author Christian Urban <christian dot urban at kcl dot ac dot uk>
Fri, 07 Nov 2014 00:25:59 +0000
changeset 288 fd4bf1a2d38d
parent 287 0b9a16ddd625
child 293 4e2eb1039ba5
permissions -rw-r--r--



\section*{Handout 5 (Protocols)}

Protocols are the computer science equivalent to fractals and
the Mandelbrot set in mathematics. With the latter two you
have a simple formula, which you just iterate and then you
test whether a point is inside or outside a region\ldots{}it
does not look exciting, but voila something magically
\url{http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandelbrot_set}} Protocols
are similar: they are simple exchanges of messages, but in the
end something ``magical'' can happen---for example a secret
channel has been established or two entities have
authenticated themselves to each other. This can happen even
in face of strong adversaries who have complete control over
the network involved in the message exchange. The problem with
magic is of course it is poorly understood and even experts
often got, and get, it wrong with protocols.

To have an idea what kind of protocols we are interested in, let
us look at a few examples. One example are (wireless) key 
fobs, which operate the central locking system and the
ignition in a car.


\noindent The point of these key fobs is that everything is
done over the ``air''---there is no physical connection
between the key, doors and engine, as was the case with the
old solid metal keys. With the key fobs we must achieve
security by exchanging certain messages between the key fob on
one side and the doors and engine on the other. Clearly what
we like to accomplish is that I can get into my car and start
it, but that thieves are kept out. The problem is that
everybody can ``overhear'' or skim the exchange of messages
between the key fob and car. In this scenario the simplest
attack you need to defend against is a person-in-the-middle
attack. For this imagine you park your car in front of a
supermarket. One thief follows you with a strong transmitter.
A second thief ``listens'' to the signals from the car and
wirelessly transmits them to the ``colleague'' who followed
you. This thief silently enquires what the key fob answers.
This answer is then send back to the thief at the car. If done
properly the car will dutifully open and possibly start. No
need to steal your keys anymore. 
That this is an attack one needs to reckon with is
demonstrated by the fact that certain dodgy
\ldots{} funnily this webpage says ``not intended for illegal
use'', but I have a hard time finding any legal purpose for
such a device.} sell the necessary equipment for top Ruble.
This webpage is notable for the very helpful picture
of a person-in-the-middle attack (see Figure~\ref{rsa}).

\caption{From a dodgy webpage about modern car theft. Note the
stylish attackers Malice and Mallet.\label{rsa}}

But there are many more such protocols we like to treat.
Another example is Wifi---you might sit at a Starbucks and
talk wirelessly to the free access point there and from there
talk to your bank (see The Guardian article cited at the very
end of this handout). Moreover, even if your have to touch
your Oyster card at the reader each time you enter or exit the
Tube, it actually operates wirelessly and with appropriate
equipment over some quite large distance (several meters). But
there are many, many more examples (Bitcoins, mobile

The common characteristics of the protocols we are interested
in is that an adversary or attacker is assumed to be in
complete control over the network or channel over which we
exchanging messages. An attacker can install a packet sniffer
on a network, inject packets, intercept packets modify
packets, replay old messages, or fake pretty much everything
else. In this hostile environment, the purpose of a protocol
(that is exchange of messages) is to achieve some security
goal. For example only allow the owner of the car in, but
everybody else should be kept out.

The protocols we are interested here are generic descriptions
of how to exchange messages in order to achieve a goal. Unlike
the distant past where, for example, we had to meet a person in
order to authenticate him or her (via a passport for example),
the problem we are facing on the Internet is that we cannot
easily be sure who we are ``talking'' to. The obvious reason
is that only some electrons arrive at our computer; we do not
see the person, or computer, behind the incoming electrons

To start, let us look at one of the simplest protocols that
are part of the TCP protocol (which underlies the Internet).
This protocol does not do anything security relevant, it just
establishes a ``hello'' from a client to a server which the
server answers with ``I heard you'' and the client answers 
in turn with something like ``thanks''. This protocol
is often called a \emph{three-way handshake}. Graphically it
can be illustrated as follows


\noindent On the left-hand side is a client, say Alice, on the
right-hand side is a server, say. Time is running from top to
bottom. Alice initial SYN message needs some time to travel to
the server. The server answers with SYN-ACK, which will
require some time to arrive at Alice. Her answer ACK will
again take some time to arrive at the server. After the
messages are exchanged, Alice and the server simply have
established a channel to communicate over. Alice does not know
whether she is really talking to the server (somebody else on
the network might have intercepted her message and replied in
place of the server). Similarly, the server has no idea who it
is talking to. Whether they can authenticate themselves
depends on what is exchanged next and is the point of the
protocols we want to study in more detail.

Before we start in earnest, we need to fix a more convenient
notation for protocols. Drawing pictures like the one above
would be awkward in the long-run. The notation we will adopt
abstracts away from a few details we are not interested in:
for example the time the messages need to travel between
endpoints. What we are interested in is in which order the
messages are sent. For the SYN-ACK protocol we will therefore
use the notation 

A \to S: & SYN\\
S \to A: & SYN\_ACK\\
A \to S: & ACK\\

\noindent The left-hand side specifies who is the sender and
who is the receiver of the message. On the right of the colon
is the message that is send. The order from top to down
specifies in which order the messages are sent. We also
have the convention that messages, like $SYN$ above, are send
in clear-text over the network. If we want that a message is 
encrypted, then we use the notation

\noindent for messages. The curly braces indicate a kind of
envelope which can only be opened if you know the key $K_{AB}$
with which the message has been encrypted. We always assume
that an attacker, say Eve, cannot get to the content of the
message, unless she is also in the possession of the key. We
explicitly exclude in our study that the encryption can be
broken.\footnote{\ldots{}which of course is what a good
protocol designer needs to ensure and more often than not
protocols are broken because of a weak encryption method. For
example Oyster cards contain a very weak encryption mechanism
which has been attacked and broken.} It is also
possible that an encrypted message contains several parts. In
this case we would write something like

\{msg_1, msg_2\}_{K_{AB}}

\noindent But again Eve would not be able to know 
this unless she also has the key. We also allow the 
possibility that a message is encrypted twice under 
different keys. In this case we write


\noindent The idea is that even if attacker Eve has the
key $K_{BC}$ she could decrypt the outer envelop, but
still does not get to the message, because it is still
encrypted with the key $K_{AB}$. Note, however,
while an attacker cannot obtain the content of the message
without the key, encrypted messages can be observed
and be recorded and then replayed at another time, or
send to another person!

Another very important point is that our notation for
protocols such as shown in \eqref{SYNACK} is a
\underline{schema} how the protocol should proceed.
It could be instantiated by an actual protocol run
between Alice, say, and the server Calcium at King's. In this 
case the specific instance would look like

\text{Alice} \to \text{Calcium}: & SYN\\
\text{Calcium} \to \text{Alice}: & SYN\_ACK\\
\text{Alice} \to \text{Calcium}: & ACK\\

\noindent But a server like Calcium of course needs to
serve many clients. So there could be the same protocol
also running with Bob, say

\text{Bob} \to \text{Calcium}: & SYN\\
\text{Calcium} \to \text{Bob}: & SYN\_ACK\\
\text{Bob} \to \text{Calcium}: & ACK\\

\noindent And these two instances of the protocol could be
running in parallel or be at different stages. So the protocol
schema shown in \eqref{SYNACK} can be thought of how two 
programs need to run on the side of $A$ and $S$ in order to 
successfully complete the protocol. But it is really just a 
blueprint for how the communication is supposed to proceed. 

This is actually already a way how such protocols can fail.
Although very simple, the $SYN\_ACK$ protocol can cause
headaches for system administrators where an attacker starts
the protocol, but then does not complete it. This looks
graphically like


\noindent The attacker sends lots of $SYN$ requests which the
server dutifully answers. But in doing so the server needs to
keep track of such protocol exchanges. As a result every time
the protocol is initiated a little bit of memory will be eaten
away on the server side until all memory is exhausted. When
poor Alice then tries to contact the server, it is overwhelmed
and does not respond anymore. This kind of attack is called

After reading four pages, you might be wondering where the
magic is with protocols. For this let us take a closer look at
authentication protocols.

\subsubsection*{Authentication Protocols}

The simplest authentication protocol between principals
$A$ and $B$, say is

$A \to B: K_{AB}$ 

\noindent It can be thought of as $A$ sends a common secret to
$B$, for example a password. The idea is that if only $A$ and
$B$ know the key $K_{AB}$ then this should be sufficient for
$B$ to infer it is talking to $A$. But this is of course too
naive in the context where the message can be observed by
everybody else on the network. Eve, for example, could just
record this message $A$ just sent, and next time send the same
message to $B$. $B$ has no other choice than believing it
talks to $A$. But actually it talks to Eve, who now clears
out $A$'s back account assuming $B$ had been a bank.

A more sophisticated protocol which tries to avoid the
replay attack is as follows

$A \to B:$ & $HELLO$\\
$B \to A:$ & $N$\\
$A \to B:$ & $\{N\}_{K_{AB}}$\\

\noindent With this protocol the idea is that $A$ first sends
a message to $B$ saying ``I want to talk to you''. $B$ sends
then a challenge in form of a random number $N$. In protocols
such random numbers are often called \emph{nonce}. What is the
purpose of this nonce? Well, if an attacker records $A$'s
answer, it will not make sense to replay this message, because
next time this protocol is run, the nonce $B$ sends out will
be different. So if we run this protocol, what can $B$ infer?
It has send out an (unpredictable) nonce to $A$ and received
this challenge back, but encoded under the key $K_{AB}$. If
$B$ assumes only $A$ and $B$ know the key $K_{AB}$ and the
nonce is unpredictable, then $B$ is able to infer it must be
talking to $A$. Of course the implicit assumption on this
inference is that nobody else knows about the key $K_{AB}$
and nobody else can decrypt the message. $B$ of course can
decrypt the answer from $A$ and check whether the answer
corresponds to the challenge (nonce) $B$ has sent earlier.

But what about $A$? Can $A$ make any inferences about whom it
talks to? It dutifully answered the challenge and hopes its
bank, say, will be the only one to understand her answer. But
is this the case? No! Let us consider again an attacker Eve
who has control over the network. She could have intercepted
the message $HELLO$ and just replied herself to $A$ using a
random number\ldots{}for example one which she observed in a
previous run of this protocol. Remember that if a message is
sent without curly braces it is sent in clear text. $A$ would
encrypt the nonce with the key $K_{AB}$ and send it back to
Eve. She just throws away the answer. $A$ would hope that she
talked to $B$ because she followed the protocol, but
unfortunately she cannot be sure who she is talking to---it 
might be Eve. 

The solution is to follow a \emph{mutual challenge-response}
protocol. There $A$ already starts off with a challenge (nonce)
on her own.

$A \to B:$ & $N_A$\\
$B \to A:$ & $\{N_A, N_B\}_{K_{AB}}$\\
$A \to B:$ & $N_B$\\

\noindent As seen, $B$ receives this nonce, $N_A$, adds his
own nonce, $N_B$ and encrypts it with the key $K_{AB}$. $A$
receives this message, is able to decrypt it since we assume
she has the key $K_{AB}$ too, and sends back the nonce of $B$.
Let us analyse which inferences $A$ and $B$ can make after the
protocol has run. $B$ received a challenge and answered
correctly to $A$ (inside the encrypted message). An attacker
would not be able to answer this challenge correctly because
the attacker is assumed to not be in the possession of the key
$K_{AB}$; so is not able to generate this message. It could
also not have been that it is an old message replayed, because
$A$ would send out each time a fresh nonce. So with this
protocol you can ensure also for $A$ that it talks to $B$. I
leave you to argue that $B$ can be sure to talk to $A$. Of
course these arguments will depend on the assumptions that
only $A$ and $B$ know the key $K_{AB}$ and that nobody can
break the encryption unless they have this key and that the
nonces are fresh each time the protocol is run.

The purpose of the nonces, the random numbers that are sent
around, might be a bit opaque. Because they are unpredictable
they fulfil an important role in protocols. Suppose

\item I generate a nonce and send it to you encrypted with a
      key we share
\item you increase it by one, encrypt it under a key I know
      and send it back to me 

\noindent In our notation this would correspond to the 

$I \to Y:$ & $\{N\}_{K_{IY}}$\\
$Y \to I:$ & $\{N + 1\}_{K_{IY}}$\\

\noindent What can I infer from this simple exchange:

\item you must have received my message (it could not just be
      deflected by somebody on the network, because the
      response required some calculation; doing the
      calculation and sending the answer requires the key

\item you could only have generated your answer after I have
      sent you my initial message (since my $N$ is always new,
      it could not have been a message that was generated
      before I myself knew what $N$ is)

\item if only you and me know the key $K_{IY}$, the message
      must have come from you

\noindent Even if this does not seem much information I can
glean from such an exchange, it is in fact the basic building
block in protocols for establishing some secret or for
achieving some security goal (like authentication).

While the mutual challenge-response protocol solves the
authentication problem, there are some limitations. One is of
course that it requires a pre-shared secret key. That is
something that needs to be established beforehand. Not all
situations allow such an assumption. For example if I am a
whistleblower (say Snowden) and want to talk to a journalist
(say Greenwald) then I might not have a secret pre-shared key.

Another limitation is that such mutual challenge-response
systems often work in the same system in the ``challenge
mode'' but also in the ``response mode''. For example if two
servers want to talk to each other---they would need the
protocol in response mode, but also if they want to talk to
other servers in challenge mode. Similarly if you are in an
military aircraft you have to challenge everybody you see, in
case there is a friend amongst the targets you like to shoot,
but you also have to respond to any of your own anti-aircraft
guns on the ground, lest they shoot you. In these situations
you have to be careful to not decode, or answer, your own
challenge. Recall the protocol is

$A \rightarrow B$: & $N_A$\\  
$B \rightarrow A$: & $\{N_A, N_B\}_{K_{AB}}$\\
$A \rightarrow B$: & $N_B$\\

\noindent but it does not specify who is $A$ and who is $B$.
If the protocol works in response and in challenge mode, then
$A$ will be $A$ in one instance, but $B$ in the other. I hope
this makes sense. Let us look at the details and let us assume
our adversary is $E$ who just deflects our messages back to

& \multicolumn{2}{l}{challenge mode:} & 
\multicolumn{2}{l}{response mode:}\smallskip\\
1. & $A \rightarrow E$: & $N_A$\\ 
2. & & & $E \rightarrow A$: & $N_A$\\ 
3. & & & $A \rightarrow E$: & $\{N_A, N_A'\}_{K_{AB}}$\\
4. & $E \rightarrow A$: & $\{N_A, N_A'\}_{K_{AB}}$\\
5. & $A \rightarrow E$: & $N_A'$\\

\noindent In the first step we challenge $E$ with a nonce we
created. Since we also run the protocol in ``response mode'',
$E$ can now feed us the same challenge in step 2. We do not
know where it came from (it's over the air), but if we are in
a fighter aircraft we better quickly answer it, otherwise we
risk to be shot. So we add our own challenge $N'_A$ and
encrypt it under the secret key $K_{AB}$ (step 3). Now $E$
does not need to know this key in order to form the correct
answer for the first protocol. It will just replays this
message back to us in the challenge mode (step 4). I happily
accept this message---after all it is encrypted under the
secret key $K_{AB}$ and it contains the correct challenge from
me, namely $N_A$. So I accept that $E$ is a friend and send
even back the challenge $N'_A$. The problem is that $E$ now
starts firing at me and I have no clue what is going on. I
might suspect, erroneously, that an idiot must have leaked the
secret key. Because I followed in both cases the protocol to
the letter, but somehow $E$, unknowingly to me with my help,
managed to disguise as a friend. As a pilot, I would be a bit
peeved at that moment and would have preferred the designer of
this challenge-response protocol had been a tad smarter. For
one thing they violated the best practice in protocol design
of using the same key, $K_{AB}$, for two different
purposes---namely challenging and responding. They better had
used two different keys. This would have averted this attack
and would have saved me a lot of inconvenience.

\subsubsection*{Trusted Third Parties}

One limitation the protocols we discussed so far have is that
they pre-suppose a secret shared key. As already mentioned,
this is a convenience we cannot always assume. How to
establish a secret key then? Well, if both parties, say $A$
and $B$, mutually trust a third party, say $S$, then they can
use the following protocol:

$A \to S :$ & $A, B$\\
$S \to A :$ & $\{K_{AB}\}_{K_{AS}}$ and $\{\{K_{AB}\}_{K_{BS}} \}_{K_{AS}}$\\
$A \to B :$ & $\{K_{AB}\}_{K_{BS}}$\\
$A \to B :$ & $\{m\}_{K_{AB}}$\\

\noindent The assumption in this protocol is that $A$ and $S$
share a secret key, and also $B$ and $S$ ($S$ being the
trusted third party). The goal is that $A$ can send $B$ a
message $m$ under a shared secret key $K_{AB}$, which at the
beginning of the protocol does not exist yet. How does this
protocol work? In the first step $A$ contacts $S$ and says
that it wants to talk to $B$. In turn $S$ invents a new key
$K_{AB}$ and sends two messages back to $A$: one message is
$\{K_{AB}\}_{K_{AS}}$ which is encrypted with the key $A$ and
$S$ share, and also the message
$\{\{K_{AB}\}_{K_{BS}}\}_{K_{AS}}$ which is encrypted with
$K_{AS}$ but also a second time with $K_{BS}$. The point of
the second message is that it is a message intended for $B$.
So $A$ receives both messages and can decrypt them---in the
first case it obtains the key $K_{AB}$ which $S$ suggested to
use. In the second case it obtains a message it can forward to
$B$. $B$ receives this message and since it knows the key it
shares with $S$ obtains the key $K_{AB}$. Now $A$ and $B$ can
start to exchange messages with the shared secret key
$K_{AB}$. What is the advantage of $S$ sending $A$ two
messages instead of contacting $B$ instead? Well, there can be
a time-delay between the second and third step in the
protocol. At some point in the past $A$ and $S$ need to have
come together to share a key, similarly $B$ and $S$. After
that $B$ does not need to be ``online'' anymore until $A$
actually starts sending messages to $B$. $A$ and $S$ can
completely on their own negotiate a new key. 

The major limitation of this protocol however is that I need
to trust a third party. And in this case completely, because
$S$ can of course also read easily all messages $A$ sends to
$B$. The problem is that I cannot really think of any
institution who could serve as such a trusted third party. One
would hope the government would be such a trusted party, but
in the Snowden-era we know that this is wishful thinking in
the West, and if I lived in Iran or North Korea, for example,
I would not even start to hope for this.

The cryptographic ``magic'' of public-private keys 
seems to offer an elegant solution for this, but as we shall 
see in the next section, this requires some very clever
protocol design.
\subsubsection*{Averting Person-in-the-Middle Attacks}

The idea of public-private key encryption is that one can make
publish the key $K^{pub}$ which people can use to encrypt
messages for me and I can use my private key $K^{priv}$ to be
the only one that can decrypt them. While this sounds all
good, it relies on the ability that people can associate me
with my public key. That is not as trivial as it sounds. For
example, if I would be the government, say Cameron, and try to
find out who are the trouble makers in the country, I would
publish an innocent looking webpage and say I am The Guardian
newspaper (or alternatively The Sun for all the juicy
stories), publish a public key on it, and then just wait for
incoming messages. 

This problem is supposed to be solved by using certificates.
The purpose of certification organisations is that they verify
that a public key, say $K^{pub}_{Bob}$, really belongs to Bob.
This is also the mechanism underlying the HTTPS protocol. The
problem is that this system is essentially completely
broken\ldots{}but this is a story for another time. Suffice
to say for now that one of the main certification
organisations, VeriSign, has limited its liability to \$100 in
case it issues a false certificate. This is really a joke and
really the wrong incentive for the certification organisations
to clean up their mess.

The problem we want to study closer here is that protocols
based on public-private key encryption are susceptible to
person-in-the-middle attack. Consider the following protocol
where $A$ and $B$ attempt to exchange secret messages using
public-private keys. 

\item $A$ sends public key  to $B$
\item $B$ sends public key  to $A$
\item $A$ sends a message encrypted with $B$'s public 
key,\\ $B$ decrypts it with its private key
\item $B$ sends a message encrypted with $A$'s public 
key,\\ $A$ decrypts it with its private key
\noindent In our formal notation for protocols, this would
look as follows:

$A \to B :$ & $K^{pub}_A$\smallskip\\
$B \to A :$ & $K^{pub}_B$\smallskip\\
$A \to B :$ & $\{A,m\}_{K^{pub}_B}$\smallskip\\
$B \to A :$ & $\{B,m'\}_{K^{pub}_A}$

\noindent Since we assume an attacker, say $E$, has complete
control over the network, $E$ can intercept the first two 
messages and substitutes her own public key. The protocol
run would therefore be

1. & $A \to E :$ & $K^{pub}_A$\smallskip\\
2. & $E \to B :$ & $K^{pub}_E$\smallskip\\
3. & $B \to E :$ & $K^{pub}_B$\smallskip\\
4. & $E \to A :$ & $K^{pub}_E$\smallskip\\
5. & $A \to E :$ & $\{A,m\}_{K^{pub}_E}$\smallskip\\
6. & $E \to B :$ & $\{E,m\}_{K^{pub}_B}$\smallskip\\
7. & $B \to E :$ & $\{B,m'\}_{K^{pub}_E}$\smallskip\\
8. & $E \to A :$ & $\{E,m'\}_{K^{pub}_A}$

\noindent where in steps 6 and 8, $E$ can modify the messages
by including the $E$ in the message. Both messages are
received encrypted with $E$'s public key; therefore it can
decrypt it and repackage it with new content. $A$ and $B$ have
no idea that they talking to an attacker. To them all messages
look legit. Because $E$ can modify messages, it seems very
difficult to defend against this attack. 

But there is a clever trick\ldots{}dare I say some magic.
Modify the protocol above so that $A$ and $B$ send their 
messages in two halves, like

1. & $A \to B :$ & $K^{pub}_A$\smallskip\\
2. & $B \to A :$ & $K^{pub}_B$\smallskip\\
3. & & $\{A,m\}_{K^{pub}_B} \;\mapsto\; H_1,H_2$\\
   & & $\{B,m'\}_{K^{pub}_A} \;\mapsto\; M_1,M_2$\\
4. & $A \to B :$ & $H_1$\smallskip\\
5. & $B \to A :$ & $\{H_1, M_1\}_{K^{pub}_A}$\smallskip\\
6. & $A \to B :$ & $\{H_2, M_1\}_{K^{pub}_B}$\smallskip\\
7. & $B \to A :$ & $M_2$

\noindent The idea is that in step 3, $A$ encrypts the
message (with $B$'s public key) and then splits the encrypted
message into two halves. Say the encrypted message is

\noindent then $A$ splits it up into two halves


\noindent Similarly $B$ splits its message into two halves
$M_1$ and $M_2$. However, $A$ initially only sends the first
half $H_1$ to $B$. Which $B$ answers with the message
consisting of the received $H_1$ and its own first half $M_1$
encrypted with $A$'s public key. The message in step 5. $A$
receives this message, decrypts it and only when the $H_1$
matches with its first half it send out earlier, $A$
will send out the second half. See step 6. For this $A$
adds the received $M_1$ and encrypts both parts with $B$'s
public key. Finally $B$ checks whether the received $M_1$
matches with its first half, and if yes sends $A$ its
second half $M_2$. Now $A$ and $B$ are in the possession 
of $H_1$ and $H_2$, respectively $M_1$ and $M_2$, and can
decrypt the corresponding messages.

Now the big question is, why on earth does this splitting
of messages in half and additional message exchange help
with defending against person-in-the-middle attacks? Well,
let's try to be an attacker. As before we intercept
the messages where public keys are exchanged and inject
our own.

1. & $A \to E :$ & $K^{pub}_A$\smallskip\\
2. & $E \to B :$ & $K^{pub}_E$\smallskip\\
3. & $B \to E :$ & $K^{pub}_B$\smallskip\\
4. & $E \to A :$ & $K^{pub}_E$

Now $A$ and $B$ build the message halves:

\{A,m\}_{K^{pub}_E} \;\mapsto\; H_1,H_2\qquad
\{B,m'\}_{K^{pub}_E} \;\mapsto\; M_1,M_2

\noindent and $A$ sends $E$ its first half of the message.

5. & $A \to E :$ & $H_1$

\noindent Neither $E$ nor $B$ can do much with this message.
Remember it is only half of some ``garbled'' text that cannot
be decrypted. $E$ could try to forward the message to $B$ and
see what its reply is.

6. & $E \to B :$ & $H_1$\\
7. & $B \to E :$ & $\{H_1, M_1\}_{K^{pub}_E}$

\noindent Although $E$ can decrypt the message with its
private key, but it only gets the halves $H_1$ and $M_1$ which
are of no use yet. In order to get more information it
can send the message to $A$ with $A$'s public key.

8. & $E \to A :$ & $\{H_1, M_1\}_{K^{pub}_A}$

\noindent $A$ would receive this message, decrypt it and
find out it matches with its expectation. It therefore
sends out the message 

9. & $A \to E :$ & $\{H_2, M_1\}_{K^{pub}_E}$

\noindent Now $E$ is in the possession of $H_1$ and $H_2$,
which it can join together in order to obtain
$\{A,m\}_{K^{pub}_E}$ which it can decrypt. It seems
like from now on all is lost, but let's see: in order to
stay undetected it must send a message to $B$. It now has two
options: one is to use the newly obtained knowledge and
modify $A$'s message to be 

\{E,m\}_{K^{pub}_B} \;\mapsto\; H'_1,H'_2

\noindent But notice since $E$ changed the message,
it will now receive two different halves. Let us call
them $H'_1$ and $H'_2$. If $E$ now sends $B$ the $H'_2$,
$B$ will be in the possession of $H_1$ and $H'_2$. But
after joining both halves it will not be able to 
decrypt the resulting message---the two halves simply
do not fit. So it can only send out the original $H_2$
as follows:

10. & $E \to B :$ & $\{H_2, M_1\}_{K^{pub}_B}$

In this case $B$ can make sense out of the message and
as a result sends $E$ back its second half $M_2$.

11. & $B \to E :$ & $M_2$

\noindent $E$ might be ecstatic by now, because it has now
also received $M_1$ and $M_2$ which it can join to
get $\{B, m'\}_{K^{pub}_E}$. It can decrypt this message
but still is not finished completely, because it has to send
$A$ a message. It could try to build the message 
$\{E, m'\}_{K^{pub}_A}$, but like above $A$ would not be able
to make sense out of the two halves (which again do not fit 
together). So the only option is to send $M_2$. 

With this the protocol has ended. $E$ was able to decrypt all
messages, but what messages did $A$ and $B$ receive and from
whom? Do you notice that $A$ and $B$ will find out that
something strange is going on and probably not talk on this
channel anymore? I leave you to think about it.

Recall from the beginning that a person-in-the middle
attack can easily be mounted at the key fob and car
protocol unless we are careful. If you look at actual
key fob protocols, they use a variant of the protocol
described above. Suppose $C$ is the car and $T$ is the key fob
(transponder). The HiTag2 protocol used in cars of
VW \& friends is as follows: 

\item $C$ generates a random number $N$
\item $C$ calculates $\{N\}_K \mapsto F,G$
\item $C \to T$: $N, F$
\item $T$ calculates $\{N\}_K \mapsto F',G'$
\item $T$ checks that $F = F'$
\item $T \to C$: $N, G'$
\item $C$ checks that $G = G'$

\noindent The assumption is that the key $K$ is only known to
the car and the transponder. The claim is that $C$ and $T$ can
authenticate to each other. Again, I leave it to you to find
out the magic why this protocol is immune from
person-in-the-middle attacks. 

\subsubsection*{Further Reading}

If you want to know more about how cars can be hijacked,
the paper  


\noindent is quite amusing to read. Obviously an even more amusing
paper would be ``Dismantling Megamos Crypto: Wirelessly Lockpicking a
Vehicle Immobilizer'' by the same authors, but because of the court
injuction by VW in this case, we are denied this entertainment.

Person-in-the-middle-attacks from the ``wild'' are described 
with real data in the blog post


\noindent The conclusion in this post is that person-in-the-middle-attacks
can be launched from any place on Earth---it is not required 
that you sit in the ``middle'' of the communication of two people.
You just have to route their traffic through a node you own.

An article in The Guardian from 2013 reveals how GCHG and the NSA at a
G20 Summit in 2009 sniffed emails from Internet cafes, monitored phone
calls from delegates and attempted to listen on phone calls which were made
by Russians and which were transmitted via satellite links:


\ldots all in the name of having a better position for
negotiations. Hmmm\ldots


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