1 (*<*) |
2 theory Paper |
3 imports UTM |
4 begin |
5 |
6 hide_const (open) s |
7 |
8 abbreviation |
9 "update p a == new_tape a p" |
10 |
11 lemma fetch_def2: |
12 shows "fetch p 0 b == (Nop, 0)" |
13 and "fetch p (Suc s) Bk == |
14 (case nth_of p (2 * s) of |
15 Some i \<Rightarrow> i |
16 | None \<Rightarrow> (Nop, 0))" |
17 and "fetch p (Suc s) Oc == |
18 (case nth_of p ((2 * s) + 1) of |
19 Some i \<Rightarrow> i |
20 | None \<Rightarrow> (Nop, 0))" |
21 apply - |
22 apply(rule_tac [!] eq_reflection) |
23 by (auto split: block.splits simp add: fetch.simps) |
24 |
25 lemma new_tape_def2: |
26 shows "new_tape W0 (l, r) == (l, Bk#(tl r))" |
27 and "new_tape W1 (l, r) == (l, Oc#(tl r))" |
28 and "new_tape L (l, r) == |
29 (if l = [] then ([], Bk#r) else (tl l, (hd l) # r))" |
30 and "new_tape R (l, r) == |
31 (if r = [] then (Bk#l,[]) else ((hd r)#l, tl r))" |
32 and "new_tape Nop (l, r) == (l, r)" |
33 apply - |
34 apply(rule_tac [!] eq_reflection) |
35 apply(auto split: taction.splits simp add: new_tape.simps) |
36 done |
37 |
38 |
39 abbreviation |
40 "read r == if (r = []) then Bk else hd r" |
41 |
42 lemma tstep_def2: |
43 shows "tstep (s, l, r) p == (let (a, s') = fetch p s (read r) in (s', new_tape a (l, r)))" |
44 apply - |
45 apply(rule_tac [!] eq_reflection) |
46 by (auto split: if_splits prod.split list.split simp add: tstep.simps) |
47 |
48 abbreviation |
49 "run p inp out == \<exists>n. steps (1, inp) p n = (0, out)" |
50 |
51 lemma haltP_def2: |
52 "haltP p n = (\<exists>k l m. |
53 run p ([], exponent Oc n) (exponent Bk k, exponent Oc l @ exponent Bk m))" |
54 unfolding haltP_def |
55 apply(auto) |
56 done |
57 |
58 lemma tape_of_nat_list_def2: |
59 shows "tape_of_nat_list [] = []" |
60 and "tape_of_nat_list [n] = exponent Oc (n+1)" |
61 and "ns\<noteq> [] ==> tape_of_nat_list (n#ns) = (exponent Oc (n+1)) @ [Bk] @ (tape_of_nat_list ns)" |
62 apply(auto simp add: tape_of_nat_list.simps) |
63 apply(case_tac ns) |
64 apply(auto simp add: tape_of_nat_list.simps) |
65 done |
66 |
67 lemma tshift_def2: |
68 fixes p::"tprog" |
69 shows "tshift p n == (map (\<lambda> (a, s). (a, (if s = 0 then 0 else s + n))) p)" |
70 apply(rule eq_reflection) |
71 apply(auto simp add: tshift.simps) |
72 done |
73 |
74 lemma change_termi_state_def2: |
75 "change_termi_state p == |
76 (map (\<lambda> (a, s). (a, if s = 0 then ((length p) div 2) + 1 else s)) p)" |
77 apply(rule eq_reflection) |
78 apply(auto simp add: change_termi_state.simps) |
79 done |
80 |
81 |
82 |
83 consts DUMMY::'a |
84 |
85 notation (latex output) |
86 Cons ("_::_" [78,77] 73) and |
87 set ("") and |
88 W0 ("W\<^bsub>\<^raw:\hspace{-2pt}>Bk\<^esub>") and |
89 W1 ("W\<^bsub>\<^raw:\hspace{-2pt}>Oc\<^esub>") and |
90 t_correct ("twf") and |
91 tstep ("step") and |
92 steps ("nsteps") and |
93 abc_lm_v ("lookup") and |
94 abc_lm_s ("set") and |
95 haltP ("stdhalt") and |
96 tshift ("shift") and |
97 tcopy ("copy") and |
98 change_termi_state ("adjust") and |
99 tape_of_nat_list ("\<ulcorner>_\<urcorner>") and |
100 t_add ("_ \<oplus> _") and |
101 DUMMY ("\<^raw:\mbox{$\_$}>") |
102 |
103 declare [[show_question_marks = false]] |
104 (*>*) |
105 |
106 section {* Introduction *} |
107 |
108 text {* |
109 |
110 \noindent |
111 We formalised in earlier work the correctness proofs for two |
112 algorithms in Isabelle/HOL---one about type-checking in |
113 LF~\cite{UrbanCheneyBerghofer11} and another about deciding requests |
114 in access control~\cite{WuZhangUrban12}. The formalisations |
115 uncovered a gap in the informal correctness proof of the former and |
116 made us realise that important details were left out in the informal |
117 model for the latter. However, in both cases we were unable to |
118 formalise in Isabelle/HOL computability arguments about the |
119 algorithms. The reason is that both algorithms are formulated in terms |
120 of inductive predicates. Suppose @{text "P"} stands for one such |
121 predicate. Decidability of @{text P} usually amounts to showing |
122 whether \mbox{@{term "P \<or> \<not>P"}} holds. But this does \emph{not} work |
123 in Isabelle/HOL, since it is a theorem prover based on classical logic |
124 where the law of excluded middle ensures that \mbox{@{term "P \<or> \<not>P"}} |
125 is always provable no matter whether @{text P} is constructed by |
126 computable means. The same problem would arise if we had formulated |
127 the algorithms as recursive functions, because internally in |
128 Isabelle/HOL, like in all HOL-based theorem provers, functions are |
129 represented as inductively defined predicates too. |
130 |
131 The only satisfying way out of this problem in a theorem prover based on classical |
132 logic is to formalise a theory of computability. Norrish provided such |
133 a formalisation for the HOL4 theorem prover. He choose the |
134 $\lambda$-calculus as the starting point for his formalisation |
135 of computability theory, |
136 because of its ``simplicity'' \cite[Page 297]{Norrish11}. Part of his |
137 formalisation is a clever infrastructure for reducing |
138 $\lambda$-terms. He also established the computational equivalence |
139 between the $\lambda$-calculus and recursive functions. Nevertheless he |
140 concluded that it would be ``appealing'' to have formalisations for more |
141 operational models of computations, such as Turing machines or register |
142 machines. One reason is that many proofs in the literature use |
143 them. He noted however that in the context of theorem provers |
144 \cite[Page 310]{Norrish11}: |
145 |
146 \begin{quote} |
147 \it``If register machines are unappealing because of their |
148 general fiddliness, Turing machines are an even more |
149 daunting prospect.'' |
150 \end{quote} |
151 |
152 \noindent |
153 In this paper we take on this daunting prospect and provide a |
154 formalisation of Turing machines, as well as abacus machines (a kind |
155 of register machines) and recursive functions. To see the difficulties |
156 involved with this work, one has to understand that interactive |
157 theorem provers, like Isabelle/HOL, are at their best when the |
158 data-structures at hand are ``structurally'' defined, like lists, |
159 natural numbers, regular expressions, etc. Such data-structures come |
160 with convenient reasoning infrastructures (for example induction |
161 principles, recursion combinators and so on). But this is \emph{not} |
162 the case with Turing machines (and also not with register machines): |
163 underlying their definitions are sets of states together with |
164 transition functions, all of which are not structurally defined. This |
165 means we have to implement our own reasoning infrastructure in order |
166 to prove properties about them. This leads to annoyingly fiddly |
167 formalisations. We noticed first the difference between both, |
168 structural and non-structural, ``worlds'' when formalising the |
169 Myhill-Nerode theorem, where regular expressions fared much better |
170 than automata \cite{WuZhangUrban11}. However, with Turing machines |
171 there seems to be no alternative if one wants to formalise the great |
172 many proofs from the literature that use them. We will analyse one |
173 example---undecidability of Wang's tiling problem---in Section~\ref{Wang}. The |
174 standard proof of this property uses the notion of universal |
175 Turing machines. |
176 |
177 We are not the first who formalised Turing machines in a theorem |
178 prover: we are aware of the preliminary work by Asperti and Ricciotti |
179 \cite{AspertiRicciotti12}. They describe a complete formalisation of |
180 Turing machines in the Matita theorem prover, including a universal |
181 Turing machine. They report that the informal proofs from which they |
182 started are \emph{not} ``sufficiently accurate to be directly usable as a |
183 guideline for formalization'' \cite[Page 2]{AspertiRicciotti12}. For |
184 our formalisation we followed mainly the proofs from the textbook |
185 \cite{Boolos87} and found that the description there is quite |
186 detailed. Some details are left out however: for example, it is only |
187 shown how the universal Turing machine is constructed for Turing |
188 machines computing unary functions. We had to figure out a way to |
189 generalise this result to $n$-ary functions. Similarly, when compiling |
190 recursive functions to abacus machines, the textbook again only shows |
191 how it can be done for 2- and 3-ary functions, but in the |
192 formalisation we need arbitrary functions. But the general ideas for |
193 how to do this are clear enough in \cite{Boolos87}. However, one |
194 aspect that is completely left out from the informal description in |
195 \cite{Boolos87}, and similar ones we are aware of, is arguments why certain Turing |
196 machines are correct. We will introduce Hoare-style proof rules |
197 which help us with such correctness arguments of Turing machines. |
198 |
199 The main difference between our formalisation and the one by Asperti |
200 and Ricciotti is that their universal Turing machine uses a different |
201 alphabet than the machines it simulates. They write \cite[Page |
202 23]{AspertiRicciotti12}: |
203 |
204 \begin{quote}\it |
205 ``In particular, the fact that the universal machine operates with a |
206 different alphabet with respect to the machines it simulates is |
207 annoying.'' |
208 \end{quote} |
209 |
210 \noindent |
211 In this paper we follow the approach by Boolos et al \cite{Boolos87}, |
212 which goes back to Post \cite{Post36}, where all Turing machines |
213 operate on tapes that contain only \emph{blank} or \emph{occupied} cells |
214 (represented by @{term Bk} and @{term Oc}, respectively, in our |
215 formalisation). Traditionally the content of a cell can be any |
216 character from a finite alphabet. Although computationally equivalent, |
217 the more restrictive notion of Turing machines in \cite{Boolos87} makes |
218 the reasoning more uniform. In addition some proofs \emph{about} Turing |
219 machines are simpler. The reason is that one often needs to encode |
220 Turing machines---consequently if the Turing machines are simpler, then the coding |
221 functions are simpler too. Unfortunately, the restrictiveness also makes |
222 it harder to design programs for these Turing machines. In order |
223 to construct a universal Turing machine we therefore do not follow |
224 \cite{AspertiRicciotti12}, instead follow the proof in |
225 \cite{Boolos87} by relating abacus machines to Turing machines and in |
226 turn recursive functions to abacus machines. The universal Turing |
227 machine can then be constructed as a recursive function. |
228 |
229 \smallskip |
230 \noindent |
231 {\bf Contributions:} We formalised in Isabelle/HOL Turing machines following the |
232 description of Boolos et al \cite{Boolos87} where tapes only have blank or |
233 occupied cells. We mechanise the undecidability of the halting problem and |
234 prove the correctness of concrete Turing machines that are needed |
235 in this proof; such correctness proofs are left out in the informal literature. |
236 We construct the universal Turing machine from \cite{Boolos87} by |
237 relating recursive functions to abacus machines and abacus machines to |
238 Turing machines. Since we have set up in Isabelle/HOL a very general computability |
239 model and undecidability result, we are able to formalise the |
240 undecidability of Wang's tiling problem. We are not aware of any other |
241 formalisation of a substantial undecidability problem. |
242 *} |
243 |
244 section {* Turing Machines *} |
245 |
246 text {* \noindent |
247 Turing machines can be thought of as having a read-write-unit, also |
248 referred to as \emph{head}, |
249 ``gliding'' over a potentially infinite tape. Boolos et |
250 al~\cite{Boolos87} only consider tapes with cells being either blank |
251 or occupied, which we represent by a datatype having two |
252 constructors, namely @{text Bk} and @{text Oc}. One way to |
253 represent such tapes is to use a pair of lists, written @{term "(l, |
254 r)"}, where @{term l} stands for the tape on the left-hand side of the |
255 head and @{term r} for the tape on the right-hand side. We have the |
256 convention that the head, abbreviated @{term hd}, of the right-list is |
257 the cell on which the head of the Turing machine currently operates. This can |
258 be pictured as follows: |
259 |
260 \begin{center} |
261 \begin{tikzpicture} |
262 \draw[very thick] (-3.0,0) -- ( 3.0,0); |
263 \draw[very thick] (-3.0,0.5) -- ( 3.0,0.5); |
264 \draw[very thick] (-0.25,0) -- (-0.25,0.5); |
265 \draw[very thick] ( 0.25,0) -- ( 0.25,0.5); |
266 \draw[very thick] (-0.75,0) -- (-0.75,0.5); |
267 \draw[very thick] ( 0.75,0) -- ( 0.75,0.5); |
268 \draw[very thick] (-1.25,0) -- (-1.25,0.5); |
269 \draw[very thick] ( 1.25,0) -- ( 1.25,0.5); |
270 \draw[very thick] (-1.75,0) -- (-1.75,0.5); |
271 \draw[very thick] ( 1.75,0) -- ( 1.75,0.5); |
272 \draw[rounded corners=1mm] (-0.35,-0.1) rectangle (0.35,0.6); |
273 \draw[fill] (1.35,0.1) rectangle (1.65,0.4); |
274 \draw[fill] (0.85,0.1) rectangle (1.15,0.4); |
275 \draw[fill] (-0.35,0.1) rectangle (-0.65,0.4); |
276 \draw (-0.25,0.8) -- (-0.25,-0.8); |
277 \draw[<->] (-1.25,-0.7) -- (0.75,-0.7); |
278 \node [anchor=base] at (-0.8,-0.5) {\small left list}; |
279 \node [anchor=base] at (0.35,-0.5) {\small right list}; |
280 \node [anchor=base] at (0.1,0.7) {\small head}; |
281 \node [anchor=base] at (-2.2,0.2) {\ldots}; |
282 \node [anchor=base] at ( 2.3,0.2) {\ldots}; |
283 \end{tikzpicture} |
284 \end{center} |
285 |
286 \noindent |
287 Note that by using lists each side of the tape is only finite. The |
288 potential infinity is achieved by adding an appropriate blank or occupied cell |
289 whenever the head goes over the ``edge'' of the tape. To |
290 make this formal we define five possible \emph{actions} |
291 the Turing machine can perform: |
292 |
293 \begin{center} |
294 \begin{tabular}{rcll} |
295 @{text "a"} & $::=$ & @{term "W0"} & write blank (@{term Bk})\\ |
296 & $\mid$ & @{term "W1"} & write occupied (@{term Oc})\\ |
297 & $\mid$ & @{term L} & move left\\ |
298 & $\mid$ & @{term R} & move right\\ |
299 & $\mid$ & @{term Nop} & do-nothing operation\\ |
300 \end{tabular} |
301 \end{center} |
302 |
303 \noindent |
304 We slightly deviate |
305 from the presentation in \cite{Boolos87} by using the @{term Nop} operation; however its use |
306 will become important when we formalise halting computations and also universal Turing |
307 machines. Given a tape and an action, we can define the |
308 following tape updating function: |
309 |
310 \begin{center} |
311 \begin{tabular}{l@ {\hspace{1mm}}c@ {\hspace{1mm}}l} |
312 @{thm (lhs) new_tape_def2(1)} & @{text "\<equiv>"} & @{thm (rhs) new_tape_def2(1)}\\ |
313 @{thm (lhs) new_tape_def2(2)} & @{text "\<equiv>"} & @{thm (rhs) new_tape_def2(2)}\\ |
314 @{thm (lhs) new_tape_def2(3)} & @{text "\<equiv>"} & \\ |
315 \multicolumn{3}{l}{\hspace{1cm}@{thm (rhs) new_tape_def2(3)}}\\ |
316 @{thm (lhs) new_tape_def2(4)} & @{text "\<equiv>"} & \\ |
317 \multicolumn{3}{l}{\hspace{1cm}@{thm (rhs) new_tape_def2(4)}}\\ |
318 @{thm (lhs) new_tape_def2(5)} & @{text "\<equiv>"} & @{thm (rhs) new_tape_def2(5)}\\ |
319 \end{tabular} |
320 \end{center} |
321 |
322 \noindent |
323 The first two clauses replace the head of the right-list |
324 with a new @{term Bk} or @{term Oc}, respectively. To see that |
325 these two clauses make sense in case where @{text r} is the empty |
326 list, one has to know that the tail function, @{term tl}, is defined in |
327 Isabelle/HOL |
328 such that @{term "tl [] == []"} holds. The third clause |
329 implements the move of the head one step to the left: we need |
330 to test if the left-list @{term l} is empty; if yes, then we just prepend a |
331 blank cell to the right-list; otherwise we have to remove the |
332 head from the left-list and prepend it to the right-list. Similarly |
333 in the fourth clause for a right move action. The @{term Nop} operation |
334 leaves the the tape unchanged (last clause). |
335 |
336 Note that our treatment of the tape is rather ``unsymmetric''---we |
337 have the convention that the head of the right-list is where the |
338 head is currently positioned. Asperti and Ricciotti |
339 \cite{AspertiRicciotti12} also considered such a representation, but |
340 dismiss it as it complicates their definition for \emph{tape |
341 equality}. The reason is that moving the head one step to |
342 the left and then back to the right might change the tape (in case |
343 of going over the ``edge''). Therefore they distinguish four types |
344 of tapes: one where the tape is empty; another where the head |
345 is on the left edge, respectively right edge, and in the middle |
346 of the tape. The reading, writing and moving of the tape is then |
347 defined in terms of these four cases. In this way they can keep the |
348 tape in a ``normalised'' form, and thus making a left-move followed |
349 by a right-move being the identity on tapes. Since we are not using |
350 the notion of tape equality, we can get away with the unsymmetric |
351 definition above, and by using the @{term update} function |
352 cover uniformly all cases including corner cases. |
353 |
354 Next we need to define the \emph{states} of a Turing machine. Given |
355 how little is usually said about how to represent them in informal |
356 presentations, it might be surprising that in a theorem prover we |
357 have to select carefully a representation. If we use the naive |
358 representation where a Turing machine consists of a finite set of |
359 states, then we will have difficulties composing two Turing |
360 machines: we would need to combine two finite sets of states, |
361 possibly renaming states apart whenever both machines share |
362 states.\footnote{The usual disjoint union operation in Isabelle/HOL |
363 cannot be used as it does not preserve types.} This renaming can be |
364 quite cumbersome to reason about. Therefore we made the choice of |
365 representing a state by a natural number and the states of a Turing |
366 machine will always consist of the initial segment of natural |
367 numbers starting from @{text 0} up to the number of states of the |
368 machine. In doing so we can compose two Turing machine by |
369 shifting the states of one by an appropriate amount to a higher |
370 segment and adjusting some ``next states'' in the other. |
371 |
372 An \emph{instruction} @{term i} of a Turing machine is a pair consisting of |
373 an action and a natural number (the next state). A \emph{program} @{term p} of a Turing |
374 machine is then a list of such pairs. Using as an example the following Turing machine |
375 program, which consists of four instructions |
376 |
377 \begin{equation} |
378 \begin{tikzpicture} |
379 \node [anchor=base] at (0,0) {@{thm dither_def}}; |
380 \node [anchor=west] at (-1.5,-0.42) {$\underbrace{\hspace{21mm}}_{\text{1st state}}$}; |
381 \node [anchor=west] at ( 1.1,-0.42) {$\underbrace{\hspace{17mm}}_{\text{2nd state}}$}; |
382 \node [anchor=west] at (-1.5,0.65) {$\overbrace{\hspace{10mm}}^{\text{@{term Bk}-case}}$}; |
383 \node [anchor=west] at (-0.1,0.65) {$\overbrace{\hspace{6mm}}^{\text{@{term Oc}-case}}$}; |
384 \end{tikzpicture} |
385 \label{dither} |
386 \end{equation} |
387 |
388 \noindent |
389 the reader can see we have organised our Turing machine programs so |
390 that segments of two belong to a state. The first component of the |
391 segment determines what action should be taken and which next state |
392 should be transitioned to in case the head reads a @{term Bk}; |
393 similarly the second component determines what should be done in |
394 case of reading @{term Oc}. We have the convention that the first |
395 state is always the \emph{starting state} of the Turing machine. |
396 The zeroth state is special in that it will be used as the |
397 ``halting state''. There are no instructions for the @{text |
398 0}-state, but it will always perform a @{term Nop}-operation and |
399 remain in the @{text 0}-state. Unlike Asperti and Riccioti |
400 \cite{AspertiRicciotti12}, we have chosen a very concrete |
401 representation for programs, because when constructing a universal |
402 Turing machine, we need to define a coding function for programs. |
403 This can be easily done for our programs-as-lists, but is more |
404 difficult for the functions used by Asperti and Ricciotti. |
405 |
406 Given a program @{term p}, a state |
407 and the cell being read by the head, we need to fetch |
408 the corresponding instruction from the program. For this we define |
409 the function @{term fetch} |
410 |
411 \begin{center} |
412 \begin{tabular}{l@ {\hspace{1mm}}c@ {\hspace{1mm}}l} |
413 \multicolumn{3}{l}{@{thm fetch_def2(1)[where b=DUMMY]}}\\ |
414 @{thm (lhs) fetch_def2(2)} & @{text "\<equiv>"} & \\ |
415 \multicolumn{3}{@ {\hspace{1cm}}l}{@{text "case nth_of p (2 * s) of"}}\\ |
416 \multicolumn{3}{@ {\hspace{1.4cm}}l}{@{text "None \<Rightarrow> (Nop, 0) |"}}\\ |
417 \multicolumn{3}{@ {\hspace{1.4cm}}l}{@{text "Some i \<Rightarrow> i"}}\\ |
418 @{thm (lhs) fetch_def2(3)} & @{text "\<equiv>"} & \\ |
419 \multicolumn{3}{@ {\hspace{1cm}}l}{@{text "case nth_of p (2 * s + 1) of"}}\\ |
420 \multicolumn{3}{@ {\hspace{1.4cm}}l}{@{text "None \<Rightarrow> (Nop, 0) |"}}\\ |
421 \multicolumn{3}{@ {\hspace{1.4cm}}l}{@{text "Some i \<Rightarrow> i"}} |
422 \end{tabular} |
423 \end{center} |
424 |
425 \noindent |
426 In this definition the function @{term nth_of} returns the @{text n}th element |
427 from a list, provided it exists (@{term Some}-case), or if it does not, it |
428 returns the default action @{term Nop} and the default state @{text 0} |
429 (@{term None}-case). In doing so we slightly deviate from the description |
430 in \cite{Boolos87}: if their Turing machines transition to a non-existing |
431 state, then the computation is halted. We will transition in such cases |
432 to the @{text 0}-state. However, with introducing the |
433 notion of \emph{well-formed} Turing machine programs we will later exclude such |
434 cases and make the @{text 0}-state the only ``halting state''. A program |
435 @{term p} is said to be well-formed if it satisfies |
436 the following three properties: |
437 |
438 \begin{center} |
439 \begin{tabular}{l@ {\hspace{1mm}}c@ {\hspace{1mm}}l} |
440 @{term "t_correct p"} & @{text "\<equiv>"} & @{term "2 <= length p"}\\ |
441 & @{text "\<and>"} & @{term "iseven (length p)"}\\ |
442 & @{text "\<and>"} & @{term "\<forall> (a, s) \<in> set p. s <= length p div 2"} |
443 \end{tabular} |
444 \end{center} |
445 |
446 \noindent |
447 The first says that @{text p} must have at least an instruction for the starting |
448 state; the second that @{text p} has a @{term Bk} and @{term Oc} instruction for every |
449 state, and the third that every next-state is one of the states mentioned in |
450 the program or being the @{text 0}-state. |
451 |
452 A \emph{configuration} @{term c} of a Turing machine is a state together with |
453 a tape. This is written as @{text "(s, (l, r))"}. If we have a |
454 configuration and a program, we can calculate |
455 what the next configuration is by fetching the appropriate action and next state |
456 from the program, and by updating the state and tape accordingly. |
457 This single step of execution is defined as the function @{term tstep} |
458 |
459 \begin{center} |
460 \begin{tabular}{l} |
461 @{text "step (s, (l, r)) p"} @{text "\<equiv>"}\\ |
462 \hspace{10mm}@{text "let (a, s) = fetch p s (read r)"}\\ |
463 \hspace{10mm}@{text "in (s', update (l, r) a)"} |
464 \end{tabular} |
465 \end{center} |
466 |
467 \noindent |
468 where @{term "read r"} returns the head of the list @{text r}, or if @{text r} is |
469 empty it returns @{term Bk}. |
470 It is impossible in Isabelle/HOL to lift the @{term step}-function realising |
471 a general evaluation function for Turing machines. The reason is that functions in HOL-based |
472 provers need to be terminating, and clearly there are Turing machine |
473 programs that are not. We can however define an evaluation |
474 function so that it performs exactly @{text n} steps: |
475 |
476 \begin{center} |
477 \begin{tabular}{l@ {\hspace{1mm}}c@ {\hspace{1mm}}l} |
478 @{thm (lhs) steps.simps(1)} & @{text "\<equiv>"} & @{thm (rhs) steps.simps(1)}\\ |
479 @{thm (lhs) steps.simps(2)} & @{text "\<equiv>"} & @{thm (rhs) steps.simps(2)}\\ |
480 \end{tabular} |
481 \end{center} |
482 |
483 \noindent |
484 Recall our definition of @{term fetch} with the default value for |
485 the @{text 0}-state. In case a Turing program takes in \cite{Boolos87} less |
486 then @{text n} steps before it halts, then in our setting the @{term steps}-evaluation |
487 does not actually halt, but rather transitions to the @{text 0}-state and |
488 remains there performing @{text Nop}-actions until @{text n} is reached. |
489 |
490 Given some input tape @{text "(l\<^isub>i,r\<^isub>i)"}, we can define when a program |
491 @{term p} generates a specific output tape @{text "(l\<^isub>o,r\<^isub>o)"} |
492 |
493 \begin{center} |
494 \begin{tabular}{l} |
495 @{term "runs p (l\<^isub>i, r\<^isub>i) (l\<^isub>o,r\<^isub>o)"} @{text "\<equiv>"}\\ |
496 \hspace{6mm}@{text "\<exists>n. nsteps (1, (l\<^isub>i,r\<^isub>i)) p n = (0, (l\<^isub>o,r\<^isub>o))"} |
497 \end{tabular} |
498 \end{center} |
499 |
500 \noindent |
501 where @{text 1} stands for the starting state and @{text 0} for our final state. |
502 A program @{text p} with input tape @{term "(l\<^isub>i, r\<^isub>i)"} \emph{halts} iff |
503 |
504 \begin{center} |
505 @{term "halts p (l\<^isub>i, r\<^isub>i) \<equiv> |
506 \<exists>l\<^isub>o r\<^isub>o. runs p (l\<^isub>i, r\<^isub>i) (l\<^isub>o,r\<^isub>o)"} |
507 \end{center} |
508 |
509 \noindent |
510 Later on we need to consider specific Turing machines that |
511 start with a tape in standard form and halt the computation |
512 in standard form. To define a tape in standard form, it is |
513 useful to have an operation @{term "tape_of_nat_list DUMMY"} that |
514 translates |
515 lists of natural numbers into tapes. |
516 |
517 \begin{center} |
518 \begin{tabular}{l@ {\hspace{1mm}}c@ {\hspace{1mm}}l} |
519 @{thm (lhs) tape_of_nat_list_def2(1)} & @{text "\<equiv>"} & @{thm (rhs) tape_of_nat_list_def2(1)}\\ |
520 @{thm (lhs) tape_of_nat_list_def2(2)} & @{text "\<equiv>"} & @{thm (rhs) tape_of_nat_list_def2(2)}\\ |
521 @{thm (lhs) tape_of_nat_list_def2(3)} & @{text "\<equiv>"} & @{thm (rhs) tape_of_nat_list_def2(3)}\\ |
522 \end{tabular} |
523 \end{center} |
524 |
525 |
526 |
527 |
528 By this we mean |
529 |
530 \begin{center} |
531 @{thm haltP_def2[where p="p" and n="n", THEN eq_reflection]} |
532 \end{center} |
533 |
534 \noindent |
535 This means the Turing machine starts with a tape containg @{text n} @{term Oc}s |
536 and the head pointing to the first one; the Turing machine |
537 halts with a tape consisting of some @{term Bk}s, followed by a |
538 ``cluster'' of @{term Oc}s and after that by some @{term Bk}s. |
539 The head in the output is pointing again at the first @{term Oc}. |
540 The intuitive meaning of this definition is to start the Turing machine with a |
541 tape corresponding to a value @{term n} and producing |
542 a new tape corresponding to the value @{term l} (the number of @{term Oc}s |
543 clustered on the output tape). |
544 |
545 Before we can prove the undecidability of the halting problem for Turing machines, |
546 we have to define how to compose two Turing machines. Given our setup, this is |
547 relatively straightforward, if slightly fiddly. We use the following two |
548 auxiliary functions: |
549 |
550 \begin{center} |
551 \begin{tabular}{@ {}l@ {\hspace{1mm}}c@ {\hspace{1mm}}l@ {}} |
552 @{thm (lhs) tshift_def2} @{text "\<equiv>"}\\ |
553 \hspace{4mm}@{thm (rhs) tshift_def2}\\ |
554 @{thm (lhs) change_termi_state_def2} @{text "\<equiv>"}\\ |
555 \hspace{4mm}@{text "map (\<lambda> (a, s)."}\\ |
556 \hspace{14mm}@{text "(a, if s = 0 then length p div 2 + 1 else s)) p"}\\ |
557 \end{tabular} |
558 \end{center} |
559 |
560 \noindent |
561 The first adds @{text n} to all states, exept the @{text 0}-state, |
562 thus moving all ``regular'' states to the segment starting at @{text |
563 n}; the second adds @{term "length p div 2 + 1"} to the @{text |
564 0}-state, thus ridirecting all references to the ``halting state'' |
565 to the first state after the program @{text p}. With these two |
566 functions in place, we can define the \emph{sequential composition} |
567 of two Turing machine programs @{text "p\<^isub>1"} and @{text "p\<^isub>2"} |
568 |
569 \begin{center} |
570 @{thm t_add.simps[where ?t1.0="p\<^isub>1" and ?t2.0="p\<^isub>2", THEN eq_reflection]} |
571 \end{center} |
572 |
573 \noindent |
574 This means @{text "p\<^isub>1"} is executed first. Whenever it originally |
575 transitioned to the @{text 0}-state, it will in the composed program transition to the starting |
576 state of @{text "p\<^isub>2"} instead. All the states of @{text "p\<^isub>2"} |
577 have been shifted in order to make sure that the states of the composed |
578 program @{text "p\<^isub>1 \<oplus> p\<^isub>2"} still only ``occupy'' |
579 an initial segment of the natural numbers. |
580 |
581 \begin{center} |
582 \begin{tabular}{@ {}l@ {\hspace{1mm}}c@ {\hspace{1mm}}p{6.9cm}@ {}} |
583 @{thm (lhs) tcopy_def} & @{text "\<equiv>"} & @{thm (rhs) tcopy_def} |
584 \end{tabular} |
585 \end{center} |
586 |
587 |
588 assertion holds for all tapes |
589 |
590 Hoare rule for composition |
591 |
592 For showing the undecidability of the halting problem, we need to consider |
593 two specific Turing machines. copying TM and dithering TM |
594 |
595 correctness of the copying TM |
596 |
597 measure for the copying TM, which we however omit. |
598 |
599 halting problem |
600 *} |
601 |
602 section {* Abacus Machines *} |
603 |
604 text {* |
605 \noindent |
606 Boolos et al \cite{Boolos87} use abacus machines as a |
607 stepping stone for making it less laborious to write |
608 programs for Turing machines. Abacus machines operate |
609 over an unlimited number of registers $R_0$, $R_1$, \ldots |
610 each being able to hold an arbitrary large natural number. |
611 We use natural numbers to refer to registers, but also |
612 to refer to \emph{opcodes} of abacus |
613 machines. Obcodes are given by the datatype |
614 |
615 \begin{center} |
616 \begin{tabular}{rcll} |
617 @{text "o"} & $::=$ & @{term "Inc R\<iota>"} & increment register $R$ by one\\ |
618 & $\mid$ & @{term "Dec R\<iota> o\<iota>"} & if content of $R$ is non-zero,\\ |
619 & & & then decrement it by one\\ |
620 & & & otherwise jump to opcode $o$\\ |
621 & $\mid$ & @{term "Goto o\<iota>"} & jump to opcode $o$ |
622 \end{tabular} |
623 \end{center} |
624 |
625 \noindent |
626 A \emph{program} of an abacus machine is a list of such |
627 obcodes. For example the program clearing the register |
628 $R$ (setting it to 0) can be defined as follows: |
629 |
630 \begin{center} |
631 @{thm clear.simps[where n="R\<iota>" and e="o\<iota>", THEN eq_reflection]} |
632 \end{center} |
633 |
634 \noindent |
635 The second opcode @{term "Goto 0"} in this programm means we |
636 jump back to the first opcode, namely @{text "Dec R o"}. |
637 The \emph{memory} $m$ of an abacus machine holding the values |
638 of the registers is represented as a list of natural numbers. |
639 We have a lookup function for this memory, written @{term "abc_lm_v m R\<iota>"}, |
640 which looks up the content of register $R$; if $R$ |
641 is not in this list, then we return 0. Similarly we |
642 have a setting function, written @{term "abc_lm_s m R\<iota> n"}, which |
643 sets the value of $R$ to $n$, and if $R$ was not yet in $m$ |
644 it pads it approriately with 0s. |
645 |
646 |
647 Abacus machine halts when it jumps out of range. |
648 *} |
649 |
650 |
651 section {* Recursive Functions *} |
652 |
653 section {* Wang Tiles\label{Wang} *} |
654 |
655 text {* |
656 Used in texture mapings - graphics |
657 *} |
658 |
659 |
660 section {* Related Work *} |
661 |
662 text {* |
663 The most closely related work is by Norrish \cite{Norrish11}, and Asperti and |
664 Ricciotti \cite{AspertiRicciotti12}. Norrish bases his approach on |
665 lambda-terms. For this he introduced a clever rewriting technology |
666 based on combinators and de-Bruijn indices for |
667 rewriting modulo $\beta$-equivalence (to keep it manageable) |
668 *} |
669 |
670 |
671 (* |
672 Questions: |
673 |
674 Can this be done: Ackerman function is not primitive |
675 recursive (Nora Szasz) |
676 |
677 Tape is represented as two lists (finite - usually infinite tape)? |
678 |
679 *) |
680 |
681 |
682 (*<*) |
683 end |
684 (*>*) |