Virtual-BoxStart "Linux Hacking" password is "test"The programs are under cu$> app-material/progsPrograms can be updated using hg pull hg update hg revert --allEmacs can be used to edit files emacs -nw ...file.... (is also an alias)C0.c====Add the bigger string and the long is printed out differently.C1.c====needs to be called using ./C1 `args1-good` ./C1 `args1-bad`or in gdb using gdb --args ./C1 `args1-bad`C2.c====called with ./args2-good | ./C2 ./args2-bad | ./C2C3.c====(shell injection)called with ./C3opens a new shellC4.c====Format string attack ./C4 "%s" ./C4 `./args4`------------------------------------to switch off address randomizationecho 0 | sudo tee /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_spaceC0.cadd to string " \x15\xcd\x5b\x07"to get foo("my string is too long !!!!! \x15\xcd\x5b\x07");