% beamer stuff
\renewcommand{\slidecaption}{SEN 14, King's College London}
\frametitle{Survey: Thanks! (1)}
\frametitle{Survey: Thanks! (2)}
\frametitle{Survey: Thanks! (3)}
\frametitle{Survey: Thanks Also!}
\item {\bf My Voice} ``A little louder would be better.''
``Could be a bit louder.'' ``Possibly use a mic with a
higher volume.'' ``It would be good to use a mic every
time.'' ``In the new room the acoustics is good.''
\item {\bf Examination} ``Could do with past exam papers.'' ``The material
itself is not clear. Can't determine the type of
questions we might face!'' ``Don't know how we are gonna
be examined!'' ``No past papers, no mock, no answers to
homework.'' ``Don't really know how its likely to be
examined. My fault really as I changed module.''
\frametitle{Survey: Thanks Also!}
\item {\bf Contemporary Relevance} [``The material
itself is not clear. Can't determine the type of
questions we might face!''] ``as above''\smallskip
\ldots the student neither agrees nor disagrees
\item {\bf Timetable} ``Prefer Monday lecture.''
\item {\bf 2 + 1 Lectures} ``Have 2 lectures + 1 extra'' ``Too
slow, should be 2hr maximum at the moment, covering 30
slides in 3hs.''\\
\small\textcolor{gray}{(1:$\sim$60, 2:$\sim$60, 3:30)}
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