--- a/turing.scala Thu Feb 21 05:34:39 2013 +0000
+++ b/turing.scala Thu Feb 21 14:27:14 2013 +0000
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+import scala.annotation.tailrec
//some list functions
def tl[A](xs: List[A]) : List[A] = xs match {
@@ -103,7 +104,8 @@
case n => steps(step(cf), n - 1)
- def run(cf: Config) : Config = {
+ @tailrec
+ final def run(cf: Config) : Config = {
if (cf.is_final) cf else run(step(cf))
@@ -136,7 +138,6 @@
TMMopup1(n) ++ TMMopup2.shift(2 * n)
println("TMCopy: " + (TMCopy.run(new STape(3))))
println("TMfindnth: " + (TMFindnth(3).run(new STape(1,2,3,4,5))))
println("TMMopup: " + (TMMopup(3).run(new STape(1,2,3,4,5))))
@@ -148,20 +149,6 @@
case class Dec(n: Int, l: Int) extends AInst
case class Goto(l: Int) extends AInst
-// shifting and adjusting labels
-def ashift(ai: AInst, offset: Int, jump: Int) = ai match {
- case Inc(n) => Inc(n)
- case Dec(n, l) => if (l == jump) Dec(n, l) else Dec(n, l + offset)
- case Goto(l) => if (l == jump) Goto(l) else Goto(l + offset)
-def aadjust(ai: AInst, old_jump: Int, jump: Int) = ai match {
- case Inc(n) => Inc(n)
- case Dec(n, l) => if (l == old_jump) Dec(n, jump) else Dec(n, l)
- case Goto(l) => if (l == old_jump) Goto(jump) else Goto(l)
type AProg = List[AInst]
type Regs = Map[Int, Int]
@@ -170,10 +157,19 @@
case class Abacus(p: AProg) {
- def ++ (that: Abacus) = Abacus(this.p ::: that.p)
+ def ++ (that: Abacus) = Abacus(this.p ::: that.p)
- def shift(offset: Int, jump: Int) = Abacus(p.map(ashift(_, offset, jump)))
- def adjust(old_jump: Int, jump: Int) = Abacus(p.map(aadjust(_, old_jump, jump)))
+ def shift(offset: Int, jump: Int) = Abacus(p.map(_ match {
+ case Inc(n) => Inc(n)
+ case Dec(n, l) => if (l == jump) Dec(n, l) else Dec(n, l + offset)
+ case Goto(l) => if (l == jump) Goto(l) else Goto(l + offset)
+ }))
+ def adjust(old_jump: Int, jump: Int) = Abacus(p.map(_ match {
+ case Inc(n) => Inc(n)
+ case Dec(n, l) => if (l == old_jump) Dec(n, jump) else Dec(n, l)
+ case Goto(l) => if (l == old_jump) Goto(jump) else Goto(l)
+ }))
def step(cf: AConfig) : AConfig = (nth_of(p, cf.s), cf.s) match {
case (None, _) => cf
@@ -185,6 +181,7 @@
case (Some(Goto(l)), _) => AConfig(l, cf.regs)
def steps(cf: AConfig, n: Int) : AConfig = n match {
case 0 => cf
case n => steps(step(cf), n - 1)
@@ -215,14 +212,24 @@
Copy(tmp2, out, -1).shift(10, -1). adjust(-1, 1)
-println("Copy: " + (Copy(0, 1, -1).run(Map(0 -> 3, 1 -> 0))))
+println("Copy: 3 " + (Copy(0, 1, -1).run(Map(0 -> 3, 1 -> 0))))
println("Plus: 3 + 4 " + (Plus(0, 1, 2, -1).run(Map(0 -> 3, 1 -> 4, 2 -> 0))))
println("Mult: 3 * 5 " + (Mult(0, 1, 2, 3, -1).run(Map(0 -> 3, 1 -> 5, 2 -> 0, 3 -> 0))))
println("Expo: 3 ^ 4 " + (Expo(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, -1).run(Map(0 -> 4, 1 -> 3, 2 -> 0, 3 -> 0, 4 -> 0))))
// Abacus to TM translation
+type Layout = List[Int]
+def layout(p: AProg) = p.map(_ match {
+ case Inc(n) => 2 * n + 9
+ case Dec(n, _) => 2 * n + 16
+ case Goto(n) => 1
+def start(ly: Layout, n: Int) = ly.take(n).sum + 1
val TMInc = TM(List((WOc, 1), (R, 2), (WOc, 3), (R, 2), (WOc, 3), (R, 4),
(L, 7), (WBk, 5), (R, 6), (WBk, 5), (WOc, 3), (R, 6),
(L, 8), (L, 7), (R, 9), (L, 7), (R, 10), (WBk, 9)))
@@ -234,11 +241,30 @@
(R, 17), (WBk, 13), (L, 15), (L, 14), (R, 16), (L, 14),
(R, 0), (WBk, 16)))
-def TMINC(s: Int, n: Int, e: Int) = (TMFindnth(n).shift(s - 1) ++ TMInc.shift(2 * n)).shift(s - 1).adjust(e)
+def TMINC(s: Int, n: Int) = (TMFindnth(n) ++ TMInc.shift(2 * n)).shift(s - 1)
+def TMDEC(s: Int, n: Int, e: Int) = TMFindnth(n).shift(s - 1) ++ TMDec.shift(2 * n).shift(s - 1).adjust(e)
+def TMGOTO(n: Int) = TM(List((Nop, n), (Nop, n)))
+def compile(ly: Layout, s: Int, i: AInst) = i match {
+ case Inc(n) => TMINC(s, n)
+ case Dec(n, e) => TMDEC(s, n, start(ly, e))
+ case Goto(e) => TMGOTO(start(ly, e))
-def TMDEC(s: Int, n: Int, e: Int) = (TMFindnth(n).shift(s - 1) ++ TMInc.shift(2 * n)).shift(s - 1).adjust(e)
+def tms(p: AProg) = {
+ val ss = (0 until p.length).map (start(layout(p),_))
+ (ss zip p).map{case (n, i) => compile(layout(p), n, i)}
-//def toTM()
+def toTM(p: AProg) = tms(p).reduceLeft(_ ++ _)
+println("Copy 3: " + toTM(Copy(0, 1, Int.MaxValue).p).run(new STape(3,0,0)))
+println("Plus 3 + 4: " + toTM(Plus(0, 1, 2, Int.MaxValue).p).run(new STape(3,4,0,0)))
+println("Mult 3 * 5: " + toTM(Mult(0, 1, 2, 3, Int.MaxValue).p).run(new STape(3,5,0,0)))
+println("Expo 3 ^ 4: " + toTM(Expo(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 10000).p).run(new STape(3,4,0,0,0)))
//Recursive Functions