\documentclass{article}+ −
\usepackage{../style}+ −
\usepackage{../langs}+ −
+ −
\begin{document}+ −
\fnote{\copyright{} Christian Urban, King's College London, 2014, 2015}+ −
+ −
\section*{Handout 4 (Access Control)}+ −
+ −
Access control is essentially about deciding whether to grant+ −
access to a resource or deny it. Sounds easy, no? Well it+ −
turns out that things are not as simple as they seem at first+ −
glance. Let us first look, as a case-study, at how access+ −
control is organised in Unix-like systems (Windows systems+ −
have similar access controls, although the details might be+ −
quite different). Then we have a look at how secrecy and+ −
integrity can be ensured in a system, and finally have a look+ −
at shared access control in multi-agent systems. But before we+ −
start, let us motivate access control systems by the kind of+ −
attacks we have seen in the last lecture. \bigskip+ −
+ −
\noindent There are two further general approaches for+ −
countering buffer overflow attacks (and other similar+ −
attacks). One are Unix-like access controls, which enable a+ −
particular architecture for network applications, for example+ −
web-servers. This architecture minimises the attack surface+ −
that is visible from, for example, the Internet. And if an+ −
attack occurs the architecture attempts to limit the damage.+ −
The other approach is to \emph{radically} minimise the attack+ −
surface by running only the bare essentials on the web-server.+ −
In this approach, even the operating system is eliminated.+ −
This approach is called \emph{unikernel}. + −
+ −
A \emph{unikernel} is essentially a single, fixed purpose+ −
program running on a server. Nothing else is running on the+ −
server, except potentially many instances of this single+ −
program are run concurrently with the help of a+ −
hypervisor.\footnote{Xen is a popular hypervisor; it provides+ −
the mechanism of several virtual machines on a single+ −
computer.} This single program implements the functionality+ −
the server offers (for example serving web-pages). The main+ −
point is that all the services the operating system normally+ −
provides (network stack, file system, ssh and so on) are not+ −
used by default in unikernels. Instead, the single program+ −
uses libraries (the unikernel) whenever some essential+ −
functionality is needed. The developer only needs to select a+ −
minimal set of these libraries in order to implement a server+ −
for web-pages, for example. In this way, ssh, say, is only+ −
provided, when it is absolutely necessary.+ −
+ −
Unikernels are a rather recent idea for hardening servers. I+ −
have not seen any production use of this idea, but there are+ −
plenty of examples from academia. The advantage of unikernels+ −
is the rather small footprint in terms of memory, booting+ −
times and so on (no big operating system is needed). This+ −
allows unikernels to run on low-coast hardware such as+ −
Raspberry Pis or Cubieboards, where they can replace much more+ −
expensive hardware for the same purpose. The low booting times+ −
of unikernels are also an advantage when your server needs to+ −
scale up to higher user-demands. Then it is often possible to+ −
just run another instance of the single program, which can be+ −
started almost instantly without the user seeing any delay+ −
(unlike if you have to start, say, Windows and then on top of+ −
that start your network application). One of the most+ −
well-known examples of a unikernel is MirageOS available from+ −
+ −
\begin{center}+ −
\url{https://mirage.io}+ −
\end{center}+ −
+ −
\noindent This unikernel is based on the functional+ −
programming language Ocaml, which provides added security+ −
(Ocaml does not allow buffer overflow attacks, for example).+ −
If you want to test the security of MirageOS, the + −
developers issued a Bitcoin challenge: if you can break into + −
their system at+ −
+ −
\begin{center}+ −
\url{http://ownme.ipredator.se}+ −
\end{center}+ −
+ −
\noindent + −
you can get 10 Bitcoins. This is approximately + −
+ −
However, sometimes you cannot, or do not want to, get rid of+ −
the operating system. In such cases it is still a good idea+ −
to minimise the attack surface. For this it helps if the+ −
network application can be split into two parts---an + −
application and an interface:+ −
+ −
\begin{center}+ −
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1]+ −
+ −
\draw[line width=1mm] (-.3, 0) rectangle (1.5,2);+ −
\draw (4.7,1) node {Internet};+ −
\draw (-2.7,1.5) node {\footnotesize + −
\begin{tabular}{c}Application\\(dangerous part)\end{tabular}};+ −
\draw (0.6,1.7) node {\footnotesize Interface};+ −
\draw (0.6,-0.4) node {\footnotesize \begin{tabular}{c}unprivileged\\[-1mm] process\end{tabular}};+ −
\draw (-2.7,-0.4) node {\footnotesize \begin{tabular}{c}privileged\\[-1mm] process\end{tabular}};+ −
+ −
\draw[line width=1mm] (-1.6, 0) rectangle (-3.8,2);+ −
+ −
\draw[white] (1.7,1) node (X) {};+ −
\draw[white] (3.7,1) node (Y) {};+ −
\draw[<->, line width = 2mm] (X) -- (Y);+ −
+ −
\draw[<->, line width = 1mm] (-0.4,1) -- (-1.5,1);+ −
\end{tikzpicture}+ −
\end{center}+ −
+ −
\noindent The idea is that all heavy-duty lifting, or+ −
dangerous operations, in the application (for example database+ −
access or writing a file) is done by a privileged process. All user input from+ −
the internet is received by an \emph{un}privileged process,+ −
which is restricted to only receive user input from the+ −
Internet and communicates with the privileged process. This+ −
communication, however, needs to be sanitised, meaning any+ −
unexpected user-input needs to be rejected. The idea behind+ −
this split is that if an attacker can take control of the+ −
\emph{un}privileged process, then he or she cannot do much+ −
damage. However, the split into such privileged and+ −
unprivileged processes requires an operating system that+ −
supports Unix-style access controls, which look at next.+ −
+ −
\subsubsection*{Unix-Style Access Control}+ −
+ −
Following the Unix-philosophy that everything is considered as+ −
a file, even memory, ports and so on, access control in Unix+ −
is organised around 11 Bits that specify how a file can be+ −
accessed. These Bits are sometimes called the \emph{permission+ −
attributes} of a file. There are typically three modes for+ −
access: \underline{\textbf{r}}ead, \underline{\textbf{w}}rite+ −
and e\underline{\textbf{x}}ecute. Moreover there are three+ −
user groups to which the modes apply: the owner of the file,+ −
the group the file is associated with and everybody else. + −
A typical permission of a file owned by \texttt{bob} + −
being in the group \texttt{staff} might look as + −
follows:+ −
+ −
\begin{center}+ −
${\underbrace{\LARGE\texttt{-}}_{\text{\makebox[0mm]{directory}}}}+ −
\;{\underbrace{\LARGE\texttt{r{}-{}-}}_{\text{user}}}\,+ −
{\underbrace{\LARGE\texttt{r{}w{}-}}_{\text{group}}}\,+ −
{\underbrace{\LARGE\texttt{r{}w{}x}}_{\text{other}}}\;\;\;+ −
\LARGE\texttt{bob}\;\;\;\texttt{staff}$+ −
\end{center}+ −
+ −
\noindent For the moment let us ignore the directory bit. The+ −
Unix access rules imply that Bob will only have read access to+ −
this file, even if he is in the group \texttt{staff} and this+ −
group's access permissions allow read and write. Similarly every+ −
member in the \texttt{staff} group who is not \texttt{bob},+ −
will only have read-write access permissions, not+ −
read-write-execute.+ −
+ −
This relatively fine granularity of owner, group, everybody+ −
else seems to cover many useful scenarios of access control. A+ −
typical example of some files with permission attributes is as+ −
follows:+ −
+ −
{\small\lstinputlisting[language={}]{../slides/lst}}+ −
+ −
\noindent The leading \pcode{d} in Lines 2 and 6 indicate that+ −
the file is a directory, whereby in the Unix-tradition the+ −
\pcode{.} points to the directory itself. The \pcode{..}+ −
points at the directory ``above'', or parent directory. The+ −
second to fourth letter specify how the owner of the file can+ −
access the file. For example Line 3 states that \pcode{ping}+ −
can read and write \pcode{manual.txt}, but cannot execute it.+ −
The next three letters specify how the group members of the+ −
file can access the file. In Line 4, for example, all students+ −
can read and write the file \pcode{report.txt}. Finally the+ −
last three letters specify how everybody else can access a+ −
file. This should all be relatively familiar and+ −
straightforward. No?+ −
+ −
There are already some special rules for directories and+ −
links. If the execute attribute of a directory is \emph{not}+ −
set, then one cannot change into the directory and one cannot+ −
access any file inside it. If the write attribute is+ −
\emph{not} set, then one can change existing files (provide+ −
they are changeable), but one cannot create new files. If the+ −
read attribute is \emph{not} set, one cannot search inside the+ −
directory (\pcode{ls -la} does not work) but one can access an+ −
existing file, provided one knows its name. Links to files+ −
never depend on the permission of the link, but the file they+ −
are pointing to. Otherwise one could easily change access+ −
rights to files.+ −
+ −
While the above might sound already moderately complicated,+ −
the real complications with Unix-style file permissions+ −
involve the setuid and setgid attributes. For example the file+ −
\pcode{microedit} in Line 5 has the setuid attribute set+ −
(indicated by the \pcode{s} in place of the usual \pcode{x}).+ −
+ −
The purpose of setuid and setgid is to solve the following+ −
puzzle: The program \pcode{passwd} allows users to change+ −
their passwords. Therefore \pcode{passwd} needs to have write+ −
access to the file \pcode{/etc/passwd}. But this file cannot+ −
be writable for every user, otherwise anyone can set anyone+ −
else's password. So changing securely passwords cannot be+ −
achieved with the simple Unix access rights discussed so far.+ −
While this situation might look like an anomaly, it is in fact+ −
an often occurring problem. For example looking at current+ −
active processes with \pcode{/bin/ps} requires access to+ −
internal data structures of the operating system, which only+ −
root should be allowed to. In fact any of the following+ −
actions cannot be configured for single users, but need+ −
privileged root access+ −
+ −
\begin{itemize}+ −
\item changing system databases (users, groups, routing tables+ −
and so on)+ −
\item opening a network port below 1024+ −
\item interacting with peripheral hardware, such as printers, + −
harddisk etc+ −
\item overwriting operating system facilities, like+ −
process scheduling and memory management+ −
\end{itemize}+ −
+ −
\noindent This will typically involve quite a lot of programs+ −
on a Unix system. I counted 90 programs with the setuid+ −
attribute set on my bog-standard Mac OSX system (including the+ −
program \pcode{/usr/bin/login}). The problem is that if there+ −
is a security problem with only one of them, be it a buffer+ −
overflow for example, then malicious users can gain root+ −
access (and for outside attackers it is much easier to take+ −
over a system). Unfortunately it is rather easy to cause a+ −
security problem since the handling of elevating and dropping+ −
access rights in such programs rests entirely with the+ −
programmer.+ −
+ −
The fundamental idea behind the setuid attribute is that a+ −
file will be able to run not with the callers access rights,+ −
but with the rights of the owner of the file. So+ −
\pcode{/usr/bin/login} will always be running with root access+ −
rights, no matter who invokes this program. The problem is+ −
that this entails a rather complicated semantics of what the+ −
identity of a process (that runs the program) is. One would+ −
hope there is only one such ID, but in fact Unix distinguishes+ −
three(!):+ −
+ −
\begin{itemize}+ −
\item \emph{real identity}\\ + −
This is the ID of the user who creates + −
the process; can only be changed to something else by root. + −
\item \emph{effective identity}\\ + −
This is the ID that is used to + −
grant or deny access to a resource; can be changed to either+ −
the real identity or saved identity by users, can be changed + −
to anything by root.+ −
\item \emph{saved identity}\\+ −
If the setuid bit set in a file then the process is started+ −
with the real identity of the user who started the program,+ −
and the identity of the owner of the program as effective and+ −
saved identity. If the setuid bit is not set, then the+ −
saved identity will be the real identity. + −
\end{itemize}+ −
+ −
\noindent As an example consider again the \pcode{passwd}+ −
program. When started by, say the user \pcode{foo}, it has at+ −
the beginning the identities:+ −
+ −
\begin{itemize}+ −
\item \emph{real identity}: \pcode{foo}\\+ −
\emph{effective identity}: \pcode{foo}\\ + −
\emph{saved identity}: \pcode{root}+ −
\end{itemize}+ −
+ −
\noindent It is then allowed to change the effective+ −
identity to the saved identity to have+ −
+ −
\begin{itemize}+ −
\item \emph{real identity}: \pcode{foo}\\+ −
\emph{effective identity}: \pcode{root}\\ + −
\emph{saved identity}: \pcode{root}+ −
\end{itemize}+ −
+ −
\noindent It can now read and write the file+ −
\pcode{/etc/passwd}. After finishing the job it is supposed to+ −
drop the effective identity back to \pcode{foo}. This is the+ −
responsibility of the programmers who wrote \pcode{passwd}.+ −
Notice that the effective identity is not automatically+ −
elevated to \pcode{root}, but the program itself must make+ −
this change. After it has done the work, the effective+ −
identity should go back to the real identity.+ −
+ −
If you want to play more with access rights in Unix, you can+ −
use the program in Figure~\ref{test}. It explicitly checks for+ −
readability and writability of files. The \pcode{main}+ −
function is organised into two parts: the first checks+ −
readability and writability with the permissions according to+ −
a potential setuid bit, and the second (starting in Line 34)+ −
when the permissions are lowered to the caller. Note that this+ −
program has one problem as well: it only gives a reliable+ −
answer in cases a file is {\bf not} readable or {\bf not}+ −
writable when it returns an error code 13 (permission denied).+ −
It sometimes claims a file is not writable, say, but with an+ −
error code 26 (text file busy). This is unrelated to the+ −
permissions of the file.+ −
+ −
\begin{figure}[p]+ −
\small+ −
\lstinputlisting[language=C]{../progs/read.c}+ −
\caption{A read/write test program in C. It returns errno = 13 + −
in cases when permission is denied.\label{test}}+ −
\end{figure}+ −
+ −
Despite this complicated semantics, Unix-style access control+ −
is of no use in a number of situations. For example it cannot+ −
be used to exclude some subset of people, but otherwise have+ −
files readable by everybody else (say you want to restrict+ −
access to a file such that your office mates cannot access a+ −
file). You could try setting the group of the file to this+ −
subset and then restrict access accordingly. But this does not+ −
help, because users can drop membership in groups. If one+ −
needs such fine-grained control over who can access a file,+ −
one needs more powerful \emph{mandatory access controls} as+ −
described next.+ −
+ −
+ −
\subsubsection*{Secrecy and Integrity}+ −
+ −
Often you need to keep information secret within a system or+ −
organisation, or secret from the ``outside world''. An example+ −
would be to keep insiders from leaking information to+ −
competitors. The secrecy levels used in the military are an+ −
instance of such an access control system. There you+ −
distinguish usually four secrecy levels:+ −
+ −
\begin{itemize}+ −
\item top secret+ −
\item secret+ −
\item confidential+ −
\item unclassified+ −
\end{itemize}+ −
+ −
The idea is that the secrets classified as top-secret are most+ −
closely guarded and only accessible to people who have a+ −
special clearance. The unclassified category is the lowest+ −
level not needing any clearance. While the idea behind these+ −
security levels is quite straightforward, there are some+ −
interesting phenomenons that you need to think about when+ −
realising such a system. First this kind of access control+ −
needs to be \emph{mandatory} as opposed to+ −
\emph{discretionary}. With discretionary access control, the+ −
users can decide how to restrict or grant access to resources.+ −
With mandatory access control, the access to resources is+ −
enforced ``system-wide'' and cannot be controlled by the user.+ −
There would be no point to let users set the secrecy level,+ −
because if they want to leak information they would set it to+ −
the lowest. Even if there is no malicious intent, it could+ −
happen that somebody by accident sets the secrecy level too+ −
low for a document. Note also that the secrecy levels are in+ −
tension with the Unix-style access controls. There root is+ −
allowed to do everything, but in a system enforcing secrecy,+ −
you might not like to give root such powers. + −
+ −
There are also some interesting rules for reading and writing+ −
a resource that need to be enforced: + −
+ −
+ −
\begin{itemize}+ −
\item {\bf Read Rule}: a principal $P$ can read a resource $O$+ −
provided $P$'s security level is at least as high as+ −
$O$'s+ −
\item {\bf Write Rule}: a principal $P$ can write a resource+ −
$O$ provided $O$'s security level is at least as high as+ −
$P$'s + −
\end{itemize} + −
+ −
\noindent The first rule implies that a principal with secret+ −
clearance can read secret documents or lower, but not+ −
documents classified top-secret. The second rule for writing+ −
needs to be the other way around: someone with secret+ −
clearance can write secret or top-secret documents---no+ −
information is leaked in these cases. In contrast the+ −
principal cannot write confidential documents, because then+ −
information can be leaked to lower levels. These rules about+ −
enforcing secrecy with multi-level clearances are often called+ −
\emph{Bell/LaPadula} model, named after two people who studied+ −
such systems.+ −
+ −
A problem with this kind of access control system is when two+ −
people want to talk to each other but are assigned different+ −
security clearances, say secret and confidential. In these+ −
situations, the people with the higher clearance have to lower+ −
their security level and are not allowed to take any document+ −
from the higher level with them to the lower level (otherwise+ −
information could be leaked). In actual systems, this+ −
might mean that people need to log out and log into the system+ −
again---this time with credentials for the lower level.+ −
+ −
While secrecy is one property you often want to enforce,+ −
integrity is another. This property ensures that nobody+ −
without adequate clearance can change, or tamper with,+ −
systems. An example for this property is a \emph{fire-wall},+ −
which isolates a local system from threads from the + −
Internet, for example. The rule for such a system is+ −
that somebody from inside the fire-wall can write resources+ −
outside the firewall, but you cannot write a resource inside + −
the fire-wall from outside. Otherwise an outside can just+ −
tamper with a system in order to break in. In contrast+ −
we can read resources from inside the fire-wall, for example+ −
web-pages. But we cannot read anything from outside the + −
fire-wall. Lest we might introduce a virus into the system+ −
(behind the fire-wall). In effect in order to ensure+ −
integrity the read and write rules are reversed from the+ −
case of secrecy:+ −
+ −
\begin{itemize}+ −
\item {\bf Read Rule}: a principal $P$ can read a resource $O$+ −
provided $P$'s security level is lower or equal than+ −
$O$'s+ −
\item {\bf Write Rule}: a principal $P$ can write a resource+ −
$O$ provided $O$'s security level is lower or equal than+ −
$P$'s + −
\end{itemize} + −
+ −
\noindent This kind of access control system is called+ −
\emph{Biba} model, named after Kenneth Biba. Its purpose is to+ −
prevent data modification by unauthorised principals.+ −
+ −
The somewhat paradoxical result of the different reading and+ −
writing rules in the \emph{\mbox{Bell}/LaPadula} and+ −
\emph{Biba} models is that we cannot have secrecy and+ −
integrity at the same time in a system, or they need to be+ −
enforced by different means.+ −
+ −
\subsubsection*{Multi-Agent Access Control}+ −
+ −
In military or banking, for example, very critical decisions+ −
need to be made using a \emph{two-people rule}. This means such+ −
decisions need to be taken by two people together, so that no+ −
single person can defraud a bank or start a nuclear war (you+ −
will know what I mean if you have seen the classic movie ``Dr+ −
Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the+ −
Bomb''\footnote{\url{http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dr._Strangelove}}).+ −
Translating the two-people rule into a software system seems not+ −
as straightforward as one might think.+ −
+ −
Let us assume we want to implement a system where CEOs can+ −
make decisions on their own, for example whether or not to+ −
sell assets, but two managing directors (MDs) need to come+ −
together to make the same decision. If ``lowly'' directors+ −
(Ds) want to take this decision, three need to come together.+ −
Remember cryptographic keys are just sequences of bits. A+ −
naive solution to the problem above is to split the necessary+ −
key into $n$ parts according to the ``level'' where the+ −
decision is taken. For example one complete key for a CEO, + −
halves of the key for the MDs and thirds for the Ds. The+ −
problem with this kind of sharing a key is that there might be+ −
many hundreds MDs and Ds in your organisations. Simple-minded+ −
halving or devision by three of the key just does not work.+ −
+ −
A much more clever solution was proposed by Blakley and Shamir+ −
in 1979. This solution is inspired by some simple geometric+ −
laws. Suppose a three-dimentional axis system. We can, clearly,+ −
specify a point on the $z$-axis, say, by specifying its+ −
coordinates. But we could equally specify this point by a line+ −
that intersects the $z$-axis in this point. How can a line be+ −
specified? Well, by giving two points in space. But as you+ −
might remember from school days, we can specify the point also+ −
by a plane intersecting the $z$-axis and a plane can be+ −
specified by three points in space. This could be pictured as+ −
follows:+ −
+ −
\begin{center}+ −
\includegraphics[scale=0.45]{../pics/pointsplane.jpg}+ −
\end{center}+ −
+ −
%\begin{center}+ −
%\begin{tikzpicture}+ −
%+ −
% \draw[->,line width=0.5mm] (0,0,0) -- (2,0,0);+ −
% \draw[->,line width=0.5mm] (0,0,0) -- (0,2,0);+ −
% \draw[->,line width=0.5mm] (0,0,0) -- (0,0,2);+ −
% + −
% \path[draw] (-1,-4) to[out=20,in=220] (3,3);+ −
% \path[draw] (6,-7) to[out=40,in=210] (9,1);+ −
% \path[draw] (-1,-4) to[out=0,in=80] (6,-7);+ −
% \path[draw] (3,3) to[out=10,in=140] (9,1);+ −
%+ −
%\end{tikzpicture}+ −
%\end{center}+ −
+ −
\noindent The idea is to use the points as keys for each level+ −
of shared access. The CEO gets the point directly. The MDs get+ −
keys lying on a line and the Ds get keys lying on the plane.+ −
Clever, no? Scaling this idea to more dimensions allows for+ −
even more levels of access control and more interesting access+ −
rules, like one MD and 2 Ds can take a decision together.+ −
+ −
Is such a shared access control used in practice? Well+ −
military command-chains are obviously organised like this.+ −
But in software systems often need to rely on data that might+ −
not be entirely accurate. So the CEO-level would correspond+ −
to the in-house data-source that you can trust completely.+ −
The MD-level would correspond to simple errors where you need+ −
three inputs and you decide on what to do next according to+ −
what at least two data-sources agree (the third source + −
is then disregarded, because it is assumed it contains an + −
error). If your data contains not just simple errors, you+ −
need levels corresponding to Ds.+ −
+ −
+ −
\subsubsection*{Further Information}+ −
+ −
If you want to know more about the intricacies of the+ −
``simple'' Unix access control system you might find the+ −
relatively readable paper about ``Setuid Demystified'' + −
useful.+ −
+ −
\begin{center}\small+ −
\url{http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~daw/papers/setuid-usenix02.pdf}+ −
\end{center}+ −
+ −
\noindent About secrecy and integrity, and shared access+ −
control I recommend to read the chapters on ``Nuclear Command+ −
and Control'' and ``Multi-Level Security'' in Ross Anderson's+ −
Security Engineering book (whose first edition is free).+ −
+ −
\end{document}+ −
+ −
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