header {* Generic Separation Logic*}theory Hoare_genimports Main "../progtut/Tactical" "../Separation_Algebra/Sep_Tactics"beginML_file "../Separation_Algebra/sep_tactics.ML"definition pasrt :: "bool \<Rightarrow> (('a::sep_algebra) \<Rightarrow> bool)" ("<_>" [72] 71)where "pasrt b = (\<lambda> s . s = 0 \<and> b)"lemma sep_conj_cond1: "(p \<and>* <cond> \<and>* q) = (<cond> \<and>* p \<and>* q)" by(simp add: sep_conj_ac)lemma sep_conj_cond2: "(p \<and>* <cond>) = (<cond> \<and>* p)" by(simp add: sep_conj_ac)lemma sep_conj_cond3: "((<cond> \<and>* p) \<and>* r) = (<cond> \<and>* p \<and>* r)" by (metis sep.mult_assoc)lemmas sep_conj_cond = sep_conj_cond1 sep_conj_cond2 sep_conj_cond3lemma cond_true_eq[simp]: "<True> = \<box>" by(unfold sep_empty_def pasrt_def, auto)lemma cond_true_eq1: "(<True> \<and>* p) = p" by(simp)lemma false_simp [simp]: "<False> = sep_false" (* move *) by (simp add:pasrt_def)lemma cond_true_eq2: "(p \<and>* <True>) = p" by simplemma condD: "(<b> ** r) s \<Longrightarrow> b \<and> r s" by (unfold sep_conj_def pasrt_def, auto)locale sep_exec = fixes step :: "'conf \<Rightarrow> 'conf" and recse:: "'conf \<Rightarrow> 'a::sep_algebra"begin definition "run n = step ^^ n"lemma run_add: "run (n1 + n2) s = run n1 (run n2 s)" apply (unfold run_def) by (metis funpow_add o_apply)definition Hoare_gen :: "('a \<Rightarrow> bool) \<Rightarrow> ('a \<Rightarrow> bool) \<Rightarrow> ('a \<Rightarrow> bool) \<Rightarrow> bool" ("(\<lbrace>(1_)\<rbrace> / (_)/ \<lbrace>(1_)\<rbrace>)" 50)where "\<lbrace> p \<rbrace> c \<lbrace> q \<rbrace> \<equiv> (\<forall> s r. (p**c**r) (recse s) \<longrightarrow> (\<exists> k. ((q ** c ** r) (recse (run (Suc k) s)))))"lemma HoareI [case_names Pre]: assumes h: "\<And> r s. (p**c**r) (recse s) \<Longrightarrow> (\<exists> k. ((q ** c ** r) (recse (run (Suc k) s))))" shows "\<lbrace> p \<rbrace> c \<lbrace> q \<rbrace>" using h by (unfold Hoare_gen_def, auto)lemma frame_rule: assumes h: "\<lbrace> p \<rbrace> c \<lbrace> q \<rbrace>" shows "\<lbrace> p ** r \<rbrace> c \<lbrace> q ** r \<rbrace>"proof(induct rule: HoareI) case (Pre r' s') hence "(p \<and>* c \<and>* r \<and>* r') (recse s')" by (auto simp:sep_conj_ac) from h[unfolded Hoare_gen_def, rule_format, OF this] show ?case by (metis sep_conj_assoc sep_conj_left_commute)qedlemma sequencing: assumes h1: "\<lbrace>p\<rbrace> c \<lbrace>q\<rbrace>" and h2: "\<lbrace>q\<rbrace> c \<lbrace>r\<rbrace>" shows "\<lbrace>p\<rbrace> c \<lbrace>r\<rbrace>"proof(induct rule:HoareI) case (Pre r' s') from h1[unfolded Hoare_gen_def, rule_format, OF Pre] obtain k1 where "(q \<and>* c \<and>* r') (recse (run (Suc k1) s'))" by auto from h2[unfolded Hoare_gen_def, rule_format, OF this] obtain k2 where "(r \<and>* c \<and>* r') (recse (run (Suc k2) (run (Suc k1) s')))" by auto thus ?case apply (rule_tac x = "Suc (k1 + k2)" in exI) by (metis add_Suc_right nat_add_commute sep_exec.run_add)qedlemma pre_stren: assumes h1: "\<lbrace>p\<rbrace> c \<lbrace>q\<rbrace>" and h2: "\<And>s. r s \<Longrightarrow> p s" shows "\<lbrace>r\<rbrace> c \<lbrace>q\<rbrace>"proof(induct rule:HoareI) case (Pre r' s') with h2 have "(p \<and>* c \<and>* r') (recse s')" by (metis sep_conj_impl1) from h1[unfolded Hoare_gen_def, rule_format, OF this] show ?case .qedlemma post_weaken: assumes h1: "\<lbrace>p\<rbrace> c \<lbrace>q\<rbrace>" and h2: "\<And> s. q s \<Longrightarrow> r s" shows "\<lbrace>p\<rbrace> c \<lbrace>r\<rbrace>"proof(induct rule:HoareI) case (Pre r' s') from h1[unfolded Hoare_gen_def, rule_format, OF this] obtain k where "(q \<and>* c \<and>* r') (recse (run (Suc k) s'))" by blast with h2 show ?case by (metis sep_conj_impl1)qedlemma hoare_adjust: assumes h1: "\<lbrace>p1\<rbrace> c \<lbrace>q1\<rbrace>" and h2: "\<And>s. p s \<Longrightarrow> p1 s" and h3: "\<And>s. q1 s \<Longrightarrow> q s" shows "\<lbrace>p\<rbrace> c \<lbrace>q\<rbrace>" using h1 h2 h3 post_weaken pre_stren by (metis)lemma code_exI: assumes h: "\<And> k. \<lbrace>p\<rbrace> c(k) \<lbrace>q\<rbrace>" shows "\<lbrace>p\<rbrace> EXS k. c(k) \<lbrace>q\<rbrace>"proof(unfold pred_ex_def, induct rule:HoareI) case (Pre r' s') then obtain k where "(p \<and>* (\<lambda> s. c k s) \<and>* r') (recse s')" by (auto elim!:sep_conjE intro!:sep_conjI) from h[unfolded Hoare_gen_def, rule_format, OF this] show ?case by (auto elim!:sep_conjE intro!:sep_conjI)qedlemma code_extension: assumes h: "\<lbrace> p \<rbrace> c \<lbrace> q \<rbrace>" shows "\<lbrace> p \<rbrace> c ** e \<lbrace> q \<rbrace>"proof(induct rule:HoareI) case (Pre r' s') hence "(p \<and>* c \<and>* e \<and>* r') (recse s')" by (auto simp:sep_conj_ac) from h[unfolded Hoare_gen_def, rule_format, OF this] show ?case by (auto elim!:sep_conjE intro!:sep_conjI simp:sep_conj_ac)qedlemma code_extension1: assumes h: "\<lbrace> p \<rbrace> c \<lbrace> q \<rbrace>" shows "\<lbrace> p \<rbrace> e ** c \<lbrace> q \<rbrace>" by (metis code_extension h sep.mult_commute)lemma composition: assumes h1: "\<lbrace>p\<rbrace> c1 \<lbrace>q\<rbrace>" and h2: "\<lbrace>q\<rbrace> c2 \<lbrace>r\<rbrace>" shows "\<lbrace>p\<rbrace> c1 ** c2 \<lbrace>r\<rbrace>"proof(induct rule:HoareI) case (Pre r' s') hence "(p \<and>* c1 \<and>* c2 \<and>* r') (recse s')" by (auto simp:sep_conj_ac) from h1[unfolded Hoare_gen_def, rule_format, OF this] obtain k1 where "(q \<and>* c2 \<and>* c1 \<and>* r') (recse (run (Suc k1) s'))" by (auto simp:sep_conj_ac) from h2[unfolded Hoare_gen_def, rule_format, OF this, folded run_add] show ?case by (auto elim!:sep_conjE intro!:sep_conjI simp:sep_conj_ac)qeddefinition IHoare :: "('b::sep_algebra \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> bool) \<Rightarrow> ('b \<Rightarrow> bool) \<Rightarrow> ('a \<Rightarrow> bool) \<Rightarrow> ('b \<Rightarrow> bool) \<Rightarrow> bool" ("(1_).(\<lbrace>(1_)\<rbrace> / (_)/ \<lbrace>(1_)\<rbrace>)" 50)where "I. \<lbrace>P\<rbrace> c \<lbrace>Q\<rbrace> = (\<forall>s'. \<lbrace> EXS s. <P s> \<and>* <(s ## s')> \<and>* I(s + s')\<rbrace> c \<lbrace> EXS s. <Q s> \<and>* <(s ## s')> \<and>* I(s + s')\<rbrace>)"lemma IHoareI [case_names IPre]: assumes h: "\<And>s' s r cnf . (<P s> \<and>* <(s ## s')> \<and>* I(s + s') \<and>* c \<and>* r) (recse cnf) \<Longrightarrow> (\<exists>k t. (<Q t> \<and>* <(t ## s')> \<and>* I(t + s') \<and>* c \<and>* r) (recse (run (Suc k) cnf)))" shows "I. \<lbrace>P\<rbrace> c \<lbrace>Q\<rbrace>" unfolding IHoare_defproof fix s' show " \<lbrace>EXS s. <P s> \<and>* <(s ## s')> \<and>* I (s + s')\<rbrace> c \<lbrace>EXS s. <Q s> \<and>* <(s ## s')> \<and>* I (s + s')\<rbrace>" proof(unfold pred_ex_def, induct rule:HoareI) case (Pre r s) then obtain sa where "(<P sa> \<and>* <(sa ## s')> \<and>* I (sa + s') \<and>* c \<and>* r) (recse s)" by (auto elim!:sep_conjE intro!:sep_conjI simp:sep_conj_ac) hence " (\<exists>k t. (<Q t> \<and>* <(t##s')> \<and>* I(t + s') \<and>* c \<and>* r) (recse (run (Suc k) s)))" by (rule h) then obtain k t where h2: "(<Q t> \<and>* <(t ## s')> \<and>* I(t + s') \<and>* c \<and>* r) (recse (run (Suc k) s))" by auto thus "\<exists>k. ((\<lambda>s. \<exists>sa. (<Q sa> \<and>* <(sa ## s')> \<and>* I (sa + s')) s) \<and>* c \<and>* r) (recse (run (Suc k) s))" apply (rule_tac x = k in exI) by (auto intro!:sep_conjI elim!:sep_conjE simp:sep_conj_ac) qed qedlemma I_frame_rule: assumes h: "I. \<lbrace>P\<rbrace> c \<lbrace>Q\<rbrace>" shows "I. \<lbrace>P \<and>* R\<rbrace> c \<lbrace>Q \<and>* R\<rbrace>"proof(induct rule:IHoareI) case (IPre s' s r cnf) hence "((<(P \<and>* R) s> \<and>* <(s##s')> \<and>* I (s + s')) \<and>* c \<and>* r) (recse cnf)" by (auto simp:sep_conj_ac) then obtain s1 s2 where h1: "((<P s1> \<and>* <((s1 + s2) ## s')> \<and>*I (s1 + s2 + s')) \<and>* c \<and>* r) (recse cnf)" "s1 ## s2" "s1 + s2 ## s'" "P s1" "R s2" by (unfold pasrt_def, auto elim!:sep_conjE intro!:sep_conjI) hence "((EXS s. <P s> \<and>* <(s ## s2 +s')> \<and>*I (s + (s2 + s'))) \<and>* c \<and>* r) (recse cnf)" apply (sep_cancel, unfold pred_ex_def, auto intro!:sep_conjI sep_disj_addI3 elim!:sep_conjE) apply (rule_tac x = s1 in exI, unfold pasrt_def, auto intro!:sep_conjI sep_disj_addI3 elim!:sep_conjE simp:sep_conj_ac) by (metis sep_add_assoc sep_add_disjD) from h[unfolded IHoare_def Hoare_gen_def, rule_format, OF this] obtain k s where "((<Q s> \<and>* <(s ## s2 + s')> \<and>* I (s + (s2 + s'))) \<and>* c \<and>* r) (recse (run (Suc k) cnf))" by (unfold pasrt_def pred_ex_def, auto elim!:sep_conjE intro!:sep_conjI) thus ?case proof(rule_tac x = k in exI, rule_tac x = "s + s2" in exI, sep_cancel+) fix h ha assume hh: "(<Q s> \<and>* <(s ## s2 + s')> \<and>* I (s + (s2 + s'))) ha" show " (<(Q \<and>* R) (s + s2)> \<and>* <(s + s2 ## s')> \<and>* I (s + s2 + s')) ha" proof - from hh have h0: "s ## s2 + s'" by (metis pasrt_def sep_conjD) with h1(2, 3) have h2: "s + s2 ## s'" by (metis sep_add_disjD sep_disj_addI1) moreover from h1(2, 3) h2 have h3: "(s + (s2 + s')) = (s + s2 + s')" by (metis `s ## s2 + s'` sep_add_assoc sep_add_disjD sep_disj_addD1) moreover from hh have "Q s" by (metis pasrt_def sep_conjD) moreover from h0 h1(2) h1(3) have "s ## s2" by (metis sep_add_disjD sep_disj_addD) moreover note h1(5) ultimately show ?thesis by (smt h0 hh sep_conjI) qed qedqedlemma I_sequencing: assumes h1: "I. \<lbrace>P\<rbrace> c \<lbrace>Q\<rbrace>" and h2: "I. \<lbrace>Q\<rbrace> c \<lbrace>R\<rbrace>" shows "I. \<lbrace>P\<rbrace> c \<lbrace>R\<rbrace>" using h1 h2 sequencing by (smt IHoare_def)lemma I_pre_stren: assumes h1: "I. \<lbrace>P\<rbrace> c \<lbrace>Q\<rbrace>" and h2: "\<And>s. R s \<Longrightarrow> P s" shows "I. \<lbrace>R\<rbrace> c \<lbrace>Q\<rbrace>"proof(unfold IHoare_def, default) fix s' show "\<lbrace>EXS s. <R s> \<and>* <(s ## s')> \<and>* I (s + s')\<rbrace> c \<lbrace>EXS s. <Q s> \<and>* <(s ## s')> \<and>* I (s + s')\<rbrace>" proof(rule pre_stren) from h1[unfolded IHoare_def, rule_format, of s'] show "\<lbrace>EXS s. <P s> \<and>* <(s ## s')> \<and>* I (s + s')\<rbrace> c \<lbrace>EXS s. <Q s> \<and>* <(s ## s')> \<and>* I (s + s')\<rbrace>" . next fix s show "(EXS s. <R s> \<and>* <(s ## s')> \<and>* I (s + s')) s \<Longrightarrow> (EXS s. <P s> \<and>* <(s ## s')> \<and>* I (s + s')) s" apply (unfold pred_ex_def, clarify) apply (rule_tac x = sa in exI, sep_cancel+) by (insert h2, auto simp:pasrt_def) qedqedlemma I_post_weaken: assumes h1: "I. \<lbrace>P\<rbrace> c \<lbrace>Q\<rbrace>" and h2: "\<And> s. Q s \<Longrightarrow> R s" shows "I. \<lbrace>P\<rbrace> c \<lbrace>R\<rbrace>"proof(unfold IHoare_def, default) fix s' show "\<lbrace>EXS s. <P s> \<and>* <(s ## s')> \<and>* I (s + s')\<rbrace> c \<lbrace>EXS s. <R s> \<and>* <(s ## s')> \<and>* I (s + s')\<rbrace>" proof(rule post_weaken) from h1[unfolded IHoare_def, rule_format, of s'] show "\<lbrace>EXS s. <P s> \<and>* <(s ## s')> \<and>* I (s + s')\<rbrace> c \<lbrace>EXS s. <Q s> \<and>* <(s ## s')> \<and>* I (s + s')\<rbrace>" . next fix s show "(EXS s. <Q s> \<and>* <(s ## s')> \<and>* I (s + s')) s \<Longrightarrow> (EXS s. <R s> \<and>* <(s ## s')> \<and>* I (s + s')) s" apply (unfold pred_ex_def, clarify) apply (rule_tac x = sa in exI, sep_cancel+) by (insert h2, auto simp:pasrt_def) qedqedlemma I_hoare_adjust: assumes h1: "I. \<lbrace>P1\<rbrace> c \<lbrace>Q1\<rbrace>" and h2: "\<And>s. P s \<Longrightarrow> P1 s" and h3: "\<And>s. Q1 s \<Longrightarrow> Q s" shows "I. \<lbrace>P\<rbrace> c \<lbrace>Q\<rbrace>" using h1 h2 h3 I_post_weaken I_pre_stren by (metis)lemma I_code_exI: assumes h: "\<And> k. I. \<lbrace>P\<rbrace> c(k) \<lbrace>Q\<rbrace>" shows "I. \<lbrace>P\<rbrace> EXS k. c(k) \<lbrace>Q\<rbrace>"using hby (smt IHoare_def code_exI)lemma I_code_extension: assumes h: "I. \<lbrace> P \<rbrace> c \<lbrace> Q \<rbrace>" shows "I. \<lbrace> P \<rbrace> c ** e \<lbrace> Q \<rbrace>" using h by (smt IHoare_def sep_exec.code_extension)lemma I_composition: assumes h1: "I. \<lbrace>P\<rbrace> c1 \<lbrace>Q\<rbrace>" and h2: "I. \<lbrace>Q\<rbrace> c2 \<lbrace>R\<rbrace>" shows "I. \<lbrace>P\<rbrace> c1 ** c2 \<lbrace>R\<rbrace>" using h1 h2by (smt IHoare_def sep_exec.composition)lemma pre_condI: assumes h: "cond \<Longrightarrow> \<lbrace>p\<rbrace> c \<lbrace>q\<rbrace>" shows "\<lbrace><cond> \<and>* p\<rbrace> c \<lbrace>q\<rbrace>"proof(induct rule:HoareI) case (Pre r s) hence "cond" "(p \<and>* c \<and>* r) (recse s)" apply (metis pasrt_def sep_conjD) by (smt Pre.hyps pasrt_def sep_add_zero sep_conj_commute sep_conj_def) from h[OF this(1), unfolded Hoare_gen_def, rule_format, OF this(2)] show ?case .qedlemma I_pre_condI: assumes h: "cond \<Longrightarrow> I.\<lbrace>P\<rbrace> c \<lbrace>Q\<rbrace>" shows "I.\<lbrace><cond> \<and>* P\<rbrace> c \<lbrace>Q\<rbrace>" using hby (smt IHoareI condD cond_true_eq2 sep.mult_commute)lemma code_condI: assumes h: "b \<Longrightarrow> \<lbrace>p\<rbrace> c \<lbrace>q\<rbrace>" shows "\<lbrace>p\<rbrace> <b>**c \<lbrace>q\<rbrace>"proof(induct rule: HoareI) case (Pre r s) hence h1: "b" "(p \<and>* c \<and>* r) (recse s)" apply (metis condD sep_conjD sep_conj_assoc) by (smt Pre.hyps condD sep_conj_impl) from h[OF h1(1), unfolded Hoare_gen_def, rule_format, OF h1(2)] and h1(1) show ?case by (metis (full_types) cond_true_eq1)qedlemma I_code_condI: assumes h: "b \<Longrightarrow> I. \<lbrace>P\<rbrace> c \<lbrace>Q\<rbrace>" shows "I.\<lbrace>P\<rbrace> <b>**c \<lbrace>Q\<rbrace>" using hby (smt IHoareI condD cond_true_eq2 sep.mult_commute sep_conj_cond1)lemma precond_exI: assumes h:"\<And>x. \<lbrace>p x\<rbrace> c \<lbrace>q\<rbrace>" shows "\<lbrace>EXS x. p x\<rbrace> c \<lbrace>q\<rbrace>"proof(induct rule:HoareI) case (Pre r s) then obtain x where "(p x \<and>* c \<and>* r) (recse s)" by (unfold pred_ex_def, auto elim!:sep_conjE intro!:sep_conjI) from h[of x, unfolded Hoare_gen_def, rule_format, OF this] show ?case .qedlemma I_precond_exI: assumes h:"\<And>x. I. \<lbrace>P x\<rbrace> c \<lbrace>Q\<rbrace>" shows "I.\<lbrace>EXS x. P x\<rbrace> c \<lbrace>Q\<rbrace>"proof(induct rule:IHoareI) case (IPre s' s r cnf) then obtain x where "((EXS s. <P x s> \<and>* <(s ## s')> \<and>* I (s + s')) \<and>* c \<and>* r) (recse cnf)" by ( auto elim!:sep_conjE intro!:sep_conjI simp:pred_ex_def pasrt_def sep_conj_ac) from h[unfolded IHoare_def Hoare_gen_def, rule_format, OF this] obtain k t where "((<Q t> \<and>* <(t ## s')> \<and>* I (t + s')) \<and>* c \<and>* r) (recse (run (Suc k) cnf))" by (unfold pred_ex_def, auto elim!:sep_conjE intro!:sep_conjI) thus ?case by (auto simp:sep_conj_ac)qedlemma hoare_sep_false: "\<lbrace>sep_false\<rbrace> c \<lbrace>q\<rbrace>" by(unfold Hoare_gen_def, clarify, simp)lemma I_hoare_sep_false: "I. \<lbrace>sep_false\<rbrace> c \<lbrace>Q\<rbrace>"by (smt IHoareI condD)endinstantiation set :: (type)sep_algebrabegindefinition set_zero_def: "0 = {}"definition plus_set_def: "s1 + s2 = s1 \<union> s2"definition sep_disj_set_def: "sep_disj s1 s2 = (s1 \<inter> s2 = {})"lemmas set_ins_def = sep_disj_set_def plus_set_def set_zero_definstance apply(default) apply(simp add:set_ins_def) apply(simp add:sep_disj_set_def plus_set_def set_zero_def) apply (metis inf_commute) apply(simp add:sep_disj_set_def plus_set_def set_zero_def) apply(simp add:sep_disj_set_def plus_set_def set_zero_def) apply (metis sup_commute) apply(simp add:sep_disj_set_def plus_set_def set_zero_def) apply (metis (lifting) Un_assoc) apply(simp add:sep_disj_set_def plus_set_def set_zero_def) apply (metis (lifting) Int_Un_distrib Un_empty inf_sup_distrib1 sup_eq_bot_iff) apply(simp add:sep_disj_set_def plus_set_def set_zero_def) by (metis (lifting) Int_Un_distrib Int_Un_distrib2 sup_eq_bot_iff)endsection {* A big operator of infinite separation conjunction *}definition "fam_conj I cpt s = (\<exists> p. (s = (\<Union> i \<in> I. p(i))) \<and> (\<forall> i \<in> I. cpt i (p i)) \<and> (\<forall> i \<in> I. \<forall> j \<in> I. i \<noteq> j \<longrightarrow> p(i) ## p(j)))"lemma fam_conj_zero_simp: "fam_conj {} cpt = <True>"proof fix s show "fam_conj {} cpt s = (<True>) s" proof assume "fam_conj {} cpt s" then obtain p where "s = (\<Union> i \<in> {}. p(i))" by (unfold fam_conj_def, auto) hence "s = {}" by auto thus "(<True>) s" by (metis pasrt_def set_zero_def) next assume "(<True>) s" hence eq_s: "s = {}" by (metis pasrt_def set_zero_def) let ?p = "\<lambda> i. {}" have "(s = (\<Union> i \<in> {}. ?p(i)))" by (unfold eq_s, auto) moreover have "(\<forall> i \<in> {}. cpt i (?p i))" by auto moreover have "(\<forall> i \<in> {}. \<forall> j \<in> {}. i \<noteq> j \<longrightarrow> ?p(i) ## ?p(j))" by auto ultimately show "fam_conj {} cpt s" by (unfold eq_s fam_conj_def, auto) qedqedlemma fam_conj_disj_simp_pre: assumes h1: "I = I1 + I2" and h2: "I1 ## I2" shows "fam_conj I cpt = (fam_conj I1 cpt \<and>* fam_conj I2 cpt)"proof fix s let ?fm = "fam_conj I cpt" and ?fm1 = "fam_conj I1 cpt" and ?fm2 = "fam_conj I2 cpt" show "?fm s = (?fm1 \<and>* ?fm2) s" proof assume "?fm s" then obtain p where pre: "s = (\<Union> i \<in> I. p(i))" "(\<forall> i \<in> I. cpt i (p i))" "(\<forall> i \<in> I. \<forall> j \<in> I. i \<noteq> j \<longrightarrow> p(i) ## p(j))" unfolding fam_conj_def by metis from pre(1) h1 h2 have "s = (\<Union> i \<in> I1. p(i)) + (\<Union> i \<in> I2. p(i))" by (auto simp:set_ins_def) moreover from pre h1 have "?fm1 (\<Union> i \<in> I1. p(i))" by (unfold fam_conj_def, rule_tac x = p in exI, auto simp:set_ins_def) moreover from pre h1 have "?fm2 (\<Union> i \<in> I2. p(i))" by (unfold fam_conj_def, rule_tac x = p in exI, auto simp:set_ins_def) moreover have "(\<Union> i \<in> I1. p(i)) ## (\<Union> i \<in> I2. p(i))" proof - { fix x xa xb assume h: "I1 \<inter> I2 = {}" "\<forall>i\<in>I1 \<union> I2. \<forall>j\<in>I1 \<union> I2. i \<noteq> j \<longrightarrow> p i \<inter> p j = {}" "xa \<in> I1" "x \<in> p xa" "xb \<in> I2" "x \<in> p xb" have "p xa \<inter> p xb = {}" proof(rule h(2)[rule_format]) from h(1, 3, 5) show "xa \<in> I1 \<union> I2" by auto next from h(1, 3, 5) show "xb \<in> I1 \<union> I2" by auto next from h(1, 3, 5) show "xa \<noteq> xb" by auto qed with h(4, 6) have False by auto } with h1 h2 pre(3) show ?thesis by (auto simp:set_ins_def) qed ultimately show "(?fm1 \<and>* ?fm2) s" by (auto intro!:sep_conjI) next assume "(?fm1 \<and>* ?fm2) s" then obtain s1 s2 where pre: "s = s1 + s2" "s1 ## s2" "?fm1 s1" "?fm2 s2" by (auto dest!:sep_conjD) from pre(3) obtain p1 where pre1: "s1 = (\<Union> i \<in> I1. p1(i))" "(\<forall> i \<in> I1. cpt i (p1 i))" "(\<forall> i \<in> I1. \<forall> j \<in> I1. i \<noteq> j \<longrightarrow> p1(i) ## p1(j))" unfolding fam_conj_def by metis from pre(4) obtain p2 where pre2: "s2 = (\<Union> i \<in> I2. p2(i))" "(\<forall> i \<in> I2. cpt i (p2 i))" "(\<forall> i \<in> I2. \<forall> j \<in> I2. i \<noteq> j \<longrightarrow> p2(i) ## p2(j))" unfolding fam_conj_def by metis let ?p = "\<lambda> i. if i \<in> I1 then p1 i else p2 i" from h2 pre(2) have "s = (\<Union> i \<in> I. ?p(i))" apply (unfold h1 pre(1) pre1(1) pre2(1) set_ins_def, auto split:if_splits) by (metis disjoint_iff_not_equal) moreover from h2 pre1(2) pre2(2) have "(\<forall> i \<in> I. cpt i (?p i))" by (unfold h1 set_ins_def, auto split:if_splits) moreover from pre1(1, 3) pre2(1, 3) pre(2) h2 have "(\<forall> i \<in> I. \<forall> j \<in> I. i \<noteq> j \<longrightarrow> ?p(i) ## ?p(j))" apply (unfold h1 set_ins_def, auto split:if_splits) by (metis IntI empty_iff) ultimately show "?fm s" by (unfold fam_conj_def, auto) qedqedlemma fam_conj_disj_simp: assumes h: "I1 ## I2" shows "fam_conj (I1 + I2) cpt = (fam_conj I1 cpt \<and>* fam_conj I2 cpt)"proof - from fam_conj_disj_simp_pre[OF _ h, of "I1 + I2"] show ?thesis by simpqedlemma fam_conj_elm_simp: assumes h: "i \<in> I" shows "fam_conj I cpt = (cpt(i) \<and>* fam_conj (I - {i}) cpt)"proof fix s show "fam_conj I cpt s = (cpt i \<and>* fam_conj (I - {i}) cpt) s" proof assume pre: "fam_conj I cpt s" show "(cpt i \<and>* fam_conj (I - {i}) cpt) s" proof - from pre obtain p where pres: "s = (\<Union> i \<in> I. p(i))" "(\<forall> i \<in> I. cpt i (p i))" "(\<forall> i \<in> I. \<forall> j \<in> I. i \<noteq> j \<longrightarrow> p(i) ## p(j))" unfolding fam_conj_def by metis let ?s = "(\<Union>i\<in>(I - {i}). p i)" from pres(3) h have disj: "(p i) ## ?s" by (auto simp:set_ins_def) moreover from pres(1) h have eq_s: "s = (p i) + ?s" by (auto simp:set_ins_def) moreover from pres(2) h have "cpt i (p i)" by auto moreover from pres have "(fam_conj (I - {i}) cpt) ?s" by (unfold fam_conj_def, rule_tac x = p in exI, auto) ultimately show ?thesis by (auto intro!:sep_conjI) qed next let ?fam = "fam_conj (I - {i}) cpt" assume "(cpt i \<and>* ?fam) s" then obtain s1 s2 where pre: "s = s1 + s2" "s1 ## s2" "cpt i s1" "?fam s2" by (auto dest!:sep_conjD) from pre(4) obtain p where pres: "s2 = (\<Union> ia \<in> I - {i}. p(ia))" "(\<forall> ia \<in> I - {i}. cpt ia (p ia))" "(\<forall> ia \<in> I - {i}. \<forall> j \<in> I - {i}. ia \<noteq> j \<longrightarrow> p(ia) ## p(j))" unfolding fam_conj_def by metis let ?p = "p(i:=s1)" from h pres(3) pre(2)[unfolded pres(1)] have " \<forall>ia\<in>I. \<forall>j\<in>I. ia \<noteq> j \<longrightarrow> ?p ia ## ?p j" by (auto simp:set_ins_def) moreover from pres(1) pre(1) h pre(2) have "(s = (\<Union> i \<in> I. ?p(i)))" by (auto simp:set_ins_def split:if_splits) moreover from pre(3) pres(2) h have "(\<forall> i \<in> I. cpt i (?p i))" by (auto simp:set_ins_def split:if_splits) ultimately show "fam_conj I cpt s" by (unfold fam_conj_def, auto) qedqedlemma fam_conj_insert_simp: assumes h:"i \<notin> I" shows "fam_conj (insert i I) cpt = (cpt(i) \<and>* fam_conj I cpt)"proof - have "i \<in> insert i I" by auto from fam_conj_elm_simp[OF this] and h show ?thesis by autoqedlemmas fam_conj_simps = fam_conj_insert_simp fam_conj_zero_simplemma "fam_conj {0, 2, 3} cpt = (cpt 2 \<and>* cpt (0::int) \<and>* cpt 3)" by (simp add:fam_conj_simps sep_conj_ac)lemma fam_conj_ext_eq: assumes h: "\<And> i . i \<in> I \<Longrightarrow> f i = g i" shows "fam_conj I f = fam_conj I g"proof fix s show "fam_conj I f s = fam_conj I g s" by (unfold fam_conj_def, auto simp:h)qedend