changeset 25 a5f5b9336007
equal deleted inserted replaced
24:77daf1b85cf0 25:a5f5b9336007
     1 (* Author: Andrew Boyton, 2012
     2    Maintainers: Gerwin Klein <kleing at>
     3                 Rafal Kolanski <rafal.kolanski at>
     4 *)
     6 header "Instantiating capDL as a separation algebra."
     8 theory Abstract_Separation_D
     9 imports "../../Sep_Tactics" Types_D "../../Map_Extra"
    10 begin
    12 (**************************************
    13  * Start of lemmas to move elsewhere. *
    14  **************************************)
    16 lemma inter_empty_not_both:
    17 "\<lbrakk>x \<in> A; A \<inter> B = {}\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> x \<notin> B"
    18   by fastforce
    20 lemma union_intersection:
    21   "A \<inter> (A \<union> B) = A"
    22   "B \<inter> (A \<union> B) = B"
    23   "(A \<union> B) \<inter> A = A"
    24   "(A \<union> B) \<inter> B = B"
    25   by fastforce+
    27 lemma union_intersection1: "A \<inter> (A \<union> B) = A"
    28   by (rule inf_sup_absorb)
    29 lemma union_intersection2: "B \<inter> (A \<union> B) = B"
    30   by fastforce
    32 (* This lemma is strictly weaker than restrict_map_disj. *)
    33 lemma restrict_map_disj':
    34   "S \<inter> T = {} \<Longrightarrow> h |` S \<bottom> h' |` T"
    35   by (auto simp: map_disj_def restrict_map_def dom_def)
    37 lemma map_add_restrict_comm:
    38   "S \<inter> T = {} \<Longrightarrow> h |` S ++ h' |` T = h' |` T ++ h |` S"
    39   apply (drule restrict_map_disj')
    40   apply (erule map_add_com)
    41   done
    43 (************************************
    44  * End of lemmas to move elsewhere. *
    45  ************************************)
    49 (* The state for separation logic has:
    50    * The memory heap.
    51    * A function for which objects own which fields.
    52      In capDL, we say that an object either owns all of its fields, or none of them.
    53    These are both taken from the cdl_state.
    54  *)
    56 datatype sep_state = SepState cdl_heap cdl_ghost_state
    58 (* Functions to get the heap and the ghost_state from the sep_state. *)
    59 primrec sep_heap :: "sep_state \<Rightarrow> cdl_heap"
    60 where  "sep_heap (SepState h gs) = h"
    62 primrec sep_ghost_state :: "sep_state \<Rightarrow> cdl_ghost_state"
    63 where  "sep_ghost_state (SepState h gs) = gs"
    65 definition
    66   the_set :: "'a option set \<Rightarrow> 'a set"
    67 where
    68   "the_set xs = {x. Some x \<in> xs}"
    70 lemma the_set_union [simp]:
    71   "the_set (A \<union> B) = the_set A \<union> the_set B"
    72   by (fastforce simp: the_set_def)
    74 lemma the_set_inter [simp]:
    75   "the_set (A \<inter> B) = the_set A \<inter> the_set B"
    76   by (fastforce simp: the_set_def)
    78 lemma the_set_inter_empty:
    79   "A \<inter> B = {} \<Longrightarrow> the_set A \<inter> the_set B = {}"
    80   by (fastforce simp: the_set_def)
    83 (* As the capDL operations mostly take the state (rather than the heap)
    84  * we need to redefine some of them again to take just the heap.
    85  *)
    86 definition
    87   slots_of_heap :: "cdl_heap \<Rightarrow> cdl_object_id \<Rightarrow> cdl_cap_map"
    88 where
    89   "slots_of_heap h \<equiv> \<lambda>obj_id. 
    90   case h obj_id of 
    91     None \<Rightarrow> empty 
    92   | Some obj \<Rightarrow> object_slots obj"
    94 (* Adds new caps to an object. It won't overwrite on a collision. *)
    95 definition
    96   add_to_slots :: "cdl_cap_map \<Rightarrow> cdl_object \<Rightarrow> cdl_object"
    97 where
    98   "add_to_slots new_val obj \<equiv> update_slots (new_val ++ (object_slots obj)) obj"
   100 lemma add_to_slots_assoc:
   101   "add_to_slots x (add_to_slots (y ++ z) obj) = 
   102    add_to_slots (x ++ y) (add_to_slots z obj)"
   103   apply (clarsimp simp: add_to_slots_def update_slots_def object_slots_def)
   104   apply (fastforce simp: cdl_tcb.splits cdl_cnode.splits
   105                  split: cdl_object.splits)
   106   done
   108 (* Lemmas about add_to_slots, update_slots and object_slots. *)
   109 lemma add_to_slots_twice [simp]:
   110   "add_to_slots x (add_to_slots y a) = add_to_slots (x ++ y) a"
   111   by (fastforce simp: add_to_slots_def update_slots_def object_slots_def
   112               split: cdl_object.splits)
   114 lemma slots_of_heap_empty [simp]: "slots_of_heap empty object_id = empty"
   115   by (simp add: slots_of_heap_def)
   117 lemma slots_of_heap_empty2 [simp]:
   118   "h obj_id = None \<Longrightarrow> slots_of_heap h obj_id = empty"
   119   by (simp add: slots_of_heap_def)
   121 lemma update_slots_add_to_slots_empty [simp]:
   122   "update_slots empty (add_to_slots new obj) = update_slots empty obj"
   123   by (clarsimp simp: update_slots_def add_to_slots_def split:cdl_object.splits)
   125 lemma update_object_slots_id [simp]: "update_slots (object_slots a) a = a"
   126   by (clarsimp simp: update_slots_def object_slots_def
   127               split: cdl_object.splits)
   129 lemma update_slots_of_heap_id [simp]:
   130   "h obj_id = Some obj \<Longrightarrow> update_slots (slots_of_heap h obj_id) obj = obj"
   131   by (clarsimp simp: update_slots_def slots_of_heap_def object_slots_def
   132               split: cdl_object.splits)
   134 lemma add_to_slots_empty [simp]: "add_to_slots empty h = h"
   135   by (simp add: add_to_slots_def)
   137 lemma update_slots_eq:
   138   "update_slots a o1 = update_slots a o2 \<Longrightarrow> update_slots b o1 = update_slots b o2"
   139   by (fastforce simp: update_slots_def cdl_tcb.splits cdl_cnode.splits
   140               split: cdl_object.splits)
   144 (* If there are not two conflicting objects at a position in two states.
   145  * Objects conflict if their types are different or their ghost_states collide.
   146  *)
   147 definition
   148   not_conflicting_objects :: "sep_state \<Rightarrow> sep_state \<Rightarrow> cdl_object_id \<Rightarrow> bool"
   149 where
   150   "not_conflicting_objects state_a state_b = (\<lambda>obj_id.
   151  let heap_a = sep_heap state_a;
   152      heap_b = sep_heap state_b;
   153      gs_a = sep_ghost_state state_a;
   154      gs_b = sep_ghost_state state_b
   155  in case (heap_a obj_id, heap_b obj_id) of 
   156     (Some o1, Some o2) \<Rightarrow> object_type o1 = object_type o2 \<and> gs_a obj_id \<inter> gs_b obj_id = {}
   157    | _ \<Rightarrow> True)"
   160 (* "Cleans" slots to conform with the compontents. *)
   161 definition
   162   clean_slots :: "cdl_cap_map \<Rightarrow> cdl_components \<Rightarrow> cdl_cap_map"
   163 where
   164   "clean_slots slots cmp \<equiv> slots |` the_set cmp"
   166 (* Sets the fields of an object to a "clean" state.
   167    Because a frame's size is part of it's type, we don't reset it. *)
   168 definition
   169   object_clean_fields :: "cdl_object \<Rightarrow> cdl_components \<Rightarrow> cdl_object"
   170 where
   171   "object_clean_fields obj cmp \<equiv> if None \<in> cmp then obj else case obj of
   172     Tcb x \<Rightarrow> Tcb (x\<lparr>cdl_tcb_fault_endpoint := undefined\<rparr>)
   173   | CNode x \<Rightarrow> CNode (x\<lparr>cdl_cnode_size_bits := undefined \<rparr>)
   174   | _ \<Rightarrow> obj"
   176 (* Sets the slots of an object to a "clean" state. *)
   177 definition
   178   object_clean_slots :: "cdl_object \<Rightarrow> cdl_components \<Rightarrow> cdl_object"
   179 where
   180   "object_clean_slots obj cmp \<equiv> update_slots (clean_slots (object_slots obj) cmp) obj"
   182 (* Sets an object to a "clean" state. *)
   183 definition
   184   object_clean :: "cdl_object \<Rightarrow> cdl_components \<Rightarrow> cdl_object"
   185 where
   186   "object_clean obj gs \<equiv> object_clean_slots (object_clean_fields obj gs) gs"
   188 (* Overrides the left object with the attributes of the right, as specified by the ghost state.
   189    If the components for an object are empty, then this object is treated as empty, and thus ignored.
   190  *)
   191 definition
   192   object_add :: "cdl_object \<Rightarrow> cdl_object \<Rightarrow> cdl_components \<Rightarrow> cdl_components \<Rightarrow> cdl_object"
   193 where
   194   "object_add obj_a obj_b cmps_a cmps_b \<equiv>
   195   let clean_obj_a = object_clean obj_a cmps_a;
   196       clean_obj_b = object_clean obj_b cmps_b
   197   in if (cmps_a = {})
   198      then clean_obj_b
   199      else if (cmps_b = {})
   200      then clean_obj_a
   201      else if (None \<in> cmps_b)
   202      then (update_slots (object_slots clean_obj_a ++ object_slots clean_obj_b) clean_obj_b)
   203      else (update_slots (object_slots clean_obj_a ++ object_slots clean_obj_b) clean_obj_a)"
   205 (* Heaps are added by adding their repsective objects.
   206  * The ghost state tells us which object's fields should be taken.
   207  * Adding objects of the same type adds their caps
   208  *   (overwrites the left with the right).
   209  *)
   210 definition
   211   cdl_heap_add :: "sep_state \<Rightarrow> sep_state \<Rightarrow> cdl_heap"
   212 where
   213   "cdl_heap_add state_a state_b \<equiv> \<lambda>obj_id.
   214  let heap_a = sep_heap state_a;
   215      heap_b = sep_heap state_b;
   216      gs_a = sep_ghost_state state_a;
   217      gs_b = sep_ghost_state state_b
   218  in case heap_b obj_id of
   219       None \<Rightarrow> heap_a obj_id
   220     | Some obj_b \<Rightarrow> case heap_a obj_id of
   221                      None \<Rightarrow> heap_b obj_id
   222                    | Some obj_a \<Rightarrow> Some (object_add obj_a obj_b (gs_a obj_id) (gs_b obj_id))"
   224 (* Heaps are added by adding their repsective objects.
   225  * The ghost state tells us which object's fields should be taken.
   226  * Adding objects of the same type adds their caps
   227  *   (overwrites the left with the right).
   228  *)
   229 definition
   230   cdl_ghost_state_add :: "sep_state \<Rightarrow> sep_state \<Rightarrow> cdl_ghost_state"
   231 where
   232   "cdl_ghost_state_add state_a state_b \<equiv> \<lambda>obj_id.
   233  let heap_a = sep_heap state_a;
   234      heap_b = sep_heap state_b;
   235      gs_a = sep_ghost_state state_a;
   236      gs_b = sep_ghost_state state_b
   237  in      if heap_a obj_id = None \<and> heap_b obj_id \<noteq> None then gs_b obj_id
   238     else if heap_b obj_id = None \<and> heap_a obj_id \<noteq> None then gs_a obj_id
   239     else gs_a obj_id \<union> gs_b obj_id"
   242 (* Adding states adds their heaps,
   243  *  and each objects owns whichever fields it owned in either heap.
   244  *)
   245 definition
   246   sep_state_add :: "sep_state \<Rightarrow> sep_state \<Rightarrow> sep_state"
   247 where
   248   "sep_state_add state_a state_b \<equiv>
   249   let
   250     heap_a = sep_heap state_a;
   251     heap_b = sep_heap state_b;
   252     gs_a = sep_ghost_state state_a;
   253     gs_b = sep_ghost_state state_b
   254   in
   255     SepState (cdl_heap_add state_a state_b) (cdl_ghost_state_add state_a state_b)"
   258 (* Heaps are disjoint if for all of their objects:
   259    * the caps of their respective objects are disjoint,
   260    * their respective objects don't conflict,
   261    * they don't both own any of the same fields.
   262 *)
   263 definition
   264   sep_state_disj :: "sep_state \<Rightarrow> sep_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
   265 where
   266   "sep_state_disj state_a state_b \<equiv>
   267   let
   268     heap_a = sep_heap state_a;
   269     heap_b = sep_heap state_b;
   270     gs_a = sep_ghost_state state_a;
   271     gs_b = sep_ghost_state state_b
   272   in
   273     \<forall>obj_id. not_conflicting_objects state_a state_b obj_id"
   275 lemma not_conflicting_objects_comm:
   276   "not_conflicting_objects h1 h2 obj = not_conflicting_objects h2 h1 obj"
   277   apply (clarsimp simp: not_conflicting_objects_def split:option.splits)
   278   apply (fastforce simp: update_slots_def cdl_tcb.splits cdl_cnode.splits
   279               split: cdl_object.splits)
   280   done
   282 lemma object_clean_comm:
   283   "\<lbrakk>object_type obj_a = object_type obj_b;
   284     object_slots obj_a ++ object_slots obj_b = object_slots obj_b ++ object_slots obj_a; None \<notin> cmp\<rbrakk>
   285   \<Longrightarrow> object_clean (add_to_slots (object_slots obj_a) obj_b) cmp =
   286       object_clean (add_to_slots (object_slots obj_b) obj_a) cmp"
   287   apply (clarsimp simp: object_type_def split: cdl_object.splits)
   288   apply (clarsimp simp: object_clean_def object_clean_slots_def object_clean_fields_def
   289                         add_to_slots_def object_slots_def update_slots_def
   290                         cdl_tcb.splits cdl_cnode.splits
   291                  split: cdl_object.splits)+
   292   done
   294 lemma add_to_slots_object_slots:
   295   "object_type y = object_type z
   296  \<Longrightarrow> add_to_slots (object_slots (add_to_slots (x) y)) z =
   297      add_to_slots (x ++ object_slots y) z"
   298   apply (clarsimp simp: add_to_slots_def update_slots_def object_slots_def)
   299   apply (fastforce simp: object_type_def cdl_tcb.splits cdl_cnode.splits
   300                  split: cdl_object.splits)
   301   done
   303 lemma not_conflicting_objects_empty [simp]:
   304   "not_conflicting_objects s (SepState empty (\<lambda>obj_id. {})) obj_id"
   305   by (clarsimp simp: not_conflicting_objects_def split:option.splits)
   307 lemma empty_not_conflicting_objects [simp]:
   308   "not_conflicting_objects (SepState empty (\<lambda>obj_id. {})) s obj_id"
   309   by (clarsimp simp: not_conflicting_objects_def split:option.splits)
   311 lemma not_conflicting_objects_empty_object [elim!]:
   312   "(sep_heap x) obj_id = None \<Longrightarrow> not_conflicting_objects x y obj_id"
   313   by (clarsimp simp: not_conflicting_objects_def)
   315 lemma empty_object_not_conflicting_objects [elim!]:
   316   "(sep_heap y) obj_id = None \<Longrightarrow> not_conflicting_objects x y obj_id"
   317   apply (drule not_conflicting_objects_empty_object [where y=x])
   318   apply (clarsimp simp: not_conflicting_objects_comm)
   319   done
   321 lemma cdl_heap_add_empty [simp]:
   322  "cdl_heap_add (SepState h gs) (SepState empty (\<lambda>obj_id. {})) = h"
   323   by (simp add: cdl_heap_add_def)
   325 lemma empty_cdl_heap_add [simp]:
   326   "cdl_heap_add (SepState empty (\<lambda>obj_id. {})) (SepState h gs)= h"
   327   apply (simp add: cdl_heap_add_def)
   328   apply (rule ext)
   329   apply (clarsimp split: option.splits)
   330   done
   332 lemma map_add_result_empty1: "a ++ b = empty \<Longrightarrow> a = empty"
   333   apply (subgoal_tac "dom (a++b) = {}")
   334    apply (subgoal_tac "dom (a) = {}")
   335     apply clarsimp
   336    apply (unfold dom_map_add)[1]
   337    apply clarsimp
   338   apply clarsimp
   339   done
   341 lemma map_add_result_empty2: "a ++ b = empty \<Longrightarrow> b = empty"
   342   apply (subgoal_tac "dom (a++b) = {}")
   343    apply (subgoal_tac "dom (a) = {}")
   344     apply clarsimp
   345    apply (unfold dom_map_add)[1]
   346    apply clarsimp
   347   apply clarsimp
   348   done
   350 lemma map_add_emptyE [elim!]: "\<lbrakk>a ++ b = empty; \<lbrakk>a = empty; b = empty\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> R\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> R"
   351   apply (frule map_add_result_empty1)
   352   apply (frule map_add_result_empty2)
   353   apply clarsimp
   354   done
   356 lemma clean_slots_empty [simp]:
   357   "clean_slots empty cmp = empty"
   358   by (clarsimp simp: clean_slots_def)
   360 lemma object_type_update_slots [simp]:
   361   "object_type (update_slots slots x) = object_type x"
   362   by (clarsimp simp: object_type_def update_slots_def split: cdl_object.splits)
   364 lemma object_type_object_clean_slots [simp]:
   365   "object_type (object_clean_slots x cmp) = object_type x"
   366   by (clarsimp simp: object_clean_slots_def)
   368 lemma object_type_object_clean_fields [simp]:
   369   "object_type (object_clean_fields x cmp) = object_type x"
   370   by (clarsimp simp: object_clean_fields_def object_type_def split: cdl_object.splits)  
   372 lemma object_type_object_clean [simp]:
   373   "object_type (object_clean x cmp) = object_type x"
   374   by (clarsimp simp: object_clean_def)
   376 lemma object_type_add_to_slots [simp]:
   377   "object_type (add_to_slots slots x) = object_type x"
   378   by (clarsimp simp: object_type_def add_to_slots_def update_slots_def split: cdl_object.splits)
   380 lemma object_slots_update_slots [simp]:
   381   "has_slots obj \<Longrightarrow> object_slots (update_slots slots obj) = slots"
   382   by (clarsimp simp: object_slots_def update_slots_def has_slots_def
   383               split: cdl_object.splits)
   385 lemma object_slots_update_slots_empty [simp]:
   386   "\<not>has_slots obj \<Longrightarrow> object_slots (update_slots slots obj) = empty"
   387   by (clarsimp simp: object_slots_def update_slots_def has_slots_def
   388                  split: cdl_object.splits)
   390 lemma update_slots_no_slots [simp]:
   391   "\<not>has_slots obj \<Longrightarrow> update_slots slots obj = obj"
   392   by (clarsimp simp: update_slots_def has_slots_def split: cdl_object.splits)
   394 lemma update_slots_update_slots [simp]:
   395   "update_slots slots (update_slots slots' obj) = update_slots slots obj"
   396   by (clarsimp simp: update_slots_def split: cdl_object.splits)
   398 lemma update_slots_same_object:
   399   "a = b \<Longrightarrow> update_slots a obj = update_slots b obj"
   400   by (erule arg_cong)
   402 lemma object_type_has_slots:
   403   "\<lbrakk>has_slots x; object_type x = object_type y\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> has_slots y"
   404   by (clarsimp simp: object_type_def has_slots_def split: cdl_object.splits)
   406 lemma object_slots_object_clean_fields [simp]:
   407   "object_slots (object_clean_fields obj cmp) = object_slots obj"
   408   by (clarsimp simp: object_slots_def object_clean_fields_def split: cdl_object.splits)
   410 lemma object_slots_object_clean_slots [simp]:
   411   "object_slots (object_clean_slots obj cmp) = clean_slots (object_slots obj) cmp"
   412   by (clarsimp simp: object_clean_slots_def object_slots_def update_slots_def split: cdl_object.splits)
   414 lemma object_slots_object_clean [simp]:
   415   "object_slots (object_clean obj cmp) = clean_slots (object_slots obj) cmp"
   416   by (clarsimp simp: object_clean_def)
   418 lemma object_slots_add_to_slots [simp]:
   419   "object_type y = object_type z \<Longrightarrow> object_slots (add_to_slots (object_slots y) z) = object_slots y ++ object_slots z"
   420   by (clarsimp simp: object_slots_def add_to_slots_def update_slots_def object_type_def split: cdl_object.splits)
   422 lemma update_slots_object_clean_slots [simp]:
   423   "update_slots slots (object_clean_slots obj cmp) = update_slots slots obj"
   424   by (clarsimp simp: object_clean_slots_def)
   426 lemma object_clean_fields_idem [simp]:
   427   "object_clean_fields (object_clean_fields obj cmp) cmp = object_clean_fields obj cmp"
   428   by (clarsimp simp: object_clean_fields_def split: cdl_object.splits)
   430 lemma object_clean_slots_idem [simp]:
   431   "object_clean_slots (object_clean_slots obj cmp) cmp = object_clean_slots obj cmp"
   432   apply (case_tac  "has_slots obj")
   433   apply (clarsimp simp: object_clean_slots_def clean_slots_def)+
   434   done
   436 lemma object_clean_fields_object_clean_slots [simp]:
   437   "object_clean_fields (object_clean_slots obj gs) gs = object_clean_slots (object_clean_fields obj gs) gs"
   438   by (clarsimp simp: object_clean_fields_def object_clean_slots_def
   439                      clean_slots_def object_slots_def update_slots_def
   440               split: cdl_object.splits)
   442 lemma object_clean_idem [simp]:
   443   "object_clean (object_clean obj cmp) cmp = object_clean obj cmp"
   444   by (clarsimp simp: object_clean_def)
   446 lemma has_slots_object_clean_slots:
   447  "has_slots (object_clean_slots obj cmp) = has_slots obj"
   448   by (clarsimp simp: has_slots_def object_clean_slots_def update_slots_def split: cdl_object.splits)
   450 lemma has_slots_object_clean_fields:
   451  "has_slots (object_clean_fields obj cmp) = has_slots obj"
   452   by (clarsimp simp: has_slots_def object_clean_fields_def split: cdl_object.splits)
   454 lemma has_slots_object_clean:
   455  "has_slots (object_clean obj cmp) = has_slots obj"
   456   by (clarsimp simp: object_clean_def has_slots_object_clean_slots has_slots_object_clean_fields)
   458 lemma object_slots_update_slots_object_clean_fields [simp]:
   459   "object_slots (update_slots slots (object_clean_fields obj cmp)) = object_slots (update_slots slots obj)"
   460   apply (case_tac "has_slots obj")
   461    apply (clarsimp simp: has_slots_object_clean_fields)+
   462   done
   464 lemma object_clean_fields_update_slots [simp]:
   465  "object_clean_fields (update_slots slots obj) cmp = update_slots slots (object_clean_fields obj cmp)"
   466   by (clarsimp simp: object_clean_fields_def update_slots_def split: cdl_object.splits)
   468 lemma object_clean_fields_twice [simp]:
   469   "(object_clean_fields (object_clean_fields obj cmp') cmp) = object_clean_fields obj (cmp \<inter> cmp')"
   470   by (clarsimp simp: object_clean_fields_def split: cdl_object.splits)
   472 lemma update_slots_object_clean_fields:
   473   "\<lbrakk>None \<notin> cmps; None \<notin> cmps'; object_type obj = object_type obj'\<rbrakk>
   474     \<Longrightarrow> update_slots slots (object_clean_fields obj cmps) =
   475         update_slots slots (object_clean_fields obj' cmps')"
   476   by (fastforce simp: update_slots_def object_clean_fields_def object_type_def split: cdl_object.splits)
   478 lemma object_clean_fields_no_slots:
   479   "\<lbrakk>None \<notin> cmps; None \<notin> cmps'; object_type obj = object_type obj'; \<not> has_slots obj; \<not> has_slots obj'\<rbrakk>
   480     \<Longrightarrow> object_clean_fields obj cmps = object_clean_fields obj' cmps'"
   481   by (fastforce simp: object_clean_fields_def object_type_def has_slots_def split: cdl_object.splits)
   483 lemma update_slots_object_clean:
   484   "\<lbrakk>None \<notin> cmps; None \<notin> cmps'; object_type obj = object_type obj'\<rbrakk>
   485    \<Longrightarrow> update_slots slots (object_clean obj cmps) = update_slots slots (object_clean obj' cmps')"
   486   apply (clarsimp simp: object_clean_def object_clean_slots_def)
   487   apply (erule (2) update_slots_object_clean_fields)
   488   done
   490 lemma cdl_heap_add_assoc':
   491   "\<forall>obj_id. not_conflicting_objects x z obj_id \<and>
   492             not_conflicting_objects y z obj_id \<and>
   493             not_conflicting_objects x z obj_id \<Longrightarrow>
   494    cdl_heap_add (SepState (cdl_heap_add x y) (cdl_ghost_state_add x y)) z =
   495    cdl_heap_add x (SepState (cdl_heap_add y z) (cdl_ghost_state_add y z))"
   496   apply (rule ext)
   497   apply (rename_tac obj_id)
   498   apply (erule_tac x=obj_id in allE)
   499   apply (clarsimp simp: cdl_heap_add_def cdl_ghost_state_add_def not_conflicting_objects_def)
   500   apply (simp add: Let_unfold split: option.splits)
   501   apply (rename_tac obj_y obj_x obj_z)
   502   apply (clarsimp simp: object_add_def clean_slots_def object_clean_def object_clean_slots_def Let_unfold)
   503   apply (case_tac "has_slots obj_z")
   504    apply (subgoal_tac "has_slots obj_y")
   505     apply (subgoal_tac "has_slots obj_x")
   506      apply ((clarsimp simp: has_slots_object_clean_fields has_slots_object_clean_slots has_slots_object_clean
   507                            map_add_restrict union_intersection | 
   508             drule inter_empty_not_both | 
   509             erule update_slots_object_clean_fields |
   510             erule object_type_has_slots, simp |
   511             simp | safe)+)[3]
   512    apply (subgoal_tac "\<not> has_slots obj_y")
   513     apply (subgoal_tac "\<not> has_slots obj_x")
   514      apply ((clarsimp simp: has_slots_object_clean_fields has_slots_object_clean_slots has_slots_object_clean
   515                            map_add_restrict union_intersection | 
   516             drule inter_empty_not_both | 
   517             erule object_clean_fields_no_slots |
   518             erule object_type_has_slots, simp |
   519             simp | safe)+)
   520    apply (fastforce simp: object_type_has_slots)+
   521   done
   523 lemma cdl_heap_add_assoc:
   524   "\<lbrakk>sep_state_disj x y; sep_state_disj y z; sep_state_disj x z\<rbrakk>
   525   \<Longrightarrow> cdl_heap_add (SepState (cdl_heap_add x y) (cdl_ghost_state_add x y)) z =
   526       cdl_heap_add x (SepState (cdl_heap_add y z) (cdl_ghost_state_add y z))"
   527   apply (clarsimp simp: sep_state_disj_def)
   528   apply (cut_tac cdl_heap_add_assoc')
   529    apply fast
   530   apply fastforce
   531   done
   533 lemma cdl_ghost_state_add_assoc:
   534   "cdl_ghost_state_add (SepState (cdl_heap_add x y) (cdl_ghost_state_add x y)) z =
   535    cdl_ghost_state_add x (SepState (cdl_heap_add y z) (cdl_ghost_state_add y z))"
   536   apply (rule ext)
   537   apply (fastforce simp: cdl_heap_add_def cdl_ghost_state_add_def Let_unfold)
   538   done
   540 lemma clean_slots_map_add_comm:
   541   "cmps_a \<inter> cmps_b = {}
   542   \<Longrightarrow> clean_slots slots_a cmps_a ++ clean_slots slots_b cmps_b =
   543       clean_slots slots_b cmps_b ++ clean_slots slots_a cmps_a"
   544   apply (clarsimp simp: clean_slots_def)
   545   apply (drule the_set_inter_empty)
   546   apply (erule map_add_restrict_comm)
   547   done
   549 lemma object_clean_all:
   550   "object_type obj_a = object_type obj_b \<Longrightarrow> object_clean obj_b {} = object_clean obj_a {}"
   551   apply (clarsimp simp: object_clean_def object_clean_slots_def clean_slots_def the_set_def)
   552   apply (rule_tac cmps'1="{}" and obj'1="obj_a" in trans [OF update_slots_object_clean_fields], fastforce+)
   553   done
   555 lemma object_add_comm:
   556   "\<lbrakk>object_type obj_a = object_type obj_b; cmps_a \<inter> cmps_b = {}\<rbrakk>
   557   \<Longrightarrow> object_add obj_a obj_b cmps_a cmps_b = object_add obj_b obj_a cmps_b cmps_a"
   558   apply (clarsimp simp: object_add_def Let_unfold)
   559   apply (rule conjI | clarsimp)+
   560     apply fastforce
   561   apply (rule conjI | clarsimp)+
   562    apply (drule_tac slots_a = "object_slots obj_a" and slots_b = "object_slots obj_b" in clean_slots_map_add_comm)
   563    apply fastforce
   564   apply (rule conjI | clarsimp)+
   565    apply (drule_tac slots_a = "object_slots obj_a" and slots_b = "object_slots obj_b" in clean_slots_map_add_comm)
   566    apply fastforce
   567   apply (rule conjI | clarsimp)+
   568    apply (erule object_clean_all)
   569   apply (clarsimp)
   570   apply (rule_tac cmps'1=cmps_b and obj'1=obj_b in trans [OF update_slots_object_clean], assumption+)
   571   apply (drule_tac slots_a = "object_slots obj_a" and slots_b = "object_slots obj_b" in clean_slots_map_add_comm)
   572   apply fastforce
   573   done
   575 lemma sep_state_add_comm:
   576   "sep_state_disj x y \<Longrightarrow> sep_state_add x y = sep_state_add y x"
   577   apply (clarsimp simp: sep_state_add_def sep_state_disj_def)
   578   apply (rule conjI)
   579    apply (case_tac x, case_tac y, clarsimp)
   580    apply (rename_tac heap_a gs_a heap_b gs_b)
   581    apply (clarsimp simp: cdl_heap_add_def Let_unfold)
   582    apply (rule ext)
   583    apply (case_tac "heap_a obj_id")
   584     apply (case_tac "heap_b obj_id", simp_all add: slots_of_heap_def)
   585    apply (case_tac "heap_b obj_id", simp_all add: slots_of_heap_def)
   586    apply (rename_tac obj_a obj_b)
   587    apply (erule_tac x=obj_id in allE)
   588    apply (rule object_add_comm)
   589     apply (clarsimp simp: not_conflicting_objects_def)
   590    apply (clarsimp simp: not_conflicting_objects_def)
   591   apply (rule ext, fastforce simp: cdl_ghost_state_add_def Let_unfold Un_commute)
   592   done
   594 lemma add_to_slots_comm:
   595   "\<lbrakk>object_slots y_obj \<bottom> object_slots z_obj; update_slots empty y_obj = update_slots empty z_obj \<rbrakk>
   596   \<Longrightarrow> add_to_slots (object_slots z_obj) y_obj = add_to_slots (object_slots y_obj) z_obj"
   597   by (fastforce simp: add_to_slots_def update_slots_def object_slots_def
   598                      cdl_tcb.splits cdl_cnode.splits
   599               dest!: map_add_com
   600               split: cdl_object.splits)
   602 lemma cdl_heap_add_none1:
   603   "cdl_heap_add x y obj_id = None \<Longrightarrow> (sep_heap x) obj_id = None"
   604   by (clarsimp simp: cdl_heap_add_def Let_unfold split:option.splits split_if_asm)
   606 lemma cdl_heap_add_none2:
   607   "cdl_heap_add x y obj_id = None \<Longrightarrow> (sep_heap y) obj_id = None"
   608   by (clarsimp simp: cdl_heap_add_def Let_unfold split:option.splits split_if_asm)
   610 lemma object_type_object_addL:
   611   "object_type obj = object_type obj'
   612   \<Longrightarrow> object_type (object_add obj obj' cmp cmp') = object_type obj"
   613   by (clarsimp simp: object_add_def Let_unfold)
   615 lemma object_type_object_addR:
   616   "object_type obj = object_type obj'
   617   \<Longrightarrow> object_type (object_add obj obj' cmp cmp') = object_type obj'"
   618   by (clarsimp simp: object_add_def Let_unfold)
   620 lemma sep_state_add_disjL:
   621   "\<lbrakk>sep_state_disj y z; sep_state_disj x (sep_state_add y z)\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> sep_state_disj x y"
   622   apply (clarsimp simp: sep_state_disj_def sep_state_add_def)
   623   apply (rename_tac obj_id)
   624   apply (clarsimp simp: not_conflicting_objects_def)
   625   apply (erule_tac x=obj_id in allE)+
   626   apply (fastforce simp: cdl_heap_add_def cdl_ghost_state_add_def object_type_object_addR
   627                  split: option.splits)
   628   done
   630 lemma sep_state_add_disjR:
   631   "\<lbrakk>sep_state_disj y z; sep_state_disj x (sep_state_add y z)\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> sep_state_disj x z"
   632   apply (clarsimp simp: sep_state_disj_def sep_state_add_def)
   633   apply (rename_tac obj_id)
   634   apply (clarsimp simp: not_conflicting_objects_def)
   635   apply (erule_tac x=obj_id in allE)+
   636   apply (fastforce simp: cdl_heap_add_def cdl_ghost_state_add_def object_type_object_addR
   637                  split: option.splits)
   638   done
   640 lemma sep_state_add_disj:
   641   "\<lbrakk>sep_state_disj y z; sep_state_disj x y; sep_state_disj x z\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> sep_state_disj x (sep_state_add y z)"
   642   apply (clarsimp simp: sep_state_disj_def sep_state_add_def)
   643   apply (rename_tac obj_id)
   644   apply (clarsimp simp: not_conflicting_objects_def)
   645   apply (erule_tac x=obj_id in allE)+
   646   apply (fastforce simp: cdl_heap_add_def cdl_ghost_state_add_def object_type_object_addR
   647                  split: option.splits)
   648   done
   653 (*********************************************)
   654 (* Definition of separation logic for capDL. *)
   655 (*********************************************)
   657 instantiation "sep_state" :: zero
   658 begin
   659   definition "0 \<equiv> SepState empty (\<lambda>obj_id. {})"
   660   instance ..
   661 end
   663 instantiation "sep_state" :: stronger_sep_algebra
   664 begin
   666 definition "(op ##) \<equiv> sep_state_disj"
   667 definition "(op +) \<equiv> sep_state_add"
   671 (**********************************************
   672  * The proof that this is a separation logic. *
   673  **********************************************)
   675 instance
   676   apply default
   677 (* x ## 0 *)
   678        apply (simp add: sep_disj_sep_state_def sep_state_disj_def zero_sep_state_def)
   679 (* x ## y \<Longrightarrow> y ## x *)
   680       apply (clarsimp simp: not_conflicting_objects_comm sep_disj_sep_state_def sep_state_disj_def Let_unfold
   681                             map_disj_com not_conflicting_objects_comm Int_commute)
   682 (* x + 0 = x *)
   683      apply (simp add: plus_sep_state_def sep_state_add_def zero_sep_state_def)
   684      apply (case_tac x)
   685      apply (clarsimp simp: cdl_heap_add_def)
   686      apply (rule ext)
   687      apply (clarsimp simp: cdl_ghost_state_add_def split:split_if_asm)
   688 (* x ## y \<Longrightarrow> x + y = y + x *)
   689     apply (clarsimp simp: plus_sep_state_def sep_disj_sep_state_def)
   690     apply (erule sep_state_add_comm)
   691 (* (x + y) + z = x + (y + z) *)
   692    apply (simp add: plus_sep_state_def sep_state_add_def)
   693    apply (rule conjI)
   694    apply (clarsimp simp: sep_disj_sep_state_def)
   695     apply (erule (2) cdl_heap_add_assoc)
   696    apply (rule cdl_ghost_state_add_assoc)
   697 (* x ## y + z = (x ## y \<and> x ## z) *)
   698   apply (clarsimp simp: plus_sep_state_def sep_disj_sep_state_def)
   699   apply (rule iffI)
   700    (* x ## y + z \<Longrightarrow> (x ## y \<and> x ## z) *)
   701    apply (rule conjI)
   702     (* x ## y + z \<Longrightarrow> (x ## y) *)
   703     apply (erule (1) sep_state_add_disjL)
   704    (* x ## y + z \<Longrightarrow> (x ## z) *)
   705    apply (erule (1) sep_state_add_disjR)
   706   (* x ## y + z \<Longleftarrow> (x ## y \<and> x ## z) *)
   707   apply clarsimp
   708   apply (erule (2) sep_state_add_disj)
   709   done
   711 end
   714 end