diff -r 00ac265b251b -r 02b6fab379ba Journal/document/root.bib --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/Journal/document/root.bib Sat Jul 27 08:17:54 2013 +0200 @@ -0,0 +1,151 @@ +@inproceedings{Krauss10, + author = {A.~Krauss}, + title = {{R}ecursive {D}efinitions of {M}onadic {F}unctions}, + booktitle = {Proc.~of the Workshop on Partiality and Recursion in Interactive + Theorem Provers}, + year = {2010}, + pages = {1-13}, + series = {EPTCS}, + volume = {43} +} + +@PhdThesis{Myreen09, + author = {M.~O.~Myreen}, + title = {{F}ormal {V}erification of {M}achine-{C}ode {P}rograms}, + year = 2009, + school = {University of Cambridge} +} + +@article{Nipkow98, + author={T.~Nipkow}, + title={{W}inskel is (almost) {R}ight: {T}owards a {M}echanized {S}emantics {T}extbook}, + journal={Formal Aspects of Computing}, + volume=10, + pages={171--186}, + year=1998 +} + +@inproceedings{Jensen13, + author = {J.~Braband Jensen and + N.~Benton and + A.~Kennedy}, + title = {{H}igh-{L}evel {S}eparation {L}ogic for {L}ow-{L}evel {C}ode}, + booktitle = {Proc.~of the 40th Symposium on Principles + of Programming Languages (POPL)}, + year = {2013}, + pages = {301--314} +} + +@article{UrbanCheneyBerghofer11, + author = {C.~Urban and J.~Cheney and S.~Berghofer}, + title = {{M}echanizing the {M}etatheory of {LF}}, + journal = {ACM Transactions on Computational Logic}, + volume = {12}, + issue = {2}, + year = {2011}, + pages = {15:1--15:42} +} + +@inproceedings{Norrish11, + author = {M.~Norrish}, + title = {{M}echanised {C}omputability {T}heory}, + booktitle = {Proc.~of the 2nd Conference on Interactive Theorem Proving (ITP)}, + year = {2011}, + series = {LNCS}, + volume = {6898}, + pages = {297--311} +} + +@inproceedings{AspertiRicciotti12, + author = {A.~Asperti and W.~Ricciotti}, + title = {{F}ormalizing {T}uring {M}achines}, + booktitle = {Proc.~of the 19th International Workshop on Logic, Language, + Information and Computation (WoLLIC)}, + year = {2012}, + pages = {1-25}, + series = {LNCS}, + volume = {7456} +} + + +@Unpublished{WuZhangUrban12, + author = {C.~Wu and X.~Zhang and C.~Urban}, + title = {{A} {F}ormal {M}odel and {C}orrectness {P}roof for an + {A}ccess {C}ontrol {P}olicy {F}ramework}, + note = {Submitted}, + year = {2013} +} + +@book{Boolos87, + author = {G.~Boolos and J.~P.~Burgess and R.~C.~Jeffrey}, + title = {{C}omputability and {L}ogic (5th~ed.)}, + publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, + year = {2007} +} + +@book{BoolosFourth, + author = {G.~Boolos and J.~P.~Burgess and R.~C.~Jeffrey}, + title = {{C}omputability and {L}ogic (4th~ed.)}, + publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, + year = {2002} +} + + +@inproceedings{WuZhangUrban11, + author = {C.~Wu and X.~Zhang and C.~Urban}, + title = {{A} {F}ormalisation of the {M}yhill-{N}erode {T}heorem based on {R}egular {E}xpressions + ({P}roof {P}earl)}, + booktitle = {Proc.~of the 2nd Conference on Interactive Theorem Proving}, + year = {2011}, + pages = {341--356}, + series = {LNCS}, + volume = {6898} +} + + +@Article{Post36, + author = {E.~Post}, + title = {{F}inite {C}ombinatory {P}rocesses-{F}ormulation 1}, + journal = {Journal of Symbolic Logic}, + year = {1936}, + volume = {1}, + number = {3}, + pages = {103--105} +} + +@article{Dijkstra68, + author = {E.~W.~Dijkstra}, + title = {{G}o to {S}tatement {C}onsidered {H}armful}, + journal = {Communications of the ACM}, + volume = {11}, + number = {3}, + year = {1968}, + pages = {147-148} +} + + + +@Book{Berger66, + author = {R.~Berger}, + title = {{T}he {U}ndecidability of the {D}omino {P}roblem}, + journal = {Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society}, + year = {1966} +} + + +@Article{Robinson71, + author = {R.~M.~Robinson}, + title = {{U}ndecidability and {N}onperiodicity for {T}ilings of the {P}lane}, + journal = {Inventiones Mathematicae}, + year = {1971}, + volume = {12}, + pages = {177--209} +} + + +@phdthesis{Zammit99, +author = {V.~Zammit}, +title = {{O}n the {R}eadability of {M}achine {C}heckable {F}ormal {P}roofs}, +year = {1999}, +school = {University of Kent}} +