1 theory Abacus |
2 imports Main |
3 begin |
4 |
5 datatype abc_inst = |
6 Inc nat |
7 | Dec nat nat |
8 | Goto nat |
9 |
10 type_synonym abc_prog = "abc_inst list" |
11 |
12 type_synonym abc_state = nat |
13 |
14 text {* |
15 The memory of Abacus machine is defined as a list of contents, with |
16 every units addressed by index into the list. |
17 *} |
18 type_synonym abc_lm = "nat list" |
19 |
20 text {* |
21 Fetching contents out of memory. Units not represented by list elements are considered |
22 as having content @{text "0"}. |
23 *} |
24 fun abc_lm_v :: "abc_lm \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat" |
25 where |
26 "abc_lm_v lm n = (if n < length lm then lm ! n else 0)" |
27 |
28 |
29 text {* |
30 Set the content of memory unit @{text "n"} to value @{text "v"}. |
31 @{text "am"} is the Abacus memory before setting. |
32 If address @{text "n"} is outside to scope of @{text "am"}, @{text "am"} |
33 is extended so that @{text "n"} becomes in scope. |
34 *} |
35 |
36 fun abc_lm_s :: "abc_lm \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> abc_lm" |
37 where |
38 "abc_lm_s am n v = (if n < length am then am[n := v] else |
39 am @ (replicate (n - length am) 0) @ [v])" |
40 |
41 |
42 text {* |
43 The configuration of Abaucs machines consists of its current state and its |
44 current memory: |
45 *} |
46 |
47 type_synonym abc_conf = "abc_state \<times> abc_lm" |
48 |
49 text {* |
50 Fetch instruction out of Abacus program: |
51 *} |
52 |
53 fun abc_fetch :: "nat \<Rightarrow> abc_prog \<Rightarrow> abc_inst option" |
54 where |
55 "abc_fetch s p = (if s < length p then Some (p ! s) else None)" |
56 |
57 text {* |
58 Single step execution of Abacus machine. If no instruction is feteched, |
59 configuration does not change. |
60 *} |
61 |
62 fun abc_step_l :: "abc_conf \<Rightarrow> abc_inst option \<Rightarrow> abc_conf" |
63 where |
64 "abc_step_l (s, lm) a = (case a of |
65 None \<Rightarrow> (s, lm) | |
66 Some (Inc n) \<Rightarrow> (let nv = abc_lm_v lm n in |
67 (s + 1, abc_lm_s lm n (nv + 1))) | |
68 Some (Dec n e) \<Rightarrow> (let nv = abc_lm_v lm n in |
69 if (nv = 0) then (e, abc_lm_s lm n 0) |
70 else (s + 1, abc_lm_s lm n (nv - 1))) | |
71 Some (Goto n) \<Rightarrow> (n, lm) |
72 )" |
73 |
74 text {* |
75 Multi-step execution of Abacus machine. |
76 *} |
77 fun abc_steps_l :: "abc_conf \<Rightarrow> abc_prog \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> abc_conf" |
78 where |
79 "abc_steps_l (s, lm) p 0 = (s, lm)" | |
80 "abc_steps_l (s, lm) p (Suc n) = |
81 abc_steps_l (abc_step_l (s, lm) (abc_fetch s p)) p n" |
82 |
83 fun abc_inst_shift :: "abc_inst \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> abc_inst" |
84 where |
85 "abc_inst_shift (Inc m) n = Inc m" | |
86 "abc_inst_shift (Dec m e) n = Dec m (e + n)" | |
87 "abc_inst_shift (Goto m) n = Goto (m + n)" |
88 |
89 fun abc_shift :: "abc_inst list \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> abc_inst list" |
90 where |
91 "abc_shift xs n = map (\<lambda> x. abc_inst_shift x n) xs" |
92 |
93 fun abc_comp :: "abc_inst list \<Rightarrow> abc_inst list \<Rightarrow> abc_inst list" (infixl ";" 99) |
94 where |
95 "al; bl = (let al_len = length al in al @ abc_shift bl al_len)" |
96 |
97 |
98 end |