\section*{Handout 1 (Security Engineering)}
Much of the material and inspiration in this module is taken
from the works of Bruce Schneier, Ross Anderson and Alex
Halderman. I think they are the world experts in the area of
security engineering. I especially like that they argue that a
security engineer requires a certain \emph{security mindset}.
Bruce Schneier for example writes:
\it ``Security engineers --- at least the good ones --- see
the world differently. They can't walk into a store without
noticing how they might shoplift. They can't use a computer
without wondering about the security vulnerabilities. They
can't vote without trying to figure out how to vote twice.
They just can't help it.''
\it ``Security engineering\ldots requires you to think
differently. You need to figure out not how something works,
but how something can be made to not work. You have to imagine
an intelligent and malicious adversary inside your system
\ldots, constantly trying new ways to
subvert it. You have to consider all the ways your system can
fail, most of them having nothing to do with the design
itself. You have to look at everything backwards, upside down,
and sideways. You have to think like an alien.''
\noindent In this module I like to teach you this security
mindset. This might be a mindset that you think is very
foreign to you---after all we are all good citizens and not
hack into things. I beg to differ: You have this mindset
already when in school you were thinking, at least
hypothetically, about ways in which you can cheat in an exam
(whether it is about hiding notes or looking over the
shoulders of your fellow pupils). Right? To defend a system,
you need to have this kind mindset and be able to think like
an attacker. This will include understanding techniques that
can be used to compromise security and privacy in systems.
This will many times result in insights where well-intended
security mechanisms made a system actually less
{\Large\bf Warning!} However, don’t be evil! Using those
techniques in the real world may violate the law or King’s
rules, and it may be unethical. Under some circumstances, even
probing for weaknesses of a system may result in severe
penalties, up to and including expulsion, fines and
jail time. Acting lawfully and ethically is your
responsibility. Ethics requires you to refrain from doing
harm. Always respect privacy and rights of others. Do not
tamper with any of King's systems. If you try out a technique,
always make doubly sure you are working in a safe environment
so that you cannot cause any harm, not even accidentally.
Don't be evil. Be an ethical hacker.\medskip
In this lecture I want to make you familiar with the security mindset
and dispel the myth that encryption is the answer to all security
problems (it is certainly often part of an answer, but almost always
never a sufficient one). This is actually an important thread going
through the whole course: We will assume that encryption works
perfectly, but still attack ``things''. By ``works perfectly'' we mean
that we will assume encryption is a black box and, for example, will
not look at the underlying mathematics and break the
algorithms.\footnote{Though fascinating this might be.}
For a secure system, it seems, four requirements need to come
together: First a security policy (what is supposed to be
achieved?); second a mechanism (cipher, access controls,
tamper resistance etc); third the assurance we obtain from the
mechanism (the amount of reliance we can put on the mechanism)
and finally the incentives (the motive that the people
guarding and maintaining the system have to do their job
properly, and also the motive that the attackers have to try
to defeat your policy). The last point is often overlooked,
but plays an important role. To illustrate this lets look at
an example.
The questions is whether the Chip-and-PIN system with credit
cards is more secure than the older method of signing receipts
at the till. On first glance, Chip-and PIN seems obviously
more secure and this was also the central plank in the
``marketing speak'' of the banks behind Chip-and-PIN. The
earlier system was based on a magnetic stripe or a mechanical
imprint on the card and required customers to sign receipts at
the till whenever they bought something. This signature
authorises the transactions. Although in use for a long time,
this system had some crucial security flaws, including making
clones of credit cards and forging signatures. Chip-and-PIN,
as the name suggests, relies on data being stored on
a chip on the card and a PIN number for authorisation.
Although the banks involved trumpeted their system as being
secure and indeed fraud rates initially went down, security
researchers were not convinced (especially the group around
Ross Anderson). To begin with, the Chip-and-PIN system
introduced a ``new player'' that needed to be trusted: the PIN
terminals and their manufacturers. Of course it was claimed
that these terminals are tamper-resistant, but needless to say
this was a weak link in the system, which criminals
successfully attacked. Some terminals were even so skilfully
manipulated that they transmitted PIN numbers via a built-in
mobile phone connection. To mitigate this security flaw, you
need to vet quite closely the supply chain of such
terminals---something that also needs to be done in other
Later on, Ross Anderson and his group managed to launch
man-in-the-middle attacks against Chip-and-PIN. Essentially
they made the terminal think the correct PIN was entered and
the card think that a signature was used. This flaw was
mitigated by requiring that a link between the card and the
bank is established at every time the card is used. Even
later this group found another problem with Chip-and-PIN and
ATMs which do not generate random enough numbers (nonces)
on which the security of the underlying protocols relies.
The problem with all this is that the banks who introduced
Chip-and-PIN managed to shift the liability for any fraud and
the burden of proof onto the customer with the new system. In
the old system, the banks had to prove that the customer used
the card, which they often did not bother about. In effect if
fraud occurred the customers were either refunded fully or
lost only a small amount of money. This
taking-responsibility-of-potential-fraud was part of the
``business plan'' of the banks and did not reduce their
profits too much. Since they successfully claimed that their
Chip-and-PIN system is secure, banks were able to point the
finger at the customer when fraud occurred: it must have been
the fault of the customer, who must have been negligent
loosing the PIN. The customer had almost no means to defend
themselves in such situations. That is why the work of
\emph{ethical} hackers like Ross Anderson's group was so
important, because they and others established that the bank's
claim, their system is secure and it must have been the
customer's fault, was bogus. In 2009 for example the law
changed the burden of proof back to the banks whether
it was really the customer who used a card or not.
It is a classic example where a security design principle was
violated: The one who is in the position to improve security,
also needs to bear the financial losses if things go wrong.
Otherwise, you end up with an insecure system. In case of the
Chip-and-PIN system, no good security engineer would actually
think that it is secure: the specification of the EMV protocol
(underlying Chip-and-PIN) is some 700 pages long, but still
leaves out many things (like how to implement a good random
number generator). Moreover, banks can add their own
sub-protocols to it. With all the experience we already have,
it is as clear as day that criminals were able to poke holes
into it. With how the system was set up, the banks had no
incentive to come up with a system that is really secure.
Getting the incentives right in favour of security is often a
tricky business.
\subsection*{Of Cookies and Salts}
Lets look at another example which helps us to understand how
passwords should be verified and stored. Imagine you need to
develop a web-application that has the feature of recording
how many times a customer visits a page. For example to
give a discount whenever the customer visited a webpage some
$x$ number of times (say $x$ equal $5$). For a number of years
the webpage of the New York Times operated in this way: it
allowed you to read ten articles per months for free; if
you wanted to read more you had to pay. There is one more
constraint: we want to store the information about the number
of times a customer has visited inside a cookie.
A typical web-application works as follows: The browser sends
a GET request for a particular page to a server. The server
answers is request. A simple JavaScript program that realises
a ``hello world'' webpage is as follows:
\noindent The interesting lines are 4 to 7 where the answer
to the GET request is generated\ldots in this case it is just
a simple string. This program is run on the server and will
be run whenever a browser initiates such a GET request.
For our web-application of interest is the feature that the
server when answering the request can store some information
on the client. This information is called a \emph{cookie}.
The next time the browser makes another GET request to the
same webpage, this cookie can be read by the browser.
Therefore we can use a cookie in order to store a counter
recording the number of times a webpage has been visited.
This can be realised with the following small program
\noindent The overall structure of this code is the same as
the earlier program: Lines 7 to 17 generate the answer to a
GET-request. The new part is in Line 8 where we read the
cookie called \pcode{counter}. If present, this cookie will be
send together with the GET-request from the client. The value
of this counter will come in form of a string, therefore we
use the function \pcode{parseInt} in order to transform it
into a string. In case the cookie is not present, or has been
deleted, we default the counter to zero. The odd looking
construction \code{...|| 0} is realising this in JavaScript.
In Line 9 we increase the counter by one and store it back
to the client (under the name \pcode{counter}, since potentially
more than one value could be stored). In Lines 10 to 15 we
test whether this counter is greater or equal than 5 and
send accordingly a message back to the client.
Let us step back and analyse this program from a security
perspective. We store a counter in plain text on the client's
browser (which is not under our control at all). Depending on
this value we want to unlock a resource (like a discount) when
it reaches a threshold. If the client deletes the cookie, then
the counter will just be reset to zero. This does not bother
us, because the purported discount will just be granted later.
This does not lose us any (hypothetical) money. What we need
to be concerned about is when a client artificially increases
this counter without having visited our web-page. This is
actually a trivial task for a knowledgeable person, since
there are convenient tools that allow us to set a cookie to an
arbitrary value, for example above our threshold for the
There is no real way to prevent this kind of tampering with
cookies, because the whole purpose of cookies is that they are
stored on the client's side, which from the the server's
perspective is in a potentially hostile environment. What we
need to ensure is the integrity of this counter in this
hostile environment. We could think of encrypting the counter.
But this has two drawbacks to do with the key for encryption.
If you use a `global' key for all our client's that visit our
site, then we risk that our whole ``business'' might colapse
when this key gets known to the outside world. Suddenly all
cookies we might have set in the past, can now be manipulated.
If on the other hand, we use a ``private'' key for every
client, then we have to solve the problem of having to
securely store this key on our server side (obviously we
cannot store the key with the client because then the client
again has all data to tamper with the counter; and obviously
we also cannot encrypt the key, lest we can solve a
chicken-and-egg problem). So encryption seems to not solve the
problem we face with the integrity of our counter.
Note ....NYT
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