package controllers
import play.api._
import play.api.mvc._
* Application sets a cookie in plain ASCII on the
* clients browser recording the visits of a page.
* The cookie data is hashed and salted with a
* secret key.
object Application extends Controller {
//secret key for salting - this key should not be
//sent to the client; the key should normally be
//a unguessable random number generated once
val salt = "my secret key"
//SHA-1 + salt
def mk_hash(s: String) : String = {
val hash_fun = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1")
hash_fun.digest((s + salt).getBytes).map{ "%02x".format(_) }.mkString
def gt_cookie(c: Option[Cookie]) : Int ="/")) match {
case Some(Array(s, h))
if (s.forall(_.isDigit) && mk_hash(s) == h) => s.toInt
case _ => 0
def mk_cookie(i: Int) : Cookie = {
val s = i.toString
Cookie("visits", s + "/" + mk_hash(s))
def index = Action { request =>
val visits_cookie = request.cookies.get("visits")
val visits = gt_cookie(visits_cookie)
val msg1 = "You are a valued customer who has visited this site %d times."
val msg2 = "You have visited this site %d times."
val msg =
if (visits >= 10) msg1.format(visits) else msg2.format(visits)
Ok(msg).as(HTML).withCookies(mk_cookie(visits + 1))