\section*{Handout 7 (Bitcoins)}
In my opinion Bitcoins are an elaborate Ponzi
the ideas behind them are really beautiful and not too
difficult to understand. Since many colourful claims about
Bitcoins float around in the mainstream and not-so-mainstream
media, it will be instructive to re-examine such claims from a
more technically informed vantage point. For example, it is
often claimed that Bitcoins are anonymous and free from any
potential government meddling. It turns out that the first
claim ignores a lot of research in de-anonymising social
networks, and the second underestimates the persuasive means a
government has at its disposal.
There are a lot of articles, blogposts, research papers
etc.~available about Bitcoins. Below I will follow closely the
very readable explanations from
\url{http://www.michaelnielsen.org/ddi/how-the-bitcoin-protocol-actually-works/} \;\;and\smallskip\\
\noindent The latter also contains a link to a nice youtube
video about the technical details behind Bitcoins.
Let us start with the question who invented Bitcoins? You
could not make up the answer, but we actually do not know who
the inventor is. All we know is that the first paper
\noindent is signed by Satoshi Nakamoto, which however is
likely only a pen name. There is a lot of speculation who
could be the inventor, or inventors, but we simply do not
know. This part of Bitcoins is definitely anonymous. The paper
above is from the end of 2008; the first Bitcoin transaction
was made in January 2009. The rules in Bitcoin are set up so
that there will only ever be 21 Million Bitcoins with the
maximum reached around the year 2140. Currently there are
already 11 Million Bitcoins in `existence'. Contrast this with
traditional fiat currencies where money can be printed almost
at will. The smallest unit of a Bitcoin is called a Satoshi,
which is the $10^{-8}$th part of a Bitcoin. Remember a Penny
is the $10^{-2}$th part of a Pound.
The two main cryptographic building blocks of Bitcoins are
cryptographic hashing functions (SHA-256) and public-private
keys using the elliptic-curve encryption scheme for digital
signatures. Hashes are used to generate `fingerprints' of data
that ensure integrity (absence of tampering). Public-private
keys are used for signatures. For example sending a message,
say $msg$, together with the encrypted version
msg, \{msg\}_{K^{priv}}
\noindent allows everybody with access to the corresponding
public key $K^{pub}$ to verify the message came from the
person who knew the private key. Signatures are used in
Bitcoins for verifying the addresses where the Bitcoins are
sent from. Addresses in Bitcoins are essentially the public
keys. There are $2^{160}$ possible addresses, which is such a
vast amount that there is not even a check for duplicates, or
already used addresses. If you start with a random number to
generate a public-private key pair it is very unlikely that
you step on somebody else's shoes. Compare this with the
email-addresses you always wanted to register with, say
Googlemail, but which are already taken.
One main difference between Bitcoins and traditional banking
is that you do not have a place, or places, that record the
balance on your account. Traditional banking involves a
central ledger which specifies the current balance in each
account, for example
account owner & balance\\\hline
Alice & \pounds{10.01}\\
Bob & \pounds{4.99}\\
Charlie & -\pounds{1.23}\\
Eve & \pounds{0.00}
\noindent Bitcoins work differently in that there is no such
central ledger, but instead a public record of all
transactions ever made. This means spending money corresponds
to sending messages of the (oversimplified) form
\{\text{I, Alice, am giving Bob one Bitcoin.}\}_{K^{priv}_{Alice}}
\noindent These messages, called transactions, are the only
data that is ever stored in the Bitcoin system (we will come
to the precise details later on). The transactions are
encrypted with Alice's private key so that everybody,
including Bob, can use Alice's public key $K^{pub}_{Alice}$
for verifying that this message came really from Alice, or
more precisely from the person who knows $K^{priv}_{Alice}$.
The problem with such messages in a distributed system is that
what happens if Bob receives 10, say, of these transactions.
Did Alice intend to send him 10 Bitcoins, or did the message
get duplicated by for example an attacker re-playing a sniffed
message? What is needed is a kind of serial number for such
transactions. This means transaction messages look more like
$\{\text{I, Alice, am giving Bob Bitcoin \#1234567.}\}_{K^{priv}_{Alice}}$
\noindent There are two difficulties, however, that need to be
solved with serial numbers. One is who is assigning serial
numbers to Bitcoins and also how can Bob verify that Alice
actually owns this Bitcoin to pay him? In a system with a bank
as trusted third-party, Bob could do the following:
\item Bob asks the bank whether the Bitcoin with that serial
number belongs to Alice and Alice hasn't already spent
this Bitcoin.
\item If yes, then Bob tells the bank he accepts this Bitcoin.
The bank updates the records to show that the Bitcoin
with that serial number is now in Bob’s possession and
no longer belongs to Alice.
\noindent But for this banks would need to be trusted and
would also be an easy target for any government interference,
for example. Think of the early days of music sharing where
the company Napster was the single point of ``failure'' which
was taken offline by law enforcement. Bitcoins is more a
system like BitTorrent without a single central entity that
can be taken offline.
Bitcoin solves the problem of not being able to rely on a bank
by making everybody the ``bank''. Everybody who cares can have
the entire transactions history starting with the first
transaction made in January 2009. This history of transactions
is called \emph{blockchain}. Bob, for example, can use his
copy of the blockchain for determining whether Alice owned the
Bitcoin he received, and if she did, he transmits the message
that he owns it now to every other participant on the Bitcoin
network. An illustration of a three-block segment of the
blockchain is (simplified) as follows
\noindent The chain grows with time. Each block contains a
list of individual transactions, written txn in the picture
above, and also a reference to the previous block, written
prev. The data in a block (txn's and prev) is hashed so that
the reference and transactions in them cannot be tampered
with. This hash is the unique serial number of each block.
Since this previous-block-reference is also part of the hash,
the whole chain is robust against tampering. I let you think
why this is the case?\ldots{}But does it actually eliminate
all possibilities of fraud?
We can check the consistency of the blockchain by checking
whether all the references and hashes are correctly recorded.
I have not tried it myself, but it is said that with the
current amount of data (appr.~12GB) it takes roughly a day to
check the consistency of the blockchain on a normal computer.
Fortunately this ``extended'' consistency check usually only
needs to be done once. Afterwards the blockchain only needs to
be updated consistently.
Recall I wrote earlier that Bitcoins do not maintain a ledger,
which lists all the current balances in each account. Instead
only transactions are recorded. While a current balance of an
account is not immediately available, it is possible to
extract from the blockchain a transaction graph that looks
like the picture shown in Figure~\ref{txngraph}. Each
rectangle represents a single transaction. Take for example
the rightmost lower transaction from Charles to Emily. This
transaction has as receiver the address of Emily and as the
sender the address of Charles. In this way no Bitcoins can
appear out of thin air (we will discuss later how Bitcoins are
actually generated). If Charles did not have a transaction of
at least the amount he wants to give Emily to his name
(i.e.~send to an address with his public-private key) then
there is no way he can make a payment to Emily. Equally, if
now Emily wants to pay for a coffee, say, with the Bitcoin she
received from Charles she can essentially only forward the
message she received. The only slight complication with this
setup in Bitcoins is that ``incoming'' Bitcoins can be
combined in a transaction and ``outgoing'' Bitcoins can be
split. For example in the leftmost upper transactions in
Figure~\ref{txngraph}, Fred makes a payment to Alice. But this
payment (or transaction) combines the Bitcoins that were send
by Jane to Fred and also by Juan to Fred. This allows you to
``consolidate'' your funds: if it were only possible to split
transactions, then the amounts would get smaller and smaller.
But in Bitcoins it is also important to have the ability to
split the money from one or more incoming transaction to
potentially more than one receiver. Consider again the
rightmost transactions in Figure~\ref{txngraph} and suppose
Alice is a coffeeshop owner selling coffees for 1 Bitcoin.
Charles received a transaction from Zack over 5 Bitcoins, say.
How does he pay for the coffee? There is no explicit notion of
\emph{change} in the Bitcoin system. What Charles has to do
instead is to make one single transaction with 1 Bitcoin to
Alice and with 4 Bitcoins going back to himself, which then
Charles can use to give to Emily, for example.
\caption{Transaction graph that is implicitly recorded in the
public blockchain.\label{txngraph}}
Let us consider another example. Suppose Emily received 4
Bitcoins from Charles and independently received another
transaction (not shown in the picture) that sends 6 Bitcoins
to her. If she now wants to buy a coffee from Alice for 1
Bitcoin, she has two possibilities: She could just forward the
transaction from Charles over 4 Bitcoins to Alice split in
such a way that Alice receives 1 Bitcoin and Emily sends the
remaining 3 Bitcoins ``back'' to herself. In this case she
would now be in the ``possession'' of two unspend Bitcoin
transactions, one over 3 Bitcoins and the independent one over
6 Bitcoins. Or, Emily could combine both transactions (one
over 4 Bitcoins from Charles and the independent one over 6
Bitcoins) and then split this amount with 1 Bitcoin going to
Alice and 9 Bitcoins going back to herself.
I think this is a good time for you to pause to let this
concept of transactions really sink in\ldots{}You should see
that there is really no need for a central ledger and no need
for an account balance as familiar from traditional banking.
The closest what Bitcoin has to offer for the notion of a
balance in a bank account are the unspend transactions that a
person (more precisely a public-private key address) received.
That means transactions that can still be forwarded.
After the pause also consider the fact that whatever
transaction is recorded in the blockchain will be in the
``historical record'' for the Bitcoin system. If a transaction
says 1 Bitcoin goes from address $A$ to address $B$, then this
is what will be---$B$ has then the possibility to spend the
corresponding Bitcoins, whether the transaction was done
fraudulently or not. There is no exception to this rule.
Interestingly this is also how Bitcoins can get lost: One
possibility is that you send Bitcoins to an address for which
nobody has generated a private key, for example because of a
typo in the address field---bad luck for fat
in the Bitcoin system. The reason is that nobody has a private
key for this erroneous address and consequently cannot forward
the transaction anymore. Another possibility is that you
forget your private key and you had messages forwarded to the
corresponding public key. Also in this case bad luck: you will
never be able to forward this message again, because you will
not be able to form a valid message that sends this to
somebody else (we will see the details of this later). But
this is also a way how you can get robbed of your Bitcoins. By
old-fashioned hacking-into-a-computer crime, for example, an
attacker might get hold of your private key and then quickly
forward the Bitcoins that are in your name to an address the
attacker controls. You will never again have access to these
Bitcoins, because for the Bitcoin system they are assumed to
be spent. And remember with Bitcoins you cannot appeal to any
higher authority. Once the Bitcoins are gone, they are gone.
This is much different in traditional banking where at least
you can try to harass the bank to roll back the transaction.
This brings us to back to problem of double spend. Suppose Bob
is a merchant. How can he make sure that Alice does not cheat
him? She could for example send a transaction to Bob. But also
forward the ``same'' transaction to Charlie, or even herself.
If Alice manages to get the second transaction into the
blockchain, Bob will be cheated out of his money. The problem
in such conflicting situations is how should the network
update their blockchain? You might end up with a picture like
\noindent where Alice convinced some part of the ``world''
that she is still the owner of the Bitcoin and some other part
of the ``world'' thinks it's Bob's. How should such a
disagreement be resolved? This is actually the main hurdle
where Bitcoin really innovated. The answer is that Bob needs
to convince ``enough'' people on the network that the
transaction from Alice to him is legit.
What does, however, ``enough'' mean in a distributed system?
If Alice sets up a network of a billion, say, puppy identities
and whenever Bob tries to convince, or validate, that he is
the rightful owner of the Bitcoin, then the puppy identities
agree. Bob would then have no reason to not give Alice her
coffee. But behind his back, however, she has convinced
everybody else on the network that she is still the rightful
owner of the Bitcoin. After being outvoted, Bob would be a tad
The reflex reaction to such a situation would be to make the
process of validating a transaction as cheap as possible. The
intention is that Bob will get enough peers to agree with him
that he is the rightful owner. But such a solution has always
the limitation of Alice setting up an even bigger network of
puppy identities. The really cool idea of Bitcoin is to go
into the other direction of making the process of transaction
validation (artificially) as expensive as possible, but reward
people for helping with the validation. This is really a novel
and counterintuitive idea that makes the whole system of
Bitcoins work so beautifully.
\subsubsection*{Proof-of-Work Puzzles}
In order to make the process of transaction validation
difficult, Bitcoin uses a kind of puzzles. Solving the puzzles
is called \emph{Bitcoin mining}, where whoever solves a puzzle
will be awarded some Bitcoins. At the beginning this was 50
Bitcoins, but the rules of Bitcoin are set up such that this
amount halves every 210,000 transactions or so. Currently you
will be awarded 25 Bitcoins for solving a puzzle. Because the
amount will halve again and then later again and again, around
the year 2140 it will go below the level of 1 Satoshi. In that
event no new Bitcoins will ever be created again and the
amount of Bitcoins stays fixed. There will be still an
incentive to help with validating transactions, because there
is the possibility in Bitcoins to offer a transaction fee to
whoever solves a puzzle. At the moment this fee is usually set
to 0, since the incentive for miners is the 25 Bitcoins that
are currently awarded for solving puzzles.
What do the puzzles that miners have to solve look like? The
puzzles can be illustrated roughly as follows: Given a string,
say \code{"Hello, world!"}, what is the salt so that the hash
starts with a long run of zeros? Let us look at a concrete
example. Recall that Bitcoins use the hash-function SHA-256.
Suppose we call this hash function \code{h}, then we could try
the salt \code{0} as follows:
\code{h("Hello, world!0") =}\\
\noindent OK this does not have any zeros at all. We could
next try the salt \code{1}:
\code{h("Hello, world!1") =}\\
\noindent Again this hash value does not contain any leading
zeros. We could now try out every salt until we reach
\code{h("Hello, world!4250") =}\\
\noindent where we have four leading zeros. If four zeros are
enough, then the puzzle would be solved with this salt. The
point is that we can very quickly check whether a salt solves
a puzzle, but it is hard to find one. Latest research suggest
it is an NP-problem. If we want the output hash value to begin
with 10 zeroes, say, then we will, on average, need to try
$16^{10} \approx 10^{12}$ different salts before we find a
suitable one. In Bitcoins the puzzles are not solved according
to how many leading zeros a has-value has, but rather whether
it is below a \emph{target}. The hardness of the puzzle can
actually be controlled by changing the target according to the
available computational power available. I think the
adjustment of the hardness of the problems is done every two
weeks. I am not sure whether this is an automatic process. The
aim of the adjustment is that on average the Bitcoin network
will most likely solve a puzzle within 10 Minutes.
\noindent It could be solved quicker, but equally it could
take longer, but on average after 10 Minutes somebody on the
network will have found a solution.
Remember that the puzzles are a kind of proof-of-work that
make the validation of transactions artificially expensive.
The validation and the derivation of the puzzle is done as
\noindent There are some unconfirmed transactions. Choosing
some of them, the miner (i.e.~the person/computer that tries
to solve a puzzle) will form a putative block to be added to
the blockchain. This putative block will contain the
transactions and the reference to the previous block. The
serial number of such a block is simply the hash of all the
data. The puzzle can then be stated as the ``string''
corresponding to the block and which salt is needed in order
to have the hashed value being below the target. Other miners
will choose different transactions and therefore work on a
slightly different putative block and puzzle.
The intention of the proof-of-work puzzle is that the
blockchain is at every given moment nicely linearly ordered,
see the picture shown in \eqref{unconfirmed}. If we don’t have
such a linear ordering at any given moment then it may not be
clear who owns which Bitcoins. Assume a miner David is lucky
and finds a suitable salt to confirm the transactions. Should
he celebrate? Not yet. Typically the blockchain will look as
\noindent But every so often there will be a fork
\noindent What should be done in this case? The tie is broken
if another block is solved, like so:
\noindent The rule in Bitcoins is: If a fork occurs, people on
the network keep track of all forks. But at any given time,
miners only work to extend whichever fork is longest in their
copy of the block chain. Why should miners work on the longest
fork? Well their incentive is to mine Bitcoins. If somebody
else already solved a puzzle, then it makes more sense to work
on a new puzzle and obtain the Bitcoins for solving that
puzzle. Note that whoever solved a puzzle on the ``loosing''
fork will actually not get any Bitcoins as reward. Tough luck.
\subsubsection*{Alice against the Rest of the World}
Let is see how the blockchain and the proof-of-work puzzles
avoid the problem of double spend. If Alice wants to cheat
Bob she would need to pull off the following ploy:
\noindent Alice makes a transaction to Bob for paying, for
example, for an online order. This transaction is confirmed,
or validated, in block 2. Bob ships the goods around block 4.
In this moment, Alice needs to get into action and try to
validate the fraudulent transaction to herself instead.
\noindent At this moment she is in a race against all the
computing power of the ``rest of the world''. She has to solve
the puzzles one by one, because the hash of a block is
determined by all the data in the previous has. She might be
very lucky to solve one puzzle for a block before the rest of
the world, but to be lucky many times is very unlikely. In
order to raise the bar for Alice, merchants accepting Bitcoin
use the following rule of thumb: A transaction is
``confirmed'' if (1) it is part of a block in the longest
fork, and (2) at least 5 blocks follow it in the longest fork.
In this case we say that the transaction has ``6
confirmations''. A simple calculation shows that these number
of confirmations can take up to 1 hour and more. While this
seems excessively long, from the merchant's point of view it
is not long at all. For this recall that ordinary credit cards
can have their transactions been rolled-back for 6 months or
so. The point however is that the odds for Alice being able to
cheat are very low.
Connected with the 6-confirmation rule is an interesting
phenomenon. On average, it would take several years for a
typical computer to solve a proof-of-work puzzle, so an
individual’s chance of ever solving one before the rest of the
world, which typically takes 10 minutes, is negligibly low.
Therefore many people join groups called \emph{mining pools}
that collectively work to solve blocks, and distribute rewards
based on work contributed. These mining pools act somewhat
like lottery pools among co-workers, except that some of these
pools are quite large, and comprise more than 20\% of all the
computers in the network. It is said that BTC, the largest
mining pool, has limited its members to not solve more than 6
blocks in a row. Otherwise this would undermine the trust in
Bitcoins, which is also not in the interest of BTC, I guess.
\subsubsection*{Bitcoins for Real}
The hash in Line 1 is the has of all the data that follows. It
is a kind of serial number for the transaction. Line 2
contains a version number. Line 3 and 4 specify how many
incoming transactions are combined and how many outgoing
transactions there are. In our example there are 1 each. Line
5 specifies a lock time for when the transaction is supposed
to become active---this is usually set to 0 to become active
immediately. Line 6 specifies the size of the message; it has
nothing to do with the Bitcoins that are transferred. Lines 7
to 11 specify where the Bitcoins in the transaction are coming
from. The has in line 9 specifies the incoming transaction and
the \pcode{n} in Line 10 specifies which output of the
transaction is referred to. The signature in line 11 specifies
the address (public key $K^{pub}$) from where the Bitcoins are
taken and the digital signature of the address, that is
$\{K^{pub}\}_{K^{priv}}$. Lines 12 to 15 specify the value of
the first outgoing transaction. In this case 0.319 Bitcoins.
The hash in Line 14 specifies the address to where the
Bitcoins are transferred.
\subsubsection*{Anonymity and Government Meddling}
One question one often hears is how anonymous is it actually
to pay with Bitcoins? Paying with paper money in the past was
quite an anonymous act (unlike paying with creditcards), but
this has changed nowadays. You cannot come to a bank anymore
with a suitcase full of money and try to open a bank account.
Strict money laundering and taxation laws mean that not even
Swiss banks are prepared to take such money and open a bank
account. With Bitcoins the situation is different, but I fully
agree with the statement by Nielsen from the blog article I
referenced at the beginning:
\begin{quote}\it{}``Many people claim that Bitcoin can be used
anonymously. This claim has led to the formation of
marketplaces such as Silk Road (and various successors), which
specialize in illegal goods. However, the claim that Bitcoin
is anonymous is a myth. The block chain is public, meaning
that it’s possible for anyone to see every Bitcoin transaction
ever. Although Bitcoin addresses aren't immediately associated
to real-world identities, computer scientists have done a
great deal of work figuring out how to de-anonymise
`anonymous' social networks. The block chain is a marvellous
target for these techniques. I will be extremely surprised if
the great majority of Bitcoin users are not identified with
relatively high confidence and ease in the near future.''
\noindent The only thing I can add is that with Bitcoins we
will have even more fun with many more confessions like the
infamous ``I did not
The whole point of the blockchain is that it public and will
always be. There are some precautions that are suggested, like
to use a new public-private key pair for every new transaction
or access Bitcoin only through the Tor network. But the
transactions in Bitcoins are designed such that they allow one
to combine incoming transactions. In such cases we know they
must have been made by the single person who new the
corresponding private keys. So using different public-private
keys for each transaction, might not make the de-anonymisation
task much harder. And the point about de-anonymising
`anonymous' social networks is that the information is
embedded into the structure of the transition graph. And this
cannot be erased with Bitcoins.
Finally, what are the options for a typical western government
to meddle with Bitcoins? This is of course one feature the
proponents of Bitcoins tout: namely that there aren't any
options. In my opinion this is too naive and far from the
truth. Let us assume some law enforcement agencies would not
have been able to uncover the baddies from Silk Road 2.0 (they
have done so by uncovering the Tor network, and incredible
feat on its own). Would a government have stopped?
\item The government could compel ``mayor players'' to
blacklist Bitcoins (for example at exchanges). This
would impinge on what is called \emph{fungibility} of
Bitcoins and make them much less attractive to baddies.
This blacklisting can be easily done ``whole-sale'' and
therefore be really be an attractive target for
governments \& Co.
\item They could attempt to coerce developer community of the
Bitcoin tools. While this might be a bit harder, we know
certain governments are ready to take such actions (we
have seen this with Lavabit, just that the developers
there refused to play ball and shut down their complete
\item The government could also put pressure on mining pools
in order to blacklist transactions from baddies. Or be
big a miner itself. Given the gigantic facilities that
are built for institutions like the NSA
this would not be such a high bar to jump over.
\noindent Finally the government would potentially not need to
follow up with such threads. Just the rumour that it would,
could be enough to get the Bitcoin-house-of-cards to tumble.
Because of all this I would not have too much hope that
Bitcoins are free from government \& Co interference when it
will stand in its way.
bit coin
A fistful of bitcoins
Ross Anderson & Co (no dispute resolution; co-ercion)