updated paper
authorChristian Urban <christian dot urban at kcl dot ac dot uk>
Thu, 31 Jan 2013 11:35:16 +0000 (2013-01-31)
changeset 104 01f688735b9b
parent 103 294576baaeed
child 105 2cae8a39803e
updated paper
--- a/Paper/Paper.thy	Wed Jan 30 23:57:33 2013 +0000
+++ b/Paper/Paper.thy	Thu Jan 31 11:35:16 2013 +0000
@@ -235,18 +235,18 @@
 also report that the informal proofs from which they started are not
 ``sufficiently accurate to be directly usable as a guideline for
 formalization'' \cite[Page 2]{AspertiRicciotti12}. For our
-formalisation we follow mainly the proofs from the textbook
-\cite{Boolos87} and found that the description there is quite
+formalisation we follow mainly the proofs from the textbook by Boolos
+et al \cite{Boolos87} and found that the description there is quite
 detailed. Some details are left out however: for example, constructing
-the \emph{copy Turing machine} and its correctness proof are left as
-an excerise to the reader; also \cite{Boolos87} only shows how the
-universal Turing machine is constructed for Turing machines computing
-unary functions. We had to figure out a way to generalise this result
-to $n$-ary functions. Similarly, when compiling recursive functions to
-abacus machines, the textbook again only shows how it can be done for
-2- and 3-ary functions, but in the formalisation we need arbitrary
-functions. But the general ideas for how to do this are clear enough
-in \cite{Boolos87}.
+the \emph{copy Turing machine} is left as an excerise to the
+reader---a correctness proof is not mentioned at all; also \cite{Boolos87}
+only shows how the universal Turing machine is constructed for Turing
+machines computing unary functions. We had to figure out a way to
+generalise this result to $n$-ary functions. Similarly, when compiling
+recursive functions to abacus machines, the textbook again only shows
+how it can be done for 2- and 3-ary functions, but in the
+formalisation we need arbitrary functions. But the general ideas for
+how to do this are clear enough in \cite{Boolos87}.
 %However, one
 %aspect that is completely left out from the informal description in
 %\cite{Boolos87}, and similar ones we are aware of, is arguments why certain Turing
@@ -555,13 +555,13 @@
-  where @{term "read r"} returns the head of the list @{text r}, or if @{text r} is
-  empty it returns @{term Bk}.
-  It is impossible in Isabelle/HOL to lift the @{term step}-function to realise
-  a general evaluation function for Turing machines. The reason is that functions in HOL-based
-  provers need to be terminating, and clearly there are Turing machine 
-  programs that are not. We can however define an evaluation
-  function that performs exactly @{text n} steps:
+  where @{term "read r"} returns the head of the list @{text r}, or if
+  @{text r} is empty it returns @{term Bk}.  It is impossible in
+  Isabelle/HOL to lift the @{term step}-function in order to realise a
+  general evaluation function for Turing machines programs. The reason
+  is that functions in HOL-based provers need to be terminating, and
+  clearly there are programs that are not. We can however define a
+  recursive evaluation function that performs exactly @{text n} steps:
   \begin{tabular}{l@ {\hspace{1mm}}c@ {\hspace{1mm}}l}
@@ -694,10 +694,11 @@
-  We often need to restrict tapes to be in \emph{standard form}, which means 
+  We often need to restrict tapes to be in standard form, which means 
   the left list of the tape is either empty or only contains @{text "Bk"}s, and 
   the right list contains some ``clusters'' of @{text "Oc"}s separted by single 
   blanks. To make this formal we define the following overloaded function
+  encoding natural numbers into lists of @{term "Oc"}s and @{term Bk}s.
   \begin{tabular}[t]{@ {}l@ {\hspace{1mm}}c@ {\hspace{1mm}}l@ {}}
@@ -712,18 +713,19 @@
-  A standard tape is then of the form @{text "(Bk\<^isup>l,\<langle>[n\<^isub>1,...,n\<^isub>m]\<rangle>)"} for some @{text l} 
+  A \emph{standard tape} is then of the form @{text "(Bk\<^isup>l,\<langle>[n\<^isub>1,...,n\<^isub>m]\<rangle>)"} for some @{text l} 
   and @{text "n\<^isub>i"}. Note that the head in a standard tape ``points'' to the 
   leftmost @{term "Oc"} on the tape. Note also that the natural number @{text 0} 
   is represented by a single filled cell on a standard tape, @{text 1} by two filled cells and so on.
-  Before we can prove the undecidability of the halting problem for our
-  Turing machines, we have to analyse two concrete Turing machine
-  programs and establish that they are correct---that means they are
-  ``doing what they are supposed to be doing''.  Such correctness proofs are usually left
-  out in the informal literature, for example \cite{Boolos87}.  The first program 
-  we need to prove correct is the @{term dither} program shown in \eqref{dither} 
-  and the second program is @{term "tcopy"} defined as
+  Before we can prove the undecidability of the halting problem for
+  our Turing machines working on standard tapes, we have to analyse
+  two concrete Turing machine programs and establish that they are
+  correct---that means they are ``doing what they are supposed to be
+  doing''.  Such correctness proofs are usually left out in the
+  informal literature, for example \cite{Boolos87}.  The first program
+  we need to prove correct is the @{term dither} program shown in
+  \eqref{dither} and the second program is @{term "tcopy"} defined as
   \mbox{\begin{tabular}{@ {}l@ {\hspace{1mm}}c@ {\hspace{1mm}}l@ {}}
@@ -739,7 +741,7 @@
   p} started in state @{term "1::nat"} with a tape satisfying @{term
   P} will after some @{text n} steps halt (have transitioned into the
   halting state) with a tape satisfying @{term Q}. This idea is very
-  similar to \emph{realisability} in \cite{AspertiRicciotti12}. We
+  similar to the notion of \emph{realisability} in \cite{AspertiRicciotti12}. We
   also have \emph{Hoare-pairs} of the form @{term "{P} p \<up>"}
   implementing the case that a program @{term p} started with a tape
   satisfying @{term P} will loop (never transition into the halting
@@ -771,8 +773,11 @@
   @{thm[mode=Rule] Hoare_consequence}
+  \noindent
+  where
+  @{term "P' \<mapsto> P"} stands for the fact that for all tapes @{term "tp"},
+  @{term "P' tp"} implies @{term "P tp"}.
-  \noindent
   Like Asperti and Ricciotti with their notion of realisability, we
   have set up our Hoare-rules so that we can deal explicitly
   with total correctness and non-terminantion, rather than have
@@ -855,8 +860,8 @@
   number of steps we can perform starting from the input tape.
   The program @{term tcopy} defined in \eqref{tcopy} has 15 states;
-  its purpose is to produce the standard tape @{term "(DUMMY, <(n,
-  n::nat)>)"} when started with @{term "(DUMMY, <(n::nat)>)"}, that is
+  its purpose is to produce the standard tape @{term "(Bks, <(n,
+  n::nat)>)"} when started with @{term "(Bks, <(n::nat)>)"}, that is
   making a copy of a value on the tape.  Reasoning about this program
   is substantially harder than about @{term dither}. To ease the
   burden, we derive the following two Hoare-rules for sequentially
@@ -889,11 +894,11 @@
   "tcopy_begin"}, @{term "tcopy_loop"} and @{term "tcopy_end"} in
   isolation. We will show the details for the program @{term
   "tcopy_begin"}. Given the invariants @{term "inv_begin0"},\ldots,
-  @{term "inv_begin4"} shown in Figure~\ref{invbegin} corresponding to 
+  @{term "inv_begin4"} shown in Figure~\ref{invbegin}, which correspond to 
   each state of @{term tcopy_begin}, we define the
   following invariant for the whole @{term tcopy_begin} program:
-  \begin{figure}
+  \begin{figure}[t]
   \begin{tabular}{@ {}lcl@ {\hspace{-2cm}}l@ {}}
   @{thm (lhs) inv_begin0.simps} & @{text "\<equiv>"} & @{thm (rhs) inv_begin01} @{text "\<or>"}& (halting state)\\
@@ -925,9 +930,10 @@
   This invariant depends on @{term n} representing the number of
-  @{term Oc}s on the tape. It is not hard (26 lines of automated proof
-  script) to show that for @{term "n > (0::nat)"} this invariant is
-  preserved under computation rules @{term step} and @{term steps}.
+  @{term Oc}s (or encoded number) on the tape. It is not hard (26
+  lines of automated proof script) to show that for @{term "n >
+  (0::nat)"} this invariant is preserved under computation rules
+  @{term step} and @{term steps}.
   measure for the copying TM, which we however omit.
--- a/Paper/document/root.bib	Wed Jan 30 23:57:33 2013 +0000
+++ b/Paper/document/root.bib	Thu Jan 31 11:35:16 2013 +0000
@@ -32,9 +32,10 @@
   author = 	 {C.~Wu and X.~Zhang and C.~Urban},
-  title = 	 {???},
+  title = 	 {{A} {F}ormal {M}odel and {C}orrectness {P}roof for an 
+                  {A}ccess {C}ontrol {P}olicy {F}ramework},
   note = 	 {Submitted},
-  year = 	 {2012}
+  year = 	 {2013}
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