theory Paper
imports UTM
declare [[show_question_marks = false]]
section {* Introduction *}
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We formalised in earlier work the correctness proofs for two
algorithms in Isabelle/HOL---one about type-checking in
LF~\cite{UrbanCheneyBerghofer11} and another about deciding requests
in access control~\cite{WuZhangUrban12}. The formalisations
uncovered a gap in the informal correctness proof of the former and
made us realise that important details were left out in the informal
model for the latter. However, in both cases we were unable to
formalise in Isabelle/HOL computability arguments about the
algorithms. The reason is that both algorithms are formulated in terms
of inductive predicates. Suppose @{text "P"} stands for one such
predicate. Decidability of @{text P} usually amounts to showing
whether \mbox{@{term "P \<or> \<not>P"}} holds. But this does \emph{not} work
in Isabelle/HOL, since it is a theorem prover based on classical logic
where the law of excluded middle ensures that \mbox{@{term "P \<or> \<not>P"}}
is always provable no matter whether @{text P} is constructed by
computable means. The same problem would arise if we had formulated
the algorithms as recursive functions, because internally in
Isabelle/HOL, like in all HOL-based theorem provers, functions are
represented as inductively defined predicates too.
The only satisfying way out of this problem in a theorem prover based on classical
logic is to formalise a theory of computability. Norrish provided such
a formalisation for the HOL4 theorem prover. He choose the
$\lambda$-calculus as the starting point for his formalisation
of computability theory,
because of its ``simplicity'' \cite[Page 297]{Norrish11}. Part of his
formalisation is a clever infrastructure for reducing
$\lambda$-terms. He also established the computational equivalence
between the $\lambda$-calculus and recursive functions. Nevertheless he
concluded that it would be ``appealing'' to have formalisations for more
operational models of computations, such as Turing machines or register
machines. One reason is that many proofs in the literature use
them. He noted however that in the context of theorem provers
\cite[Page 310]{Norrish11}:
\it``If register machines are unappealing because of their
general fiddliness, Turing machines are an even more
daunting prospect.''
In this paper we took on this daunting prospect and provide a formalisation
of Turing machines, as well as Abacus machines (a kind of register machine)
and recursive functions. To see the difficulties involved with this work one
has to understantd that interactive theorem provers, like Isabelle/HOL, are at
their best when the data-structures
at hand are ``structurally'' defined (like lists, natural numbers,
regular expressions, etc). For them, they come with a convenient reasoning
infrastructure (for example induction principles, recursion combinators and so on).
But this is not the case with Turing machines (and also register machines):
underlying their definition is a set of states
together with a transition function, both of which are not structurally defined.
This means we have to implement our own reasoning infrastructure. This often
leads to annoyingly lengthy and detailed formalisations. We noticed first
the difference between both ``worlds'' when formalising the Myhill-Nerode
theorem ??? where regular expressions fared much better than automata.
However, with Turing machines there seems to be no alternative, because they
feature frequently in proofs. We will analyse one case, Wang tilings, at the end
of the paper, which uses also the notion of a Universal Turing Machine.
The reason why reasoning about Turing machines
is challenging is because they are essentially ...
For this we followed mainly the informal
proof given in the textbook \cite{Boolos87}.
``In particular, the fact that the universal machine operates with a
different alphabet with respect to the machines it simulates is
annoying.'' he writes it is preliminary work \cite{AspertiRicciotti12}
Our formalisation follows \cite{Boolos87}
{\bf Contributions:}
section {* Formalisation *}
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section {* Wang Tiles *}
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Used in texture mapings - graphics
section {* Related Work *}
text {*
The most closely related work is by Norrish. He bases his approach on
lambda-terms. For this he introduced a clever rewriting technology
based on combinators and de-Bruijn indices for
rewriting modulo $\beta$-equivalence (to keep it manageable)
Can this be done: Ackerman function is not primitive
recursive (Nora Szasz)
Tape is represented as two lists (finite - usually infinite tape)?