changeset 25 a5f5b9336007
equal deleted inserted replaced
24:77daf1b85cf0 25:a5f5b9336007
     1 theory Term_pat
     2 imports Main
     3 begin
     5 text {*
     6   @{text "trace_match"} is the flag to control the tracing of matching activities.
     7 *}
     9 ML {*
    10   val trace_match = Attrib.setup_config_bool @{binding trace_match} (K false)
    11 *}
    13 section {* Monad with support of excepion *}
    15 ML {*
    17 structure Exceptional = 
    18 struct
    19   datatype ('a, 'b) Exceptional = 
    20         Exception of 'a | Success of 'b
    21   fun (scan1 :|-- scan2) st = 
    22      case scan1 st of
    23        Success (v, st') => scan2 v st'
    24      | Exception e => Exception e
    25   fun returnM v = (fn st => Success (v, st))
    26   fun (scan1 |-- scan2) = scan1 :|-- (K scan2)
    27   fun (scan1 -- scan2) = scan1 :|--  (fn v1 => scan2 :|-- (fn v2 => returnM (v1, v2)))
    28   fun liftE scan st = let
    29       val (v, st') = scan st 
    30   in Success (v, st') end
    31   fun getM y = Success (y, y)
    32   fun setM v = (fn _ => Success (v, v))
    33   fun failM x = (fn _ =>  raise ( x))
    34   fun m0M f = getM :|-- f
    35   fun pushM x = (m0M (fn (top::rest) => setM (top::top::rest) |-- returnM top)) x
    36   fun popM x = (m0M (fn (top::rest) => setM rest  |-- returnM top)) x
    37   (* [f] is assumed to be a monad valued function, so that it can be constructed using monad combinators.
    38      For this reason, [f] is assumed to take two arguments.
    39    *)
    40   fun topM f = m0M (fn (top::rest) => 
    41                  case f top top of
    42                    Success (v, top') => (setM (top'::rest) |-- returnM v)
    43                  | Exception e => (K (Exception e)))
    44  (* all the [f] in the following are monad or moand function on stack element (not on stack itself )*)
    45   (* [f] in the following is assumed to be plain monad on stack element, not a monad valued function *)
    46   fun liftM f = topM (K f)
    47   (* [f] in the following is a monad valued funtion depending only on the first component *)
    48   fun m1M f = m0M (fn (st1, st2) => f st1)
    49   (* [f] in the following is a monad valued funtion depending only on the second component *)
    50   fun m2M f = m0M (fn (st1, st2) => f st2)
    51   fun localM f = pushM |-- f :|-- (fn res => popM |-- returnM res)
    52   fun s1M n1 = m0M (fn (_, st2) => setM (n1, st2))
    53   fun s2M n2 = m0M (fn (st1, _)  => setM (st1, n2))
    54   (* The flowing primed version is meant to substitute the unprimed version *)
    55   fun m0M' f = liftM (m0M f)
    56   fun m1M' f = liftM (m1M f)
    57   fun m2M' f = liftM (m2M f)
    58   fun lift scan = (fn (d, a) =>
    59       case scan a of
    60         Success (v, b) => Success (v, (d, b))
    61       | Exception e => Exception e
    62   )
    63   fun normVal (Success v) = v
    64   fun normExcp (Exception e) = e
    65   fun (scan >> f) = scan :|-- (fn v => returnM (f v))
    66   fun raiseM v = K (Exception v)
    67 end
    68 *}
    70 (* ccc *)
    72 section {* State monad with stack *}
    74 ML {*
    75 structure StackMonad = struct
    76   (* getM fetches the underlying state *)
    77   fun getM y = (y, y)
    78   (* setM sets the underlying state *)
    79   fun setM v = (fn _ => (v, v))
    80   (* returnM retruns any value *)
    81   fun returnM v = (fn st => (v, st))
    82   (* failM failes the current process *)
    83   fun failM x = (fn _ =>  raise ( x))
    84   (* [m0M f] applies function f to the underlying state *)
    85   fun m0M f = getM :|-- f
    86   fun pushM x = (m0M (fn (top::rest) => setM (top::top::rest) |-- returnM top)) x
    87   fun popM x = (m0M (fn (top::rest) => setM rest  |-- returnM top)) x
    88   (* [f] is assumed to be a monad valued function, so that it can be constructed using monad combinators.
    89      For this reason, [f] is assumed to take two arguments.
    90    *)
    91   fun topM f = m0M (fn (top::rest) => let val (v, top') = f top top in 
    92                                           setM (top'::rest) |-- returnM v
    93                                       end)
    94   (* all the [f] in the following are monad or moand function on stack element (not on stack itself )*)
    95   (* [f] in the following is assumed to be plain monad on stack element, not a monad valued function *)
    96   fun liftM f = topM (K f)
    97   (* [f] in the following is a monad valued funtion depending only on the first component *)
    98   fun m1M f = m0M (fn (st1, st2) => f st1)
    99   (* [f] in the following is a monad valued funtion depending only on the second component *)
   100   fun m2M f = m0M (fn (st1, st2) => f st2)
   101   fun localM f = pushM |-- f :|-- (fn res => popM |-- returnM res)
   102   fun s1M n1 = m0M (fn (_, st2) => setM (n1, st2))
   103   fun s2M n2 = m0M (fn (st1, _)  => setM (st1, n2))
   104   fun dgM scan arg = let val (v, [arg']) = scan [arg] in (v, arg') end
   105   (* The flowing primed version is meant to substitute the unprimed version *)
   106   fun m0M' f = liftM (m0M f)
   107   fun m1M' f = liftM (m1M f)
   108   fun m2M' f = liftM (m2M f)
   109   val liftE = I
   110   val lift = Scan.lift
   111   val :|--  = Scan.:|--
   112   val |--  = Scan.|--
   113   val --  = Scan.--
   114   val >> = Scan.>>
   115   val normVal = I
   116 end
   117 *}
   119 ML {*
   120   open StackMonad
   121   open Exceptional 
   122 *}
   124 section {* State monad with stack *}
   126 ML {*
   127 local
   128   val tracing  = (fn ctxt => fn str =>
   129                    if (Config.get ctxt trace_match) then tracing str else ())
   130   fun string_of_term ctxt t = t |> Syntax.pretty_term ctxt |> Pretty.str_of
   131   fun pterm ctxt t =
   132           t |> string_of_term ctxt |> tracing ctxt
   133 in
   134   fun tracingM s =  liftM (m2M (fn ctxt => returnM (tracing ctxt s)))
   135   fun ptermM t = liftM (m2M (fn ctxt => returnM (pterm ctxt t)))
   136   fun presultM tag scan = scan :|-- (fn res => 
   137                                      tracingM tag |--
   138                                      ptermM res |--
   139                                      returnM res
   140                                    )
   141 end
   142 *}
   144 ML {*
   145 local
   146   val tracing  = (fn ctxt => fn str =>
   147                    if (Config.get ctxt trace_match) then tracing str else ())
   148   fun string_of_term ctxt t = t |> Syntax.pretty_term ctxt |> Pretty.str_of
   149   fun pterm ctxt t =
   150           t |> string_of_term ctxt |> tracing ctxt
   151   fun match_fun1 pat term (st, ctxt) = let
   152      val _ = tracing ctxt "match_fun on:"
   153      val _ = tracing ctxt pat
   154      val _ = pterm ctxt term
   155   in
   156              (Proof_Context.match_bind_i true 
   157                        [([Proof_Context.read_term_pattern ctxt pat], term)] ctxt |>
   158               (fn (_, ctxt) => (term, (st, ctxt)))) 
   159                  handle (ERROR x)         =>  
   160                           raise ( x) 
   161   end
   162 in
   163   fun match_fun pat term = liftE (match_fun1 pat term)
   164 end
   165 *}
   167 ML {*
   168   fun err_trans (ERROR x) = raise ( x)
   169     | err_trans e = e
   170 *}
   172 ML {*
   173   fun exnM f monad = (fn inp => monad inp handle e => raise (f e))
   174 *}
   176 ML {*
   177   fun match_fun pat term = 
   178    tracingM "match_fun on:" |--
   179    tracingM pat  |--
   180    ptermM term |--
   181    liftM (lift (m0M (fn ctxt => (* setM (Variable.auto_fixes term ctxt) |-- *)
   182     (liftE (Proof_Context.match_bind_i true  [([Proof_Context.read_term_pattern ctxt pat], term)])) |--
   183     returnM term
   184    )) |> exnM err_trans)
   185 *}
   187 ML {*
   188 local 
   189   val >> = Scan.>>
   190 in
   191   val match_parser = 
   192      (Args.name_source) >> (fn s => "(match_fun "^ML_Syntax.print_string s^")")
   193 end
   194 *}
   196 ML {*
   197 local 
   198   val  >> = Scan.>>
   199 in
   200   val fterm_parser = 
   201        Args.name_source >>
   202       (fn term => "liftM (exnM err_trans (lift (m0M (fn ctxt => returnM ((Syntax.read_term ctxt) "^ML_Syntax.print_string term ^")))))")
   203 end
   204 *}
   206 setup {*
   207   ML_Antiquote.inline @{binding match} (Scan.lift match_parser) #>
   208   ML_Antiquote.inline @{binding fterm} (Scan.lift fterm_parser)
   209 *}
   211 ML {*
   212   infixr 0 |||
   213   fun (scan1 ||| scan2) xs = scan1 xs handle _ => scan2 xs
   214 *}
   216 declare [[trace_match = false]]
   218 ML {*
   219   val t = [((), @{context})] |> 
   220           (@{match "(?x::nat) + ?y"} @{term "(1::nat) + 2"} |--
   221            @{fterm "?x"})
   222 *}
   225 ML {* (* testings and examples *)
   226   fun trans t = (@{match "(?x ::nat) + ?y"} t |--
   227                 (@{fterm "?x"} :|-- trans) :|-- @{match "?u"} |--
   228                 (@{fterm "?y"} :|-- trans) :|-- @{match "?v"} |--
   229                 @{fterm "?v * ?v * ?u"}
   230                           ||
   231                 @{match "(?x ::nat) - ?y"} t |--
   232                 (@{fterm "?x"} :|-- trans) :|-- @{match "?u"} |--
   233                 (@{fterm "?y"} :|-- trans) :|-- @{match "v"} |--
   234                 @{fterm "?v - ?v * ?u"}
   235                           ||              
   236                 (returnM t))
   237 *}
   239 ML {*
   240   val t = trans @{term "(u - (x::nat) + y)"} [((), @{context})] |> normVal |>
   241     apfst (cterm_of @{theory}) |> fst
   242   *}
   244 end