_gen(i)
      println("depth: "+i)
      illustration(r, s) //"abcabadaaadcabdbabcdaadbabbcbbdabdabbcbdbabdbcdb") 
      //println("depth: " + i + " general stats:"+ arr_of_size(0), arr_of_size.max, arr_of_size.max/arr_of_size(0))
      //println("x y label alignment")
      /*for(i <- 0 to s.length - 1){
        if(s(i) == '\n')
          println(i+" "+arr_of_size(i)+" "+"nl"+" -140")
        else if(s(i) ==  ' ')
          println(i+" "+arr_of_size(i)+" "+"sp"+" -140")
          println(i+" "+arr_of_size(i)+" "+s(i)+" -140")
      //println(s.length + " " + arr_of_size(s.length) + " ]" + " -140")
  def case_study(ss: List[String], r: Rexp){
    for(s <- ss){
      illustration(r, s)
      println("x y label alignment")
      for(i <- 0 to s.length - 1){
        if(s(i) == '\n')
          println(i+" "+arr_of_size(i)+" "+"nl"+" -140")
        else if(s(i) ==  ' ')
          println(i+" "+arr_of_size(i)+" "+"sp"+" -140")
          println(i+" "+arr_of_size(i)+" "+s(i)+" -140")
  def star_gen(dp: Int): Rexp = {
    if(dp > 0)
      STAR(star_gen(dp - 1))
  def strs_gen(len: Int, num: Int): List[String] = {
    if(num > 0){
      rd_string_gen(3, len)::strs_gen(len, num - 1)
  def regx_print(r: Rexp): String = {
    r match {
      case ZERO =>
      case CHAR(c) => {
         //val Some(c) = alphabet.find(f)
         "\"" + c.toString + "\""
      case ONE => {
      case ALTS(rs) => {
        "ALTS(List("+(rs.map(regx_print)).foldLeft("")((a, b) => if(a == "") b else a + "," + b)+"))"
      case SEQ(r1, r2) => {
        "SEQ(" + regx_print(r1) + "," + regx_print(r2) + ")"
      case STAR(r) => {
        "STAR(" + regx_print(r) + ")"
  val mkst = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
  def weak_sub_check(r: Rexp, s: String, i: Int, f: (List[Rexp], Set[Rexp]) => Boolean){
    //we first compute pders over the set of all strings on the alphabet
    val pd = pderas(Set(r), i + 4)
    //then "b-internalise" the regular expression into a brexp(this is essentially 
    //attaching a bit Z to every alts to signify that they come from the original regular expression)
    var old = brternalise(r)
    //this is for comparison between normal simp and the weakened version of simp
    //normal simp will be performed on syncold
    //weakend simp will be performed on old
    var syncold = internalise(r)
    val all_chars = s.toList
    for (i <- 0 to s.length - 1){
      val syncder_res = bder(all_chars(i), syncold)
      val syncsimp_res = super_bsimp(syncder_res)
      //see brder for detailed explanation
      //just changes bit Z to S when deriving an ALTS, 
      //signifying that the structure has been "touched" and
      //therefore able to be spilled in the bspill function
      val der_res =  brder(all_chars(i), old)
      val simp_res = br_simp(der_res)
      val anatomy = bspill(simp_res)
      //track if the number of regular expressions exceeds those in the PD set(remember PD means the pders over A*)
      if(f(List(berase(simp_res)), pd)  == false ){
      old = simp_res
      syncold = syncsimp_res
  def inclusion_truth(anatomy: List[Rexp], pd: Set[Rexp]): Boolean = {
    val aset = anatomy.toSet
    if(aset subsetOf pd){
      println("inclusion not true")
  def size_comp(anatomy: List[Rexp], pd: Set[Rexp]):Boolean = {println("size of PD and bspilled simp regx: ", pd.size, anatomy.size); true}
  def size_expansion_rate(r: List[Rexp], pd: Set[Rexp]): Boolean = if(size(r(0)) > (pd.map(size).sum) * 3 ) { false }else {true}
  def ders_simp(r: ARexp, s: List[Char]): ARexp = {
    s match {
      case Nil => r 
      case c::cs => ders_simp(bsimp(bder(c, r)), cs)
  val big_panda = STAR(STAR(STAR(ALTS(List(ALTS(List(CHAR('c'), CHAR('b'))), SEQ(CHAR('c'),CHAR('c')))))))
  val str_panda = "ccccb"
  def check_all(){

        weak_sub_check(big_panda, str_panda, 6, size_expansion_rate)

  //simplified regex size 291, so called pd_simp size 70 (did not do simplification to terms in the PD set)

  def correctness_proof_convenient_path(){
    for(i <- 1 to 1)
        val s = "abaa"//rd_string_gen(alphabet_size, 3)
        val r = ASTAR(List(),AALTS(List(),List(ASTAR(List(Z),ACHAR(List(),'a')), ASEQ(List(S),ACHAR(List(),'a'),ACHAR(List(),'b')))))//internalise(balanced_struct_gen(3))//SEQ(ALTS(List(STAR("a"),ALTS(List("a","c")))),SEQ(ALTS(List("c","a")),ALTS(List("c","b")))) //random_struct_gen(7)
        for(j <- 0 to s.length - 1){
          val ss = s.slice(0, j+ 1)
          val nangao = ders_simp(r, ss.toList)
          val easy = bsimp(bders(ss.toList, r))
            if(j == 3) println("not equal")
            println("original regex")
            println("regex after ders simp")
            println("regex after ders")
            println(annotated_tree(bders(ss.toList, r)))
            println("regex after ders and then a single simp")
  def radical_correctness(){
    enum(3, "abc").map(tests_blexer_simp(strs(3, "abc"))).toSet
    random_pool(1, 5).map(tests_blexer_simp(strs(5, "abc"))).toSet
  def main(args: Array[String]) {