Up to date for Isabelle 2018. Gave names to simp rules in UF and UTM
theory Translation2
imports Abacus Recs
fun addition :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> abc_prog"
"addition m n p = [Dec m 4, Inc n, Inc p, Goto 0, Dec p 7, Inc m, Goto 4]"
fun mv_box :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> abc_prog"
"mv_box m n = [Dec m 3, Inc n, Goto 0]"
text {* The compilation of @{text "z"}-operator. *}
definition rec_ci_z :: "abc_inst list"
"rec_ci_z = [Goto 1]"
text {* The compilation of @{text "s"}-operator. *}
definition rec_ci_s :: "abc_inst list"
"rec_ci_s = addition 0 1 2 ; [Inc 1]"
fun mv_boxes :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> abc_inst list"
"mv_boxes ab bb 0 = []" |
"mv_boxes ab bb (Suc n) = mv_boxes ab bb n ; mv_box (ab + n) (bb + n)"
fun empty_boxes :: "nat \<Rightarrow> abc_inst list"
"empty_boxes 0 = []" |
"empty_boxes (Suc n) = empty_boxes n ; [Dec n 2, Goto 0]"
fun cn_merge_gs :: "(abc_inst list \<times> nat) list \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> abc_inst list"
"cn_merge_gs [] n p = []" |
"cn_merge_gs (g # gs) n p =
(let (ga, gp) = g in ga ; mv_box n p ; cn_merge_gs gs n (Suc p))"
text {* Returns the abacus program and a number for how much memory
is used.
fun rec_ci :: "recf \<Rightarrow> abc_inst list \<times> nat"
"rec_ci Z = ([Goto 1], 2)" |
"rec_ci S = ((addition 0 1 2) ; [Inc 1], 3)" |
"rec_ci (Id m n) = (addition n m (m + 1), m + 2)" |
"rec_ci (Cn n f gs) = (let cied_gs = map (\<lambda> g. rec_ci g) gs in
let cied_f = rec_ci f in
let qstr = Max (set (map snd (cied_f # cied_gs))) in
(cn_merge_gs cied_gs n qstr;
mv_boxes 0 (qstr + length gs) n;
mv_boxes qstr 0 (length gs) ;
fst cied_f;
mv_box (arity f) (Suc (qstr + length gs));
empty_boxes (length gs);
mv_boxes (qstr + length gs) 0 (Suc n), Suc (qstr + length gs + n)))" |
"rec_ci (Pr n f g) = (let (fa, fp) = rec_ci f in
let (ga, gp) = rec_ci g in
let qstr = max fp gp in
let e = length ga + 7 in
(mv_box 0 qstr;
mv_boxes 1 0 n;
mv_box n (Suc qstr);
mv_boxes 0 2 n;
mv_box (Suc qstr) 1;
(([Dec qstr e] ; ga ; [Inc 0, Dec (Suc n) 3, Goto 1]) @
[Dec (Suc (Suc n)) 0, Inc 1, Goto (length ga + 4)]), Suc qstr))" |
"rec_ci (Mn n f) = (let (fa, fp) = rec_ci f in
let len = length fa in
(mv_boxes 0 (Suc 0) n;
(fa @ [Dec (Suc n) (len + 5), Dec (Suc n) (len + 3),
Goto (len + 1), Inc 0, Goto 0]), fp))"