abstract class Term
case class Var(s: String) extends Term
case class Const(s: String) extends Term
case class Fun(s: String, ts: List[Term]) extends Term
abstract class Form {
def -> (that: Form) = Imp(this, that)
case object True extends Form
case object False extends Form
case class Pred(s: String, ts: List[Term]) extends Form
case class Imp(f1: Form, f2: Form) extends Form
case class Says(p: String, f: Form) extends Form
case class And(f1: Form, f2: Form) extends Form
case class Or(f1: Form, f2: Form) extends Form
case class Judgement(Gamma: List[Form], F: Form) {
def lhs = Gamma
def rhs = F
val Admin = "Admin"
val Bob = "Bob"
val Del = Pred("del_file", Nil)
val Gamma =
List( Says(Admin, Del) -> Del,
Says(Admin, Says(Bob, Del) -> Del),
Says(Bob, Del) )
val goal = Judgement(Gamma, Del) // request: provable or not?
def prove(j: Judgement, sc: () => Unit) : Unit = {
if (j.lhs.contains(j.rhs)) sc() // Axiom rule
else prove1(j.lhs, j.rhs, sc)
def partitions[A](ls: List[A]): List[(A, List[A])] =
ls.map (s => (s, ls - s))
def prove1(lhs: List[Form], rhs: Form, sc: () => Unit) : Unit =
rhs match {
case True => sc()
case False => ()
case Imp(f1, f2) => prove(Judgement(f1::lhs, f2), sc)
case Says(p, f1) => prove(Judgement(lhs, f1), sc)
case Or(f1, f2) =>
{ prove(Judgement(lhs, f1), sc);
prove(Judgement(lhs, f2), sc) }
case And(f1, f2) =>
prove(Judgement(lhs, f1),
() => prove(Judgement(lhs, f2), sc))
case _ => { for ((f, lhs_rest) <- partitions(lhs))
prove2(f, lhs_rest, rhs, sc) }
def prove2(f: Form, lhs_rest: List[Form], rhs: Form, sc: () => Unit) : Unit =
f match {
case True => prove(Judgement(lhs_rest, rhs), sc)
case False => sc()
case And(f1, f2) =>
prove(Judgement(f1::f2::lhs_rest, rhs), sc)
case Imp(f1, f2) =>
prove(Judgement(lhs_rest, f1),
() => prove(Judgement(f2::lhs_rest, rhs), sc))
case Or(f1, f2) =>
prove(Judgement(f1::lhs_rest, rhs),
() => prove(Judgement(f2::lhs_rest, rhs), sc))
case Says(p, Imp(f1, f2)) =>
prove(Judgement(lhs_rest, Says(p, f1)),
() => prove(Judgement(Says(p, f2)::lhs_rest, rhs), sc))
case _ => ()
// function that calls prove and returns immediately once a proof is found
def run (j : Judgement) : Unit = {
try {
def sc () = { println ("Yes!"); throw new Exception }
prove(j, sc)
catch { case e: Exception => () }
run (Judgement (Nil, False -> Del))
run (Judgement (Nil, True -> Del))
run (Judgement (Nil, Del -> True))
run (goal)
val Gamma1 =
List( Says(Admin, Says(Bob, Del) -> Del),
Says(Bob, Del) )
val goal1 = Judgement(Gamma1, Del) // not provable
run (goal1)
run (Judgement(Nil, Del -> Del))
run (Judgement(Nil, Del -> Or(False, Del)))
val Chr = "Christian"
val HoD = "Michael Luck"
val Email = Pred("may_btain_email", List(Const(Chr)))
val AtLib = Pred("is_at_library", List(Const(Chr)))
val Chr_Staff = Pred("is_staff", List(Const(Chr)))
val Policy_HoD = Says(HoD, Chr_Staff) -> Chr_Staff
val Policy_Lib = And(Chr_Staff, AtLib) -> Email
val HoD_says = Says(HoD, Chr_Staff)
run (Judgement (List(AtLib, Policy_HoD, Policy_Lib, HoD_says), Email))