Up to date for Isabelle 2018. Gave names to simp rules in UF and UTM
The packages can be compiled with
scalac lib.scala turing.scala abacus.scala recs2.scala comp1.scala comp2.scala
If you get an error, it is advisable to clean
out the existing class-files
rm */*.class
After compilation, the examples can be run in
the REPL as well as in scala. For example
scala ex.scala
scala -cp $PWD ex.scala
The directory can be cleaned with
rm -rf *~ lib turing abacus comp1 comp2 recs
Abacus to Javabyte compilation
requires the jasmin assembler for Java
avilable from
scala -cp $PWD ex_jvm.scala
generates a Prog.j intermediate file.
This will be assembled using jasmin.