authorChristian Urban <christian.urban@kcl.ac.uk>
Sat, 04 Jul 2020 21:57:33 +0100 (2020-07-04)
changeset 733 022e2cb1668d
parent 732 c7bdd7eac4cb
child 734 5d860ff01938
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/progs/automata/dfa.sc	Sat Jul 04 21:57:33 2020 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+// DFAs in Scala using partial functions
+import scala.util.Try
+// a type abbreviation for partial functions
+type :=>[A, B] = PartialFunction[A, B]
+// main DFA class
+case class DFA[A, C](start: A,               // the starting state
+                     delta: (A, C) :=> A,    // transitions (partial fun)
+                     fins:  A => Boolean) {  // the final states
+  def deltas(q: A, s: List[C]) : A = s match {
+    case Nil => q
+    case c::cs => deltas(delta(q, c), cs)
+  }
+  def accepts(s: List[C]) : Boolean = 
+    Try(fins(deltas(start, s))).getOrElse(false)
+// the example shown in the handout 
+abstract class State
+case object Q0 extends State
+case object Q1 extends State
+case object Q2 extends State
+case object Q3 extends State
+case object Q4 extends State
+val delta : (State, Char) :=> State = 
+  { case (Q0, 'a') => Q1
+    case (Q0, 'b') => Q2
+    case (Q1, 'a') => Q4
+    case (Q1, 'b') => Q2
+    case (Q2, 'a') => Q3
+    case (Q2, 'b') => Q2
+    case (Q3, 'a') => Q4
+    case (Q3, 'b') => Q0
+    case (Q4, 'a') => Q4
+    case (Q4, 'b') => Q4 }
+val dfa = DFA(Q0, delta, Set[State](Q4))
+dfa.accepts("bbabaab".toList)   // true
+dfa.accepts("baba".toList)      // false
+dfa.accepts("abc".toList)       // false
+// another DFA test with a Sink state
+abstract class S
+case object S0 extends S
+case object S1 extends S
+case object S2 extends S
+case object Sink extends S
+// a transition function with a sink state
+val sigma : (S, Char) :=> S = 
+  { case (S0, 'a') => S1
+    case (S1, 'a') => S2
+    case _ => Sink
+  }
+val dfa1a = DFA(S0, sigma, Set[S](S2))
+dfa1a.accepts("aa".toList)        // true
+dfa1a.accepts("".toList)          // false
+dfa1a.accepts("ab".toList)        // false
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/progs/automata/enfa.sc	Sat Jul 04 21:57:33 2020 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+// epsilon NFAs...immediately translated into NFAs
+import $file.dfa, dfa._ 
+import $file.nfa, nfa._ 
+// a fixpoint construction
+import scala.annotation.tailrec
+def fixpT[A](f: A => A, x: A): A = {
+  val fx = f(x)
+  if (fx == x) x else fixpT(f, fx) 
+// translates eNFAs directly into NFAs 
+def eNFA[A, C](starts: Set[A],                     // the starting states
+               delta: (A, Option[C]) :=> Set[A],   // the epsilon-transitions
+               fins: A => Boolean) : NFA[A, C] = { // the final states 
+  // epsilon transitions
+  def enext(q: A) : Set[A] = 
+    applyOrElse(delta, (q, None))
+  def enexts(qs: Set[A]) : Set[A] = 
+    qs | qs.flatMap(enext(_))     // | is the set-union in Scala
+  // epsilon closure
+  def ecl(qs: Set[A]) : Set[A] = 
+    fixpT(enexts, qs)
+  // "normal" transitions
+  def next(q: A, c: C) : Set[A] = 
+    applyOrElse(delta, (q, Some(c)))
+  def nexts(qs: Set[A], c: C) : Set[A] = 
+    ecl(ecl(qs).flatMap(next(_, c)))
+  // result NFA
+  NFA(ecl(starts), 
+      { case (q, c) => nexts(Set(q), c) }, 
+      q => ecl(Set(q)) exists fins)
+// eNFA examples
+val enfa_trans1 : (State, Option[Char]) :=> Set[State] =
+  { case (Q0, Some('a')) => Set(Q0)
+    case (Q0, None) => Set(Q1, Q2)
+    case (Q1, Some('a')) => Set(Q1)
+    case (Q2, Some('b')) => Set(Q2) 
+  }
+val enfa1 = eNFA(Set[State](Q0), enfa_trans1, Set[State](Q2))
+case object R1 extends State
+case object R2 extends State
+case object R3 extends State
+val enfa_trans2 : (State, Option[Char]) :=> Set[State] =
+  { case (R1, Some('b')) => Set(R3)
+    case (R1, None) => Set(R2)
+    case (R2, Some('a')) => Set(R1, R3) 
+  }
+val enfa2 = eNFA(Set[State](R1), enfa_trans1, Set[State](R3))
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/progs/automata/nfa.sc	Sat Jul 04 21:57:33 2020 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+// NFAs in Scala using partial functions (returning
+// sets of states)
+// load dfas
+import $file.dfa, dfa._ 
+// return an empty set, when a parial function is not defined
+import scala.util.Try
+def applyOrElse[A, B](f: A :=> Set[B], x: A) : Set[B] =
+  Try(f(x)).getOrElse(Set[B]())
+// NFAs
+case class NFA[A, C](starts: Set[A],           // the starting states
+                     delta: (A, C) :=> Set[A], // the transition function
+                     fins:  A => Boolean) {    // the final states 
+  // given a state and a character, what is the set of 
+  // next states? if there is none => empty set
+  def next(q: A, c: C) : Set[A] = 
+    applyOrElse(delta, (q, c))
+  def nexts(qs: Set[A], c: C) : Set[A] =
+    qs.flatMap(next(_, c))
+  // given some states and a string, what is the set 
+  // of next states?
+  def deltas(qs: Set[A], s: List[C]) : Set[A] = s match {
+    case Nil => qs
+    case c::cs => deltas(nexts(qs, c), cs)
+  }
+  // is a string accepted by an NFA?
+  def accepts(s: List[C]) : Boolean = 
+    deltas(starts, s).exists(fins)
+  // depth-first version of accepts
+  def search(q: A, s: List[C]) : Boolean = s match {
+    case Nil => fins(q)
+    case c::cs => next(q, c).exists(search(_, cs))
+  }
+  def accepts2(s: List[C]) : Boolean =
+    starts.exists(search(_, s))
+// NFA examples
+val nfa_trans1 : (State, Char) :=> Set[State] = 
+  { case (Q0, 'a') => Set(Q0, Q1) 
+    case (Q0, 'b') => Set(Q2) 
+    case (Q1, 'a') => Set(Q1) 
+    case (Q2, 'b') => Set(Q2) }
+val nfa1 = NFA(Set[State](Q0), nfa_trans1, Set[State](Q2))
+println(nfa1.accepts("aa".toList))             // false
+println(nfa1.accepts("aaaaa".toList))          // false
+println(nfa1.accepts("aaaaab".toList))         // true
+println(nfa1.accepts("aaaaabbb".toList))       // true
+println(nfa1.accepts("aaaaabbbaaa".toList))    // false
+println(nfa1.accepts("ac".toList))             // false
+println(nfa1.accepts2("aa".toList))            // false
+println(nfa1.accepts2("aaaaa".toList))         // false
+println(nfa1.accepts2("aaaaab".toList))        // true
+println(nfa1.accepts2("aaaaabbb".toList))      // true
+println(nfa1.accepts2("aaaaabbbaaa".toList))   // false
+println(nfa1.accepts2("ac".toList))            // false
+// subset constructions
+def subset[A, C](nfa: NFA[A, C]) : DFA[Set[A], C] = {
+  DFA(nfa.starts, 
+      { case (qs, c) => nfa.nexts(qs, c) }, 
+      _.exists(nfa.fins))
+println(subset(nfa1).accepts("aa".toList))           // false
+println(subset(nfa1).accepts("aaaaa".toList))        // false
+println(subset(nfa1).accepts("aaaaab".toList))       // true
+println(subset(nfa1).accepts("aaaaabbb".toList))     // true
+println(subset(nfa1).accepts("aaaaabbbaaa".toList))  // false
+println(subset(nfa1).accepts("ac".toList))           // false
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/progs/automata/thompson.sc	Sat Jul 04 21:57:33 2020 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+// Thompson Construction
+import $file.dfa, dfa._ 
+import $file.nfa, nfa._
+import $file.enfa, enfa._
+// states for Thompson construction
+case class TState(i: Int) extends State
+object TState {
+  var counter = 0
+  def apply() : TState = {
+    counter += 1;
+    new TState(counter)
+  }
+// some types abbreviations
+type NFAt = NFA[TState, Char]
+type NFAtrans = (TState, Char) :=> Set[TState]
+type eNFAtrans = (TState, Option[Char]) :=> Set[TState]
+// for composing an eNFA transition with an NFA transition
+// | is for set union
+implicit def nfaOps(f: eNFAtrans) = new {
+  def +++(g: NFAtrans) : eNFAtrans = 
+  { case (q, None) =>  applyOrElse(f, (q, None)) 
+    case (q, Some(c)) => applyOrElse(f, (q, Some(c))) | applyOrElse(g, (q, c))  }
+// NFA that does not accept any string
+def NFA_ZERO(): NFAt = {
+  val Q = TState()
+  NFA(Set(Q), { case _ => Set() }, Set())
+// NFA that accepts the empty string
+def NFA_ONE() : NFAt = {
+  val Q = TState()
+  NFA(Set(Q), { case _ => Set() }, Set(Q))
+// NFA that accepts the string "c"
+def NFA_CHAR(c: Char) : NFAt = {
+  val Q1 = TState()
+  val Q2 = TState()
+  NFA(Set(Q1), { case (Q1, d) if (c == d) => Set(Q2) }, Set(Q2))
+// sequence of two NFAs
+def NFA_SEQ(enfa1: NFAt, enfa2: NFAt) : NFAt = {
+  val new_delta : eNFAtrans = 
+    { case (q, None) if enfa1.fins(q) => enfa2.starts }
+  eNFA(enfa1.starts, 
+       new_delta +++ enfa1.delta +++ enfa2.delta, 
+       enfa2.fins)
+// alternative of two NFAs
+def NFA_ALT(enfa1: NFAt, enfa2: NFAt) : NFAt = {
+  val new_delta : NFAtrans = { 
+    case (q, c) =>  applyOrElse(enfa1.delta, (q, c)) | 
+                    applyOrElse(enfa2.delta, (q, c)) }
+  val new_fins = (q: TState) => enfa1.fins(q) || enfa2.fins(q)
+  NFA(enfa1.starts | enfa2.starts, new_delta, new_fins)
+// star of a NFA
+def NFA_STAR(enfa: NFAt) : NFAt = {
+  val Q = TState()
+  val new_delta : eNFAtrans = 
+    { case (Q, None) => enfa.starts
+      case (q, None) if enfa.fins(q) => Set(Q) }
+  eNFA(Set(Q), new_delta +++ enfa.delta, Set(Q))
+// We are now ready to translate regular expressions
+// into DFAs (via eNFAs and NFAs, and the subset construction)
+// regular expressions
+abstract class Rexp
+case object ZERO extends Rexp                    // matches nothing
+case object ONE extends Rexp                     // matches the empty string
+case class CHAR(c: Char) extends Rexp            // matches a character c
+case class ALT(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) extends Rexp  // alternative
+case class SEQ(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) extends Rexp  // sequence
+case class STAR(r: Rexp) extends Rexp            // star
+// thompson construction 
+def thompson (r: Rexp) : NFAt = r match {
+  case ZERO => NFA_ZERO()
+  case ONE => NFA_ONE()
+  case CHAR(c) => NFA_CHAR(c)  
+  case ALT(r1, r2) => NFA_ALT(thompson(r1), thompson(r2))
+  case SEQ(r1, r2) => NFA_SEQ(thompson(r1), thompson(r2))
+  case STAR(r1) => NFA_STAR(thompson(r1))
+//optional regular expression (one or zero times)
+def OPT(r: Rexp) = ALT(r, ONE)
+//n-times regular expression (explicitly expanded)
+def NTIMES(r: Rexp, n: Int) : Rexp = n match {
+  case 0 => ONE
+  case 1 => r
+  case n => SEQ(r, NTIMES(r, n - 1))
+def tmatches_nfa(r: Rexp, s: String) : Boolean =
+  thompson(r).accepts(s.toList)
+def tmatches_nfa2(r: Rexp, s: String) : Boolean =
+  thompson(r).accepts2(s.toList)
+// dfas via subset construction
+def tmatches_dfa(r: Rexp, s: String) : Boolean =
+  subset(thompson(r)).accepts(s.toList)
+// Test Cases
+// the evil regular expression  a?{n} a{n}
+def EVIL1(n: Int) : Rexp = SEQ(NTIMES(OPT(CHAR('a')), n), NTIMES(CHAR('a'), n))
+// the evil regular expression (a*)*b
+val EVIL2 : Rexp = SEQ(STAR(STAR(CHAR('a'))), CHAR('b'))
+//for measuring time
+def time_needed[T](i: Int, code: => T) = {
+  val start = System.nanoTime()
+  for (j <- 1 to i) code
+  val end = System.nanoTime()
+  (end - start)/(i * 1.0e9)
+// the size of the NFA can be large, 
+// thus slowing down the breadth-first search
+for (i <- 1 to 13) {
+  println(i + ": " + "%.5f".format(time_needed(2, tmatches_nfa(EVIL1(i), "a" * i))))
+for (i <- 1 to 100 by 5) {
+  println(i + " " + "%.5f".format(time_needed(2, tmatches_nfa(EVIL2, "a" * i))))
+// the backtracking that is needed in depth-first 
+// search can be painfully slow
+for (i <- 1 to 8) {
+  println(i + " " + "%.5f".format(time_needed(2, tmatches_nfa2(EVIL2, "a" * i))))
+// while my thompson->enfa->subset->partial-function-chain
+// is probably not the most effcient way to obtain a fast DFA 
+// (the test below should be much faster with a more direct 
+// construction), in general the DFAs can be slow because of 
+// the state explosion in the subset construction
+for (i <- 1 to 13) {
+  println(i + ": " + "%.5f".format(time_needed(2, tmatches_dfa(EVIL1(i), "a" * i))))
+for (i <- 1 to 100 by 5) {
+  println(i + " " + "%.5f".format(time_needed(2, tmatches_dfa(EVIL2, "a" * i))))
--- a/progs/c.scala	Sat Jul 04 16:58:12 2020 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,253 +0,0 @@
-// A parser and interpreter for the While language
-import scala.language.implicitConversions
-import scala.language.reflectiveCalls
-import scala.collection.immutable._
-// more convenience for the semantic actions later on
-case class ~[+A, +B](_1: A, _2: B)
-type IsSeq[A] = A => Seq[_]
-abstract class Parser[I : IsSeq, T] {
-  def parse(ts: I): Set[(T, I)]
-  def parse_all(ts: I) : Set[T] =
-    for ((head, tail) <- parse(ts); if tail.isEmpty) yield head
-class SeqParser[I : IsSeq, T, S](p: => Parser[I, T], q: => Parser[I, S]) extends Parser[I, ~[T, S]] {
-  def parse(sb: I) = 
-    for ((head1, tail1) <- p.parse(sb); 
-         (head2, tail2) <- q.parse(tail1)) yield (new ~(head1, head2), tail2)
-class AltParser[I : IsSeq, T](p: => Parser[I, T], q: => Parser[I, T]) extends Parser[I, T] {
-  def parse(sb: I) = p.parse(sb) ++ q.parse(sb)   
-class MapParser[I : IsSeq, T, S](p: => Parser[I, T], f: T => S) extends Parser[I, S] {
-  def parse(sb: I) = 
-    for ((head, tail) <- p.parse(sb)) yield (f(head), tail)
-case class StrParser(s: String) extends Parser[String, String] {
-  def parse(sb: String) = {
-    val (prefix, suffix) = sb.splitAt(s.length)
-    if (prefix == s) Set((prefix, suffix)) else Set()
-  }
-case object NumParser extends Parser[String, Int] {
-  val reg = "[0-9]+".r
-  def parse(sb: String) = reg.findPrefixOf(sb) match {
-    case None => Set()
-    case Some(s) => {
-      val (head, tail) = sb.splitAt(s.length)
-      Set((head.toInt, tail)) 
-    }
-  }
-implicit def parser_interpolation(sc: StringContext) = new {
-    def p(args: Any*) = StrParser(sc.s(args:_*))
-// this string interpolation allows us to write 
-// things like the following for a StrParser
-// p"<_some_string_>" 
-// instead of StrParser(<_some_string_>)
-implicit def ParserOps[I : IsSeq, T](p: Parser[I, T]) = new {
-  def ||(q : => Parser[I, T]) = new AltParser[I, T](p, q)
-  def ~[S](q : => Parser[I, S]) = new SeqParser[I, T, S](p, q)
-  def map[S](f: => T => S) = new MapParser[I, T, S](p, f) 
-// these implicits allow us to use infic notation for
-// sequences and alternatives; we also can write map
-// for a parser
-// the abstract syntax trees for the WHILE language
-abstract class Stmt
-abstract class AExp
-abstract class BExp 
-type Block = List[Stmt]
-case object Skip extends Stmt
-case class If(a: BExp, bl1: Block, bl2: Block) extends Stmt
-case class While(b: BExp, bl: Block) extends Stmt
-case class Assign(s: String, a: AExp) extends Stmt
-case class Write(s: String) extends Stmt
-case class Var(s: String) extends AExp
-case class Num(i: Int) extends AExp
-case class Aop(o: String, a1: AExp, a2: AExp) extends AExp
-case object True extends BExp
-case object False extends BExp
-case class Bop(o: String, a1: AExp, a2: AExp) extends BExp
-case class And(b1: BExp, b2: BExp) extends BExp
-case class Or(b1: BExp, b2: BExp) extends BExp
-case object IdParser extends Parser[String, String] {
-  val reg = "[a-z][a-z,0-9]*".r
-  def parse(sb: String) = reg.findPrefixOf(sb) match {
-    case None => Set()
-    case Some(s) => Set(sb.splitAt(s.length))
-  }
-// arithmetic expressions
-lazy val AExp: Parser[String, AExp] = 
-  (Te ~ p"+" ~ AExp).map[AExp]{ case x ~ _ ~ z => Aop("+", x, z) } ||
-  (Te ~ p"-" ~ AExp).map[AExp]{ case x ~ _ ~ z => Aop("-", x, z) } || Te
-lazy val Te: Parser[String, AExp] = 
-  (Fa ~ p"*" ~ Te).map[AExp]{ case x ~ _ ~ z => Aop("*", x, z) } || 
-  (Fa ~ p"/" ~ Te).map[AExp]{ case x ~ _ ~ z => Aop("/", x, z) } || Fa  
-lazy val Fa: Parser[String, AExp] = 
-   (p"(" ~ AExp ~ p")").map{ case _ ~ y ~ _ => y } || 
-   IdParser.map(Var) || 
-   NumParser.map(Num)
-// boolean expressions with some simple nesting
-lazy val BExp: Parser[String, BExp] = 
-   (AExp ~ p"==" ~ AExp).map { case x ~ _ ~ z => Bop("==", x, z): BExp } || 
-   (AExp ~ p"!=" ~ AExp).map { case x ~ _ ~ z => Bop("!=", x, z): BExp } || 
-   (AExp ~ p"<" ~ AExp).map { case x ~ _ ~ z => Bop("<", x, z): BExp } || 
-   (AExp ~ p">" ~ AExp).map { case x ~ _ ~ z => Bop(">", x, z): BExp } ||
-   (p"(" ~ BExp ~ p")" ~ p"&&" ~ BExp).map { case _ ~ y ~ _ ~ _ ~ v => And(y, v): BExp } ||
-   (p"(" ~ BExp ~ p")" ~ p"||" ~ BExp).map { case _ ~ y ~ _ ~ _ ~ v => Or(y, v): BExp } ||
-   (p"true".map { _ => True: BExp }) || 
-   (p"false".map { _ => False: BExp }) ||
-   (p"(" ~ BExp ~ p")").map { case _ ~ x ~ _ => x }
-// statement / statements
-lazy val Stmt: Parser[String, Stmt] =
-  ((p"skip".map {_ => Skip: Stmt}) ||
-   (IdParser ~ p":=" ~ AExp).map { case x ~ _ ~ z => Assign(x, z): Stmt } ||
-   (p"write(" ~ IdParser ~ p")").map { case _ ~ y ~ _ => Write(y): Stmt } ||
-   (p"if" ~ BExp ~ p"then" ~ Block ~ p"else" ~ Block)
-    .map{ case _ ~ y ~ _ ~ u ~ _ ~ w => If(y, u, w): Stmt } ||
-   (p"while" ~ BExp ~ p"do" ~ Block).map { case _ ~ y ~ _ ~ w => While(y, w) }) 
-lazy val Stmts: Parser[String, Block] =
-  (Stmt ~ p";" ~ Stmts).map { case x ~ _ ~ z => x :: z : Block } ||
-  (Stmt.map { s => List(s) : Block})
-// blocks (enclosed in curly braces)
-lazy val Block: Parser[String, Block] =
-  ((p"{" ~ Stmts ~ p"}").map{ case _ ~ y ~ _ => y } || 
-   (Stmt.map(s => List(s))))
-val fib = """n := 10;
-             minus1 := 0;
-             minus2 := 1;
-             temp := 0;
-             while (n > 0) do {
-                 temp := minus2;
-                 minus2 := minus1 + minus2;
-                 minus1 := temp;
-                 n := n - 1
-             };
-             result := minus2""".replaceAll("\\s+", "")
-// an interpreter for the WHILE language
-type Env = Map[String, Int]
-def eval_aexp(a: AExp, env: Env) : Int = a match {
-  case Num(i) => i
-  case Var(s) => env(s)
-  case Aop("+", a1, a2) => eval_aexp(a1, env) + eval_aexp(a2, env)
-  case Aop("-", a1, a2) => eval_aexp(a1, env) - eval_aexp(a2, env)
-  case Aop("*", a1, a2) => eval_aexp(a1, env) * eval_aexp(a2, env)
-  case Aop("/", a1, a2) => eval_aexp(a1, env) / eval_aexp(a2, env)
-def eval_bexp(b: BExp, env: Env) : Boolean = b match {
-  case True => true
-  case False => false
-  case Bop("==", a1, a2) => eval_aexp(a1, env) == eval_aexp(a2, env)
-  case Bop("!=", a1, a2) => !(eval_aexp(a1, env) == eval_aexp(a2, env))
-  case Bop(">", a1, a2) => eval_aexp(a1, env) > eval_aexp(a2, env)
-  case Bop("<", a1, a2) => eval_aexp(a1, env) < eval_aexp(a2, env)
-  case And(b1, b2) => eval_bexp(b1, env) && eval_bexp(b2, env)
-  case Or(b1, b2) => eval_bexp(b1, env) || eval_bexp(b2, env)
-def eval_stmt(s: Stmt, env: Env) : Env = s match {
-  case Skip => env
-  case Assign(x, a) => env + (x -> eval_aexp(a, env))
-  case If(b, bl1, bl2) => if (eval_bexp(b, env)) eval_bl(bl1, env) else eval_bl(bl2, env) 
-  case While(b, bl) => 
-    if (eval_bexp(b, env)) eval_stmt(While(b, bl), eval_bl(bl, env))
-    else env
-  case Write(x) => { println(env(x)) ; env }  
-def eval_bl(bl: Block, env: Env) : Env = bl match {
-  case Nil => env
-  case s::bl => eval_bl(bl, eval_stmt(s, env))
-def eval(bl: Block) : Env = eval_bl(bl, Map())
-// parse + evaluate fib program; then lookup what is
-// stored under the variable result 
-// more examles
-// calculate and print all factors bigger 
-// than 1 and smaller than n
-val factors =  
-   """n := 12;
-      f := 2;
-      while (f < n / 2 + 1) do {
-        if ((n / f) * f == n) then  { write(f) } else { skip };
-        f := f + 1
-      }""".replaceAll("\\s+", "")
-// calculate all prime numbers up to a number 
-val primes =  
-   """end := 100;
-      n := 2;
-      while (n < end) do {
-        f := 2;
-        tmp := 0;
-        while ((f < n / 2 + 1) && (tmp == 0)) do {
-          if ((n / f) * f == n) then  { tmp := 1 } else { skip };
-          f := f + 1
-        };
-        if (tmp == 0) then { write(n) } else { skip };
-        n  := n + 1
-      }""".replaceAll("\\s+", "")
--- a/progs/dfa.scala	Sat Jul 04 16:58:12 2020 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-// DFAs in Scala  using partial functions
-import scala.util.Try
-// a type abbreviation for partial functions
-type :=>[A, B] = PartialFunction[A, B]
-case class DFA[A, C](start: A,               // the starting state
-                     delta: (A, C) :=> A,    // transitions (partial fun)
-                     fins:  A => Boolean) {  // the final states
-  def deltas(q: A, s: List[C]) : A = s match {
-    case Nil => q
-    case c::cs => deltas(delta(q, c), cs)
-  }
-  def accepts(s: List[C]) : Boolean = 
-    Try(fins(deltas(start, s))) getOrElse false
-// the example shown in the handout 
-abstract class State
-case object Q0 extends State
-case object Q1 extends State
-case object Q2 extends State
-case object Q3 extends State
-case object Q4 extends State
-val delta : (State, Char) :=> State = 
-  { case (Q0, 'a') => Q1
-    case (Q0, 'b') => Q2
-    case (Q1, 'a') => Q4
-    case (Q1, 'b') => Q2
-    case (Q2, 'a') => Q3
-    case (Q2, 'b') => Q2
-    case (Q3, 'a') => Q4
-    case (Q3, 'b') => Q0
-    case (Q4, 'a') => Q4
-    case (Q4, 'b') => Q4 }
-val dfa = DFA(Q0, delta, Set[State](Q4))
-dfa.accepts("bbabaab".toList)   // true
-dfa.accepts("baba".toList)      // false
-dfa.accepts("abc".toList)       // false
-// another DFA test with a Sink state
-abstract class S
-case object S0 extends S
-case object S1 extends S
-case object S2 extends S
-case object Sink extends S
-// a transition function with a sink state
-val sigma : (S, Char) :=> S = 
-  { case (S0, 'a') => S1
-    case (S1, 'a') => S2
-    case _ => Sink
-  }
-val dfa1a = DFA(S0, sigma, Set[S](S2))
-dfa1a.accepts("aa".toList)        // true
-dfa1a.accepts("".toList)          // false
-dfa1a.accepts("ab".toList)        // false
--- a/progs/enfa.scala	Sat Jul 04 16:58:12 2020 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-// epsilon NFAs...immediately translated into NFAs
-// (needs :load dfa.scala 
-//        :load nfa.scala in REPL)
-// a fixpoint construction
-import scala.annotation.tailrec
-def fixpT[A](f: A => A, x: A): A = {
-  val fx = f(x)
-  if (fx == x) x else fixpT(f, fx) 
-// translates eNFAs directly into NFAs 
-def eNFA[A, C](starts: Set[A],                     // the starting states
-               delta: (A, Option[C]) :=> Set[A],   // the epsilon-transitions
-               fins: A => Boolean) : NFA[A, C] = { // the final states 
-  // epsilon transitions
-  def enext(q: A) : Set[A] = 
-    applyOrElse(delta, (q, None))
-  def enexts(qs: Set[A]) : Set[A] = 
-    qs | qs.flatMap(enext(_))     // | is the set-union in Scala
-  // epsilon closure
-  def ecl(qs: Set[A]) : Set[A] = 
-    fixpT(enexts, qs)
-  // "normal" transitions
-  def next(q: A, c: C) : Set[A] = 
-    applyOrElse(delta, (q, Some(c)))
-  def nexts(qs: Set[A], c: C) : Set[A] = 
-    ecl(ecl(qs).flatMap(next(_, c)))
-  // result NFA
-  NFA(ecl(starts), 
-      { case (q, c) => nexts(Set(q), c) }, 
-      q => ecl(Set(q)) exists fins)
-// eNFA examples
-val enfa_trans1 : (State, Option[Char]) :=> Set[State] =
-  { case (Q0, Some('a')) => Set(Q0)
-    case (Q0, None) => Set(Q1, Q2)
-    case (Q1, Some('a')) => Set(Q1)
-    case (Q2, Some('b')) => Set(Q2) 
-  }
-val enfa1 = eNFA(Set[State](Q0), enfa_trans1, Set[State](Q2))
-case object R1 extends State
-case object R2 extends State
-case object R3 extends State
-val enfa_trans2 : (State, Option[Char]) :=> Set[State] =
-  { case (R1, Some('b')) => Set(R3)
-    case (R1, None) => Set(R2)
-    case (R2, Some('a')) => Set(R1, R3) 
-  }
-val enfa2 = eNFA(Set[State](R1), enfa_trans1, Set[State](R3))
--- a/progs/nfa.scala	Sat Jul 04 16:58:12 2020 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-// NFAs in Scala using partial functions (returning
-// sets of states)
-// needs :load dfa.scala   for states
-// a type abbreviation for partial functions
-type :=>[A, B] = PartialFunction[A, B]
-// return an empty set, when a parial function is not defined
-def applyOrElse[A, B](f: A :=> Set[B], x: A) : Set[B] =
-  Try(f(x)) getOrElse Set[B]()
-// NFAs
-case class NFA[A, C](starts: Set[A],           // the starting states
-                     delta: (A, C) :=> Set[A], // the transition function
-                     fins:  A => Boolean) {    // the final states 
-  // given a state and a character, what is the set of 
-  // next states? if there is none => empty set
-  def next(q: A, c: C) : Set[A] = 
-    applyOrElse(delta, (q, c))
-  def nexts(qs: Set[A], c: C) : Set[A] =
-    qs.flatMap(next(_, c))
-  // given some states and a string, what is the set 
-  // of next states?
-  def deltas(qs: Set[A], s: List[C]) : Set[A] = s match {
-    case Nil => qs
-    case c::cs => deltas(nexts(qs, c), cs)
-  }
-  // is a string accepted by an NFA?
-  def accepts(s: List[C]) : Boolean = 
-    deltas(starts, s).exists(fins)
-  // depth-first version of accepts
-  def search(q: A, s: List[C]) : Boolean = s match {
-    case Nil => fins(q)
-    case c::cs => next(q, c).exists(search(_, cs))
-  }
-  def accepts2(s: List[C]) : Boolean =
-    starts.exists(search(_, s))
-// NFA examples
-val nfa_trans1 : (State, Char) :=> Set[State] = 
-  { case (Q0, 'a') => Set(Q0, Q1) 
-    case (Q0, 'b') => Set(Q2) 
-    case (Q1, 'a') => Set(Q1) 
-    case (Q2, 'b') => Set(Q2) }
-val nfa1 = NFA(Set[State](Q0), nfa_trans1, Set[State](Q2))
-nfa1.accepts("aa".toList)             // false
-nfa1.accepts("aaaaa".toList)          // false
-nfa1.accepts("aaaaab".toList)         // true
-nfa1.accepts("aaaaabbb".toList)       // true
-nfa1.accepts("aaaaabbbaaa".toList)    // false
-nfa1.accepts("ac".toList)             // false
-nfa1.accepts2("aa".toList)             // false
-nfa1.accepts2("aaaaa".toList)          // false
-nfa1.accepts2("aaaaab".toList)         // true
-nfa1.accepts2("aaaaabbb".toList)       // true
-nfa1.accepts2("aaaaabbbaaa".toList)    // false
-nfa1.accepts2("ac".toList)             // false
-// subset constructions
-def subset[A, C](nfa: NFA[A, C]) : DFA[Set[A], C] = {
-  DFA(nfa.starts, 
-      { case (qs, c) => nfa.nexts(qs, c) }, 
-      _.exists(nfa.fins))
-subset(nfa1).accepts("aa".toList)             // false
-subset(nfa1).accepts("aaaaa".toList)          // false
-subset(nfa1).accepts("aaaaab".toList)         // true
-subset(nfa1).accepts("aaaaabbb".toList)       // true
-subset(nfa1).accepts("aaaaabbbaaa".toList)    // false
-subset(nfa1).accepts("ac".toList)             // false
--- a/progs/nfa2.scala	Sat Jul 04 16:58:12 2020 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,242 +0,0 @@
-// NFAs and Thompson's construction 
-// helper function for recording time
-def time_needed[T](i: Int, code: => T) = {
-  val start = System.nanoTime()
-  for (j <- 1 to i) code
-  val end = System.nanoTime()
-  (end - start)/(i * 1.0e9)
-// state nodes
-abstract class State
-type States = Set[State]
-case class IntState(i: Int) extends State
-object NewState {
-  var counter = 0
-  def apply() : IntState = {
-    counter += 1;
-    new IntState(counter - 1)
-  }
-case class NFA(states: States, 
-               start: State, 
-               delta: (State, Char) => States, 
-               eps: State => States,
-               fins: States) {
-  def epsclosure(qs: States) : States = {
-    val ps = qs ++ qs.flatMap(eps(_))
-    if (qs == ps) ps else epsclosure(ps)
-  }
-  def deltas(qs: States, s: List[Char]) : States = s match {
-    case Nil => epsclosure(qs)
-    case c::cs => deltas(epsclosure(epsclosure(qs).flatMap (delta (_, c))), cs)
-  }
-  def accepts(s: String) : Boolean = 
-    deltas(Set(start), s.toList) exists (fins contains (_))
-// A small example NFA from the lectures 
-val Q0 = NewState()
-val Q1 = NewState()
-val Q2 = NewState()
-val delta : (State, Char) => States = {
-  case (Q0, 'a') => Set(Q0)
-  case (Q1, 'a') => Set(Q1)
-  case (Q2, 'b') => Set(Q2)
-  case (_, _) => Set ()
-val eps : State => States = {
-  case Q0 => Set(Q1, Q2)
-  case _ => Set()
-val NFA1 = NFA(Set(Q0, Q1, Q2), Q0, delta, eps, Set(Q2))
-// explicit construction of some NFAs; used in
-// Thompson's construction
-// NFA that does not accept any string
-def NFA_NULL() : NFA = {
-  val Q = NewState()
-  NFA(Set(Q), Q, { case (_, _) => Set() }, { case _ => Set() }, Set())
-// NFA that accepts the empty string
-def NFA_EMPTY() : NFA = {
-  val Q = NewState()
-  NFA(Set(Q), Q, { case (_, _) => Set() }, { case _ => Set() }, Set(Q))
-// NFA that accepts the string "c"
-def NFA_CHAR(c: Char) : NFA = {
-  val Q1 = NewState()
-  val Q2 = NewState()
-  NFA(Set(Q1, Q2), 
-      Q1, 
-      { case (Q1, d) if (c == d) => Set(Q2)
-        case (_, _) => Set() },
-      { case _ => Set() },
-      Set(Q2))
-// alternative of two NFAs
-def NFA_ALT(nfa1: NFA, nfa2: NFA) : NFA = {
-  val Q = NewState()
-  NFA(Set(Q) ++ nfa1.states ++ nfa2.states,
-      Q,
-      { case (q, c) if (nfa1.states contains q) => nfa1.delta(q, c)
-        case (q, c) if (nfa2.states contains q) => nfa2.delta(q, c)
-        case (_, _) => Set() },
-      { case Q => Set(nfa1.start, nfa2.start)
-        case q if (nfa1.states contains q) => nfa1.eps(q)
-        case q if (nfa2.states contains q) => nfa2.eps(q)
-        case _ => Set() },
-      nfa1.fins ++ nfa2.fins)
-// sequence of two NFAs
-def NFA_SEQ(nfa1: NFA, nfa2: NFA) : NFA = {
-  NFA(nfa1.states ++ nfa2.states,
-      nfa1.start,
-      { case (q, c) if (nfa1.states contains q) => nfa1.delta(q, c)
-        case (q, c) if (nfa2.states contains q) => nfa2.delta(q, c)
-        case (_, _) => Set() },
-      { case q if (nfa1.fins contains q) => nfa1.eps(q) ++ Set(nfa2.start)
-        case q if (nfa1.states contains q) => nfa1.eps(q)
-        case q if (nfa2.states contains q) => nfa2.eps(q)
-        case _ => Set() },
-      nfa2.fins)
-// star of an NFA
-def NFA_STAR(nfa: NFA) : NFA = {
-  val Q = NewState()
-  NFA(Set(Q) ++ nfa.states, 
-      Q,
-      nfa.delta,
-      { case Q => Set(nfa.start)
-        case q if (nfa.fins contains q) => nfa.eps(q) ++ Set(Q)
-        case q if (nfa.states contains q) => nfa.eps(q)
-        case _ => Set() },
-      Set(Q))
-// regular expressions used for Thompson's construction
-abstract class Rexp
-case object NULL extends Rexp
-case object EMPTY extends Rexp
-case class CHAR(c: Char) extends Rexp 
-case class ALT(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) extends Rexp
-case class SEQ(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) extends Rexp 
-case class STAR(r: Rexp) extends Rexp
-// some convenience for typing in regular expressions
-def charlist2rexp(s : List[Char]) : Rexp = s match {
-  case Nil => EMPTY
-  case c::Nil => CHAR(c)
-  case c::s => SEQ(CHAR(c), charlist2rexp(s))
-implicit def string2rexp(s : String) : Rexp = charlist2rexp(s.toList)
-def thompson (r: Rexp) : NFA = r match {
-  case NULL => NFA_NULL()
-  case EMPTY => NFA_EMPTY()
-  case CHAR(c) => NFA_CHAR(c)  
-  case ALT(r1, r2) => NFA_ALT(thompson(r1), thompson(r2))
-  case SEQ(r1, r2) => NFA_SEQ(thompson(r1), thompson(r2))
-  case STAR(r1) => NFA_STAR(thompson(r1))
-// some examples for Thompson's
-val A = thompson(CHAR('a'))
-println(A.accepts("a"))   // true 
-println(A.accepts("c"))   // false 
-println(A.accepts("aa"))  // false
-val B = thompson(ALT("ab","ac"))
-println(B.accepts("ab"))   // true 
-println(B.accepts("ac"))   // true 
-println(B.accepts("bb"))   // false 
-println(B.accepts("aa"))   // false 
-val C = thompson(STAR("ab"))
-println(C.accepts(""))       // true
-println(C.accepts("a"))      // false 
-println(C.accepts("ababab")) // true
-println(C.accepts("ab"))     // true
-println(C.accepts("ac"))     // false 
-println(C.accepts("bb"))     // false 
-println(C.accepts("aa"))     // false 
-// regular expression matcher using Thompson's
-def matcher(r: Rexp, s: String) : Boolean = thompson(r).accepts(s)
-def OPT(r: Rexp) = ALT(r, EMPTY)
-def NTIMES(r: Rexp, n: Int) : Rexp = n match {
-  case 0 => EMPTY
-  case 1 => r
-  case n => SEQ(r, NTIMES(r, n - 1))
-// evil regular exproession
-def EVIL(n: Int) = SEQ(NTIMES(OPT("a"), n), NTIMES("a", n))
-// test harness for the matcher
-for (i <- 0 to 100 by 5) {
-  println(i + ": " + "%.5f".format(time_needed(1, matcher(EVIL(i), "a" * i))))
-// regular expression matching via search and backtracking
-def accepts2(nfa: NFA, s: String) : Boolean = {
-  def search(q: State, s: List[Char]) : Boolean = s match {
-    case Nil => nfa.fins contains (q)
-    case c::cs => 
-      (nfa.delta(q, c) exists (search(_, cs))) || 
-      (nfa.eps(q) exists (search(_, c::cs)))
-  }
-  search(nfa.start, s.toList)
-def matcher2(r: Rexp, s: String) : Boolean = accepts2(thompson(r), s)
-// test harness for the backtracking matcher
-for (i <- 0 to 20 by 1) {
-  println(i + ": " + "%.5f".format(time_needed(1, matcher2(EVIL(i), "a" * i))))
--- a/progs/thompson.scala	Sat Jul 04 16:58:12 2020 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-// Thompson Construction
-// (needs  :load dfa.scala
-//         :load nfa.scala
-//         :load enfa.scala)
-// states for Thompson construction
-case class TState(i: Int) extends State
-object TState {
-  var counter = 0
-  def apply() : TState = {
-    counter += 1;
-    new TState(counter - 1)
-  }
-// some types abbreviations
-type NFAt = NFA[TState, Char]
-type NFAtrans = (TState, Char) :=> Set[TState]
-type eNFAtrans = (TState, Option[Char]) :=> Set[TState]
-// for composing an eNFA transition with a NFA transition
-implicit class RichPF(val f: eNFAtrans) extends AnyVal {
-  def +++(g: NFAtrans) : eNFAtrans = 
-  { case (q, None) =>  applyOrElse(f, (q, None)) 
-    case (q, Some(c)) => applyOrElse(f, (q, Some(c))) | applyOrElse(g, (q, c))  }
-// NFA that does not accept any string
-def NFA_ZERO(): NFAt = {
-  val Q = TState()
-  NFA(Set(Q), { case _ => Set() }, Set())
-// NFA that accepts the empty string
-def NFA_ONE() : NFAt = {
-  val Q = TState()
-  NFA(Set(Q), { case _ => Set() }, Set(Q))
-// NFA that accepts the string "c"
-def NFA_CHAR(c: Char) : NFAt = {
-  val Q1 = TState()
-  val Q2 = TState()
-  NFA(Set(Q1), { case (Q1, d) if (c == d) => Set(Q2) }, Set(Q2))
-// sequence of two NFAs
-def NFA_SEQ(enfa1: NFAt, enfa2: NFAt) : NFAt = {
-  val new_delta : eNFAtrans = 
-    { case (q, None) if enfa1.fins(q) => enfa2.starts }
-  eNFA(enfa1.starts, new_delta +++ enfa1.delta +++ enfa2.delta, 
-       enfa2.fins)
-// alternative of two NFAs
-def NFA_ALT(enfa1: NFAt, enfa2: NFAt) : NFAt = {
-  val new_delta : NFAtrans = { 
-    case (q, c) =>  applyOrElse(enfa1.delta, (q, c)) | 
-                    applyOrElse(enfa2.delta, (q, c)) }
-  val new_fins = (q: TState) => enfa1.fins(q) || enfa2.fins(q)
-  NFA(enfa1.starts | enfa2.starts, new_delta, new_fins)
-// star of a NFA
-def NFA_STAR(enfa: NFAt) : NFAt = {
-  val Q = TState()
-  val new_delta : eNFAtrans = 
-    { case (Q, None) => enfa.starts
-      case (q, None) if enfa.fins(q) => Set(Q) }
-  eNFA(Set(Q), new_delta +++ enfa.delta, Set(Q))
-// regular expressions
-abstract class Rexp
-case object ZERO extends Rexp                    // matches nothing
-case object ONE extends Rexp                     // matches the empty string
-case class CHAR(c: Char) extends Rexp            // matches a character c
-case class ALT(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) extends Rexp  // alternative
-case class SEQ(r1: Rexp, r2: Rexp) extends Rexp  // sequence
-case class STAR(r: Rexp) extends Rexp            // star
-// thompson construction 
-def thompson (r: Rexp) : NFAt = r match {
-  case ZERO => NFA_ZERO()
-  case ONE => NFA_ONE()
-  case CHAR(c) => NFA_CHAR(c)  
-  case ALT(r1, r2) => NFA_ALT(thompson(r1), thompson(r2))
-  case SEQ(r1, r2) => NFA_SEQ(thompson(r1), thompson(r2))
-  case STAR(r1) => NFA_STAR(thompson(r1))
-//optional regular expression (one or zero times)
-def OPT(r: Rexp) = ALT(r, ONE)
-//n-times regular expression (explicitly expanded)
-def NTIMES(r: Rexp, n: Int) : Rexp = n match {
-  case 0 => ONE
-  case 1 => r
-  case n => SEQ(r, NTIMES(r, n - 1))
-def tmatches(r: Rexp, s: String) : Boolean =
-  thompson(r).accepts(s.toList)
-def tmatches2(r: Rexp, s: String) : Boolean =
-  thompson(r).accepts2(s.toList)
-// dfa via subset construction
-def tmatches_dfa(r: Rexp, s: String) : Boolean =
-  subset(thompson(r)).accepts(s.toList)
-// Test Cases
-// the evil regular expression  a?{n} a{n}
-def EVIL1(n: Int) : Rexp = SEQ(NTIMES(OPT(CHAR('a')), n), NTIMES(CHAR('a'), n))
-// the evil regular expression (a*)*b
-val EVIL2 : Rexp = SEQ(STAR(STAR(CHAR('a'))), CHAR('b'))
-//for measuring time
-def time_needed[T](i: Int, code: => T) = {
-  val start = System.nanoTime()
-  for (j <- 1 to i) code
-  val end = System.nanoTime()
-  (end - start)/(i * 1.0e9)
-// the size of the NFA can be large, 
-// thus slowing down the breadth-first search
-for (i <- 1 to 13) {
-  println(i + ": " + "%.5f".format(time_needed(2, tmatches(EVIL1(i), "a" * i))))
-for (i <- 1 to 100 by 5) {
-  println(i + " " + "%.5f".format(time_needed(2, tmatches(EVIL2, "a" * i))))
-// the backtracking needed in depth-first search 
-// can be painfully slow
-for (i <- 1 to 8) {
-  println(i + " " + "%.5f".format(time_needed(2, tmatches2(EVIL2, "a" * i))))
-// while my thompson->enfa->subset->partial-function-chain
-// is probably not the most effcient way to obtain a fast DFA 
-// (the test below should be much faster with a more direct 
-// construction), in general the DFAs can be slow because of 
-// the state explosion in the subset construction
-for (i <- 1 to 13) {
-  println(i + ": " + "%.5f".format(time_needed(2, tmatches_dfa(EVIL1(i), "a" * i))))
-for (i <- 1 to 100 by 5) {
-  println(i + " " + "%.5f".format(time_needed(2, tmatches_dfa(EVIL2, "a" * i))))