authorChristian Urban <urbanc@in.tum.de>
Sat, 08 Oct 2016 13:54:14 +0100
changeset 471 97ab057cbd2e
parent 470 6764a249118a
child 472 d1da4bd4d7e9
Binary file slides/slides03.pdf has changed
--- a/slides/slides03.tex	Fri Oct 07 12:29:30 2016 +0100
+++ b/slides/slides03.tex	Sat Oct 08 13:54:14 2016 +0100
@@ -337,6 +337,115 @@
+\tikzset{alt/.code args={<#1>#2#3#4}{%
+  \alt<#1>{\pgfkeysalso{#2}}{\pgfkeysalso{#3}} % \pgfkeysalso doesn't change the path
+\frametitle{Buffer Overflow Attacks}
+\item the problem arises from the way C/C++ organises its function calls\\[-8mm]\mbox{}
+%\draw[black!10,step=2mm] (0,0) grid (9,4);
+%\draw[black!10,thick,step=10mm] (0,0) grid (9,4);
+\node at (0.5,4.5) {\small\begin{tabular}{l}main\\[-2mm] prog.\end{tabular}};
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+\draw[line width=0mm, white, alt=<9->{fill=red}{fill=blue}] (0,0.2) rectangle (1,0.5);
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+\draw[line width=1mm] (1,0) -- (1,4);
+\node at (3.5,3.5) {\small\begin{tabular}{l}fact(n)\end{tabular}};
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+\onslide<3-4>{\draw[->, line width=1mm,red] (1,2.3) to node [above,sloped,midway] {n=4} (3,3);}
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+\draw[line width=1mm] (7,3.5) -- (7,0.5) -- (8.5,0.5) -- (8.5,3.5);
+\node at (7.75, 1.4) {ret};
+\draw[line width=1mm] (7,1.1) -- (8.5,1.1);
+\node at (7.75, 2.0) {sp};
+\draw[line width=1mm] (7,2.3) -- (8.5,2.3);
+\node at (7.75, 0.8) {4};
+\draw[line width=1mm] (7,1.7) -- (8.5,1.7);
+\node at (7.75, 0.8) {3};
+\draw[line width=1mm] (7,1.7) -- (8.5,1.7);
+%\draw[black!10,step=2mm] (0,0) grid (9,4);
+%\draw[black!10,thick,step=10mm] (0,0) grid (9,4);
+\node at (0.5,4.5) {\small\begin{tabular}{l}main\\[-2mm] prog.\end{tabular}};
+\draw[line width=0mm, white, alt=<2->{fill=red}{fill=blue}] (0,2.5) rectangle (1,3.8);
+\draw[line width=1mm, white, fill=blue] (0,1.0) rectangle (1,2.0);
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+\draw[line width=1mm] (1,0) -- (1,4);
+\node at (3.5,3.5) {\small\begin{tabular}{l}fact(n)\end{tabular}};
+\draw[line width=0mm, alt=<{4-}>{red, fill=red}{blue, fill=blue}] (3,2.8) rectangle (4,3.0);
+\draw[line width=0mm, alt=<{5-}>{red, fill=red}{blue, fill=blue}] (3,2.8) rectangle (4,2.0);
+\draw[line width=0mm, alt=<{7-}>{red, fill=red}{blue, fill=blue}] (3,2.0) rectangle (4,1.0);
+\draw[line width=1mm] (3,1.0) rectangle (4,3.0);
+\onslide<3->{\draw[->, line width=1mm,red] (1,2.3) to node [above,sloped,midway] {n=4} (3,3);}
+\onslide<5->{\draw[<-, line width=2mm,red] (4,2) to node [above,sloped,midway] 
+{\begin{tabular}{l}user\\[-1mm] input\end{tabular}} (6,2);}
+\onslide<8->{\draw[<-, line width=1mm,red] (1,-2) to (3,1);}
+\node at (7.75,3.9) {\small\begin{tabular}{l}stack\end{tabular}};
+\draw[line width=1mm] (7,3.5) -- (7,-0.1) -- (8.5,-0.1) -- (8.5,3.5);
+\node at (7.75, 0.2) {4};
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+\node at (7.75, 0.8) {\alt<6->{@a\#}{ret}};
+\draw[line width=1mm,alt=<6->{fill=red}{fill=white}] (7,1.1) rectangle (8.5,1.7);
+\node at (7.75, 1.4) {\alt<6->{!?w;}sp};
+\draw[line width=1mm,fill=red] (7,1.7) rectangle (8.5,3.0);
+\node[white] at (7.75, 2.4) {buffer};
 \frametitle{C-Library Functions}