header {*
{\em abacus} a kind of register machine
theory abacus
imports Main turing_basic
text {*
{\em Abacus} instructions:
datatype abc_inst =
-- {* @{text "Inc n"} increments the memory cell (or register) with address @{text "n"} by one.
Inc nat
-- {*
@{text "Dec n label"} decrements the memory cell with address @{text "n"} by one.
If cell @{text "n"} is already zero, no decrements happens and the executio jumps to
the instruction labeled by @{text "label"}.
| Dec nat nat
-- {*
@{text "Goto label"} unconditionally jumps to the instruction labeled by @{text "label"}.
| Goto nat
text {*
Abacus programs are defined as lists of Abacus instructions.
type_synonym abc_prog = "abc_inst list"
section {*
Sample Abacus programs
text {*
Abacus for addition and clearance.
fun plus_clear :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> abc_prog"
"plus_clear m n e = [Dec m e, Inc n, Goto 0]"
text {*
Abacus for clearing memory untis.
fun clear :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> abc_prog"
"clear n e = [Dec n e, Goto 0]"
fun plus:: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> abc_prog"
"plus m n p e = [Dec m 4, Inc n, Inc p,
Goto 0, Dec p e, Inc m, Goto 4]"
fun mult :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> abc_prog"
"mult m1 m2 n p e = [Dec m1 e]@ plus m1 m2 p 1"
fun expo :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> abc_prog"
"expo n m1 m2 p e = [Inc n, Dec m1 e] @ mult m2 n n p 2"
text {*
The state of Abacus machine.
type_synonym abc_state = nat
(* text {*
The memory of Abacus machine is defined as a function from address to contents.
type_synonym abc_mem = "nat \<Rightarrow> nat" *)
text {*
The memory of Abacus machine is defined as a list of contents, with
every units addressed by index into the list.
type_synonym abc_lm = "nat list"
text {*
Fetching contents out of memory. Units not represented by list elements are considered
as having content @{text "0"}.
fun abc_lm_v :: "abc_lm \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat"
"abc_lm_v lm n = (if (n < length lm) then (lm!n) else 0)"
text {*
Set the content of memory unit @{text "n"} to value @{text "v"}.
@{text "am"} is the Abacus memory before setting.
If address @{text "n"} is outside to scope of @{text "am"}, @{text "am"}
is extended so that @{text "n"} becomes in scope.
fun abc_lm_s :: "abc_lm \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> abc_lm"
"abc_lm_s am n v = (if (n < length am) then (am[n:=v]) else
am@ (replicate (n - length am) 0) @ [v])"
text {*
The configuration of Abaucs machines consists of its current state and its
current memory:
type_synonym abc_conf = "abc_state \<times> abc_lm"
text {*
Fetch instruction out of Abacus program:
fun abc_fetch :: "nat \<Rightarrow> abc_prog \<Rightarrow> abc_inst option"
"abc_fetch s p = (if (s < length p) then Some (p ! s)
else None)"
text {*
Single step execution of Abacus machine. If no instruction is feteched,
configuration does not change.
fun abc_step_l :: "abc_conf \<Rightarrow> abc_inst option \<Rightarrow> abc_conf"
"abc_step_l (s, lm) a = (case a of
None \<Rightarrow> (s, lm) |
Some (Inc n) \<Rightarrow> (let nv = abc_lm_v lm n in
(s + 1, abc_lm_s lm n (nv + 1))) |
Some (Dec n e) \<Rightarrow> (let nv = abc_lm_v lm n in
if (nv = 0) then (e, abc_lm_s lm n 0)
else (s + 1, abc_lm_s lm n (nv - 1))) |
Some (Goto n) \<Rightarrow> (n, lm)
text {*
Multi-step execution of Abacus machine.
fun abc_steps_l :: "abc_conf \<Rightarrow> abc_prog \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> abc_conf"
"abc_steps_l (s, lm) p 0 = (s, lm)" |
"abc_steps_l (s, lm) p (Suc n) =
abc_steps_l (abc_step_l (s, lm) (abc_fetch s p)) p n"
section {*
Compiling Abacus machines into Truing machines
subsection {*
Compiling functions
text {*
@{text "findnth n"} returns the TM which locates the represention of
memory cell @{text "n"} on the tape and changes representation of zero
on the way.
fun findnth :: "nat \<Rightarrow> instr list"
"findnth 0 = []" |
"findnth (Suc n) = (findnth n @ [(W1, 2 * n + 1),
(R, 2 * n + 2), (R, 2 * n + 3), (R, 2 * n + 2)])"
text {*
@{text "tinc_b"} returns the TM which increments the representation
of the memory cell under rw-head by one and move the representation
of cells afterwards to the right accordingly.
definition tinc_b :: "instr list"
"tinc_b \<equiv> [(W1, 1), (R, 2), (W1, 3), (R, 2), (W1, 3), (R, 4),
(L, 7), (W0, 5), (R, 6), (W0, 5), (W1, 3), (R, 6),
(L, 8), (L, 7), (R, 9), (L, 7), (R, 10), (W0, 9)]"
text {*
@{text "tinc ss n"} returns the TM which simulates the execution of
Abacus instruction @{text "Inc n"}, assuming that TM is located at
location @{text "ss"} in the final TM complied from the whole
Abacus program.
fun tinc :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> instr list"
"tinc ss n = shift (findnth n @ shift tinc_b (2 * n)) (ss - 1)"
text {*
@{text "tinc_b"} returns the TM which decrements the representation
of the memory cell under rw-head by one and move the representation
of cells afterwards to the left accordingly.
definition tdec_b :: "instr list"
"tdec_b \<equiv> [(W1, 1), (R, 2), (L, 14), (R, 3), (L, 4), (R, 3),
(R, 5), (W0, 4), (R, 6), (W0, 5), (L, 7), (L, 8),
(L, 11), (W0, 7), (W1, 8), (R, 9), (L, 10), (R, 9),
(R, 5), (W0, 10), (L, 12), (L, 11), (R, 13), (L, 11),
(R, 17), (W0, 13), (L, 15), (L, 14), (R, 16), (L, 14),
(R, 0), (W0, 16)]"
text {*
@{text "sete tp e"} attaches the termination edges (edges leading to state @{text "0"})
of TM @{text "tp"} to the intruction labelled by @{text "e"}.
fun sete :: "instr list \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> instr list"
"sete tp e = map (\<lambda> (action, state). (action, if state = 0 then e else state)) tp"
text {*
@{text "tdec ss n label"} returns the TM which simulates the execution of
Abacus instruction @{text "Dec n label"}, assuming that TM is located at
location @{text "ss"} in the final TM complied from the whole
Abacus program.
fun tdec :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> instr list"
"tdec ss n e = sete (shift (findnth n @ shift tdec_b (2 * n))
(ss - 1)) e"
text {*
@{text "tgoto f(label)"} returns the TM simulating the execution of Abacus instruction
@{text "Goto label"}, where @{text "f(label)"} is the corresponding location of
@{text "label"} in the final TM compiled from the overall Abacus program.
fun tgoto :: "nat \<Rightarrow> instr list"
"tgoto n = [(Nop, n), (Nop, n)]"
text {*
The layout of the final TM compiled from an Abacus program is represented
as a list of natural numbers, where the list element at index @{text "n"} represents the
starting state of the TM simulating the execution of @{text "n"}-th instruction
in the Abacus program.
type_synonym layout = "nat list"
text {*
@{text "length_of i"} is the length of the
TM simulating the Abacus instruction @{text "i"}.
fun length_of :: "abc_inst \<Rightarrow> nat"
"length_of i = (case i of
Inc n \<Rightarrow> 2 * n + 9 |
Dec n e \<Rightarrow> 2 * n + 16 |
Goto n \<Rightarrow> 1)"
text {*
@{text "layout_of ap"} returns the layout of Abacus program @{text "ap"}.
fun layout_of :: "abc_prog \<Rightarrow> layout"
where "layout_of ap = map length_of ap"
text {*
@{text "start_of layout n"} looks out the starting state of @{text "n"}-th
TM in the finall TM.
thm listsum_def
fun start_of :: "nat list \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat"
"start_of ly x = (Suc (listsum (take x ly))) "
text {*
@{text "ci lo ss i"} complies Abacus instruction @{text "i"}
assuming the TM of @{text "i"} starts from state @{text "ss"}
within the overal layout @{text "lo"}.
fun ci :: "layout \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> abc_inst \<Rightarrow> instr list"
"ci ly ss (Inc n) = tinc ss n"
| "ci ly ss (Dec n e) = tdec ss n (start_of ly e)"
| "ci ly ss (Goto n) = tgoto (start_of ly n)"
text {*
@{text "tpairs_of ap"} transfroms Abacus program @{text "ap"} pairing
every instruction with its starting state.
fun tpairs_of :: "abc_prog \<Rightarrow> (nat \<times> abc_inst) list"
where "tpairs_of ap = (zip (map (start_of (layout_of ap))
[0..<(length ap)]) ap)"
text {*
@{text "tms_of ap"} returns the list of TMs, where every one of them simulates
the corresponding Abacus intruction in @{text "ap"}.
fun tms_of :: "abc_prog \<Rightarrow> (instr list) list"
where "tms_of ap = map (\<lambda> (n, tm). ci (layout_of ap) n tm)
(tpairs_of ap)"
text {*
@{text "tm_of ap"} returns the final TM machine compiled from Abacus program @{text "ap"}.
fun tm_of :: "abc_prog \<Rightarrow> instr list"
where "tm_of ap = concat (tms_of ap)"
text {*
The following two functions specify the well-formedness of complied TM.
fun t_ncorrect :: "tprog \<Rightarrow> bool"
"t_ncorrect tp = (length tp mod 2 = 0)"
fun abc2t_correct :: "abc_prog \<Rightarrow> bool"
"abc2t_correct ap = list_all (\<lambda> (n, tm).
t_ncorrect (ci (layout_of ap) n tm)) (tpairs_of ap)"
lemma length_findnth:
"length (findnth n) = 4 * n"
apply(induct n, auto)
lemma ci_length : "length (ci ns n ai) div 2 = length_of ai"
apply(auto simp: ci.simps tinc_b_def tdec_b_def length_findnth
split: abc_inst.splits)
subsection {*
Representation of Abacus memory by TM tape
text {*
@{text "crsp acf tcf"} meams the abacus configuration @{text "acf"}
is corretly represented by the TM configuration @{text "tcf"}.
fun crsp :: "layout \<Rightarrow> abc_conf \<Rightarrow> config \<Rightarrow> cell list \<Rightarrow> bool"
"crsp ly (as, lm) (s, l, r) inres =
(s = start_of ly as \<and> (\<exists> x. r = <lm> @ Bk\<up>x) \<and>
l = Bk # Bk # inres)"
declare crsp.simps[simp del]
subsection {*
A more general definition of TM execution.
text {*
The type of invarints expressing correspondence between
Abacus configuration and TM configuration.
type_synonym inc_inv_t = "abc_conf \<Rightarrow> config \<Rightarrow> cell list \<Rightarrow> bool"
declare tms_of.simps[simp del] tm_of.simps[simp del]
layout_of.simps[simp del] abc_fetch.simps [simp del]
tpairs_of.simps[simp del] start_of.simps[simp del]
ci.simps [simp del] length_of.simps[simp del]
layout_of.simps[simp del]
subsection {* The compilation of @{text "Inc n"} *}
text {*
The lemmas in this section lead to the correctness of
the compilation of @{text "Inc n"} instruction.
declare abc_step_l.simps[simp del] abc_steps_l.simps[simp del]
lemma [simp]: "start_of ly as > 0"
apply(simp add: start_of.simps)
lemma abc_step_red:
"abc_steps_l ac aprog stp = (as, am) \<Longrightarrow>
abc_steps_l ac aprog (Suc stp) = abc_step_l (as, am) (abc_fetch as aprog) "
lemma tm_shift_fetch:
"\<lbrakk>fetch A s b = (ac, ns); ns \<noteq> 0 \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> fetch (shift A off) s b = (ac, ns + off)"
apply(case_tac b)
apply(case_tac [!] s, auto simp: fetch.simps shift.simps)
lemma tm_shift_eq_step:
assumes exec: "step (s, l, r) (A, 0) = (s', l', r')"
and notfinal: "s' \<noteq> 0"
shows "step (s + off, l, r) (shift A off, off) = (s' + off, l', r')"
using assms
apply(simp add: step.simps)
apply(case_tac "fetch A s (read r)", auto)
apply(drule_tac [!] off = off in tm_shift_fetch, simp_all)
lemma tm_shift_eq_steps:
assumes layout: "ly = layout_of ap"
and compile: "tp = tm_of ap"
and exec: "steps (s, l, r) (A, 0) stp = (s', l', r')"
and notfinal: "s' \<noteq> 0"
shows "steps (s + off, l, r) (shift A off, off) stp = (s' + off, l', r')"
using exec notfinal
proof(induct stp arbitrary: s' l' r', simp add: steps.simps)
fix stp s' l' r'
assume ind: "\<And>s' l' r'. \<lbrakk>steps (s, l, r) (A, 0) stp = (s', l', r'); s' \<noteq> 0\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> steps (s + off, l, r) (shift A off, off) stp = (s' + off, l', r')"
and h: " steps (s, l, r) (A, 0) (Suc stp) = (s', l', r')" "s' \<noteq> 0"
obtain s1 l1 r1 where g: "steps (s, l, r) (A, 0) stp = (s1, l1, r1)"
apply(case_tac "steps (s, l, r) (A, 0) stp") by blast
moreover then have "s1 \<noteq> 0"
using h
apply(simp add: step_red, case_tac "0 < s1", simp, simp)
ultimately have "steps (s + off, l, r) (shift A off, off) stp =
(s1 + off, l1, r1)"
apply(rule_tac ind, simp_all)
thus "steps (s + off, l, r) (shift A off, off) (Suc stp) = (s' + off, l', r')"
using h g assms
apply(simp add: step_red)
apply(rule_tac tm_shift_eq_step, auto)
lemma startof_not0[simp]: "0 < start_of ly as"
apply(simp add: start_of.simps)
lemma startof_ge1[simp]: "Suc 0 \<le> start_of ly as"
apply(simp add: start_of.simps)
lemma step_eq_fetch:
assumes layout: "ly = layout_of ap"
and compile: "tp = tm_of ap"
and abc_fetch: "abc_fetch as ap = Some ins"
and fetch: "fetch (ci ly (start_of ly as) ins)
(Suc s - start_of ly as) b = (ac, ns)"
and notfinal: "ns \<noteq> 0"
shows "fetch tp s b = (ac, ns)"
proof -
have "s > start_of ly as \<and> s < start_of ly (Suc as)"
thus "fetch tp s b = (ac, ns)"
lemma step_eq_in:
assumes layout: "ly = layout_of ap"
and compile: "tp = tm_of ap"
and fetch: "abc_fetch as ap = Some ins"
and exec: "step (s, l, r) (ci ly (start_of ly as) ins, start_of ly as - 1)
= (s', l', r')"
and notfinal: "s' \<noteq> 0"
shows "step (s, l, r) (tp, 0) = (s', l', r')"
using assms
apply(simp add: step.simps)
apply(case_tac "fetch (ci (layout_of ap) (start_of (layout_of ap) as) ins)
(Suc s - start_of (layout_of ap) as) (read r)", simp)
using layout
apply(drule_tac s = s and b = "read r" and ac = a in step_eq_fetch, auto)
lemma steps_eq_in:
assumes layout: "ly = layout_of ap"
and compile: "tp = tm_of ap"
and crsp: "crsp ly (as, lm) (s, l, r) ires"
and fetch: "abc_fetch as ap = Some ins"
and exec: "steps (s, l, r) (ci ly (start_of ly as) ins, start_of ly as - 1) stp
= (s', l', r')"
and notfinal: "s' \<noteq> 0"
shows "steps (s, l, r) (tp, 0) stp = (s', l', r')"
using exec notfinal
proof(induct stp arbitrary: s' l' r', simp add: steps.simps)
fix stp s' l' r'
assume ind:
"\<And>s' l' r'. \<lbrakk>steps (s, l, r) (ci ly (start_of ly as) ins, start_of ly as - 1) stp = (s', l', r'); s' \<noteq> 0\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> steps (s, l, r) (tp, 0) stp = (s', l', r')"
and h: "steps (s, l, r) (ci ly (start_of ly as) ins, start_of ly as - 1) (Suc stp) = (s', l', r')" "s' \<noteq> 0"
obtain s1 l1 r1 where g: "steps (s, l, r) (ci ly (start_of ly as) ins, start_of ly as - 1) stp =
(s1, l1, r1)"
apply(case_tac "steps (s, l, r) (ci ly (start_of ly as) ins, start_of ly as - 1) stp") by blast
moreover hence "s1 \<noteq> 0"
using h
apply(simp add: step_red)
apply(case_tac "0 < s1", simp_all)
ultimately have "steps (s, l, r) (tp, 0) stp = (s1, l1, r1)"
apply(rule_tac ind, auto)
thus "steps (s, l, r) (tp, 0) (Suc stp) = (s', l', r')"
using h g assms
apply(simp add: step_red)
apply(rule_tac step_eq_in, auto)
lemma tm_append_fetch_first:
"\<lbrakk>fetch A s b = (ac, ns); ns \<noteq> 0\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
fetch (A @ B) s b = (ac, ns)"
apply(case_tac b)
apply(case_tac [!] s, auto simp: fetch.simps nth_append split: if_splits)
lemma tm_append_first_step_eq:
assumes "step (s, l, r) (A, 0) = (s', l', r')"
and "s' \<noteq> 0"
shows "step (s, l, r) (A @ B, 0) = (s', l', r')"
using assms
apply(simp add: step.simps)
apply(case_tac "fetch A s (read r)")
apply(frule_tac B = B and b = "read r" in tm_append_fetch_first, auto)
lemma tm_append_first_steps_eq:
assumes "steps (s, l, r) (A, 0) stp = (s', l', r')"
and "s' \<noteq> 0"
shows "steps (s, l, r) (A @ B, 0) stp = (s', l', r')"
using assms
lemma tm_append_second_steps_eq:
exec: "steps (s, l, r) (B, 0) stp = (s', l', r')"
and notfinal: "s' \<noteq> 0"
and off: "off = length A div 2"
and even: "length A mod 2 = 0"
shows "steps (s + off, l, r) (A @ shift B off, 0) stp = (s' + off, l', r')"
using assms
lemma tm_append_steps:
aexec: "steps (s, l, r) (A, 0) stpa = (Suc (length A div 2), la, ra)"
and bexec: "steps (Suc 0, la, ra) (B, 0) stpb = (sb, lb, rb)"
and notfinal: "sb \<noteq> 0"
and off: "off = length A div 2"
and even: "length A mod 2 = 0"
shows "steps (s, l, r) (A @ shift B off, 0) (stpa + stpb) = (sb + off, lb, rb)"
proof -
have "steps (s, l, r) (A@shift B off, 0) stpa = (Suc (length A div 2), la, ra)"
apply(rule_tac tm_append_first_steps_eq)
apply(auto simp: assms)
moreover have "steps (1 + off, la, ra) (A @ shift B off, 0) stpb = (sb + off, lb, rb)"
apply(rule_tac tm_append_second_steps_eq)
apply(auto simp: assms bexec)
ultimately show "steps (s, l, r) (A @ shift B off, 0) (stpa + stpb) = (sb + off, lb, rb)"
apply(simp add: steps_add off)
subsection {* Crsp of Inc*}
lemma crsp_step_inc:
assumes layout: "ly = layout_of ap"
and crsp: "crsp ly (as, lm) (s, l, r) ires"
and fetch: "abc_fetch as ap = Some (Inc n)"
shows "\<exists>stp. crsp ly (abc_step_l (as, lm) (Some (Inc n)))
(steps (s, l, r) (ci ly (start_of ly as) (Inc n), start_of ly as - Suc 0) stp) ires"
subsection{* Crsp of Dec n e*}
lemma crsp_step_dec:
assumes layout: "ly = layout_of ap"
and crsp: "crsp ly (as, lm) (s, l, r) ires"
shows "\<exists>stp. crsp ly (abc_step_l (as, lm) (Some (Dec n e)))
(steps (s, l, r) (ci ly (start_of ly as) (Dec n e), start_of ly as - Suc 0) stp) ires"
subsection{*Crsp of Goto*}
lemma crsp_step_goto:
assumes layout: "ly = layout_of ap"
and crsp: "crsp ly (as, lm) (s, l, r) ires"
shows "\<exists>stp. crsp ly (abc_step_l (as, lm) (Some (Goto n)))
(steps (s, l, r) (ci ly (start_of ly as) (Goto n),
start_of ly as - Suc 0) stp) ires"
lemma crsp_step_in:
assumes layout: "ly = layout_of ap"
and compile: "tp = tm_of ap"
and crsp: "crsp ly (as, lm) (s, l, r) ires"
and fetch: "abc_fetch as ap = Some ins"
shows "\<exists> stp. crsp ly (abc_step_l (as, lm) (Some ins))
(steps (s, l, r) (ci ly (start_of ly as) ins, start_of ly as - 1) stp) ires"
using assms
apply(case_tac ins, simp_all)
apply(rule crsp_step_inc, simp_all)
apply(rule crsp_step_dec, simp_all)
apply(rule_tac crsp_step_goto, simp_all)
lemma crsp_step:
assumes layout: "ly = layout_of ap"
and compile: "tp = tm_of ap"
and crsp: "crsp ly (as, lm) (s, l, r) ires"
and fetch: "abc_fetch as ap = Some ins"
shows "\<exists> stp. crsp ly (abc_step_l (as, lm) (Some ins))
(steps (s, l, r) (tp, 0) stp) ires"
proof -
have "\<exists> stp. crsp ly (abc_step_l (as, lm) (Some ins))
(steps (s, l, r) (ci ly (start_of ly as) ins, start_of ly as - 1) stp) ires"
using assms
apply(erule_tac crsp_step_in, simp_all)
from this obtain stp where d: "crsp ly (abc_step_l (as, lm) (Some ins))
(steps (s, l, r) (ci ly (start_of ly as) ins, start_of ly as - 1) stp) ires" ..
obtain s' l' r' where e:
"(steps (s, l, r) (ci ly (start_of ly as) ins, start_of ly as - 1) stp) = (s', l', r')"
apply(case_tac "(steps (s, l, r) (ci ly (start_of ly as) ins, start_of ly as - 1) stp)")
by blast
then have "steps (s, l, r) (tp, 0) stp = (s', l', r')"
using assms d
apply(rule_tac steps_eq_in)
apply(case_tac "(abc_step_l (as, lm) (Some ins))", simp add: crsp.simps)
thus " \<exists>stp. crsp ly (abc_step_l (as, lm) (Some ins)) (steps (s, l, r) (tp, 0) stp) ires"
using d e
apply(rule_tac x = stp in exI, simp)
lemma crsp_steps:
assumes layout: "ly = layout_of ap"
and compile: "tp = tm_of ap"
and crsp: "crsp ly (as, lm) (s, l, r) ires"
shows "\<exists> stp. crsp ly (abc_steps_l (as, lm) ap n)
(steps (s, l, r) (tp, 0) stp) ires"
using crsp
apply(induct n)
apply(rule_tac x = 0 in exI)
apply(simp add: steps.simps abc_steps_l.simps, simp)
apply(case_tac "(abc_steps_l (as, lm) ap n)", auto)
apply(frule_tac abc_step_red, simp)
apply(case_tac "abc_fetch a ap", simp add: abc_step_l.simps, auto)
apply(case_tac "steps (s, l, r) (tp, 0) stp", simp)
using assms
apply(drule_tac s = ab and l = ba and r = c in crsp_step, auto)
apply(rule_tac x = "stp + stpa" in exI, simp add: steps_add)
lemma tp_correct':
assumes layout: "ly = layout_of ap"
and compile: "tp = tm_of ap"
and crsp: "crsp ly (0, lm) (Suc 0, l, r) ires"
and abc_halt: "abc_steps_l (0, lm) ap stp = (length ap, am)"
shows "\<exists> stp k. steps (Suc 0, l, r) (tp, 0) stp = (start_of ly (length ap), Bk # Bk # ires, <am> @ Bk\<up>k)"
using assms
apply(drule_tac n = stp in crsp_steps, auto)
apply(rule_tac x = stpa in exI)
apply(case_tac "steps (Suc 0, l, r) (tm_of ap, 0) stpa", simp add: crsp.simps)
(***normalize the tp compiled from ap, and we can use Hoare_plus when composed with mopup machine*)
definition tp_norm :: "abc_prog \<Rightarrow> instr list"
"tp_norm ap = tm_of ap @ [(Nop, 0), (Nop, 0)]"
lemma tp_correct:
assumes layout: "ly = layout_of ap"
and crsp: "crsp ly (0, lm) (Suc 0, l, r) ires"
and abc_halt: "abc_steps_l (0, lm) ap stp = (length ap, am)"
shows "\<exists> stp k. steps (Suc 0, l, r) (tp_norm ap, 0) stp = (0, Bk # Bk # ires, <am> @ Bk\<up>k)"
fun mopup_a :: "nat \<Rightarrow> instr list"
"mopup_a 0 = []" |
"mopup_a (Suc n) = mopup_a n @
[(R, 2*n + 3), (W0, 2*n + 2), (R, 2*n + 1), (W1, 2*n + 2)]"
definition mopup_b :: "instr list"
"mopup_b \<equiv> [(R, 2), (R, 1), (L, 5), (W0, 3), (R, 4), (W0, 3),
(R, 2), (W0, 3), (L, 5), (L, 6), (R, 0), (L, 6)]"
fun mopup :: "nat \<Rightarrow> instr list"
"mopup n = mopup_a n @ shift mopup_b (2*n)"
(*we can use Hoare_plus here*)
lemma compile_correct_halt:
assumes layout: "ly = layout_of ap"
and crsp: "crsp ly (0, lm) (Suc 0, l, r) ires"
and abc_halt: "abc_steps_l (0, lm) ap stp = (length ap, am)"
and rs_loc: "n < length am"
and rs: "rs = abc_lm_v am n"
shows "\<exists> stp i j. steps (Suc 0, l, r) (tp_norm ap |+| mopup n, 0) stp = (0, Bk\<up>i @ Bk # Bk # ires, Oc\<up>Suc rs @ Bk\<up>j)"
lemma compile_correct_unhalt:
assumes layout: "ly = layout_of ap"
and crsp: "crsp ly (0, lm) (Suc 0, l, r) ires"
and abc_unhalt: "\<forall> stp. (\<lambda> (as, am). as < length ap) (abc_steps_l (0, lm) ap stp)"
shows "\<forall> stp.\<not> is_final (steps (Suc 0, l, r) (tp_norm ap |+| mopup n, 0) stp)"