added an function definition for eval.
(* Title: thys/UF.thy
Author: Jian Xu, Xingyuan Zhang, and Christian Urban
header {* Construction of a Universal Function *}
theory UF
imports Rec_Def GCD Abacus
text {*
This theory file constructs the Universal Function @{text "rec_F"}, which is the UTM defined
in terms of recursive functions. This @{text "rec_F"} is essentially an
interpreter of Turing Machines. Once the correctness of @{text "rec_F"} is established,
UTM can easil be obtained by compling @{text "rec_F"} into the corresponding Turing Machine.
section {* Universal Function *}
subsection {* The construction of component functions *}
text {*
The recursive function used to do arithmatic addition.
definition rec_add :: "recf"
"rec_add \<equiv> Pr 1 (id 1 0) (Cn 3 s [id 3 2])"
text {*
The recursive function used to do arithmatic multiplication.
definition rec_mult :: "recf"
"rec_mult = Pr 1 z (Cn 3 rec_add [id 3 0, id 3 2])"
text {*
The recursive function used to do arithmatic precede.
definition rec_pred :: "recf"
"rec_pred = Cn 1 (Pr 1 z (id 3 1)) [id 1 0, id 1 0]"
text {*
The recursive function used to do arithmatic subtraction.
definition rec_minus :: "recf"
"rec_minus = Pr 1 (id 1 0) (Cn 3 rec_pred [id 3 2])"
text {*
@{text "constn n"} is the recursive function which computes
nature number @{text "n"}.
fun constn :: "nat \<Rightarrow> recf"
"constn 0 = z" |
"constn (Suc n) = Cn 1 s [constn n]"
text {*
Sign function, which returns 1 when the input argument is greater than @{text "0"}.
definition rec_sg :: "recf"
"rec_sg = Cn 1 rec_minus [constn 1,
Cn 1 rec_minus [constn 1, id 1 0]]"
text {*
@{text "rec_less"} compares its two arguments, returns @{text "1"} if
the first is less than the second; otherwise returns @{text "0"}.
definition rec_less :: "recf"
"rec_less = Cn 2 rec_sg [Cn 2 rec_minus [id 2 1, id 2 0]]"
text {*
@{text "rec_not"} inverse its argument: returns @{text "1"} when the
argument is @{text "0"}; returns @{text "0"} otherwise.
definition rec_not :: "recf"
"rec_not = Cn 1 rec_minus [constn 1, id 1 0]"
text {*
@{text "rec_eq"} compares its two arguments: returns @{text "1"}
if they are equal; return @{text "0"} otherwise.
definition rec_eq :: "recf"
"rec_eq = Cn 2 rec_minus [Cn 2 (constn 1) [id 2 0],
Cn 2 rec_add [Cn 2 rec_minus [id 2 0, id 2 1],
Cn 2 rec_minus [id 2 1, id 2 0]]]"
text {*
@{text "rec_conj"} computes the conjunction of its two arguments,
returns @{text "1"} if both of them are non-zero; returns @{text "0"}
definition rec_conj :: "recf"
"rec_conj = Cn 2 rec_sg [Cn 2 rec_mult [id 2 0, id 2 1]] "
text {*
@{text "rec_disj"} computes the disjunction of its two arguments,
returns @{text "0"} if both of them are zero; returns @{text "0"}
definition rec_disj :: "recf"
"rec_disj = Cn 2 rec_sg [Cn 2 rec_add [id 2 0, id 2 1]]"
text {*
Computes the arity of recursive function.
fun arity :: "recf \<Rightarrow> nat"
"arity z = 1"
| "arity s = 1"
| "arity (id m n) = m"
| "arity (Cn n f gs) = n"
| "arity (Pr n f g) = Suc n"
| "arity (Mn n f) = n"
text {*
@{text "get_fstn_args n (Suc k)"} returns
@{text "[id n 0, id n 1, id n 2, \<dots>, id n k]"},
the effect of which is to take out the first @{text "Suc k"}
arguments out of the @{text "n"} input arguments.
fun get_fstn_args :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> recf list"
"get_fstn_args n 0 = []"
| "get_fstn_args n (Suc y) = get_fstn_args n y @ [id n y]"
text {*
@{text "rec_sigma f"} returns the recursive functions which
sums up the results of @{text "f"}:
(rec\_sigma f)(x, y) = f(x, 0) + f(x, 1) + \cdots + f(x, y)
fun rec_sigma :: "recf \<Rightarrow> recf"
"rec_sigma rf =
(let vl = arity rf in
Pr (vl - 1) (Cn (vl - 1) rf (get_fstn_args (vl - 1) (vl - 1) @
[Cn (vl - 1) (constn 0) [id (vl - 1) 0]]))
(Cn (Suc vl) rec_add [id (Suc vl) vl,
Cn (Suc vl) rf (get_fstn_args (Suc vl) (vl - 1)
@ [Cn (Suc vl) s [id (Suc vl) (vl - 1)]])]))"
text {*
@{text "rec_exec"} is the interpreter function for
reursive functions. The function is defined such that
it always returns meaningful results for primitive recursive
function rec_exec :: "recf \<Rightarrow> nat list \<Rightarrow> nat"
"rec_exec z xs = 0" |
"rec_exec s xs = (Suc (xs ! 0))" |
"rec_exec (id m n) xs = (xs ! n)" |
"rec_exec (Cn n f gs) xs =
(let ys = (map (\<lambda> a. rec_exec a xs) gs) in
rec_exec f ys)" |
"rec_exec (Pr n f g) xs =
(if last xs = 0 then
rec_exec f (butlast xs)
else rec_exec g (butlast xs @ [last xs - 1] @
[rec_exec (Pr n f g) (butlast xs @ [last xs - 1])]))" |
"rec_exec (Mn n f) xs = (LEAST x. rec_exec f (xs @ [x]) = 0)"
by pat_completeness auto
show "wf (measures [\<lambda> (r, xs). size r, (\<lambda> (r, xs). last xs)])"
by auto
fix n f gs xs x
assume "(x::recf) \<in> set gs"
thus "((x, xs), Cn n f gs, xs) \<in>
measures [\<lambda>(r, xs). size r, \<lambda>(r, xs). last xs]"
by(induct gs, auto)
fix n f gs xs x
assume "x = map (\<lambda>a. rec_exec a xs) gs"
"\<And>x. x \<in> set gs \<Longrightarrow> rec_exec_dom (x, xs)"
thus "((f, x), Cn n f gs, xs) \<in>
measures [\<lambda>(r, xs). size r, \<lambda>(r, xs). last xs]"
fix n f g xs
show "((f, butlast xs), Pr n f g, xs) \<in>
measures [\<lambda>(r, xs). size r, \<lambda>(r, xs). last xs]"
by auto
fix n f g xs
assume "last xs \<noteq> (0::nat)" thus
"((Pr n f g, butlast xs @ [last xs - 1]), Pr n f g, xs)
\<in> measures [\<lambda>(r, xs). size r, \<lambda>(r, xs). last xs]"
by auto
fix n f g xs
show "((g, butlast xs @ [last xs - 1] @ [rec_exec (Pr n f g) (butlast xs @ [last xs - 1])]),
Pr n f g, xs) \<in> measures [\<lambda>(r, xs). size r, \<lambda>(r, xs). last xs]"
by auto
fix n f xs x
show "((f, xs @ [x]), Mn n f, xs) \<in>
measures [\<lambda>(r, xs). size r, \<lambda>(r, xs). last xs]"
by auto
declare rec_exec.simps[simp del] constn.simps[simp del]
text {*
Correctness of @{text "rec_add"}.
lemma add_lemma: "\<And> x y. rec_exec rec_add [x, y] = x + y"
by(induct_tac y, auto simp: rec_add_def rec_exec.simps)
text {*
Correctness of @{text "rec_mult"}.
lemma mult_lemma: "\<And> x y. rec_exec rec_mult [x, y] = x * y"
by(induct_tac y, auto simp: rec_mult_def rec_exec.simps add_lemma)
text {*
Correctness of @{text "rec_pred"}.
lemma pred_lemma: "\<And> x. rec_exec rec_pred [x] = x - 1"
by(induct_tac x, auto simp: rec_pred_def rec_exec.simps)
text {*
Correctness of @{text "rec_minus"}.
lemma minus_lemma: "\<And> x y. rec_exec rec_minus [x, y] = x - y"
by(induct_tac y, auto simp: rec_exec.simps rec_minus_def pred_lemma)
text {*
Correctness of @{text "rec_sg"}.
lemma sg_lemma: "\<And> x. rec_exec rec_sg [x] = (if x = 0 then 0 else 1)"
by(auto simp: rec_sg_def minus_lemma rec_exec.simps constn.simps)
text {*
Correctness of @{text "constn"}.
lemma constn_lemma: "rec_exec (constn n) [x] = n"
by(induct n, auto simp: rec_exec.simps constn.simps)
text {*
Correctness of @{text "rec_less"}.
lemma less_lemma: "\<And> x y. rec_exec rec_less [x, y] =
(if x < y then 1 else 0)"
by(induct_tac y, auto simp: rec_exec.simps
rec_less_def minus_lemma sg_lemma)
text {*
Correctness of @{text "rec_not"}.
lemma not_lemma:
"\<And> x. rec_exec rec_not [x] = (if x = 0 then 1 else 0)"
by(induct_tac x, auto simp: rec_exec.simps rec_not_def
constn_lemma minus_lemma)
text {*
Correctness of @{text "rec_eq"}.
lemma eq_lemma: "\<And> x y. rec_exec rec_eq [x, y] = (if x = y then 1 else 0)"
by(induct_tac y, auto simp: rec_exec.simps rec_eq_def constn_lemma add_lemma minus_lemma)
text {*
Correctness of @{text "rec_conj"}.
lemma conj_lemma: "\<And> x y. rec_exec rec_conj [x, y] = (if x = 0 \<or> y = 0 then 0
else 1)"
by(induct_tac y, auto simp: rec_exec.simps sg_lemma rec_conj_def mult_lemma)
text {*
Correctness of @{text "rec_disj"}.
lemma disj_lemma: "\<And> x y. rec_exec rec_disj [x, y] = (if x = 0 \<and> y = 0 then 0
else 1)"
by(induct_tac y, auto simp: rec_disj_def sg_lemma add_lemma rec_exec.simps)
text {*
@{text "primrec recf n"} is true iff
@{text "recf"} is a primitive recursive function
with arity @{text "n"}.
inductive primerec :: "recf \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> bool"
prime_z[intro]: "primerec z (Suc 0)" |
prime_s[intro]: "primerec s (Suc 0)" |
prime_id[intro!]: "\<lbrakk>n < m\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> primerec (id m n) m" |
prime_cn[intro!]: "\<lbrakk>primerec f k; length gs = k;
\<forall> i < length gs. primerec (gs ! i) m; m = n\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> primerec (Cn n f gs) m" |
prime_pr[intro!]: "\<lbrakk>primerec f n;
primerec g (Suc (Suc n)); m = Suc n\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> primerec (Pr n f g) m"
inductive_cases prime_cn_reverse'[elim]: "primerec (Cn n f gs) n"
inductive_cases prime_mn_reverse: "primerec (Mn n f) m"
inductive_cases prime_z_reverse[elim]: "primerec z n"
inductive_cases prime_s_reverse[elim]: "primerec s n"
inductive_cases prime_id_reverse[elim]: "primerec (id m n) k"
inductive_cases prime_cn_reverse[elim]: "primerec (Cn n f gs) m"
inductive_cases prime_pr_reverse[elim]: "primerec (Pr n f g) m"
declare mult_lemma[simp] add_lemma[simp] pred_lemma[simp]
minus_lemma[simp] sg_lemma[simp] constn_lemma[simp]
less_lemma[simp] not_lemma[simp] eq_lemma[simp]
conj_lemma[simp] disj_lemma[simp]
text {*
@{text "Sigma"} is the logical specification of
the recursive function @{text "rec_sigma"}.
function Sigma :: "(nat list \<Rightarrow> nat) \<Rightarrow> nat list \<Rightarrow> nat"
"Sigma g xs = (if last xs = 0 then g xs
else (Sigma g (butlast xs @ [last xs - 1]) +
g xs)) "
by pat_completeness auto
show "wf (measure (\<lambda> (f, xs). last xs))" by auto
fix g xs
assume "last (xs::nat list) \<noteq> 0"
thus "((g, butlast xs @ [last xs - 1]), g, xs)
\<in> measure (\<lambda>(f, xs). last xs)"
by auto
declare rec_exec.simps[simp del] get_fstn_args.simps[simp del]
arity.simps[simp del] Sigma.simps[simp del]
rec_sigma.simps[simp del]
lemma [simp]: "arity z = 1"
by(simp add: arity.simps)
lemma rec_pr_0_simp_rewrite: "
rec_exec (Pr n f g) (xs @ [0]) = rec_exec f xs"
by(simp add: rec_exec.simps)
lemma rec_pr_0_simp_rewrite_single_param: "
rec_exec (Pr n f g) [0] = rec_exec f []"
by(simp add: rec_exec.simps)
lemma rec_pr_Suc_simp_rewrite:
"rec_exec (Pr n f g) (xs @ [Suc x]) =
rec_exec g (xs @ [x] @
[rec_exec (Pr n f g) (xs @ [x])])"
by(simp add: rec_exec.simps)
lemma rec_pr_Suc_simp_rewrite_single_param:
"rec_exec (Pr n f g) ([Suc x]) =
rec_exec g ([x] @ [rec_exec (Pr n f g) ([x])])"
by(simp add: rec_exec.simps)
lemma Sigma_0_simp_rewrite_single_param:
"Sigma f [0] = f [0]"
by(simp add: Sigma.simps)
lemma Sigma_0_simp_rewrite:
"Sigma f (xs @ [0]) = f (xs @ [0])"
by(simp add: Sigma.simps)
lemma Sigma_Suc_simp_rewrite:
"Sigma f (xs @ [Suc x]) = Sigma f (xs @ [x]) + f (xs @ [Suc x])"
by(simp add: Sigma.simps)
lemma Sigma_Suc_simp_rewrite_single:
"Sigma f ([Suc x]) = Sigma f ([x]) + f ([Suc x])"
by(simp add: Sigma.simps)
lemma [simp]: "(xs @ ys) ! (Suc (length xs)) = ys ! 1"
by(simp add: nth_append)
lemma get_fstn_args_take: "\<lbrakk>length xs = m; n \<le> m\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
map (\<lambda> f. rec_exec f xs) (get_fstn_args m n)= take n xs"
proof(induct n)
case 0 thus "?case"
by(simp add: get_fstn_args.simps)
case (Suc n) thus "?case"
by(simp add: get_fstn_args.simps rec_exec.simps
lemma [simp]: "primerec f n \<Longrightarrow> arity f = n"
apply(case_tac f)
apply(auto simp: arity.simps )
apply(erule_tac prime_mn_reverse)
lemma rec_sigma_Suc_simp_rewrite:
"primerec f (Suc (length xs))
\<Longrightarrow> rec_exec (rec_sigma f) (xs @ [Suc x]) =
rec_exec (rec_sigma f) (xs @ [x]) + rec_exec f (xs @ [Suc x])"
apply(induct x)
apply(auto simp: rec_sigma.simps Let_def rec_pr_Suc_simp_rewrite
rec_exec.simps get_fstn_args_take)
text {*
The correctness of @{text "rec_sigma"} with respect to its specification.
lemma sigma_lemma:
"primerec rg (Suc (length xs))
\<Longrightarrow> rec_exec (rec_sigma rg) (xs @ [x]) = Sigma (rec_exec rg) (xs @ [x])"
apply(induct x)
apply(auto simp: rec_exec.simps rec_sigma.simps Let_def
get_fstn_args_take Sigma_0_simp_rewrite
text {*
@{text "rec_accum f (x1, x2, \<dots>, xn, k) =
f(x1, x2, \<dots>, xn, 0) *
f(x1, x2, \<dots>, xn, 1) *
f(x1, x2, \<dots>, xn, k)"}
fun rec_accum :: "recf \<Rightarrow> recf"
"rec_accum rf =
(let vl = arity rf in
Pr (vl - 1) (Cn (vl - 1) rf (get_fstn_args (vl - 1) (vl - 1) @
[Cn (vl - 1) (constn 0) [id (vl - 1) 0]]))
(Cn (Suc vl) rec_mult [id (Suc vl) (vl),
Cn (Suc vl) rf (get_fstn_args (Suc vl) (vl - 1)
@ [Cn (Suc vl) s [id (Suc vl) (vl - 1)]])]))"
text {*
@{text "Accum"} is the formal specification of @{text "rec_accum"}.
function Accum :: "(nat list \<Rightarrow> nat) \<Rightarrow> nat list \<Rightarrow> nat"
"Accum f xs = (if last xs = 0 then f xs
else (Accum f (butlast xs @ [last xs - 1]) *
f xs))"
by pat_completeness auto
show "wf (measure (\<lambda> (f, xs). last xs))"
by auto
fix f xs
assume "last xs \<noteq> (0::nat)"
thus "((f, butlast xs @ [last xs - 1]), f, xs) \<in>
measure (\<lambda>(f, xs). last xs)"
by auto
lemma rec_accum_Suc_simp_rewrite:
"primerec f (Suc (length xs))
\<Longrightarrow> rec_exec (rec_accum f) (xs @ [Suc x]) =
rec_exec (rec_accum f) (xs @ [x]) * rec_exec f (xs @ [Suc x])"
apply(induct x)
apply(auto simp: rec_sigma.simps Let_def rec_pr_Suc_simp_rewrite
rec_exec.simps get_fstn_args_take)
text {*
The correctness of @{text "rec_accum"} with respect to its specification.
lemma accum_lemma :
"primerec rg (Suc (length xs))
\<Longrightarrow> rec_exec (rec_accum rg) (xs @ [x]) = Accum (rec_exec rg) (xs @ [x])"
apply(induct x)
apply(auto simp: rec_exec.simps rec_sigma.simps Let_def
declare rec_accum.simps [simp del]
text {*
@{text "rec_all t f (x1, x2, \<dots>, xn)"}
computes the charactrization function of the following FOL formula:
@{text "(\<forall> x \<le> t(x1, x2, \<dots>, xn). (f(x1, x2, \<dots>, xn, x) > 0))"}
fun rec_all :: "recf \<Rightarrow> recf \<Rightarrow> recf"
"rec_all rt rf =
(let vl = arity rf in
Cn (vl - 1) rec_sg [Cn (vl - 1) (rec_accum rf)
(get_fstn_args (vl - 1) (vl - 1) @ [rt])])"
lemma rec_accum_ex: "primerec rf (Suc (length xs)) \<Longrightarrow>
(rec_exec (rec_accum rf) (xs @ [x]) = 0) =
(\<exists> t \<le> x. rec_exec rf (xs @ [t]) = 0)"
apply(induct x, simp_all add: rec_accum_Suc_simp_rewrite)
apply(simp add: rec_exec.simps rec_accum.simps get_fstn_args_take,
apply(rule_tac x = ta in exI, simp)
apply(case_tac "t = Suc x", simp_all)
apply(rule_tac x = t in exI, simp)
text {*
The correctness of @{text "rec_all"}.
lemma all_lemma:
"\<lbrakk>primerec rf (Suc (length xs));
primerec rt (length xs)\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> rec_exec (rec_all rt rf) xs = (if (\<forall> x \<le> (rec_exec rt xs). 0 < rec_exec rf (xs @ [x])) then 1
else 0)"
apply(auto simp: rec_all.simps)
apply(simp add: rec_exec.simps map_append get_fstn_args_take split: if_splits)
apply(drule_tac x = "rec_exec rt xs" in rec_accum_ex)
apply(case_tac "rec_exec (rec_accum rf) (xs @ [rec_exec rt xs]) = 0", simp_all)
apply(erule_tac exE, erule_tac x = t in allE, simp)
apply(simp add: rec_exec.simps map_append get_fstn_args_take)
apply(drule_tac x = "rec_exec rt xs" in rec_accum_ex)
apply(case_tac "rec_exec (rec_accum rf) (xs @ [rec_exec rt xs]) = 0", simp, simp)
apply(erule_tac x = x in allE, simp)
text {*
@{text "rec_ex t f (x1, x2, \<dots>, xn)"}
computes the charactrization function of the following FOL formula:
@{text "(\<exists> x \<le> t(x1, x2, \<dots>, xn). (f(x1, x2, \<dots>, xn, x) > 0))"}
fun rec_ex :: "recf \<Rightarrow> recf \<Rightarrow> recf"
"rec_ex rt rf =
(let vl = arity rf in
Cn (vl - 1) rec_sg [Cn (vl - 1) (rec_sigma rf)
(get_fstn_args (vl - 1) (vl - 1) @ [rt])])"
lemma rec_sigma_ex: "primerec rf (Suc (length xs))
\<Longrightarrow> (rec_exec (rec_sigma rf) (xs @ [x]) = 0) =
(\<forall> t \<le> x. rec_exec rf (xs @ [t]) = 0)"
apply(induct x, simp_all add: rec_sigma_Suc_simp_rewrite)
apply(simp add: rec_exec.simps rec_sigma.simps
get_fstn_args_take, auto)
apply(case_tac "t = Suc x", simp_all)
text {*
The correctness of @{text "ex_lemma"}.
lemma ex_lemma:"
\<lbrakk>primerec rf (Suc (length xs));
primerec rt (length xs)\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> (rec_exec (rec_ex rt rf) xs =
(if (\<exists> x \<le> (rec_exec rt xs). 0 <rec_exec rf (xs @ [x])) then 1
else 0))"
apply(auto simp: rec_ex.simps rec_exec.simps map_append get_fstn_args_take
split: if_splits)
apply(drule_tac x = "rec_exec rt xs" in rec_sigma_ex, simp)
apply(drule_tac x = "rec_exec rt xs" in rec_sigma_ex, simp)
text {*
Definition of @{text "Min[R]"} on page 77 of Boolos's book.
fun Minr :: "(nat list \<Rightarrow> bool) \<Rightarrow> nat list \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat"
where "Minr Rr xs w = (let setx = {y | y. (y \<le> w) \<and> Rr (xs @ [y])} in
if (setx = {}) then (Suc w)
else (Min setx))"
declare Minr.simps[simp del] rec_all.simps[simp del]
text {*
The following is a set of auxilliary lemmas about @{text "Minr"}.
lemma Minr_range: "Minr Rr xs w \<le> w \<or> Minr Rr xs w = Suc w"
apply(auto simp: Minr.simps)
apply(subgoal_tac "Min {x. x \<le> w \<and> Rr (xs @ [x])} \<le> x")
apply(erule_tac order_trans, simp)
apply(rule_tac Min_le, auto)
lemma [simp]: "{x. x \<le> Suc w \<and> Rr (xs @ [x])}
= (if Rr (xs @ [Suc w]) then insert (Suc w)
{x. x \<le> w \<and> Rr (xs @ [x])}
else {x. x \<le> w \<and> Rr (xs @ [x])})"
by(auto, case_tac "x = Suc w", auto)
lemma [simp]: "Minr Rr xs w \<le> w \<Longrightarrow> Minr Rr xs (Suc w) = Minr Rr xs w"
apply(simp add: Minr.simps, auto)
apply(case_tac "\<forall>x\<le>w. \<not> Rr (xs @ [x])", auto)
lemma [simp]: "\<forall>x\<le>w. \<not> Rr (xs @ [x]) \<Longrightarrow>
{x. x \<le> w \<and> Rr (xs @ [x])} = {} "
by auto
lemma [simp]: "\<lbrakk>Minr Rr xs w = Suc w; Rr (xs @ [Suc w])\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
Minr Rr xs (Suc w) = Suc w"
apply(simp add: Minr.simps)
apply(case_tac "\<forall>x\<le>w. \<not> Rr (xs @ [x])", auto)
lemma [simp]: "\<lbrakk>Minr Rr xs w = Suc w; \<not> Rr (xs @ [Suc w])\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
Minr Rr xs (Suc w) = Suc (Suc w)"
apply(simp add: Minr.simps)
apply(case_tac "\<forall>x\<le>w. \<not> Rr (xs @ [x])", auto)
apply(subgoal_tac "Min {x. x \<le> w \<and> Rr (xs @ [x])} \<in>
{x. x \<le> w \<and> Rr (xs @ [x])}", simp)
apply(rule_tac Min_in, auto)
lemma Minr_Suc_simp:
"Minr Rr xs (Suc w) =
(if Minr Rr xs w \<le> w then Minr Rr xs w
else if (Rr (xs @ [Suc w])) then (Suc w)
else Suc (Suc w))"
by(insert Minr_range[of Rr xs w], auto)
text {*
@{text "rec_Minr"} is the recursive function
used to implement @{text "Minr"}:
if @{text "Rr"} is implemented by a recursive function @{text "recf"},
then @{text "rec_Minr recf"} is the recursive function used to
implement @{text "Minr Rr"}
fun rec_Minr :: "recf \<Rightarrow> recf"
"rec_Minr rf =
(let vl = arity rf
in let rq = rec_all (id vl (vl - 1)) (Cn (Suc vl)
rec_not [Cn (Suc vl) rf
(get_fstn_args (Suc vl) (vl - 1) @
[id (Suc vl) (vl)])])
in rec_sigma rq)"
lemma length_getpren_params[simp]: "length (get_fstn_args m n) = n"
by(induct n, auto simp: get_fstn_args.simps)
lemma length_app:
"(length (get_fstn_args (arity rf - Suc 0)
(arity rf - Suc 0)
@ [Cn (arity rf - Suc 0) (constn 0)
[ (arity rf - Suc 0) 0]]))
= (Suc (arity rf - Suc 0))"
lemma primerec_accum: "primerec (rec_accum rf) n \<Longrightarrow> primerec rf n"
apply(auto simp: rec_accum.simps Let_def)
apply(erule_tac prime_pr_reverse, simp)
apply(erule_tac prime_cn_reverse, simp only: length_app)
lemma primerec_all: "primerec (rec_all rt rf) n \<Longrightarrow>
primerec rt n \<and> primerec rf (Suc n)"
apply(simp add: rec_all.simps Let_def)
apply(erule_tac prime_cn_reverse, simp)
apply(erule_tac prime_cn_reverse, simp)
apply(erule_tac x = n in allE, simp add: nth_append primerec_accum)
lemma min_Suc_Suc[simp]: "min (Suc (Suc x)) x = x"
by auto
declare numeral_3_eq_3[simp]
lemma [intro]: "primerec rec_pred (Suc 0)"
apply(simp add: rec_pred_def)
apply(rule_tac prime_cn, auto)
apply(case_tac i, auto intro: prime_id)
lemma [intro]: "primerec rec_minus (Suc (Suc 0))"
apply(auto simp: rec_minus_def)
lemma [intro]: "primerec (constn n) (Suc 0)"
apply(induct n)
apply(auto simp: constn.simps intro: prime_z prime_cn prime_s)
lemma [intro]: "primerec rec_sg (Suc 0)"
apply(simp add: rec_sg_def)
apply(rule_tac k = "Suc (Suc 0)" in prime_cn, auto)
apply(case_tac i, auto)
apply(case_tac ia, auto intro: prime_id)
lemma [simp]: "length (get_fstn_args m n) = n"
apply(induct n)
apply(auto simp: get_fstn_args.simps)
lemma primerec_getpren[elim]: "\<lbrakk>i < n; n \<le> m\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> primerec (get_fstn_args m n ! i) m"
apply(induct n, auto simp: get_fstn_args.simps)
apply(case_tac "i = n", auto simp: nth_append intro: prime_id)
lemma [intro]: "primerec rec_add (Suc (Suc 0))"
apply(simp add: rec_add_def)
apply(rule_tac prime_pr, auto)
lemma [intro]:"primerec rec_mult (Suc (Suc 0))"
apply(simp add: rec_mult_def )
apply(rule_tac prime_pr, auto intro: prime_z)
apply(case_tac i, auto intro: prime_id)
lemma [elim]: "\<lbrakk>primerec rf n; n \<ge> Suc (Suc 0)\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
primerec (rec_accum rf) n"
apply(auto simp: rec_accum.simps)
apply(simp add: nth_append, auto)
apply(case_tac i, auto intro: prime_id)
apply(auto simp: nth_append)
lemma primerec_all_iff:
"\<lbrakk>primerec rt n; primerec rf (Suc n); n > 0\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
primerec (rec_all rt rf) n"
apply(simp add: rec_all.simps, auto)
apply(auto, simp add: nth_append, auto)
lemma [simp]: "Rr (xs @ [0]) \<Longrightarrow>
Min {x. x = (0::nat) \<and> Rr (xs @ [x])} = 0"
by(rule_tac Min_eqI, simp, simp, simp)
lemma [intro]: "primerec rec_not (Suc 0)"
apply(simp add: rec_not_def)
apply(rule prime_cn, auto)
apply(case_tac i, auto intro: prime_id)
lemma Min_false1[simp]: "\<lbrakk>\<not> Min {uu. uu \<le> w \<and> 0 < rec_exec rf (xs @ [uu])} \<le> w;
x \<le> w; 0 < rec_exec rf (xs @ [x])\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> False"
apply(subgoal_tac "finite {uu. uu \<le> w \<and> 0 < rec_exec rf (xs @ [uu])}")
apply(subgoal_tac "{uu. uu \<le> w \<and> 0 < rec_exec rf (xs @ [uu])} \<noteq> {}")
apply(simp add: Min_le_iff, simp)
apply(rule_tac x = x in exI, simp)
lemma sigma_minr_lemma:
assumes prrf: "primerec rf (Suc (length xs))"
shows "UF.Sigma (rec_exec (rec_all ( (Suc (length xs)) (length xs))
(Cn (Suc (Suc (length xs))) rec_not
[Cn (Suc (Suc (length xs))) rf (get_fstn_args (Suc (Suc (length xs)))
(length xs) @ [ (Suc (Suc (length xs))) (Suc (length xs))])])))
(xs @ [w]) =
Minr (\<lambda>args. 0 < rec_exec rf args) xs w"
proof(induct w)
let ?rt = "( (Suc (length xs)) ((length xs)))"
let ?rf = "(Cn (Suc (Suc (length xs)))
rec_not [Cn (Suc (Suc (length xs))) rf
(get_fstn_args (Suc (Suc (length xs))) (length xs) @
[ (Suc (Suc (length xs)))
(Suc ((length xs)))])])"
let ?rq = "(rec_all ?rt ?rf)"
have prrf: "primerec ?rf (Suc (length (xs @ [0]))) \<and>
primerec ?rt (length (xs @ [0]))"
apply(auto simp: prrf nth_append)+
show "Sigma (rec_exec (rec_all ?rt ?rf)) (xs @ [0])
= Minr (\<lambda>args. 0 < rec_exec rf args) xs 0"
apply(simp add: Sigma.simps)
apply(simp only: prrf all_lemma,
auto simp: rec_exec.simps get_fstn_args_take Minr.simps)
apply(rule_tac Min_eqI, auto)
fix w
let ?rt = "( (Suc (length xs)) ((length xs)))"
let ?rf = "(Cn (Suc (Suc (length xs)))
rec_not [Cn (Suc (Suc (length xs))) rf
(get_fstn_args (Suc (Suc (length xs))) (length xs) @
[ (Suc (Suc (length xs)))
(Suc ((length xs)))])])"
let ?rq = "(rec_all ?rt ?rf)"
assume ind:
"Sigma (rec_exec (rec_all ?rt ?rf)) (xs @ [w]) = Minr (\<lambda>args. 0 < rec_exec rf args) xs w"
have prrf: "primerec ?rf (Suc (length (xs @ [Suc w]))) \<and>
primerec ?rt (length (xs @ [Suc w]))"
apply(auto simp: prrf nth_append)+
show "UF.Sigma (rec_exec (rec_all ?rt ?rf))
(xs @ [Suc w]) =
Minr (\<lambda>args. 0 < rec_exec rf args) xs (Suc w)"
apply(auto simp: Sigma_Suc_simp_rewrite ind Minr_Suc_simp)
apply(simp_all only: prrf all_lemma)
apply(auto simp: rec_exec.simps get_fstn_args_take Let_def Minr.simps split: if_splits)
apply(drule_tac Min_false1, simp, simp, simp)
apply(case_tac "x = Suc w", simp, simp)
apply(drule_tac Min_false1, simp, simp, simp)
apply(drule_tac Min_false1, simp, simp, simp)
text {*
The correctness of @{text "rec_Minr"}.
lemma Minr_lemma: "
\<lbrakk>primerec rf (Suc (length xs))\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> rec_exec (rec_Minr rf) (xs @ [w]) =
Minr (\<lambda> args. (0 < rec_exec rf args)) xs w"
proof -
let ?rt = "( (Suc (length xs)) ((length xs)))"
let ?rf = "(Cn (Suc (Suc (length xs)))
rec_not [Cn (Suc (Suc (length xs))) rf
(get_fstn_args (Suc (Suc (length xs))) (length xs) @
[ (Suc (Suc (length xs)))
(Suc ((length xs)))])])"
let ?rq = "(rec_all ?rt ?rf)"
assume h: "primerec rf (Suc (length xs))"
have h1: "primerec ?rq (Suc (length xs))"
apply(rule_tac primerec_all_iff)
apply(auto simp: h nth_append)+
moreover have "arity rf = Suc (length xs)"
using h by auto
ultimately show "rec_exec (rec_Minr rf) (xs @ [w]) =
Minr (\<lambda> args. (0 < rec_exec rf args)) xs w"
apply(simp add: rec_exec.simps rec_Minr.simps arity.simps Let_def
sigma_lemma all_lemma)
apply(rule_tac sigma_minr_lemma)
apply(simp add: h)
text {*
@{text "rec_le"} is the comparasion function
which compares its two arguments, testing whether the
first is less or equal to the second.
definition rec_le :: "recf"
"rec_le = Cn (Suc (Suc 0)) rec_disj [rec_less, rec_eq]"
text {*
The correctness of @{text "rec_le"}.
lemma le_lemma:
"\<And>x y. rec_exec rec_le [x, y] = (if (x \<le> y) then 1 else 0)"
by(auto simp: rec_le_def rec_exec.simps)
text {*
Definition of @{text "Max[Rr]"} on page 77 of Boolos's book.
fun Maxr :: "(nat list \<Rightarrow> bool) \<Rightarrow> nat list \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat"
"Maxr Rr xs w = (let setx = {y. y \<le> w \<and> Rr (xs @[y])} in
if setx = {} then 0
else Max setx)"
text {*
@{text "rec_maxr"} is the recursive function
used to implementation @{text "Maxr"}.
fun rec_maxr :: "recf \<Rightarrow> recf"
"rec_maxr rr = (let vl = arity rr in
let rt = id (Suc vl) (vl - 1) in
let rf1 = Cn (Suc (Suc vl)) rec_le
[id (Suc (Suc vl))
((Suc vl)), id (Suc (Suc vl)) (vl)] in
let rf2 = Cn (Suc (Suc vl)) rec_not
[Cn (Suc (Suc vl))
rr (get_fstn_args (Suc (Suc vl))
(vl - 1) @
[id (Suc (Suc vl)) ((Suc vl))])] in
let rf = Cn (Suc (Suc vl)) rec_disj [rf1, rf2] in
let Qf = Cn (Suc vl) rec_not [rec_all rt rf]
in Cn vl (rec_sigma Qf) (get_fstn_args vl vl @
[id vl (vl - 1)]))"
declare rec_maxr.simps[simp del] Maxr.simps[simp del]
declare le_lemma[simp]
lemma [simp]: "(min (Suc (Suc (Suc (x)))) (x)) = x"
by simp
declare numeral_2_eq_2[simp]
lemma [intro]: "primerec rec_disj (Suc (Suc 0))"
apply(simp add: rec_disj_def, auto)
apply(case_tac ia, auto intro: prime_id)
lemma [intro]: "primerec rec_less (Suc (Suc 0))"
apply(simp add: rec_less_def, auto)
apply(case_tac ia , auto intro: prime_id)
lemma [intro]: "primerec rec_eq (Suc (Suc 0))"
apply(simp add: rec_eq_def)
apply(rule_tac prime_cn, auto)
apply(case_tac i, auto)
apply(case_tac ia, auto)
apply(case_tac [!] i, auto intro: prime_id)
lemma [intro]: "primerec rec_le (Suc (Suc 0))"
apply(simp add: rec_le_def)
apply(rule_tac prime_cn, auto)
apply(case_tac i, auto)
lemma [simp]:
"length ys = Suc n \<Longrightarrow> (take n ys @ [ys ! n, ys ! n]) =
ys @ [ys ! n]"
apply(subgoal_tac "\<exists> xs y. ys = xs @ [y]", auto)
apply(rule_tac x = "butlast ys" in exI, rule_tac x = "last ys" in exI)
apply(case_tac "ys = []", simp_all)
lemma Maxr_Suc_simp:
"Maxr Rr xs (Suc w) =(if Rr (xs @ [Suc w]) then Suc w
else Maxr Rr xs w)"
apply(auto simp: Maxr.simps Max.insert)
apply(rule_tac Max_eqI, auto)
lemma [simp]: "min (Suc n) n = n" by simp
lemma Sigma_0: "\<forall> i \<le> n. (f (xs @ [i]) = 0) \<Longrightarrow>
Sigma f (xs @ [n]) = 0"
apply(induct n, simp add: Sigma.simps)
apply(simp add: Sigma_Suc_simp_rewrite)
lemma [elim]: "\<forall>k<Suc w. f (xs @ [k]) = Suc 0
\<Longrightarrow> Sigma f (xs @ [w]) = Suc w"
apply(induct w)
apply(simp add: Sigma.simps, simp)
apply(simp add: Sigma.simps)
lemma Sigma_max_point: "\<lbrakk>\<forall> k < ma. f (xs @ [k]) = 1;
\<forall> k \<ge> ma. f (xs @ [k]) = 0; ma \<le> w\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> Sigma f (xs @ [w]) = ma"
apply(induct w, auto)
apply(rule_tac Sigma_0, simp)
apply(simp add: Sigma_Suc_simp_rewrite)
apply(case_tac "ma = Suc w", auto)
lemma Sigma_Max_lemma:
assumes prrf: "primerec rf (Suc (length xs))"
shows "UF.Sigma (rec_exec (Cn (Suc (Suc (length xs))) rec_not
[rec_all ( (Suc (Suc (length xs))) (length xs))
(Cn (Suc (Suc (Suc (length xs)))) rec_disj
[Cn (Suc (Suc (Suc (length xs)))) rec_le
[ (Suc (Suc (Suc (length xs)))) (Suc (Suc (length xs))), (Suc (Suc (Suc (length xs)))) (Suc (length xs))],
Cn (Suc (Suc (Suc (length xs)))) rec_not
[Cn (Suc (Suc (Suc (length xs)))) rf
(get_fstn_args (Suc (Suc (Suc (length xs)))) (length xs) @
[ (Suc (Suc (Suc (length xs)))) (Suc (Suc (length xs)))])]])]))
((xs @ [w]) @ [w]) =
Maxr (\<lambda>args. 0 < rec_exec rf args) xs w"
proof -
let ?rt = "( (Suc (Suc (length xs))) ((length xs)))"
let ?rf1 = "Cn (Suc (Suc (Suc (length xs))))
rec_le [ (Suc (Suc (Suc (length xs))))
((Suc (Suc (length xs)))),
(Suc (Suc (Suc (length xs)))) ((Suc (length xs)))]"
let ?rf2 = "Cn (Suc (Suc (Suc (length xs)))) rf
(get_fstn_args (Suc (Suc (Suc (length xs))))
(length xs) @
[ (Suc (Suc (Suc (length xs))))
((Suc (Suc (length xs))))])"
let ?rf3 = "Cn (Suc (Suc (Suc (length xs)))) rec_not [?rf2]"
let ?rf = "Cn (Suc (Suc (Suc (length xs)))) rec_disj [?rf1, ?rf3]"
let ?rq = "rec_all ?rt ?rf"
let ?notrq = "Cn (Suc (Suc (length xs))) rec_not [?rq]"
show "?thesis"
proof(auto simp: Maxr.simps)
assume h: "\<forall>x\<le>w. rec_exec rf (xs @ [x]) = 0"
have "primerec ?rf (Suc (length (xs @ [w, i]))) \<and>
primerec ?rt (length (xs @ [w, i]))"
using prrf
apply(case_tac i, auto)
apply(case_tac ia, auto simp: h nth_append)
hence "Sigma (rec_exec ?notrq) ((xs@[w])@[w]) = 0"
apply(rule_tac Sigma_0)
apply(auto simp: rec_exec.simps all_lemma
get_fstn_args_take nth_append h)
thus "UF.Sigma (rec_exec ?notrq)
(xs @ [w, w]) = 0"
by simp
fix x
assume h: "x \<le> w" "0 < rec_exec rf (xs @ [x])"
hence "\<exists> ma. Max {y. y \<le> w \<and> 0 < rec_exec rf (xs @ [y])} = ma"
by auto
from this obtain ma where k1:
"Max {y. y \<le> w \<and> 0 < rec_exec rf (xs @ [y])} = ma" ..
hence k2: "ma \<le> w \<and> 0 < rec_exec rf (xs @ [ma])"
using h
"Max {y. y \<le> w \<and> 0 < rec_exec rf (xs @ [y])} \<in> {y. y \<le> w \<and> 0 < rec_exec rf (xs @ [y])}")
apply(erule_tac CollectE, simp)
apply(rule_tac Max_in, auto)
hence k3: "\<forall> k < ma. (rec_exec ?notrq (xs @ [w, k]) = 1)"
apply(auto simp: nth_append)
apply(subgoal_tac "primerec ?rf (Suc (length (xs @ [w, k]))) \<and>
primerec ?rt (length (xs @ [w, k]))")
apply(auto simp: rec_exec.simps all_lemma get_fstn_args_take nth_append)
using prrf
apply(case_tac i, auto)
apply(case_tac ia, auto simp: h nth_append)
have k4: "\<forall> k \<ge> ma. (rec_exec ?notrq (xs @ [w, k]) = 0)"
apply(subgoal_tac "primerec ?rf (Suc (length (xs @ [w, k]))) \<and>
primerec ?rt (length (xs @ [w, k]))")
apply(auto simp: rec_exec.simps all_lemma get_fstn_args_take nth_append)
apply(subgoal_tac "x \<le> Max {y. y \<le> w \<and> 0 < rec_exec rf (xs @ [y])}",
simp add: k1)
apply(rule_tac Max_ge, auto)
using prrf
apply(case_tac i, auto)
apply(case_tac ia, auto simp: h nth_append)
from k3 k4 k1 have "Sigma (rec_exec ?notrq) ((xs @ [w]) @ [w]) = ma"
apply(rule_tac Sigma_max_point, simp, simp, simp add: k2)
from k1 and this show "Sigma (rec_exec ?notrq) (xs @ [w, w]) =
Max {y. y \<le> w \<and> 0 < rec_exec rf (xs @ [y])}"
by simp
text {*
The correctness of @{text "rec_maxr"}.
lemma Maxr_lemma:
assumes h: "primerec rf (Suc (length xs))"
shows "rec_exec (rec_maxr rf) (xs @ [w]) =
Maxr (\<lambda> args. 0 < rec_exec rf args) xs w"
proof -
from h have "arity rf = Suc (length xs)"
by auto
thus "?thesis"
proof(simp add: rec_exec.simps rec_maxr.simps nth_append get_fstn_args_take)
let ?rt = "( (Suc (Suc (length xs))) ((length xs)))"
let ?rf1 = "Cn (Suc (Suc (Suc (length xs))))
rec_le [ (Suc (Suc (Suc (length xs))))
((Suc (Suc (length xs)))),
(Suc (Suc (Suc (length xs)))) ((Suc (length xs)))]"
let ?rf2 = "Cn (Suc (Suc (Suc (length xs)))) rf
(get_fstn_args (Suc (Suc (Suc (length xs))))
(length xs) @
[ (Suc (Suc (Suc (length xs))))
((Suc (Suc (length xs))))])"
let ?rf3 = "Cn (Suc (Suc (Suc (length xs)))) rec_not [?rf2]"
let ?rf = "Cn (Suc (Suc (Suc (length xs)))) rec_disj [?rf1, ?rf3]"
let ?rq = "rec_all ?rt ?rf"
let ?notrq = "Cn (Suc (Suc (length xs))) rec_not [?rq]"
have prt: "primerec ?rt (Suc (Suc (length xs)))"
by(auto intro: prime_id)
have prrf: "primerec ?rf (Suc (Suc (Suc (length xs))))"
apply(case_tac i, auto)
apply(case_tac ia, auto intro: prime_id)
apply(simp add: h)
apply(simp add: nth_append, auto intro: prime_id)
from prt and prrf have prrq: "primerec ?rq
(Suc (Suc (length xs)))"
by(erule_tac primerec_all_iff, auto)
hence prnotrp: "primerec ?notrq (Suc (length ((xs @ [w]))))"
by(rule_tac prime_cn, auto)
have g1: "rec_exec (rec_sigma ?notrq) ((xs @ [w]) @ [w])
= Maxr (\<lambda>args. 0 < rec_exec rf args) xs w"
using prnotrp
using sigma_lemma
apply(simp only: sigma_lemma)
apply(rule_tac Sigma_Max_lemma)
apply(simp add: h)
thus "rec_exec (rec_sigma ?notrq)
(xs @ [w, w]) =
Maxr (\<lambda>args. 0 < rec_exec rf args) xs w"
text {*
@{text "quo"} is the formal specification of division.
fun quo :: "nat list \<Rightarrow> nat"
"quo [x, y] = (let Rr =
(\<lambda> zs. ((zs ! (Suc 0) * zs ! (Suc (Suc 0))
\<le> zs ! 0) \<and> zs ! Suc 0 \<noteq> (0::nat)))
in Maxr Rr [x, y] x)"
declare quo.simps[simp del]
text {*
The following lemmas shows more directly the menaing of @{text "quo"}:
lemma [elim!]: "y > 0 \<Longrightarrow> quo [x, y] = x div y"
proof(simp add: quo.simps Maxr.simps, auto,
rule_tac Max_eqI, simp, auto)
fix xa ya
assume h: "y * ya \<le> x" "y > 0"
hence "(y * ya) div y \<le> x div y"
by(insert div_le_mono[of "y * ya" x y], simp)
from this and h show "ya \<le> x div y" by simp
fix xa
show "y * (x div y) \<le> x"
apply(subgoal_tac "y * (x div y) + x mod y = x")
apply(rule_tac k = "x mod y" in add_leD1, simp)
lemma [intro]: "quo [x, 0] = 0"
by(simp add: quo.simps Maxr.simps)
lemma quo_div: "quo [x, y] = x div y"
by(case_tac "y=0", auto)
text {*
@{text "rec_noteq"} is the recursive function testing whether its
two arguments are not equal.
definition rec_noteq:: "recf"
"rec_noteq = Cn (Suc (Suc 0)) rec_not [Cn (Suc (Suc 0))
rec_eq [id (Suc (Suc 0)) (0), id (Suc (Suc 0))
((Suc 0))]]"
text {*
The correctness of @{text "rec_noteq"}.
lemma noteq_lemma:
"\<And> x y. rec_exec rec_noteq [x, y] =
(if x \<noteq> y then 1 else 0)"
by(simp add: rec_exec.simps rec_noteq_def)
declare noteq_lemma[simp]
text {*
@{text "rec_quo"} is the recursive function used to implement @{text "quo"}
definition rec_quo :: "recf"
"rec_quo = (let rR = Cn (Suc (Suc (Suc 0))) rec_conj
[Cn (Suc (Suc (Suc 0))) rec_le
[Cn (Suc (Suc (Suc 0))) rec_mult
[id (Suc (Suc (Suc 0))) (Suc 0),
id (Suc (Suc (Suc 0))) ((Suc (Suc 0)))],
id (Suc (Suc (Suc 0))) (0)],
Cn (Suc (Suc (Suc 0))) rec_noteq
[id (Suc (Suc (Suc 0))) (Suc (0)),
Cn (Suc (Suc (Suc 0))) (constn 0)
[id (Suc (Suc (Suc 0))) (0)]]]
in Cn (Suc (Suc 0)) (rec_maxr rR)) [id (Suc (Suc 0))
(0),id (Suc (Suc 0)) (Suc (0)),
id (Suc (Suc 0)) (0)]"
lemma [intro]: "primerec rec_conj (Suc (Suc 0))"
apply(simp add: rec_conj_def)
apply(rule_tac prime_cn, auto)+
apply(case_tac i, auto intro: prime_id)
lemma [intro]: "primerec rec_noteq (Suc (Suc 0))"
apply(simp add: rec_noteq_def)
apply(rule_tac prime_cn, auto)+
apply(case_tac i, auto intro: prime_id)
lemma quo_lemma1: "rec_exec rec_quo [x, y] = quo [x, y]"
proof(simp add: rec_exec.simps rec_quo_def)
let ?rR = "(Cn (Suc (Suc (Suc 0))) rec_conj
[Cn (Suc (Suc (Suc 0))) rec_le
[Cn (Suc (Suc (Suc 0))) rec_mult
[ (Suc (Suc (Suc 0))) (Suc (0)), (Suc (Suc (Suc 0))) (Suc (Suc (0)))], (Suc (Suc (Suc 0))) (0)],
Cn (Suc (Suc (Suc 0))) rec_noteq
[ (Suc (Suc (Suc 0)))
(Suc (0)), Cn (Suc (Suc (Suc 0))) (constn 0)
[ (Suc (Suc (Suc 0))) (0)]]])"
have "rec_exec (rec_maxr ?rR) ([x, y]@ [ x]) = Maxr (\<lambda> args. 0 < rec_exec ?rR args) [x, y] x"
proof(rule_tac Maxr_lemma, simp)
show "primerec ?rR (Suc (Suc (Suc 0)))"
apply(case_tac i, auto)
apply(case_tac [!] ia, auto)
apply(case_tac i, auto)
hence g1: "rec_exec (rec_maxr ?rR) ([x, y, x]) =
Maxr (\<lambda> args. if rec_exec ?rR args = 0 then False
else True) [x, y] x"
by simp
have g2: "Maxr (\<lambda> args. if rec_exec ?rR args = 0 then False
else True) [x, y] x = quo [x, y]"
apply(simp add: rec_exec.simps)
apply(simp add: Maxr.simps quo.simps, auto)
from g1 and g2 show
"rec_exec (rec_maxr ?rR) ([x, y, x]) = quo [x, y]"
by simp
text {*
The correctness of @{text "quo"}.
lemma quo_lemma2: "rec_exec rec_quo [x, y] = x div y"
using quo_lemma1[of x y] quo_div[of x y]
by simp
text {*
@{text "rec_mod"} is the recursive function used to implement
the reminder function.
definition rec_mod :: "recf"
"rec_mod = Cn (Suc (Suc 0)) rec_minus [id (Suc (Suc 0)) (0),
Cn (Suc (Suc 0)) rec_mult [rec_quo, id (Suc (Suc 0))
(Suc (0))]]"
text {*
The correctness of @{text "rec_mod"}:
lemma mod_lemma: "\<And> x y. rec_exec rec_mod [x, y] = (x mod y)"
proof(simp add: rec_exec.simps rec_mod_def quo_lemma2)
fix x y
show "x - x div y * y = x mod (y::nat)"
using mod_div_equality2[of y x]
apply(subgoal_tac "y * (x div y) = (x div y ) * y", arith, simp)
text{* lemmas for embranch function*}
type_synonym ftype = "nat list \<Rightarrow> nat"
type_synonym rtype = "nat list \<Rightarrow> bool"
text {*
The specifation of the mutli-way branching statement on
page 79 of Boolos's book.
fun Embranch :: "(ftype * rtype) list \<Rightarrow> nat list \<Rightarrow> nat"
"Embranch [] xs = 0" |
"Embranch (gc # gcs) xs = (
let (g, c) = gc in
if c xs then g xs else Embranch gcs xs)"
fun rec_embranch' :: "(recf * recf) list \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> recf"
"rec_embranch' [] vl = Cn vl z [id vl (vl - 1)]" |
"rec_embranch' ((rg, rc) # rgcs) vl = Cn vl rec_add
[Cn vl rec_mult [rg, rc], rec_embranch' rgcs vl]"
text {*
@{text "rec_embrach"} is the recursive function used to implement
@{text "Embranch"}.
fun rec_embranch :: "(recf * recf) list \<Rightarrow> recf"
"rec_embranch ((rg, rc) # rgcs) =
(let vl = arity rg in
rec_embranch' ((rg, rc) # rgcs) vl)"
declare Embranch.simps[simp del] rec_embranch.simps[simp del]
lemma embranch_all0:
"\<lbrakk>\<forall> j < length rcs. rec_exec (rcs ! j) xs = 0;
length rgs = length rcs;
rcs \<noteq> [];
list_all (\<lambda> rf. primerec rf (length xs)) (rgs @ rcs)\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
rec_exec (rec_embranch (zip rgs rcs)) xs = 0"
proof(induct rcs arbitrary: rgs, simp, case_tac rgs, simp)
fix a rcs rgs aa list
assume ind:
"\<And>rgs. \<lbrakk>\<forall>j<length rcs. rec_exec (rcs ! j) xs = 0;
length rgs = length rcs; rcs \<noteq> [];
list_all (\<lambda>rf. primerec rf (length xs)) (rgs @ rcs)\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
rec_exec (rec_embranch (zip rgs rcs)) xs = 0"
and h: "\<forall>j<length (a # rcs). rec_exec ((a # rcs) ! j) xs = 0"
"length rgs = length (a # rcs)"
"a # rcs \<noteq> []"
"list_all (\<lambda>rf. primerec rf (length xs)) (rgs @ a # rcs)"
"rgs = aa # list"
have g: "rcs \<noteq> [] \<Longrightarrow> rec_exec (rec_embranch (zip list rcs)) xs = 0"
using h
by(rule_tac ind, auto)
show "rec_exec (rec_embranch (zip rgs (a # rcs))) xs = 0"
proof(case_tac "rcs = []", simp)
show "rec_exec (rec_embranch (zip rgs [a])) xs = 0"
using h
apply(simp add: rec_embranch.simps rec_exec.simps)
apply(erule_tac x = 0 in allE, simp)
assume "rcs \<noteq> []"
hence "rec_exec (rec_embranch (zip list rcs)) xs = 0"
using g by simp
thus "rec_exec (rec_embranch (zip rgs (a # rcs))) xs = 0"
using h
apply(simp add: rec_embranch.simps rec_exec.simps)
apply(case_tac rcs,
auto simp: rec_exec.simps rec_embranch.simps)
apply(case_tac list,
auto simp: rec_exec.simps rec_embranch.simps)
lemma embranch_exec_0: "\<lbrakk>rec_exec aa xs = 0; zip rgs list \<noteq> [];
list_all (\<lambda> rf. primerec rf (length xs)) ([a, aa] @ rgs @ list)\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> rec_exec (rec_embranch ((a, aa) # zip rgs list)) xs
= rec_exec (rec_embranch (zip rgs list)) xs"
apply(simp add: rec_exec.simps rec_embranch.simps)
apply(case_tac "zip rgs list", simp, case_tac ab,
simp add: rec_embranch.simps rec_exec.simps)
apply(subgoal_tac "arity a = length xs", auto)
apply(subgoal_tac "arity aaa = length xs", auto)
apply(case_tac rgs, simp, case_tac list, simp, simp)
lemma zip_null_iff: "\<lbrakk>length xs = k; length ys = k; zip xs ys = []\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> xs = [] \<and> ys = []"
apply(case_tac xs, simp, simp)
apply(case_tac ys, simp, simp)
lemma zip_null_gr: "\<lbrakk>length xs = k; length ys = k; zip xs ys \<noteq> []\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> 0 < k"
apply(case_tac xs, simp, simp)
lemma Embranch_0:
"\<lbrakk>length rgs = k; length rcs = k; k > 0;
\<forall> j < k. rec_exec (rcs ! j) xs = 0\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
Embranch (zip (map rec_exec rgs) (map (\<lambda>r args. 0 < rec_exec r args) rcs)) xs = 0"
proof(induct rgs arbitrary: rcs k, simp, simp)
fix a rgs rcs k
assume ind:
"\<And>rcs k. \<lbrakk>length rgs = k; length rcs = k; 0 < k; \<forall>j<k. rec_exec (rcs ! j) xs = 0\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> Embranch (zip (map rec_exec rgs) (map (\<lambda>r args. 0 < rec_exec r args) rcs)) xs = 0"
and h: "Suc (length rgs) = k" "length rcs = k"
"\<forall>j<k. rec_exec (rcs ! j) xs = 0"
from h show
"Embranch (zip (rec_exec a # map rec_exec rgs)
(map (\<lambda>r args. 0 < rec_exec r args) rcs)) xs = 0"
apply(case_tac rcs, simp, case_tac "rgs = []", simp)
apply(simp add: Embranch.simps)
apply(erule_tac x = 0 in allE, simp)
apply(simp add: Embranch.simps)
apply(erule_tac x = 0 in all_dupE, simp)
apply(rule_tac ind, simp, simp, simp, auto)
apply(erule_tac x = "Suc j" in allE, simp)
text {*
The correctness of @{text "rec_embranch"}.
lemma embranch_lemma:
assumes branch_num:
"length rgs = n" "length rcs = n" "n > 0"
and partition:
"(\<exists> i < n. (rec_exec (rcs ! i) xs = 1 \<and> (\<forall> j < n. j \<noteq> i \<longrightarrow>
rec_exec (rcs ! j) xs = 0)))"
and prime_all: "list_all (\<lambda> rf. primerec rf (length xs)) (rgs @ rcs)"
shows "rec_exec (rec_embranch (zip rgs rcs)) xs =
Embranch (zip (map rec_exec rgs)
(map (\<lambda> r args. 0 < rec_exec r args) rcs)) xs"
using branch_num partition prime_all
proof(induct rgs arbitrary: rcs n, simp)
fix a rgs rcs n
assume ind:
"\<And>rcs n. \<lbrakk>length rgs = n; length rcs = n; 0 < n;
\<exists>i<n. rec_exec (rcs ! i) xs = 1 \<and> (\<forall>j<n. j \<noteq> i \<longrightarrow> rec_exec (rcs ! j) xs = 0);
list_all (\<lambda>rf. primerec rf (length xs)) (rgs @ rcs)\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> rec_exec (rec_embranch (zip rgs rcs)) xs =
Embranch (zip (map rec_exec rgs) (map (\<lambda>r args. 0 < rec_exec r args) rcs)) xs"
and h: "length (a # rgs) = n" "length (rcs::recf list) = n" "0 < n"
" \<exists>i<n. rec_exec (rcs ! i) xs = 1 \<and>
(\<forall>j<n. j \<noteq> i \<longrightarrow> rec_exec (rcs ! j) xs = 0)"
"list_all (\<lambda>rf. primerec rf (length xs)) ((a # rgs) @ rcs)"
from h show "rec_exec (rec_embranch (zip (a # rgs) rcs)) xs =
Embranch (zip (map rec_exec (a # rgs)) (map (\<lambda>r args.
0 < rec_exec r args) rcs)) xs"
apply(case_tac rcs, simp, simp)
apply(case_tac "rec_exec aa xs = 0")
apply(case_tac [!] "zip rgs list = []", simp)
apply(subgoal_tac "rgs = [] \<and> list = []", simp add: Embranch.simps rec_exec.simps rec_embranch.simps)
apply(rule_tac zip_null_iff, simp, simp, simp)
proof -
fix aa list
assume g:
"Suc (length rgs) = n" "Suc (length list) = n"
"\<exists>i<n. rec_exec ((aa # list) ! i) xs = Suc 0 \<and>
(\<forall>j<n. j \<noteq> i \<longrightarrow> rec_exec ((aa # list) ! j) xs = 0)"
"primerec a (length xs) \<and>
list_all (\<lambda>rf. primerec rf (length xs)) rgs \<and>
primerec aa (length xs) \<and>
list_all (\<lambda>rf. primerec rf (length xs)) list"
"rec_exec aa xs = 0" "rcs = aa # list" "zip rgs list \<noteq> []"
have "rec_exec (rec_embranch ((a, aa) # zip rgs list)) xs
= rec_exec (rec_embranch (zip rgs list)) xs"
apply(rule embranch_exec_0, simp_all add: g)
from g and this show "rec_exec (rec_embranch ((a, aa) # zip rgs list)) xs =
Embranch ((rec_exec a, \<lambda>args. 0 < rec_exec aa args) #
zip (map rec_exec rgs) (map (\<lambda>r args. 0 < rec_exec r args) list)) xs"
apply(simp add: Embranch.simps)
apply(rule_tac n = "n - Suc 0" in ind)
apply(case_tac n, simp, simp)
apply(case_tac n, simp, simp)
apply(case_tac n, simp, simp add: zip_null_gr )
apply(case_tac i, simp, simp)
apply(rule_tac x = nat in exI, simp)
apply(rule_tac allI, erule_tac x = "Suc j" in allE, simp)
fix aa list
assume g: "Suc (length rgs) = n" "Suc (length list) = n"
"\<exists>i<n. rec_exec ((aa # list) ! i) xs = Suc 0 \<and>
(\<forall>j<n. j \<noteq> i \<longrightarrow> rec_exec ((aa # list) ! j) xs = 0)"
"primerec a (length xs) \<and> list_all (\<lambda>rf. primerec rf (length xs)) rgs \<and>
primerec aa (length xs) \<and> list_all (\<lambda>rf. primerec rf (length xs)) list"
"rcs = aa # list" "rec_exec aa xs \<noteq> 0" "zip rgs list = []"
thus "rec_exec (rec_embranch ((a, aa) # zip rgs list)) xs =
Embranch ((rec_exec a, \<lambda>args. 0 < rec_exec aa args) #
zip (map rec_exec rgs) (map (\<lambda>r args. 0 < rec_exec r args) list)) xs"
apply(subgoal_tac "rgs = [] \<and> list = []", simp)
prefer 2
apply(rule_tac zip_null_iff, simp, simp, simp)
apply(simp add: rec_exec.simps rec_embranch.simps Embranch.simps, auto)
fix aa list
assume g: "Suc (length rgs) = n" "Suc (length list) = n"
"\<exists>i<n. rec_exec ((aa # list) ! i) xs = Suc 0 \<and>
(\<forall>j<n. j \<noteq> i \<longrightarrow> rec_exec ((aa # list) ! j) xs = 0)"
"primerec a (length xs) \<and> list_all (\<lambda>rf. primerec rf (length xs)) rgs
\<and> primerec aa (length xs) \<and> list_all (\<lambda>rf. primerec rf (length xs)) list"
"rcs = aa # list" "rec_exec aa xs \<noteq> 0" "zip rgs list \<noteq> []"
have "rec_exec aa xs = Suc 0"
using g
apply(case_tac "rec_exec aa xs", simp, auto)
moreover have "rec_exec (rec_embranch' (zip rgs list) (length xs)) xs = 0"
proof -
have "rec_embranch' (zip rgs list) (length xs) = rec_embranch (zip rgs list)"
using g
apply(case_tac "zip rgs list", simp, case_tac ab)
apply(simp add: rec_embranch.simps)
apply(subgoal_tac "arity aaa = length xs", simp, auto)
apply(case_tac rgs, simp, simp, case_tac list, simp, simp)
moreover have "rec_exec (rec_embranch (zip rgs list)) xs = 0"
proof(rule embranch_all0)
show " \<forall>j<length list. rec_exec (list ! j) xs = 0"
using g
apply(case_tac i, simp)
apply(erule_tac x = "Suc j" in allE, simp)
apply(erule_tac x = 0 in allE, simp)
show "length rgs = length list"
using g
apply(case_tac n, simp, simp)
show "list \<noteq> []"
using g
apply(case_tac list, simp, simp)
show "list_all (\<lambda>rf. primerec rf (length xs)) (rgs @ list)"
using g
apply auto
ultimately show "rec_exec (rec_embranch' (zip rgs list) (length xs)) xs = 0"
by simp
moreover have
"Embranch (zip (map rec_exec rgs)
(map (\<lambda>r args. 0 < rec_exec r args) list)) xs = 0"
using g
apply(rule_tac k = "length rgs" in Embranch_0)
apply(simp, case_tac n, simp, simp)
apply(case_tac rgs, simp, simp)
apply(case_tac i, simp)
apply(erule_tac x = "Suc j" in allE, simp)
apply(rule_tac x = 0 in allE, auto)
moreover have "arity a = length xs"
using g
ultimately show "rec_exec (rec_embranch ((a, aa) # zip rgs list)) xs =
Embranch ((rec_exec a, \<lambda>args. 0 < rec_exec aa args) #
zip (map rec_exec rgs) (map (\<lambda>r args. 0 < rec_exec r args) list)) xs"
apply(simp add: rec_exec.simps rec_embranch.simps Embranch.simps)
@{text "prime n"} means @{text "n"} is a prime number.
fun Prime :: "nat \<Rightarrow> bool"
"Prime x = (1 < x \<and> (\<forall> u < x. (\<forall> v < x. u * v \<noteq> x)))"
declare Prime.simps [simp del]
lemma primerec_all1:
"primerec (rec_all rt rf) n \<Longrightarrow> primerec rt n"
by (simp add: primerec_all)
lemma primerec_all2: "primerec (rec_all rt rf) n \<Longrightarrow>
primerec rf (Suc n)"
by(insert primerec_all[of rt rf n], simp)
text {*
@{text "rec_prime"} is the recursive function used to implement
@{text "Prime"}.
definition rec_prime :: "recf"
"rec_prime = Cn (Suc 0) rec_conj
[Cn (Suc 0) rec_less [constn 1, id (Suc 0) (0)],
rec_all (Cn 1 rec_minus [id 1 0, constn 1])
(rec_all (Cn 2 rec_minus [id 2 0, Cn 2 (constn 1)
[id 2 0]]) (Cn 3 rec_noteq
[Cn 3 rec_mult [id 3 1, id 3 2], id 3 0]))]"
declare numeral_2_eq_2[simp del] numeral_3_eq_3[simp del]
lemma exec_tmp:
"rec_exec (rec_all (Cn 2 rec_minus [ 2 0, Cn 2 (constn (Suc 0)) [ 2 0]])
(Cn 3 rec_noteq [Cn 3 rec_mult [ 3 (Suc 0), 3 2], 3 0])) [x, k] =
((if (\<forall>w\<le>rec_exec (Cn 2 rec_minus [ 2 0, Cn 2 (constn (Suc 0)) [ 2 0]]) ([x, k]).
0 < rec_exec (Cn 3 rec_noteq [Cn 3 rec_mult [ 3 (Suc 0), 3 2], 3 0])
([x, k] @ [w])) then 1 else 0))"
apply(rule_tac all_lemma)
apply(case_tac [!] i, auto)
apply(case_tac ia, auto simp: numeral_3_eq_3 numeral_2_eq_2)
text {*
The correctness of @{text "Prime"}.
lemma prime_lemma: "rec_exec rec_prime [x] = (if Prime x then 1 else 0)"
proof(simp add: rec_exec.simps rec_prime_def)
let ?rt1 = "(Cn 2 rec_minus [ 2 0,
Cn 2 (constn (Suc 0)) [ 2 0]])"
let ?rf1 = "(Cn 3 rec_noteq [Cn 3 rec_mult
[ 3 (Suc 0), 3 2], 3 (0)])"
let ?rt2 = "(Cn (Suc 0) rec_minus
[ (Suc 0) 0, constn (Suc 0)])"
let ?rf2 = "rec_all ?rt1 ?rf1"
have h1: "rec_exec (rec_all ?rt2 ?rf2) ([x]) =
(if (\<forall>k\<le>rec_exec ?rt2 ([x]). 0 < rec_exec ?rf2 ([x] @ [k])) then 1 else 0)"
proof(rule_tac all_lemma, simp_all)
show "primerec ?rf2 (Suc (Suc 0))"
apply(rule_tac primerec_all_iff)
apply(case_tac [!] i, auto simp: numeral_2_eq_2)
apply(case_tac ia, auto simp: numeral_3_eq_3)
show "primerec (Cn (Suc 0) rec_minus
[ (Suc 0) 0, constn (Suc 0)]) (Suc 0)"
apply(case_tac i, auto)
from h1 show
"(Suc 0 < x \<longrightarrow> (rec_exec (rec_all ?rt2 ?rf2) [x] = 0 \<longrightarrow>
\<not> Prime x) \<and>
(0 < rec_exec (rec_all ?rt2 ?rf2) [x] \<longrightarrow> Prime x)) \<and>
(\<not> Suc 0 < x \<longrightarrow> \<not> Prime x \<and> (rec_exec (rec_all ?rt2 ?rf2) [x] = 0
\<longrightarrow> \<not> Prime x))"
apply(auto simp:rec_exec.simps)
apply(simp add: exec_tmp rec_exec.simps)
proof -
assume "\<forall>k\<le>x - Suc 0. (0::nat) < (if \<forall>w\<le>x - Suc 0.
0 < (if k * w \<noteq> x then 1 else (0 :: nat)) then 1 else 0)" "Suc 0 < x"
thus "Prime x"
apply(simp add: rec_exec.simps split: if_splits)
apply(simp add: Prime.simps, auto)
apply(erule_tac x = u in allE, auto)
apply(case_tac u, simp, case_tac nat, simp, simp)
apply(case_tac v, simp, case_tac nat, simp, simp)
assume "\<not> Suc 0 < x" "Prime x"
thus "False"
apply(simp add: Prime.simps)
fix k
assume "rec_exec (rec_all ?rt1 ?rf1)
[x, k] = 0" "k \<le> x - Suc 0" "Prime x"
thus "False"
apply(simp add: exec_tmp rec_exec.simps Prime.simps split: if_splits)
fix k
assume "rec_exec (rec_all ?rt1 ?rf1)
[x, k] = 0" "k \<le> x - Suc 0" "Prime x"
thus "False"
apply(simp add: exec_tmp rec_exec.simps Prime.simps split: if_splits)
definition rec_dummyfac :: "recf"
"rec_dummyfac = Pr 1 (constn 1)
(Cn 3 rec_mult [id 3 2, Cn 3 s [id 3 1]])"
text {*
The recursive function used to implment factorization.
definition rec_fac :: "recf"
"rec_fac = Cn 1 rec_dummyfac [id 1 0, id 1 0]"
text {*
Formal specification of factorization.
fun fac :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat" ("_!" [100] 99)
"fac 0 = 1" |
"fac (Suc x) = (Suc x) * fac x"
lemma [simp]: "rec_exec rec_dummyfac [0, 0] = Suc 0"
by(simp add: rec_dummyfac_def rec_exec.simps)
lemma rec_cn_simp: "rec_exec (Cn n f gs) xs =
(let rgs = map (\<lambda> g. rec_exec g xs) gs in
rec_exec f rgs)"
by(simp add: rec_exec.simps)
lemma rec_id_simp: "rec_exec (id m n) xs = xs ! n"
by(simp add: rec_exec.simps)
lemma fac_dummy: "rec_exec rec_dummyfac [x, y] = y !"
apply(induct y)
apply(auto simp: rec_dummyfac_def rec_exec.simps)
text {*
The correctness of @{text "rec_fac"}.
lemma fac_lemma: "rec_exec rec_fac [x] = x!"
apply(simp add: rec_fac_def rec_exec.simps fac_dummy)
declare fac.simps[simp del]
text {*
@{text "Np x"} returns the first prime number after @{text "x"}.
fun Np ::"nat \<Rightarrow> nat"
"Np x = Min {y. y \<le> Suc (x!) \<and> x < y \<and> Prime y}"
declare Np.simps[simp del] rec_Minr.simps[simp del]
text {*
@{text "rec_np"} is the recursive function used to implement
@{text "Np"}.
definition rec_np :: "recf"
"rec_np = (let Rr = Cn 2 rec_conj [Cn 2 rec_less [id 2 0, id 2 1],
Cn 2 rec_prime [id 2 1]]
in Cn 1 (rec_Minr Rr) [id 1 0, Cn 1 s [rec_fac]])"
lemma [simp]: "n < Suc (n!)"
apply(induct n, simp)
apply(simp add: fac.simps)
apply(case_tac n, auto simp: fac.simps)
lemma divsor_ex:
"\<lbrakk>\<not> Prime x; x > Suc 0\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> (\<exists> u > Suc 0. (\<exists> v > Suc 0. u * v = x))"
by(auto simp: Prime.simps)
lemma divsor_prime_ex: "\<lbrakk>\<not> Prime x; x > Suc 0\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
\<exists> p. Prime p \<and> p dvd x"
apply(induct x rule: wf_induct[where r = "measure (\<lambda> y. y)"], simp)
apply(drule_tac divsor_ex, simp, auto)
apply(erule_tac x = u in allE, simp)
apply(case_tac "Prime u", simp)
apply(rule_tac x = u in exI, simp, auto)
lemma [intro]: "0 < n!"
apply(induct n)
apply(auto simp: fac.simps)
lemma fac_Suc: "Suc n! = (Suc n) * (n!)" by(simp add: fac.simps)
lemma fac_dvd: "\<lbrakk>0 < q; q \<le> n\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> q dvd n!"
apply(induct n, simp)
apply(case_tac "q \<le> n", simp add: fac_Suc)
apply(subgoal_tac "q = Suc n", simp only: fac_Suc)
apply(rule_tac dvd_mult2, simp, simp)
lemma fac_dvd2: "\<lbrakk>Suc 0 < q; q dvd n!; q \<le> n\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<not> q dvd Suc (n!)"
proof(auto simp: dvd_def)
fix k ka
assume h1: "Suc 0 < q" "q \<le> n"
and h2: "Suc (q * k) = q * ka"
have "k < ka"
proof -
have "q * k < q * ka"
using h2 by arith
thus "k < ka"
using h1
hence "\<exists>d. d > 0 \<and> ka = d + k"
by(rule_tac x = "ka - k" in exI, simp)
from this obtain d where "d > 0 \<and> ka = d + k" ..
from h2 and this and h1 show "False"
by(simp add: add_mult_distrib2)
lemma prime_ex: "\<exists> p. n < p \<and> p \<le> Suc (n!) \<and> Prime p"
proof(cases "Prime (n! + 1)")
case True thus "?thesis"
by(rule_tac x = "Suc (n!)" in exI, simp)
assume h: "\<not> Prime (n! + 1)"
hence "\<exists> p. Prime p \<and> p dvd (n! + 1)"
by(erule_tac divsor_prime_ex, auto)
from this obtain q where k: "Prime q \<and> q dvd (n! + 1)" ..
thus "?thesis"
proof(cases "q > n")
case True thus "?thesis"
using k
apply(rule_tac x = q in exI, auto)
apply(rule_tac dvd_imp_le, auto)
case False thus "?thesis"
proof -
assume g: "\<not> n < q"
have j: "q > Suc 0"
using k by(case_tac q, auto simp: Prime.simps)
hence "q dvd n!"
using g
apply(rule_tac fac_dvd, auto)
hence "\<not> q dvd Suc (n!)"
using g j
by(rule_tac fac_dvd2, auto)
thus "?thesis"
using k by simp
lemma Suc_Suc_induct[elim!]: "\<lbrakk>i < Suc (Suc 0);
primerec (ys ! 0) n; primerec (ys ! 1) n\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> primerec (ys ! i) n"
by(case_tac i, auto)
lemma [intro]: "primerec rec_prime (Suc 0)"
apply(auto simp: rec_prime_def, auto)
apply(rule_tac primerec_all_iff, auto, auto)
apply(rule_tac primerec_all_iff, auto, auto simp:
numeral_2_eq_2 numeral_3_eq_3)
text {*
The correctness of @{text "rec_np"}.
lemma np_lemma: "rec_exec rec_np [x] = Np x"
proof(auto simp: rec_np_def rec_exec.simps Let_def fac_lemma)
let ?rr = "(Cn 2 rec_conj [Cn 2 rec_less [ 2 0, 2 (Suc 0)], Cn 2 rec_prime [ 2 (Suc 0)]])"
let ?R = "\<lambda> zs. zs ! 0 < zs ! 1 \<and> Prime (zs ! 1)"
have g1: "rec_exec (rec_Minr ?rr) ([x] @ [Suc (x!)]) =
Minr (\<lambda> args. 0 < rec_exec ?rr args) [x] (Suc (x!))"
by(rule_tac Minr_lemma, auto simp: rec_exec.simps
prime_lemma, auto simp: numeral_2_eq_2 numeral_3_eq_3)
have g2: "Minr (\<lambda> args. 0 < rec_exec ?rr args) [x] (Suc (x!)) = Np x"
using prime_ex[of x]
apply(auto simp: Minr.simps Np.simps rec_exec.simps)
apply(erule_tac x = p in allE, simp add: prime_lemma)
apply(simp add: prime_lemma split: if_splits)
"{uu. (Prime uu \<longrightarrow> (x < uu \<longrightarrow> uu \<le> Suc (x!)) \<and> x < uu) \<and> Prime uu}
= {y. y \<le> Suc (x!) \<and> x < y \<and> Prime y}", auto)
from g1 and g2 show "rec_exec (rec_Minr ?rr) ([x, Suc (x!)]) = Np x"
by simp
text {*
@{text "rec_power"} is the recursive function used to implement
power function.
definition rec_power :: "recf"
"rec_power = Pr 1 (constn 1) (Cn 3 rec_mult [id 3 0, id 3 2])"
text {*
The correctness of @{text "rec_power"}.
lemma power_lemma: "rec_exec rec_power [x, y] = x^y"
by(induct y, auto simp: rec_exec.simps rec_power_def)
@{text "Pi k"} returns the @{text "k"}-th prime number.
fun Pi :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat"
"Pi 0 = 2" |
"Pi (Suc x) = Np (Pi x)"
definition rec_dummy_pi :: "recf"
"rec_dummy_pi = Pr 1 (constn 2) (Cn 3 rec_np [id 3 2])"
text {*
@{text "rec_pi"} is the recursive function used to implement
@{text "Pi"}.
definition rec_pi :: "recf"
"rec_pi = Cn 1 rec_dummy_pi [id 1 0, id 1 0]"
lemma pi_dummy_lemma: "rec_exec rec_dummy_pi [x, y] = Pi y"
apply(induct y)
by(auto simp: rec_exec.simps rec_dummy_pi_def Pi.simps np_lemma)
text {*
The correctness of @{text "rec_pi"}.
lemma pi_lemma: "rec_exec rec_pi [x] = Pi x"
apply(simp add: rec_pi_def rec_exec.simps pi_dummy_lemma)
fun loR :: "nat list \<Rightarrow> bool"
"loR [x, y, u] = (x mod (y^u) = 0)"
declare loR.simps[simp del]
text {*
@{text "Lo"} specifies the @{text "lo"} function given on page 79 of
Boolos's book. It is one of the two notions of integeral logarithmatic
operation on that page. The other is @{text "lg"}.
fun lo :: " nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat"
"lo x y = (if x > 1 \<and> y > 1 \<and> {u. loR [x, y, u]} \<noteq> {} then Max {u. loR [x, y, u]}
else 0)"
declare lo.simps[simp del]
lemma [elim]: "primerec rf n \<Longrightarrow> n > 0"
apply(induct rule: primerec.induct, auto)
lemma primerec_sigma[intro!]:
"\<lbrakk>n > Suc 0; primerec rf n\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
primerec (rec_sigma rf) n"
apply(simp add: rec_sigma.simps)
apply(auto, auto simp: nth_append)
lemma [intro!]: "\<lbrakk>primerec rf n; n > 0\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> primerec (rec_maxr rf) n"
apply(simp add: rec_maxr.simps)
apply(rule_tac prime_cn, auto)
apply(rule_tac primerec_all_iff, auto, auto simp: nth_append)
lemma Suc_Suc_Suc_induct[elim!]:
"\<lbrakk>i < Suc (Suc (Suc (0::nat))); primerec (ys ! 0) n;
primerec (ys ! 1) n;
primerec (ys ! 2) n\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> primerec (ys ! i) n"
apply(case_tac i, auto, case_tac nat, simp, simp add: numeral_2_eq_2)
lemma [intro]: "primerec rec_quo (Suc (Suc 0))"
apply(simp add: rec_quo_def)
apply(tactic {* resolve_tac [@{thm prime_cn},
@{thm prime_id}] 1*}, auto+)+
lemma [intro]: "primerec rec_mod (Suc (Suc 0))"
apply(simp add: rec_mod_def)
apply(tactic {* resolve_tac [@{thm prime_cn},
@{thm prime_id}] 1*}, auto+)+
lemma [intro]: "primerec rec_power (Suc (Suc 0))"
apply(simp add: rec_power_def numeral_2_eq_2 numeral_3_eq_3)
apply(tactic {* resolve_tac [@{thm prime_cn},
@{thm prime_id}, @{thm prime_pr}] 1*}, auto+)+
text {*
@{text "rec_lo"} is the recursive function used to implement @{text "Lo"}.
definition rec_lo :: "recf"
"rec_lo = (let rR = Cn 3 rec_eq [Cn 3 rec_mod [id 3 0,
Cn 3 rec_power [id 3 1, id 3 2]],
Cn 3 (constn 0) [id 3 1]] in
let rb = Cn 2 (rec_maxr rR) [id 2 0, id 2 1, id 2 0] in
let rcond = Cn 2 rec_conj [Cn 2 rec_less [Cn 2 (constn 1)
[id 2 0], id 2 0],
Cn 2 rec_less [Cn 2 (constn 1)
[id 2 0], id 2 1]] in
let rcond2 = Cn 2 rec_minus
[Cn 2 (constn 1) [id 2 0], rcond]
in Cn 2 rec_add [Cn 2 rec_mult [rb, rcond],
Cn 2 rec_mult [Cn 2 (constn 0) [id 2 0], rcond2]])"
lemma rec_lo_Maxr_lor:
"\<lbrakk>Suc 0 < x; Suc 0 < y\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
rec_exec rec_lo [x, y] = Maxr loR [x, y] x"
proof(auto simp: rec_exec.simps rec_lo_def Let_def
numeral_2_eq_2 numeral_3_eq_3)
let ?rR = "(Cn (Suc (Suc (Suc 0))) rec_eq
[Cn (Suc (Suc (Suc 0))) rec_mod [ (Suc (Suc (Suc 0))) 0,
Cn (Suc (Suc (Suc 0))) rec_power [ (Suc (Suc (Suc 0)))
(Suc 0), (Suc (Suc (Suc 0))) (Suc (Suc 0))]],
Cn (Suc (Suc (Suc 0))) (constn 0) [ (Suc (Suc (Suc 0))) (Suc 0)]])"
have h: "rec_exec (rec_maxr ?rR) ([x, y] @ [x]) =
Maxr (\<lambda> args. 0 < rec_exec ?rR args) [x, y] x"
by(rule_tac Maxr_lemma, auto simp: rec_exec.simps
mod_lemma power_lemma, auto simp: numeral_2_eq_2 numeral_3_eq_3)
have "Maxr loR [x, y] x = Maxr (\<lambda> args. 0 < rec_exec ?rR args) [x, y] x"
apply(simp add: rec_exec.simps mod_lemma power_lemma)
apply(simp add: Maxr.simps loR.simps)
from h and this show "rec_exec (rec_maxr ?rR) [x, y, x] =
Maxr loR [x, y] x"
lemma [simp]: "Max {ya. ya = 0 \<and> loR [0, y, ya]} = 0"
apply(rule_tac Max_eqI, auto simp: loR.simps)
lemma [simp]: "Suc 0 < y \<Longrightarrow> Suc (Suc 0) < y * y"
apply(induct y, simp)
apply(case_tac y, simp, simp)
lemma less_mult: "\<lbrakk>x > 0; y > Suc 0\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> x < y * x"
apply(case_tac y, simp, simp)
lemma x_less_exp: "\<lbrakk>y > Suc 0\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> x < y^x"
apply(induct x, simp, simp)
apply(case_tac x, simp, auto)
apply(rule_tac y = "y* y^nat" in le_less_trans, simp)
apply(rule_tac less_mult, auto)
lemma le_mult: "y \<noteq> (0::nat) \<Longrightarrow> x \<le> x * y"
by(induct y, simp, simp)
lemma uplimit_loR: "\<lbrakk>Suc 0 < x; Suc 0 < y; loR [x, y, xa]\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
xa \<le> x"
apply(simp add: loR.simps)
apply(rule_tac classical, auto)
apply(subgoal_tac "xa < y^xa")
apply(subgoal_tac "y^xa \<le> y^xa * q", simp)
apply(rule_tac le_mult, case_tac q, simp, simp)
apply(rule_tac x_less_exp, simp)
lemma [simp]: "\<lbrakk>xa \<le> x; loR [x, y, xa]; Suc 0 < x; Suc 0 < y\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
{u. loR [x, y, u]} = {ya. ya \<le> x \<and> loR [x, y, ya]}"
apply(rule_tac Collect_cong, auto)
apply(erule_tac uplimit_loR, simp, simp)
lemma Maxr_lo: "\<lbrakk>Suc 0 < x; Suc 0 < y\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
Maxr loR [x, y] x = lo x y"
apply(simp add: Maxr.simps lo.simps, auto)
apply(erule_tac x = xa in allE, simp, simp add: uplimit_loR)
lemma lo_lemma': "\<lbrakk>Suc 0 < x; Suc 0 < y\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
rec_exec rec_lo [x, y] = lo x y"
by(simp add: Maxr_lo rec_lo_Maxr_lor)
lemma lo_lemma'': "\<lbrakk>\<not> Suc 0 < x\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> rec_exec rec_lo [x, y] = lo x y"
apply(case_tac x, auto simp: rec_exec.simps rec_lo_def
Let_def lo.simps)
lemma lo_lemma''': "\<lbrakk>\<not> Suc 0 < y\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> rec_exec rec_lo [x, y] = lo x y"
apply(case_tac y, auto simp: rec_exec.simps rec_lo_def
Let_def lo.simps)
text {*
The correctness of @{text "rec_lo"}:
lemma lo_lemma: "rec_exec rec_lo [x, y] = lo x y"
apply(case_tac "Suc 0 < x \<and> Suc 0 < y")
apply(auto simp: lo_lemma' lo_lemma'' lo_lemma''')
fun lgR :: "nat list \<Rightarrow> bool"
"lgR [x, y, u] = (y^u \<le> x)"
text {*
@{text "lg"} specifies the @{text "lg"} function given on page 79 of
Boolos's book. It is one of the two notions of integeral logarithmatic
operation on that page. The other is @{text "lo"}.
fun lg :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat"
"lg x y = (if x > 1 \<and> y > 1 \<and> {u. lgR [x, y, u]} \<noteq> {} then
Max {u. lgR [x, y, u]}
else 0)"
declare lg.simps[simp del] lgR.simps[simp del]
text {*
@{text "rec_lg"} is the recursive function used to implement @{text "lg"}.
definition rec_lg :: "recf"
"rec_lg = (let rec_lgR = Cn 3 rec_le
[Cn 3 rec_power [id 3 1, id 3 2], id 3 0] in
let conR1 = Cn 2 rec_conj [Cn 2 rec_less
[Cn 2 (constn 1) [id 2 0], id 2 0],
Cn 2 rec_less [Cn 2 (constn 1)
[id 2 0], id 2 1]] in
let conR2 = Cn 2 rec_not [conR1] in
Cn 2 rec_add [Cn 2 rec_mult
[conR1, Cn 2 (rec_maxr rec_lgR)
[id 2 0, id 2 1, id 2 0]],
Cn 2 rec_mult [conR2, Cn 2 (constn 0)
[id 2 0]]])"
lemma lg_maxr: "\<lbrakk>Suc 0 < x; Suc 0 < y\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
rec_exec rec_lg [x, y] = Maxr lgR [x, y] x"
proof(simp add: rec_exec.simps rec_lg_def Let_def)
assume h: "Suc 0 < x" "Suc 0 < y"
let ?rR = "(Cn 3 rec_le [Cn 3 rec_power
[ 3 (Suc 0), 3 2], 3 0])"
have "rec_exec (rec_maxr ?rR) ([x, y] @ [x])
= Maxr ((\<lambda> args. 0 < rec_exec ?rR args)) [x, y] x"
proof(rule Maxr_lemma)
show "primerec (Cn 3 rec_le [Cn 3 rec_power
[ 3 (Suc 0), 3 2], 3 0]) (Suc (length [x, y]))"
apply(auto simp: numeral_3_eq_3)+
moreover have "Maxr lgR [x, y] x = Maxr ((\<lambda> args. 0 < rec_exec ?rR args)) [x, y] x"
apply(simp add: rec_exec.simps power_lemma)
apply(simp add: Maxr.simps lgR.simps)
ultimately show "rec_exec (rec_maxr ?rR) [x, y, x] = Maxr lgR [x, y] x"
by simp
lemma [simp]: "\<lbrakk>Suc 0 < y; lgR [x, y, xa]\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> xa \<le> x"
apply(simp add: lgR.simps)
apply(subgoal_tac "y^xa > xa", simp)
apply(erule x_less_exp)
lemma [simp]: "\<lbrakk>Suc 0 < x; Suc 0 < y; lgR [x, y, xa]\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
{u. lgR [x, y, u]} = {ya. ya \<le> x \<and> lgR [x, y, ya]}"
apply(rule_tac Collect_cong, auto)
lemma maxr_lg: "\<lbrakk>Suc 0 < x; Suc 0 < y\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> Maxr lgR [x, y] x = lg x y"
apply(simp add: lg.simps Maxr.simps, auto)
apply(erule_tac x = xa in allE, simp)
lemma lg_lemma': "\<lbrakk>Suc 0 < x; Suc 0 < y\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> rec_exec rec_lg [x, y] = lg x y"
apply(simp add: maxr_lg lg_maxr)
lemma lg_lemma'': "\<not> Suc 0 < x \<Longrightarrow> rec_exec rec_lg [x, y] = lg x y"
apply(simp add: rec_exec.simps rec_lg_def Let_def lg.simps)
lemma lg_lemma''': "\<not> Suc 0 < y \<Longrightarrow> rec_exec rec_lg [x, y] = lg x y"
apply(simp add: rec_exec.simps rec_lg_def Let_def lg.simps)
text {*
The correctness of @{text "rec_lg"}.
lemma lg_lemma: "rec_exec rec_lg [x, y] = lg x y"
apply(case_tac "Suc 0 < x \<and> Suc 0 < y", auto simp:
lg_lemma' lg_lemma'' lg_lemma''')
text {*
@{text "Entry sr i"} returns the @{text "i"}-th entry of a list of natural
numbers encoded by number @{text "sr"} using Godel's coding.
fun Entry :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat"
"Entry sr i = lo sr (Pi (Suc i))"
text {*
@{text "rec_entry"} is the recursive function used to implement
@{text "Entry"}.
definition rec_entry:: "recf"
"rec_entry = Cn 2 rec_lo [id 2 0, Cn 2 rec_pi [Cn 2 s [id 2 1]]]"
declare Pi.simps[simp del]
text {*
The correctness of @{text "rec_entry"}.
lemma entry_lemma: "rec_exec rec_entry [str, i] = Entry str i"
by(simp add: rec_entry_def rec_exec.simps lo_lemma pi_lemma)
subsection {* The construction of F *}
text {*
Using the auxilliary functions obtained in last section,
we are going to contruct the function @{text "F"},
which is an interpreter of Turing Machines.
fun listsum2 :: "nat list \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat"
"listsum2 xs 0 = 0"
| "listsum2 xs (Suc n) = listsum2 xs n + xs ! n"
fun rec_listsum2 :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> recf"
"rec_listsum2 vl 0 = Cn vl z [id vl 0]"
| "rec_listsum2 vl (Suc n) = Cn vl rec_add [rec_listsum2 vl n, id vl n]"
declare listsum2.simps[simp del] rec_listsum2.simps[simp del]
lemma listsum2_lemma: "\<lbrakk>length xs = vl; n \<le> vl\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
rec_exec (rec_listsum2 vl n) xs = listsum2 xs n"
apply(induct n, simp_all)
apply(simp_all add: rec_exec.simps rec_listsum2.simps listsum2.simps)
fun strt' :: "nat list \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat"
"strt' xs 0 = 0"
| "strt' xs (Suc n) = (let dbound = listsum2 xs n + n in
strt' xs n + (2^(xs ! n + dbound) - 2^dbound))"
fun rec_strt' :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> recf"
"rec_strt' vl 0 = Cn vl z [id vl 0]"
| "rec_strt' vl (Suc n) = (let rec_dbound =
Cn vl rec_add [rec_listsum2 vl n, Cn vl (constn n) [id vl 0]]
in Cn vl rec_add [rec_strt' vl n, Cn vl rec_minus
[Cn vl rec_power [Cn vl (constn 2) [id vl 0], Cn vl rec_add
[id vl (n), rec_dbound]],
Cn vl rec_power [Cn vl (constn 2) [id vl 0], rec_dbound]]])"
declare strt'.simps[simp del] rec_strt'.simps[simp del]
lemma strt'_lemma: "\<lbrakk>length xs = vl; n \<le> vl\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
rec_exec (rec_strt' vl n) xs = strt' xs n"
apply(induct n)
apply(simp_all add: rec_exec.simps rec_strt'.simps strt'.simps
Let_def power_lemma listsum2_lemma)
text {*
@{text "strt"} corresponds to the @{text "strt"} function on page 90 of B book, but
this definition generalises the original one to deal with multiple input arguments.
fun strt :: "nat list \<Rightarrow> nat"
"strt xs = (let ys = map Suc xs in
strt' ys (length ys))"
fun rec_map :: "recf \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> recf list"
"rec_map rf vl = map (\<lambda> i. Cn vl rf [id vl i]) [0..<vl]"
text {*
@{text "rec_strt"} is the recursive function used to implement @{text "strt"}.
fun rec_strt :: "nat \<Rightarrow> recf"
"rec_strt vl = Cn vl (rec_strt' vl vl) (rec_map s vl)"
lemma map_s_lemma: "length xs = vl \<Longrightarrow>
map ((\<lambda>a. rec_exec a xs) \<circ> (\<lambda>i. Cn vl s [ vl i]))
= map Suc xs"
apply(induct vl arbitrary: xs, simp, auto simp: rec_exec.simps)
apply(subgoal_tac "\<exists> ys y. xs = ys @ [y]", auto)
proof -
fix ys y
assume ind: "\<And>xs. length xs = length (ys::nat list) \<Longrightarrow>
map ((\<lambda>a. rec_exec a xs) \<circ> (\<lambda>i. Cn (length ys) s
[ (length ys) (i)])) [0..<length ys] = map Suc xs"
"map ((\<lambda>a. rec_exec a (ys @ [y])) \<circ> (\<lambda>i. Cn (Suc (length ys)) s
[ (Suc (length ys)) (i)])) [0..<length ys] = map Suc ys"
proof -
have "map ((\<lambda>a. rec_exec a ys) \<circ> (\<lambda>i. Cn (length ys) s
[ (length ys) (i)])) [0..<length ys] = map Suc ys"
apply(rule_tac ind, simp)
moreover have
"map ((\<lambda>a. rec_exec a (ys @ [y])) \<circ> (\<lambda>i. Cn (Suc (length ys)) s
[ (Suc (length ys)) (i)])) [0..<length ys]
= map ((\<lambda>a. rec_exec a ys) \<circ> (\<lambda>i. Cn (length ys) s
[ (length ys) (i)])) [0..<length ys]"
apply(rule_tac map_ext, auto simp: rec_exec.simps nth_append)
ultimately show "?thesis"
by simp
fix vl xs
assume "length xs = Suc vl"
thus "\<exists>ys y. xs = ys @ [y]"
apply(rule_tac x = "butlast xs" in exI, rule_tac x = "last xs" in exI)
apply(subgoal_tac "xs \<noteq> []", auto)
text {*
The correctness of @{text "rec_strt"}.
lemma strt_lemma: "length xs = vl \<Longrightarrow>
rec_exec (rec_strt vl) xs = strt xs"
apply(simp add: strt.simps rec_exec.simps strt'_lemma)
apply(subgoal_tac "(map ((\<lambda>a. rec_exec a xs) \<circ> (\<lambda>i. Cn vl s [ vl (i)])) [0..<vl])
= map Suc xs", auto)
apply(rule map_s_lemma, simp)
text {*
The @{text "scan"} function on page 90 of B book.
fun scan :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat"
"scan r = r mod 2"
text {*
@{text "rec_scan"} is the implemention of @{text "scan"}.
definition rec_scan :: "recf"
where "rec_scan = Cn 1 rec_mod [id 1 0, constn 2]"
text {*
The correctness of @{text "scan"}.
lemma scan_lemma: "rec_exec rec_scan [r] = r mod 2"
by(simp add: rec_exec.simps rec_scan_def mod_lemma)
fun newleft0 :: "nat list \<Rightarrow> nat"
"newleft0 [p, r] = p"
definition rec_newleft0 :: "recf"
"rec_newleft0 = id 2 0"
fun newrgt0 :: "nat list \<Rightarrow> nat"
"newrgt0 [p, r] = r - scan r"
definition rec_newrgt0 :: "recf"
"rec_newrgt0 = Cn 2 rec_minus [id 2 1, Cn 2 rec_scan [id 2 1]]"
(*newleft1, newrgt1: left rgt number after execute on step*)
fun newleft1 :: "nat list \<Rightarrow> nat"
"newleft1 [p, r] = p"
definition rec_newleft1 :: "recf"
"rec_newleft1 = id 2 0"
fun newrgt1 :: "nat list \<Rightarrow> nat"
"newrgt1 [p, r] = r + 1 - scan r"
definition rec_newrgt1 :: "recf"
"rec_newrgt1 =
Cn 2 rec_minus [Cn 2 rec_add [id 2 1, Cn 2 (constn 1) [id 2 0]],
Cn 2 rec_scan [id 2 1]]"
fun newleft2 :: "nat list \<Rightarrow> nat"
"newleft2 [p, r] = p div 2"
definition rec_newleft2 :: "recf"
"rec_newleft2 = Cn 2 rec_quo [id 2 0, Cn 2 (constn 2) [id 2 0]]"
fun newrgt2 :: "nat list \<Rightarrow> nat"
"newrgt2 [p, r] = 2 * r + p mod 2"
definition rec_newrgt2 :: "recf"
"rec_newrgt2 =
Cn 2 rec_add [Cn 2 rec_mult [Cn 2 (constn 2) [id 2 0], id 2 1],
Cn 2 rec_mod [id 2 0, Cn 2 (constn 2) [id 2 0]]]"
fun newleft3 :: "nat list \<Rightarrow> nat"
"newleft3 [p, r] = 2 * p + r mod 2"
definition rec_newleft3 :: "recf"
"rec_newleft3 =
Cn 2 rec_add [Cn 2 rec_mult [Cn 2 (constn 2) [id 2 0], id 2 0],
Cn 2 rec_mod [id 2 1, Cn 2 (constn 2) [id 2 0]]]"
fun newrgt3 :: "nat list \<Rightarrow> nat"
"newrgt3 [p, r] = r div 2"
definition rec_newrgt3 :: "recf"
"rec_newrgt3 = Cn 2 rec_quo [id 2 1, Cn 2 (constn 2) [id 2 0]]"
text {*
The @{text "new_left"} function on page 91 of B book.
fun newleft :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat"
"newleft p r a = (if a = 0 \<or> a = 1 then newleft0 [p, r]
else if a = 2 then newleft2 [p, r]
else if a = 3 then newleft3 [p, r]
else p)"
text {*
@{text "rec_newleft"} is the recursive function used to
implement @{text "newleft"}.
definition rec_newleft :: "recf"
"rec_newleft =
(let g0 =
Cn 3 rec_newleft0 [id 3 0, id 3 1] in
let g1 = Cn 3 rec_newleft2 [id 3 0, id 3 1] in
let g2 = Cn 3 rec_newleft3 [id 3 0, id 3 1] in
let g3 = id 3 0 in
let r0 = Cn 3 rec_disj
[Cn 3 rec_eq [id 3 2, Cn 3 (constn 0) [id 3 0]],
Cn 3 rec_eq [id 3 2, Cn 3 (constn 1) [id 3 0]]] in
let r1 = Cn 3 rec_eq [id 3 2, Cn 3 (constn 2) [id 3 0]] in
let r2 = Cn 3 rec_eq [id 3 2, Cn 3 (constn 3) [id 3 0]] in
let r3 = Cn 3 rec_less [Cn 3 (constn 3) [id 3 0], id 3 2] in
let gs = [g0, g1, g2, g3] in
let rs = [r0, r1, r2, r3] in
rec_embranch (zip gs rs))"
declare newleft.simps[simp del]
lemma Suc_Suc_Suc_Suc_induct:
"\<lbrakk>i < Suc (Suc (Suc (Suc 0))); i = 0 \<Longrightarrow> P i;
i = 1 \<Longrightarrow> P i; i =2 \<Longrightarrow> P i;
i =3 \<Longrightarrow> P i\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P i"
apply(case_tac i, simp, case_tac nat, simp,
case_tac nata, simp, case_tac natb, simp, simp)
declare quo_lemma2[simp] mod_lemma[simp]
text {*
The correctness of @{text "rec_newleft"}.
lemma newleft_lemma:
"rec_exec rec_newleft [p, r, a] = newleft p r a"
proof(simp only: rec_newleft_def Let_def)
let ?rgs = "[Cn 3 rec_newleft0 [ 3 0, 3 1], Cn 3 rec_newleft2
[ 3 0, 3 1], Cn 3 rec_newleft3 [ 3 0, 3 1], 3 0]"
let ?rrs =
"[Cn 3 rec_disj [Cn 3 rec_eq [ 3 2, Cn 3 (constn 0)
[ 3 0]], Cn 3 rec_eq [ 3 2, Cn 3 (constn 1) [ 3 0]]],
Cn 3 rec_eq [ 3 2, Cn 3 (constn 2) [ 3 0]],
Cn 3 rec_eq [ 3 2, Cn 3 (constn 3) [ 3 0]],
Cn 3 rec_less [Cn 3 (constn 3) [ 3 0], 3 2]]"
have k1: "rec_exec (rec_embranch (zip ?rgs ?rrs)) [p, r, a]
= Embranch (zip (map rec_exec ?rgs) (map (\<lambda>r args. 0 < rec_exec r args) ?rrs)) [p, r, a]"
apply(rule_tac embranch_lemma )
apply(auto simp: numeral_3_eq_3 numeral_2_eq_2 rec_newleft0_def
rec_newleft1_def rec_newleft2_def rec_newleft3_def)+
apply(case_tac "a = 0 \<or> a = 1", rule_tac x = 0 in exI)
prefer 2
apply(case_tac "a = 2", rule_tac x = "Suc 0" in exI)
prefer 2
apply(case_tac "a = 3", rule_tac x = "2" in exI)
prefer 2
apply(case_tac "a > 3", rule_tac x = "3" in exI, auto)
apply(auto simp: rec_exec.simps)
apply(erule_tac [!] Suc_Suc_Suc_Suc_induct, auto simp: rec_exec.simps)
have k2: "Embranch (zip (map rec_exec ?rgs) (map (\<lambda>r args. 0 < rec_exec r args) ?rrs)) [p, r, a] = newleft p r a"
apply(simp add: Embranch.simps)
apply(simp add: rec_exec.simps)
apply(auto simp: newleft.simps rec_newleft0_def rec_exec.simps
rec_newleft1_def rec_newleft2_def rec_newleft3_def)
from k1 and k2 show
"rec_exec (rec_embranch (zip ?rgs ?rrs)) [p, r, a] = newleft p r a"
by simp
text {*
The @{text "newrght"} function is one similar to @{text "newleft"}, but used to
compute the right number.
fun newrght :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat"
"newrght p r a = (if a = 0 then newrgt0 [p, r]
else if a = 1 then newrgt1 [p, r]
else if a = 2 then newrgt2 [p, r]
else if a = 3 then newrgt3 [p, r]
else r)"
text {*
@{text "rec_newrght"} is the recursive function used to implement
@{text "newrgth"}.
definition rec_newrght :: "recf"
"rec_newrght =
(let g0 = Cn 3 rec_newrgt0 [id 3 0, id 3 1] in
let g1 = Cn 3 rec_newrgt1 [id 3 0, id 3 1] in
let g2 = Cn 3 rec_newrgt2 [id 3 0, id 3 1] in
let g3 = Cn 3 rec_newrgt3 [id 3 0, id 3 1] in
let g4 = id 3 1 in
let r0 = Cn 3 rec_eq [id 3 2, Cn 3 (constn 0) [id 3 0]] in
let r1 = Cn 3 rec_eq [id 3 2, Cn 3 (constn 1) [id 3 0]] in
let r2 = Cn 3 rec_eq [id 3 2, Cn 3 (constn 2) [id 3 0]] in
let r3 = Cn 3 rec_eq [id 3 2, Cn 3 (constn 3) [id 3 0]] in
let r4 = Cn 3 rec_less [Cn 3 (constn 3) [id 3 0], id 3 2] in
let gs = [g0, g1, g2, g3, g4] in
let rs = [r0, r1, r2, r3, r4] in
rec_embranch (zip gs rs))"
declare newrght.simps[simp del]
lemma numeral_4_eq_4: "4 = Suc 3"
by auto
lemma Suc_5_induct:
"\<lbrakk>i < Suc (Suc (Suc (Suc (Suc 0)))); i = 0 \<Longrightarrow> P 0;
i = 1 \<Longrightarrow> P 1; i = 2 \<Longrightarrow> P 2; i = 3 \<Longrightarrow> P 3; i = 4 \<Longrightarrow> P 4\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P i"
apply(case_tac i, auto)
apply(case_tac nat, auto)
apply(case_tac nata, auto simp: numeral_2_eq_2)
apply(case_tac nat, auto simp: numeral_3_eq_3 numeral_4_eq_4)
lemma [intro]: "primerec rec_scan (Suc 0)"
apply(auto simp: rec_scan_def, auto)
text {*
The correctness of @{text "rec_newrght"}.
lemma newrght_lemma: "rec_exec rec_newrght [p, r, a] = newrght p r a"
proof(simp only: rec_newrght_def Let_def)
let ?gs' = "[newrgt0, newrgt1, newrgt2, newrgt3, \<lambda> zs. zs ! 1]"
let ?r0 = "\<lambda> zs. zs ! 2 = 0"
let ?r1 = "\<lambda> zs. zs ! 2 = 1"
let ?r2 = "\<lambda> zs. zs ! 2 = 2"
let ?r3 = "\<lambda> zs. zs ! 2 = 3"
let ?r4 = "\<lambda> zs. zs ! 2 > 3"
let ?gs = "map (\<lambda> g. (\<lambda> zs. g [zs ! 0, zs ! 1])) ?gs'"
let ?rs = "[?r0, ?r1, ?r2, ?r3, ?r4]"
let ?rgs =
"[Cn 3 rec_newrgt0 [ 3 0, 3 1],
Cn 3 rec_newrgt1 [ 3 0, 3 1],
Cn 3 rec_newrgt2 [ 3 0, 3 1],
Cn 3 rec_newrgt3 [ 3 0, 3 1], 3 1]"
let ?rrs =
"[Cn 3 rec_eq [ 3 2, Cn 3 (constn 0) [ 3 0]], Cn 3 rec_eq [ 3 2,
Cn 3 (constn 1) [ 3 0]], Cn 3 rec_eq [ 3 2, Cn 3 (constn 2) [ 3 0]],
Cn 3 rec_eq [ 3 2, Cn 3 (constn 3) [ 3 0]],
Cn 3 rec_less [Cn 3 (constn 3) [ 3 0], 3 2]]"
have k1: "rec_exec (rec_embranch (zip ?rgs ?rrs)) [p, r, a]
= Embranch (zip (map rec_exec ?rgs) (map (\<lambda>r args. 0 < rec_exec r args) ?rrs)) [p, r, a]"
apply(rule_tac embranch_lemma)
apply(auto simp: numeral_3_eq_3 numeral_2_eq_2 rec_newrgt0_def
rec_newrgt1_def rec_newrgt2_def rec_newrgt3_def)+
apply(case_tac "a = 0", rule_tac x = 0 in exI)
prefer 2
apply(case_tac "a = 1", rule_tac x = "Suc 0" in exI)
prefer 2
apply(case_tac "a = 2", rule_tac x = "2" in exI)
prefer 2
apply(case_tac "a = 3", rule_tac x = "3" in exI)
prefer 2
apply(case_tac "a > 3", rule_tac x = "4" in exI, auto simp: rec_exec.simps)
apply(erule_tac [!] Suc_5_induct, auto simp: rec_exec.simps)
have k2: "Embranch (zip (map rec_exec ?rgs)
(map (\<lambda>r args. 0 < rec_exec r args) ?rrs)) [p, r, a] = newrght p r a"
apply(auto simp:Embranch.simps rec_exec.simps)
apply(auto simp: newrght.simps rec_newrgt3_def rec_newrgt2_def
rec_newrgt1_def rec_newrgt0_def rec_exec.simps
from k1 and k2 show
"rec_exec (rec_embranch (zip ?rgs ?rrs)) [p, r, a] =
newrght p r a" by simp
declare Entry.simps[simp del]
text {*
The @{text "actn"} function given on page 92 of B book, which is used to
fetch Turing Machine intructions.
In @{text "actn m q r"}, @{text "m"} is the Godel coding of a Turing Machine,
@{text "q"} is the current state of Turing Machine, @{text "r"} is the
right number of Turing Machine tape.
fun actn :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat"
"actn m q r = (if q \<noteq> 0 then Entry m (4*(q - 1) + 2 * scan r)
else 4)"
text {*
@{text "rec_actn"} is the recursive function used to implement @{text "actn"}
definition rec_actn :: "recf"
"rec_actn =
Cn 3 rec_add [Cn 3 rec_mult
[Cn 3 rec_entry [id 3 0, Cn 3 rec_add [Cn 3 rec_mult
[Cn 3 (constn 4) [id 3 0],
Cn 3 rec_minus [id 3 1, Cn 3 (constn 1) [id 3 0]]],
Cn 3 rec_mult [Cn 3 (constn 2) [id 3 0],
Cn 3 rec_scan [id 3 2]]]],
Cn 3 rec_noteq [id 3 1, Cn 3 (constn 0) [id 3 0]]],
Cn 3 rec_mult [Cn 3 (constn 4) [id 3 0],
Cn 3 rec_eq [id 3 1, Cn 3 (constn 0) [id 3 0]]]] "
text {*
The correctness of @{text "actn"}.
lemma actn_lemma: "rec_exec rec_actn [m, q, r] = actn m q r"
by(auto simp: rec_actn_def rec_exec.simps entry_lemma scan_lemma)
fun newstat :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat"
"newstat m q r = (if q \<noteq> 0 then Entry m (4*(q - 1) + 2*scan r + 1)
else 0)"
definition rec_newstat :: "recf"
"rec_newstat = Cn 3 rec_add
[Cn 3 rec_mult [Cn 3 rec_entry [id 3 0,
Cn 3 rec_add [Cn 3 rec_mult [Cn 3 (constn 4) [id 3 0],
Cn 3 rec_minus [id 3 1, Cn 3 (constn 1) [id 3 0]]],
Cn 3 rec_add [Cn 3 rec_mult [Cn 3 (constn 2) [id 3 0],
Cn 3 rec_scan [id 3 2]], Cn 3 (constn 1) [id 3 0]]]],
Cn 3 rec_noteq [id 3 1, Cn 3 (constn 0) [id 3 0]]],
Cn 3 rec_mult [Cn 3 (constn 0) [id 3 0],
Cn 3 rec_eq [id 3 1, Cn 3 (constn 0) [id 3 0]]]] "
lemma newstat_lemma: "rec_exec rec_newstat [m, q, r] = newstat m q r"
by(auto simp: rec_exec.simps entry_lemma scan_lemma rec_newstat_def)
declare newstat.simps[simp del] actn.simps[simp del]
text{*code the configuration*}
fun trpl :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat"
"trpl p q r = (Pi 0)^p * (Pi 1)^q * (Pi 2)^r"
definition rec_trpl :: "recf"
"rec_trpl = Cn 3 rec_mult [Cn 3 rec_mult
[Cn 3 rec_power [Cn 3 (constn (Pi 0)) [id 3 0], id 3 0],
Cn 3 rec_power [Cn 3 (constn (Pi 1)) [id 3 0], id 3 1]],
Cn 3 rec_power [Cn 3 (constn (Pi 2)) [id 3 0], id 3 2]]"
declare trpl.simps[simp del]
lemma trpl_lemma: "rec_exec rec_trpl [p, q, r] = trpl p q r"
by(auto simp: rec_trpl_def rec_exec.simps power_lemma trpl.simps)
text{*left, stat, rght: decode func*}
fun left :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat"
"left c = lo c (Pi 0)"
fun stat :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat"
"stat c = lo c (Pi 1)"
fun rght :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat"
"rght c = lo c (Pi 2)"
fun inpt :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat list \<Rightarrow> nat"
"inpt m xs = trpl 0 1 (strt xs)"
fun newconf :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat"
"newconf m c = trpl (newleft (left c) (rght c)
(actn m (stat c) (rght c)))
(newstat m (stat c) (rght c))
(newrght (left c) (rght c)
(actn m (stat c) (rght c)))"
declare left.simps[simp del] stat.simps[simp del] rght.simps[simp del]
inpt.simps[simp del] newconf.simps[simp del]
definition rec_left :: "recf"
"rec_left = Cn 1 rec_lo [id 1 0, constn (Pi 0)]"
definition rec_right :: "recf"
"rec_right = Cn 1 rec_lo [id 1 0, constn (Pi 2)]"
definition rec_stat :: "recf"
"rec_stat = Cn 1 rec_lo [id 1 0, constn (Pi 1)]"
definition rec_inpt :: "nat \<Rightarrow> recf"
"rec_inpt vl = Cn vl rec_trpl
[Cn vl (constn 0) [id vl 0],
Cn vl (constn 1) [id vl 0],
Cn vl (rec_strt (vl - 1))
(map (\<lambda> i. id vl (i)) [1..<vl])]"
lemma left_lemma: "rec_exec rec_left [c] = left c"
by(simp add: rec_exec.simps rec_left_def left.simps lo_lemma)
lemma right_lemma: "rec_exec rec_right [c] = rght c"
by(simp add: rec_exec.simps rec_right_def rght.simps lo_lemma)
lemma stat_lemma: "rec_exec rec_stat [c] = stat c"
by(simp add: rec_exec.simps rec_stat_def stat.simps lo_lemma)
declare rec_strt.simps[simp del] strt.simps[simp del]
lemma map_cons_eq:
"(map ((\<lambda>a. rec_exec a (m # xs)) \<circ>
(\<lambda>i. (Suc (length xs)) (i)))
[Suc 0..<Suc (length xs)])
= map (\<lambda> i. xs ! (i - 1)) [Suc 0..<Suc (length xs)]"
apply(rule map_ext, auto)
apply(auto simp: rec_exec.simps nth_append nth_Cons split: nat.split)
lemma list_map_eq:
"vl = length (xs::nat list) \<Longrightarrow> map (\<lambda> i. xs ! (i - 1))
[Suc 0..<Suc vl] = xs"
apply(induct vl arbitrary: xs, simp)
apply(subgoal_tac "\<exists> ys y. xs = ys @ [y]", auto)
proof -
fix ys y
assume ind:
"\<And>xs. length (ys::nat list) = length (xs::nat list) \<Longrightarrow>
map (\<lambda>i. xs ! (i - Suc 0)) [Suc 0..<length xs] @
[xs ! (length xs - Suc 0)] = xs"
and h: "Suc 0 \<le> length (ys::nat list)"
have "map (\<lambda>i. ys ! (i - Suc 0)) [Suc 0..<length ys] @
[ys ! (length ys - Suc 0)] = ys"
apply(rule_tac ind, simp)
moreover have
"map (\<lambda>i. (ys @ [y]) ! (i - Suc 0)) [Suc 0..<length ys]
= map (\<lambda>i. ys ! (i - Suc 0)) [Suc 0..<length ys]"
apply(rule map_ext)
using h
apply(auto simp: nth_append)
ultimately show "map (\<lambda>i. (ys @ [y]) ! (i - Suc 0))
[Suc 0..<length ys] @ [(ys @ [y]) ! (length ys - Suc 0)] = ys"
apply(simp del: map_eq_conv add: nth_append, auto)
using h
fix vl xs
assume "Suc vl = length (xs::nat list)"
thus "\<exists>ys y. xs = ys @ [y]"
apply(rule_tac x = "butlast xs" in exI,
rule_tac x = "last xs" in exI)
apply(case_tac "xs \<noteq> []", auto)
lemma [elim]:
"Suc 0 \<le> length xs \<Longrightarrow>
(map ((\<lambda>a. rec_exec a (m # xs)) \<circ>
(\<lambda>i. (Suc (length xs)) (i)))
[Suc 0..<length xs] @ [(m # xs) ! length xs]) = xs"
using map_cons_eq[of m xs]
apply(simp del: map_eq_conv add: rec_exec.simps)
using list_map_eq[of "length xs" xs]
lemma inpt_lemma:
"\<lbrakk>Suc (length xs) = vl\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
rec_exec (rec_inpt vl) (m # xs) = inpt m xs"
apply(auto simp: rec_exec.simps rec_inpt_def
trpl_lemma inpt.simps strt_lemma)
"(map ((\<lambda>a. rec_exec a (m # xs)) \<circ>
(\<lambda>i. (Suc (length xs)) (i)))
[Suc 0..<length xs] @ [(m # xs) ! length xs]) = xs", simp)
apply(auto, case_tac xs, auto)
definition rec_newconf:: "recf"
"rec_newconf =
Cn 2 rec_trpl
[Cn 2 rec_newleft [Cn 2 rec_left [id 2 1],
Cn 2 rec_right [id 2 1],
Cn 2 rec_actn [id 2 0,
Cn 2 rec_stat [id 2 1],
Cn 2 rec_right [id 2 1]]],
Cn 2 rec_newstat [id 2 0,
Cn 2 rec_stat [id 2 1],
Cn 2 rec_right [id 2 1]],
Cn 2 rec_newrght [Cn 2 rec_left [id 2 1],
Cn 2 rec_right [id 2 1],
Cn 2 rec_actn [id 2 0,
Cn 2 rec_stat [id 2 1],
Cn 2 rec_right [id 2 1]]]]"
lemma newconf_lemma: "rec_exec rec_newconf [m ,c] = newconf m c"
by(auto simp: rec_newconf_def rec_exec.simps
trpl_lemma newleft_lemma left_lemma
right_lemma stat_lemma newrght_lemma actn_lemma
newstat_lemma stat_lemma newconf.simps)
declare newconf_lemma[simp]
text {*
@{text "conf m r k"} computes the TM configuration after @{text "k"} steps of execution
of TM coded as @{text "m"} starting from the initial configuration where the left number equals @{text "0"},
right number equals @{text "r"}.
fun conf :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat"
"conf m r 0 = trpl 0 (Suc 0) r"
| "conf m r (Suc t) = newconf m (conf m r t)"
declare conf.simps[simp del]
text {*
@{text "conf"} is implemented by the following recursive function @{text "rec_conf"}.
definition rec_conf :: "recf"
"rec_conf = Pr 2 (Cn 2 rec_trpl [Cn 2 (constn 0) [id 2 0], Cn 2 (constn (Suc 0)) [id 2 0], id 2 1])
(Cn 4 rec_newconf [id 4 0, id 4 3])"
lemma conf_step:
"rec_exec rec_conf [m, r, Suc t] =
rec_exec rec_newconf [m, rec_exec rec_conf [m, r, t]]"
proof -
have "rec_exec rec_conf ([m, r] @ [Suc t]) =
rec_exec rec_newconf [m, rec_exec rec_conf [m, r, t]]"
by(simp only: rec_conf_def rec_pr_Suc_simp_rewrite,
simp add: rec_exec.simps)
thus "rec_exec rec_conf [m, r, Suc t] =
rec_exec rec_newconf [m, rec_exec rec_conf [m, r, t]]"
by simp
text {*
The correctness of @{text "rec_conf"}.
lemma conf_lemma:
"rec_exec rec_conf [m, r, t] = conf m r t"
apply(induct t)
apply(simp add: rec_conf_def rec_exec.simps conf.simps inpt_lemma trpl_lemma)
apply(simp add: conf_step conf.simps)
text {*
@{text "NSTD c"} returns true if the configureation coded by @{text "c"} is no a stardard
final configuration.
fun NSTD :: "nat \<Rightarrow> bool"
"NSTD c = (stat c \<noteq> 0 \<or> left c \<noteq> 0 \<or>
rght c \<noteq> 2^(lg (rght c + 1) 2) - 1 \<or> rght c = 0)"
text {*
@{text "rec_NSTD"} is the recursive function implementing @{text "NSTD"}.
definition rec_NSTD :: "recf"
"rec_NSTD =
Cn 1 rec_disj [
Cn 1 rec_disj [
Cn 1 rec_disj
[Cn 1 rec_noteq [rec_stat, constn 0],
Cn 1 rec_noteq [rec_left, constn 0]] ,
Cn 1 rec_noteq [rec_right,
Cn 1 rec_minus [Cn 1 rec_power
[constn 2, Cn 1 rec_lg
[Cn 1 rec_add
[rec_right, constn 1],
constn 2]], constn 1]]],
Cn 1 rec_eq [rec_right, constn 0]]"
lemma NSTD_lemma1: "rec_exec rec_NSTD [c] = Suc 0 \<or>
rec_exec rec_NSTD [c] = 0"
by(simp add: rec_exec.simps rec_NSTD_def)
declare NSTD.simps[simp del]
lemma NSTD_lemma2': "(rec_exec rec_NSTD [c] = Suc 0) \<Longrightarrow> NSTD c"
apply(simp add: rec_exec.simps rec_NSTD_def stat_lemma left_lemma
lg_lemma right_lemma power_lemma NSTD.simps eq_lemma)
apply(case_tac "0 < left c", simp, simp)
lemma NSTD_lemma2'':
"NSTD c \<Longrightarrow> (rec_exec rec_NSTD [c] = Suc 0)"
apply(simp add: rec_exec.simps rec_NSTD_def stat_lemma
left_lemma lg_lemma right_lemma power_lemma NSTD.simps)
apply(auto split: if_splits)
text {*
The correctness of @{text "NSTD"}.
lemma NSTD_lemma2: "(rec_exec rec_NSTD [c] = Suc 0) = NSTD c"
using NSTD_lemma1
apply(auto intro: NSTD_lemma2' NSTD_lemma2'')
fun nstd :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat"
"nstd c = (if NSTD c then 1 else 0)"
lemma nstd_lemma: "rec_exec rec_NSTD [c] = nstd c"
using NSTD_lemma1
apply(simp add: NSTD_lemma2, auto)
@{text "nonstep m r t"} means afer @{text "t"} steps of execution, the TM coded by @{text "m"}
is not at a stardard final configuration.
fun nonstop :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat"
"nonstop m r t = nstd (conf m r t)"
text {*
@{text "rec_nonstop"} is the recursive function implementing @{text "nonstop"}.
definition rec_nonstop :: "recf"
"rec_nonstop = Cn 3 rec_NSTD [rec_conf]"
text {*
The correctness of @{text "rec_nonstop"}.
lemma nonstop_lemma:
"rec_exec rec_nonstop [m, r, t] = nonstop m r t"
apply(simp add: rec_exec.simps rec_nonstop_def nstd_lemma conf_lemma)
@{text "rec_halt"} is the recursive function calculating the steps a TM needs to execute before
to reach a stardard final configuration. This recursive function is the only one
using @{text "Mn"} combinator. So it is the only non-primitive recursive function
needs to be used in the construction of the universal function @{text "F"}.
definition rec_halt :: "recf"
"rec_halt = Mn (Suc (Suc 0)) (rec_nonstop)"
declare nonstop.simps[simp del]
lemma primerec_not0: "primerec f n \<Longrightarrow> n > 0"
by(induct f n rule: primerec.induct, auto)
lemma [elim]: "primerec f 0 \<Longrightarrow> RR"
apply(drule_tac primerec_not0, simp)
lemma [simp]: "length xs = Suc n \<Longrightarrow> length (butlast xs) = n"
apply(subgoal_tac "\<exists> y ys. xs = ys @ [y]", auto)
apply(rule_tac x = "last xs" in exI)
apply(rule_tac x = "butlast xs" in exI)
apply(case_tac "xs = []", auto)
text {*
The lemma relates the interpreter of primitive fucntions with
the calculation relation of general recursive functions.
lemma prime_rel_exec_eq: "primerec r (length xs)
\<Longrightarrow> rec_calc_rel r xs rs = (rec_exec r xs = rs)"
proof(induct r xs arbitrary: rs rule: rec_exec.induct, simp_all)
fix xs rs
assume "primerec z (length (xs::nat list))"
hence "length xs = Suc 0" by(erule_tac prime_z_reverse, simp)
thus "rec_calc_rel z xs rs = (rec_exec z xs = rs)"
apply(case_tac xs, simp, auto)
apply(erule_tac calc_z_reverse, simp add: rec_exec.simps)
apply(simp add: rec_exec.simps, rule_tac calc_z)
fix xs rs
assume "primerec s (length (xs::nat list))"
hence "length xs = Suc 0" ..
thus "rec_calc_rel s xs rs = (rec_exec s xs = rs)"
by(case_tac xs, auto simp: rec_exec.simps intro: calc_s
elim: calc_s_reverse)
fix m n xs rs
assume "primerec ( m n) (length (xs::nat list))"
"rec_calc_rel ( m n) xs rs =
(rec_exec ( m n) xs = rs)"
apply(erule_tac prime_id_reverse)
apply(simp add: rec_exec.simps, auto)
apply(erule_tac calc_id_reverse, simp)
apply(rule_tac calc_id, auto)
fix n f gs xs rs
assume ind1:
"\<And>x rs. \<lbrakk>x \<in> set gs; primerec x (length xs)\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
rec_calc_rel x xs rs = (rec_exec x xs = rs)"
and ind2:
"\<And>x rs. \<lbrakk>x = map (\<lambda>a. rec_exec a xs) gs;
primerec f (length gs)\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
rec_calc_rel f (map (\<lambda>a. rec_exec a xs) gs) rs =
(rec_exec f (map (\<lambda>a. rec_exec a xs) gs) = rs)"
and h: "primerec (Cn n f gs) (length xs)"
show "rec_calc_rel (Cn n f gs) xs rs =
(rec_exec (Cn n f gs) xs = rs)"
proof(auto simp: rec_exec.simps, erule_tac calc_cn_reverse, auto)
fix ys
assume g1:"\<forall>k<length gs. rec_calc_rel (gs ! k) xs (ys ! k)"
and g2: "length ys = length gs"
and g3: "rec_calc_rel f ys rs"
have "rec_calc_rel f (map (\<lambda>a. rec_exec a xs) gs) rs =
(rec_exec f (map (\<lambda>a. rec_exec a xs) gs) = rs)"
apply(rule_tac ind2, auto)
using h
apply(erule_tac prime_cn_reverse, simp)
moreover have "ys = (map (\<lambda>a. rec_exec a xs) gs)"
proof(rule_tac nth_equalityI, auto simp: g2)
fix i
assume "i < length gs" thus "ys ! i = rec_exec (gs!i) xs"
using ind1[of "gs ! i" "ys ! i"] g1 h
apply(erule_tac prime_cn_reverse, simp)
ultimately show "rec_exec f (map (\<lambda>a. rec_exec a xs) gs) = rs"
using g3
from h show
"rec_calc_rel (Cn n f gs) xs
(rec_exec f (map (\<lambda>a. rec_exec a xs) gs))"
apply(rule_tac rs = "(map (\<lambda>a. rec_exec a xs) gs)" in calc_cn,
apply(erule_tac [!] prime_cn_reverse, auto)
proof -
fix k
assume "k < length gs" "primerec f (length gs)"
"\<forall>i<length gs. primerec (gs ! i) (length xs)"
thus "rec_calc_rel (gs ! k) xs (rec_exec (gs ! k) xs)"
using ind1[of "gs!k" "(rec_exec (gs ! k) xs)"]
assume "primerec f (length gs)"
"\<forall>i<length gs. primerec (gs ! i) (length xs)"
thus "rec_calc_rel f (map (\<lambda>a. rec_exec a xs) gs)
(rec_exec f (map (\<lambda>a. rec_exec a xs) gs))"
using ind2[of "(map (\<lambda>a. rec_exec a xs) gs)"
"(rec_exec f (map (\<lambda>a. rec_exec a xs) gs))"]
by simp
fix n f g xs rs
assume ind1:
"\<And>rs. \<lbrakk>last xs = 0; primerec f (length xs - Suc 0)\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> rec_calc_rel f (butlast xs) rs =
(rec_exec f (butlast xs) = rs)"
and ind2 :
"\<And>rs. \<lbrakk>0 < last xs;
primerec (Pr n f g) (Suc (length xs - Suc 0))\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
rec_calc_rel (Pr n f g) (butlast xs @ [last xs - Suc 0]) rs
= (rec_exec (Pr n f g) (butlast xs @ [last xs - Suc 0]) = rs)"
and ind3:
"\<And>rs. \<lbrakk>0 < last xs; primerec g (Suc (Suc (length xs - Suc 0)))\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> rec_calc_rel g (butlast xs @
[last xs - Suc 0, rec_exec (Pr n f g)
(butlast xs @ [last xs - Suc 0])]) rs =
(rec_exec g (butlast xs @ [last xs - Suc 0,
rec_exec (Pr n f g)
(butlast xs @ [last xs - Suc 0])]) = rs)"
and h: "primerec (Pr n f g) (length (xs::nat list))"
show "rec_calc_rel (Pr n f g) xs rs = (rec_exec (Pr n f g) xs = rs)"
assume "rec_calc_rel (Pr n f g) xs rs"
thus "rec_exec (Pr n f g) xs = rs"
proof(erule_tac calc_pr_reverse)
fix l
assume g: "xs = l @ [0]"
"rec_calc_rel f l rs"
"n = length l"
thus "rec_exec (Pr n f g) xs = rs"
using ind1[of rs] h
apply(simp add: rec_exec.simps,
erule_tac prime_pr_reverse, simp)
fix l y ry
assume d:"xs = l @ [Suc y]"
"rec_calc_rel (Pr (length l) f g) (l @ [y]) ry"
"n = length l"
"rec_calc_rel g (l @ [y, ry]) rs"
moreover hence "primerec g (Suc (Suc n))" using h
proof(erule_tac prime_pr_reverse)
assume "primerec g (Suc (Suc n))" "length xs = Suc n"
thus "?thesis" by simp
ultimately show "rec_exec (Pr n f g) xs = rs"
using ind3[of rs]
apply(simp add: rec_pr_Suc_simp_rewrite)
using ind2[of ry] h
show "rec_calc_rel (Pr n f g) xs (rec_exec (Pr n f g) xs)"
proof -
have "rec_calc_rel (Pr n f g) (butlast xs @ [last xs])
(rec_exec (Pr n f g) (butlast xs @ [last xs]))"
using h
apply(erule_tac prime_pr_reverse, simp)
apply(case_tac "last xs", simp)
apply(rule_tac calc_pr_zero, simp)
using ind1[of "rec_exec (Pr n f g) (butlast xs @ [0])"]
apply(simp add: rec_exec.simps, simp, simp, simp)
apply(rule_tac rk = "rec_exec (Pr n f g)
(butlast xs@[last xs - Suc 0])" in calc_pr_ind)
using ind2[of "rec_exec (Pr n f g)
(butlast xs @ [last xs - Suc 0])"] h
apply(simp, simp, simp)
proof -
fix nat
assume "length xs = Suc n"
"primerec g (Suc (Suc n))"
"last xs = Suc nat"
"rec_calc_rel g (butlast xs @ [nat, rec_exec (Pr n f g)
(butlast xs @ [nat])]) (rec_exec (Pr n f g) (butlast xs @ [Suc nat]))"
using ind3[of "rec_exec (Pr n f g)
(butlast xs @ [Suc nat])"]
apply(simp add: rec_exec.simps)
thus "rec_calc_rel (Pr n f g) xs (rec_exec (Pr n f g) xs)"
using h
apply(erule_tac prime_pr_reverse, simp)
apply(subgoal_tac "butlast xs @ [last xs] = xs", simp)
apply(case_tac xs, simp, simp)
fix n f xs rs
assume "primerec (Mn n f) (length (xs::nat list))"
thus "rec_calc_rel (Mn n f) xs rs = (rec_exec (Mn n f) xs = rs)"
by(erule_tac prime_mn_reverse)
declare numeral_2_eq_2[simp] numeral_3_eq_3[simp]
lemma [intro]: "primerec rec_right (Suc 0)"
apply(simp add: rec_right_def rec_lo_def Let_def)
apply(tactic {* resolve_tac [@{thm prime_cn},
@{thm prime_id}, @{thm prime_pr}] 1*}, auto+)+
lemma [simp]:
"rec_calc_rel rec_right [r] rs = (rec_exec rec_right [r] = rs)"
apply(rule_tac prime_rel_exec_eq, auto)
lemma [intro]: "primerec rec_pi (Suc 0)"
apply(simp add: rec_pi_def rec_dummy_pi_def
rec_np_def rec_fac_def rec_prime_def
rec_Minr.simps Let_def get_fstn_args.simps
rec_all.simps rec_sigma.simps rec_accum.simps)
apply(tactic {* resolve_tac [@{thm prime_cn},
@{thm prime_id}, @{thm prime_pr}] 1*}, auto+)+
apply(simp add: rec_dummyfac_def)
apply(tactic {* resolve_tac [@{thm prime_cn},
@{thm prime_id}, @{thm prime_pr}] 1*}, auto+)+
lemma [intro]: "primerec rec_trpl (Suc (Suc (Suc 0)))"
apply(simp add: rec_trpl_def)
apply(tactic {* resolve_tac [@{thm prime_cn},
@{thm prime_id}, @{thm prime_pr}] 1*}, auto+)+
lemma [intro!]: "\<lbrakk>0 < vl; n \<le> vl\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> primerec (rec_listsum2 vl n) vl"
apply(induct n)
apply(simp_all add: rec_strt'.simps Let_def rec_listsum2.simps)
apply(tactic {* resolve_tac [@{thm prime_cn},
@{thm prime_id}, @{thm prime_pr}] 1*}, auto+)+
lemma [elim]: "\<lbrakk>0 < vl; n \<le> vl\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> primerec (rec_strt' vl n) vl"
apply(induct n)
apply(simp_all add: rec_strt'.simps Let_def)
apply(tactic {* resolve_tac [@{thm prime_cn},
@{thm prime_id}, @{thm prime_pr}] 1*}, auto+)
lemma [elim]: "vl > 0 \<Longrightarrow> primerec (rec_strt vl) vl"
apply(simp add: rec_strt.simps rec_strt'.simps)
apply(tactic {* resolve_tac [@{thm prime_cn},
@{thm prime_id}, @{thm prime_pr}] 1*}, auto+)+
lemma [elim]:
"i < vl \<Longrightarrow> primerec ((map (\<lambda>i. (Suc vl) (i))
[Suc 0..<vl] @ [ (Suc vl) (vl)]) ! i) (Suc vl)"
apply(induct i, auto simp: nth_append)
lemma [intro]: "primerec rec_newleft0 ((Suc (Suc 0)))"
apply(simp add: rec_newleft_def rec_embranch.simps
Let_def arity.simps rec_newleft0_def
rec_newleft1_def rec_newleft2_def rec_newleft3_def)
apply(tactic {* resolve_tac [@{thm prime_cn},
@{thm prime_id}, @{thm prime_pr}] 1*}, auto+)+
lemma [intro]: "primerec rec_newleft1 ((Suc (Suc 0)))"
apply(simp add: rec_newleft_def rec_embranch.simps
Let_def arity.simps rec_newleft0_def
rec_newleft1_def rec_newleft2_def rec_newleft3_def)
apply(tactic {* resolve_tac [@{thm prime_cn},
@{thm prime_id}, @{thm prime_pr}] 1*}, auto+)+
lemma [intro]: "primerec rec_newleft2 ((Suc (Suc 0)))"
apply(simp add: rec_newleft_def rec_embranch.simps
Let_def arity.simps rec_newleft0_def
rec_newleft1_def rec_newleft2_def rec_newleft3_def)
apply(tactic {* resolve_tac [@{thm prime_cn},
@{thm prime_id}, @{thm prime_pr}] 1*}, auto+)+
lemma [intro]: "primerec rec_newleft3 ((Suc (Suc 0)))"
apply(simp add: rec_newleft_def rec_embranch.simps
Let_def arity.simps rec_newleft0_def
rec_newleft1_def rec_newleft2_def rec_newleft3_def)
apply(tactic {* resolve_tac [@{thm prime_cn},
@{thm prime_id}, @{thm prime_pr}] 1*}, auto+)+
lemma [intro]: "primerec rec_newleft (Suc (Suc (Suc 0)))"
apply(simp add: rec_newleft_def rec_embranch.simps
Let_def arity.simps)
apply(rule_tac prime_cn, auto+)
lemma [intro]: "primerec rec_left (Suc 0)"
apply(simp add: rec_left_def rec_lo_def rec_entry_def Let_def)
apply(tactic {* resolve_tac [@{thm prime_cn},
@{thm prime_id}, @{thm prime_pr}] 1*}, auto+)+
lemma [intro]: "primerec rec_actn (Suc (Suc (Suc 0)))"
apply(simp add: rec_left_def rec_lo_def rec_entry_def
Let_def rec_actn_def)
apply(tactic {* resolve_tac [@{thm prime_cn},
@{thm prime_id}, @{thm prime_pr}] 1*}, auto+)+
lemma [intro]: "primerec rec_stat (Suc 0)"
apply(simp add: rec_left_def rec_lo_def rec_entry_def Let_def
rec_actn_def rec_stat_def)
apply(tactic {* resolve_tac [@{thm prime_cn},
@{thm prime_id}, @{thm prime_pr}] 1*}, auto+)+
lemma [intro]: "primerec rec_newstat (Suc (Suc (Suc 0)))"
apply(simp add: rec_left_def rec_lo_def rec_entry_def
Let_def rec_actn_def rec_stat_def rec_newstat_def)
apply(tactic {* resolve_tac [@{thm prime_cn},
@{thm prime_id}, @{thm prime_pr}] 1*}, auto+)+
lemma [intro]: "primerec rec_newrght (Suc (Suc (Suc 0)))"
apply(simp add: rec_newrght_def rec_embranch.simps
Let_def arity.simps rec_newrgt0_def
rec_newrgt1_def rec_newrgt2_def rec_newrgt3_def)
apply(tactic {* resolve_tac [@{thm prime_cn},
@{thm prime_id}, @{thm prime_pr}] 1*}, auto+)+
lemma [intro]: "primerec rec_newconf (Suc (Suc 0))"
apply(simp add: rec_newconf_def)
apply(tactic {* resolve_tac [@{thm prime_cn},
@{thm prime_id}, @{thm prime_pr}] 1*}, auto+)+
lemma [intro]: "0 < vl \<Longrightarrow> primerec (rec_inpt (Suc vl)) (Suc vl)"
apply(simp add: rec_inpt_def)
apply(tactic {* resolve_tac [@{thm prime_cn},
@{thm prime_id}, @{thm prime_pr}] 1*}, auto+)+
lemma [intro]: "primerec rec_conf (Suc (Suc (Suc 0)))"
apply(simp add: rec_conf_def)
apply(tactic {* resolve_tac [@{thm prime_cn},
@{thm prime_id}, @{thm prime_pr}] 1*}, auto+)+
apply(auto simp: numeral_4_eq_4)
lemma [simp]:
"rec_calc_rel rec_conf [m, r, t] rs =
(rec_exec rec_conf [m, r, t] = rs)"
apply(rule_tac prime_rel_exec_eq, auto)
lemma [intro]: "primerec rec_lg (Suc (Suc 0))"
apply(simp add: rec_lg_def Let_def)
apply(tactic {* resolve_tac [@{thm prime_cn},
@{thm prime_id}, @{thm prime_pr}] 1*}, auto+)+
lemma [intro]: "primerec rec_nonstop (Suc (Suc (Suc 0)))"
apply(simp add: rec_nonstop_def rec_NSTD_def rec_stat_def
rec_lo_def Let_def rec_left_def rec_right_def rec_newconf_def
apply(tactic {* resolve_tac [@{thm prime_cn},
@{thm prime_id}, @{thm prime_pr}] 1*}, auto+)+
lemma nonstop_eq[simp]:
"rec_calc_rel rec_nonstop [m, r, t] rs =
(rec_exec rec_nonstop [m, r, t] = rs)"
apply(rule prime_rel_exec_eq, auto)
lemma halt_lemma':
"rec_calc_rel rec_halt [m, r] t =
(rec_calc_rel rec_nonstop [m, r, t] 0 \<and>
(\<forall> t'< t.
(\<exists> y. rec_calc_rel rec_nonstop [m, r, t'] y \<and>
y \<noteq> 0)))"
apply(auto simp: rec_halt_def)
apply(erule calc_mn_reverse, simp)
apply(erule_tac calc_mn_reverse)
apply(erule_tac x = t' in allE, simp)
apply(rule_tac calc_mn, simp_all)
text {*
The following lemma gives the correctness of @{text "rec_halt"}.
It says: if @{text "rec_halt"} calculates that the TM coded by @{text "m"}
will reach a standard final configuration after @{text "t"} steps of execution, then it is indeed so.
lemma halt_lemma:
"rec_calc_rel (rec_halt) [m, r] t =
(rec_exec rec_nonstop [m, r, t] = 0 \<and>
(\<forall> t'< t. (\<exists> y. rec_exec rec_nonstop [m, r, t'] = y
\<and> y \<noteq> 0)))"
using halt_lemma'[of m r t]
by simp
text {*F: universal machine*}
text {*
@{text "valu r"} extracts computing result out of the right number @{text "r"}.
fun valu :: "nat \<Rightarrow> nat"
"valu r = (lg (r + 1) 2) - 1"
text {*
@{text "rec_valu"} is the recursive function implementing @{text "valu"}.
definition rec_valu :: "recf"
"rec_valu = Cn 1 rec_minus [Cn 1 rec_lg [s, constn 2], constn 1]"
text {*
The correctness of @{text "rec_valu"}.
lemma value_lemma: "rec_exec rec_valu [r] = valu r"
apply(simp add: rec_exec.simps rec_valu_def lg_lemma)
lemma [intro]: "primerec rec_valu (Suc 0)"
apply(simp add: rec_valu_def)
apply(rule_tac k = "Suc (Suc 0)" in prime_cn)
apply(auto simp: prime_s)
proof -
show "primerec rec_lg (Suc (Suc 0))" by auto
show "Suc (Suc 0) = Suc (Suc 0)" by simp
show "primerec (constn (Suc (Suc 0))) (Suc 0)" by auto
lemma [simp]: "rec_calc_rel rec_valu [r] rs =
(rec_exec rec_valu [r] = rs)"
apply(rule_tac prime_rel_exec_eq, auto)
declare valu.simps[simp del]
text {*
The definition of the universal function @{text "rec_F"}.
definition rec_F :: "recf"
"rec_F = Cn (Suc (Suc 0)) rec_valu [Cn (Suc (Suc 0)) rec_right [Cn (Suc (Suc 0))
rec_conf ([id (Suc (Suc 0)) 0, id (Suc (Suc 0)) (Suc 0), rec_halt])]]"
lemma get_fstn_args_nth:
"k < n \<Longrightarrow> (get_fstn_args m n ! k) = id m (k)"
apply(induct n, simp)
apply(case_tac "k = n", simp_all add: get_fstn_args.simps
lemma [simp]:
"\<lbrakk>ys \<noteq> []; k < length ys\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
(get_fstn_args (length ys) (length ys) ! k) =
id (length ys) (k)"
by(erule_tac get_fstn_args_nth)
lemma calc_rel_get_pren:
"\<lbrakk>ys \<noteq> []; k < length ys\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
rec_calc_rel (get_fstn_args (length ys) (length ys) ! k) ys
(ys ! k)"
apply(rule_tac calc_id, auto)
lemma [elim]:
"\<lbrakk>xs \<noteq> []; k < Suc (length xs)\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
rec_calc_rel (get_fstn_args (Suc (length xs))
(Suc (length xs)) ! k) (m # xs) ((m # xs) ! k)"
using calc_rel_get_pren[of "m#xs" k]
text {*
The correctness of @{text "rec_F"}, halt case.
lemma F_lemma:
"rec_calc_rel rec_halt [m, r] t \<Longrightarrow>
rec_calc_rel rec_F [m, r] (valu (rght (conf m r t)))"
apply(simp add: rec_F_def)
apply(rule_tac rs = "[rght (conf m r t)]" in calc_cn,
auto simp: value_lemma)
apply(rule_tac rs = "[conf m r t]" in calc_cn,
auto simp: right_lemma)
apply(rule_tac rs = "[m, r, t]" in calc_cn, auto)
apply(subgoal_tac " k = 0 \<or> k = Suc 0 \<or> k = Suc (Suc 0)",
auto simp:nth_append)
apply(rule_tac [1-2] calc_id, simp_all add: conf_lemma)
text {*
The correctness of @{text "rec_F"}, nonhalt case.
lemma F_lemma2:
"\<forall> t. \<not> rec_calc_rel rec_halt [m, r] t \<Longrightarrow>
\<forall> rs. \<not> rec_calc_rel rec_F [m, r] rs"
apply(auto simp: rec_F_def)
apply(erule_tac calc_cn_reverse, simp (no_asm_use))+
proof -
fix rs rsa rsb rsc
assume h:
"\<forall>t. \<not> rec_calc_rel rec_halt [m, r] t"
"length rsa = Suc 0"
"rec_calc_rel rec_valu rsa rs"
"length rsb = Suc 0"
"rec_calc_rel rec_right rsb (rsa ! 0)"
"length rsc = (Suc (Suc (Suc 0)))"
"rec_calc_rel rec_conf rsc (rsb ! 0)"
and g: "\<forall>k<Suc (Suc (Suc 0)). rec_calc_rel ([ (Suc (Suc 0)) 0, (Suc (Suc 0)) (Suc 0), rec_halt] ! k) [m, r] (rsc ! k)"
have "rec_calc_rel (rec_halt ) [m, r]
(rsc ! (Suc (Suc 0)))"
using g
apply(erule_tac x = "(Suc (Suc 0))" in allE)
apply(simp add:nth_append)
thus "False"
using h
apply(erule_tac x = "ysb ! (Suc (Suc 0))" in allE, simp)
subsection {* Coding function of TMs *}
text {*
The purpose of this section is to get the coding function of Turing Machine, which is
going to be named @{text "code"}.
fun bl2nat :: "cell list \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat"
"bl2nat [] n = 0"
| "bl2nat (Bk#bl) n = bl2nat bl (Suc n)"
| "bl2nat (Oc#bl) n = 2^n + bl2nat bl (Suc n)"
fun bl2wc :: "cell list \<Rightarrow> nat"
"bl2wc xs = bl2nat xs 0"
fun trpl_code :: "config \<Rightarrow> nat"
"trpl_code (st, l, r) = trpl (bl2wc l) st (bl2wc r)"
declare bl2nat.simps[simp del] bl2wc.simps[simp del]
trpl_code.simps[simp del]
fun action_map :: "action \<Rightarrow> nat"
"action_map W0 = 0"
| "action_map W1 = 1"
| "action_map L = 2"
| "action_map R = 3"
| "action_map Nop = 4"
fun action_map_iff :: "nat \<Rightarrow> action"
"action_map_iff (0::nat) = W0"
| "action_map_iff (Suc 0) = W1"
| "action_map_iff (Suc (Suc 0)) = L"
| "action_map_iff (Suc (Suc (Suc 0))) = R"
| "action_map_iff n = Nop"
fun block_map :: "cell \<Rightarrow> nat"
"block_map Bk = 0"
| "block_map Oc = 1"
fun godel_code' :: "nat list \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat"
"godel_code' [] n = 1"
| "godel_code' (x#xs) n = (Pi n)^x * godel_code' xs (Suc n) "
fun godel_code :: "nat list \<Rightarrow> nat"
"godel_code xs = (let lh = length xs in
2^lh * (godel_code' xs (Suc 0)))"
fun modify_tprog :: "instr list \<Rightarrow> nat list"
"modify_tprog [] = []"
| "modify_tprog ((ac, ns)#nl) = action_map ac # ns # modify_tprog nl"
text {*
@{text "code tp"} gives the Godel coding of TM program @{text "tp"}.
fun code :: "instr list \<Rightarrow> nat"
"code tp = (let nl = modify_tprog tp in
godel_code nl)"
subsection {* Relating interperter functions to the execution of TMs *}
lemma [simp]: "bl2wc [] = 0" by(simp add: bl2wc.simps bl2nat.simps)
lemma [simp]: "\<lbrakk>fetch tp 0 b = (nact, ns)\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> action_map nact = 4"
apply(simp add: fetch.simps)
lemma Pi_gr_1[simp]: "Pi n > Suc 0"
proof(induct n, auto simp: Pi.simps Np.simps)
fix n
let ?setx = "{y. y \<le> Suc (Pi n!) \<and> Pi n < y \<and> Prime y}"
have "finite ?setx" by auto
moreover have "?setx \<noteq> {}"
using prime_ex[of "Pi n"]
ultimately show "Suc 0 < Min ?setx"
apply(simp add: Min_gr_iff)
apply(auto simp: Prime.simps)
lemma Pi_not_0[simp]: "Pi n > 0"
using Pi_gr_1[of n]
by arith
declare godel_code.simps[simp del]
lemma [simp]: "0 < godel_code' nl n"
apply(induct nl arbitrary: n)
apply(auto simp: godel_code'.simps)
lemma godel_code_great: "godel_code nl > 0"
apply(simp add: godel_code.simps)
lemma godel_code_eq_1: "(godel_code nl = 1) = (nl = [])"
apply(auto simp: godel_code.simps)
lemma [elim]:
"\<lbrakk>i < length nl; \<not> Suc 0 < godel_code nl\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> nl ! i = 0"
using godel_code_great[of nl] godel_code_eq_1[of nl]
lemma prime_coprime: "\<lbrakk>Prime x; Prime y; x\<noteq>y\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> coprime x y"
proof(simp only: Prime.simps coprime_nat, auto simp: dvd_def,
rule_tac classical, simp)
fix d k ka
assume case_ka: "\<forall>u<d * ka. \<forall>v<d * ka. u * v \<noteq> d * ka"
and case_k: "\<forall>u<d * k. \<forall>v<d * k. u * v \<noteq> d * k"
and h: "(0::nat) < d" "d \<noteq> Suc 0" "Suc 0 < d * ka"
"ka \<noteq> k" "Suc 0 < d * k"
from h have "k > Suc 0 \<or> ka >Suc 0"
apply(case_tac ka, simp, simp)
apply(case_tac k, simp, simp)
from this show "False"
proof(erule_tac disjE)
assume "(Suc 0::nat) < k"
hence "k < d*k \<and> d < d*k"
using h
thus "?thesis"
using case_k
apply(erule_tac x = d in allE)
apply(erule_tac x = k in allE)
assume "(Suc 0::nat) < ka"
hence "ka < d * ka \<and> d < d*ka"
using h by auto
thus "?thesis"
using case_ka
apply(erule_tac x = d in allE)
apply(erule_tac x = ka in allE)
lemma Pi_inc: "Pi (Suc i) > Pi i"
proof(simp add: Pi.simps Np.simps)
let ?setx = "{y. y \<le> Suc (Pi i!) \<and> Pi i < y \<and> Prime y}"
have "finite ?setx" by simp
moreover have "?setx \<noteq> {}"
using prime_ex[of "Pi i"]
ultimately show "Pi i < Min ?setx"
apply(simp add: Min_gr_iff)
lemma Pi_inc_gr: "i < j \<Longrightarrow> Pi i < Pi j"
proof(induct j, simp)
fix j
assume ind: "i < j \<Longrightarrow> Pi i < Pi j"
and h: "i < Suc j"
from h show "Pi i < Pi (Suc j)"
proof(cases "i < j")
case True thus "?thesis"
proof -
assume "i < j"
hence "Pi i < Pi j" by(erule_tac ind)
moreover have "Pi j < Pi (Suc j)"
apply(simp add: Pi_inc)
ultimately show "?thesis"
by simp
assume "i < Suc j" "\<not> i < j"
hence "i = j"
by arith
thus "Pi i < Pi (Suc j)"
apply(simp add: Pi_inc)
lemma Pi_notEq: "i \<noteq> j \<Longrightarrow> Pi i \<noteq> Pi j"
apply(case_tac "i < j")
using Pi_inc_gr[of i j]
using Pi_inc_gr[of j i]
lemma [intro]: "Prime (Suc (Suc 0))"
apply(auto simp: Prime.simps)
apply(case_tac u, simp, case_tac nat, simp, simp)
lemma Prime_Pi[intro]: "Prime (Pi n)"
proof(induct n, auto simp: Pi.simps Np.simps)
fix n
let ?setx = "{y. y \<le> Suc (Pi n!) \<and> Pi n < y \<and> Prime y}"
show "Prime (Min ?setx)"
proof -
have "finite ?setx" by simp
moreover have "?setx \<noteq> {}"
using prime_ex[of "Pi n"]
ultimately show "?thesis"
apply(drule_tac Min_in, simp, simp)
lemma Pi_coprime: "i \<noteq> j \<Longrightarrow> coprime (Pi i) (Pi j)"
using Prime_Pi[of i]
using Prime_Pi[of j]
apply(rule_tac prime_coprime, simp_all add: Pi_notEq)
lemma Pi_power_coprime: "i \<noteq> j \<Longrightarrow> coprime ((Pi i)^m) ((Pi j)^n)"
by(rule_tac coprime_exp2_nat, erule_tac Pi_coprime)
lemma coprime_dvd_mult_nat2: "\<lbrakk>coprime (k::nat) n; k dvd n * m\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> k dvd m"
apply(erule_tac coprime_dvd_mult_nat)
apply(simp add: dvd_def, auto)
apply(rule_tac x = ka in exI)
apply(subgoal_tac "n * m = m * n", simp)
apply(simp add: nat_mult_commute)
declare godel_code'.simps[simp del]
lemma godel_code'_butlast_last_id' :
"godel_code' (ys @ [y]) (Suc j) = godel_code' ys (Suc j) *
Pi (Suc (length ys + j)) ^ y"
proof(induct ys arbitrary: j, simp_all add: godel_code'.simps)
lemma godel_code'_butlast_last_id:
"xs \<noteq> [] \<Longrightarrow> godel_code' xs (Suc j) =
godel_code' (butlast xs) (Suc j) * Pi (length xs + j)^(last xs)"
apply(subgoal_tac "\<exists> ys y. xs = ys @ [y]")
apply(erule_tac exE, erule_tac exE, simp add:
apply(rule_tac x = "butlast xs" in exI)
apply(rule_tac x = "last xs" in exI, auto)
lemma godel_code'_not0: "godel_code' xs n \<noteq> 0"
apply(induct xs, auto simp: godel_code'.simps)
lemma godel_code_append_cons:
"length xs = i \<Longrightarrow> godel_code' (xs@y#ys) (Suc 0)
= godel_code' xs (Suc 0) * Pi (Suc i)^y * godel_code' ys (i + 2)"
proof(induct "length xs" arbitrary: i y ys xs, simp add: godel_code'.simps,simp)
fix x xs i y ys
assume ind:
"\<And>xs i y ys. \<lbrakk>x = i; length xs = i\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
godel_code' (xs @ y # ys) (Suc 0)
= godel_code' xs (Suc 0) * Pi (Suc i) ^ y *
godel_code' ys (Suc (Suc i))"
and h: "Suc x = i"
"length (xs::nat list) = i"
"godel_code' (butlast xs @ last xs # ((y::nat)#ys)) (Suc 0) =
godel_code' (butlast xs) (Suc 0) * Pi (Suc (i - 1))^(last xs)
* godel_code' (y#ys) (Suc (Suc (i - 1)))"
apply(rule_tac ind)
using h
moreover have
"godel_code' xs (Suc 0)= godel_code' (butlast xs) (Suc 0) *
Pi (i)^(last xs)"
using godel_code'_butlast_last_id[of xs] h
apply(case_tac "xs = []", simp, simp)
moreover have "butlast xs @ last xs # y # ys = xs @ y # ys"
using h
apply(case_tac xs, auto)
ultimately show
"godel_code' (xs @ y # ys) (Suc 0) =
godel_code' xs (Suc 0) * Pi (Suc i) ^ y *
godel_code' ys (Suc (Suc i))"
using h
apply(simp add: godel_code'_not0 Pi_not_0)
apply(simp add: godel_code'.simps)
lemma Pi_coprime_pre:
"length ps \<le> i \<Longrightarrow> coprime (Pi (Suc i)) (godel_code' ps (Suc 0))"
proof(induct "length ps" arbitrary: ps, simp add: godel_code'.simps)
fix x ps
assume ind:
"\<And>ps. \<lbrakk>x = length ps; length ps \<le> i\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
coprime (Pi (Suc i)) (godel_code' ps (Suc 0))"
and h: "Suc x = length ps"
"length (ps::nat list) \<le> i"
have g: "coprime (Pi (Suc i)) (godel_code' (butlast ps) (Suc 0))"
apply(rule_tac ind)
using h by auto
have k: "godel_code' ps (Suc 0) =
godel_code' (butlast ps) (Suc 0) * Pi (length ps)^(last ps)"
using godel_code'_butlast_last_id[of ps 0] h
by(case_tac ps, simp, simp)
from g have
"coprime (Pi (Suc i)) (godel_code' (butlast ps) (Suc 0) *
Pi (length ps)^(last ps)) "
proof(rule_tac coprime_mult_nat, simp)
show "coprime (Pi (Suc i)) (Pi (length ps) ^ last ps)"
apply(rule_tac coprime_exp_nat, rule prime_coprime, auto)
using Pi_notEq[of "Suc i" "length ps"] h by simp
from this and k show "coprime (Pi (Suc i)) (godel_code' ps (Suc 0))"
by simp
lemma Pi_coprime_suf: "i < j \<Longrightarrow> coprime (Pi i) (godel_code' ps j)"
proof(induct "length ps" arbitrary: ps, simp add: godel_code'.simps)
fix x ps
assume ind:
"\<And>ps. \<lbrakk>x = length ps; i < j\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
coprime (Pi i) (godel_code' ps j)"
and h: "Suc x = length (ps::nat list)" "i < j"
have g: "coprime (Pi i) (godel_code' (butlast ps) j)"
apply(rule ind) using h by auto
have k: "(godel_code' ps j) = godel_code' (butlast ps) j *
Pi (length ps + j - 1)^last ps"
using h godel_code'_butlast_last_id[of ps "j - 1"]
apply(case_tac "ps = []", simp, simp)
from g have
"coprime (Pi i) (godel_code' (butlast ps) j *
Pi (length ps + j - 1)^last ps)"
apply(rule_tac coprime_mult_nat, simp)
using Pi_power_coprime[of i "length ps + j - 1" 1 "last ps"] h
from k and this show "coprime (Pi i) (godel_code' ps j)"
by auto
lemma godel_finite:
"finite {u. Pi (Suc i) ^ u dvd godel_code' nl (Suc 0)}"
proof(rule_tac n = "godel_code' nl (Suc 0)" in
bounded_nat_set_is_finite, auto,
case_tac "ia < godel_code' nl (Suc 0)", auto)
fix ia
assume g1: "Pi (Suc i) ^ ia dvd godel_code' nl (Suc 0)"
and g2: "\<not> ia < godel_code' nl (Suc 0)"
from g1 have "Pi (Suc i)^ia \<le> godel_code' nl (Suc 0)"
apply(erule_tac dvd_imp_le)
using godel_code'_not0[of nl "Suc 0"] by simp
moreover have "ia < Pi (Suc i)^ia"
apply(rule x_less_exp)
using Pi_gr_1 by auto
ultimately show "False"
using g2
lemma godel_code_in:
"i < length nl \<Longrightarrow> nl ! i \<in> {u. Pi (Suc i) ^ u dvd
godel_code' nl (Suc 0)}"
proof -
assume h: "i<length nl"
hence "godel_code' (take i nl@(nl!i)#drop (Suc i) nl) (Suc 0)
= godel_code' (take i nl) (Suc 0) * Pi (Suc i)^(nl!i) *
godel_code' (drop (Suc i) nl) (i + 2)"
by(rule_tac godel_code_append_cons, simp)
moreover from h have "take i nl @ (nl ! i) # drop (Suc i) nl = nl"
using upd_conv_take_nth_drop[of i nl "nl ! i"]
ultimately show
"nl ! i \<in> {u. Pi (Suc i) ^ u dvd godel_code' nl (Suc 0)}"
lemma godel_code'_get_nth:
"i < length nl \<Longrightarrow> Max {u. Pi (Suc i) ^ u dvd
godel_code' nl (Suc 0)} = nl ! i"
proof(rule_tac Max_eqI)
let ?gc = "godel_code' nl (Suc 0)"
assume h: "i < length nl" thus "finite {u. Pi (Suc i) ^ u dvd ?gc}"
by (simp add: godel_finite)
fix y
let ?suf ="godel_code' (drop (Suc i) nl) (i + 2)"
let ?pref = "godel_code' (take i nl) (Suc 0)"
assume h: "i < length nl"
"y \<in> {u. Pi (Suc i) ^ u dvd godel_code' nl (Suc 0)}"
moreover hence
"godel_code' (take i nl@(nl!i)#drop (Suc i) nl) (Suc 0)
= ?pref * Pi (Suc i)^(nl!i) * ?suf"
by(rule_tac godel_code_append_cons, simp)
moreover from h have "take i nl @ (nl!i) # drop (Suc i) nl = nl"
using upd_conv_take_nth_drop[of i nl "nl!i"]
by simp
ultimately show "y\<le>nl!i"
let ?suf' = "godel_code' (drop (Suc i) nl) (Suc (Suc i))"
assume mult_dvd:
"Pi (Suc i) ^ y dvd ?pref * Pi (Suc i) ^ nl ! i * ?suf'"
hence "Pi (Suc i) ^ y dvd ?pref * Pi (Suc i) ^ nl ! i"
proof(rule_tac coprime_dvd_mult_nat)
show "coprime (Pi (Suc i)^y) ?suf'"
proof -
have "coprime (Pi (Suc i) ^ y) (?suf'^(Suc 0))"
apply(rule_tac coprime_exp2_nat)
apply(rule_tac Pi_coprime_suf, simp)
thus "?thesis" by simp
hence "Pi (Suc i) ^ y dvd Pi (Suc i) ^ nl ! i"
proof(rule_tac coprime_dvd_mult_nat2)
show "coprime (Pi (Suc i) ^ y) ?pref"
proof -
have "coprime (Pi (Suc i)^y) (?pref^Suc 0)"
apply(rule_tac coprime_exp2_nat)
apply(rule_tac Pi_coprime_pre, simp)
thus "?thesis" by simp
hence "Pi (Suc i) ^ y \<le> Pi (Suc i) ^ nl ! i "
apply(rule_tac dvd_imp_le, auto)
thus "y \<le> nl ! i"
apply(rule_tac power_le_imp_le_exp, auto)
assume h: "i<length nl"
thus "nl ! i \<in> {u. Pi (Suc i) ^ u dvd godel_code' nl (Suc 0)}"
by(rule_tac godel_code_in, simp)
lemma [simp]:
"{u. Pi (Suc i) ^ u dvd (Suc (Suc 0)) ^ length nl *
godel_code' nl (Suc 0)} =
{u. Pi (Suc i) ^ u dvd godel_code' nl (Suc 0)}"
apply(rule_tac Collect_cong, auto)
apply(rule_tac n = " (Suc (Suc 0)) ^ length nl" in
proof -
fix u
show "coprime (Pi (Suc i) ^ u) ((Suc (Suc 0)) ^ length nl)"
proof(rule_tac coprime_exp2_nat)
have "Pi 0 = (2::nat)"
apply(simp add: Pi.simps)
moreover have "coprime (Pi (Suc i)) (Pi 0)"
apply(rule_tac Pi_coprime, simp)
ultimately show "coprime (Pi (Suc i)) (Suc (Suc 0))" by simp
lemma godel_code_get_nth:
"i < length nl \<Longrightarrow>
Max {u. Pi (Suc i) ^ u dvd godel_code nl} = nl ! i"
by(simp add: godel_code.simps godel_code'_get_nth)
lemma "trpl l st r = godel_code' [l, st, r] 0"
apply(simp add: trpl.simps godel_code'.simps)
lemma mod_dvd_simp: "(x mod y = (0::nat)) = (y dvd x)"
by(simp add: dvd_def, auto)
lemma dvd_power_le: "\<lbrakk>a > Suc 0; a ^ y dvd a ^ l\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> y \<le> l"
apply(case_tac "y \<le> l", simp, simp)
apply(subgoal_tac "\<exists> d. y = l + d", auto simp: power_add)
apply(rule_tac x = "y - l" in exI, simp)
lemma [elim]: "Pi n = 0 \<Longrightarrow> RR"
using Pi_not_0[of n] by simp
lemma [elim]: "Pi n = Suc 0 \<Longrightarrow> RR"
using Pi_gr_1[of n] by simp
lemma finite_power_dvd:
"\<lbrakk>(a::nat) > Suc 0; y \<noteq> 0\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> finite {u. a^u dvd y}"
apply(auto simp: dvd_def)
apply(rule_tac n = y in bounded_nat_set_is_finite, auto)
apply(case_tac k, simp,simp)
apply(rule_tac trans_less_add1)
apply(erule_tac x_less_exp)
lemma conf_decode1: "\<lbrakk>m \<noteq> n; m \<noteq> k; k \<noteq> n\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
Max {u. Pi m ^ u dvd Pi m ^ l * Pi n ^ st * Pi k ^ r} = l"
proof -
let ?setx = "{u. Pi m ^ u dvd Pi m ^ l * Pi n ^ st * Pi k ^ r}"
assume g: "m \<noteq> n" "m \<noteq> k" "k \<noteq> n"
show "Max ?setx = l"
proof(rule_tac Max_eqI)
show "finite ?setx"
apply(rule_tac finite_power_dvd, auto simp: Pi_gr_1)
fix y
assume h: "y \<in> ?setx"
have "Pi m ^ y dvd Pi m ^ l"
proof -
have "Pi m ^ y dvd Pi m ^ l * Pi n ^ st"
using h g
apply(rule_tac n = "Pi k^r" in coprime_dvd_mult_nat)
apply(rule Pi_power_coprime, simp, simp)
thus "Pi m^y dvd Pi m^l"
apply(rule_tac n = " Pi n ^ st" in coprime_dvd_mult_nat)
using g
apply(rule_tac Pi_power_coprime, simp, simp)
thus "y \<le> (l::nat)"
apply(rule_tac a = "Pi m" in power_le_imp_le_exp)
apply(simp_all add: Pi_gr_1)
apply(rule_tac dvd_power_le, auto)
show "l \<in> ?setx" by simp
lemma conf_decode2:
"\<lbrakk>m \<noteq> n; m \<noteq> k; n \<noteq> k;
\<not> Suc 0 < Pi m ^ l * Pi n ^ st * Pi k ^ r\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> l = 0"
apply(case_tac "Pi m ^ l * Pi n ^ st * Pi k ^ r", auto)
lemma [simp]: "left (trpl l st r) = l"
apply(simp add: left.simps trpl.simps lo.simps
loR.simps mod_dvd_simp, auto simp: conf_decode1)
apply(case_tac "Pi 0 ^ l * Pi (Suc 0) ^ st * Pi (Suc (Suc 0)) ^ r",
apply(erule_tac x = l in allE, auto)
lemma [simp]: "stat (trpl l st r) = st"
apply(simp add: stat.simps trpl.simps lo.simps
loR.simps mod_dvd_simp, auto)
apply(subgoal_tac "Pi 0 ^ l * Pi (Suc 0) ^ st * Pi (Suc (Suc 0)) ^ r
= Pi (Suc 0)^st * Pi 0 ^ l * Pi (Suc (Suc 0)) ^ r")
apply(simp (no_asm_simp) add: conf_decode1, simp)
apply(case_tac "Pi 0 ^ l * Pi (Suc 0) ^ st *
Pi (Suc (Suc 0)) ^ r", auto)
apply(erule_tac x = st in allE, auto)
lemma [simp]: "rght (trpl l st r) = r"
apply(simp add: rght.simps trpl.simps lo.simps
loR.simps mod_dvd_simp, auto)
apply(subgoal_tac "Pi 0 ^ l * Pi (Suc 0) ^ st * Pi (Suc (Suc 0)) ^ r
= Pi (Suc (Suc 0))^r * Pi 0 ^ l * Pi (Suc 0) ^ st")
apply(simp (no_asm_simp) add: conf_decode1, simp)
apply(case_tac "Pi 0 ^ l * Pi (Suc 0) ^ st * Pi (Suc (Suc 0)) ^ r",
apply(erule_tac x = r in allE, auto)
lemma max_lor:
"i < length nl \<Longrightarrow> Max {u. loR [godel_code nl, Pi (Suc i), u]}
= nl ! i"
apply(simp add: loR.simps godel_code_get_nth mod_dvd_simp)
lemma godel_decode:
"i < length nl \<Longrightarrow> Entry (godel_code nl) i = nl ! i"
apply(auto simp: Entry.simps lo.simps max_lor)
apply(erule_tac x = "nl!i" in allE)
using max_lor[of i nl] godel_finite[of i nl]
apply(drule_tac Max_in, auto simp: loR.simps
godel_code.simps mod_dvd_simp)
using godel_code_in[of i nl]
lemma Four_Suc: "4 = Suc (Suc (Suc (Suc 0)))"
by auto
declare numeral_2_eq_2[simp del]
lemma modify_tprog_fetch_even:
"\<lbrakk>st \<le> length tp div 2; st > 0\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
modify_tprog tp ! (4 * (st - Suc 0) ) =
action_map (fst (tp ! (2 * (st - Suc 0))))"
proof(induct st arbitrary: tp, simp)
fix tp st
assume ind:
"\<And>tp. \<lbrakk>st \<le> length tp div 2; 0 < st\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
modify_tprog tp ! (4 * (st - Suc 0)) =
action_map (fst ((tp::instr list) ! (2 * (st - Suc 0))))"
and h: "Suc st \<le> length (tp::instr list) div 2" "0 < Suc st"
thus "modify_tprog tp ! (4 * (Suc st - Suc 0)) =
action_map (fst (tp ! (2 * (Suc st - Suc 0))))"
proof(cases "st = 0")
case True thus "?thesis"
using h
apply(cases tp, simp, case_tac a, simp add: modify_tprog.simps)
case False
assume g: "st \<noteq> 0"
hence "\<exists> aa ab ba bb tp'. tp = (aa, ab) # (ba, bb) # tp'"
using h
apply(case_tac tp, simp, case_tac list, simp, simp)
from this obtain aa ab ba bb tp' where g1:
"tp = (aa, ab) # (ba, bb) # tp'" by blast
hence g2:
"modify_tprog tp' ! (4 * (st - Suc 0)) =
action_map (fst ((tp'::instr list) ! (2 * (st - Suc 0))))"
apply(rule_tac ind)
using h g by auto
thus "?thesis"
using g1 g
apply(case_tac st, simp, simp add: Four_Suc)
lemma modify_tprog_fetch_odd:
"\<lbrakk>st \<le> length tp div 2; st > 0\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
modify_tprog tp ! (Suc (Suc (4 * (st - Suc 0)))) =
action_map (fst (tp ! (Suc (2 * (st - Suc 0)))))"
proof(induct st arbitrary: tp, simp)
fix tp st
assume ind:
"\<And>tp. \<lbrakk>st \<le> length tp div 2; 0 < st\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
modify_tprog tp ! Suc (Suc (4 * (st - Suc 0))) =
action_map (fst (tp ! Suc (2 * (st - Suc 0))))"
and h: "Suc st \<le> length (tp::instr list) div 2" "0 < Suc st"
thus "modify_tprog tp ! Suc (Suc (4 * (Suc st - Suc 0)))
= action_map (fst (tp ! Suc (2 * (Suc st - Suc 0))))"
proof(cases "st = 0")
case True thus "?thesis"
using h
apply(cases tp, simp, case_tac a, simp add: modify_tprog.simps)
apply(case_tac list, simp, case_tac ab,
simp add: modify_tprog.simps)
case False
assume g: "st \<noteq> 0"
hence "\<exists> aa ab ba bb tp'. tp = (aa, ab) # (ba, bb) # tp'"
using h
apply(case_tac tp, simp, case_tac list, simp, simp)
from this obtain aa ab ba bb tp' where g1:
"tp = (aa, ab) # (ba, bb) # tp'" by blast
hence g2: "modify_tprog tp' ! Suc (Suc (4 * (st - Suc 0))) =
action_map (fst (tp' ! Suc (2 * (st - Suc 0))))"
apply(rule_tac ind)
using h g by auto
thus "?thesis"
using g1 g
apply(case_tac st, simp, simp add: Four_Suc)
lemma modify_tprog_fetch_action:
"\<lbrakk>st \<le> length tp div 2; st > 0; b = 1 \<or> b = 0\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
modify_tprog tp ! (4 * (st - Suc 0) + 2* b) =
action_map (fst (tp ! ((2 * (st - Suc 0)) + b)))"
apply(erule_tac disjE, auto elim: modify_tprog_fetch_odd
lemma length_modify: "length (modify_tprog tp) = 2 * length tp"
apply(induct tp, auto)
declare fetch.simps[simp del]
lemma fetch_action_eq:
"\<lbrakk>block_map b = scan r; fetch tp st b = (nact, ns);
st \<le> length tp div 2\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> actn (code tp) st r = action_map nact"
proof(simp add: actn.simps, auto)
let ?i = "4 * (st - Suc 0) + 2 * (r mod 2)"
assume h: "block_map b = r mod 2" "fetch tp st b = (nact, ns)"
"st \<le> length tp div 2" "0 < st"
have "?i < length (modify_tprog tp)"
proof -
have "length (modify_tprog tp) = 2 * length tp"
by(simp add: length_modify)
thus "?thesis"
using h
"Entry (godel_code (modify_tprog tp))?i =
(modify_tprog tp) ! ?i"
by(erule_tac godel_decode)
moreover have
"modify_tprog tp ! ?i =
action_map (fst (tp ! (2 * (st - Suc 0) + r mod 2)))"
apply(rule_tac modify_tprog_fetch_action)
using h
moreover have "(fst (tp ! (2 * (st - Suc 0) + r mod 2))) = nact"
using h
apply(case_tac st, simp_all add: fetch.simps nth_of.simps)
apply(case_tac b, auto simp: block_map.simps nth_of.simps fetch.simps
split: if_splits)
apply(case_tac "r mod 2", simp, simp)
ultimately show
"Entry (godel_code (modify_tprog tp))
(4 * (st - Suc 0) + 2 * (r mod 2))
= action_map nact"
by simp
lemma [simp]: "fetch tp 0 b = (nact, ns) \<Longrightarrow> ns = 0"
by(simp add: fetch.simps)
lemma Five_Suc: "5 = Suc 4" by simp
lemma modify_tprog_fetch_state:
"\<lbrakk>st \<le> length tp div 2; st > 0; b = 1 \<or> b = 0\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
modify_tprog tp ! Suc (4 * (st - Suc 0) + 2 * b) =
(snd (tp ! (2 * (st - Suc 0) + b)))"
proof(induct st arbitrary: tp, simp)
fix st tp
assume ind:
"\<And>tp. \<lbrakk>st \<le> length tp div 2; 0 < st; b = 1 \<or> b = 0\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
modify_tprog tp ! Suc (4 * (st - Suc 0) + 2 * b) =
snd (tp ! (2 * (st - Suc 0) + b))"
and h:
"Suc st \<le> length (tp::instr list) div 2"
"0 < Suc st"
"b = 1 \<or> b = 0"
show "modify_tprog tp ! Suc (4 * (Suc st - Suc 0) + 2 * b) =
snd (tp ! (2 * (Suc st - Suc 0) + b))"
proof(cases "st = 0")
case True
thus "?thesis"
using h
apply(cases tp, simp, case_tac a, simp add: modify_tprog.simps)
apply(case_tac list, simp, case_tac ab,
simp add: modify_tprog.simps, auto)
case False
assume g: "st \<noteq> 0"
hence "\<exists> aa ab ba bb tp'. tp = (aa, ab) # (ba, bb) # tp'"
using h
apply(case_tac tp, simp, case_tac list, simp, simp)
from this obtain aa ab ba bb tp' where g1:
"tp = (aa, ab) # (ba, bb) # tp'" by blast
hence g2:
"modify_tprog tp' ! Suc (4 * (st - Suc 0) + 2 * b) =
snd (tp' ! (2 * (st - Suc 0) + b))"
apply(rule_tac ind)
using h g by auto
thus "?thesis"
using g1 g
apply(case_tac st, simp, simp)
lemma fetch_state_eq:
"\<lbrakk>block_map b = scan r;
fetch tp st b = (nact, ns);
st \<le> length tp div 2\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> newstat (code tp) st r = ns"
proof(simp add: newstat.simps, auto)
let ?i = "Suc (4 * (st - Suc 0) + 2 * (r mod 2))"
assume h: "block_map b = r mod 2" "fetch tp st b =
(nact, ns)" "st \<le> length tp div 2" "0 < st"
have "?i < length (modify_tprog tp)"
proof -
have "length (modify_tprog tp) = 2 * length tp"
apply(simp add: length_modify)
thus "?thesis"
using h
hence "Entry (godel_code (modify_tprog tp)) (?i) =
(modify_tprog tp) ! ?i"
by(erule_tac godel_decode)
moreover have
"modify_tprog tp ! ?i =
(snd (tp ! (2 * (st - Suc 0) + r mod 2)))"
apply(rule_tac modify_tprog_fetch_state)
using h
moreover have "(snd (tp ! (2 * (st - Suc 0) + r mod 2))) = ns"
using h
apply(case_tac st, simp)
apply(case_tac b, auto simp: block_map.simps nth_of.simps
split: if_splits)
apply(subgoal_tac "(2 * (Suc nat - r mod 2) + r mod 2) =
(2 * nat + r mod 2)", simp)
by (metis diff_Suc_Suc minus_nat.diff_0)
ultimately show "Entry (godel_code (modify_tprog tp)) (?i)
= ns"
by simp
lemma [intro!]:
"\<lbrakk>a = a'; b = b'; c = c'\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> trpl a b c = trpl a' b' c'"
by simp
lemma [simp]: "bl2wc [Bk] = 0"
by(simp add: bl2wc.simps bl2nat.simps)
lemma bl2nat_double: "bl2nat xs (Suc n) = 2 * bl2nat xs n"
proof(induct xs arbitrary: n)
case Nil thus "?case"
by(simp add: bl2nat.simps)
case (Cons x xs) thus "?case"
proof -
assume ind: "\<And>n. bl2nat xs (Suc n) = 2 * bl2nat xs n "
show "bl2nat (x # xs) (Suc n) = 2 * bl2nat (x # xs) n"
proof(cases x)
case Bk thus "?thesis"
apply(simp add: bl2nat.simps)
using ind[of "Suc n"] by simp
case Oc thus "?thesis"
apply(simp add: bl2nat.simps)
using ind[of "Suc n"] by simp
lemma [simp]: "2 * bl2wc (tl c) = bl2wc c - bl2wc c mod 2 "
apply(case_tac c, simp, case_tac a)
apply(auto simp: bl2wc.simps bl2nat.simps bl2nat_double)
lemma [simp]:
"bl2wc (Oc # tl c) = Suc (bl2wc c) - bl2wc c mod 2 "
apply(case_tac c, case_tac [2] a, simp)
apply(auto simp: bl2wc.simps bl2nat.simps bl2nat_double)
lemma [simp]: "bl2wc (Bk # c) = 2*bl2wc (c)"
apply(simp add: bl2wc.simps bl2nat.simps bl2nat_double)
lemma [simp]: "bl2wc [Oc] = Suc 0"
by(simp add: bl2wc.simps bl2nat.simps)
lemma [simp]: "b \<noteq> [] \<Longrightarrow> bl2wc (tl b) = bl2wc b div 2"
apply(case_tac b, simp, case_tac a)
apply(auto simp: bl2wc.simps bl2nat.simps bl2nat_double)
lemma [simp]: "b \<noteq> [] \<Longrightarrow> bl2wc ([hd b]) = bl2wc b mod 2"
apply(case_tac b, simp, case_tac a)
apply(auto simp: bl2wc.simps bl2nat.simps bl2nat_double)
lemma [simp]: "\<lbrakk>b \<noteq> []\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> bl2wc (hd b # c) = 2 * bl2wc c + bl2wc b mod 2"
apply(case_tac b, simp, case_tac a)
apply(auto simp: bl2wc.simps bl2nat.simps bl2nat_double)
lemma [simp]: " 2 * (bl2wc c div 2) = bl2wc c - bl2wc c mod 2"
by(simp add: mult_div_cancel)
lemma [simp]: "bl2wc (Oc # list) mod 2 = Suc 0"
by(simp add: bl2wc.simps bl2nat.simps bl2nat_double)
declare code.simps[simp del]
declare nth_of.simps[simp del]
text {*
The lemma relates the one step execution of TMs with the interpreter function @{text "rec_newconf"}.
lemma rec_t_eq_step:
"(\<lambda> (s, l, r). s \<le> length tp div 2) c \<Longrightarrow>
trpl_code (step0 c tp) =
rec_exec rec_newconf [code tp, trpl_code c]"
apply(cases c, simp)
proof(case_tac "fetch tp a (read ca)",
simp add: newconf.simps trpl_code.simps step.simps)
fix a b ca aa ba
assume h: "(a::nat) \<le> length tp div 2"
"fetch tp a (read ca) = (aa, ba)"
moreover hence "actn (code tp) a (bl2wc ca) = action_map aa"
apply(rule_tac b = "read ca"
in fetch_action_eq, auto)
apply(case_tac "hd ca", auto)
apply(case_tac [!] ca, auto)
moreover from h have "(newstat (code tp) a (bl2wc ca)) = ba"
apply(rule_tac b = "read ca"
in fetch_state_eq, auto split: list.splits)
apply(case_tac "hd ca", auto)
apply(case_tac [!] ca, auto)
ultimately show
"trpl_code (ba, update aa (b, ca)) =
trpl (newleft (bl2wc b) (bl2wc ca) (actn (code tp) a (bl2wc ca)))
(newstat (code tp) a (bl2wc ca)) (newrght (bl2wc b) (bl2wc ca) (actn (code tp) a (bl2wc ca)))"
apply(case_tac aa)
apply(auto simp: trpl_code.simps
newleft.simps newrght.simps split: action.splits)
lemma [simp]: "bl2nat (Oc # Oc\<up>x) 0 = (2 * 2 ^ x - Suc 0)"
apply(induct x)
apply(simp add: bl2nat.simps)
apply(simp add: bl2nat.simps bl2nat_double exp_ind)
lemma [simp]: "bl2nat (Oc\<up>y) 0 = 2^y - Suc 0"
apply(induct y, auto simp: bl2nat.simps bl2nat_double)
apply(case_tac "(2::nat)^y", auto)
lemma [simp]: "bl2nat (Bk\<up>l) n = 0"
apply(induct l, auto simp: bl2nat.simps bl2nat_double exp_ind)
lemma bl2nat_cons_bk: "bl2nat (ks @ [Bk]) 0 = bl2nat ks 0"
apply(induct ks, auto simp: bl2nat.simps)
apply(case_tac a, auto simp: bl2nat.simps bl2nat_double)
lemma bl2nat_cons_oc:
"bl2nat (ks @ [Oc]) 0 = bl2nat ks 0 + 2 ^ length ks"
apply(induct ks, auto simp: bl2nat.simps)
apply(case_tac a, auto simp: bl2nat.simps bl2nat_double)
lemma bl2nat_append:
"bl2nat (xs @ ys) 0 = bl2nat xs 0 + bl2nat ys (length xs) "
proof(induct "length xs" arbitrary: xs ys, simp add: bl2nat.simps)
fix x xs ys
assume ind:
"\<And>xs ys. x = length xs \<Longrightarrow>
bl2nat (xs @ ys) 0 = bl2nat xs 0 + bl2nat ys (length xs)"
and h: "Suc x = length (xs::cell list)"
have "\<exists> ks k. xs = ks @ [k]"
apply(rule_tac x = "butlast xs" in exI,
rule_tac x = "last xs" in exI)
using h
apply(case_tac xs, auto)
from this obtain ks k where "xs = ks @ [k]" by blast
moreover hence
"bl2nat (ks @ (k # ys)) 0 = bl2nat ks 0 +
bl2nat (k # ys) (length ks)"
apply(rule_tac ind) using h by simp
ultimately show "bl2nat (xs @ ys) 0 =
bl2nat xs 0 + bl2nat ys (length xs)"
apply(case_tac k, simp_all add: bl2nat.simps)
apply(simp_all only: bl2nat_cons_bk bl2nat_cons_oc)
lemma bl2nat_exp: "n \<noteq> 0 \<Longrightarrow> bl2nat bl n = 2^n * bl2nat bl 0"
apply(induct bl)
apply(auto simp: bl2nat.simps)
apply(case_tac a, auto simp: bl2nat.simps bl2nat_double)
lemma nat_minus_eq: "\<lbrakk>a = b; c = d\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> a - c = b - d"
by auto
lemma tape_of_nat_list_butlast_last:
"ys \<noteq> [] \<Longrightarrow> <ys @ [y]> = <ys> @ Bk # Oc\<up>Suc y"
apply(induct ys, simp, simp)
apply(case_tac "ys = []", simp add: tape_of_nl_abv tape_of_nat_abv
apply(simp add: tape_of_nl_cons tape_of_nat_abv)
lemma listsum2_append:
"\<lbrakk>n \<le> length xs\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> listsum2 (xs @ ys) n = listsum2 xs n"
apply(induct n)
apply(auto simp: listsum2.simps nth_append)
lemma strt'_append:
"\<lbrakk>n \<le> length xs\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> strt' xs n = strt' (xs @ ys) n"
proof(induct n arbitrary: xs ys)
fix xs ys
show "strt' xs 0 = strt' (xs @ ys) 0" by(simp add: strt'.simps)
fix n xs ys
assume ind:
"\<And> xs ys. n \<le> length xs \<Longrightarrow> strt' xs n = strt' (xs @ ys) n"
and h: "Suc n \<le> length (xs::nat list)"
show "strt' xs (Suc n) = strt' (xs @ ys) (Suc n)"
using ind[of xs ys] h
apply(simp add: strt'.simps nth_append listsum2_append)
lemma length_listsum2_eq:
"\<lbrakk>length (ys::nat list) = k\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> length (<ys>) = listsum2 (map Suc ys) k + k - 1"
apply(induct k arbitrary: ys, simp_all add: listsum2.simps)
apply(subgoal_tac "\<exists> xs x. ys = xs @ [x]", auto)
proof -
fix xs x
assume ind: "\<And>ys. length ys = length xs \<Longrightarrow> length (<ys>)
= listsum2 (map Suc ys) (length xs) +
length (xs::nat list) - Suc 0"
have "length (<xs>)
= listsum2 (map Suc xs) (length xs) + length xs - Suc 0"
apply(rule_tac ind, simp)
thus "length (<xs @ [x]>) =
Suc (listsum2 (map Suc xs @ [Suc x]) (length xs) + x + length xs)"
apply(case_tac "xs = []")
apply(simp add: tape_of_nl_abv listsum2.simps
tape_of_nat_list.simps tape_of_nat_abv)
apply(simp add: tape_of_nat_list_butlast_last)
using listsum2_append[of "length xs" "map Suc xs" "[Suc x]"]
fix k ys
assume "length ys = Suc k"
thus "\<exists>xs x. ys = xs @ [x]"
apply(rule_tac x = "butlast ys" in exI,
rule_tac x = "last ys" in exI)
apply(case_tac ys, auto)
lemma tape_of_nat_list_length:
"length (<(ys::nat list)>) =
listsum2 (map Suc ys) (length ys) + length ys - 1"
using length_listsum2_eq[of ys "length ys"]
lemma [simp]:
"trpl_code (steps0 (Suc 0, Bk\<up>l, <lm>) tp 0) =
rec_exec rec_conf [code tp, bl2wc (<lm>), 0]"
apply(simp add: steps.simps rec_exec.simps conf_lemma conf.simps
inpt.simps trpl_code.simps bl2wc.simps)
text {*
The following lemma relates the multi-step interpreter function @{text "rec_conf"}
with the multi-step execution of TMs.
lemma state_in_range_step
: "\<lbrakk>a \<le> length A div 2; step0 (a, b, c) A = (st, l, r); tm_wf (A,0)\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> st \<le> length A div 2"
apply(simp add: step.simps fetch.simps tm_wf.simps
split: if_splits list.splits)
apply(case_tac [!] a, auto simp: list_all_length
fetch.simps nth_of.simps)
apply(erule_tac x = "A ! (2*nat) " in ballE, auto)
apply(case_tac "hd c", auto simp: fetch.simps nth_of.simps)
apply(erule_tac x = "A !(2 * nat)" in ballE, auto)
apply(erule_tac x = "A !Suc (2 * nat)" in ballE, auto)
lemma state_in_range: "\<lbrakk>steps0 (Suc 0, tp) A stp = (st, l, r); tm_wf (A, 0)\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> st \<le> length A div 2"
proof(induct stp arbitrary: st l r)
case 0 thus "?case" by(auto simp: tm_wf.simps steps.simps)
fix stp st l r
assume ind: "\<And>st l r. \<lbrakk>steps0 (Suc 0, tp) A stp = (st, l, r); tm_wf (A, 0)\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> st \<le> length A div 2"
and h1: "steps0 (Suc 0, tp) A (Suc stp) = (st, l, r)"
and h2: "tm_wf (A,0::nat)"
from h1 h2 show "st \<le> length A div 2"
proof(simp add: step_red, cases "(steps0 (Suc 0, tp) A stp)", simp)
fix a b c
assume h3: "step0 (a, b, c) A = (st, l, r)"
and h4: "steps0 (Suc 0, tp) A stp = (a, b, c)"
have "a \<le> length A div 2"
using h2 h4
by(rule_tac l = b and r = c in ind, auto)
thus "?thesis"
using h3 h2
apply(erule_tac state_in_range_step, simp_all)
lemma rec_t_eq_steps:
"tm_wf (tp,0) \<Longrightarrow>
trpl_code (steps0 (Suc 0, Bk\<up>l, <lm>) tp stp) =
rec_exec rec_conf [code tp, bl2wc (<lm>), stp]"
proof(induct stp)
case 0 thus "?case" by(simp)
case (Suc n) thus "?case"
proof -
assume ind:
"tm_wf (tp,0) \<Longrightarrow> trpl_code (steps0 (Suc 0, Bk\<up> l, <lm>) tp n)
= rec_exec rec_conf [code tp, bl2wc (<lm>), n]"
and h: "tm_wf (tp, 0)"
"trpl_code (steps0 (Suc 0, Bk\<up> l, <lm>) tp (Suc n)) =
rec_exec rec_conf [code tp, bl2wc (<lm>), Suc n]"
proof(case_tac "steps0 (Suc 0, Bk\<up> l, <lm>) tp n",
simp only: step_red conf_lemma conf.simps)
fix a b c
assume g: "steps0 (Suc 0, Bk\<up> l, <lm>) tp n = (a, b, c) "
hence "conf (code tp) (bl2wc (<lm>)) n= trpl_code (a, b, c)"
using ind h
apply(simp add: conf_lemma)
moreover hence
"trpl_code (step0 (a, b, c) tp) =
rec_exec rec_newconf [code tp, trpl_code (a, b, c)]"
apply(rule_tac rec_t_eq_step)
using h g
apply(simp add: state_in_range)
ultimately show
"trpl_code (step0 (a, b, c) tp) =
newconf (code tp) (conf (code tp) (bl2wc (<lm>)) n)"
by(simp add: newconf_lemma)
lemma [simp]: "bl2wc (Bk\<up> m) = 0"
apply(induct m)
apply(simp, simp)
lemma [simp]: "bl2wc (Oc\<up> rs@Bk\<up> n) = bl2wc (Oc\<up> rs)"
apply(induct rs, simp,
simp add: bl2wc.simps bl2nat.simps bl2nat_double)
lemma lg_power: "x > Suc 0 \<Longrightarrow> lg (x ^ rs) x = rs"
proof(simp add: lg.simps, auto)
fix xa
assume h: "Suc 0 < x"
show "Max {ya. ya \<le> x ^ rs \<and> lgR [x ^ rs, x, ya]} = rs"
apply(rule_tac Max_eqI, simp_all add: lgR.simps)
apply(simp add: h)
using x_less_exp[of x rs] h
assume "\<not> Suc 0 < x ^ rs" "Suc 0 < x"
thus "rs = 0"
apply(case_tac "x ^ rs", simp, simp)
assume "Suc 0 < x" "\<forall>xa. \<not> lgR [x ^ rs, x, xa]"
thus "rs = 0"
apply(simp only:lgR.simps)
apply(erule_tac x = rs in allE, simp)
text {*
The following lemma relates execution of TMs with
the multi-step interpreter function @{text "rec_nonstop"}. Note,
@{text "rec_nonstop"} is constructed using @{text "rec_conf"}.
declare tm_wf.simps[simp del]
lemma nonstop_t_eq:
"\<lbrakk>steps0 (Suc 0, Bk\<up>l, <lm>) tp stp = (0, Bk\<up> m, Oc\<up> rs @ Bk\<up> n);
tm_wf (tp, 0);
rs > 0\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> rec_exec rec_nonstop [code tp, bl2wc (<lm>), stp] = 0"
proof(simp add: nonstop_lemma nonstop.simps nstd.simps)
assume h: "steps0 (Suc 0, Bk\<up>l, <lm>) tp stp = (0, Bk\<up> m, Oc\<up> rs @ Bk\<up> n)"
and tc_t: "tm_wf (tp, 0)" "rs > 0"
have g: "rec_exec rec_conf [code tp, bl2wc (<lm>), stp] =
trpl_code (0, Bk\<up> m, Oc\<up> rs@Bk\<up> n)"
using rec_t_eq_steps[of tp l lm stp] tc_t h
thus "\<not> NSTD (conf (code tp) (bl2wc (<lm>)) stp)"
proof(auto simp: NSTD.simps)
show "stat (conf (code tp) (bl2wc (<lm>)) stp) = 0"
using g
by(auto simp: conf_lemma trpl_code.simps)
show "left (conf (code tp) (bl2wc (<lm>)) stp) = 0"
using g
by(simp add: conf_lemma trpl_code.simps)
show "rght (conf (code tp) (bl2wc (<lm>)) stp) =
2 ^ lg (Suc (rght (conf (code tp) (bl2wc (<lm>)) stp))) 2 - Suc 0"
using g h
proof(simp add: conf_lemma trpl_code.simps)
have "2 ^ lg (Suc (bl2wc (Oc\<up> rs))) 2 = Suc (bl2wc (Oc\<up> rs))"
apply(simp add: bl2wc.simps lg_power)
thus "bl2wc (Oc\<up> rs) = 2 ^ lg (Suc (bl2wc (Oc\<up> rs))) 2 - Suc 0"
show "0 < rght (conf (code tp) (bl2wc (<lm>)) stp)"
using g h tc_t
apply(simp add: conf_lemma trpl_code.simps bl2wc.simps
apply(case_tac rs, simp, simp add: bl2nat.simps)
lemma [simp]: "actn m 0 r = 4"
by(simp add: actn.simps)
lemma [simp]: "newstat m 0 r = 0"
by(simp add: newstat.simps)
declare step_red[simp del]
lemma halt_least_step:
"\<lbrakk>steps0 (Suc 0, Bk\<up>l, <lm>) tp stp =
(0, Bk\<up> m, Oc\<up>rs @ Bk\<up>n);
tm_wf (tp, 0);
0<rs\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
\<exists> stp. (nonstop (code tp) (bl2wc (<lm>)) stp = 0 \<and>
(\<forall> stp'. nonstop (code tp) (bl2wc (<lm>)) stp' = 0 \<longrightarrow> stp \<le> stp'))"
proof(induct stp, simp add: steps.simps, simp)
fix stp
assume ind:
"steps0 (Suc 0, Bk\<up> l, <lm>) tp stp = (0, Bk\<up> m, Oc\<up> rs @ Bk\<up> n) \<Longrightarrow>
\<exists>stp. nonstop (code tp) (bl2wc (<lm>)) stp = 0 \<and>
(\<forall>stp'. nonstop (code tp) (bl2wc (<lm>)) stp' = 0 \<longrightarrow> stp \<le> stp')"
and h:
"steps0 (Suc 0, Bk\<up> l, <lm>) tp (Suc stp) = (0, Bk\<up> m, Oc\<up> rs @ Bk\<up> n)"
"tm_wf (tp, 0::nat)"
"0 < rs"
from h show
"\<exists>stp. nonstop (code tp) (bl2wc (<lm>)) stp = 0
\<and> (\<forall>stp'. nonstop (code tp) (bl2wc (<lm>)) stp' = 0 \<longrightarrow> stp \<le> stp')"
proof(simp add: step_red,
case_tac "steps0 (Suc 0, Bk\<up> l, <lm>) tp stp", simp,
case_tac a, simp add: step_0)
assume "steps0 (Suc 0, Bk\<up> l, <lm>) tp stp = (0, Bk\<up> m, Oc\<up> rs @ Bk\<up> n)"
thus "\<exists>stp. nonstop (code tp) (bl2wc (<lm>)) stp = 0 \<and>
(\<forall>stp'. nonstop (code tp) (bl2wc (<lm>)) stp' = 0 \<longrightarrow> stp \<le> stp')"
apply(erule_tac ind)
fix a b c nat
assume "steps0 (Suc 0, Bk\<up> l, <lm>) tp stp = (a, b, c)"
"a = Suc nat"
thus "\<exists>stp. nonstop (code tp) (bl2wc (<lm>)) stp = 0 \<and>
(\<forall>stp'. nonstop (code tp) (bl2wc (<lm>)) stp' = 0 \<longrightarrow> stp \<le> stp')"
using h
apply(rule_tac x = "Suc stp" in exI, auto)
apply(drule_tac nonstop_t_eq, simp_all add: nonstop_lemma)
proof -
fix stp'
assume g:"steps0 (Suc 0, Bk\<up> l, <lm>) tp stp = (Suc nat, b, c)"
"nonstop (code tp) (bl2wc (<lm>)) stp' = 0"
thus "Suc stp \<le> stp'"
proof(case_tac "Suc stp \<le> stp'", simp, simp)
assume "\<not> Suc stp \<le> stp'"
hence "stp' \<le> stp" by simp
hence "\<not> is_final (steps0 (Suc 0, Bk\<up> l, <lm>) tp stp')"
using g
apply(case_tac "steps0 (Suc 0, Bk\<up> l, <lm>) tp stp'",auto, simp)
apply(subgoal_tac "\<exists> n. stp = stp' + n", auto simp: steps_add steps_0)
apply(case_tac a, simp_all add: steps.simps)
apply(rule_tac x = "stp - stp'" in exI, simp)
hence "nonstop (code tp) (bl2wc (<lm>)) stp' = 1"
proof(case_tac "steps0 (Suc 0, Bk\<up> l, <lm>) tp stp'",
simp add: nonstop.simps)
fix a b c
assume k:
"0 < a" "steps0 (Suc 0, Bk\<up> l, <lm>) tp stp' = (a, b, c)"
thus " NSTD (conf (code tp) (bl2wc (<lm>)) stp')"
using rec_t_eq_steps[of tp l lm stp'] h
proof(simp add: conf_lemma)
assume "trpl_code (a, b, c) = conf (code tp) (bl2wc (<lm>)) stp'"
moreover have "NSTD (trpl_code (a, b, c))"
using k
apply(auto simp: trpl_code.simps NSTD.simps)
ultimately show "NSTD (conf (code tp) (bl2wc (<lm>)) stp')" by simp
thus "False" using g by simp
lemma conf_trpl_ex: "\<exists> p q r. conf m (bl2wc (<lm>)) stp = trpl p q r"
apply(induct stp, auto simp: conf.simps inpt.simps trpl.simps
apply(rule_tac x = 0 in exI, rule_tac x = 1 in exI,
rule_tac x = "bl2wc (<lm>)" in exI)
lemma nonstop_rgt_ex:
"nonstop m (bl2wc (<lm>)) stpa = 0 \<Longrightarrow> \<exists> r. conf m (bl2wc (<lm>)) stpa = trpl 0 0 r"
apply(auto simp: nonstop.simps NSTD.simps split: if_splits)
using conf_trpl_ex[of m lm stpa]
lemma [elim]: "x > Suc 0 \<Longrightarrow> Max {u. x ^ u dvd x ^ r} = r"
proof(rule_tac Max_eqI)
assume "x > Suc 0"
thus "finite {u. x ^ u dvd x ^ r}"
apply(rule_tac finite_power_dvd, auto)
fix y
assume "Suc 0 < x" "y \<in> {u. x ^ u dvd x ^ r}"
thus "y \<le> r"
apply(case_tac "y\<le> r", simp)
apply(subgoal_tac "\<exists> d. y = r + d")
apply(auto simp: power_add)
apply(rule_tac x = "y - r" in exI, simp)
show "r \<in> {u. x ^ u dvd x ^ r}" by simp
lemma lo_power: "x > Suc 0 \<Longrightarrow> lo (x ^ r) x = r"
apply(auto simp: lo.simps loR.simps mod_dvd_simp)
apply(case_tac "x^r", simp_all)
lemma lo_rgt: "lo (trpl 0 0 r) (Pi 2) = r"
apply(simp add: trpl.simps lo_power)
lemma conf_keep:
"conf m lm stp = trpl 0 0 r \<Longrightarrow>
conf m lm (stp + n) = trpl 0 0 r"
apply(induct n)
apply(auto simp: conf.simps newconf.simps newleft.simps
newrght.simps rght.simps lo_rgt)
lemma halt_state_keep_steps_add:
"\<lbrakk>nonstop m (bl2wc (<lm>)) stpa = 0\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
conf m (bl2wc (<lm>)) stpa = conf m (bl2wc (<lm>)) (stpa + n)"
apply(drule_tac nonstop_rgt_ex, auto simp: conf_keep)
lemma halt_state_keep:
"\<lbrakk>nonstop m (bl2wc (<lm>)) stpa = 0; nonstop m (bl2wc (<lm>)) stpb = 0\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
conf m (bl2wc (<lm>)) stpa = conf m (bl2wc (<lm>)) stpb"
apply(case_tac "stpa > stpb")
using halt_state_keep_steps_add[of m lm stpb "stpa - stpb"]
apply simp
using halt_state_keep_steps_add[of m lm stpa "stpb - stpa"]
text {*
The correntess of @{text "rec_F"} which relates the interpreter function @{text "rec_F"} with the
execution of of TMs.
lemma F_correct:
"\<lbrakk>steps0 (Suc 0, Bk\<up>l, <lm>) tp stp = (0, Bk\<up>m, Oc\<up>rs@Bk\<up>n);
tm_wf (tp,0); 0<rs\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> rec_calc_rel rec_F [code tp, (bl2wc (<lm>))] (rs - Suc 0)"
apply(frule_tac halt_least_step, auto)
apply(frule_tac nonstop_t_eq, auto simp: nonstop_lemma)
using rec_t_eq_steps[of tp l lm stp]
apply(simp add: conf_lemma)
proof -
fix stpa
assume h:
"nonstop (code tp) (bl2wc (<lm>)) stpa = 0"
"\<forall>stp'. nonstop (code tp) (bl2wc (<lm>)) stp' = 0 \<longrightarrow> stpa \<le> stp'"
"nonstop (code tp) (bl2wc (<lm>)) stp = 0"
"trpl_code (0, Bk\<up> m, Oc\<up> rs @ Bk\<up> n) = conf (code tp) (bl2wc (<lm>)) stp"
"steps0 (Suc 0, Bk\<up> l, <lm>) tp stp = (0, Bk\<up> m, Oc\<up> rs @ Bk\<up> n)"
hence g1: "conf (code tp) (bl2wc (<lm>)) stpa = trpl_code (0, Bk\<up> m, Oc\<up> rs @ Bk\<up>n)"
using halt_state_keep[of "code tp" lm stpa stp]
moreover have g2:
"rec_calc_rel rec_halt [code tp, (bl2wc (<lm>))] stpa"
using h
apply(simp add: halt_lemma nonstop_lemma, auto)
"rec_calc_rel rec_F [code tp, (bl2wc (<lm>))] (rs - Suc 0)"
proof -
"rec_calc_rel rec_F [code tp, (bl2wc (<lm>))]
(valu (rght (conf (code tp) (bl2wc (<lm>)) stpa)))"
apply(rule F_lemma) using g2 h by auto
moreover have
"valu (rght (conf (code tp) (bl2wc (<lm>)) stpa)) = rs - Suc 0"
using g1
apply(simp add: valu.simps trpl_code.simps
bl2wc.simps bl2nat_append lg_power)
ultimately show "?thesis" by simp