\documentclass{article}\usepackage{charter}\usepackage{hyperref}\usepackage{amssymb}\begin{document}\section*{Homework 2}\begin{enumerate}\item Voice voting is the method of casting a vote in the `open air' for everyonepresent to hear. Which of the following security requirements do paper ballots satisfy better than voice voting? Check all that apply and give a brief explanation for your decision.\begin{itemize}\item[$\Box$] Integrity\bigskip\bigskip\item[$\Box$] Enfranchisement\bigskip\bigskip\item[$\Box$] Ballot secrecy\bigskip\bigskip\item[$\Box$] Voter authentication\bigskip\bigskip\item[$\Box$] Availability\bigskip\bigskip\end{itemize}\item Explain how an attacker can use chain voting in order to influence the outcome of a poll using paper ballots. \item Which of the following mechanisms help with defending against chain voting? Check all that apply. Give a brief reason for each defence that mitigates chain voting attacks.\begin{itemize}\item[$\Box$] Using a glass ballot box to make it clear there are no ballots in the box before the start of the election.\item[$\Box$] Distributing ballots publicly before the election.\item[$\Box$] Checking that a voter's ID (drivers license, passport) matches the voter.\item[$\Box$] Each ballot has a unique ID. When a voter is given a ballot, the ID is recorded. When the voter submits his or her ballot, this ID is checked against the record.\end{itemize}\item What is the main difference between online banking and e-voting? (Hint: Why is the latter so hard to get secure?)\end{enumerate}\end{document}%%% Local Variables: %%% mode: latex%%% TeX-master: t%%% End: